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Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts | Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts | Photo - Croquet in the 1880s |
*all articles, unless the township is stated, are for Wellsboro.
October 6, 1885
Local News/Events
--Dr. L. Darling, Jr., is writing a series of articles for the Herald
upon the past and present of Lawrenceville.
--Rev. Thomas Stacey, formerly of this borough, has just closed a three years’ pastorate of the Canton M. E. Church.
--Mr. Max Bernkopf, of this borough, has been confined to the house several days by a threatened attack of fever.
--We regret to learn of the serious illness of Mr. Henry S. Hastings, of Angelica, N. Y., formerly of this borough.
--Mr. L. L. Bailey, of this borough, has been laid up for several days from injuries received by a fall from his bicycle last Thursday.
--It is stated that Mr. Henry N. Smith, the New York speculator, who is well known in this county, has failed for over one million dollars.
--Last Wednesday night burglars entered the store of Mr. C. A. Wing, at Covington, and carried off a lot of boots, shoes, clothing, and a small sum of cash.
--A colt belonging to Mr. Deroy Herrington, of Ansonia, was killed a few days ago by falling against a stone, injuring its head. Mr. Herrington was breaking the colt to lead.
--Last Wednesday Mr. William Ryan, of Charleston, cut a bee tree on Hill’s Creek, in which he found one hundred pounds of honey. Some of the honey combs were five feet in length.
--Mr. James Barton was working in a saw mill at Jackson Summit recently, when a slab flew the saw some distance, striking him upon the mouth and knocking two teeth out and loosening several others.
--Messrs. E. Jeffers, E. A. Miller, Col. A. E. Niles, Capt. A. B. Horton, Bruce Ferry, and Henry Shaff were in the woods near Ansonia promptly with the opening of hunting season last week. On Saturday evening they came in with a fine buck which dressed 202 pounds.
--Mr. L. A. Gardner, of this borough, was in Towanda last week.
--Judge Williams and his wife started last week for a Western trip.
--Mr. H. T. Bodine, of this borough, was in Harrisburg last week.
--Mr. L. K. Parkhurst, of Elkland, has gone to Michigan to spend the winter.
--Mrs. J. H. Gulick, of Williamsport, has been visiting friends at Blossburg.
--Rev. P. J. Murphy, of Blossburg, has returned from a three months trip in Europe.
--Miss Belle Calkins, of Towanda, is visiting her cousin, Miss Alta Westbrook at Tioga.
--Miss Belle Voorhees, of Daggett’s Mills, has returned to Philadelphia to resume her medical studies.
--Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Edwards, of Kansas City, Mo., are in town. Mr. Edwards is assessor of that city.
--Mr. J. B. Potter, of this borough, intends to take his family to Washington to spend the winter. Mr. Potter will rent his house. See notice in another column.
Land/Business/Farming/Housing/Employment Transactions
--Mr. A. J. Smith will re-open his store in Keeneyville about October
22nd with a full line of goods and he will sell very low for cash or ready
--Mrs. William Stewart has just returned from New York with a large assortment of all the newest shapes in bonnets, hats, ribbons, trimmings, etc. The attention of the ladies is directed to this new stock. There are many desirable novelties. The prices are such as must prove satisfactory to all customers. Come in and see the new fall and winter styles.
--John F. Stone has been appointed Postmaster at Ulysses.
--Mrs. Sarah Krusen is building a dwelling house at Westfield.
--Mrs. Melissa Bristol has been appointed Postmistress at Sylvania.
--Mr. Gottlieb Heyler, of Liberty, has 3,000 bushels of apples in his orchard.
--Mr. C. B. Watrous is building a handsome dwelling house upon his place near Gaines.
--Operations have been commenced on the test oil well upon the farm of Mr. Alva Baxter, in Farmington.
--Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Harrison are soon to begin housekeeping in the Simpson house on Central Avenue.
--Mr. Fred S. Bragg, an engineer on the Fall Brook railway has secured a patent on a spark arrester for locomotives.
--Mr. G. A. Cornell, a Jackson farmer, raised 186 bushels of barley this season on four acres of land. He sowed nine bushels of seed.
--Mr. John W. Kohn, of Richmond, has purchased the State Line Hotel, at the terminus of the plank road, eight miles south of Elmira.
--Mr. C. B. Farr, of Tioga, has cut the second crop of hay from his meadows. The first crop was three tons to the acre and the last one about one and one half tons.
--Messrs. E. E. Woodbury, of Knoxville, Walter Merrick, of Tioga, and Frank Simmons, of Westfield, have entered the office of George W. Merrick, Esq., in this borough, as law students.
--The Farmers and Traders Bank is to be opened at Westfield in a few days. It is to be located in the new Tucker block. Mr. E. M. Tucker is the President, Morgan Seely, Vice President and Ed M. Seely, Cashier.
--Mr. A. Smith has manufactured thirty tons of cheese this season at his Keeneyville factory. Most of this stock is still being held for higher prices. The factory was closed last Wednesday for the season.
--ANSONIA-The School Directors have engaged Miss Irene Wheeler, of Wellsboro, to teach the winter term of school at the Pine Grove school house.
--Mrs. Hannah Seeley, of Jackson, died a few days ago at the age of
79 years. [Buried Seeley Hill Cemetery, Jackson Township]
October 13, 1885
Local News/Events
--Last Friday evening a dance was held at the Grange Hall in Delmar
for the benefit of Mr. George Morseman, a very deserving young man, who
recently had his had sawed off. The net proceeds of the dance amounted
to $30.70.
--A FATAL HUNTING EXPEDITION. Last Tuesday Frank Rozelle, James
Peters, A. H. Downing and Edward Mitchell, of Crooked Creek, were out hunting
deer on Strait Run near Marsh Creek. In the afternoon a deer was
started, and Mr. Peters shot and knocked the animal down, but it got up
again and started off. Peters had a .38 caliber Winchester rifle,
and he threw a load into the barrel and started in pursuit of the deer.
In stepping over a log he fell and his gun was discharged. The bullet
struck Mr. Frank Rozelle, who was standing a considerable distance up the
hill. The ball entered his right shoulder, passed through his lungs,
and came out his left side, just above the heart. Rozelle did not
fall, and he walked a considerable distance toward Marsh Creek in company
with his companions, who were horrified over the accident.
The wound soon began to bleed, and Rozelle was taken to the house
of Mr. George Gee, where Dr. Daniel Bacon attended the wounded man.
Rozelle bore his sufferings with great fortitude until Friday afternoon,
when he died.
The young man was twenty two years of age. He had been
working as an engineer in a saw mill at Crooked Creek for some months.
He was a young man of much promise and enjoyed the respect of all his acquaintances.
The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon at two o’clock at Crooked
Creek. It was attended by a large number of people.
Mr. Peters and young Rozelle had been on very intimate terms
and Peters is heart broken over the deplorable result of the accident.
We understand Rozelle was engaged to be married to a young woman
in Middlebury, and that the marriage was to have been solemnized in a few
--Mr. Albert Brown, of Middlebury, has had his pension increased from
$6 to $10 a month.
--Last Tuesday a horse belonging to Mr. R. L. Mack, of this borough, died of throat disease.
--Mrs. Daniel Watson, of Roseville, has the misfortune to break one of her arms while alighting from a buggy, a few days ago at Elmira. [Clarina Watkins]
--A lad named William Roberts, about fourteen years of age, was seriously injured by a fall of coal in the Arnot mines last Wednesday morning.
--Mr. George W. Dimmick, of Ansonia, brought to our office last week some specimens of the finest Duchess pears we have ever seen. One of them weighed three-quarters of a pound.
--Rev. W. S. Lloyd preached his first sermon at the Methodist Episcopal Church in this borough, last Sunday morning before a large audience. He made a very favorable impression.
--While Mr. Otis Benson, of Rutland, was returning home from the Mansfield Fair, his horse ran away and the wagon was upset and rolled down an embankment. The occupants were not seriously hurt.
--Last Saturday afternoon while Prof. S. A. Gaskill was seated in the cemetery at Antrim reading a book, a black bear make an appearance in his vicinity. The Professor didn’t wait to learn what the beast wanted.
--Mr. Collins was seriously injured last Friday by falling down the elevator shaft at the Company’s store at Antrim. He struck upon his head and received several scalp wounds. It is thought that he will recover.
--Mr. Elmer Holmes, of Knoxville, was seriously injured last Wednesday while working on the frame work of Gilbert Bros. store at that place. By the break of a joist Mr. Holmes was precipitated about ten feet, striking upon his head and side. He was unconscious for several hours.
--Mr. and Mrs. Lazalle Kimball, of Round Top, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage on the first instant by a large gathering of friends and relatives. Numerous presents attested the esteem in which the aged couple is held. The affair called out many good wishes for long life and happiness of Mr. and Mrs. Kimball.
--Gen. Robert C. Cox, Col. A. B. Horton, and Col. A. E. Niles, of this borough, attended the camp fire of Reno Post, G. A. R., at Williamsport, last Friday evening. There was a large delegation present from Corning and Elmira and through the kindness of the Fall Brook Coal Company, the party was furnished with free transportation by special cars.
--The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Francis, of Austin Street, about sixty in number, converted at their house last Saturday evening to celebrate the tenth anniversary of their marriage. The occasion was a most enjoyable one. A sumptuous feast was served and after the company had retired it was found that valuable presents had been left to the amount of $40.
--The Mansfield Advertiser says that Mrs. Lloyd Ballard, of that borough, was seriously injured on the 2nd instant. She was on her way home from the Fair pushing a baby carriage in which was her two year old child. When within a few feet from her own gate she was struck in the back by the pole of a democrat wagon containing six persons, drawn by a spirited team which had become unmanageable. Mrs. Ballard was knocked down and the front and hind wheels of the wagon passed over her chest and stomach inflicting injuries from which she may never recover. The wagon struck the baby carriage. By the action of the springs of the carriage, it is supposed, the child was thrown about twenty feet and escaped with no other injuries than a slight scalp wound. The mother’s only thought as she fell beneath the wheels was her child and she breathed a fervent prayer that it might be saved.
--Last week the case of John M. Dexter and Mary C. Dexter, his wife, against Sarah M. Billings, administratrix of Silas X. Billings, deceased, was decided by the Supreme Court at Pittsburgh. The Court reversed the decision of the Court below and granted a new trial. The case was taken up on a writ of error from the Court of Common Pleas of this county. The action was brought for damages for pine timber cut by Silas X. Billings from 1865 to 1872 upon lands in Elk Township which had been deeded to in 1862 by Mr. Billings to Mrs. Dexter, his sister, as her portion of her father’s estate. Mrs. Dexter did not become aware of the fact that the pine timber had been cut from the tract until sometime after Mr. Billings died, and an action was then brought against the administratrix for the value of the timber. The Court below held that the statue of limitations had run against the action. Messrs. Niles and George W. Merrick, of this borough, and Hon. Samuel Linn, of Williamsport, were counsel for the plaintiff and Messrs. Elliott & Watrous, J. Harrison and H. Sherwood, were the defendant’s counsel. The value of the pine timber involved in this case is estimated at $30,000. [Will abstract is on Docket D of Tioga County Will abstracts]
--Mrs. Hugh Young and Carl Young, of this place, are visiting in Port
Allegany, Pa.
--Mrs. G. H. French, of Waverly, N. Y., is visiting her uncle, Mr. David Gardner, in this borough.
--Mr. Waldo W. Miller, of Andover, N. Y., was in town last Saturday, shaking hands with old friends.
--Miss Libbie Edwards, who has spent the past year in this region, returned to Dodge City, Kansas, last week.
--Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Dartt and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Edwards and family returned to Kansas City, Mo., yesterday.
--Mr. F. K. Walters returned to this borough last Thursday after spending several months in Philadelphia studying stenography.
--Dr. Robert W. Bodine, lately of Elmira, has moved to this borough to practice dentistry. His family will occupy the Wilson house on West Avenue. Mr. Bodine had not located his office yet.
Land/Business/Farming/Housing/Employment Transactions
--Mr. B. Steamburg is to open a book store in the Post office building
at Westfield.
--Mr. Charles C. Roff is now the night telegraph operator at the Lawrenceville depot.
--Mr. Fred W. Card, of Sylvania, is running his fruit evaporator to its fullest capacity.
--Mr. J. F. Wheeland, of Liberty, has moved his jewelry store into the grocery store of Mr. John Foulkrod.
--Mr. Joseph Palmer, of Middlebury, picked a handful of luscious ripe red raspberries one day last week, being the second crop this season.
--Mr. James L. White, of this borough, has purchased four thousand bushels of apples, which he intends to ship as soon as barrels can be obtained.
--Mr. Ananias Richmond, of Sullivan, has purchased a house and lot at Mansfield. He expects to move into that borough about the first of next month.
--Mr. George Smith, of Sullivan, is building a mammoth barn 60 by 100 feet. Those Sullivan farmers need large store houses. It is one of the finest farming and stock raising districts in this part of the state.
--Mrs. James Seagers, of Westfield, died suddenly last week Monday
morning at the age of 18 years. Her maiden name was Allie L. Guile.
About a year ago she was married to James Seagers and about three weeks
ago a son was born to them. Both mother and son were enjoying excellent
health to all appearances, but last week Monday, as Mrs. Seagers was seated
at the breakfast table she suddenly expired with a moment’s warning and
without uttering a word. [Buried Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Westfield]
--Mrs. C. D. Kinney died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Vine Crandall, last Sunday. She was interred in Fairview Cemetery on Tuesday. [Eliza Kinney]
October 20, 1885
Local News/Events
--ESCAPE OF FIVE PRISONERS. The ten prisoners who were confined to
county jail in this borough last week had been allowed the run of the corridors
during the daytime, the turnkey going about after supper and locking them
in their respective cells.
Last Friday afternoon Deputy Sheriff Swan made a visit to the
jail about four o’clock, when he found everything all right. Just
before six o’clock some children who were playing in the back yard notice
the brick tumbling out of the wall at the rear of the jail, and in a very
short time five of the prisoners scampered off, two going over the Cone
hill to the west and the others bearing off towards Catlin Hollow.
They had chosen a favorable time for flight, just as the darkness was coming
Sheriff Baxter was away from home that day, but his youngest
son, Earnest, started in pursuit of the fugitives in company with Mayne
Bodine. The boys saw the three prisoners at Catlin Hollow, near the
Boyce farm, but before they could be captured the men ran through the orchard
and into the woods. Deputy Swan got no clue to the whereabouts of
the others. Up to this writing none of the runaways have been captured.
The hole through the brick wall was made by digging the mortar
from around one brick in the water closet, and after that had been loosened
the others could be removed about as fast as a man could handle them.
The following are the names of the escaped prisoners: Frank
Priest, of Morris, charged with horse stealing; William Crandall, of Brookfield,
larceny of a gun and watch; William Simpson, of Liberty, resisting an officer;
Daniel Baxter, of Wellsboro, perjury; Fred Robinson, of Elmira, perjury.
The other prisoners in jail had time enough to get out before
the alarm was given if they had desired to do so, but they did not.
One of them expected to settle his case shortly, another had rather be
in jail than out, and similar reasons on the part of the others account
for their still being there to eat the bread of the county.
The prisoners are not allowed to have knives and forks to eat
with, because they sometimes make bad use of them. They must be satisfied
with spoon victuals. The implement used in digging out the brick
on Friday was a putty knife which it is supposed one of the fellows had
secreted about his person.
--MANSFIELD-A young woman if this place attempted to drown herself
on Sunday afternoon near Bailey’s dam, but her life was saved by Mr. Vine
R. Pratt, who was rowing his boat there at the time, and heard her splash
in the water. Again on Tuesday evening she took a dose of “Rough
on Rats”, and would have gained her point, but a stomach pump prevented
her. This is the forth time she has attempted to take her own life.
She is a young girl, but has got into bad company and has acquired a hard
name in this vicinity. It is hoped she will try and do better in
the future and show some respect for her parents, who have tried hard to
bring her up in the way she should go.
--Mr. George C. Bowen lost his horse “Don” last week. The animal died of typhoid fever.
--Mr. John Brooks, of Blossburg, has entered the one mile, two mile, five mile, and ten mile bicycle races at Chicago this week.
--Rev. A. W. H. Hodder, pastor of the Mansfield Baptist Church, has declined to accept calls to a church at Philadelphia, and another at Norwich, Conn.
--Rev. Thomas Stacey, formerly of the Canton Methodist Church, has been stationed at Homer, N. Y. Rev. B. F. Tracey, of Lodi, N. Y., is the pastor at Canton.
--Miss Estella Palmer, of Stony Fork, has a double Fish geranium that stands 64 inches high and the main branch is four inches in circumference. It had 30 blossoms on it at one time this season.
--The Lawrenceville Herald says that a few days ago while a young man named Casterline was picking apples in Mr. John McAvoy’s orchard, he fell from a tree, breaking both arms near the wrist.
--The Mansfield Advertiser says that Mrs. Andrew Thetgee, who conducted the Park Hotel, in that village for some time after the death of her husband, has become insane and has been taken to an asylum.
--Mr. James Adams, of Arnot, has been astonishing the checker players of Elmira. He played six games simultaneously without looking at the boards. He won two of them and four were drawn games.
--Last week County Commissioners Kimball and Karr went to the Warren asylum, having in charge, Mrs. Andrew Thetgee and Josie Pease, of Mansfield and Teofelia Weiswiski, of Antrim, all of whom were adjudged insane and admitted to the institution.
--Last Wednesday a lad name Ottie Fletcher was riding horseback at Lawrenceville, when he was seriously injured by coming in contact with a telegraph wire which had fallen across the road. The horse was going at a good pace, and the boy was caught under the chin by the wire which cut an ugly gash.
--An Osceola correspondent says that Herman Thompson, a ten year old son of Mr. John Thompson, met with a serious accident a few days ago. He was holding the foot of a ladder upon which his father stood picking apples from the topmost branches of a tree. Mr. Thompson had his pail nearly full, and by some means it became loosened from the ladder and fell striking the boy under the nose, completely severing the upper lip and knocking him senseless. Restoratives were applied and adhesive plasters put on to hold the lip in position, and at last accounts he was doing as well as could be expected.
--BROOKFIELD-Mrs. Emmons Shumway is sorely afflicted with cancer of the throat.
--BROOKFIELD-Mrs. Mary Haner, the widow of the late Dr. Haner, is living
with her daughter, Mrs. Allen Potter. Mrs. Haner is a great spinner.
She is eighty-four years old, but she runs the spinning wheel to the tune
of forty knots of woolen yarn per day. Her husband was a practicing
physician in this town nearly forty years ago. He also had a grindstone
quarry, from which he got (?) for the farmers who were clearing up the
Brookfield wilderness. The quarry was located on the North fork in
this town. The stones were not as good for grinding tools as the
Ohio and Lake Huron stones, but they supplied the needs at the time.
The manufacture of grindstones should have been credited to Brookfield
in the County History.
--NELSON-Mrs. Henry Mourey is very sick with a fever.
--Mrs. James M. Bowen is visiting at Elmira.
--Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wing, of Blossburg, have gone to Florida.
--Mr. and Mrs. J. Cornelius, of Elkland, are visiting in New York City.
--Mrs. Beulah Bryden, of New York City, is visiting friends in this borough.
--Messrs. John N. Bache and Laugher Bache, of this borough, returned last week from an extended trip in Dakota.
--Mr. Henry J. Landrus, of Arnot, returned a few days ago from a visit to his parents at Lake Park, Minn.
--Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wheeler, of Delmar, and Mrs. Eleanor Warriner, of Marsh Creek, are visiting at Buffalo, N. Y.
--Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Williams returned last Thursday from an extended trip through several of the Western states.
--Messrs. Winsor Gleason and C. C. Ward, of Elkland, attended the Knights of Honor convention at Pittsburgh, last week.
--Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Niles, of this borough, started on last Wednesday for a visit at Washington city and on the Maryland peninsula.
--Mr. and Mrs. James L. White, of this borough, left for Pittsburgh last Saturday evening, where Mr. White is serving Uncle Sam as a juror in the United States Court.
--Mr. and Mrs. John White, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Gilbert, and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Francis, of Knoxville, spent last week in Pittsburgh during the session of the Grand Lodge of the Knights of Honor.
--From a private letter from Mr. George D. Mitchell we learn that R. K. Young, Esq., and himself have spent several pleasant weeks in and about London. They are now “doing” the city of Paris.
--Mr. J. B. Potter is going to Washington tomorrow and his family will go next week, intending to spend the winter in that city. County Commissioner Karr has rented Mr. Potter’s dwelling house and will move into it next week.
--BROOKFIELD-Mr. and Mrs. Amos Jackson, of Keeneyville, were in town a few days ago visiting relatives.
--BROOKFIELD-Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Griffin have been visiting friends at Cowanesque Valley.
--BROOKFIELD-Mr. Lyman Pierce, of McHenry, Illinois, is visiting his brother, Mr. Zenos Pierce and other relatives in this vicinity.
--NELSON-Mr. Willard Cass, of Farmington, has returned from a six weeks visit in Rome, Bradford County.
Land/Business/Farming/Housing/Employment Transactions
--Mr. William W. Tate has opened a store at Slate Run.
--Mr. Vine R. Pratt is building a fine house and barn at Mansfield.
--Mr. A. D. Taft, of Academy Corners, has completed a handsome dwelling house.
--The orchard of Mr. J. S. Bush, at Tioga, yielded about 1,500 bushels of apples this year.
--Mr. O. H. Davis has moved his insurance office from Central Avenue to the front room over J. L. White’s grocery.
--Mr. Robert Steele, Jr. has entered into partnership with Mr. J. A. Boyce in the store at Stony Fork. The new firm is known as Boyce & Steele. We wish it abundant success.
--Mr. Seth O. Daggett, landlord of the Willcox House, in this borough, went up to Cortland, N. Y., last week and purchased a handsome omnibus which will be on hand in a few days.
--We are under obligations to Messrs. S. L. Herrington & Co., of
the Charleston Mills, for a generous sample of buckwheat flour. The
mill has lately been repaired and so far this month over two thousand bushels
of grain have been ground for its customers.
--Mr. Joseph S. Ingham, of Academy Corner, has patented a new carpet-stretcher. A bar having a sliding cross bar carrying teeth is so combined with a pulley rope, winding post, lever, and clamp that the carpet can be stretched to the desired position and so held until tacked, the invention being an improvement on a former patented invention by the same inventor.
--BROOKFIELD-Mr. W. A. McLean has sold nearly 100 bushels of potatoes to some of the neighboring farmers, whose crops were a failure, for forty cents a bushel
--BROOKFIELD-Mr. Jonas G. Kilborne’s large new house makes a decided improvement in the looks of his farm. Our excellent carpenter M. L. Holmes was the builder.
--Mr. John C. Clark, a prominent citizen of Blossburg, died last Thursday
at the age of 73 years. The remains were interred at Elmira. [Buried
Old Second Street Cemetery, Elmira]
--Last week Monday Mr. David Stevens, of Sylvania, was killed in a singular manner at Holmes’ Mills, near Fall Brook. About half past seven o’clock in the evening, when it was very dark, Mr. Stevens was driving a team and a lumber wagon under a trestle. His head struck a beam in the trestle work and he was crushed upon the high seat of the wagon his back being broken. He lived a few hours after the accident. A man who was riding up on the same seat was thrown out of the seat backwards, without serious injury. Mr. Stevens was about thirty five years of age and leaves a wife. The remains were taken to Sylvania for interment.
--MANSFIELD-Mrs. Rachel Phillips died at her residence in Sullivan Township last Tuesday at 2 o’clock p. m. in the thirty sixth year of her age, of rheumatism of the heart. The funeral was held on Thursday. Rev. Mr. Rhinevault preaching an excellent and touching sermon. The remains were interred beside her father, who died about four years ago. She leaves a kind husband and four small children.
--NELSON-Mr. Mason Bolt, former resident of Nelson, died at his home on Addison Hill last Monday. The cause of his death was blood poisoning.
October 27, 1885
Local News/Events
--A sad chapter of domestic trouble comes to light from Tioga Junction.
Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace did not live happily. Each had been
married before and their children cause the first discord. One day
recently, at the dinner table, Wallace became enraged and pitched at his
wife, knocked her down and pounded her severely. The woman crawled
to her bed, where she lay unattended for two days, when some of the neighbors
discovered her condition and rendered assistance and a physician was called.
Last week Monday Wallace was arrested, and after an examination he was
held to bail in the sum of $700. Mrs. Wallace was taken to the house
of a relative at Mansfield and she has not fully recovered from the injuries
inflicted by her hot tempered husband.
--Mr. E. A. Retan is the Principal of the Millerton schools.
--Vote for Joseph H. Ferris for Sheriff and Jonathan V. Morgan for Jury Commissioner.
--Mr. Isaac Merrill, of Liberty, had his leg broken by a runaway accident at Blossburg last Friday.
--Mr. Thomas Palphramand, of Union, was last week taken from the insane department of the County poor house to the Warren Hospital.
--Mr. N. T. Chandler, of this borough, has been confined to the house during the past fortnight by an attack of bilious fever. He is now convalescent.
--The residence of Mr. N. G. Ray, in Lawrence Township, near Pritchard station, was destroyed by fire a few days ago while the family was away from home.
--The fire at Edward Doane’s planing mill at Marshfield, last Wednesday evening resulted in about $1,000 loss. There was an insurance of $500 on the property.
--Mr. Isaac Sutton, of Osceola, was seriously injured last Wednesday by being trampled upon while trying to stop a runaway team in the streets of that borough.
--Mr. Benoni Short is building a large carp pond on his place near the county farm. Mr. Short has been very successful in breeding this fish, and with enlarged facilities we trust he may find it a profitable industry.
--Messrs. Martin Clemons, Charles Eberenz, D. G. Ritter, and Dr. G. W. Masten returned last Saturday from a hunting expedition to the Black forest, on Young Woman’s Creek. They brought home three deer and a bear.
--The following is the roll of honor of the Potter school in Middlebury. Miss Emma Chase, Teacher. Fay Potter, Jerome Potter, Ida Goodwin, Emma Starkey, Avery Hackett, James Goodwin, James Hazlett, and Fred Starkey.
--We regret to learn that the dwelling house of Mr. S. J. Wilson, formerly of this borough, was destroyed by fire near Binghamton, N. Y., one day last week. The house has just been built to replace one which was burned about a year ago.
--Mr. Michael Kerwin, a brakeman on the Tioga railroad, had his foot badly smashed last Tuesday evening near Lamb’s Creek. He walked out upon the engine to adjust the supply of sand, when his foot was caught in the guides and his boot torn off and the foot badly lacerated.
--A handsome granite monument was recently set over the grave of Mary Emily Jackson Cleaver, at Covington. Mrs. Cleaver, whose maiden name was Mary Emily Jackson, was one of the noted women of Tioga County. She was born in this borough in 1821, educated at the Wellsboro Academy, early evinced a talent for poetry, and contributed largely to the Wellsboro Phoenix and afterward to the Philadelphia Evening Post. Her contributions to Horace Greeley’s New Yorker were so highly appreciated that Mr. Greeley extended an invitation to Miss Jackson to reside in his household and become a regular contributor to the columns of his paper. This she was obliged to decline. “Her poetry”, writes a critic, “is marked by much harmony of expression, versatility of thought and delicacy of sentiment combined with a calm, gentle, and appreciative love of nature, and imbued with that spirit of sadness instinctive in and characteristic of the true poet.” In 1842 she was married at Covington to Samuel Cleaver, of Philadelphia.
--EAST POINT-Mr. W. L. Thomas’s young son met with a queer accident while going to church last Sunday afternoon, which might have proved fatal. He had a pound of powder in his coat pocket, and by some means it was exploded, tearing one side of his clothing off entirely and burning one side of his face.
--MANSFIELD-A fire broke out this evening in the engine house attached to Edward Doane’s planing mill. The students turned out en masse and did a considerable job subduing it.
--Lloyd-Mr. J. Hessler, of Oregon Hill, met with a serious accident while working upon Mr. Harrison Dodd’s dwelling house a few days ago. He fell a distance of 14 feet breaking his shoulder and injuring him internally. But slight hopes are entertained of his recovery.
--Lloyd-Mr. Ambrose Duffey is recovering from a serious illness.
--OSCEOLA-S. D. Green was run over while attempting to stop a runaway team in this place last Monday, and was badly hurt.
--TIOGA-Mr. L. Bigelow is recovering somewhat from his recent attack of paralysis.
--Mr. and Mrs. George Spalding, of this borough, are in New York City.
--Mr. J. F. Rusling, of Lawrenceville, made us a pleasant call last Friday.
--Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Hart, of this borough, spent last week in New York City.
--Miss Carrie Boynton, of this borough, was visiting relatives at Millerton last week.
--Mrs. M. F. Elliott, of this borough, has gone to New York City to spend the winter.
--Mrs. Lewis Krusen, of Westfield, is visiting Mrs. George D. Leib, in this borough.
--Mrs. Alex P. Cameron, of Kesting, Pa, is visiting her father, Mr. William Roberts, in this borough.
--Mr. and Mrs. Baker Dickinson, of Sparta, Wisc. are visiting at Samuel Dickinson’s, on West Avenue.
--Mr. and Mrs. Abel Strait, of this borough, have gone to Brooklyn, N. Y., with their daughter, Mrs. Beulah Bryden.
--The family of Mr. J. B. Potter and Mr. T. O. Sullivan and wife started yesterday for Washington to spend the winter.
--Mr. Charles Stubbs has moved from the Niles Valley Hotel to the Reynolds House on Central Avenue, in this borough. Mr. Stubbs intends to travel as a salesman for a patent medicine machine.
--EAST POINT-Mr. J. M. Bickle has gone to Jersey Shore this week on business.
--EAST POINT-Mr. T. J. Rudge has returned from Williamsport.
--OSCEOLA-Rev. S. H. Moon has gone to Dakota on business.
--TIOGA-Rev. S. D. Merrick and wife departed for the East the first part of the week to pay a visit to their sons who are engaged in business at Mount Holyoke, Mass.
--TIOGA-Dr. P. Boylan has removed to Ithaca, N. Y., with his family, where he will engage in his business of horse training.
Land/Business/Farming/Housing/Employment Transactions
--Mr. E. W. Keifer’s new house on East Avenue is nearly completed.
--W. N. Griggs has been appointed Postmaster at Troupsburgh, N. Y.
--Mr. Wilmot Baker has opened a flag stone quarry upon his place in Rutland.
--Rupert Jones, lately of this borough, has opened a barbershop at Gaines.
--Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Herrington are building a new house on East Avenue in this borough.
--Mr. Henry E. Roff, of Lawrenceville, has opened a jewelry store at Harrison Valley.
--Mr. T. H. Bailey, of Mansfield, is making extensive improvements in his grist mill.
--Mr. O. E. Crediford succeeds Mr. Uri Buckley as station agent and telegraph operator at Antrim.
--Mr. James S. Coles, of the Coles Hotel, is building extensive fish ponds in the outskirts of this village.
--Mr. R. F. Patterson is building a large and handsome dwelling house on East Avenue in this borough.
--Mr. Frank Horton is putting in a new forty horse-power engine and boiler and making other improvements at the Mainesburg grist mill.
--Mr. M. A. Cass has been appointed station agent and Deputy Postmaster at Canoe Camp. He has also purchased the store of the late T. J. Jelliff.
--The Tioga River was up to high water mark last Wednesday. Mr. T. H. Bailey, of Mansfield, lost 200,000 feet of hemlock lumber, which was carried out of the boom at his mill.
--LIBERTY-Mr. Charles Maneval has his new residence on Water Street finished, and his family moved into it last Wednesday. It is a fine house.
--LIBERTY-Mr. F. M. Sheffer is erecting a fine dwelling house on his four acre lot on the north side of Williamson Street in the eastern part of out village. When it is finished he will have an excellent residence.
--LIBERTY-Mr. M. B. Mott, on Water Street, in the southwestern part of our village, has a very fine looking residence since it received the finishing touches of the paint brush. He has a commodious lot of an acre of ground with a running fountain of water at his door. It is without doubt as desirable a residence as we have in our village.
--LIBERTY-Mr. R. H. Hartsock’s steam grist mill will not be ready for business before next spring. The delay is caused by the poor health of the man who has the contract to supply the machinery.
--EAST POINT-Mr. Christ. Cleckler will have the nicest house in this place when the painting is done.
--EAST POINT-Mr. David Schanbacher is kept busy at work in his blacksmith shop.
--TIOGA-E. M. Smith has purchased the interest of M. B. Prutsman in the livery stable and will run the business alone.
--TIOGA-Mr. John O’Neil is building him a residence on the Mann Hill in Tioga Township.
--TIOGA-Mr. E. M. Baldwin has been engaged for some time in picking and barreling apples in Mr. J. S. Bush’s orchard. The orchard will yield from 1,000 to 1,200 barrels of apples this year.
--TIOGA-Mr. William Bishop is busily engaged in making cider barrels for which there is a great demand at present.
--CHATHAM-There was a sad accident near Shortsville last Wednesday
about five o’clock p.m., by which Mr. Ernest Monks lost his life.
Mr. John Monks owns a steam thresher and on Wednesday they threshed at
Mr. P. G. Hurlbutt’s. In moving for the next job, it was necessary to come
down the hill towards Shortsville. While coming down the hill the
horses became unmanageable and ran away.
After running some eighty rods down the hill at full speed the
wheels struck a bank raised across the road for the purpose of turning
the water and one wheel was broken off and went bounding on down the hill
jumping from two to five rods at a bound crossing the creek road and landing
in Crooked Creek. It is said on reliable authority that the engine
jumped thirty feet at the time the wheel was broken off. This threw
the young man from his seat and he struck on his head some twenty feet
distant. His skull was crushed killing him instantly. The horses
dragged the engine some distance but were finally obliged to stop.
Mr. Monks and another son were behind the separator, and did
not see the accident. I believe no one saw the boy when he was killed.
He was a young man of fine promise and was about nineteen years of age.
Mr. and Mrs. Monks have the sympathy of their many friends in their bereavement.
[Buried Middlebury-Union Cemetery, Middlebury Township]
--Mr. Victor M. Gray, an old and respected citizen of Covington, died last week Monday of dropsy. [Buried Gray Cemetery, Covington]
--Mr. John Ryan, a brakeman on the Pine Creek railway, was instantly killed last Wednesday at Slate Run. The train broke in two, and Ryan was thrown from the top of a car to the track, and several cars passed over him, mangling the body terribly. He was about 22 years of age. His home was at Corning.
--Mr. Wesley Barrow, of Union, was almost instantly killed last Friday evening, near his home, while returning from Blossburg. The horses ran away, and Mr. Barrows was thrown out of the wagon, striking upon his head and causing concussion of the brain, from which he died in a few moments.
--Mrs. Elijah Phillips, of Shippen, died last Friday, of typhoid fever, after an illness of about six weeks. She was 61 years of age. Her maiden name was Philena Kennedy, and she was a native of Bradford County. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips have resided in Shippen for forty years. Mrs. Phillips was known as a Christian woman and a kind friend and neighbor. The funeral was held on Sunday. [Buried West Branch Cemetery, Delmar Township]
--Lloyd-Death has entered the household of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Blackwell and taken their only son, a baby.
--OSCEOLA-The remains of Miss Nell Atherton were brought home from Kingston,
Pa, last Monday morning for burial in Fairview Cemetery.