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*all articles, unless the township is stated, are for Wellsboro.
June 2, 1885
Local News
--Mr. T. Hubbard, of Brookfield, has received $1,500 arrears of pension.
--Mr. William H. Roberts, of this borough, was confined to the house by sickness this week.
--Mr. V. M. Gray, of Covington, is slowly recovering from an illness of two years duration.
--County Treasurer Horton was confined to the house several days last week by illness. The Colonel suffers frequently from his gun shot wound.
--The faculty of the Mansfield Normal School for the next year has been selected by the directors as follows: Prof. D. C. Thomas, Principal; J. T. Ewing, mathematics; Howard Lyon, sciences; A. Grace Wirt, Ph B, Preceptress; Ida J. Henderson, A. M. Literature; Adelaide Benham, languages; W. R. Longstreet, penmanship; I. G. Hoyt, music; Mr. Erwin Spencer was chosen steward and Mrs. Goodall as matron.
--Dix W. Smith, Esq., of Elmira, has seized 800 bushels of oats in a freight car standing at the Erie depot in that city which were consigned to a Philadelphia firm on account of alleged crookedness of the agent who purchased the grain of C. S. Mather & Co. C. S. Ross and John Young in this county. It is alleged that the agent, after shipping the oats at Lawrenceville, started for Elmira to get some drafts cashed and failed to return in a reasonable time.
--Mr. C. D. Clark, of this borough, was seriously injured last Thursday morning at Warters & Clark’s saw mill near Round Top. A wooden pulley which was revolving rapidly suddenly flew apart, and he was struck by a piece of it, which cut a terrible gash across his right cheek, extending to the neck. Mr. Clark was brought to this borough on a hand car as quickly as possible and Dr. Daniel Bacon was called to attend him. He is now improving as rapidly as can be expected under the circumstances.
--Uncle David Gardner, of this borough, has just purchased a farm. He now wants a wife, and our suggestion that he advertise for one was received with favor, but he is very particular for so young man. He is only 76 himself, but he wants a consort of mature age—not under 90 nor over 100 years, handsome, able to run a dairy and of good temper. Don’t all speak at once ladies. Proposals will be filed in order of their receipt and preference will be given to the earlier ones. A photograph or charcoal sketch of the subject should be forwarded in each case.
--Last Saturday, Mr. James L. Snyder, of Gaines, was riding with his mother, Mrs. A. B. Snyder, about three miles above Gaines. Mr. Snyder got out of the buggy to make a business call, when the horse started to run. Mrs. Gaines couldn’t hold the animal so she climbed out the back of the buggy after riding some distance. She was considerably bruised and we learn her nervous system was so affected by the fright and the jar on jumping from the wagon that she was unable to move a muscle for a number of hours. She is now much improved however. The horse ran about three miles, and the buddy was badly smashed.
--MANSFIELD.—Miss Emma Campbell will teach a select school this summer.
--MANSFIELD.—Anson Gardner, of Covington township, attempted suicide last Thursday by cutting his throat. Several doctors were called, but said there was no hope for him, giving as their opinion, that if inflammation did not set in and kill him he would undoubtedly die of starvation. No cause was given for the rash act.
--BROOKFIELD.—The children of Mrs. S. P. Chase are down with the measles.
--CORNING, N. Y.—Mrs. Philo Whitney has been helpless for two years on account of extraordinary fleshiness. She weighs 300 pounds.
--Mr. Oliver W. Whittaker, of Toulon, Illinois, has been visiting his
old home at Mansfield. It has been forty eight years since he left
this county.
--H. N. Williams, Esq., of Towanda, is in town.
--Miss Belle Dartt, of Canton, is visiting at Mansfield.
--Mr. J. D. Ray, of Deerfield, is visiting at Mr. George C. Bowen’s.
--Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fish, of Blossburg, have gone to England.
--Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams, of Blossburg, were in town on Sunday.
--Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Dartt, of Arnot, were in town over Sunday.
--Hon. M. F. Elliott was in attendance at the McKean courts last week.
--Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Williston, Jr., of Jersey Shore, were in town over Sunday.
--Mr. Elisha K. Kane, of Kane, McKean County, was in town last Saturday.
--Mr. A. K. Fletcher, of West Almond, N. Y., formerly of Antrim, was in town last Saturday.
--Mrs. Emmer H. Bowen, of Minneapolis, is visiting at Mr. George C. Bowen’s in this borough.
--Messrs. F. N. Drake and C. C. Drake, of Corning, N. Y., and A. S. Turner, of Elmira, were in town yesterday.
--Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Chandler, of this borough, left yesterday for a month’s trip through Illinois, Iowa and Missouri.
--Mrs. Sarah Willett, preceptress of the public schools in this borough, is spending her vacation at Troy, Bradford County, her former home.
--MANSFIELD.—Miss Emma Wilson is visiting her sister at Conhocton, N. Y.
--MANSFIELD.—Jerome B. Potter, of Wellsboro, was in town on Wednesday.
--MANSFIELD.—Miss Pickering, of Philadelphia, is visiting Miss Jeannie Nesbitt.
--MANSFIELD.—Mrs. Louise Robinson and Miss Nora Rundell, of Corning, N. Y., are visiting friends in this borough.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. V. C. Manners, of Waverly, N. Y., visited his parents in this borough, the first of the week.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. Charley Fuller, of Elmira, was in town yesterday.
--MANSFIELD.—Col. Jones and wife returned from their visit at Millport last evening.
Land/Business/Farming/Housing Transactions
--Rev. Dr. A. C. Shaw has purchased a family horse.
--Mr. C. A. Holden has fitted up elegant ice cream parlors at Mansfield.
--Capt. E. R. Backer has purchased Cudworth’s grocery at Mansfield.
--Mr. William B. Galatian, of Elkland, has gone to Idaho to look after his mining interests.
--Mr. H. M. Tanner, of Rutland, lost a number of sheep recently by a raid of savage dogs.
--Mr. Charles R. Bowen has ordered a new $830 Tuft’s mineral fountain for his restaurant in this village.
--Mr. J. F. Cleveland, of West Jackson, has sold 35 acres of land to Mr. Jay Friends for $525--$15 an acre.
--It is stated that Mr. W. A. Newcomb, of Nelson, has sold his chestnut gelding “Dandelion” for $600 and a team of horses.
--Mr. William Roberts is improving his dwelling house in this borough by replacing the battens with building paper and siding.
--Mr. W. E. Farrer, of Covington, has purchased the Murdaugh property, corner of Main and Sherwood streets in Mansfield, for $3,000.
--MANSFIELD.—Capt. E. R. Bucker purchased the grocery of Mr. Paul Cudworth last Monday morning and his son George took charge of the business. Mr. Cudworth had hardly got an insight into the concern as he had only purchased it the week before of H. M. Backer.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. C. A. Holden has painted and fixed up his restaurant on Sullivan street.
--MANSFIELD.—Charles Sweet is clerking for L. F. Allen.
--MANSFIELD.—The masons have commenced to lay the walls for D. B. Moody’s new residence.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. Ed Horton is building a new residence in this borough.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. George Brown, of Blossburg, is assisting Mr. Frank Kohler in his hardware store.
--Mr. B. F. Beebe, of this borough, was called to Cayuga, N. Y., last
week on account of the death of his mother, Mrs. Waters.
--Mrs. Susan Lung, of Lamb’s Creek, died at the County Poor House last Friday evening of dropsy at the age of 96 years. The same night Mr. Joseph Valley died in the same institution of blood poisoning at the age of 45 years. His case is a very sad one. He had been working for Charles P. Grinnell at lumbering and he was suffering from a large carbuncle on the back of his neck when he went to the Poor house several weeks ago. This was the cause of his death. Valley was a Canadian and was a man of much intelligence. He had no near relatives living. The bodies were interred yesterday.
--CROOKED CREEK.—Amanda Keeney, relict of Elisha Keeney, died at her
daughter’s, Mrs. Celia Hunter, in Charleston, April 24th, 1885, in the
85th year of her age.
Her father, Ebenezer Hill, was the third permanent settler in
Wellsboro, and she remembered, having been but 10 years old when they came
here. For 74 years she had lived in what is now included in Tioga
County and she was conversant with all its varied interests and improvements
and could relate the incidents of pioneer life with interest to her
friends and neighbors well within a short time of her death. Her
mind was fresh, her memory bright and vivid and one could hardly realize
that nearly a century had passed since she first took up her abode in this
county. Her hopes were in a brighter hereafter.
--MANSFIELD.—Miss A. Grace Wirt, Preceptress at the Normal, was called to her home at Albion, N. Y., on Thursday morning last, by a telegram announcing the death of her father.
--BROOKFIELD.—Our excellent citizen, Mr. L. D. Seely, has taken on
to himself a wife. We wish the couple many years of happiness.
June 9, 1885
Local News
--I wish to express my gratitude to all the citizens of Wellsboro who
did all they could to save my property from destruction by the fire of
last Saturday. Signed, Andrew Crowl.
Last Saturday afternoon about three o’clock the alarm of fire
was given in this borough, and the firemen turned out promptly to find
the dwelling house of Mr. Andrew Crowl, of Fischler street, was burning.
The fire was in the roof of the rear part of the house, and nothing could
be done to save the building. The fire apparatus was dragged up the
hill and the engine was put to work to save the barn and outbuildings.
Most of the furniture was saved; but Mr. Frank A. Crowl lost
a quantity of silverware, carpets, books, etc., which were stored in on
the back chambers.
Mr. John Bruebacker lived in the second story of the house.
Most of his furniture was removed.
It is not known how the fire originated, but as it was first
discovered in the roof near the kitchen chimney, it is supposed that it
started from a defect in the flue.
Mr. Crowl is in the grocery business at Blossburg, but his family
reside here, his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Crowl,
occupying the house.
The loss is estimated at about $3,500 on the building and contents.
There was an insurance of $1,500 on the house and $500 on the contents.
--Mr. E. E. Rockwell, of Lawrenceville, has got a back pension of $520.
--Mr. C. Hill slipped in getting off a gravel train near Lawrenceville, one day last week, and the cars ran over his toes.
--We understand that Mr. James Shanley has finally been appointed superintendent of the County Poor-house at a salary of $800 a year.
--Mr. Charles Sandbach is to give a dance in the loft of his mammoth hotel-barn just completed in this borough. The floor is 30 feet by 150 feet.
--The State Board of Agriculture is to meet at Towanda next weeks Wednesday and Thursday. J. W. Mather, Esq., of this borough, is to discuss the “Breeding of Horses.”
--Miss M. Aronetta Wilbur, a sister of Mrs. James L. White, of this borough, is to the valedictorian at the commencement exercises of the Elmira Female College, next week Thursday.
--Mr. William Button, a bark peeler at work near Davis Station on the Addison and Northern Pennsylvania railway, cut his left foot completely off a few days ago with one stroke of his axe. He had only been at work on the job about an hour.
--Capt. Romanzo C. Bailey, of Elmira, a Mail Agent on the Lehigh Valley railway has been removed, and James D. Coveney, of Athens, has been appointed in his place. Mr. Bailey was formerly a resident of this borough, and he was Mail Agent on the Tioga railway for some years. It is stated that Mr. Bailey’s successor has managed to ride the political fence so as to drop on either side of it.
--Last week Sunday morning the grocery store of Mr. J. E. Mulford, at Potter Brook was burned, with its entire contents. An adjoining barn belonging to Mr. L. C. Thompson was also consumed, with a lot of sewing machines stored in the building. Mr. Mulford’s loss was $1,500, and he had on insurance of $909. Mr. Thompson’s loss was something over $200, which was nearly covered by insurance.
--Last Saturday Constable S. P. White, of Blossburg, brought W. R. Codney to this borough and lodged him in jail. Codney was arrested on Friday and examined before Justice Freeman on the charge of incendiarism in firing the barn of Lewis Curan, in that borough, on the 15th of May. He was held to bail in the sum of $500. Arthur Payne was arrested at the same time, but he was discharged after being examined. Codney has had a bad reputation in Blossburg, and the citizens have endeavored to get rid of him and his family by ordering him to leave the town. He is said to be a “tough” in the fullest sense of the word.
--Last Friday about sixty of the relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cole, of Middlebury, made the couple a surprise visit, the day being the fortieth anniversary of their marriage. After a bountiful repast had been disposed of Miss Hattie Prutsman, of Tioga, in behalf of the guests presented the couple with numerous tokens of love and esteem. Mr. Jerome B. Potter of this borough, resounded in a few appropriate remarks. Mr. and Mrs. Cole have lived upon the same farm ever since their marriage. Their home has always been a hospitable one, and they enjoy the warm esteem of all who know them. A short time since Mr. Cole was injured by a railway accident, and a few months later he sustained a serious injury by falling in his barn. We are sorry to learn that he and his wife are both in feeble health; but we hope they may live to celebrate their golden wedding.
--CHATHAM.—Mr. Robert Cooper has secured, through efforts of J. W. French, Esq., an increase of pension from $8 to $24.
--CHATHAM.—R. H. Rice is a little better, but he is still very sick.
--OSCEOLA.—News has just been received by the friends here that Mrs. Eunice Remmel, wife of John Remmel, of Kingston, Pa., was accidentally shot yesterday. She was formerly Eunice Atherton, of this place, where her mother and several members of her family still reside. She also has two brothers living at Knoxville, Pa. The circumstances were these, as near as can be ascertained: Mrs. Remmel was returning home from a funeral and stopped at the gate of a neighbor’s yard to talk a few minutes with someone standing there. There was a young man sitting in the yard with a rifle in his hand, and as he raised it the hammer caught somehow and discharged the piece. The ball struck Mrs. Remmel just back of the ear, and it is believed that the injury must prove fatal. Two of her sisters started for Kingston last evening.
--A few days ago Marietta Vincent who lives in Towanda, was brought before Justice Codding, on complaint of Sheriff Sweet, charged with aiding her son (one of the six who escaped several weeks ago) to break jail. The evidence disclosed that the woman furnished her son with an axe and a saw, which were used in enlarging the hole in the corner of the cell from which the gang escaped. The hearing resulted in Mrs. Vincent being held on $100 bail for her appearance at the September court.
--Mrs. E. B. Young starts for Ithaca, N. Y., today, to visit her father.
--Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Freeborn, of Jersey Shore, were in town over Sunday.
--Mr. E. B. Kelly and wife, of Canton, have been visiting friends in this borough.
--Mr. and Mrs. Burt M. Potter, of this borough, are visiting at Troy, Bradford County.
--Mrs. A. F. Smith and Mrs. Musgrave, of Mainesburg, were the guests of Mrs. E. A. Ingerick last week.
--Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Spencer, of Camp Canoe, spent last Sunday with Mr. E. J. Purple’s family, in this village.
--Dr. C. C. Winsor and Mr. E. L. Russell, of Blossburg, visited this place last Thursday, making an overland trip on a bicycle and tricycle.
--Mr. S. S. English, of the Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., is spending a few days at home in this borough on account of ill health.
--Miss Addie Morse, one of the teachers in the high school in this borough, is spending a few weeks at her home in Troy, Bradford County, prior to making an extended trip in Michigan.
--Mrs. Charles Toles started last Wednesday for a protracted visit at Johnstown, Dakota. Her granddaughter, Miss Bessie Barker, who has been attending school here, returned to her home with Mrs. Toles.
--Mr. Lafayette Backer, of Smethport, McKean County, was in town last Saturday. Mr. Backer is a native of Rutland township. He is one of the pioneer operators in hemlock bark extract and now owns extensive works at Smethport.
--Our old friend, Mr. Hiram Pritchard, of Corning, was in town last Friday, making brief calls upon his old-time acquaintances. Mr. Pritchard built a ten thousand dollar saw mill near Niles Valley in 1854, and he was very successful in his lumbering operations in this county in the days of “auld lang syne,” when there was money in that business.
--OSCEOLA.—Miss Minnie Hammond is spending a few weeks away from home this early summer, visiting her sister Clara at Cazenovia, N. Y., and other friends. She will especially be missed from the Methodist choir, where she has so long and efficiently presided at the organ.
Land/Business/Farming/Housing Transactions
--Mr. David Evans, of Charleston, lost a valuable mare last Saturday
by a lung disease.
--Horace M. Darling, M. D., of Lawrenceville, is to locate at Sylvania to practice his profession.
--Mr. H. B. Shaw, of Richmond, has a mutton bill of $71 on account of the depredation of dogs on his flock.
--Mr. L. Nobles had just completed a new dwelling house and barn in Delmar. Mr. J. C. Spencer was the builder.
--The firm of Bennet & Dimon, lumbermen, of Niles Valley, has been dissolved. Mr. L. C. Bennett is to continue the business.
--At the Sheriff’s sale of the logs and lumber of Turner, Warner & Wilcox, in Morris, last Thursday, Mr. F. N. Drake bid off about ten million feet of logs and lumber for about $18,000, at an average price of from $1 to $1.50 a thousand feet. It is understood that Mr. Drake has leased the saw mill, and that he is to continue the lumbering business.
--JACKSON.—Mr. A. Allen has taken a job of peeling a quantity of bark for Thomas Middaugh.
--JACKSON.—Mr. V. Keep intends to build a new house in place of the one that was burned, this spring.
--JACKSON.—Mr. Redfield will replace the barn recently burned on his farm near Millerton with a new one measuring 50 by 100 feet, with a basement. It is estimated that it will require 100,000 feet of lumber to build it.
--JACKSON.—Mr. Eugene Tobey is building a large house and a barn, and is also repairing another barn.
--George Bement is also building a substantial dwelling house.
--CHATHAM.—J. E. French is building a large barn for Sidney Beach.
--Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Young, of this borough, were called to Bradford
county last Saturday to attend the funeral of Mr. Young’s sister-in-law.
--The wife of Dr. Fred D. Ritter, of Gaines, died in New York city last Thursday after a lingering illness at an age of 38 years. Mrs. Ritter, nee Vermilyea, went to a New York hospital some weeks ago for treatment. The funeral was held last Saturday, the remains being brought to this borough for interment.
--Last Tuesday afternoon Mr. Chester H. Ammerman, a brakeman, fell between the cars of a coal train at the Tioga Coke Works and was fatally injured. The wheels passed diagonally over his left leg, half way between his hip and knee, and over the right, below the knee, crushing both. The young man was taken to a private house, three physicians were called and both legs were amputated. He patiently endured his sufferings until Thursday, when death came to his relief. Ammerman was about twenty-two years of age, and had to been working for the Fall Brook Coal Company for only about eight months. His home was at Towanda, Pa.
--Last Wednesday, the five year old son of Mr. Letson Lownsberry was drowned at Blossburg by falling into a large cistern used for fire purposes, which is situated between the Seymour House and the machine shop. The Register says that the child left home about two o’clock in the afternoon, and at evening when he did not return an alarm was given, and friends and neighbors of the family started in all directions and made a thorough search of the neighborhood. But it was not until about nine o’clock that he was found, and he had then probably been in the water several hours. It was noticed that afternoon that this cistern stood open, and Mr. Lownsberry informed the foreman of the shop of that fact, it being Railroad Company property. The foreman sent a man to cover it up; but the child had no doubt fallen in before the man reached there.
--Last Saturday Mr. David Heise, of Delmar, died after a lingering illness,
at the age of eighty five years.
Mr. Heise was a native of Germany. He learned the trade
of shoemaker and soon came to America. In 1818, sixty seven years
ago, he came to this borough and for a number of years worked for Judge
Morris. He afterward studied and practiced surveying, and this life
work led him to all parts of this land and neighboring counties, and he
became well known and universally esteemed. He surveyed many of the
public roads in this county.
Mr. Heise was well educated and although he could not speak English
very fluently, he could read and write the language readily. His
memory was something remarkable.
When he came to this village there were but ten houses in the
corporation. He bought of Mr. Morris the piece of land where he has
always since lived. It was then very wild; and he went to and fro
through the wood path for some years before his place was cleared up and
a public road was built.
His long illness was a very painful one, but the old gentleman
was patient through it all, and he died peacefully. He was a member
of the Lutheran Church, and he had the fullest confidence of his acquaintances.
His funeral was held at his late residence yesterday morning at 10 o’clock,
and it was attended by the older residents of our borough. Rev. Mr.
Ware, rector of St. Paul’s Church, read the service.
Mr. Heise married Miss Fellows, a sister of Erastus Fellows,
deceased, of this borough, who survives him. He also leaves two sons
and three daughters.
A curious story, which seems to be reasonably well authenticated,
is told in connection with Mr. Heise’s death. It is said that a few
weeks ago he stated that he had in a dream met two citizens of the county,
recently deceased, and they told him he would be with them on the 5th or
6th of June. He died on the 6th.
--MANSFIELD.—Rev. W. A. Ely, pastor of the Methodist Church, died at his residence in this borough last Thursday morning at half past eleven o’clock, of typhoid pneumonia, in the thirty ninth year of his age, after an illness of only two weeks. He was a devout Christian, and was much loved by his congregation. He leaves a wife and three small children to mourn his loss.
June 16, 1885
Local News
--A Westfield surgeon recently extirpated a diseased eye for Mr. James
Daily of Osceola.
--Mr. David Swartwood, of Arnot, has received arrears of pension amounting to one thousand dollars.
--We are sorry to learn that Mr. Michael McMahon, of Liberty, is laid up with a broken leg.
--It is stated that Mr. W. H. West, of Landrus, has fallen heir to about $1,000 by the death of a relative in England.
--The friends of Mr. R. R. Kingsley celebrated his seventy fifth birthday at his residence in Mansfield last Tuesday evening.
--It is reported that Mr. J. M. Sweeley, of Lamb’s Creek, cut his foot severely a few days ago probably laming him for life.
--Mr. Cassius E. Gillette, of Nelson, is to deliver the address before the literary societies of the State Normal School, at Mansfield, this week.
--Alfred J. Shattuck, Esq., of this borough, is to deliver an oration before the Normal Alumni Association, at Mansfield, next week Thursday.
--Mr. Alonzo Guiles, of Chatham, lost a valuable horse last week, and a post mortem examination revealed a snake ten inches long in the animal’s stomach.
--Mrs. Cordelia Doty, Mansfield, stepped on a wet board, a few days ago and fell, dislocating her hip and being otherwise injured. She is improving.
--Dr. William Caldwell, of Morris Run, was thrown from his carriage while driving in Blossburg a few days ago. His right wrist was broken by the fall and one ankle was sprained.
--Mr. Lucius Truman, of this borough, has been reappointed Deputy Collector of internal revenue by Collector Staples. Set this down to the credit of the new Democratic Collector.
--Mrs. David Simmons, of Deerfield, was thrown from a carriage last Sunday by the overturning of a seat. She fell backwards striking upon her head and shoulders and sustaining severe injuries.
--Mr. William Simpson, formerly Paymaster of the Tioga Railroad Company, had his right leg badly crushed in jumping off the cars on Elmira last week Monday. The leg was amputated below the knee.
--The children and some of the friends of Mr. Joseph Riberolle observed his seventy fifth birthday at his residence in this village last Thursday. Mr. Riberolle is still hale and hearty, and we trust he may live to celebrate many returns of the day.
--There was an alarm of fire in this borough a little before three o’clock last Saturday afternoon. It turned out that the fire was in a pile of wood on the premises of Mr. Ralph E. Karr on Queen Street which is believed to have caught from a heap of ashes. No material damage was done.
--The Register says William Hewitt had a narrow escape from death a few mornings ago. With his father, Isaac Hewitt, he went to work in he new drift, and shortly after they had begun work the top fell, completely burying the boy. But strange to say, he was safely rescued, having received but a few slight bruises.
--The Free Press says that Mrs. H. Moon who lives about a mile west of Westfield borough, met with a severe accident last Tuesday morning. She was a large woman and had previously broken her right leg twice, and was compelled to use a crutch. While she was engaged about her household duties her crutch slipped and she fell heavily to the floor, breaking the same limb above the knee and injuring her otherwise.
--The Knoxville Gazette says that burglars entered the store of Mr. M. V. Purple at Academy Corners a few nights ago. The money drawer and a drawer containing postage stamps—Mr. Purple is Postmaster and the office is in his store—were taken to a place near the residence of Mr. W. D. Knox and rifled of their contents. About $50 in stamps, 5 or 6 dollars in cash, and notes amounting to $700 or $800 were stolen. Stamps amounting to about $1 were found where the drawers were emptied.
--The Elkland Journal says that some days ago Mrs. John Woodcock, of that borough, placed a kettle of hot soap she had been making on the floor. Soon afterward she left the room for a few minutes and while she was absent a little child about eighteen months old crept up to the kettle and tipped the contents over upon itself. The whole of the lower part of its body from the waist down was terribly burned, the hot lye seriously aggravating the injuries and causing the most excruciating pain. A physician was called and the child is now doing as well as could be expected. With proper care it may recover, but it will probably bear all its life the scars of the severe burns.
--MANSFIELD.—Burglars broke into the shoe store of H. F. Kingsley last Wednesday night and stole several pairs of shoes.
-- MARSHFIELD.—The dwelling house of Mr. A. K. Furman, of Gaines, was burned to the ground last Saturday afternoon. The fire is supposed to have started in the roof from a pipe passing through it. Most of the household goods were saved, but as there was no insurance on the building the loss will fall quite heavily on Mr. Furman’s people. The wife of Hr. Hamp Furman was lying sick in the house at the time and had to be carried from the burning building in a bed.
--MARSHFIELD.—Miss H. A. Bernauer has been suffering for some time past from a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism.
--UNION.—On Wednesday evening the dwelling house of Mr. John Wilber was destroyed by fire. Mr. Wilber was in bed when the fire broke out and was awakened by the crackling of the flames over his head. He and his family barely escaped from the building, saving nothing but the clothes upon their backs. There was an insurance of $1,100 on the property.
--Dr. Gilbert, of Lawrenceville, is soon to move to New York.
--Mr. Alexander Smith, of Sylvania, is enjoying a Western trip.
--Mr. Giles Roberts, of Knoxville, was in town last Wednesday.
--Dr. Brace, of Mansfield, is about to locate to Mansfield.
--Mrs. J. O. Morrison and her son, of Dayton, Ohio are spending the summer at Lawrenceville.
--Mr. Ransom Palmer and son, of Grand Ridge, Michigan, have been visiting in Sullivan Township.
--Mrs. Thomas Allen expects to leave home tomorrow to visit friends at Lodi, Seneca County, N. Y.
--Mr. and Mrs. H. Raesly, of this borough, are visiting friends at Portland, Northampton County.
--Mrs. Daniel Evans, of Charleston Township, who is in very poor health, has been visiting her mother at Blossburg.
--Rev. W. L. Woodruff, the new pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Lawrenceville, has moved his family to that village.
--Mr. and Mrs. John Cowden, of this borough, have been visiting Mrs. Harry Bayles at Blossburg.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. Cass Nelson and wife, of Arnot, were in town on Wednesday.
--TIOGA.—Mr. T. A. Wickham, of this place, recently departed for Boston.
Land/Business/Farming/Housing Transactions
--Mr. Melvin Gray is building a new house on Grant Street.
--Mr. S. H. Swan is building a new shingle mill at Osceola.
--Mr. A. D. Taft is about to build a handsome house at Academy Corners.
--Mr. R. L. Mack started up the new engine in his wagon factory last week.
--The addition to Robert Borden’s house is progressing rapidly.
--Mr. Harry Ellis, of Mansfield, is said to be putting up many Halliday windmills this season.
--Mr. E. Lewis has purchased a farm formerly owned by Mr. Otis Robbins at Mansfield for $1,000.
--Mr. Ross A. Mitchell, the station agent at Millerton, is preparing to establish a coal yard at that place.
--An exchange says that the Lawrenceville mills were sold last week Monday to N. Paton, of Nelson, for $5,000.
--Rev. T. A. Boyce, of Stony Fork expects to go to New York this week to buy a stock of goods for his new store.
--Mr. Sidney Beach has traded his village property for Mr. Jerome Hathaway’s farm near that borough.
--Mr. William R. Burdick has accrued the contract for carrying the mail from Lansing to the upper Jamison three times a week.
--James, the young son of Mr. R. Mack, of this borough, was considerably hurt by a runaway accident last Wednesday afternoon.
--Mr. D. C. Smith expects to open the doors of his new grocery and provision store at Mansfield next Saturday. He proposes to sell exclusively for cash.
--Mr. Frank Rowland has accrued the agency for General Grant’s autobiography for Charleston, Delmar and Wellsboro. He will enter upon the work of canvassing at once.
--EAST POINT.—Mr. P. W Schick has sold his house and lot and blacksmith shop to Abram Marquart for the sum of $725. Mr. Schick intends to go West for a short time.
--EAST POINT.—Our young painter, Ellis B. Thomas, has returned from Nauvoo after an absence of a month. He was engaged in painting houses there.
--MARSHFIELD.—Mr. D. C. Smith has a grocery store nearly completed and he will soon be able to exhibit a full line of goods.
--TIOGA.—Mr. Max Leutner has recently added a new brick oven to his bakery on Park Street.
--Mr. Anson Gardner, who cut his throat with a razor a few days ago
at Covington, died of starvation.
--Mr. John F. Anderson, of Elmira, son-in-law of Mr. William Holland, of Mansfield, died of consumption last Tuesday. The funeral was held at Mansfield on Thursday.
--Dr. J. W. Glenn, of Blossburg, died at his residence in that borough last week Monday of paralysis, after a brief illness. He was not thought to be dangerously sick until about an hour before his death. He was sixty three years of age and had resided in Blossburg eight or nine years. Dr. Glenn was a native of Scotland, and had no relatives in this country.
--Mr. James Wilkinson, of Charleston, died at his residence in that township last week Sunday. He lost a leg while fighting for the Union during the late war. He was widely known and much respected in this part of the county, having been elected Constable of his township for several successive years. His funeral was held at his late residence last Tuesday and was attended by George Cook Post of the Grand Army.
--Mr. J. D. Naramore, an old citizen of this county, died at his residence near Covington on the 6th instant. He was a native of Vermont, but had spent most of his life in this county. The funeral was held at Covington last week Monday afternoon at the Baptist Church, of which society he had been a member for fifty six years. The remains were taken to Painted Post, N. Y. for burial. Mr. Naramore leaves a wife living at Covington, and a daughter, Mrs. Williams, residing at Painted Post.
--The Mansfield Advertiser says that Mr. Thomas Coveney, a well to do farmer of Copp Hollow, aged 55 years, was killed at Fall Brook last week Monday evening about 11 o’clock. He left home to work for the first time in his life that day and commenced work in the mill at that place in the afternoon and evening shift. He had taken enough chain from the bull wheel or reel to allow the truck to run into the yard without stopping and he stepped on the truck to ride down from the mill to the yard. When near the bottom the truck suddenly stopped throwing the unfortunate man violently to the ground breaking his neck and causing instant death. He was a brother of Mr. Charles Coveney, of Mansfield. He leaves a wife and two sons and daughters. The funeral was held at the Baptist Church in Covington last Wednesday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Lamkin officiating.
June 23, 1885
Local News
--Mrs. Frank A. Deans, of this borough, is seriously ill.
--Rev. C. B. Gillett, of Nelson, is recovering from a serious illness.
--U. G. Palmer, of Mansfield, has been engaged as Principal of the Canton graded school at a salary of $800.
--Mr. James Cooper had a narrow escape from death by the caving in of a sand pit near Elkland a few days ago.
--William Steele and Charles Price are to run a ten mile foot race at Canton on the 25th of July for a purse of $500.
--Rev. Emma F. Bailey, of the Universalist Church at Mansfield, has resumed her pastoral duties after a long illness.
--A horse belonging to Mr. Charles Gee, of Sabinsville, was injured by falling through a bridge in Clymer a few days ago.
--Gaius Smith, Esq., has been engaged as Principal of the Blossburg graded school for the ensuing year at a salary of $75 a month.
--Mr. John Wilson had the misfortune to get his hand against a circular saw, in Rutland, a few days ago, and one finger was cut off and his hand badly lacerated.
--The Mail of Clyde, Kansas, speaks in high terms of praise of Mr. Lewis Wetmore, formerly of this borough, as a master mechanic. Mr. Wetmore has taken some large contracts for building at Clyde this season.
--Yesterday we were shown a luscious basket of strawberries picked from the garden of Dr. H. H. Borden, at Tioga. The berries are of the Sharpless variety and some of those we measured were five inches in circumference.
--Last week Robert Siemens, Lyman Roberts, Mayne Rodine and Louis Horton caught 750 brook trout in two days on the West branch of Pine creek. Some of them measured from twelve to fourteen inches.
--The three year old son of Mr. Frank H. Dartt, of Arnot, was seriously injured last Thursday while playing about a well-curb. The bucket fell in the well and the handle of the windless struck the child on the head, inflicting a dangerous wound.
--A few days ago as Mrs. William H. Longwell, of Roseville, was jumping from a wagon, her skirts caught on the vehicle, and she struck upon a stone, and she was seriously injured and was unconscious for several hours.
--Last Friday evening Constable Adams, of Tioga, brought Fred Miller to this borough and lodged him in jail. It is alleged that Miller had some trouble with a peddler about the purchase of a ring, and made dire threats, with a revolver accompaniment. Hence his arrest.
--Misses Carrie and Maggie Haynes, daughters of Samuel Haynes, formerly of this village, graduated with honors at the commencement exercises of the Oil City High School, on the 16th instant. Miss Maggie ranked the highest in her class and was valedictorian.
--“Kilburn Jim” a trotting horse owned by Samuel O. Watts, of Morris, trotted a mile against time at Old Oaks Park in Williamsport a few days ago. The horse made the mile winning a purse of $200. The horse never was on a track before and trotted before a heavy top buggy.
--Last Wednesday Mr. W. H. Pock, of Nelson, was taken to the Warren Insane Hospital, where it is hoped he may speedily recover from the mental derangement which has been troubling him for some months. There are now twenty seven patients in the Warren Hospital from this county.
--We were glad to shake hands with Josiah Emery, Esq., of Williamsport, yesterday, who has so far recovered from his recent illness as to be able to visit his Wellsboro friends again. Mr. Emery expresses some surprise at the rapid growth of this village. He resided here for more than forty years previous to 1871. His daughter, Mrs. E. E. Knapp, is also visiting friends here.
--Last Monday afternoon William Lewis, of Morris Run, a young man of about nineteen years, fell from the back of a horse, and his feet becoming entangled, he was dragged at a furious pace for some distance on a rough road. He was picked up in an unconscious condition and taken home. The physicians found him badly bruised and his skull fractured. At last accounts the young man’s chances of life were considered very slim indeed.
--A special jury term of court for the trial of civil cases was held
last week, beginning at the usual hour on Monday. Judge Williams,
with Associate Judges Lamkin, and Baxter, resided.
The calendar for the week was disposed of as follows:
E. M. Rumsey against L. C. Bennet; settled.
John M. Moore against Levi Furguson, tried; verdict for the plaintiff
for the sum of $293.81.
Grant & DeWaters against P. H. Harrower and Mrs. M. E. Eggleston;
tried; verdict for the plaintiff for the sum of $182.32.
R. M. Ketchum against Joseph Owlett; settled.
Harriet Fick against H. J. Landrus; settled.
D. K. Coolidge against D. A. Stowell and I. M. Bodine; verdict
for the defendant.
George W. Wildrick against Pennsylvania Joint Lumber and Land
Company; discontinued.
Joel Johnson against Addison and Northern Pennsylvania Railroad
Company; verdict by agreement for the plaintiff for the sum of $1,500.
Byron Shaw against Addison and Northern Pennsylvania Railroad
Company; verdict for the plaintiff by agreement for the sum of $350.
John Stevenson against John M. Warren; verdict for the defendant.
L. S. Husted against Harry Baxter; settled.
L. S. & W. D. Husted against John Blanchard; judgment by
agreement for $232.20.
George A. Betts against Alpheus Shaffer; judgment for the plaintiff
up the award of referees.
--EAST POINT.—Our painter, Mr. W. W. Thomas, who has been suffering from lead poisoning, is getting better.
--MAINESBURG.—I see by the papers that James A. Fellows, Jr., has been convicted of criminal libel at Rochester, N. Y. He was formerly of this place, a very promising young man and a Methodist preacher.
--Mr. A. G. Smith, late of Delmar, has moved to Aspinwell, Bradford
--Mr. John B. Emery, of Williamsport, lumberman, was in town last Saturday.
--Mr. Henry Jacobson, of Syracuse, N. Y., is visiting his son, E. Jacobson, in this borough.
--Mr. W. J. Weeks, of Jamestown, N. Y., proprietor of the Blossburg mineral spring, was in town yesterday.
--Mrs. George C. Bowen and daughter, Mattie, left this borough yesterday for a visit to Jamestown, N. Y.
--A. R. Niles, Esq., of this borough, left last Thursday for an extended trip through some of the Western States.
--Mr. George M. Spalding, of this borough, attended the meeting of the New York Pharmacists at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., last week.
--Misses Maggie King, of Des Moines, Iowa and Miss Hattie Cochran, of Iowa City, are visiting at Mr. George C. Bowen’s, in this borough.
--Mrs. Beulah Bryden and her daughter Mrs. S. Pratt are in town, having returned home with Mrs. Abel Strait, who has been making a protracted visit in New York City.
--From a private letter to a gentleman in this borough, we learn that Judge Stephen F. Wilson, formerly of this borough, left his home in New Mexico last week for an extended trip in California.
--MANSFIELD.—Paul Cudworth returned from Michigan last night.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. George Houk and Frank Deans, of Wellsboro, visited this borough on their bicycles last Sunday.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. George Murdough, of Corning, was in town on Monday.
--MANSFIELD.—U. G. Palmer, Principal of our graded school, has resigned and will teach in Canton.
--EAST POINT.—Mr. George Harer has returned from California. He likes his old home the best.
--EAST POINT.—Rev. J. D. Stover, of this place, has gone to Sugar Valley
on a business trip.
--EAST POINT.—Mr. P. W. Sheik had a public sale here yesterday to dispose
of his household goods. He intends to leave on Monday for the West,
where he will make his future home.
Land/Business/Farming/Housing Transactions
--Messrs. Lowell & Shaff are running an extensive cheese box factory
at Middlebury.
--Mr. Frederick Margraff is building a dwelling house on Berwart street in this borough.
--Mr. C. F. King, of Covington, has patented an improvement in the boiling machinery for grist mills.
--The machinery of the Dickinson’s grist mill is to be moved to the building owned by Mr. William Rache, on West Avenue in this borough.
--MANSFIELD.—John Kelley sold out his grocery and market to “Jim” Westbrook, who will continue the business at the old stand. “Gus” Cass still smiles over the counter as of old.
--MANSFIELD.—J. A. Elliott has improved the rooms over his store by the addition of inside blinds from the factory of Ed. Doane & Co.
--MANSFIELD.—That pond of stagnant water on the corner of R. P. Buttles’s lot ought to be connected with the sewer. Where is the Board of Health?
--JACKSON SUMMIT.—Mr. S. D. Shepard is putting up a new blacksmith shop.
--JACKSON SUMMIT.—Dick Davis is building a new barn.
--JACKSON SUMMIT.—Mr. Jack Morrell is putting up several buildings.
--JACKSON SUMMIT.—Mr. H. J. Tobey is about to build an addition to his house and improve it otherwise.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. A. M. Pitts will build a large brick storehouse in the rear of the store occupied by D. H. Pitts, in the near future.
--MANSFIELD.—The stoop in front of S. J. Shepard’s dry goods store has been taken down and the store is being painted.
--MANSFIELD.—M. B. Strait’s jewelry store is being painted.
--Last week Sunday evening the three year old daughter of Mr. John
Hazlett, of West Lawrence, was playing about the yard while the other members
of the family were out milking. The child fell into a barrel of water
and was drowned before being discovered.
--Dr. Ansel J. Fisk, of Farmington, died very suddenly last Tuesday
morning at the age of fifty six years. He had been suffering from
Bright’s disease for about five years and his death was not unexpected.
When a member of the family entered the room in the morning it was found
that his life had died peacefully and without struggle.
Dr. Fisk was born at Sermon Lake, N. Y., in 1829. He came
to this county when a lad with his father, who was a lumberman, and who
for many years managed the “old red mill” at Tioga. He was afterward
in partnership with his father in a saw mill at Farmington. For several
years Mr. Fisk was engaged in lumbering in Canada. In 1863 he returned
to this county with about $11,000 which he made and invested it in a tract
of something over a thousand acres of timberland in Farmington, built a
saw mill and did an extensive business.
His tastes led him to the study of medicine, and about ten years
ago Mr. Fisk was graduated from a Detroit medical college, and he at once
began the practice of his profession. He enjoyed an extensive practice
until forced to relinquish it by his own failing health.
Mr. Fisk was a man of jovial disposition, generous, companionable,
and withal and excellent citizen. The funeral was held at his late
residence last Wednesday. Rev. Harvey Lamkin officiating and a large
number of friends followed the remains to the grave.
Dr. Fisk’s wife, whose maiden name was Jane Spencer, and one
adult son survive him.
--JACKSON SUMMIT.—Mr. Orlando Griffin died in this township last Wednesday. His death was a very sudden one. He was over in the north part of the town on business and stayed over night at Mrs. Mary Graham’s. He went to bed as well as usual. During the night a strange noise was heard, which aroused the inmates of the house. They went to his bedside and found him dying and before help could be obtained he was dead. He died of heart disease.
--LIBERTY.—Capt. George Hebe, an old settler of our township, was born
in Wittenberg, Germany, September 27th, 1810, and died on the 24th day
of last month, aged 74 years. He came with his mother from Germany
to Pottsville, Schuylkill County, in the year 1819, and about the year
1848 himself and wife came to Liberty, where he afterward resided.
He was the father of sixteen children, fifty seven grandchildren, and twenty
seven great grandchildren.
Capt. Hebe was always a very patriotic man. When living
in Schuylkill county, in 1840, at the time the war broke out between the
United States and Mexico, he enlisted in one of the Pennsylvania regiments
that joined the Army to go to Mexico. He held rank of Captain in
that organization. He was a War Democrat, and when the news arrived
in Liberty of the firing on Fort Sumter in 1861, he was one of the first
men in Liberty to rally around the flag of his adopted country, and did
all in his power to raise volunteers to respond to Lincoln’s call for 75,000
men. He would have gone himself had he not been too old to be accepted
as a soldier, but his age did not subdue his enthusiasm in the least.
He was determined that his family should be represented in the defense
of the Union, so he prevailed on his son James to take his place in the
army, and his son did serve his country nobly and sacrificed his life on
the alter of the Republic.
June 30, 1885
Local News
--Mr. J. J. Mather, of this borough, is seriously ill.
--Michael McMahon, of Morris Run, is still laid up with a broken leg.
--Mr. B. F. Milliken is to have charge of the fireworks on the Fourth.
--Mrs. Robert G. Austin, of this borough, is recovering from her recent severe illness.
--Frank Robinson, the youngest son of Mr. J. M. Robinson, of this borough, is ill with scarlet fever.
--Wallace P. Ryan, Esq., of Lawrenceville, has been appointed Post Office Inspector by the Postmaster General.
--Messrs. E. L. Russell and George Cook, of Blossburg, will start this week on their bicycles for a ride to Buffalo, N. Y.
--Mrs. Charles Voorhis, who resides near Daggett’s Mills, was seriously injured by falling down stairs a few days since.
--Mr. William M. Button fell through the depot platform at Morris Run, last week Monday, and was seriously injured.
--The Elkland Journal says that Miss Addie Whitaker, of that borough, gave a very enjoyable party last Tuesday evening in honor of her guest, Miss Louise Merrick, of Wellsboro.
--Master Ed Miller was severely wounded in the left hand last Tuesday, at the Elkland furniture factory, by a large sliver which was caught by the saw and thrown with great force.
--Mr. Albert Baker was seriously injured at Westfield a few days ago while engaged in unloading a heavy steam boiler at the C. C. & A. depot. He was thrown some distance, striking upon the track. His head was cut open, a leg seriously bruised, one finger put out of joint and a rib broken. He will probably be confined to the house for some weeks by his injuries.
--MANSFIELD.—Prof W. S. Hulslander and wife are to be retained as teachers at the Normal for the coming year.
--Mr. A. J. Bunnell, of New York City, formerly of this borough, was
in town over Sunday.
--Mr. W. V. Calkins, train dispatcher at Elmira, made us a pleasant call last Saturday.
--Miss Mary Edwards, of Bath, N. Y., is visiting Mr. Frank P. Hart’s family, in this borough.
--Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motts, of Auburn, N. Y., were visiting at Mr. W. O. Russell’s in Delmar, last week.
--Mr. William W. White, of San Antonio, Texas, was in town last Friday visiting his uncle, Mr. David Gardner.
--Dr. P. N. Barker, dentist, is to leave for Troy this week. Many friends wish him abundant success wherever he goes.
--Messrs. Frank O. and Albert Peckham, of New York City, are visiting their father, Mr. George Peckham, in Middlebury.
--Leroy Moore, son of Mr. Charles Moore, of this borough, returned home last Thursday from Philadelphia, where he has been attending school.
--Miss Agnes Farrington, of Newburgh, N. Y., has been visiting Miss Carrie Allen in this borough. Miss Allen is to spend several weeks with Miss Farrington at her home on the Hudson.
--Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Elliott returned home to this borough last Saturday evening. We are glad to learn that Mrs. Elliott’s health has been somewhat improved by her sojourn among the pines in the mountains of North Carolina.
Land/Business/Farming/Housing Transactions
--Mr. Timothy F. Conway, of this borough, has secured a position as
salesman in the general store of Mr. James Murphy, at Clinton County.
He will leave town next Monday to enter upon his duties. “Tim” has
many friends who wish him success.
--KNOXVILLE.—Dr. O. F. George has purchased a new horse and buggy. Although the Doctor has been with us but a short time he is building up a good business and gaining many friends.
--KNOXVILLE.—Hiram Costley has taken the job to build a new bridge on Mill Street for $125.
--KNOXVILLE.—James Plaisted has the cellar dug and the foundation wall well under way for his new store on Main Street.
--MANSFIELD.—T. Bailey talks of putting a pump in his saw mill and supplying the town with water. A very good idea and one that should be carried out.
--TIOGA.—Mr. M. B. Prutsman has nearly finished the barn on the Berry place.
--The Westfield Free Press says that a fatal accident occurred on Troup’s
Creek last Wednesday. Edward Murdock, Jr., a nephew of Mr. W. B.
Murdock, started for the bark woods in the morning, and as he was at work
around a tree which had lodged, it fell, and the young man was crushed
beneath it, being killed instantly. He leaves a wife and many relatives
in that part of the county.
--Last Thursday Mr. Samuel Starkey, of this borough, died at Williamsport hospital, where he went a month ago to have an operation performed for a pleural abscess. The remains were brought to this place for interment on Saturday. Mr. Starkey was an Englishman and about 24 years of age. He went about town early in May and raised a sum of money by subscription to pay his expenses at the hospital, but the managers declined to take the money, so it was used for his funeral expenses.
--Rev. Myron Rockwell, [SRGP 04495] one of the oldest and best
known citizens of this county, died at his home in Roseville last week
Monday, at the advanced age of eighty years. He was ordained to the
Baptist ministry in 1830 at Columbia, Bradford County, where he preached
the gospel for ten years. He afterwards moved to this county and
engaged in farming in Sullivan township and at the same time preached at
Gray’s valley.
He was pastor of the Baptist church at Stony Fork for several
years, and afterward preached for a time in Jackson township.
In 1863 he was elected County Commissioner. He then moved
to Rutland, and about five years ago he located in Roseville. He
relinquished his pastorate a few months ago on account of failing health.
In 1825 he married Miss West, of Troy, who died about thirteen years ago.
Six years after her death he married Mrs. Wilcox, of Stony Fork, who survives
Elder Rockwell was a devout self sacrificing minister, and his
life was full of good works. He will long be held in grateful reflection
by the Church that he so faithfully served and by the people for whose
spiritual welfare he earnestly labored.