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*all articles, unless the township is stated, are for Wellsboro.
May 5, 1885
Local News and Events
--Mr. L. A. Wing, of Blossburg, who has been confined to the house
for the last nine months, is now able to walk out.
--O. S. Kimball, Esq., of Osceola, was in town yesterday for the purpose of qualifying as Justice of the Peace for another term.
--Mr. Daniel Curran, of Morris Run, had two fingers of his right hand smashed, the other day, while he was at work in the mines.
--Mr. John R. Clark, who is described at the “well-known Irish lecturer,” is to deliver two or three lectures at Knoxville next week.
--It is stated that Mr. Joel Webster, of Rutland, has a sow that has had three litters of pigs within a year, aggregating in all 56 little porkers.
--Mr. Richard Combs, of Westfield, got a pin stuck in his throat a few days ago, and he came near choking to death before a surgeon got the misplaced pin out.
--Mr. L. W. Morrell, of Jackson Summit, had the misfortune to lose a valuable colt a few days ago, after he had spent about $50 in doctoring the animal.
--While a lad names Fred Morton was riding a horse in Clymer, a few days ago, he was thrown from the animal and his left arm was broken below the elbow.
--We are happy to congratulate Mart King, of Mansfield, on his judicial honors. He has received his commission as Justice of the Peace, and without a doubt he will grace the bench.
--Mr. Erwin Butler, of Elmer, had his left hand so badly cut by the edger in C. B. White’s sawmill, a few days ago, that it became necessary to amputee the first finger close to the hand.
--A Nelson correspondent says that while Mr. O. F. Richards was burning brush in his pasture, a few days ago, the fire got beyond his control and ran over a large portion of his farm, destroying considerable fence.
--Mr. C. S. Balfour, of Delmar, brought to our office last week a horse-radish root three feet in length. The whole root was probably a foot longer; but Mr. Balfour thought a full yard of horse-radish was enough, and so it was broken off.
--The Elkland Journal of last Friday says: “The dwelling house of George Butler, on the south side of the river, was discovered to be on fire early this morning. It burned so rapidly that nothing could be done to check it, and scarcely any of the contents were saved. There was an insurance of $300 on the house and $200 on the contents.”
--A house belonging to Mr. Edson Dutcher, known as the Charles Monell house, standing on Rush Street in Blossburg, was discovered to be on fire about 11 o’clock last Thursday night. The new steamer was quickly fired up, and the fire was soon extinguished. The house was not occupied, and the cause of the fire was not known.
--The Free Press says that some stolen goods were found in the woods of Mr. William Clarkson, five miles from Westfield, a few days ago. Mr. G. H. Davis found a small pile of clothing, consisting of new flannel shirts and drawers and some old garments, and other persons found several other small piles of clothing. The cost-mark “K L X R,” was very legible, and it is supposed that the goods were left in the woods by thieves.
--The Woodhull Sentinel has this item of local news: “Mr. Albert Utter, of this town, while at Elkland a short time ago fell into the hands of some sharpers who plied him with whiskey until he was ‘blind drunk’ and then traded horses with him, receiving a horse valued at $200 for an old plug worth about $50. When Mr. Utter became sober he also found that his watch and $15 in money was gone.” What was it that the great poet said about putting an enemy into your mouth to steal away your brains.
--A small house belonging to Mrs. Henry Wolfe, situated near the southern line of the borough, on the extension of Central Avenue, was destroyed by fire between one and two o’clock last Sunday morning. The firemen promptly responded to the alarm, but the building was so thoroughly afire that their services. The house was unoccupied, a tenant having moved out a few days before, but a few household goods left in it were burned. The property was insurance for $400 in E. B. Young’s agency.
--Mr. George D. Keeney raised four hundred bushels of White Flint and Yellow Flint corn on his place at Keeneyville last season. Two years ago he received from the Agricultural Bureau at Washington a quart of seed corn of each kind, and his large crop of last year all came from the increase of that seed. Mr. Keeney says this corn ripens about two weeks earlier than the common varieties raised here and it is very prolific, many of the stalks having two large ears well filled out to the tip. Mr. Keeney brought some specimens of the corn to our office last week.
--OSCEOLA.—Prof. P. W. Herring has been taken sick again—this time with inflammatory rheumatism—and has been obliged to discontinue his school. At present no arrangement has been made to have his place supplied.
--OSCEOLA.—Yesterday A. C. Kimball, photographer of Westfield, was in town with his view-wagon, taking some views for Hon. Charles Tubbs of buildings of long standing and those especially connected with his school-boy days, among them the “big building” and the “Old Castle”, the latter of which is being cut into two and is to be moved to be reconstructed into two dwelling houses.
--MANSFIELD.—The members of the Choral Union met at the residence of Mr. L. O. Johnson last Thursday evening, and elected the following officers: President, Mr. W. A. Rowland; Vice President, Mrs. George Davis; Secretary, Miss Laura Johnson; Treasurer, Mr. J. Matthews; Leader, Mr. Henry Johnson; Organist, Miss Libbie Shepard. The Union also decided to purchase new books.
--TIOGA.—Mr. Charles Wood recently lost a valuable horse by lung disease.
--Mr. P. G. Hall has moved from Gaines to Elkland.
--Mr. William Hyde, of Blossburg, was in town yesterday.
--Mr. C. G. Rugaber has moved from Westfield to Germania.
--Rev. A. Tilden, late of Covington, has moved to Tioga Center, N.Y.
--Mr. Charles H. Bennett has moved his family from Blossburg to Corning.
--Misses Carrie Hotchkiss and Lucy Hotchkiss are visiting friends at Woodhull, N.Y.
--Mr. A. Knox and J. T. Gear, Esq., of Knoxville, are visiting the New Orleans Exposition.
--Messrs. W. R. Weller and John Freedenberg, of Elkland, are about to move to Athens, Bradford County.
--Mr. S. Silverman has sold his stock of goods at Blossburg and moved to Wilkes-Barre, where he expects to reside hereafter.
--Miss Gertrude Freeborn, of Knoxville, returned from Boston a few days ago, where she had been studying vocal and instrumental music.
--Mrs. A. M. Roy, of this borough, who has been sick for some months, went to Jamestown, N.Y., last week to make a protracted visit at her old home. It is hoped the change may lead to her entire recovery.
--TIOGA.—Mrs. F. H. Adams and Mrs. C. B. Farr have returned home from Towanda.
Land/Business/Farming/Housing Transactions
--Mr. DeRuyter Avery has enlarged his cheese factory at East Chatham.
--Mr. Jacob Aker, late of Lawrenceville, has opened a tailor shop in Corning.
--Miss Ida Bunnell, of Lawrenceville, is manufacturing and selling paper flowers.
--Mr. I. E. Embree, formerly of Westfield, has rented the Railroad House at Elkland.
--Dr. W. R. Francis, of Knoxville, sold a horse last week to an Elmira physician for $300.
--Mr. A. D. Fuller has sold his grocery store at Elkland and moved to Addison Hill, N.Y.
--Mr. Robert R. Jones, of Blossburg, has invented a carpet-stretcher, which is said to be a good thing.
--Mr. A. J. Morrell, of Jackson Summit, had about 180 bushels of buried potatoes frozen last winter.
--Mr. Ed Green, of Elkland, has gone to St. Paul, Minn. where he expects to work in a telegraph office.
--The Knoxville Courier says: J. R. Rutter, of Wellsboro, is the new barber at the Keystone barber shop.
--Messrs. John Elliott and Charles Stoddard have purchase “the castle” at Osceola. It is to be made over into two dwelling houses. The building is an old landmark, having been erected for a boarding house when the old Osceola Academy was in its glory.
--OSCEOLA.—Vine Crandall has broken ground for his new residence on Upper Main Street, just west of and adjoining the premises of Hon. Charles Tubbs.
--OSCEOLA.—C. B. Bosworth is moving into the old Post office building, corner of Main and Maple Streets.
--OSCEOLA.—John Schisler is building an addition to his house.
--OSCEOLA.—L. B. Cadugan has purchased the remaining half of the grist mill property of Vine Crandall, and now owns it alone.
--OSCEOLA.—O. R. Gifford has rebuilt his blacksmith shop, which has recently burned down, and is now very nicely situated and “at home”.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. John Holden is preparing to build a new residence on Clinton Street.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. Daniel Fitzpatrick is building a fine new residence of Main Street.
--TIOGA.—Mrs. Charles T. Rhodes recently purchased the house and lot on Summit Street formerly occupied by Prof. Duane, and will shortly occupy it.
--TIOGA.—L. D. Rarick recently purchased the D. M. Morgan place, at Elkhorn.
--TIOGA.—Mr. E. A. Smead has newly shingled his hardware store on Wellsboro Street.
--CHATHAM.—L. O. Beach has sold his oxen at 5 cents per pound to A. Dodge.
--Mr. B. O. Mattison, of Lawrenceville, died recently, at the age of
74 years.
--Mr. Amass Clark, of Chatham, died a few days ago; at the age of 84 years.
--Mrs. Sally Stage, mother of Mrs. Norman Dailey, of Elkland, died last week at the age of 73 years.
--Mr. Daniel Jones, an old resident of Morris Run, died at his home in that place a week ago last Saturday.
--Mr. Daniel Gee, of Middlebury, died at his residence last week. The funeral was held on Saturday. Mr. Gee had been in failing health for some time.
--Mrs. Oscar Richmond, a daughter of Mr. Peter V. VanNess, of Mansfield, died at her residence in Rutland Township last week Monday. Her remains were taken to Mansfield for burial.
--Mrs. W. D. Vedder, who was formerly Miss Kate Baldwin, of Mansfield, died in Kansas last week. Her husband, Dr. Vedder, started for Kansas last week Sunday, on hearing of her sickness. She was 27 years of age.
--The Mansfield Advertiser says that Dr. Gray, of Sylvania, died last Tuesday morning from the effect of poison taken with suicidal intent. The suicide is said to have been caused by dissipation. He had attempted his life once before.
--The remains of Mrs. D. S. Benjamin, who died at the residence of her son in Rochester a few days ago, were brought to Mansfield for interment last Tuesday. Mrs. Benjamin was for twenty five years a resident of that borough and at the time of her death was in the sixty-sixth year of her age.
--Mrs. Robert Roland died of pneumonia, last Wednesday night at her home in this borough, after and illness of about a week. Mrs. Roland was 58 years of age. She leaves a husband and an adult son and married daughter. The funeral service was held at the family residence on Pearl Street at two o’clock on Friday afternoon, and was attended by a number of Odd Fellows of the borough, of which Order Mr. Roland is an honored member. Rev. S. F. Mathews officiated.
--Mr. J. Ferdinand Robinson died at his residence on Walnut Street in this borough at about eleven o’clock last Tuesday night, from an attack of typhoid pneumonia. He had been sick but a short time, and his condition was not regarded as especially dangerous for more than four or five days before his death. Mr. Robinson was the eldest son of Mr. John L. Robinson, and was about 58 years of age. He was well known to all the citizens of this borough, for he had lived here almost all of his life. He was a man of active intellect, and was a warm hearted, sympathetic friend and neighbor. His funeral was held at St. Paul’s church at three o’clock on Thursday afternoon, when the building was crowded with friends and acquaintances of the deceased. Mr. Robinson leaves a widow and three sons.
--TIOGA.—Mrs. George Hughes, of Mitchell Creek, died of typhoid pneumonia yesterday.
--In Morris, PA, Permelia R. Calhoun, wife of Daniel A. Calhoun, aged 22 years.
--In Delmar, April 20, 1885, Henry Copestick, son of Charles and Jerusha Copestick, aged 8 years.
--At Troupsburgh, N. Y., April 18, 1885, Mrs. Melissa A. Gitchell, aged 68 years.
--At Round Top, PA, April 29, 1885, by Rev. James M. Evans, of Blossburg,
Mr. Reuben G. Close and Miss Ella J. Jones, both of Charleston, PA.
--At Blossburg, April 29, 1885, Mr. Thomas Dugan and Miss Mary Ann Ahern, of Blossburg.
--In Shippen, PA, April 14, 1885, to the wife of Charles Jackson, a
May 12, 1885
News and Local Events
--Mr. Charles M. Elliott, now of Canton, Bradford County, has brought
an action against George H. Brown, of Blossburg, to recover damages for
the killing of her husband last December. Mrs. Elliott claims $15,000
in damages.
--Mrs. Elizabeth Davies, of Cherry Flats, has received arrears of pension amounting to over $2,000. Her son John, who was a member of Company G, 149 Pa Vols. was killed at Gettysburg, July 1st, 1863. Mrs. Davies is to receive a pension of $6 a month hereafter.
--Mr. Davis Heise, of Delmar, has been ill for several months. A few days ago our venerable friend met with a singular accident. While being turned in his bed one of his legs was broken; and on account of his age and feeble condition the re-knitting of the bones is a matter of serious doubt. He has the sympathy of a host of friends in his sore affliction.
--Mr. George Gibbon, of Union, is seriously ill.
--Mr. P. F. O’Donnell, Paymaster at Morris Run, is seriously ill.
--William Steele, of Blossburg, is in training for a running race at Philadelphia in June.
--We are glad to note that the health of Mr. William Farrer, of Covington, is much improved.
--Mr. A. L. Johnson, of Covington, has been allowed arrears of pension amounting to about $1,700.
--Dr. William Caldwell, of Morris Run, has purchased a large telescope for astronomical observations.
--Mr. W. H. Merchant is the newly elected Chief Engineer of the Lawrenceville Fire Department.
--Mrs. Joel Parkhurst, of Elkland, sustained serious injuries last Wednesday evening by falling on the sidewalk in that borough.
--Mr. Stephen Ludlow, of Round Top, is seriously ill. He is seventy eight years of age, and his health has been failing for some months.
--The Elmira Sunday Times published a portrait of Policeman Deck Bunnell, of this borough, in its last issue. Deck is a good deal better looking than the picture.
--Mr. Henry S. Archer, of this borough, was seventy four years old last Saturday. The event was celebrated by a dinner party at the house of his son-in-law, Senator Mitchell.
--A lad named Arthur Evans had his foot badly injured at Blossburg last Friday while playing around the cars. He got his foot between the bumpers of two cars as they were coming together.
--Rev. A. W. H. Hodder is to be ordained at pastor of the Baptist Church at Mansfield this evening. A number of ministers will be present and a fine program has been arranged for the services.
--Mr. Darwin J. Kimball, of Round Top, lost a valuable stallion last week Sunday. He recently purchased two stallions in Canada, and on the way home he was offered $500 for this one at Syracuse.
--Last evening the Wellsboro Wheelmen held an election of officers, and the following is the list: President, George M. Spalding; Vice-President, Robert R. Dartt; Secretary and Treasurer, Aaron R. Niles; Captain, Frank A. Deans; First Lieutenant, George W. Houk; Bugler, Frank A. Deans; Color-bearer, Lyman S. Roberts. Some of the members contemplate making some long excursions on their bicycles this season.
--A correspondent at Pike Mills, Potter County, writes us that Sunday, the 3rd, instant, two Italians boarding at Mr. James Losey’s, in Pike Township, got into a quarrel, when one of them, Matthew Stephano, drew a small pistol and fired two shots at the other man, Morris Florida. One shot struck Florida in the breast and cut his clothing, but lacked force to penetrate the flesh. The other shot grazed Florida’s shoulder and lodged in the wall behind him. Three young ladies were in the room at the time of the shooting. Stephano was arrested and lodged in jail at Coudersport in default of $1,000 bail.
--The annual election of Trustees of the State Normal School at Mansfield was held last week Monday. The following named persons were chosen to represent the stockholders of the institution: D. H. Pitts, O. V. Elliott, Thomas H. Bailey and J. C. Howe. The following gentlemen were named to represent the State: Mart King, L. H. Shattuck, Dr. B. Moody and A. M. Pitts. The officers of the Board were re-elected, being as follows: President, Col. L. M. Clark; First Vice-President, Hon. C. V. Elliott; Second Vice-President, A. M. Spencer; Secretary, J. A. Elliott; Corresponding Secretary, E. L. Sperry; Treasurer, Philip Williams.
--Miss Lillie Joralemon has started a kindergarten at Troy, Bradford County.
--Mr. Eugene S. Ludlow, of Dakota, is visiting his old home near Round
Top. He was called hither by the illness of his father, Stephen Ludlow.
Mr. Ludlow was for some years one of the foremen on the Dewight farm in
Dakota, which comprises eighty thousand acres; but he has recently purchased
a 150 acre farm and settled down to till his own land.
--Mr. Frank H. Dartt, of Arnot, was in town last Sunday.
--Mrs. N. J. Bennett, of this borough, spent Sunday at Lawrenceville.
--Mrs. Louis Doumaux, of this borough, has been visiting at Mansfield.
--Mr. John L. Robinson, 21, of Kansas City, Mo., is visiting his mother in this borough.
--Messrs. R. G. Austin and G. B. Johnson, of this borough, returned from New York on Saturday.
--Mr. J. F. Rusling and family returned to Lawrenceville last Thursday from Philadelphia, where they have been visiting.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. J. M. Shoemaker, of Elmira, was in town on Thursday.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. William C. Buck, of Elmira, general freight agent of the Erie railroad, was in town on Thursday.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. John Palmer, of Corning, was in town yesterday.
Land/Business/Farming/Housing Transactions
--Mr. F. E. VanKeuren assumed control of the Mansfield Advertiser last
--Mr. John O’Hara has moved from Blossburg to Williamsport to open a fancy store.
--Messrs. Welch & Holcomb have purchased the drug and grocery store of H. S. Payne, at Westfield.
--Messrs. William Champaign and R. G. Maynard are each building a new dwelling house in Elk Township.
--H. W. Parmenter has moved from Millerton to Blackwell’s where is operating a saw-mill.
--The Brundage hotel property at Mansfield has been sold to E. L. Nash for $3,800.
--Mr. Aaron Kirkpatrick, a native of this borough, has a situation as turner in a furniture factory at Athens, PA.
--Mr. E. B. Mills has purchased Finch’s Hotel at Middlebury Center and he contemplates changing its name to the Lowell Hotel.
--Mr. Charles Buckley, of Osceola, has sold his crop of tobacco—about six thousand pounds—to a New York house at ten cents a pound.
--Mr. George Watkins has moved his livery stable into the large new barn just completed on Water Street, in the rear of the Post-office.
--Mr. Oscar D. Hyler, foreman of the Agitator office, has rented the Bennet house on Hastings Street, and has commenced housekeeping.
--Mr. Seth Bacon has bought an interest in the cigar manufacturing of Moses Yale, in this borough. The firm is known under style of M. Yale & Co.
--Mr. W. E. Kelley has opened a restaurant and eating-house next door to Van Horn & Chandler’s furniture warerooms on Main Street in this borough.
--The new motor Mr. R. L. Mack has purchased to run the machinery in his wagon factory is a forty-horse-power, horizontal engine driven by a fifty-horse steel boiler.
--Henry F. Shattuck, who was formerly Assistant Superintendent of the Tioga Railway, is now Train Master of over two hundred miles of the West Shore railway with his office at Buffalo.
--Mr. J. H. Harman, of the firm Harman, Borden & Co., has prepared the plans and working drawings for Mr. C. L. Pattison’s new house to be erected at Elkland this summer. The structure is to be of wood, and it will be a very commodious and handsome house. In general appearance it will resemble the new houses of Walter Sherwood, Esq., on Main Street in this borough.
--Rev. James A. Boyce is building a commodious store-building at Stony Fork and intends to open a stock of general merchandise in a few weeks. He also intends to build a dwelling house this season. Mr. Boyce has resigned at his pastorate of the Baptist Church, and it was accepted last week Sunday. Mr. Boyce has served the Church long and faithfully, and he has been largely instrumental in building up the society at Stony Fork.
--The Elmira Gazette of last Tuesday says: “Joseph Bush is a well-to-do farmer residing near Knoxville. He does quite a business in buying and outing up galvanized gutters and cornices for his neighbors, and since the first of January has traded with Barker, Dounce, Rose & Co., to the amount of $600. Yesterday he went to their place while intoxicated and stole a box of pocket knives, which he proceeded to retail along the avenue. He was arrested, pleaded guilty before the Recorder this morning, and was fined $50 of fifty days in jail. The fine was paid.”
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. Walter Slingerland is the fancy paper hanger.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. C. A. Holden has fitted up two rooms in the second story of his restaurant very beautifully, to be used as ice cream parlors for young gentlemen and their ladies.
--JACKSON SUMMIT.—I G. Baker is running his mill now on full time and is ready to fill all orders.
--JACKSON SUMMIT.—Charles Drake has sold his farm to Charles Marsh for $1,000.
--JACKSON SUMMIT.—Our school opened last Monday with Miss Mattie Palmer as teacher.
--JACKSON SUMMIT.—Mrs. P. H. Heermans has bought the Sherman property for $1,300.
--Mr. Charles F. Ballard, of Troy, Bradford County, has patented an improved telephone.
--John Fish, Sr., an old and respected citizen of Arnot, died last
Tuesday at the age of sixty four years.
--The late Mrs. Robert Roland, of this borough, was the mover of six children, five of whom survive her.
--Mr. William Butler, many years ago a resident of this borough and more recently a citizen of Blossburg, died on the 1st instant at the residence of his son-in-law Mr. Abner Perry, at Sunbury, Pa, in the seventy eighth year of his age. He was a native of Vermont, and came to Covington with his parents in 1811. When twenty-two years old he married Abigail Mitchell, daughter of Robert Mitchell, of Mitchell’s Creek, one of the early settlers of the county. Mr. Butler went to Blossburg in 1841, and resided there until quite recently. He joined to Baptist Church at Tioga in 1830 and he was one of the early members of the Order of Free Masons in this part of the country. He was a worthy citizen and a true man in all relations of life. His funeral was held at the Baptist church in Blossburg last week Sunday afternoon, the sermon being preached by Rev. Harvey Lamkin at the special request of the deceased. The members of Bloss Lodge, A. Y. M., were present and performed the last sad rites at the grave. Mr. Butler left five sons and two daughters to mourn his death. Two of his children—William M. Butler and Mrs. Nancy Clark—resided at Blossburg.
--The remains of Mrs. W. D. Vedder [Kate Baldwin Vedder], who died in Russell, Kansas, April 26th; of cerebral hemorrhage, arrived here last Monday, and on Tuesday the funeral services were held at St. James’s church. Rev. Dr. McKnight, of Elmira, assisted by Rev. Marcellus Karcher, rector of St. James’s Church, performed the sad funeral rites. Dr. Aaron Baldwin, of Washington, D. C., father of the deceased, was present at the funeral, and was completely overcome with grief, as she was his only child, and much loved by him and by every one who knew her. Miss Kate Baldwin, as she was better known, was a kind and thoughtful young woman, and had many warm hearted friends here who mourn her loss, but she has gone to a world beyond, where all is peace and joy and sorrow is no more. Her husband, Dr. W. D. Vedder, has the sympathy of the entire community in his sad bereavement.
--In Middlebury, PA, March 26, 1885, of dropsy, Lois Brown, wife of Thomas G. Brown, aged 54 years.
--At Roseville, PA, April 23, 1885, of pneumonia, Miss Nora Covert, aged 18 years.
--In Sylvania, PA, April27, 1885, Dr. Thomas D. Gray, aged 33 years.
--At Covington, PA, April 12, 1885, of pneumonia, Samuel J. Johnson, only child of R. A. and Frank R. Johnson, aged 6 years and 9 months. He may not return, but to him thou shalt go. When thy days are remembered and finished below, and it may to thy angel child be given, First to meet and welcome his mother in Heaven, and there re-united to part nevermore, One song shall ye sing and one Saviour adore.
--In Sylvania, PA, April 28, 1885, of pneumonia, Mrs. William Mosher, aged 77 years.
--At Antrim, Michigan, May 5, 1885, of heart disease, Catharine Parke, wife of John W. Parke, formerly of Charleston, PA, aged 73 years.
--In Sylvania, April 26, 1885, of paralysis, Sophia Smith of Harry Smith, aged 70 years.
--At Stony Fork, Pa, May 10, 1885, Miss Bertha L. Warriner, aged 22 years, 2 months and 18 days.
--At Blossburg, April 28, 1885, by Rev. R. Brewster, Mr. John Booth
and Miss Julia Hall, both of Blossburg, PA.
--At Ansonia, PA, May 7, 1885, by R. M. Keeney, Esq., Mr. Walter Butler and Miss Stella Harding, both of Delmar, PA.
--At Tioga May 2, 1885, by H. L. Baldwin, Esq., Mr. Leroy Denmark, of Wellsboro and Miss Eva Russell, of Delmar, PA.
--At the residence of the bride’s parents April 14, 1885, by Isaac Squires, Esq., Mr. Eben Hall and Miss Julia Comfort, both of Sullivan, PA.
--At the M. E. parsonage in Westfield, PA, May 2, 1885, Mr. James Hart, of Westfield, PA and Mrs. Mary A. Douglass, of Bector, Potter County, PA.
--At Elmira, N.Y. January 6, 1885, by Rev. Dr. McKnight, W. D. Vedder, M. D., and Miss Kate Baldwin, both of Mansfield, PA.
--At Troy, PA, May 2, 1885, to the wife of Dr. P. N. Barker, of Wellsboro,
a son.
--At Wellsboro, PA, April 30, 1885, to the wife of Leonard Harrison, a daughter.
--At Mansfield, Pa, April 30, 1885, to the wife of Jacob S. Hoard, a daughter.
--Yesterday Elwin Allen and Ward Bailey, of Mansfield, were in town on the track of three prisoners who escaped from the Towanda jail last week Monday. It is alleged that two of the fugitives were seen on our streets Sunday afternoon. The other one was chased into the woods in the vicinity of Antrim yesterday morning. The officers are still in hot pursuit, and they feel sure of capturing them today.
--Last Sunday morning Mr. C. C. Mathers, of this borough, was disturbed about two o’clock by a noise in his kitchen, and he went out to find a burly Swede stretched out on the floor asleep. Officer Bunnell happened to be in that vicinity and took the man in charge, and he was put in the “cooler” till morning. He claimed that he thought Mr. Mathers’ house was the Coles Hotel, having taken a cargo of mixed drinks aboard the night before. The visitor gained an entrance by lifting a window. After an examination, he was fined for drunkenness and discharged yesterday morning.
--Another fire occurred at Blossburg last Saturday morning, when the barn of Mr. Charles Curran was consumed with nearly all its contents. In getting three horses out of the building one of them was badly burned. A correspondent states that this is the third fire of incendiary origins within two weeks and that a house occupied by a Swede had been set on fire twice last week, but it was discovered in time to save it.
--Last Tuesday afternoon Master Homer Cox, a lad of about a dozen years, son of Mr. H. C. Cox, of this borough, had a very narrow escape from severe injury while playing with a small cannon. He had loaded the cannon with a charge of powder and peas and was trying to touch it off with a lighted paper while a comrade stood by to see the fun. The gun wouldn’t go, so the boys laid a train of powder and fired it, this time with success. The peas were buried in a adjacent fence board, and Homer’s face was badly burned with the powder. It is hoped that the lad’s face will not be permanently marked by this mishap. The boy’s father and grandfather “smelled powder”, in a good cause, but it is safe to say that Homer doesn’t want any more experience in that line just now.
--Mrs. William H. Roberts, of this borough, is sick with the measles.
--Mr. S. B. Warriner, of this borough, is confined to the house by sickness.
--Mr. Alex Balfour, of Delmar, had received nearly $2,000 in arrears of pension.
--We are glad to learn that Mrs. F. P. Hart, of this village, is recovering from her recent serious illness.
--The dwelling house of James Eddings, at Blossburg, was burned last Tuesday morning, with most of its contents.
--We are glad to learn that our venerable friend, William C. Ripley, Esq., of Lamb’s Creek, has recovered from his protracted illness.
--Last week Monday a large barn and a quantity of tobacco belonging to Mr. L. Morse, near Lawrenceville, were destroyed by fire. The loss was nearly covered by insurance.
--Mr. Isaac Harris, of Blossburg, was committed to jail in this borough last Saturday, charged with obtaining $175 worth of goods from the Troy Woolen Mills by false pretenses.
--Mr. Lloyd Smith, of the New York Customs House, returned to his home I Charleston last Thursday to spend his vacation in recruiting his health, which we regret to learn, has been failing quite rapidly of late.
--Chief Little, of Elmira, announces that Mr. Morgan Seeley, of Osceola, has paid him the $500 reward offered for the apprehension of the bank robbers. Those who have claims on that fund number about thirty and it would take several thousand dollars to go around if they could get all they demanded. It was agreed last Friday that Judge Dexter, of Elmira, should act as arbitrator and pay out the fund. He will discharge that duty tomorrow.
--Last Thursday Isadore Laichan, a lad of sixteen, was brought to this place from Morris and lodges in jail. About a month ago he came from New York City to clerk in Mr. A. Friedman’s clothing store; but he got lonesome it seems and packed up three suits of clothes, a lot of neck ties, hats, jewelry, etc., and was on the eve of starting on a protracted trip when Mr. Friedman asked him to “show up”. The lad owned up, and being unable to furnish bail was brought to jail at once.
--The examinations are now being held in the several departments of the public school of this borough. The closing exercises are to be held at the two school buildings next Friday afternoon. On Friday evening the graduating class is to give a public entertainment in the High School chapel. The program is a very interesting one, being made up of vocal and instrumental music, orations, and essays. There are seven in the class—six young men and one young lady—as follows: H. Carl Young, Alfred J. Niles, Byron L. Roe, William F. Robinson, Portus Baxter, Frank O. Hastings and Miss Della Boyce. During the past school year nearly seven hundred scholars have been enrolled in the schools.
--MANSFIELD.—Rev. A. W. H. Hodder was ordained pastor of the Baptist Church in this borough last Tuesday evening.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. George Scarff, Sr., and family arrived her last Wednesday evening from London, England. They crossed the Atlantic on the steamer “City of Chicago,” which was fourteen days in reaching New York. Mr. Scarff is a former resident of this borough, having resided here nine years ago.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. Elton Bailey lost a valuable horse on Thursday last.
--MANSFIELD.—Fire broke out in the rear of M. J. O’Neill’s five cent and variety store on Wellsboro Street, about eleven o’clock Sunday night. The alarm was given and the Hook and Ladder Company were soon on hand, but not until the flame had gained such headway that it was impossible to check them. The flames spread rapidly, burning Mrs. Stickney’s millinery store, Strait & Kohler’s hardware store and a dwelling house occupied by Strait & Kohler as a warehouse. The large brick block on the corner of Main and Wellsboro Streets was threatened with destruction, but fortunately it was saved. The occupants of the block all had their things packed in short order and removed a great many of them. There were thrown out of the windows, as it was impossible to go down the stairs on account of steam and smoke. A large barn used as a store-house, by J. M. Clark, an ice-house owned by J. S. Kelley, and several other small buildings in the rear of the stores were also burned. A barn owned by William Judge and the Brundage House barn caught fire several times but were extinguished. The cigar factory and the Advertiser office were also scorched a little. The Orphan School, J. S. Kelley’s meat-market and Peterson’s barber shop were all in danger at one time, but the timely work of the firemen and plenty of water saved them. The windows in the back end of Pitts’s block were all burned to a crisp, damaging the dry goods store of D. H. Pitts and J. M. Clark to a great extent. Mr. O’Neill did not save anything of importance. About half of Mrs. Stickney’s millinery stock was saved and about one-fourth of Strait & Kohler’s hardware goods. The buildings occupied by M. J. O’Neill and Mrs. Stickney were owned by A. M. Pitts, and those occupied by Strait & Kohler were owned by them. They were all old rickety shells and fire-holes, liable to burn at any time. The following is the amount they were insured and for: Mr. M. J. O’Neill, merchandise and household goods, $1,200; Strait & Kohler, hardware stock and buildings, $3,000; A. M. Pitts, on two frame stores and store-houses, $1,200; Mrs. Stickney, merchandise, $400; Mr. O’Neill will open up with a new stock of goods as soon as his loss is adjusted. Messrs. Strait & Kohler have removed what was saved of their stock to the Murdough store on Main Street. Mrs. Stickney will open up a fine line of millinery as soon as her health will permit, she being confined to the house from nervous prostration at present.
--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. W. A. McLean is very badly afflicted with a felon on one of his fingers. [A felon is a closed-space infection]
--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. W. H. Hubbard, better known as “Tip” has just received a pension voucher amounting to $1,500, for six dollars a month from April 1864 to April, 1885. He will receive $10 a month hereafter. “Tip” will put the money to good use.
--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. C. H. Plank set thirty nice balsam fir trees around the Plank burying ground. In ten years from now, if they are alive, they will make a great addition to the appearance of that silent home for the dead.
--EAST POINT.—Mr. W. H. Thomas went fishing for trout the other day. While fishing he heard a noise in the bushes and started for his gun, as he thought he had a bear on hand. On returning he found a lot of foxes—six in all. He succeeded in capturing two of them.
--EAST POINT.—At the meeting of the Sunday School of the Evangelical Church on Sunday the following officers were chosen: Superintendent, Daniel Boyer; Assistant, Joseph Roupp; Librarian, Miss Minnie Scheik; Secretary, P. W. Scheik; Treasurer, Mr. W. Roupp; Chorister, Mr. H. Glackler; Organist, Miss Ann Harer. We should have good music in our Sunday school this summer, as these are all good singers.
--TIOGA.—Rev. S. D. Merrick has been confined to the house with inflammation of the eyes.
--Postmaster Alfred T. James, of Blossburg, was in town last Friday.
--Mr. Morrell G. Spalding spent Sunday with his parents in this borough.
--Miss Maggie Logue, of Lock Haven, is visiting at Mr. Robert Roland’s, in this borough.
--Prof. George Little, who has just returned from England, has been visiting at Mansfield.
--Mrs. Charles N. Phillips, of this borough, is visiting her parents at Philadelphia. She will be absent about two weeks.
--Miss Fanny Spalding returned to her home in this borough on Saturday evening after a protracted visit at Cortland, N.Y.
--Rev. William W. Baldwin, who has been pastor of the Tioga Presbyterian Church for the past thirteen years, has resigned. He has removed to Great Bend.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Shaw left for Tama City, Iowa last Wednesday.
--EAST POINT.—Mr. George Harer, of this place, left recently for California, where he expects to locate if he can find a suitable situation.
--TIOGA.—Rev. William Baldwin preached his farewell sermon last Sunday morning. On Wednesday he moved with his goods and family to Great Bend, PA.
--TIOGA.—J. P. Wickham has returned again to New York.
--TIOGA.—J. G. Mersereau will shortly go to Elmira to live with his daughter, Mrs. Berry.
Land/Business/Farming/Housing Transactions
--Mr. J. D. Strait has sold his store at Gaines.
--Mr. O. Rumsey is building a dwelling house on Austin Street in this village.
--A barn measuring 44 by 80 feet is being built on the T. J. Berry farm at Tioga.
--A pop beer factory has been started at Blossburg by Messrs. Wilkinson & Clark.
--Mr. William M. Herrington is building a dwelling house on East Avenue in this borough.
--The Presbyterian church in this borough is being painted a handsome gray. Mr. H. W. Dartt is doing the work.
--Mr. A. J. Smith’s new cheese factory at Keeneyville started operations yesterday with bright prospects. It is now using the milk of about three hundred cows.
--Dr. John Coolidge, homeopathic physician, has decided not to locate in this borough, as was announced recently. He is now practicing his profession at Carbondale.
--Mr. Walter J. Weeks, of Jamestown, N.Y., has leased the Blossburg mineral springs for a term of years, and he is now pushing the sale of this “most remarkable mineral water in existence” as it is described. It is being shipped to various points and retailed on the strength of its medicinal qualities. At Jamestown one firm is selling about a barrel a day at 25 cents a gallon. Its principal ingredients are ferri sulphate, calcium sulphate and magnesium sulphate.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. Frank Kobler will commence the erection of his new brick store on Wellsboro street soon. Messrs. French & Barton have the contract for the brick work. It will be 20 feet wide, 70 feet long and two stories high. It is said that Mr. J. S. Hoard has purchased half of the west side wall and will build a block sometime in the future.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. Paul Cudworth has purchased the grocery and stock of goods of A. E. Baker, of this borough, and will continue to run the business. Mr. Cudworth is a young man, has had considerable experience in the grocery business, and will no doubt succeed in his venture.
--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. A. J. Simmons is repairing his house and other wise fixing up his premises.
--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. W. R. Charles is making ten cheeses each day in his cheese factory. He is a first class cheese maker and knows how to satisfy his patrons.
--EAST POINT.—Mr. H. Decker is peeling bark for Mr. Daniel Mase on the Richard Mase farm.
--EAST POINT.—Mr. Daniel Mase has erected a new blacksmith shop on his farm.
--TIOGA.—Mr. R. E. Urell has been re-organizing his shed back of the Wickham block. Mr. Moses Smith, Jr., rendered valuable assistance.
--OSCEOLA.—Vine Crandall is at work on the foundation of his new house on Main Street.
--OSCEOLA.—Isaac Hoyt is painting his house, much improving it in appearance.
--OSCEOLA.—A. C. Duly is building an addition to his store, and will occupy it in about two weeks.
--Mr. Charles Scott, formerly of Towanda, Bradford County, and a resident
of this borough several years ago, was drowned at Como, Colorado, on the
7th instant while out duck shooting. It seems that he was on the
lake shore in company with a friend, and having shot a duck went out for
it on an old raft that lay on the shore. The raft went to pieces,
and Scott went down, being heavily weighted with clothing, cartridges,
etc. Mr. Scott was 27 years old, and he leaves a young wife.
The remains were brought to Towanda last Tuesday by his brother, Dr. Clinton
H. Scott, and the funeral was held on the Wednesday. Mr. Scott’s
father was the station agent in this borough several years ago.
--Mr. E. W. Phelps, a prominent citizen of Covington for many years, died last Saturday after a long illness.
--Mrs. Elizabeth Maxwell, an old resident of this borough, died last Friday, after a protracted illness. Mrs. Maxwell, whose name was Sayre, was born at Horseheads, N.Y., May 20, 1803. She married Charles Maxwell in December, 1827. He died in June, 1836, and the following September Mrs. Maxwell came to this borough, where she lived for nearly half a century. She was a charter member of the Presbyterian Church in this village, and she has led a devoted Christian life. Mrs. Maxwell’s only child, Charles II., survives her.
--Mr. Elijah Peake, a well known citizen of Charleston, died very suddenly last Saturday at Round Top, at the age of 67 years. Mr. Peake was actively engaged about his farm work on Friday, and was taken with paralysis in the evening, and died about one o’clock on Saturday. The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon. Rev. James Moss, of this village, officiated, and a large number of friends and neighbors were in attendance. Mr. Peake was born at Jasper, Steuben County, N.Y., in May, 1818. At the age of nineteen he came to this county and settled upon the farm now occupied by Willis Peake, and after a few years he moved to the place owned by Hiel Peake. Eighteen years ago he moved to the farm where he died. For almost half a century Mr. Peake resided at Round Top—all three of the farms which he lived being within a stone’s throw of each other—and he enjoyed the respect of all his neighbors. Only last Thursday Mr. Peake was conversing with a friend in this borough about the uncertainties of human life. How little any man knows how soon he may be called to that unknown land from which no traveler returns.
--TIOGA.—Mrs. P. V. Hixson died yesterday afternoon. The funeral services occur at her late residence on Main Street today.
--OSCEOLA.—Prof. P. W. Haring, principal of our school, died here today [May 15, 1885] of typhoid fever. Prof. Haring has been living here for the past three years and has won the respect of all our citizens. His home was near Ithaca, N.Y. He leaves a wife and two children.
--TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY.—An eight year old girl, adopted daughter of Joseph Ochs, fell into an open cistern at Towanda a few days ago and drowned.
--At Mansfield, Pa, May 10, 1885, of dropsy of the brain, Bertha Dell Nichols, daughter of George P. and J. Nichols, aged 10 months and 25 days.
--In Charleston, PA, March 23, 1885, Emma R. Webster, wife of Myron L. Webster and daughter of S. P. and Lydia R. Monroe, aged 27 years.
May 26, 1885
News and Local Events
--Mr. Joseph Morsman, of Middlebury, last Tuesday received arrears of pension amounting to $838.40, with a stipend of $4 a month.
--Mr. James T. Vincent, of Westfield, was adjudged insane by the County Commissioners last Thursday, and was taken to the county house.
--Messrs. L. H. Shattuck and A. M. Pitts, of Mansfield, have been selected by Gov. Pattison as trustees of the State Normal School in that borough.
--Mr. John Brooks, of Blossburg, is to start for Chicago on Thursday, where he is to engage in a ten mile bicycle race to come off next week. He is to ride a new wheel.
--Mr. Frank E. Field, of Sawyer City, McKean County, formerly of this borough, arrived in town last Friday, having made the trip across the country on his bicycle. The bicycle is rapidly growing in favor as a rapid, economical and convenient means of locomotion.
--A few days ago, as a score of workmen were engaged in pressing hay at the barns of Mr. Burdette Bench, in Clymer, the hay caught fire, and two barns, seven tons of hay and the pressing machinery were entirely consumed. The hay-press belonged to Mr. J. W. Parshall. We have not learned whether or not the property was insured or not.
--Mr. L. C. Whitter, of Blossburg, has recently been hoarding up his money until he had over a hundred dollars deposited in a tin can in his cellar. During the spring house cleaning, a few days ago, the women folk came across the can, and it was thrown into the fire with a lot of other rubbish. Whitter says that he had intended to deposit the money in the bank a few days ago.
--Mr. James Ryan entered upon his duties yesterday as policeman at Blossburg. Last week about forty business men of that borough presented themselves at a special meeting of the Burgess and Council and asked for the appointment of an additional policeman without extra expense to the borough, claiming that their families and property were in danger with the present inefficient force. The Council, after what was called a rather stormy meeting, which lasted until near midnight, appointed Ryan.
--MANSFIELD.—Rev. W. A. Ely, is very ill with pneumonia.
--EAST POINT.—A singles school is now taught by Mr. Joseph Roupp.
--EAST POINT.—Our old and esteemed citizen, Mr. George Hebe, is lying very, with slight prospects of recovery.
--CHATHAM.—R. H. Rice is in a very critical condition. Drs. Rees and Fulkerson took nearly four gallons of water from him last Monday night. He had become so bloated that the doctors decided to tap him, which was done with the above result.
--CHATHAM.—The friends of Dr. Kanistenaw gave a birthday party at S. Carly’s last Wednesday in his honor, which was attended by about one hundred people. Among the presents was a revolving chair, in which the doctor is to sit while in council with the great medicine men; also 18 pocket handkerchiefs of purple and fine linen, besides other presents too numerous to mention. Taking it all together, it was a very pleasant gathering and one that the doctor and his friends may well feel pleased in remembering.
--Postmaster Higgins, of Ryerson, Pa, committed suicide last Wednesday by poisoning. The cause of the act is unknown.
--UTICA, N. Y.—Last Saturday, at Utica, N. Y., William Meinke was for the third time sentenced to be hanged for the murder of Katie Bradhoft, at Elmira. The day now fixed for his execution is Thursday, July 2nd, 1885. The condemned man expects that his case will be taken to the Court of Appeals; but his counsel, ex-Judge Smith, has not decided whether to carry it up or not.
--ROARING BRANCH.—On Tuesday morning a sad accident occurred at Roaring Branch, which resulted in the death of Paul E., the 5-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Innes. The little fellow was playing in his father’s tannery and by some means got caught in the pans that carry the tan to the furnace. He was horribly bruised before his cries attracted the attention of the men, and he was dead within an hour. (Note: buried Granville Cemetery, Bradford County)
--PIKE COUNTY, PA.—News was received last week of a tragedy in Pike County in this state. Alanson Warner and Frank Hess, of Kimble, as small station of the Honesdale branch of the Erie Road, became intoxicated Saturday night and went to the home of George McBride, a basket maker living three miles away. They knocked McBride down, horribly beat him, and then both of them outraged Mrs. McBride. They were arrested, and while Officer Smith was taking them to Milford jail, they threw him down a twenty foot bank upon a pile of rocks. Smith’s skull was fractured. The prisoners went to Dunmore, near Scranton, where they were again captured on Tuesday and taken to Milford. Smith’s injuries were fatal.
--Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Wood, of Elkland, are visiting in Dakota.
--Mr. E. B. Parsons, of Troy, was in town one day last week.
--Mr. Stewart Daily has moved from Harrison Valley to Osceola.
--Mrs. E. E. Simmons, of Jamestown, N.Y., has been visiting relatives at Westfield.
--Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Leonard, of this borough, are visiting at Spring Mills, N.Y., this week.
--Mrs. Harry Baxter, of this borough, had been visiting her mother, who is seriously ill at Nelson.
--Rev. S. Earley, of Mansfield, has accepted a call near Cleveland, Ohio, and will move there with his family this week.
--Mrs. S. R. Hart, Postmistress of this borough, was visiting the family of Rev. Thomas Stacey, at Canton, a few days last week.
--Mrs. Alex P. Cameron returned last week to her home at Cataract, Clearfield County, having about recovered from her recent illness.
--LIBERTY.—Dr. L. W. Johnson’s family, have moved to Blossburg to occupy their residence there. The doctor will remain in Liberty for some time yet for the purpose of holding his extensive practice.
--LIBERTY.—Dr. H. T. Seasholtz and family are now occupying Dr. L. W. Johnson’s residence.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. H. Hollands, of Blossburg, was in town on Wednesday.
--MANSFIELD.—F. G. Elliott and family, of Fall Brook, were in town over Sunday.
--MANSFIELD.—Rev. Samuel Early has returned from his Western trip.
Land/Business/Farming/Housing Transactions
--Mr. J. E. Green has purchased the store building of Estherson Brothers
at Westfield for $3,000.
--Mr. Frank A. Deans, of this borough, last week sold a standard Columbia bicycle to Mr. William Spaulding, of Hammond.
--Mr. Charles P. Grinnell, of Delmar, has corn that was an inch high last Saturday. That crop should escape the frost next fall.
--Mr. Vine R. Pratt, of Mansfield, has gone into berry culture extensively. He has just set out thirteen acres of black raspberries.
--Mr. John Dengle, formerly of this borough, but more recently of Gaines, has purchased the grocery and crockery store of N. E. Batterson, at Westfield.
--It is stated that Mr. A. J. Miller has rented the kindling wood factory near Westfield, and that twenty five hands are to be employed in putting up the wood into bunches after it is manufactured.
--Mr. F. Eberle has purchased the interest of his partner in the Westfield tannery, and the establishment is to be enlarged at one to double the former capacity. It will also be furnished with a new twenty-five horse power steel boiler and a fifteen horse power engine.
--Ex-Associate Judge M. K. Retan, of Millerton, has planted raspberries on three acres of tobacco land, and he expects to find them a better paying crop than tobacco.
--It is stated that the fancy goods store of Mr. Lee Schwartz, at Batavia, N.Y., was damaged by fire in the amount of $2,500 last Wednesday evening. The fire was caused by the explosion of a kerosene lamp in the show window. Mr. Schwartz was formerly in the dry goods business in this borough, his store being destroyed by fire something over a year ago.
--The Register says that last Monday evening, while the Mist Hose Company was running to a fire in Blossburg, the hose carriage was overturned and Mr. C. S. Rockwell was pinned to the ground under it. Strange as it may seem, he was not seriously injured. The frame work on top of the carriage was considerably bent and two lanterns were smashed.
--LIBERTY.—J. F. Wheeland, Esq., has moved into the building of Mr. William Beck, on Williamson Street, where he expects to carry on the jewelry and watch-repairing business.
--LIBERTY.—Mr. Charles W. Sheffer, has opened a restaurant on Williamson Street, opposite Sheffer’s wagon and carriage shop. He intends to conduct business on first class principles, and consequently expects a liberal share of patronage.
--LIBERTY.—Mr. W. L. Keagle is having a horse barn erected on his premises.
--LIBERTY.—Mr. Ambrose Cochran has also been building a barn on his lot on Williamson Street.
--LIBERTY.—Mr. Charles Maneval has the foundation completed for a fine dwelling house. It is located on Water Street.
--LIBERTY.—Mr. Hiram Benis, of our village, having bought a lot of Mr. J. Kreger, on Water Street, has for some time past been engaged in building himself a dwelling house. He expects to have it finished for occupancy in the course of a few months.
--LIBERTY.—Mr. M. B. Mott, who has had a new dwelling house in course of erection on Water street, will soon have it ready for occupancy.
--LIBERTY.—Mr. Joseph Williams expects to have his new dwelling-house on Water Street entirely completed in a short time.
--MANSFIELD.—The stores of J. M. Clark and Paul Cudworth have been painted a handsome green.
--EAST POINT.—Mr. Christian Gleckner has the material on the ground for a new house.
--EAST POINT.—Mr. J. M. Bickle has started a hennery in this place, and so far has been quite successful in raising spring chickens by artificial means. He intends to devote part of his time to the management of bees.
--EAST POINT.—Mr. Samuel Harer is running his mill day and night in order to saw out his stack of logs.
--CHATHAM.—E. W. Toles is building a new barn.
--ELMIRA, N. Y.—Last Friday morning the warehouse of S. H. Laney, in Elmira, was burned with its contents, consisting of rags, tin ware, crockery, etc. The loss was about $8,000.
--ELMIRA, N. Y.—The drug store of Clay W. Holmes & Co., of Elmira, was burned out on Wednesday afternoon. The flames originated in the cellar. The loss estimated at upwards of $30,000.
--Mr. Curtis Cleveland, of Sullivan, died very suddenly a few days
ago of pneumonia.
--Rev. I. B. Reynolds, who died recently in Union Township, had been pastor of the Swamp Church in that township for thirty years.
--About ten o’clock last Wednesday forenoon Mr. John P. Miller, of Ansonia, was struck and killed by express train No. 4, coming north on Pine Creek railway, near Darling Run a short distance below Ansonia. Mr. Miller was about 50 years of age and was a bachelor. He had been visiting some friends down the road and was returning home, walking up the track. He was deaf and could not hear the train, which approached from behind and around a sharp curve. Mr. Miller was a solider in the late war and his experiences in the Andersonville prison were very trying, and he had suffered much both physically and mentally in consequence of them. He was a pensioner, and $150 was found in his pocket. The railroad men were not at all responsible for the accident.
--OSCEOLA, May 22, 1885.—Prof. P. W. Haring, who has been Principal of the Osceola graded schools for the last three years and has filled the place very acceptably to the citizens of this place died at his residence last Friday after a very severe, though comparatively short illness. The funeral was held last Sunday at two p.m., at the Presbyterian Church, Rev. S. M. Moon officiating. The Masonic Lodge, at this place, took charge of the services throughout. The Lodge of Knights of Honor of Osceola also attended in a body. The scholars of the school also attended by classes, including those who have passed the grades and are not attending this year. The girls were all dressed in white and wore black gloves with a tie of black crape on the left shoulder. The boys also wore the crape on their left shoulders. The procession was a very long one, the number in attendance being estimates at 500 or 600. The deceased leaves a wife and two small children. Mrs. Haring has the deep sympathy of the whole community in her bereavement. The whole vicinity feel that in Prof. Haring they lose a good citizen, a kind neighbor, and thorough educator, a worker in the Church and Sunday School and one who, though impulsive in his nature and make-up, was thoroughly conscientious in all his nets and dealings with his fellow men.
--We regret to announce the death of Mrs. Cora Barker, wife of Dr. P. N. Barker, of this borough, which occurred at the home of her father, Mr. B. F. Knapp, at Troy, Bradford County, last Friday evening. She was a zealous Baptist Church and was very highly esteemed in this community. She leaves an infant child.
--CHATHAM.—Mrs. Nathan Paddock died last week at her son’s, Peter Paddock’s. She was 81 years of age. Her husband died about two years ago. She was a kind mother, and leaves a family of children to mourn her death.
--CORNING, N. Y.—Mr. A. T. Cochrane, for thirty five years the Erie station agent at Corning, N. Y. died a few days ago, he was 81 years.
--S. L. Levenworth, a Justice of the Peace of the town of Lindley, who
lived on the Rusling farm near Lawrenceville, died a few days ago of heart