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1885 Wellsboro Agitator Extracts
April 1885

April 7, 1885
Local News and Events
--Capt. E. R. Backer, of Mansfield, has been seriously ill.

--Mr. Charles L. Pattison, of Elkland, has been having the mumps.

--Mr. George D. Mitchell, of this borough, started last week to enter Cornell University.

--Prof. C. C. Hart is teaching a class in penmanship at the High School building in this borough.

--Mrs. T. D. Marsh, of Tioga, has a geranium fifty inches in height.  It was grown from last summer’s slip.

--Mort S. Bailey, Esq., a native of this borough, is seeking an appointment as United States District Attorney for Colorado.

--Ensign Walter J. Sears left for the Boston navy yard yesterday.  He expects to remain on shore duty there for two years.

--Mr. E. T. Kiff fell off the roof of a building with a bunch of shingles at Covington on Wednesday, and he was considerably bruised.

--Last week Monday Mr. S. G. Ellis, a brakeman on the Cowanesque Branch of the C. C. & A. railway, had his hand crushed while coupling cars at Elmer.  His arm was amputated just below the elbow.

--Mr. E. Matson, Sr., had a narrow escape from death one day last week by the bursting of an emery-wheel at his Marsh Creek mill.  A piece of the wheel struck him a glancing blow on the head, inflicting a bad gash and passed on through the roof of the building.

--Last Tuesday the team of Mr. J. R. Davis became frightened at the cars near the crossing on Charleston Street, in this borough, and the buggy was upset, the occupants, Mr. Davis, Miss Davis, and Miss Winner all being thrown out and considerably bruised.  The horses ran against the Wilcox House omnibus damaging it somewhat.  The buggy was badly smashed.

--MANSFIELD.—Marvin S. Comes, of Smithport, PA, who has been attending the Business College, departed for his home on Thursday evening.

--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. C. W. Joseph has been very sick with fever.  His little boy, three years old, is also sick with scarlet fever.

--BROOKFIELD.—The fifteenth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. George was observed on Thursday, the 26th ultimo.  About thirty five relatives and friends gathered at their home to celebrate the occasion.  Numerous handsome and useful gifts were presented to the happy couple.  Mrs. George was fully equal to the occasion, and the dinner to which she treated her guests was a notable one.  The event was in all respects most enjoyable, and it will long be remembered by all who were present.

--While the family were at dinner a few days ago, the dwelling house of A. W. Seward, at Armenia, Bradford County, was discovered to be on fire by a traveler passing the place.  The whole upper story was in flames, and as a fierce wind was blowing, the house was rapidly consumed.  Loss, $1,200.  Insurance, $600.

--Alfred T. James, of Blossburg, was in town last Friday.

--Mr. Charles Grinnell, Jr. has moved from Stokesdale to this borough.

--Miss Maggie McCarty, of Tioga, is visiting at Hon. Hugh Young’s in this borough.

--Mr. Fred Margraff has returned home after a six weeks visit at Washington, D.C.

--Mr. Charles Orcutt, of Jackson, has moved to the farm of L. H. Shattuck, near Mansfield.

--Mrs. Mary Bryden, of this borough, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. H. F. Marsh, at Towanda, PA.

--Burton C. White, Esq., Recorder elect of Elmira, spent Sunday with Fred C. Leonard, in this borough.

--Mrs. J. E. McNeil, formerly Miss Anna Gillett, of this borough, has moved from Longview, Texas to Waterloo, Iowa.

--Mr. Robert Roland, of Delmar, has moved into town and resides with his son-in-law, William Benjamin, on Pearl Street.

--OSCEOLA.—Luke Monroe moved from this place to his farm in Caton this week.  The house he occupied will be taken possession of by Mrs.  McPhee.

--OSCEOLA.—Mr. D. Hoyt has moved back to Morgan Seely’s farm, which he left a year ago.

--OSCEOLA.—Julius Smith, the jeweler, left this place last Saturday with his family, returning to his former home in Franklin, N. Y.

--FARMINGTON.—Mr. J. D. Hood has moved from Elder Weeks’ farm to Calvin Baxter’s farm near Nelson.

Land/Business/Farming/Housing Transactions
--Mr. Joseph Bernard has started a meat market in this borough.

--Mr. Stephen Andrus is to manage the O. B. Lowell farm near Tioga for another year.

--Mrs. Jennie Malaby, of Williamsport, has opened a millinery shop over Bowen’s restaurant in this borough.

--Mr. Henry J. Shaff has purchased a half interest in the store and manufactory of L. M. Lowell, at Niles Valley.

--Mr. Charles Sandbach is making preparations to build a large barn near his hotel on Pearl Street in this borough.

--Mr. Willis English, of Delmar, has bought a half interest in the furniture factory of William Sticklin, in this borough.

--Mr. Fred Ward, of Dundee, N. Y., a journeyman tinner, has secured a position in the shop of W. W. & W. H. Roberts in this borough.

--Mr. Eugene Beauge has purchased the T. A. Watrous house and lot, on East Avenue, and will soon move to the borough and occupy the place.

--Messrs. Johnson & VanDusen, of this borough, have built some very handsome stone steps which are to be placed in front of Mr. George C. Bowen’s residence on Central Avenue.

--Mr. Charles R. Bowen opened his new restaurant in this borough last Saturday evening.  The establishment is handsomely fitted up, and we wish its enterprising proprietor success.

--It is stated that Herman Bookmiller, of Gaines, has a contract to furnish a large quantity of maple timber to be used in the construction of washing machines by a firm at Liverpool, England.

--Mr. George W. Potter has leased his farm in Middlebury to Capt. R. Bruce Ferry.  Mr. Potter has taken possession of the old “Potter Tavern” and homestead, lately vacated by A. W. Potter.

--OSCEOLA.—O. H. Bosworth is finishing up his store at the old Post office stand and enlarging it.

--OSCEOLA.—Mr. F. C. Corry, a jeweler from Gaines, has moved to this place and is settling in the store on the corner opposite the bank building.

--FARMINGTON.—Mr. Job Bronson has sold his farm of 47 acres to Mr. Keeler, of Middlebury, for $1,600.  Mr. Bronson has bought a farm in South Addison, N.Y.

--FARMINGTON.—Simeon Cady and Daniel Casbeer are getting timber on the ground for new barns.

--The Register says that the oldest child of the late Prof. N. C. Stone was killed by a log rolling over it last Tuesday afternoon, at the residence of its grandfather in Union township.

--Mr. Robert Brownlee, step-father of Hon. Hugh Young, died a few days ago in Potter County in his eightieth year.  Mr. Brownlee was formerly a member of the famous Ninety fourth British Regiment of the Line, of which the Duke of Wellington was the Colonel.  He also held the gold medal for the best off hand rifle shot in that regiment.  He served in Canada with his regiment for some years.

--In Farmington, PA, March 28, 1885, Helen Spence, wife of Thomas Spencer, aged 33 years.

--At the home of her father Archibald Satterly, in Delmar, April 2, 1885, Emma Satterly, aged 20 years, 3 months, 8 days.

--FARMINGTON.—Grow Close, who recently married Miss Weeks, has moved to Elder Weeks’ farm.

--At Troupsburgh, N.Y., March 22, 1885, by Rev. S. H. Murdock, Mr. A. M. Bruce, of Sabinsville, PA and Miss Emma Thomas, of Troupsburgh.

--At Westfield, PA, March 27, 1885, to the wife of C. F. Bernauer, a daughter.

--At Sabinsville, PA, March 28, 1885, to the wife of James Whitmarsh, a daughter.

April 14, 1885 [much of this edition was unreadable]
Local News and Events
--Capt. Anson A. Amsbry, of Westfield, has received over $3,000 arrears of pension.

--Mr. Abel Strait, of this borough, has secured an increase in his rate of pension from $4 to $8 a month.

--We are sorry to hear that Mr. A. T. James, of Blossburg, has been confined to his house for a week by sickness.

--We regret to learn of the critical illness of the venerable Josiah Emery, Esq., of Williamsport, who was for many years a prominent resident of this county.

--Mr. Grant Brown, the young man who shot himself in the foot while out hunting in Jackson on the 22nd ultimo, suffered an amputation of his foot last week Monday.

--A few days ago A. S. Torpy and W. S. Boatman, of Stony Fork, cut three hemlock logs sixteen feet in length which scaled 3,370 feet board measure, the largest measuring 1,295 feet.

--Last Thursday evening the dwelling house of Valentine Reep, at East Lawrence, was destroyed by fire.  Only a few of the household goods were saved.  There was a very light insurance on the property.

--Mr. S. B. Plank, Postmaster at Sylvester, has employed about his place for several months a man names John Johnson.  On the 3rd instant Mr. Plank was away from home, and the next morning Johnson left unceremoniously.  Some time after his departure it was discovered that he had stolen two gold watches, a gold chain and a silver watch.

--Frances G. Hall, the ex banker of Elmira, was arrested in that city last Friday upon the charge of grand larceny the complaint being made by Mr. Duncan, a ticket broker.  Duncan deposited $75 with Hall a few days before the latter’s failure, and he alleges that he then inquired as to some rumors about the bank being unsound and that Hall informed him the bank was perfectly safe.

--Last Wednesday and Thursday evenings the roller skating contest between James Coyle, of Corning, and Mel Hill drew good audiences at the Casino in this borough.  Coyle was to skate two miles and one lap while Hill made the two miles.  Coyle lost the race by only a few feet.  Friday evening Hill was ill and Ben Bailey was put on the course against Coyle, who gave him a start of one half a laps and won the race easily.  Mr. Coyle has gone to Williamsport where he is to appear in some of the rinks.

--Last Thursday evening Miss Agnes Hyland, who is about eighteen years of age, was crossing a foot bridge just below the borough of Blossburg, when she lost her footing and fell into the river where the water was quite deep.  As she was going down for the last time, William Brewer, engineer on a Fall Brook train which was passing at the time, taking the situation took a poker from the tank of the engine and winding it under her clothes drew her to the shore.  She was insensible, but soon revived and was able to walk home.

--The following court cases were found by the grand jury:
 --Augustus Sharping—assault with intent to commit rape.
 --J. Hepp—permitting minors to frequent billiard room.
 --John Quillott—carrying concealed weapons.
 --C. H. Stubbs—selling liquor to minors.
 --C. H. Stubbs—selling liquor on election day.
 --John Cassiday—larceny.
In the case of the Commonwealth against Augustus Sharping, the jury rendered a verdict of guilty of assault and battery.  On Saturday morning the Court sentenced the defendant to pay a fine of $20 and the costs of prosecution.

--A three mile walking match at the rink on Thursday evening between Fred Brezee, of Manchester, N. Y., and William Howland, of Covington, was won by Brezee.

--Mr. William E. Hart, of Elmira, was in town over Sunday.

--Mr. Charles Watkins and family have moved from this borough to Ransom City, Dakota.

--John W. Adams, Esq., of Mansfield, is making a tour through Nebraska and other States.

--Messrs. S. C. Keyes and William Hazlett and their wives, of Tioga, are to leave this week for California, where they expect to reside hereafter.

--Mrs. A. B. Eastman, of this borough, left home last Saturday for Worcester, Mass., being summoned to the bedside of her father, who was at the point of death.

--Mr. George W. Potter, of Middlebury, and Representative Henry M. Foote, of this borough, are at Pittsburgh this week serving as jurors in the United States Circuit Court.

--Mr. M. L. Clark and wife and Dr. C. A. Beach went to Elmira on Wednesday last to attend the wedding of Joseph H. Beach, principal keeper of the State Reformatory, and Miss Ada Allen of that city.

--EAST POINT.—E. B. Daniels and wife, of this place, have gone to Minneapolis to make it their future home.

Land/Business/Farming/Housing Transactions
--Mr. E. W. Keifer is building a new dwelling on East Avenue in this village.

--Mr. R. L. Mack is building a dwelling house on West Avenue in this village.

--Mr. H. J. Eaton, station agent in this borough, has his new dwelling house on Charleston street nearly completed.

--Mr. Walter Stevens, of Tioga, has secured a position as horse shoer in P. C. Hoag’s blacksmith shop in this borough.

--Mr. Hiram Klock, lately proprietor of the new hotel at Ansonia, has moved to Hornellsville, where he is managing a hotel.

--It is stated that Mr. W. L. Daggett is to become landlord of the Daggett House at Lawrenceville on the first of next month.

--The material is being placed on the ground for the new residence of F. E. Watrous, Esq., to be built on Bacon Street in this borough.

--Mr. James S. Coles has purchased an interest in the Parkhurst House in this borough and he will take possession on the 20th instant changing its name to the familiar and popular appellation—Coles Hotel.  Mr. Coles is an excellent landlord and we wish him abundant success.

--We are glad to learn of the promotion of Mr. Terrence C. Sullivan, of this borough, to the position of second postal clerk of the crew running on the Erie night line from Hornellsville to New York city.  His salary has been considerably increased.  This is Mr. Sullivan’s third promotion since his appointment less than two years ago.  He has made an excellent record as a competent postal clerk.

--MANSFIELD.—Mr. Frank Clark, one of our lively draymen, is doing rushing business at present.  He now drives two horses instead of one.

--The death of William Donovan, the Elmira boy who won the six days roller skating contest in New York recently, is a sad instance of the excess to which that amusement is earned in some sections.  This lad was seventeen years old.  In six days at the Madison Square Garden he skated a distance of 1,092 miles winning a diamond badge and $500 in cash.  At the close of the contest the boy was broken down physically and he rapidly failed in strength until his death last Friday.  The remains were brought to Elmira and the badge for which he paid his life was fastened to his breast and buried with the body.  This is the second death resulting from over exertion at that contest.

April 21, 1885
Local News and Events
--Dr. C. S. Logan is practicing his profession at Arnot.

--Last week Sunday, Mr. A. Rood killed a large wild cat near Westfield.

--Mr. Milan Ham, of Knoxville, has received $1,600 arrears of pension.

--Mr. J. S. Kelley, of Mansfield, has received nearly $1,000 as arrears of pension.

--Mr. Hiram Hodges, of Mansfield, was seriously injured a few days ago by falling from a load of hay.

--Mr. R. M. Ketchum has taken his trotting horse, Charley Van, to Tioga for a course of training.

--Mrs. Eliza Ives, of Middlebury, has just received arrears of pension amounting to upwards of $1,000.

--Master John Bacon, of this borough, is suffering a sprained ankle, caused by a mustang falling upon him.

--Last week Monday night an unknown thief broke into the store of Charles Wing, at Covington, and carried off a suit of clothes.

--Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Young celebrated their eleventh wedding anniversary last Thursday evening by a large social gathering at their residence on West Avenue in this borough.

--Mr. William Trimble, of Blossburg, claims to have walked from that place to this borough last Tuesday morning in three hours, transacted some business and walked back to Blossburg in time for a one o’clock dinner the same day.

--We are glad to note the promotion of Mr. Samuel S. English at the Government Printing Office, Washington D.C.  Mr. English was formerly foreman of this office, and we know the he deserves his good fortune, for he is a competent printer.

--Private letters received in this borough last week from members of the family of Josiah Emery, Esq., at Williamsport, express grave doubts of his recovery.  His condition is thought to be due to a general breaking down from old age.  His mind is still as bright and active as ever.

--Last Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. George Palmateer, of Westfield, drank a quantity of stramonium tea by mistake for boneset.  Alarming symptoms followed, a physician was called, and for some hours their condition was considered critical; but we are glad to say that both parties finally recovered.

--Mr. Charles L. Hoyt, of Osceola, last week left us with a sample of the product of his sorghum mill.  The syrup is fully equal to the best grade of New Orleans molasses.  Mr. Hoyt thinks that the amber cane is safer and more profitable crop than tobacco.  It yields on the average about two hundred gallons of sorghum to the acre. It requires but little more work than the corn crop—perhaps some closer attention at first, but less as it comes towards maturity.  It costs only about $2 an acre more than corn.  Mr. Hoyt expects to raise five acres of the amber cane this year and to manufacture one thousand gallons of sorghum.  We understand that other farmers in that region intend to raise more or less of the cane.  Mr. Hoyt’s experience leads him to express the opinion that the cultivation of amber cane will become a profitable industry in this country in the near future.

--LIBERTY.—Mr. William Leisenring, engineer at the steam saw mill of Mr. F. M. Sheffer, of our village, met with a painful accident last Saturday afternoon while trying to adjust a belt on the band wheel that runs the edging saw.  By some wrong movement of his left hand it came in contact with the saw, and the thumb and five fingers of the had were badly cut.  Dr. G. A. Smith was called in to dress the wounds, and he found it necessary to amputee the mangled thumb at the first joint.  The fingers were not so badly injured that it was necessary to amputate them.

--Mr. O. A. Smith, of Marshfield, was in town yesterday.

--L. P. Livingston, Jr., of Jersey Shore, was in town yesterday.

--Miss Mary Prethero, of this borough, is visiting friends in Antrim.

--Bank examiner Hugh Young left this borough yesterday for Mercer County.

--Prof. E. D. Westbrook, of the Mansfield Business College, was in town yesterday.

--Mr. Horace Williston, of Wyoming Territory, is visiting his parents in this borough.

--Mrs. George M. Hathaway, of Philadelphia, is visiting her father, H. S. Hastings, in this borough.

--Editor H. F. Marsh, of the Towanda Reporter Journal, and wife were in town several days last week.

--Mr. T. Pratt, of the firm of Durland & Pratt, Elmira’s veteran dry goods merchants, was in town last Friday.

--Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Goodwin, of Trumansburg, N. Y., have been visiting at E. B. Young’s, in this borough.

--The wife of Rev. Charles Breck, D. D., of Scranton, is visiting her father L. P. Williston’s on Central Avenue in this borough.

--Yesterday Mr. Wells M. Moore and family, Fred Flaitz, Stephen Catlin, William Hazlett and S. C. Keyes and their families, of Tioga,--thirteen persons in all—left for California, where they expect to locate on Government lands in the northern part of the State.  The excursion was organized by Mr. Moore, who is connected with the Emigration Association of California.  We wish them all abundant success and happiness in their new homes.

--TIOGA.—Mrs. F. H. Adams, Mr. C. B. Farr and Mrs. F. E. Smith are at Towanda undergoing electric treatment.

--TIOGA.—Mrs. T. A. Wickham has returned home from an extended visit at Corning and other places.

Land/Business/Farming/Housing Transactions
--Mr. M. Yale is building an addition to his cigar factory in this borough.

--Mr. Max Bernkopf is in New York City for the purpose of purchasing goods.

--H. E. Smith, of Tioga, the veteran shoe dealer, is in New York purchasing goods.

--Mr. George W. Spencer is building a dwelling house near the Fair Grounds in this borough.

--Mr. James S. Coles is to take possession of the Parkhurst House in this borough next Monday.

--George Shaff, of Middlebury, has purchased an Expert Columbia bicycle through Mr. Frank Dean’s agency.

--Mr. O. H. Tubbs, of Osceola, has sold twelve hundred pounds of hops—his last year’s crop—at thirteen cents a pound totaling $156.

--Senator Mitchell has sold his lots on Grant Street to Mr. D. H. Belcher, who intends to build several dwelling houses this season.

--Mr. Isaac Sears has purchased a lot near the Farmers Hotel in this borough, and he intends to build a dwelling house upon it this season.

--The market of W. H. Kizer & Co., in this borough, has just come out of the hands of painters and decorators much improved in appearance.

--Mr. Leonard Harrison has purchased a large lot of N. W. Fellows on Purple Street in this borough on which he intends to erect a dwelling house.

--A suspender manufactory is to be established at Jersey Shore and we understand that Mr. Charles R. Harris, formerly of this borough, is interested in the enterprise.

--A gentleman from Corning is putting up a building on Queen Street near Mack’s wagon shop in this borough, to be used as a photograph gallery.  We understand that Mr. Newton H. Mack is to manage the establishment.

--TIOGA.—Mr. R. E. Urell contemplates filling his empty cellars west of the Wickham block and starting a market garden.  This is a move in the right direction, and it will undoubtedly create an active demand for early vegetables.

--LIBERTY.—Mr. Joseph Bader, shoe and boot maker, has opened a new shop on Water Street, one door below Mr. J. F. Wheeland’s jewelry and watch store in our village.

--LIBERTY.—Mr. W. L. Keagle, of our village, has received his stock of hardware and has his store in full operation.

--LIBERTY.—Mr. John Blank, a former hotel-keeper here, has rented the Davis Reed hotel in Jackson township, Lycoming County, of which he took possession on the first day of this month.

--LIBERTY.—Two daughters of Mr. William Plank, of Union township, have opened a dressmaking room in the basement of Beck’s block, on the corner of Williamson and Water streets in our village.

--LIBERTY.—Mr. Joseph Bastain and family, of Jackson township in Lycoming County, moved to our village on the first of this month.  Mr. Bastain I understand will assist his son William in the meat market business.

--LIBERTY.—Mr. R. H. Hartsock, of our village, has had for the past week carpenters at work framing the timber for his steam grist mill.  As soon as the necessary work can be completed the frame will be raised, and the mill will be pushed to completion as fast as possible.

--LIBERTY.—Messrs. J. F. Wheeland and George Goldberg are contemplating the idea of starting a jewelry and watch repairing business in the store on Williamson street in our village formerly occupied by Mr. William Beck.

--CHATHAM.—Mr. A. D. Rice is building a fine barn.

--CHATHAM.—D. D. Doan has started a grocery store in the building formerly used by S. Guild.

--CHATHAM.—Mrs. James A. Closs is engaged in the millinery and dressmaking business.  She is a first class dressmaker.

--CHATHAM.—Benjamin Reynolds intends to build a large addition to his barn this spring.

--LIBERTY.—Col. Henry Bradt, a well know millwright of this county for the past forty years and a brother to the late Mr. James Bradt, of Charlestown township, died at the house of Michael McMahon, Esq., in Liberty, Saturday evening last aged 74 years and 1 month.  The deceased was a native of Delaware County, N.Y. and came to our county in 1835, if I have been correctly informed.

--Near Round Top, PA, March 10, 1885, of pneumonia and heart disease, Jane Clark formerly of Vermont, aged 73 years, 3 months and 16 days.

--In Sullivan, PA, April 1, 1885, Mr. Lester Palmer, aged 62 years.

--At the home of the bride in Niles Valley, April 15, 1885, by Rev. G. W. Howland, Mr. Elmer E. Kramm, of Philadelphia, and Miss Lizzie H. Kohler, of Niles Valley, PA.

--At Cogan Valley, Lycoming County, PA, March 25, 1885, by Rev. J. A. Parton, Mr. Andrew Parker, of Blossburg, and Miss Mary E. Blair, of Cogan House, PA.

--In Clymer, PA, April 9, 1885, to the wife of Hiram Brownell, a son.

--At Westfield, PA, April 12, 1885, to the wife of Rev. B. B. Mason, a son.

APRIL 28, 1885
Local News and Events
--Mrs. Robert Roland, of this borough, is dangerously ill.

--Mr. J. Fred Robinson, of this borough, is dangerously ill.

--The wife of County Commissioner John Karr, of this borough, is seriously ill.

--We understand that Prof. S. A. Glaskill is to be principal of the Antrim graded schools.

--Ex Sheriff H. J. Landrus was in town yesterday.  We are glad to note that his health is much improved.

--A thief attempted to enter the residence of Mr. J. R. Miller, at Millerton, last Wednesday night, but was frightened off.

--Mr. H. D. Eastman, of Ulysses, Potter County, formerly of this borough, cut his right knee very seriously with a draw shave a few days ago.

--Messrs. Charles Shaffer and August Mudrack, of this borough, caught about eighty fine trout yesterday afternoon, in one of the small runs emptying into Marsh creek.

--Miss Edith Wortendyke, of this borough, is to leave on Friday for Dent’s Run, Elk County, where she is engaged to teach school for four months at $35 a month.

--Mr. Daniel Randall, of Union, was kicked in the abdomen by a horse a few days ago.  His injuries were serious, but at last accounts it was though that he might recover.

--Last Thursday morning the storehouse of the late Enoch Blackwell at Nelson was destroyed by fire.  A dwelling house adjoining was also burned, with most of its contents.  There was a partial insurance on the property.

--The Lawrenceville Herald says that on last week Sunday a party of young men from that village procured a hand car and started up the Cowanesque road on a pleasure trip.  Everything went lovely until the party reached a point a short distance above Nelson, where it is a little down grade.  One of the number, E. R. Harris, was standing on the forward end of the car, and when they began going down hill he let go of the handle of the car, and in some way lost his balance and fell off in front, the car passing over him.  He was badly cut and bruised all over, but fortunately no bones were broken.  He was taken to the Nelson depot and Dr. Loop was called in and dressed the wounds, after which he was brought home in a carriage. It was a very narrow escape.

--Last Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. G. W. D. Eastman were greeted by about fifty relatives and neighbors at their residence on Austin Street, in this borough, with hearty congratulations upon having traveled along together for fifty years on the journey of life.  Several of their children and a number of friends were prevented from attending on account of sickness.  Mrs. M. J. Selvey, of Utica, N.Y., a daughter, was present.  Mr. Eastman and Miss Eleanor Myers were married in Owego, N.Y.  Six children have been born to them, five of whom are still living.  They came to this county nearly thirty years ago and settled in Delmar, where they resided until they moved to this village several years since.  The couple were recipients, last Thursday evening, of many valuable presents, marking the love and esteem of their relatives and neighbors; and the memories of that evening will no doubt always remain with them as they jog along the down hill side of life.

--Mr. Edward Mattoon, of Oregon Hill, had quite an adventure the other day.  As he was going through a piece of woods he climbed upon a log, and as he stood there for a moment to rest and to get his bearings, he discovered at a short distance a large black bear quietly sleeping with her three cubs by her side.   Mr. Mattoon slipped off the log and put for the clearing, where he got two or three men to assist him.  They went back and succeeded in capturing the cubs, but the old bear made her escape.  It is rather an unusual thing for a she bear to forsake her young in the time of danger.  She is generally fierce for a fight; but it was not so in this case.

--Mr. Robert English, of Dix’s Run, is going to have a dance on Friday evening in his new house, which he has just completed.

--Mr. Eli Campbell’s youngest son has been sick for a long time; but since the warmer weather he is improving.

--Mr. George C. Lee, of Arnot, was in town yesterday.

--Mr. Charles L. Pattison, of Elkland, was in town yesterday.

--Mrs. Sarah J. Peck, of Nelson, has moved to Colesburg, Potter County.

--Rev. John Cook and wife, of Blossburg, were in town one day last week.

--Mrs. William Stewart spent last week in New York buying millinery supplies.

--Dr. P. N. Barker and wife, of this borough, have been spending several days at Troy, Bradford County.

--Mr. A. E. Graves, of Tennessee, formerly of Corning, N.Y., is visiting at Hon. Hugh Young’s on East Avenue.

--Dr. C. C. Winsor and E. L. Russell, druggist, of Blossburg, were in town on Wednesday.

--MANSFIELD.—John W. Adams, Esq., has returned from his Western trip.

--MANSFIELD.—Mr. Frank P. Hart has returned from his trip to North Carolina.

Land/Business/Farming/Housing Transactions
--Mr. James S. Coles, who took possession of the Parkhurst House yesterday, changing its name to the Coles Hotel, needs no introduction as a landlord to the people of this region or to the traveling public.  He has been long and favorable known as a most successful hotel manager.  That the Coles Hotel with its ample accommodations and improvements lately added, is to be a popular house there can be no doubt.  There are many travelers who have missed the old hotel since its destruction by fire, and they will be pleased as they step from the cars to again hear the peculiar voice of Jim Radrick ring out “First bus down the walk for the Coles Hotel!”

--Miss Emma Field wishes to inform the public that she has now on hand a fine assortment of spring and summer millinery, comprising some very excellent styles and shapes in hats and bonnets; also some of the latest designs in flowers, feathers and other trimmings.  She is daily receiving fresh orders from New York.  Ladies will do best to call in the beginning of the season, as they will find the best assortment to select from.  Her work and prices give entire satisfaction.  Rooms over Derby’s shoe store.

--Mr. A. Ives is building a dwelling house on Walnut Street in this village.

--Mr. E. C. Smith, of Sullivan, has made about 2,000 pounds of maple sugar this season.

--C. E. Thomas, Mercantile Appraiser, of Union, was in town last Friday to hear appeals by those dealers who felt aggrieved by the appraisement.

--It is reported that Mr. Frank VanKeuren, of this borough, has purchased the Mansfield Advertiser, and that he is to take possession next Friday.

--Mr. A. A. March now manages the steam laundry in this borough and he is turning out some excellent work.  The establishment should be well patronized.

--Mrs. Brewster has purchased a lot of M. L. Bacon, on Central Avenue in this borough, and a dwelling house is being erected thereon.  Mr. J. B. Denmark has the contract.

--Mr. C. D. Clark has sold his one-fourth interest in the business of Harman, Borden & Co., of this borough, to the other members of the firm.  Mr. Clark is now engages as head sawyer at the mill of Waters & Clark, at Round Top.

--Mr. Joseph Strange, of Sullivan, has a very fine lot of short horn Durham calves.  His graded stock has attracted considerable attention among breeders in that region.  Mr. Strange is breeding from a full-bloodied registered bull.  There are some very successful stock raisers among the farmers of Sullivan.

--Mr. C. C. McClelland, late landlord of the Parkhurst House in this borough, is yet undecided as to where he will locate.  He has both Jersey Shore and Beech Creek in mind as points for the hotel business.  Unless he can make satisfactory arrangements he will give up the occupation entirely and devote his attention to real estate investments.

--Mr. Solomon V. Bennet, of this village, has his one thousand egg incubator in successful operation, and it is now hatching out chickens and turkeys at a rapid rate.  He is now has several hundred chickens from one day to two weeks old, that seem to be just as lively and as hungry as if several score of cross old hens were scratching for them.  Mr. Bennet has a large hennery nearly completed, which will accommodate several thousand chickens in the various stages of development.  The business requires much skill.  Mr. Bennet seems to be succeeding remarkably well at it.  He has made it a study for several years.

--Messrs. Harman, Borden & Co., of this village, have contracted to build nine dwelling houses this season, among which are four for Mr. David H. Belcher, on Grant Street, one for Leonard Harrison, on Purple Street, a dwelling for Mr. Frank Smith, at Cherry Flats, and one for Mr. Elias Tipple, at East Charleston.  Mr. Robert J. Borden’s house on Charleston Street is also to be entirely remodeled, the present house moved back and a large addition built in front.  Mr. Joseph Harman, of the firm, has also been engaged to superintend the construction of a large and elegant mansion for Mr. Charles L. Pattison, at Elkland, during the season.  These builders now furnish employment for over thirty hands, and their business is growing.

--MANSFIELD.—B. R. Bailey has sold a half interest in his grocery to Mr. George Strait.  The firm name is B. R. Bailey & Co.

--Mr. B. O. Madison, of Lawrenceville died last Tuesday at the age of 70 years.  He had resided in this county for many years and was much respected.

--Mr. Nathan Palmer, of Union, died last week Sunday, of heart disease, at the age of eighty five years.  Mr. Palmer had resided in Union for many years, and he was esteemed by all his acquaintances.  The funeral was held last Tuesday.  He was the father of Prof. U. G. Palmer, of Mansfield.

--Last Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Martin Morley, Mrs. Selden Merrill and her four year old son, were taking a boat ride on the Chemung River about a mile below Athens, Bradford County, when they were drawn over the dam and drowned.  About an hour after they had gone out Mr. Morley went out to look for them, and he found the overturned boat and the boy’s cap about a half mile below the dam.  The river was quite high and the current strong.  Mrs. Merrill was the wife of Selden Merrill, a stone mason who formerly resided at Blossburg.  At last accounts the bodies had not been found.

--MANSFIELD.—Mrs. Helen E. Speare died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Samuel Early, in this borough, on Saturday last April 18th, at nine o’clock a.m., of heart disease and dropsy.  She leaves four children to mourn her loss—two sons living in Washington, D. C., one son in Chicago, Illinois, and her only daughter in Mansfield.  Her two sons from Washington arrived here on Saturday, and in the evening, after a short prayer by Rev. Mr. Hedder, of the Baptist Church, she was conveyed to the depot, where a special train was to take her to her last resting place at Pittsburgh, PA.  She was an earnest Christian woman, and suffered much before death relieved her.  She was for a term of years a clerk in the Agricultural Department, and then accepted a position in the United States Treasury Department, at Washington, which position she held twelve years, until, failing in health, she removed to this place and lived with her daughter until her death, which was momentarily expected for a long time.

--MANSFIELD.—Married, at the residence of the bride’s parents in this place today, Mr. Charles Shaw, of Tama City, Iowa, and Miss Katie Rundell.  May they live long and prosper, is the wish of their many friends.

--In Wellsboro, April 21, 1885, to the wife of W. B. Sullivan, a son.

--In Wellsboro, April 23, 1885, to the wife of Erhart T. Sticklin, a son.

Added to site 27 FEB 2007  - Joyce M. Tice