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February 3, 1885 [portions of this edition are damaged]
Local News
--Mr. Howard Bellinger, of Liberty, a young man about thirty one years
of age, was instantly killed last Thursday while working on a log slide
at Cedar Run. It seems that young Bellinger was working for his father
in law, J. Wesley Childs, and had that morning been engaged on a slide
a few rods below the scene of the accident. Having completed their
work there the men moved to the other slide, which was very long and steep.
It being cold, they concluded to build a fire and Mr. Bellinger said he
would go down the slide about twenty rods to get some matches which had
been placed in a tree there some time before. After he had gone the
men concluded to start some logs down the slide and called to Bellinger.
He answered to let them come, he being at some distance from the track
and among the trees. The first log went tearing down the mountain
when suddenly it struck some obstruction which changed its course and it
glanced with lightening velocity out of the truck and went crashing into
the forest. The men above called to Bellinger, and getting no reply
they descended the declivity and found his dead body a few rods below a
tree behind which he had taken refuge. The tree, which was about
a foot in diameter, had been cut off like a reed and was evident that Bellinger
had been instantly killed. The remains were brought to the home of
Mr. Bellinger’s father in Charleston, and the funeral was held at the Christian
church on Sunday, Rev. Mr. Moss of this borough officiating. Mr.
Bellinger was married about a year ago.
--Mr. John Persing, of Gaines, draws a pension from the State of $10 a month as a soldier of the War of 1812. There are very few such pensioners in this State.
--Mr. James E. English, of Delmar, was badly bruised and injured a few days ago while skidding logs.
--Mr. Edwin Haight, of Fall Brook, lost three fingers from his left hand while running a circular saw last Tuesday.
--Miss Lucy Baldwin’s kindergarten in this borough began another term yesterday. The school is deserving of a liberal patronage.
--Prof. D. C. Thomas, of Mansfield, was announced to lecture a teacher’s convention at Moscow, Lackawanna County, last Saturday evening.
--Mr. D. A. Gaylord, of Mansfield, slipped and fell upon an icy walk in that borough, a few days ago and his head was badly cut by striking against a gate post.
--Ensign Walter J. Sears, of the Navy, returned home to this borough one day last week after a three years cruise along the coast of Africa, the Indian Ocean and the China and Japan seas. He is looking well and hearty.
--Mr. W. H. Fosmer has been in town several days, perfecting arrangements on the Fairlimb cream gathering system. We understand that the creamery is to be in running order by the first of May.
--Last Thursday evening Mel Hill, of this village, won the three mile race on roller skates against William Capell, of Mansfield, at the Casino rink in this borough. The third race to decide the champion is to come off at Mansfield soon.
--A few days ago as Mr. J. E. Hudson, of Jackson, was felling trees on his wood lot tract near the summit, a tree broke in falling, and the top struck one of the horses across the neck, killing the animal instantly. The horse was one of a team that Mr. Hudson had driven for seventeen years.
--Mr. Eugene S. Bowen, who is well known in this borough, was recently elected County Clerk of Isabella County, Michigan, by a large Republican majority. Mr. Bowen is a nephew of Mr. John R. Bowen, of this village, and a son in law to Mr. G. W. Herrington, of Ansonia. He formerly resided here for several years.
--We are sorry to learn that the venerable William C. Ripley, of Lamb’s Creek, is in feeble health. He is 88 yeas of age, but he retains all his faculties to a remarkable degree. Mr. Ripley enjoys the respect of a large circle of friends in this county. He was a Justice of the Peace for twenty five years, and his son, J. F> Ripley, succeeds him in that office.
--A dwelling house belonging to A. Pitts and J. F. Pitts and occupied by Mr. Stephen Walters situated about a mile from Canoe Camp, on the road leading to Mainesburg, was burned last Tuesday evening about 7 o’clock. The fire was first discovered in the roof and it probably started from the chimney. Mr. Walters saved no furniture except a cook stove and sewing machine and a bureau.
--Mrs. E. E. Knapp, formerly of this borough and the daughter of Josiah Emery, Esq., of Williamsport, has resigned her position at the head of an Indian school at Springfield, Dakota and returned to Williamsport. We regret to learn that the step was necessary on account of continued ill health. The Springfield Times says that the success of the school was due to the efforts of this energetic woman.
--OSCEOLA.—Last Wednesday evening there was a very enjoyable party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tubbs, of this place, it being the fifth anniversary of their marriage. At least one hundred guests were present although the evening was very cold. There were guests from all along the river from Knoxville to Elkland. The menu was all that any one could desire and the arrangements were completed all round. After spending a pleasant evening the large party broke up amid congratulations for the hospitable couple. The guests left many tokens of their regard.
--Mr. O. B. Lowell, of Tioga, was in town one day last week.
--Mr. Jerome Bottom, of Nelson, made us a pleasant call last Friday.
--Ex-Sheriff Delos H. Walker, of Covington, was in town last Friday.
--Postmaster A. T. James, of Blossburg, was in town several days last week.
--Mr. D. H. Buckbee, of Academy Corners, was in town one day last week.
--W. D. Richards, Esq., of Blossburg, was in attendance at court last week.
--Miss Ida Baldwin, who went from this village to Mandan, Dakota, about three years ago, is visiting her parents at Mansfield.
--E. Lilley, Esq., of Canton, was in attendance at court last week as one of the counsel for the prosecution in the Brown Case.
--Mr. Billings Stroud, of Montrose, Susquehanna County, visited Blossburg a few days ago to adjust the loss on Fish’s Opera House recently destroyed by fire.
--Capt. C. W. Kelly, of Rutland, was in town last week. He is just getting able to be about again after the injuries he received some eight weeks ago by the fall of the Elk Run bridge while he was crossing it with his traction engine.
Land/Business/Farming/Housing Transactions
--Mr. Charles Fish talks of rebuilding his opera house at Blossburg.
It was destroyed by fire.
--Mr. George R. Sheffer, of Liberty, has sold his stock of dry goods to Mr. C. A. Miller.
--Mr. C. E. Brewster has secured a position as clerk in D. H. Belcher’s hardware store in this village.
--Prof. F. M. Smith, formerly Principal of the Blossburg Schools, has accepted a position in the military academy at Aurora, NY.
--Mr. B. F. Milliken has sold his grocery and bakery at Westfield to Mr. H. A. Knowlton, of Shippen, who has already taken possession of the establishment.
--Mr. R. L. Mack is building a house on West Avenue in this borough, on the lot lately owned by L. W. Tallman. Mr. Mack is getting the material for three other dwelling houses.
--Mr. D. H. Belcher is building a dwelling house on Grant Street. Mr. Edmund Baker has the contract. This makes the twenty third house Mr. Belcher has build in this borough.
--Messrs. Ransford B. Webb and Charles W. Davenport, of this borough have entered into partnership and the firm will soon open a store on Main Street, stocked with painters’ and paper hangers materials.
--Mr. James L. Robb, of Farmington, has purchased 1300 tons of hay in this county this season and since last July he has shipped thirty five car loads of livestock to New York. He has two steam hay presses in operation.
--Mr. W. O. Russell, of Delmar, has purchased his partner’s interest in the Russell & Avery saw mill, about two miles west of this borough. He has about one million feet of logs about half of which have already been stocked at the yard.
--Mr. Waldo W. Miller, formerly of this borough, is a member of the firm of D. S. Bradley & Co., bankers at Andover, NY. Mr. Miller was the originator of the enterprise and we are pleased to note the almost phenomeus success of the institution.
--CHATHAM.—L. O. Bench has a fine lot of young stock for sale.
--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. John Leach had taken a wife. He is in the neighborhood
of 60 years of age and is certainly old enough to know his own mind on
matrimonial matters.
--Mr. Henry Morris, of East Lawrence, died of paralysis a few days
--Mr. William L. Reese, of Charleston, died one day last week after a lingering illness.
--Mr. Thomas W. Ames, of Sullivan, who died a few days ago at the age of 72 years, was one of the earliest settlers in that township.
--Mrs. James Walker [Eliza Walker], of Covington, mother of Ex-Sheriff D. H. Walker, of that township, and Mrs. A. T. James, of Blossburg, died at the home of her son last week Sunday at the age of 77 years. Her husband survives her, although in poor health. Mrs. Walker was highly esteemed by all who knew her.
--We regret to learn of the sudden death of Mr. M. Spoor, of Charleston,
which occurred last Thursday morning. Mr. Spoor arose and started
a fire and went back to bed. He died so suddenly and quietly that
his wife supposed him to be asleep until she got up a few minutes later
and found him dead.
[Another related article reads]:--The late M. M. Spoor, who died suddenly
at his home in Richmond Township on the 29th ultimo was born in the town
of Della, Delaware County, NY, on the 29th of April 1819. His father
was a millwright and died while building a mill at the South, leaving a
widow and six children. The subject of this sketch moved to Chemung
County, NY, in early life and engaged in the manufacturing of lumber on
Bird Creek. There he married Miss Sally Fitzsimmons, of Veteran,
NY, who survives him, with four children—three daughters and one son.
Mr. Spoor afterwards engaged in lumbering at Fosterville, Bennettsville
and Hill’s Creek in this county, and finally settled on a large farm in
Richmond Township, where he spent the remainder of his days. He enjoyed
the good will and respect of all his acquaintances. The heartfelt
thanks of the relatives are extended to all the friends who showed so much
kindness and attention at the funeral. [buried Cleveland Cemetery]
--Last Thursday Jane Campbell, wife of Mr. Robert Campbell of Delmar, died of paralysis at the age of 69 years. Mrs. Campbell received the first shock on Christmas day, and was partially paralyzed until the day of her death, five weeks afterward, when at about the same time of day the second stroke came. She had resided in Delmar for upwards of forty years, and she was much respected. The funeral was held on Saturday, Rev. J. F. Calkins, of West Avon, NY, officiating. Mrs. Campbell was a member of the Presbyterian Church for many years. Mr. Campbell requests us to thank the neighbors for the kind attentions shown by them during Mrs. Campbell’s sickness.
--The Oswego, NY, Palladium of last Thursday contained an extended obituary of Mrs. Emerson J. Hamilton, who died of consumption in the city of New York on the 28th ultimo, while on her way from Washington to her home at Owego. Many citizens of our village will remember Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton as valued and respected teachers of our borough academy from 1845 to 1849. Mrs. Hamilton, whose maiden name was Adeline Humphrey Parmalee, was born in Westford, VT, April 21, 1824. She was a teacher. She and her husband moved from this borough to Bath, NY, in 1849 and they remained there in charge of the public schools until 1854, when they went to Oswego, where they taught in the High School over fifteen years. About ten years ago they established a young ladies school in Oswego, which is one of the best institutions in the State. In 1881 the first symptoms of Mrs. Hamilton’s disease were noticed, and in accordance with the advice of her physician she gave up her school to engage in a vain search for health. Mrs. Hamilton was a true Christian woman. She was a proficient and successful teacher, and her personal influence in shaping the character of the children who were entrusted to her care was most beneficial. The news of her death will excite sincere regret in the hearts of a multitude of men and women who in early life enjoyed the benefit of her labors and their sympathies will go out to her husband, the beloved and respected preceptor who survives her.
--CHATHAM.—Miss Ora Chamberlain was buried last Wednesday. She was about 19 years of age. She was found on the doorsteps of Mr. Chamberlain a mere babe. The family adopted her and she has lived with them ever since. She had enjoyed good health until last week. She was only sick about one week. She was loved by all who knew her.
--CHATHAM.—The wife of Wallace Davis [Ida Davis] died yesterday of typhoid pneumonia. Her funeral takes place tomorrow at the church here. She leaves a babe of about ten weeks old.
February 10, 1885
Local News
--Mr. E. J. Dunning, of this borough, is dangerously sick with pneumonia.
--Mr. H. H. Soper, of Rutland, is a candidate for Postmaster at that place.
--Mr. Charles Butcher, of Morris Run, was recently severely injured by a fall of coal in the mines.
--The F. G. Hall saw-mill, on Bailey Creek, was destroyed by fire last week Monday night. There was no insurance on the property. The fire was thought to be of incendiary origin.
--Mr. P. C. Hoag, of this village, had his ankle sprained a few days ago by a sick horse falling on him. Mr. Hoag was confined to the house several days in consequence of the injury.
--Rev. John Cairns, of Dresden, NY, formerly pastor of the Elkland Presbyterian Church, was unfortunate enough to be one of the creditors of the broken bank at Havana, NY. It is reported that he had nearly $5,000 deposited there.
--Mr. P. Bonney, the master mechanic of the railroad machine shops at Blossburg, has invented a scraper for clearing the railroad of snow and ice. It is attached to a gondola car, and it is said one trip over the road saves the labor of many section hands.
--Mr. Frank Sears, of Tyrone, NY, formerly of this borough, and a well-known merchant of Gaines for some years, lost $375 in money which he had entrusted to E. J. Jackson, a Tax Collector of that place, to deposit in the Watkins bank. The Collector skipped out with Sears’ money, as well as about $2,000 of the taxes collected. Mr. Sears is also on the Collector’s bond with three other gentlemen, and it is likely they will have to make up the deficit in his accounts.
--Last Friday the County Commissioners effected a settlement with Mr. C. W. Kelly, of Roseville, a claimant for damages sustained by the falling of the Elk Run bridge in Sullivan Township on the 9th of last December. Mr. Kelly was crossing the bridge with his traction engine, when the structure fell, and he received serious injuries and the engine was considerably damaged. After numerous affidavits had been presented, setting forth the condition of the bridge prior to the accident and the extent of the damage to Mr. Kelly’s person and property, the Commissioner’s decided to pay Mr. Kelly $1,000--$500 for his personal injuries and $500 for damages to the engine.
--Engineer Ramsdell and Conductor Nat. Wheeler have been discharged by the Fall Brook Coal Company on account of the accident which occurred near Corning last week Monday. The facts in the case are stated as follows: The accommodation train from this borough, Wheeler, conductor, and Ramsdell, engineer, with ten coal cars, a baggage car and passenger coach with twenty passengers on board, received orders at Erwin Center not to pass Mulhollon until Engineer Burke arrived with his locomotive. Upon arrival of the accommodation at Mulhollon, they found Engineer Wolcott with an engine and caboose on a switch. As they were passing, Ramsdell asked Wolcott if he was Burke. Wolcott misunderstood him, and nodded his head, and Ramsdell, supposing the track was clear, proceeded until he met the Burke wild cat on a short curve opposite Gang Mills. Both trains going about fifteen miles an hour when they collided with a terrific crash, breaking both engines to pieces and throwing four coal cars over a bank thirty feet high into the river. The engines and three coal cars were piled up against the hill. Both engineers and firemen jumped and escaped injury. The damage is estimated at $4,000.
--MANSFIELD.—A house on the farm of John Pitts was burned to the ground a few evenings ago. It was occupied b Stephen Waters, a farm hand employed by Mr. Pitts. Nothing was saved of any importance.
--MANSFIELD.—A row occurred on the railroad bridge on Wellsboro Street a few evenings ago, in which one man was lightly tapped on the side of the nose and then kicked for falling. When he picked himself up he proceeded to the office of the Justice and had a warrant issued for the arrest of a Mr. Coonsman who lives across the river in Brooklyn and proceeded accordingly to law with him. It appears that Mr. Coonsman was indebted to T. H. Bailey $17, and Mr. C. B. Bailey was indebted to Mr. Coonsman $3. Mr. T. H. Bailey requested C. B. Bailey not to pay Coonsman the three dollars, but to pay it to him and let it apply on Coonsman’s account with him, and C. B. Bailey told Coonsman about it, when Coonsman said, “If you don’t pay me I will take it out of your hide, “ and he did. Mr. Bailey probably thinks he is a man who keeps his words, and does what he says he will every time. The assailant was arrested and tried before Justice Goodall, found guilty of assault and battery and fined five dollars.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. M. B. Whitlock is having rather bad luck since he started his livery stable in this place. About three weeks ago a couple of young gentlemen hired a double rig to go to Tioga to a private dance, and on their return, it being very dark, they mistook the railroad for the public road near Mill Creek, and drove up the track a short distance until they discovered their mistake. Then they undertook to drive off the track into the road again, and pulled the runners of the sleigh apart, thus leaving them and their ladies in a nice predicament. But they managed to get home all right. A week ago last Saturday a young man of this place hired a rig at Whitlock’s and went to Tioga to see a friend. He tied the horse at a hitching post, and when he returned about eleven o’clock to where he left the animal the horse was not there. It is supposed that some evil-disposed person untied the animal and let it go. The horse wandered around and finally got on the Fall Brook railway track, and a coal train came along and struck it, throwing the horse on its back in the ditch, where it was found about five hours afterwards, and smashing the cutter into kindling wood. The horse is doing well at present. On Wednesday afternoon last Rev. W. S. Carter hired a horse of Whitlock for a pleasure ride around town. When driving up Sullivan street a boy came down from the Normal School with grocer’s cart, which frightened the horse and it ran away, throwing Mr. Carter out in the snow and shaking him up considerably, but not seriously. The cutter was not damaged much.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. R. R. Bally is very ill at present.
--MORRIS.—There have recently been two destructive fires on Oregon Hill. Mr. Harrison Dodd and Mr. Charles Dennison had their houses burned to the ground. Mr. Dodd had a store in one part of his house and his loss is a very heavy one, as he had no insurance on his building.
--MORRIS.—Mr. Zophar Teed, of Oregon Hill, is very sick with typhoid pneumonia.
--MORRIS.—Miss Alice Rood, of Corning, is teaching our school. She is an excellent teacher and gives good satisfaction.
--MANSFIELD.—Mrs. J. M. Barden is seriously ill.
--MANSFIELD.—C. M. Adams, late bookkeeper at the cigar factory, removed his family to Williamsport last week, where he has accepted a more lucrative position. Mr. Adams is one of the worthy graduates of the Mansfield College.
--COVINGTON.—Dr. L. G. Townsend, of this place, assisted by Dr. Vedder, of Mansfield, recently extracted a large tumor from the side of Mrs. Michael Ely [Mary Ely], whom we are pleased to say is doing finely.
--COVINGTON.—Last Tuesday evening a sleighing party visited the residence of Mr. George Richter, of Bloss, where they were very highly entertained. It was voted the merriest party of the season.
--CHATHAM.—There was a pleasant surprise party at the house of L. C. Smith on Wednesday evening.
--CHATHAM.—Chatham is threatened with another lawsuit; one after the old style, arising out of the estate of Ira Leach, deceased, or from claims against the said estate.
--Mr. Joseph F. Rusling, of Lawrenceville, was in town last week.
--Mr. Henry Scott, of this village, is visiting Lockport, NY.
--Mr. Max Bernkopf, of this borough, left for New York City yesterday to buy his spring stock.
--Mrs. Alexander Cameron, of Clearfield County, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts, of this borough.
--MANSFIELD.—Miss Jennie Krusen, of Westfield, is visiting at H. M. Backer’s.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. Henry Johnson, of Elmira, has been visiting friends and relatives in town.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. Fred Leonard, of Wellsboro, spent Sunday with friends in this place.
--MANSFIELD.—Miss Nina DeWitt, of Elmira, is visiting Miss Dora Kinney, of this place.
--TIOGA.—C. F. Hurlburt left for Lock Haven last Monday morning. His family will remain here until Spring.
--TIOGA.—C. M. Adams was in town the first of the week. He has secured a position as bookkeeper in a hardware store in Williamsport.
Business/Land/Farming/Housing Transactions
--FOR SALE. Having hired a drayman, I wish to sell the following
property: One cutter and buffalo robe; One cheap open buggy; One
fancy open buggy; One two-seated pleasure carriage; One light single harness;
One heavy single harness; One one-horse lumber wagon; One first class seven
year old horse, sound and true, weight 1,100 pounds. Will sell on
time to responsible persons. Signed, D. H. Belcher.
--Farm to Rent. Situated near Wellsboro. Inquire of Alphonso Spencer, 5 Walnut Street, Wellsboro.
--The Hoytville Hotel has been purchased by Messrs. Coleman & Daly, and they are prepared to meet the wants of the traveling public with first-class accommodations in every respect. The new proprietors thoroughly understand the hotel business.
--All persons heretofore sending their laundry work with A. B. Dann are requested to deliver to W. D. Shaw, next door to the Willcox House, on Saturday evening of each week and it will received prompt attention. It must be sent on the early train Monday morning.
--Mr. R. A. Mitchell has been appointed station agent and telegraph operator at Millerton.
--Mr. Austin Mitchell, of Millerton, wants to sell his store and dwelling house at Alder Run.
--Mr. A. D. Taft & Son manufacture 60,000 brooms a year at their factory at Academy Corners.
--Mr. S. W. Wright, of Union, has sold 300,000 feet of logs to Mr. Crandall, of Grover, at $1.50 a thousand.
--Mr. J. L. Barnes has about one million feet of logs stocked at his mill yard in Delmar. If the sleighing continues, he expects to stock as much more in the next few weeks.
--MANSFIELD.—Miss Lora Kohler, milliner for O. Elliot & Son for the past nine months, has resigned her position and gone to Blossburg.
--MORRIS.—Mr. William Love’s team hauled the boss load of white oak logs to the Hoytville tannery today. It weighed 8,800 pounds.
--MORRIS.—Mr. C. W. Johnson has purchased a valuable horse of Mr. Samuel Watt, of Morris.
--Mr. Emanuel Duffy and brothers are hauling Mr. Enoch Blackwell’s bark to the tannery at Morris.
--MORRIS.—Mr. Jacob Brodhead has bought E. Blackwell & Co. out and is doing good business here.
--MORRIS.—Mr. B. F. Campbell has filled up his grocery at Blackwell’s and is doing good business here.
--MORRIS.—Mr. M. L. Love, the landlord of the new hotel of Blackwell’s, has sold his pet bear to Mr. Samuel Watt, of Morris.
--TIOGA.—Mr. Robert Bishop is stocking his mill with logs.
--LIBERTY.—Mr. C. A. Miller has gone to New York and Philadelphia to purchase a stock of goods.
--LIBERTY.—Mr. F. M. Sheffer is getting a large stock of logs at his steam saw mill in our village.
--LIBERTY.—Mr. George R. Sheffer says that the statement in the local column of the AGITATOR of February 3rd that he has sold his stock of goods to Mr. C. A. Miller was incorrect.
--MANSFIELD.—G. N. Welch, our any-way-to-get-there merchant, has dropped his wings a trifle, and is still doing good business with much less “wind”. [see next clipping for related item.]
--MANSFIELD.—W. R. Westbrook has resigned his position of bookkeeper and cashier with G. N. Welch. It is claimed that Mr. Westbrook opened and conducted one of the neatest acts of double entry books in Tioga County.
--COVINGTON.—Rudolph Cleveland has the foundation laid for a new store to be built in the spring.
--COVINGTON.—It is reported that Mr. J. M. Hoagland will build a new dwelling house next spring and thus vacate the hotel. Mr. Hoagland had won a good reputation in the hotel business.
--At Knoxville, February 3, 1885, Mr. Robert Boulio and Miss Ida Holmes,
both of Austinburg, PA.
--At Townsendville, NY, by Rev. E. N. Leake, January 29, 1885, Mr. W. V. Calkins, of Blossburg, and Miss Mary E. Leake.
--At the M. E. parsonage in Wellsboro, January 14, 1885, Mr. Arthur D. Coolidge, of Delmar, and Miss Ida N. Hyde, of Charleston, PA.
--At Millerton, January 29, 1885, by Rev. E. C. White, Mr. Hathaway Fabun and Mrs. Lois M. Stowell, both of Millerton.
--At the M. E. parsonage in Westfield, January 4, 1885, by Rev. H. B. Mason, Mr. G. A. King and Miss Mary Close, both of Westfield.
--At Canton, PA, January 28, 1885, by Rev. A. S. Morrison, Mr. David Luther, of Burlington, and May Belle Scudder, of Canton.
--Mrs. Nelson E. Brace [Betsey Brace], of Rutland, died last Wednesday
after a short illness. Mrs. Brace had been a member of the Baptist
Church for many years, and she was a woman of the noblest Christian character
and respected by all.
--MANSFIELD.—An old gentleman by the name of William Curtis died [of pneumonia] at the residence of his son, Mr. Reuben Curtis, who resides in the southern part of this borough, last Saturday. He was a member of the M. E. Church, and a good Christian. He was about seventy years old, and came over from England about a year ago. The funeral services were held at the residence of his son on Monday afternoon at two o’clock.
--MANSFIELD.—Prof. N. C. Stone, for two years past Principal of our borough school, died yesterday [February 6, 1885] morning of inflammation of the bowels and rheumatism. Mr. Stone was a good teacher, a respected citizen and a true Christian. He leaves a wife and three children.
--CHATHAM.—J. E. Dean died at his home last Friday night after an illness of five weeks. He was delirious most of the time from first to last, and suffered great distress in his head. He was buried on Sunday by the Knights of Honor, of which Order he was a worthy member.
--At Canton, PA, January 23, 1885, Mrs. James L. Bothwell [Sally M. Bothwell], aged about 51 years.
--At Academy Corners, PA, February 4, 1885, Estella Campbell, wife of Finley Campbell.
--At Knoxville, January 30, 1885, T. J. Mann, son of Jefferson Mann, aged two years.
--At Canton, January 25, 1885, Sarah Rockwell, daughter of Norman Rockwell, aged 15 years.
--In Union, January 22, 1885, Mrs. Alice Thompson, aged 38 years.
February 17, 1885
Local News
--Mr. Frank A. Crowl, who had been confined in the Western Penitentiary
since September 1883, for tampering with registered letters in the Post
Office in this borough, was pardoned by the President on the 5th instant,
on account of ill health and good conduct while in confinement. Mr.
Crowl was bookkeeper in the prison until his health failed about six months
ago. Last Saturday he returned to this borough, and is now confined
to his bed at his father’s home on Fischler Street. His situation
was considered critical last week, and his wife went to Pittsburgh, and
as soon as he was able to endure the journey he was brought home.
--Last week Monday evening thieves broke into the store of James H. Miller, at Millerton, and carried off about $200 worth of merchandise, including about $20 worth of postage stamps. The rascals gained an entrance by prying open a window at the rear of the store, and then lighted one of the hanging lamps and leisurely sorted over the stock of dry goods, clothing, notions, etc., leaving the store in general confusion. The thieves rigged themselves out with new suits, leaving their old clothes behind. In the pocket of one of the coats thus left was found a bottle of liquor, which had evidently been forgotten. Mr. Miller has until very recently kept a watch dog in his store at night, but the animal died a few days previous to the robbery. A reward of $25 has been offered for the detection of the burglars; but at this writing they had not been arrested.
--Mr. Joseph Guile, of Somers Lane, is dangerously ill.
--The late Prof. Stone, of Mansfield, has a life insurance of $2,000.
--A dwelling house owned by Mr. Isaac Holden, was destroyed by fire at Mansfield last week Monday.
--Mr. A. F. Walz, of Lawrenceville, was considerably bruised by a runaway accident last week Sunday.
--Major George W. Merrick is the new President of the Farmers’ Agricultural Society, and Mr. Charles Toles is the Vice-President.
--Dr. Horace Darling, of Lawrenceville, was thrown out of his cutter and down a high embankment while crossing an icy place in the road last Tuesday. He was considerably bruised.
--A horse belonging to Mr. William Sticklin ran away on upper Main Street in this borough last Saturday afternoon. The cutter, which was unoccupied, was smashed by coming in contact with a tree.
--The third race on roller skates between Mel Hill and Will Capell came off at Mansfield last Thursday evening. Capell won the race and the $15 badge. A number of young men interested in the race embraced the occasion to enjoy a sleigh ride, and drove across the country from this borough to Mansfield.
--A few days ago, Mr. William Kreger hauled to the bark switches near Arnot, with one team, a load of logs which scaled 15,823 feet. The logs were loaded upon four pairs of bob sleds coupled together. There has been considerable strife among the teamsters as to big loads in that region this winter, and they will do well to look out for the agents of the S. P. C. A.
--ELKLAND.—Mr. C. D. Wakelee, who has been suffering for the past two months with paralysis, was removed last week to his old home at Beaver Dam, NY, where he wishes to spend the remainder of his days.
--ANTRIM.—The friends of the late William Walker, including all the members of Star of Bethlehem Lodge, I. O. of G. T., of which he was a faithful member, are raising money to erect a monument to his memory, which will in some degree express their appreciation of his valuable services to the community in which he lived. About $50 has been pledged.
--DELMAR.—Mr. W. M. Hotchkiss is conducting our school on the no-recess plan, and finds it a success. Several other teachers are trying the same plan this winter.
--Mr. A. B. Dann, late of this borough, has moved to Mansfield.
--Mr. D. W. Bigoney, a native of this borough, was in town last week.
--Mr. Fred Freeborn and wife, of Jersey Shore, have been visiting relatives in this county.
--Mr. and Mrs. Seth O. Daggett, of the Willcox House, were visiting at Lawrenceville last week.
--Fred Williams, son of the late P. R. Williams, a former druggist of this borough, was in town last week.
--Mrs. E. Jacobson was on Wednesday last called to the bedside of her mother, who is dangerously ill at Syracuse, NY.
--KNOXVILLE.—J. W. Hathaway and family are visiting friends at Woodhull, NY.
--KNOXVILLE.—Mrs. T. Gilbert has gone to Beanville, NY, where she expects to spend three or four weeks with her father.
--EAST POINT.—Mr. Richard Mase has sold his farm at this place. He expects to leave here on the first of April.
--ELKLAND.—Mrs. F. G. Loveland was summoned to Troy, PA, a few days ago to attend the funeral of her sister.
--ELKLAND.—Miss Laura Grow has returned to her home in Binghamton after a pleasant visit with friends here.
Land/Business/Farm/Housing Transactions
--Mr. Clarence Smith, of Sullivan, has a new saw and shingle mill in
--Mr. G. B. Whitmarsh, of Clymer, has cut 200,000 feet of custom logs during the past month.
--Mr. R. F. Wilson has purchased a new engine for his foundry and machine shop at Mansfield.
--It is reported that Mr. E. A. Bean, of Knoxville, is to start a cheese factory in Brookfield next spring.
--C. E. Brewster & Co., contemplate opening a hardware store in the lately occupied by Mr. H. S. Hastings, in this borough.
--Messrs. W. V. Calkins and C. R. Shoemaker, of the Tioga railroad offices at Blossburg, have been transferred to the Erie offices at Elmira.
--It is reported that Mr. L. Henderson has purchased a lot of P. R. Parshall, at Westfield, and intends to build a foundry and machine shop in the spring.
--Mr. William Wheeler, of Delmar, has purchased one acre of land of C. J. Wheeler, on Central Avenue in this borough, and he has already commenced the erection of a dwelling house.
--The Mansfield Advertiser says that Dr. Mary E. Smith will take up the practice of Dr. R. Belle Beach, in that borough. The latter is unable to attend to her professional duties at present in consequence of sickness.
--Rev. W. S. Carter, of the Mansfield Presbyterian Church, has received a call from the Church at Waterloo, NY, with the offset of a salary of $1,200 and a parsonage. We understand Mr. Carter intends to accept the call.
--The Pennsylvania Lumber and Land Company have about seven million feet of logs stacked on the banks of Marsh Creek and its continuance with Asaph and Dantz runs. Messrs. Charles Grinnell and Samuel Scranton are the contractors. The stock comprises four million of pine and three million of hemlock.
--KNOXVILLE.—George Fisk is buying and shipping a large quantity of oats and barley.
--EAST POINT.—Mr. Solomon Roupp has not yet finished hauling his logs and lumber.
--EAST POINT.—Mr. John J. Schanbacher has got through drawing his logs and bark.
--EAST POINT.—Mr. J. M. Bickel, our enterprising merchant, is doing a lively business.
--ELKLAND.—Mr. R. Traver has moved from the Traver House to his pleasant dwelling on Buffalo Street and the purchaser of the Traver House took possession last week.
--Mrs. Eliza A. Whipple died very suddenly at Mansfield a few days
ago, at the age of seventy years. She had resided in that borough
about forty five years.
--Mr. Edgar Hackett, of Sabinsville, was instantly killed on the 27th ultimo at Groton, NY, by the upsetting of a load of logs. Mr. Hackett was a very prominent young man. He had been working hard to earn money to complete his education. The funeral was held at Sabinsville last week Sunday. Rev. S. S. Bovier officiating.
--Mrs. T. B. Putnam [Alsin Putnam], of Covington, died very suddenly last Wednesday forenoon. She arose in the morning and went about her household duties apparently as well as usual. When Mr. Putnam came in from the barn he found her dead body lying upon the floor. Mrs. Putnam was a woman of excellent Christian character, having been a member of the Baptist church for many years. The funeral was held on Friday. [Buried Gray Cemetery, Covington Township]
--Mrs. Charles H. Rexford [Alwida Vermilyea Rexford], of Gaines, died last week Monday, after a lingering illness. Mrs. Rexford was a daughter of the late Horace Vermilyea and was forty four years of age. She had resided at Gaines for thirty years. For several months she had been ill, suffering very much. Mrs. Rexford had been a member of the Episcopal Church for many years. She enjoyed the esteem of a large circle of acquaintances. The funeral was held on Thursday at Gaines, and the remains were interred in the cemetery in this village. [Wellsboro Cemetery]
--Mr. Addison W. Potter died at his home in Charleston, last Wednesday morning, of typhoid pneumonia after a brief illness. Mr. Potter was born in Pompey, Onondaga County, NY, September 3, 1817. He married Miss Emma TenBroeck in January, 1840. He came to this county in 1855, and during his thirty year’s residence in Charleston he has been a leading Republican, and has faithfully served his fellow citizens in numerous township offices. He had been a member of the Baptist Church for nearly fifty years. His two children survive him—Mr. P. A. Potter, of this borough, and Mrs. Charles N. Moore, of Charleston. Mr. Potter enjoyed an extensive acquaintance in this county, and he was respected by all. During the last term of court in this borough he served as one of the tipstaves. His funeral was held on Friday afternoon.
--Mr. Lewis L. Beiver, of Farmington, died a few days ago from the effects of injuries received on the 14th of last October while attempting to remove some property from his burning barn. At that time Mr. Beiver’s house was burglarized, an in the morning, when he went out to the barn, he found where some person had slept in the hay. A short time afterward, while he was eating his breakfast, the barn was discovered to be on fire. Mr. Beiver rushed out and succeeded in saving one horse, and in attempting to get the other out he was terribly burned. Since that time he had been a great sufferer until death came to his relief. The funeral was held last week Sunday. Mr. Beiver was one of the most prominent and substantial citizens of Farmington, and his death is a loss to the community. [Another related article states]: --FARMINGTON.—I regret to note the death of Mr. L. L. Beiver, who expired on the 7th instant from injuries received at the burning of his barn about four months ago. Mr. Beiver was born in Berks County, May 10, 1827, and went with his parents to Dauphin County when he was twelve years of age. Two years later he went to Jonesville to learn the tanner’s trade. In 1849 he came to Nelson, in this county, where he worked at his trade until 1861, when having purchased a farm in this township, he moved here. In 1864 he enlisted in Company H of the 207th PA Vols., and he remained with that organization until the close of the war. After his return from the war he very successfully followed the pursuit of farming. In 1850 he married Miss Eliza Lugg, of this township, who survives him with two children. In 1868 he joined the Presbyterian Church of Farmington, and he has since been a consistent and faithful member. By his death the community has lost a good citizen and faithful friend and a kind neighbor.
--BLOSSBURG.—February 11, 1885—Norman C. Stone, Principal of the Mansfield Graded School, died at his place of residence on Friday, the 6th instant, after a brief though very severe illness. Those with whom he had to do in life know full well that in his death they sustain no ordinary loss. He was born and reared on a farm among the fertile hills of Union Township, where his parents still live and thrive. In youth he greatly loved the freedom of the open air, and having inherited a remarkable physique, was always the acknowledged leader among his companions in the innocent though invigorating sports of the field. At the age of twenty he stood fully six feet in height and weighed a little less than two hundred pounds,--a perfect type of physical health and strength. Four years later he was suddenly prostrated with a malignant form of rheumatic affection, from which he never wholly recovered. In his twenty fourth year he crossed the continent and sought his wonted vigor among the giant red woods of the Pacific coast; but he returned after a few months with little relief. Reluctantly he now decided to quit the work of the farm, in which he took do much delight, and seek a livelihood in a more sedentary calling, better fitted to his reduced physical condition. Having a natural liking for study, he threw his whole mind and strength into the task of fitting himself for the teacher’s work. He had already mastered the common English branches, and after teaching a few terms in his own neighborhood with very flattering success he took a course at the Mansfield State Normal School, and was graduated in the class of 1880. During his brief stay at school he ranked with the very foremost students and formed among both pupils and teachers many lasting friends. The year following his graduation he had the charge of the public schools of Morris Run, and upon completion of the new graded school building at Mansfield he was unanimously elected by the Trustees of that borough to the principalship, which position he retained up to the time of his death. Last summer he was offered, without asking it, the principalship of the Blossburg schools, but declined. As an instructor, as well as disciplinarian, he was eminently successful, and was without question among the first teachers of the county. He was thorough and comprehensive in his work, pointed and clear in his illustrations, and possessed the rare power of filling his pupils with a kind of inspiration. What he did with all his might, and that was great. His intellect was one of quick perception and wide grasp. Nature had given him an extraordinary fund of choicest language, and, as a happy supplement he had the rare faculty of saying the right thing just at the right time. His address was pleasing and impressive, his voice of ample volume and good quality, his sentences sparkling, clear and forcible. We may infer from this that he was a born master of men; and so he was. But the best of him, after all, was his great heart. It was big enough to hold a million friends; it was good enough to hold no malice for injury. To find one more willing than he to make sacrifices for others would be difficult indeed. He seemed to know the difference between his own interest and that of a friend. The write is not the only one he has encouraged and sustained by words of brotherly counsel, or assisted at times when, without assistance, failure seemed inevitable. No struggling youth, no erring fellow-being, no friend in need, e’er came within the reach of his voice or purse but felt its power for good. A devoted wife and three bright little children remain to mourn the loss of a kind, careful husband, a gentle, thoughtful parent. And away beyond the hills, at the home of his boyhood, the mother and father of our dear, departed friend are weeping over the fresh grave of this only son—a truly noble son—in whom they felt growing pride from year to year, as he took his stand higher and higher in the scale of usefulness. Signed, G. R. Smith.
--KNOXVILLE.—Johnny Hogencamp, of this borough, who for the past year has been employed by C. D. Markham, at Potter Brook, as a clerk in his drug store, was taken sick with pneumonia about two weeks ago. He grew worse very rapidly, and in spite of medical skills and all the could be done, on Friday, the 6th instant, he breathed his last. He was a very genial, quiet boy and had many friends, both at this place and at Potter Brook, who mourn the loss.
--At the residence of the bride’s parents, in Columbia, Bradford County,
by Rev. M. Rockwell, Mr. Isaac C. Bosworth, of Blossburg, PA, and Miss
Anna Davis.
--At Stokesdale, PA, February 12, 1885, by Rev. A. C. Shaw, D. D., Mr. Charles E. Grinnell and Miss Carrie E. Pearson, both of Stokesdale.
--At Knoxville, PA, January 25, 1885, by Rev. J. E. Hayes, Mr. Herbert E. Guiles, of Deerfield, and Miss Nellie A. Washburn, of Knoxville.
--At Roseville, PA, February 5, 1885, by Rev. M. Rockwell, Mr. Lloyd S. Wheeler and Miss Carrie E. Wilson, both of Rutland, PA.
--LOWER STONY FORK.—A little daughter arrived at the home of Mr. Andrew
--At Wellsboro, PA, February 13, 1885, to the wife of Martial A. Durif, a daughter.
February 24, 1885
Local News
--David Evans, Esq., of Arnot, has been seriously ill.
--Mrs. Henry Gifford, of this borough, is dangerously ill.
--We regret to learn of the serious illness of Mr. Frank A. Deans, of this borough.
--Belva Lockwood received one vote in Lawrence for the office of Supervisor. Belva’s boom isn’t played out yet.
--Mr. Leander Griswold suffered a fracture of the shoulder, a few days ago, by being thrown from a load of saw logs on East Creek, near Blossburg.
--We regret to learn of the serious illness of Mr. Charles F. Veil of this borough. He has been suffering from an attack of pneumonia since last Thursday.
--Rev. H. T. Scholl preached his farewell sermon at the Lawrenceville Presbyterian Church last week Sunday. He left for his new field of labor at East Springfield, NY, last Thursday.
--It is reported that Mr. P. Bonney, for many years the master mechanic at the Blossburg railroad shops, has been discharged since the Tioga railway has come under the new management.
--Mr. Jerome L. Bosard, who has been living at Grand Forks, Dakota, for the past three years, is about to return to his former home at Nelson. Mr. Bosard’s family have been in this county since last November.
--Mr. Frank Smith’s dwelling house and storehouse at Cherry Flats were consumed by fire a few nights ago, together with most of their contents consisting of furniture, grain and farming tools. There was no insurance on any of the property.
--Messrs. J. V. Morgan, Sylvester Houghton and Joseph W. Brewster, of this borough, were delegates to the recent Grand Army Encampment at Harrisburg from George Cook Post 315, Department of Pennsylvania.
--Yesterday Abram Lyon and Edward Manning, of Niles Valley, exhibited a live wild cat on the street in this borough. The animal was captured in Middlebury by the aforesaid gentlemen assisted by V. G. Ives and Andrew Wedge who have caught several this winter. The cat was not more than half grown, but it was just as full of spunk as if it weighed a ton. On the sidewalk in front of this office quite a crowd collected to see the creature’s prank at the end of two chains attached to opposite sides of the collar.
--MANSFIELD.—A. W. Peterson, the popular colored barber, made a lively run for the office of High Constable, receiving only six votes less than the successful man. It was stated that a few of “Pete’s” friends were induced to slide backwards just before depositing their tickets.
--TIOGA.—Miss Anna Wickham fell and sprained her wrist a few days ago.
--TIOGA.—Mrs. A. C. Bush met with a severe accident the first of the week. While coming out of Mrs. J. S. Bush’s house she fell on the stone walk and broke her wrist in two places.
--OSCEOLA.—Mrs. DeWitt Baxter is very sick with neuralgia of the heart.
--CHATHAM.—Mr. Thomas Cooper is very sick, and his sister, Miss Ella Cooper is also very sick with the same disease.
--EAST POINT.—When the snow storm stopped Monday afternoon the snow measured just sixteen inches on the level. Mr. P. W. Sheik brought out his snow plow and with the help of some of his neighbors made good roads so that all could attend church.
--MANSFIELD.—Rev. Emma Bailey, pastor of the Universalist Church, is at Elmira, receiving medical treatment.
--MANSFIELD.—Mr. Joel Clark, of the firm Clark Brothers, is quite ill at the present time.
--Mr. Joseph W. Brewster, of this place, spent several days in Washington,
D. C. last week.
--Mr. Frederick Margraff, of this borough, left for Washington, D. C., yesterday morning, intending to spend about six weeks in visiting his daughter, who resides in that city.
--Dr. Charles N. Williams and wife, of Philadelphia, are visiting his father, Judge Williams, of this borough. A notice of Dr. Williams’ marriage will be found under the usual heading.
--MANSFIELD.—P. E. Shumway and sister, of Wellsboro, visited at Mr. R. F. Wilson’s yesterday.
--MANSFIELD.—D. A. Gaylord, of the firm of Bailey & Gaylord, expects to move to his farm at Wells, NY, next April.
--TIOGA.—Rev. P. C. Webber has returned from Boston, where he has been spending a two weeks vacation.
--TIOGA.—Mr. Philip Williams, of Mansfield, was in town this morning.
--OSCEOLA.—Dr. W. T. Humphrey was recently called to Bennettsville, NY to see his granddaughter who is very sick.
--OSCEOLA.—Robert Hammond is visiting his daughter, Mrs. E. W. Wells of Cazenovia, NY.
Land/Business/Farming/Housing Transactions
--Mr. C. O. Loveless has nearly two million feet of logs stacked on
Mill Creek.
--Rev. F. K. Fowler has tendered his resignation as pastor of the Blossburg Baptist Church.
--Mr. L. White, of Tioga, is to take possession of the Mansion House at Covington next month.
--C. M. Thomas, Mercantile Appraiser, is making the annual rounds among the merchants and business men in this county.
--Mr. A. C. Compton, of Lawrenceville, has purchased the farm and saw and grist mills of Mr. Joseph Oakden, at Holidaytown.
--Messrs. Abel Beach and S. Martin are about to establish an insurance agency at Westfield. Their office is to be located in the Strong block.
--Edward Doane & Co. are overhauling their sash factory at Mansfield. It is said to be furnished with new steam boilers and other machinery.
--Mr. Frank Smith, of Delmar, owns a team which hauled a load of bark weighing 11,790 pounds from Heise run to the Stokesdale tannery one day last week.
--Mr. Moses Yale manufactured three hundred thousand cigars in this borough last year. He contemplates putting up a building on Charleston Street, opposite the freight house, next spring.
--Messrs. George W. Potter, W. C. Stevens and A. Leet, of Middlebury, have sold their tobacco crops at eight cents in the bundle and eleven cents for sorted. There seems to be a little more activity in the market, although buyers are moving stealthily among the growers and endeavoring to make the future look as dark as possible.
--MANSFIELD.—F. M. Spencer, photographer, has a very pleasant and most convenient gallery. Mr. Spencer is a first class artist, and he is certainly meeting with grand success in his new rooms.
--OSCEOLA.—J. F. Smith, the jeweler, will move to Franklin, NY on the first of March. It is expected that Mr. Frank Torrey, of Gaines, will move here and open a jewelry store in the same building.
--EAST POINT.—Mr. John P. Marquart, of Grover, is moving some of his goods to the farm he recently purchased here.
--EAST POINT.—Mr. Solomon Roupp is doing quite a good business grinding chopped feed.
--EAST POINT.—Mr. Daniel Mase lost a very valuable mare this week.
--EAST POINT.—Mr. L. L. Curtis, of Horseheads, NY, is in our place buying lumber.
--A few years ago a German musician, Prof. [Edward] Hetz, by name,
spent some time in this borough selling and tuning pianos. He had
in his possession excellent credentials and letters from some of the most
talented musicians in the country. Prof. Hetz was a musician of considerable
talent but unfortunately his love of strong drink drag him down to the
level of the common toper. Recently he has been in Bradford County.
He was taken sick while stopping with Mr. Charles Rundell and was sent
to the County house where he died a few days later. He was quite
a genius in his way and had constructed an automatic organ, which was said
to be a valuable invention. But a few days before his death he took
it apart, and no one has yet succeeded in putting it together again.
--Mr. Carl Bernkopf, of this borough, left home yesterday for Susquehanna.
Tomorrow at 6 p.m., he is to be married to Miss Ricka Fleishman, of that
place, and the couple expect to visit Philadelphia, Washington, and New
York on their wedding journey. Upon return Mr. and Mrs. Bernkopf
will begin housekeeping in the new dwelling house recently erected by Mr.
Simpson on the corner of Central Avenue and Walnut Street. We offer
out congratulations and best wishes.
--At the residence of the bride’s mother in Farmington, PA, [date unreadable], by Rev. Charles Weeks, Thomas J. Boyce, of Grover, and Mary H. Souls, of Farmington, PA.
--At the M. E. parsonage in Gaines, [date unreadable], by Rev. A. C. Cole, Mr. Fred L. Dimmick and Myrtie Dimmick, both of Shippen, PA.
--In Westfield, PA, Horace Kilbourn, of Hector and Miss Jennie Patton.
--At the residence of the officiating minister in Chatham, PA, by Rev. D. A. Pope, Mr. Jacob VanWort and Miss Esther Bronson, both of Delmar, PA.
--At Knoxville, PA, by Rev. J. E. Hayes, Mr. Horace Webster, of Farmington Hill and Miss Mary L. Quackenbush, of Bear Creek, PA.
--On Thursday, February 19, 1885, at All Saints parsonage, in Philadelphia, Mr. Charles N. Williams, M. D., and Miss Emma Alford, both of Philadelphia.
--At Wellsboro, to the wife of John J. Long, a son.
--In Westfield, February 18, 1885, to the wife of E. H. Thompson, a daughter.
--In Westfield, February 14, 1885, to the wife of Timothy Train, a son.