Number Three
We arrived at Fort Mason which is on Lake Eustice; there was at this place
during the Indian war a fort and block-house the remains of which are still to
be seen. There are at present, several houses, one store, and a sawmill. We
remained there only a couple of hours, when launching our boat we were under
way. There are in this part of the state, several lakes all connected together
by navigable streams.
Lake Dora lies to the south of Lake Eustice; it is about six miles long and
three broad, and is a most beautiful sheet of water. The country to the south
and west of Lake Dora is the highest in the state, and south of Lake Dora about
ten miles is Apapka lake, one of the largest lakes in the state. West of Lake
Eustice are lakes Harris and Graham, besides several smaller ones. About two
o’clock Sunday, we crossed to the south side of lake Eustice, and entering the
stream leading into lake Dora, we camped on the bank of the lake ____ too tired
to care much about our suppers. Building up a large fire of pine logs we lay
down to sleep but along in the night were awakened by some animal trying to get
in the boat. The captain took his gun and creeping down the bank he could see
something with its fore feet on the edge of the boat eating some fish that lay
on a box in the stern. He fired and over it went; running down he found he had
shot an otter, it was one of the largest we ever saw. Going to sleep again we
rested until morning when going out while one of the boys got breakfast, I shot
at a wild turkey, while the captain bagged a couple more. We went back to camp,
having been gone only an hour. Getting under way we crossed the lake, and landed
on a bluff on the south west side, where we concluded to explore the country and
hunt for a day or two.
Tying up our boat we all started off on a tramp. We found the country
heavily timbered with oak and pine; this part of the country consists of rolling
land, some of the ridges rising almost to the dignity of hills. We had not gone
far before we saw several deer but made so much noise that they heard us and
took alarm. Finally we concluded to separate and each go it alone. After going
about a mile I came in sight of a small Prairie where I saw a large herd of
deer, some feeding and some lying down. Being on high ground I had a splendid
sight of them, when all at once they started off on a run, coming right towards,
me, one old buck came loping along within a few feet of me. Taking aim I sent a
ball crashing through his brain, he pitched forward and fell within ten feet of
me, in the meantime I could hear the boys shooting. I dressed my deer and taking
the saddles made my way back to camp. When I got back it being sometime till
noon, I took the boat and rowed across the outlet to get a shot at some
Alligators I saw there; letting the boat drift slowly along, I soon got close to
a very large one, which after watching for a few minutes I shot in the eye. He
flopped himself off in the lake hitting the boat a rap with his tail and nearly
capsizing it. He soon stopped his struggles and tying him to the boat I rowed
back to camp. The boys had just got in, each having killed a deer. After dining
on some of the best venison I ever saw we concluded to spend the afternoon in
hunting “gators” as they call them. We killed several of them, one very large
one measuring near twelve feet in length. Just at night we tried our luck
fishing for black bass and could catch them almost as fast as we could haul them
out. Some were very large, and after fishing we set to work roasting our venison
for next day.
We were annoyed during the night by the alligators. They had got scent of
the fish and of all we had thrown in the lake, and came around by dozens and
would occasionally have a pitched battle. When two old bulls get at it they
would make the water fly, and the noise they made was perfectly awful. Just at
daylight we all got to sleep but were waked up by an unearthly noise.
Running out of the tent we found a large hog struggling to get away from an
alligator, he had come too near the water and an alligator seized him by one
hind leg and was trying to drag him into the water. The alligator being a small
one, the hog was almost a match for him. Picking up my rifle I ran right up to
the old fellow and putting my gun close to his body fired, he let go and rolled
over. I shot the hog to put him out of his misery; its leg and thigh were
terrible mangled.
Breakfast done we sailed across to the east side of the lake, and stopped at
a Negro’s hut, and got some sweet potatoes, giving him what fish and game we did
not want, and told him to go over where we camped and get the carcass of the
We always found somebody to take all the fish and game we did not want. The
blacks would go three or four miles after it, we often killed several deer in
the course of a day and gave them away. We seldom killed more than we wanted
unless we were near some settlement, so we could find some one to use it.
Leaving Lake Dora, we entered lake Eustice, and skirted around the south and
west side of it, shooting several alligators during the afternoon, about 3
o’clock we came to the outlet leading into lake Harris, and we went along until
we arrived at the foot of the lake, when we landed on a low bluff and pitched
our tent for the night.
When we were cleaning away the leaves and stuff for our camp we turned over
an old chunk and found an enormous moccasin snake it was the first snake of the
kind we had killed. The moccasin snake is one of the most disgusting looking
reptiles I ever saw. In some places they are numerous, a good sized one being
about six feet in length, and as thick as a man’s arm. They are venomous and
unlike the rattlesnake, they bite on the least provocation.
Going to sleep after supper, I was awakened several times during the night
by the alligators; our camp seemed to be near their headquarters, and they kept
up such a splashing and bellowing unless a man was very tired, it was impossible
to sleep. In the morning we concluded to go out on the bluffs on the south of
the lake and take a look at the country. We sailed down the lake about five
miles landing on a sandy bluff and leaving the boat in charge of the captain we
started climbing quite a rise of ground and finally came to a point from which
we could see the whole lake. The morning was warm, the day being clear, not a
cloud to be seen, and not a breath of air stirring. We overlooked the entire
lake, some twenty miles long and ten wide, and very irregular in shape, indented
by a number of sharp points of land extending in some places for two or three
miles into the lake.
The view we had was most charming, nearly two thirds of the lake is
surrounded by bluffs or hills, especially on the north sides, and there are
several fine orange groves along the shore.
After viewing the scenery as long as we wanted to, and the wind beginning to
blow, we hoisted sail and crossed to the north shore; while going across I out
with my trolling line and caught several black bass. We caught some of the
largest and finest fish of the kind I ever saw, this lake being celebrated for
them. About two o’clock we landed at a grove owned by a man from Philadelphia by
the name of Dr. Milan; there are three or four groves adjoining each other of
several thousand trees each. Dr. Milan has a fine residence and the pleasantest
place I had yet seen; his trees were loaded down with fruit he having just
commenced to pick it. We found a couple of young men at work in the grove, the
Dr. not being at home. They showed us over the place.
Good orange land in a wild state is held at one hundred dollars an acre
around lake Harris. One reason is on account of the ease of getting the crop to
market, the lake being navigable for steamers which ascend the Ocklawaha river
to lake Eustice and thence into lake Harris. Getting us a supply of oranges as
this was our last chance we were likely to have for sometime; after we left Dr.
Milan’s we laid our course for the town of Okahumka, lying on a creek of the
same name that empties into the lake. Leaving lake Harris we made our way up a
narrow stream about a mile, when we came to a draw bridge which opened and we
continued on into a small lake where we shot a number of alligators, the farther
we went into the interior the more plenty the game and all kinds of reptiles
became. – Dr. C. Hooker
Dr. Hooker was a physician in Troy.
$200 REWARD!
The sum of two hundred dollars! Reward will be paid for information which
will lead to the detection and conviction of the person or persons who set fire
to the Baptist Church in the village of Troy, Pa., on Thursday morning, October
2d, or to the barn of H. C. Dickinson, on the same morning. – H. M. SPALDING,
$300 REWARE!
The Grange Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Troy, Pa. will pay a reward of
$300 for the arrest and conviction of the person or persons who set fire to the
barn of L. P. WILLIAMS on the night of August 27, 1879. By order of the board of
Directors, D. Lilley, President; B. F. Newberry, Sec’y.
Saturday Evening, November 22,
Female Minstrels
The finest aggregation in the United States and are well worth of public
THE PROGRAMME is excellent in every particular.
PROFESSOR MARTINO, the well known magician is the Manager of the Company,
and he has had years of costly experience.
FRANK FORREST, in his female impersonations, cannot be excelled. His make-up
is excellent and his Eve like cast of countenance is well calculated to deceive.
THE ART PICTURES are both pleasing and artistic and in no part of the
entertainment is unseemingly vulgarity displayed.
DICK BAKER is a true exponent of the real Irishman, and also a clever
THOMAS O’BRINE, of the O’Brien Bros.has been recently engaged with this
company and will positively appear.
Admission – 35 cents
Reserved seats at – 50 cents
Gallery – 25 cents
Northern Tier Gazette
Nov. 20, 1879
Twelfth Annual Announcement
J. T. McCollum, A. B. – Principal
Miss Sarah E. Ballard, Preceptress, Grammar School Department
Miss Minnie Grohs, Teacher Intermediate Department
Miss Eliza Adams, Teacher Primary (B) Department
Miss Annie Adams, Teacher Primary (A) Department
Proposals for Poor-House Farm
The poor-house system of maintaining the poor of Bradford County having been
adopted by a majority of the votes of the Electors of the county, the
undersigned will receive proposals at their office in Towanda for the next
thirty days for the sale of farms suited to the purposes of a poor-house farm.
In stating proposals, give the quantity and quality of and the improvements, how
watered, where located and the price asked. The information so communicated will
be regarded by us as confidential until we have determined upon a purchase.
Daniel Bradford, J. W. Hurst, M. F. Ransom, Co. Com’rs
HULL – MORGAN. At the Baptist Parsonage Oct. 16th by Rev. J. Barton French,
Mr. Frank W. Hull and Miss Amanda Morgan all of Troy.
SNIDER – In Troy, Pa. Nov. 18th Andrew, son of Andrew Snider, aged 9 years.
BALLARD – In Troy, Nov. 13th of diphtheria Laura, daughter of F. L. Ballard, aged 8 yr.
WELCH – In Austinville, Pa. of general debility David Welch, age 60 years.
HOOKER – In Alba, Pa. Nov. 18th of general debility, at the residence of his son, Dr. C. Hooker, our father Clark Hooker in the 85th year of his age.
Sarah M. MUTH, late of Troy Boro by Isreal A. PIERCE, Administrator.
Estate of ALFRED McCLURE, late of Columbia twp. by Electra McClure,
By virtue of an order issued out of the Orphan’s Court of Bradford County,
the undersigned administrator of the estate of MYRON H. ANNABLE, deceased late
of LeRoy township, will expose to public sale at the house of Myron H. Annable,
deceased, in LeRoy twp. on Wednesday, December 17th, 1879, at one o’clock, P.M.,
the following real estate, bounded as follows, to wit:
All that certain piece, parcel and lot of land situate in the township of
LeRoy, county of Bradford and state of Pennsylvania, bounded as follows: On the
North by lands of David Thompson, East by lands of D. L. Stone and James
Bloomer, South by lands of R. W. McClelland, and West by lands of A. A.
Spalding, Courtland Clark and V. S. Landon, containing 59 acres of land be the
same more or less, with 1 frame house, 1 frame barn, and a few fruit trees
Terms: $100 on property being struck down, $300 on confirmation, $300 and
interest on all unpaid six months after confirmation, and the residue in one
year therefrom, with interest,
JAS. W. CORRELL, Administrator
At a regular meeting of Northern Tier Lodge No. 930, I. O. of O. F., a
committee was appointed to draft resolutions on the death of Bro. Chas. Crane,
of Fassetts, who died Nov. 13th, and said committee would submit the following:
Resolved, That we acknowledge the hand of the Almighty Father of the
Universe in this first visitation of death among our brethren.
Resolved, That while we humbly submit to the ever ruling power of God, we
still believe that our loss is His gain.
Resolved, That we extend our heartfelt sympathies to the widow and children
of the deceased brother, hoping they will remember that an Odd Fellow’s hand is
ever open to administer to their wants.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the widow, and that
they be printed in the Troy Gazette and Elmira papers.
V. B. Leonard, H. E. Chace, David Chace, Committee
The Northern Tier Gazette
Nov. 20, 1879
Read the ad of Blonde Minstrels
Cape Cod Cranberries at C. N. Grohs’.
Go to the minstrel show Saturday night.
The Jubilee Singers had a big house at Canton.
Try the Fancy Diamond Soap, only 5 cts. at C. N. Grohs’.
W. T. Daly’s New Process Buckwheat Flour at C. N. Grohs’.
Rev. G. P. Sewell will preach at the Spalding School House next Sunday at 3 o’clock.
At Sylvania, on Thanksgiving, there will be a sermon at 11 o’clock, and in the evening a Union temperance Concert.
The ladies of the M. E. Church will give a samp and milk sociable at the Church parlors Thursday evening. All are cordially invited. (Question: Does anybody know what a samp and milk sociable is?)
The Y.M.C.A. were addressed by Rev. J. Barton French in an excellent talk Monday night. Next Monday night a “Praise and Promise Meeting.”
M. A. Gates who has had extensive experience in the clothing trade, has accepted a situation in the clothing department at the Redington & Leonard Co.’s store.
The winter term of Troy Graded School will open Monday, Nov. 24. Classes will be arranged to furnish first-class facilities for teachers, and those desiring academic studies.
The cross on the Catholic Church in this village has been gilded and now is a prominent object in the landscape of Troy. A new roof has been put on the church, the chimneys renewed and other improvements made.
C.L.S.C. met Tuesday evening and reviewed Roman History from Augustus to Odoacer. Sarah Ballard bave a thoughtful, well composed essay on Nere, (Nero?) Next lesson, Text Book pages 39 to 55 and Merivale’s History 354th page to 410th.
The Jubilee Singers sang to a good house and were warmly encored. Their selections were good and rendered excellently, and there are few troups that deserve a warmer welcome, “Sherman’s March to the Sea” was superbly done and the general good taste of the selections and mode of rendering were marked.
Amount of Mail sent from the Post Office at Troy, Pa. during the first week in November First-class, Letters and postal cards, 1,988; Second-class, Newspapers and Magazines, 702, Third class, Transient printed matter, books and circulars, 71; Fourth-class, Merchandise Total of all classes, 2,783. – C. F. Sayles, P. M.
Speaking of the Blondes, who are to appear at the Opera House, Saturday night, the Hornellsville TRIBUNE says: “The Ida Vincent troupe had an immense house last (Monday) night, the receipts reaching three hundred dollars, according to report. The company is a large one and their performance entirely unobjectionable, so say all critics who were present.
We call attention to the advertisement of Edward H. Ayres, of Elmira, who will hold a Grand Auction Sale of Jewelry, Watches and Holiday Goods, commencing Nov. 19. The father of Mr. Ayres, under the well known name of S. Ayres, has conducted for thirty years the oldest jewelry establishment in Elmira, noted everywhere for the uniform and excellent quality of the goods sold. This will be a rare chance to Holiday Goods at attractive figures.
The pupils of the Graded School have prepared a pleasant entertainment which they will present on Thanksgiving night, Nov. 27th, at the Opera House. It will consist of a number of capital recitations, some good declamations, some attractive tableaux, and the very amusing drama of the “Virginy Mummy.” This play has been substituted for the one first chosen, “The Blind Boy” which requires more characters and a longer time. Prof. McCollom’s entertainments have been so uniformly successful that the public are sure to be well entertained on Thanksgiving evening.
Chas E. Bullock, of Canton, has bought the Canton SENTENEL from C. H. Butt, who has conducted it for several years, and who founded it in connection with his father. The paper will be edited by Mr. Bowman, of the Dushore REVIEW, who has a good reputation as a newspaper man. Something more will be necessary than good editing, and that is the active and energetic support of the business men of the place. Mr. Butt, who strove to give the people a good paper did not receive the support he should. He goes to Williamsport and takes a situation in the office of the Daily RUNNER, where we hope he may achieve success.
The dramas given on Friday night by the Troy Dramatic Club were greeted by a
good house, notwithstanding the fact that it rained like shot just before the
entertainment, and threatened to be a wholly uncomfortable night. The plays were
well presented and, except perhaps too much miscellaneous standing around which
always distinguishes amateurs from professionals, were successfully rendered. In
“Bread on the Waters,” Lewis Crane as Dr. Harlem, was strongest in the character
of the broken down old man whose mind wanders. Will Grant as Harry, his son, did
his best acting as the returned Californian. F. E. Woodward as Bob Winders, as
usual, had “just his luck” in filling the clothes and characted of his much
traveled friend. Mel. Case as Fred Hastings did well, but was best in the scene
of the forgery. Albert Morgan, as Jonathan Wild Butts, was gotten up regardless
of expense and did full justice to his part. Amanda Lewis, as Mrs. Loring,
looked the character to perfection and acted well. Frank Tears, as Lucy Harlem,
was best in the refusal of Fred and Miss Betts, as the waif, in fantasizing her
legal friend, Mr. Butts.
The farce was amusing enough. Crane was Tonsor, and kept a particularly
lively shop for awhile, with Woodward as McGinnis, “a son of the auld dart,
entirely, d’ye mind,” and Grant as Zeb, the liveliest darkey ever liberated by
the emancipation proclamation. Geo. Blackwell, as Mistaw Bihmpaw, was good and
Mell Case, as Crusty did his part well.
Sufferers from Catarrh, read Ely’s Cream Balm advertisment.
You can get the best oysters at G. Bradley’s. Try them.
First Class Organ, $115, for sale by B. P. Leonard.
Notice! $10,000 Guarantee! Buck Lead excels all other Lead; for sale by Stuart Bro’s.
Beef Steak round, for cash 12½ cents.
Sirloin and Porterhouse steak, 16 cents.
Teachers Examinations will be held at Troy Nov. 8; Canton, Nov. 29; Towanda,
Nov. 22.
G. W. Ryan, County Supt.
The well known firm of Hall Brothers, booksellers, so long standard among Elmira business men, is no more after an existence extending from 1842. Preswick, Morse & Co. have purchased the good will and large stock.
The Elmira Gazette reports Dan Donovan, of Troy, Pa., arrested for drunkenness; $5 or ten days in jail.
Presiding Elder, C. C. Wilbor preaches the dedication sermon of the Painted Post church today.
W. G. Andress has been appointed postmaster at Minnequa.
At the Bridge Shops of Kellogg & Maurice, Athens, 180 men are employed.
The frame of Bohlaier’s mill was raised on Friday and Saturday. Its full size is 100ft by 60 and the main part 80 feet by 60.
At Dart Settlement (near Wellsboro) in Tioga county, a few evening since, a bold robbery was committed. While a man named Lent was at church his house was entered and a trunk containing his deeds, will, and about seventy dollars in money carried away. His wife and son’s wife were at home, but at the time the theft is supposed to have been committed, had gone to the barn to see what was the cause of a noise heard there.
An occasional case of diphtheria is reported from Blossburg.
The Blossburg INDUSTRIAL REGISTER will soon be printed on a power press.
Mr. Fish, the Independent Republican candidate for Sheriff, of Tioga Co. received 1033 votes.
We learn that about $50 worth of apparatus has recently been placed in the Graded School at Smithfield.
About seventy bushels of oats were stolen from the barn of Geo. G. Francis in Delmar, on the night of October 28.
The largest vote polled in the county was on poor house. Total on Poor House, 7,380: total on State ticket, 7,352.
Robert Crossley of Mansfield, has harvested 12,000 heads of cabbage. On Prof. Allen farm between six and seven thousand heads have been raised this seasib,
Nancy Soper, insane, escaped from the Tioga county poor house last Sunday evening since when nothing has been heard from her. A reward is offered for her capture.
Work at Fallbrook is going on exceedingly well. The miners have not been idle a single day for over two months. The daily shipment exceeds four hundred and fifty tons.
A Mainsburg correspondent says: Little strangers have arrived at the respective homes of Cal H. Dewitt, Ingham Maynard, J. B. Runsey, C. E. Lovell, Manfred Robbins and George Evarts.
Two hundred and eleven votes were cast against the Poor House in Warren, and not one for it. Sylvania borough cast 54 votes for it and none against, and Albany cast 233 for and none against.
Mrs. M. L. Burns of Towanda, went on Tuesday of last week by invitation of the faculty of Lafayette College, to Easton, Pa., for the purpose of writing up historical reminiscences of that institution of learning.
Payne & Sons, of Corning, engine and boiler makers, say that they have paid out about four thousand dollars the present year for advertising. They are now putting in more new machinery to do their work.
Greenwood Hall, at Jackson Summit was dedicated Nov. 5th with appropriate ceremonies, including a barbeque, the temperance drama, “Ten Nights in a Bar-room and speeches by Prof. Allen, of Mansfield and Mr. Hardy, of Elmira.
The mines at McIntyre are working with a full force of miners, every day. The Company has just finished two coke ovens, which will be put to work next week. If they prove a success, it is expected ninety-eight more will be built next summer.
The Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Tuscarora, Pa., received its charter Sept. 4, 1874, and since which time it has become one of the permanent institutions of Tuscarora township. Up to Jan. 1st, 1879, this company has taken risks to the amount of $680,000.
The fine barn belonging to Dr. Brooks, situated a few feet south of his neat and comfortable residence, corner of Towanda and South Division streets Canton, had a narrow escape from destruction by fire on or about four o’clock Sunday morning last, but was found and extinguished before any serious damage was done. Hot ashes thrown into a wooden ash-box was the cause.
The citizens of Liberty were aroused about 10 o’clock Sunday night by a cry of fire. Upon going into the street it was found that M. B. Mott’s tannery was on fire. The alarm was sounded too late and the tannery and an adjoining stable, the latter belonging to J. C. Rider were soon devoured by the flames. We were informed that Mr. Mott was partially insured. It was fortunate that there was a slight snow storm at the time, else the fire would have communicated to other buildings, and possible swept the town.
Mrs. M. J. Wheeler of Mansfield advertises for information of her husband, M. J. Wheeler, a printer who left his home in Elmira, on the 25th of October. When last heard from he was in Olean. He was well dressed, wore a brown overcoat, either black or gray pants, a black Derby hat and drab gloves. He is about 26 years of age, nearly six feet tall, has light hair and mustache, a thin face and light complexion. He walks with a light springy step, and carries his hands in the side pockets of coat. He is believed to be partially insane. Any information concerning him will be thankfully received.
The hardware store of B. F. Werline, of Liberty, Tioga county, was burglariously entered on Tuesday evening, Oct. 28th, while Mr. W. was at tea. The parties gained an entrance through a cellar window, thence into a room at the back end of the store, and thence into the dale room by taking off a part of the lock from a door leading from back room into the salesroom. The discovery was first made when Mr. Werline went to place cash receipts in the safe, when he found that the inner door of the safe had been tampered with and nearly broken open. The outer door of the safe had been left open by Mr. W. The robbers were hurried away by the timely arrival of the proprietor.
The great iron bridge across the Missouri at St. Charles, fell on Monday, precipitating 17 cattle cars into the river 80 feet below and killing 4 men.
Chicago, Nov. 15 – “Mark Twain,” Samuel L. Clemens, was tendered a complimentary breakfast yesterday by a party of city journalists. It was given at the Tremont House.
Lock Haven, Pa., Nov. 13 – The large planning and shingle ills of Brown & Co., with office and lumber sheds and two dwelling houses, burned this afternoon. Loss $25,000
Al Wetmore, of this borough, while coming over the hills from Catlin Hollow to this place, after dark a few evenings ago, was followed some distance by a wild cat. His attention was first attracted by the crying of the animal in the woods, and it soon appeared a short distance behind him. Al says he did not run, but he turned about and walked backward for a considerable distance preferring to keep his eye on the “critter.” Just before coming within the borough limits the animal left him. – AGITATOR
Last week the Rev. Sanford B. Dickinson, of Andover, N. Y., a prominent Methodist clergyman came to Elmira, put up at the Rathbun House and went into a bank and demanded $25,000 of the cashier, claiming that the Lord had sent him there. The officers of the bank to whom such security was wholly unknown, refused the request and delivered him to Chief John Knapp, who took him to the hotel where his mental alienation was very much apparent. He is a native of Leona, Pa., and we remember him well as a studious and intelligent young man.
Lebanon, Pa., Nov. 15 – Charles Drews and Franklin Stichler were hanged this morning for the murder of Joseph Raber. The people began congregating before daylight. By eight the rain ceased and a large throng assembled in front of the jail. The man hanged are two of the six convicted of the murder of old Raber, upon whose life they had taken out a heavy insurance. Zechman, one of the six, was acquitted yesterday on his second trial. Wise, who confessed first, has never been sentenced. The case of Hummel and Brandt now before the supreme court. Drews and Stichler are the only ones brought to the scaffold. Four clergymen held religious exercises with the condemned men during the morning. Both men displayed remarkable nerve.
An intelligent French chemist, named Jean A. Mathien, has established himself in the wilds of Sullivan county, near the outlet of Hunter’s Lake, and erected furnaces for the manufacture of charcoal, pyroligneous acid, spirit of wood, acetate of lead, zinc, copper, iron alumina and various other chemicals derived from this source. Pyroligneous acid is obtained by the distillation of wood in iron retorts, and is used in the dyeing of calicoes and for various other purposes. The best wood for its production is beech, maple, cherry and other hard woods found in abundance in that locality. The manufactory is built on the side of a steep hill, and there is a gradual descent from one department to another, until the last and final process is effected at the bottom. The manufactory is located on the Rock Run road leading to Lewis’ Lake near the old Jones saw mill.
The Burlington Literary Society will give an exhibition in Long’s Hall, at Burlington, on the evening of Nov. 28, object to procure means for the purchase of a large Dictionary for our school. Every one is cordially invited to come, admission ten cents. Don’t you think now because we ask so little, our entertainment is not worth much. We make it as near free as we can, because we are public spirited, and want to give every one such a real, jolly, good and pleasant evening, as they will long remember, and at the same time do something for our school. The Temperance Union held a very interesting session last evening although but few were present. Short addresses were given by Rev. Paul Smith, Flem Lent, Dr. Everitt and Benjamin Clark, better known as Ben. The latter gentleman remarked that “we fight King Alcohol now in a different way than they did when he entered the temperance army. The said he “we flew at him snake fashion and swallowed him whole. Now we kid of siege him out.” This is what we are doing in this place. No special news this week. – Frances J. Sturdevant.
Rev. Dr. Bellows, the well known Unitarian clergyman; will preach a Thanksgiving sermon in the Jewish Temple Emanu El. It will be the first instance in the history of that city of a Christian preaching in a Jewish Synagogue.
Northern Tier Gazette
Nov. 20, 1879
Northern Tier Gazette – A. S. Hooker, Troy, Pa.
E. B. Parsons, Attorney and Counsellor – Troy, Pa.
Davies & Carnochan, Attorneys at Law – Towanda, Pa.
Delos Rockwell, Attorney at Law – Office on Canton St., Troy, Pa.
W. E. Chilson, Attorney at Law – Office in Pomeroy’s Block over Booth & Wooster’s west side of Canton St., Troy, Pa. Also land surveyor.
Albert Morgan, Attorney at Law – Office with E. B. Parsons Canton St. over Stuart Bros. Drug Store, Troy, Pa.
S. O. Doane, Attorney at Law and Land Agent, Sherman, Grayson County, Texas.
A.C. Fanning, Attorney at Law and Notary Public – Office in Carnochan’s
block Canton St., Troy, Pa.
Patrick & Foyle, Attorneys at Law – Office on south side of Mercur’s block, over Express Office, Towanda, Pa.
A. Redfield, Attorney and Counselor at Law – Office in Manley’s Block, Canton, Pa.
Rodney A. Mercur – Attorney at Law. Office in Montanyes Block, Towanda, Pa.
Physicians and Surgeons:
Dr. C. F. Paine – Office at residence on Canton St., Troy, Pa., next door to Opera House.
Dr. D. W. Ingham, Homeopathic Physician – Office on Elmira St., Troy, Pa.
C. C. Hooker – Office at residence in northern end of village, Alba, Pa. “Attendance at all hours of day and night.”
Dr. E. G. Tracy – Office at Mitchell’s Drug Store, Troy, Pa.
R. C. Kendall – Office on Main St., Troy, Pa.
Jno. H. Grant – Canton St., Troy, Pa.
E. H. Ayers, Watches and Jewelry (Successor to S. Ayres)
No. 308 East Water St., Elmira, N. Y.
Auctioneers and Vendue Criers:
H. N. Fish – Troy Township
Boots and Shoes:
Orin F. Price, Boot and Shoe Maker – Shop on Main St., lately occupied by
John Christian, Troy, Pa.
C. Muth – Boot and Shoe Maker, Canton St., Troy, Pa.
Hides, Pelts, and Skins:
E. H. Dewey & Co., dealers in Boots and Shoes, Leather, Shoe Findings. Fur
and Salt. The highest market price paid for Hides, Skins, Sheep Pelts, Furs,
Bees Wax, Flax Seed and Beans. Canton St., Troy, Pa.
Architect and Builder:
Geo. W. Brown – Architect and Builder. Austinville, Pa.
F. W. Hull, Manufacturer of Brackets and Ornamental Woodwork of all kinds. Book Cases and Picture Frames made to order. Troy, Pa.
J. Q. Ingham – Architect. Opera Block, Elmira, N. Y.
Banking House:
Pomeroy Brothers, Troy, Pa
L. N. Tinkham – Agent for Waters and Shoninger’s Celebrated Organs and
Pianos and dealer in Musical supplies. Sylvania, Pa.
R. Morell Johnson – Dealer in Musical Goods, Sheet Music, Band Instruments, etc., etc. Teacher of Vocal and Instrumental music. Leader of Musical Conductions and Instructor of Bands. Piano tuning a specialty. Troy, Pa.
Call and See Us at the Delevan House, Elmira, N. Y. – Opposite the Depot. C. T. Smith, Proprietor. Formerly of the Ward House, Towanda, Pa.
Adams House, Troy, Pa. – J. Joralemon, Proprietor. “Having leased the Adams House, in this borough and put it in thorough repair, is prepared to entertain the traveling public in a comfortable manner and at prices to suit the times.
Coal Yard:
New Coal Yard at Columbia X Roads, E. B. Parsons, Proprietor,
Constantly on hand and for sale at Low Prices the best quality of SHAMOKIN
COAL of all sizes, properly screened before delivery. J. H. Strong, Agent, Col.
X Roads, Pa. Dec. 16, 1872
Coal! Orders may be left with H. M. Spalding, drayman, Wm. Stryker.
F. H. Hoffman, Dealer in Fresh Mined Anthracite from the well and favorably known Henry Clay and Black Diamond Mines. Office with Hon. Delos Rockwell, Canton St.
Dining Room:
Everett’s Dining Rooms – 317 Carroll Street, Elmira, N.Y. “ The only First
Class place in Elmira, where meals are furnished for 25 cents. Shell oysters and
Clams in Season, and served in every style. This place is kept strictly
The under signed having completed his New Livery Stable on Exchange Street,
near Redington & Leonard’s store, is prepared to supply the wants of the public,
in providing them with a First Class Livery, complete in all its parts, Good
Horses, Good Vehicles, Double and Single, and good accommodations for horses.
Orders can be left at Express Office, B. A. Long, Troy, Pa.
Leiblee’s Foundry! The undersigned formerly with Austin Mitchell has opened
a Foundry. – Back of Waren Cases Blacksmith Shop, and is prepared to do all
kinds of Foundry Work on short notice, and at low prices. Plows, Points, Sleigh
Shoes, Stove Repairs, Etc. E. H. Leiblee
The undersigned is prepared to do Undertaking in the best manner and at
prices which will be satisfactory to his patrons at short notice. He keeps
constantly on hand at his Shop in Austinville, Penn’a. a good assortment of
Coffins, Cloth covered and Walnut Caskets, Robes and Trimmings, of the best and
most tasteful designs. A good hearse in attendance. Orders by mail promptly
attended to. C. E. Colony
B. F. KNAPP – General Undetaker
Shop on Center St., Troy, Pa (formerly occupied by A. H. Wintermute)
Stein and Metallic Caskets, Metallic and Wood Coffins, Shrouds, etc., etc.,
etc., constantly on hand.
Bodies kept by packing in ice.
Carriage Shop:
Leona Carriage Shops – Frank W. Daly. “Having completed my Carriage Shops
and supplied myself with a full corps of first class workmen I am prepared to
offer to the public superior advantages in the manufacture of Light and Heavy
Wagons, Carriages and Platform Wagons.
Jas. S. Reynolds, Manufacturer of Fine Carriages, Sleighs, and Platform Wagons. Union Carriage Shop – Alba, Pa.
Best Lands in Iowa and Nebraska, B. & M. Railroad – A. J. Noble & Co.,
Towanda, Pa.
Painter and Paper Hanger:
J. W. Turner – Fine painting, Paper Hanging, Graining, Kalsomining, &c.
Orders can be left at B. B. Mitchell’s or at residence on Canton. St., Troy, Pa.
M. W. Pierce – House Painting, Kalsomining & Paper Hanging. Orders can be left at B. B. Mitchell’s, L. W. Eighmey’s or at my residence near the Maynard School House.
B. B. Mitchell & Stuart Bros.
New Millinery Shop. Just received from the city, a new and fine assortment
of Millinery, including trimmed hats in all the latest Paris and New York
styles. Don’t fail to call and examine for yourself.
Remember the place: Adams House, opposite Newbery, Peck & Co’s Store of
which Mrs. J.J. Joralemon is the manager.
Planing Mill:
J. J. Bohlaier
Rose & Horton, Elmira, N. Y.
Window Shades, Wallpaper:
Florence Sullivan’s 113 Baldwin St., Elmira, N. Y.
Geo. Weigester, Proprietor
H. M. Beeles, at Gustin’s Photograph Gallery.
Redington & Leonard Co., Troy, Penna.
E. S. Jewell, Troy, Pa.
Crockery & Groceries:
Wooster & Boothe
No. 12 Canton St., Troy, Pa.
Connections: Canastota with N.Y.C.& H.R.R.R., Cortland with D.L. & W. R. R.;
Freeville with S.C.R.R.; Van Etten with G.I. & S. R.R.; Elmira with Erie, Lehigh
Valley, Northern Central and Tioga Railroads.
M. W. SERAT, G.P.A., Elmira, N. Y., May 22, 1879.
THE ERIE RAILWAY – Will hereafter be known by its new name, THE NEW YORK, LAKE ERIE & WESTERN RAILROAD.
AN EPISODE (Underground Railroad)
I was sitting in the parlor of my boarding-house the other day reading an
interesting article in an English magazine and occasionally interjecting a
remark to a clergyman who was attending the Synod, and was quartered by special
request on the family with which I boarded, when a neighbor, whom I well knew,
came in and was introduced to the clergyman.
“I do not recollect, said the divine, of ever having met you before, though
I have often heard your name, and am happy to meet you now.”
“I think, sir, said the gentleman, that we have met once before, and under
peculiar circumstances.”
“When? Where, sir? Returned the clergyman. Peculiar circumstances! What
“Perhaps I can refer you to circumstances that may remind you of it, said
the gentleman. Were you not, some twenty-seven years ago, say in 1852,
Superintendent of public schools in one of the northern counties of this state?
And on your way to Harrisburg did you not stop at a hotel in this city? And did
not a woman whose husband was absent in the State of New York, send for you to
call at her house? And did you not call there?”
“What do you mean, sir? Said the clergyman with a slight amount of acrimony
in his voice. “So you-“
“Hold on, said the gentleman; don’t get excited. And did you not meet there
a colored girl whom Mrs. Sampson, an intimate friend of your wife, had in charge
and wanted to send to Canada?”
“Haw1 haw! Haw! laughed out right the clergyman. I remember it now;
and you are the man who helped us in our need? Excuse me for being excited. I
did not know but you were going to bring a railing accusation against me.”
But let me relate the circumstances as I learned them from the parties
The Rev. M. C. was Superintendent of Common Schools in Tioga county and on
his way to Harrisburg on official business, and stopped over night at the hotel
where a short time before Mr. Sampson and his wife had boarded.
A few days before he was there a very genteel and polite colored boy called
at the hotel and inquired for Mr. Sampson, saying he had a letter for him or his
wife, which he was directed to deliver in person. He was informed that Mr.
Sampson and family had left the hotel, and the gentlemanly clerk went with him
to the door, pointed out the street on which they resided, and gave him
directions by following which he would find their residence.
The letter was duly received and read by Mrs. Sampson, her husband being
absent. It was from a gentleman in Union county, who was at the time largely
interested in the Underground railroad, recommencing to her care the bearer, an
intelligent Southern girl and a fugitive from slavery, whom he requested her to
clothe in garments appropriate for sex and put her enroute to Canada under a
safe conductor of the Underground railroad. The next day learning from some
source that the Rev. Mr. C. was at the hotel, she sent for him, communicated to
him the state of affairs, and asked him to advise her in the matter.
A Mrs. Tubbs, sister to the gentleman named in the beginning of this
narrative, with her infant daughter, who is now the wife of a prominent
physician of Williamsport, was on a visit to her brother, who lived neighbor to
Mrs. Sampson, and was about to return to her home at Lawrenceville, Tioga
county. It was arranged that Mrs. Tubbs should take charge of the girl,
ostensibly as nurse of her little child, take her to Lawrenceville, and thence
forward her to her destination in Canada.
But here was a difficulty. It was suspected by the agent of the girl’s
owner, who was then in Williamsport, that she was in that city, and the District
Attorney was applied to assist in discovering her hiding place. Mrs. Tubbs, with
her little daughter and her daughter’s black nurse, accompanied by her brother,
who was to go with them as far as Trout Run and see them safely lodged in the
stage that ran over the mountain, embarked on the cars in the afternoon, ready
to start when a person who was interested to discover the girl, came into the
car saw the girl, and suspected at once that she was the fugitive.
But Mrs. Tubbs suspecting his mission played the mistress so skillfully that
suspicion was disarmed, and he left the car satisfied that “she was not the maid
he was after”, and the car did not lose the passenger.
Arrived at Trout Run, almost the first person they saw was the District
Attorney, who, hearing that a colored girl answering the description of the
fugitive had left the city with a party going north, immediately put himself
enroute for Trout Run with a fleet horse and light buggy, and arrived there
about the time the cars did. Mr. R., the brother, suspecting his business,
immediately took counsel of the landlord, Mr. Charles Barrows, informed him of
the position of the affairs, and asked his aid. Just then the District Attorney
came in, and during the interchange of civilities, which generally included
liquid refreshments, incidentally asked Mr. Barrows who that lady with the child
was who came up in the car.
“A lady from Tioga county,” was the reply.
“Is that colored girl hers?”
“I donno. I suppose so; she came over with her two or three weeks ago. Why?”
“Oh nothing. That settles the matter, and I guess I’ll go back.”
“Yes; I think a little somethin’ strong will help settle nerves after such a
“ – (I leave out the emphatic word) – “wild goose chase.”
Well the District Attorney went back to Williamsport, and Mr. R. helped his
sister, the baby, darkey girl into the stage, waited for the return car from
Ralston, and followed the innocent Attorney to the city.
I knew Charley Barrows. He was a very clever man. His say so was always
___ered a finality; in other _____ always deemed a truth-____ _____ he lied in
this instance _____ ___arged up against him in _____ ____ on the opposite page
he had no doubt had a credit for his humanity to the poor girl flying from
slavery that would balance a hundred lies told in so righteous a cause.
Mrs. Tubbs, the baby and the baby’s nurse arrived safely at Lawrenceville,
where the nurse gave up her charge, embarked on the New York branch of the
underground railroad, in charge of a careful conductor, and arrived safely in
Canada. What became of her afterward I do not know. Mr. C. however received from
her some weeks after a letter thanking him for his kindness and management in
her behalf, and Mrs. Tubbs and Mrs. Sampson also received similar letters.
That is all there is of it. I have written out this narrative because it
concerned a Lawrenceville woman who quietly rescued a slave girl from bondage,
and has ever since kept the secret to herself; for I presume no one in that
village ever knew of the circumstances except her husband. Her act was true
Christian heroism, and her reward is the consciousness of having done right. I
have written it too, as a companion piece to the narrative of the slaves rescue
in 1828.