The original records are in vault storage at the Jackson Center Methodist Church.
In the History of Bradford County, Pennsylvania by H. C. Bradsby it states that the Judson Hill Methodist Episcopal Church was "an appointment on Daggett’s Mills charge. Rev. J. Merring, pastor. Old church burned, doubtless by an incendiary. Present house erected about 1865." If a house of worship existed in 1858 at Judson Hill it does not appear on the 1858 map as do the two Presbyterian churches existing in the township at that time. The church is shown on the 1869 map. The church was located on the west side of Judson Hill Road in western central Wells across from the Judson Hill Cemetery. The church long ago fell into a state of disrepair and neglect and no longer exists.
There are perhaps records prior to 1866 but their location or existence is unknown. The following handwritten excerpt, perhaps from an original record, has been found, but its authenticity is unknown.
Minutes of the quarterly meeting 1835-6 for Southport and Jackson. Held at Judson Hill Oct. 25th 1836.
Present John W Nevois P.C.
J. L. L. Gardner minister in chge
A. M. Luce assistant
Samuel Baker lay preacher
Joseph Bly lay preacher
Isaac Spencer Steward
Leslie Lawrence Steward
G. Ingersol Steward
Whiting Gifford leader
L. P. Ingersol leader
No complaints, No appeals, no Applications for license. Missionary stewardship were appointed as follows: Chas Evans, S. Baker, Bro. Hammon, Bro. Woodruff, A. W. Othins, L. Lawrence.
No financial report. Next meeting at Southport Church.
Conference adjourned.
Samuel Baker, Sec.
Copied into book by Pr. In charge"
The Methodist Churches in Jackson Township, Tioga County were at Daggett,
Jackson Center, and Millerton. All three of these churches still exist.
The History of Tioga County, Pennsylvania by Brown relates the Daggett
Church was built in 1854, Millerton in 1853-4, and Jackson Center in 1871.