1873 - 1899 Submitted by Esther MAYS Harer
Organization Trinity parish was organized in the year 1873. The first services were held by the Dr. Breck, (director of St. Paul's church Wellsboro, Pennsylvania) in Paymaster's office.
In August 1874 the Rev. John London deacon, commenced officiating, holding service on every other Sunday. A small room was fitted up over the "Grainery" near the store.
Lay service was conducted at first by John Hinman, and Mrs. Hinman procured a small melodeon and acted as organist. Mr. And Mrs. Hinman left Antrim before services were discontinued at the office, and William Howell conducted lay service there and afterwards on the intervening Sundays during the ministry of Mr. London.
Mr. London discontinued services in 1875. And occasional service was continued by Dr. Breck continued in charge of the mission.
Church John McGee Jr. who died at Watkins NY on April 25th, 1873 having made provision for the building of a church at Antrim, work was commenced on the same in May 1880. The cornerstone was laid on July 8 Rt 1880. By the Rev. Dr. Breck, and an address was made Antrim by Rev. Dr. J. H. Hopkins of Williamsport, Pennsylvania. The stone for the building was taken from the quarry near Antrim, and the cost of the church when completed was $13,000.
The church was concsecrated on June 6,1882. By retired Rev. M. A. DeWolfe Howe, Bishop central Pennsylvania. The clergy present and assisting were the Rev. Doctors Hopkins Williamsport, Hinsdale of Hobart college, Howard of Bath, New York and Breck of Wellsboro; and the Rev Messr's Walsh of Rochester Knapp of Watkins, Fuller, of Corning, and Brown of Tioga.
The sermon was preached by Dr. Hopkins who took for his theme "The Old Tabernacle as the Pattern of the New".
Dr. Breck was made Rector of the parish April 4,1881. And conducted services on Sunday afternoons as often is possible until November 1882 when R. Landsburger was made rector and came to reside in Antrim. He remained until May 1883.
Rev. Percy C.. Webber of Tioga now gave great aid and help in teaching and rousing activity among our people, and officiated whenever his other duties would allow. Rev. Enos W. Balsby deacon commenced officiating every two weeks in October 1884.
Mr. Webber conducted a mission service for one week commencing on April 6, 1885.
He was assisted by Mr. Balsley, and Dr. Hopkins remained during the two days. These services aroused great interest among our people Mr. Balsley did a good work among us, and continued services until September 18, 1886. Mr. W. L. Woodruff commenced holding service Nov. 1886. Mr. George Rogers commenced loading service Jan. 1887. Rev. E. J. Balsley was rector and resided in Antrim from September 1, 1888 until September 1, 1890.
December 171890 Wednesday eve. Rev. S.P. Kelly Genl. Missionary held services. Great snow storm came on and he was obliged to remain until Saturday. Services each evening.
December 19. Rev. J. W. Graf took charge, and remained here until May 19,1892. Nov. 13,1892. TrinityXXII the Rev. Lawrence Buckley, Thomas B. D. held services morning and evening in Trinity church.
December 1, 1892. The Rev. Lawrence Barkley, became rector of the parish and on December 11 the Third Sunday and Advant held service as such. He also took charge of St. John's, Lawrenceville, giving alter-rite Sunday services at the two parishes and hurrying on_____________________
June 1, 1893. Director resigned the charge of St. John's Lawrenceville and was appointed by the Bishop today charge of St. Thomas Fallbrook and St. Mary's Westfield, giving them each the Sunday a month.
August 7, 1893. Rev. Charles Wesley Boyd N.A. had charge of the parish during the Rectors vacation officiating 2 Sundays at Antrim and Thursday at Fallbrook.
September 30. The Rev. L. B. Thomas resigned the parish and missions connected with it, to accept work in Philadelphia doing this very regretfully, on his aged mothers account.
November 6th. The Bishop and Arch Deacon visited the parish, held a grand service and the former confirmed the class of 13 presented by the late rector for returned in parish for that purpose.
December 1893. The Rev. Alexander Benshaw DeWitt became Rector with charge of St. Thomas, Fallbrook and Arnot mission.
September 1894. Rev. Alex R. De Witt resigned the parish and became rector of St. James church Muncy, Pennsylvania.
November 11, 1894. The Rev. L. B. Thomas D. D. resumed charge of the parish and TrinityXXV December 1,1894 became also rector of St. Andrew's church Tioga, Pennsylvania. December 1,1897. The rector residing and accepted mission work in Elmira NY.