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By some very fortunate series of incidents, this minutes book has been preserved in pristine condition. It is the standard bound "tablet" identical to those used by students and tax collectors. It is presently in the possession of Winston Rumsey who kindly allowed me to borrow and transcribe it. {Following Winston's death June 2004, his wife Shirely SMITH Rumsey, turned it over to me for the Sullivan Township Museum] I am not aware of the path of ownership that brought these records to us, but we are in debt to all the caretakers through 130 years who, recognizing the historical value of this record, kept it in condition that we, the Future Generations to whom it is addressed, can, at long last, see its contents and understand its issues. These are the minutes, not of the church services, but of the monthly meetings of church administration and decision making. We'd call them ":board meetings" now. The minutes are very brief, but they give us a glimpse into a piece of history that has been stored away for over a dozen decades. It has now surfaced, and what a gift it is. It has traveled all the way from the middle of the 19th century to the start of the 21st, as intended, just for us.
This has broader implications for historians studying a larger view than Sullivan Township. Not only was the nation divided on the issue of slavery,.but the smaller communities, both North and South, contained elements both pro and anti slavery within their boundaries. Even following the Civil War, the issue did not go to rest. This previosuly unpublished document demonstrates the implications of that massive division at the local level.
I have not yet researched what happened to this church. My theory is
that following this split, they reunited with the original church.
East Sullivan Baptist was what we now call Gray Valley. Perhaps this one
united with State Road Baptist, founded 1856. It is my hope that I can
confirm this by locating the "other side"' of this record. I present to
you a voice from the past.
We believe in the
1st In the Existence, Sovereignty, Immutability, Omnipotence and Eternal perfection of God - the revalation (sic) which God has given of himself, as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost these three being one.
2nd In the total depravity and just condemnation of fallen man.
3rd That God foreknew his people, and that he predesinated (sic) them to be conformed to the image of his Son.
4th By the effectual calling of his grace, in delivering them from the power of darkness; quickening, writing his law in their hearts; and translating them into the kingdom of his dear Son.
5th That Jesus was smitten and stricken for the church of the most High God.
6th In the presentation, and final perseverance through grace of Gods people to glory and Eternal hapiness (sic) beyond the grave.
7th In the resurection (sic) of the just and the unjust, the just to life; the unjust to shame and everlasting contempt.
8th In a future judgement when time shall be no more, a day in which God will Judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained, in that he hath given assurance unto all men in raising him from the dead.
9th That the people of God are a living people, and that it is not only their duty but their greatest and highest privilege as much as in them lies to maintain good works, in that they should subject themselves to every ordinance of man for the Lords Sake.
10th That the visible Church of Christ is composed of quickened baptised persons, and that to them is given Ministers of the new Testament that they may be edified together.
11th That the Church of Christ with a gospel administration
Should Commemorate the Sufferings of their dying Lord in partaking of the
emblems of his broken body and shed blood.
August 18th 66
Church met to appointment singing and prayer by Elder P. W. Doud
1st Organized by appointing Levi Lovell Church Clerk.
2nd Received brethren O. R. Lovell and L. D. Porter into Church fellowship
Sept. 15th 1866
Church met to appointment opened meeting by singing and prayer by Elder P. W. Doud. The brethren and sisters manifested a desire to travel on togeather (sic) in love
Oct. 20th 1866
Church met to appointment opened meeting by singing and prayer by Elder P. W. Doud the brethren and sisters felt to say with the Psalmist we took sweet council together and walked to the house of God in company. Members Present L. D. Porter, O. R. Lovell, P. W. Doud, Levi Lovell, Susan Gitchell, Amanda R. Doud, Fanny A. Rumsey, Mary A. Lovell, Elmina Rose.
2nd Received the foregoing articles of Faith
3rd Agreed to take upon us the name of Regular Independent Baptist Church of Sullivan, Tioga Co., Pa.
Nov 17th 1866
Church met in Sullivan and found a union Present P. W. Doud, O. R. Lovell, O. S. Rumsey, Levi Lovell, Amanda R. Doud, Mary A. Lovell (crossed out), Fanny A, Rumsey
Dec. 1st 1866
Church met in Sullivan by special appointment.
1st opened meeting by singing and prayer and found a union members present P. W. Doud, O. R. Lovell, O. S. Rumsey, Levi Lovell, Susan Gitchell, Mary A. Lovell, Fanny A. Rumsey, Amanda R. Doud, Elmina Rose.
2nd Received Frances A. Rumsey as a candidate for Baptism
Dec. 2nd 1866
Sister Frances A. Rumsey was Baptised.
Dec. 15th 1866
Church met and found a union. Present P. W. Doud, O. S. Rumsey, O.
R. Lovell, Levi Lovell, F. A. Rumsey
Church met according to appointment in Sullivan and found a union. Members present. P. W. Doud, O. S. Rumsey, O. R. Lovell, Amanda R. Doud, Elmina Rose, Fanny A. Rumsey, Frances A. Rumsey
Voted to hold meeting the first and third Sabath (sic) in every month and covenant meeting on Saturday before the third Sunday in every month the place of holding the meeting hereafter to bee in the School house near Martin V. Mudges.
Feb 16th 1867
Church met according to appointment and found a union. Members present O. R. Lovell, P. W. Doud, O. S. Rumsey, Levi Lovell, Mary A. Lovell, Susan Gitchell, Received Prudence Culver into Church fellowship
Feb. 20th 1867
Sister Nancy Ely Died
March 16th 1867
Church met and found a union. Present Elder P. W. Doud, O. R. Lovell, O. S. Rumsey, Levi Lovell, Mary A. Lovell, Susan Gitchell, Amanda R. Doud, Fanny A. Rumsey, Elmina Rose.
April 20th 1867
Church met and found a union members present, O. R. Lovell, P. W. Doud, Levi Lovell, Susan Gitchell, Amanda R. Doud, Mary A. Lovell. Received brother Numan Ingraham into church fellowship.
May 18th 1867
Church met and found union members present P. W. Doud, O. R. Lovell, O. S. Rumsey, Levi Lovell, Mary A. Lovell, Susan Gitchell, Amanda R. Doud, Elmina Rose
June 15th 1867
Church according to appointment and found a union members present P. W. Doud, O. R. Lovell, O. S. Rumsey, Levi Lovell, Mary A. Lovell, Sally Ely, Susan Gitchell, Amanda R. Doud, Elmina Rose, Fanny A. Rumsey, Frances A. Rumsey
June 16th 1867
Church went to Communion
July 20th 1867
Church met and found a union
Aug 17th 1867
Church met
1st Expressed fellowship
2nd Received David Sherman into church fellowship
3rd Appointed Numan Ingraham Deacon
Aug 24th 1867
Church met in Leroy Bradford Co. Pa. And found a union
2nd Received Charles Wilcox into Church fellowship
Sept 14th 1867
Church met and found A union
Oct. 19th 1867
Church met and found a union
Nov 16th 1867
Church met and found a union
Dec 19th 1867
Church met and found a union
Church met and found a union. Appointed Levi Lovell Church Clerk. Voted to hold meeting the first and third Sunday in every month and Church meeting Saturday before the Third Sunday in every month.
Feb 15th 1868
Church met and found a union
March 14TH 1868
Church met and found a union
(Change of handwriting)
April 14th
Church met
1st opened by singing and prayer
2nd heard the minots (sic) and found a union
3rd Brother Levi Lovell having moved away chose Oliver R. Lovell Clerk to the end of the year.
17th received Bro. L. Rumsey into the Church on fellowship
May 15th
Church met
1st opened by singing and prayer
2nd heard the minots and found a union
June 20th
Church met
1st opened by singing and prayer
2nd heard the minots and found a union
July 14th
Church met
1st opened by singing and prayer
2nd heard the minots and found a union
August 15th
Church met
opened by singing and and found a union
2nd received Sister Saphrona Porter into fellowship
Sept 19th
Church met
1st opened by singing and prayer
2nd heard the minots and found a union
Oct 17th
No meeting
Nov 14th
Church met
1st opened by singing and prayer
2nd heard the minots and found a union
Dec 19th
Church met
1st opened by singing and prayer
2nd heard the minots and found a union
3rd voted a letter of commendation to Sister Frances A.
Rumsey recommending her to any Church of our faith and order
Church met
1st opened by prayer
2nd heard the minots and found a union
Feb 20th
No Meeting
March 20th
Church met
opened by singing and prayer
2nd heard the minots and found a union
April 17th
Church met opened by singing and prayer
2nd heard the minots and found a union
May 15th
Church met opened by singing and prayer
2nd heard the minots and found a union
June 17th
Church met opened by prayer
2nd heard the minots and found a union
July 17th
Church met opened by singing and prayer
2nd heard our minots and found a union
August 14th
No meeting
Sept 15th
Church met, heard our minots and found a union
Oct 15th
Church met, heard our minots and found a union
Nov 20th
Church met opened by singing and prayer
2nd heard our minots and found a union
Dec 14th
No meeting snow storm
No meeting rain
Feb 17th
No meeting bad weather
Mar 17th
Do (abbreviation for ditto)
April 23rd
Church met opened by singing and prayer
2nd heard our minots and found a union
3rd received Sister Frances A. Rumsey on letter
May 17th
Church met heard our minots and found a union
June 15th
Church met heard our minots and found a union
July 16th
Church met heard our minots and found a union
Aug 20th
Church met heard our minots and found a union
Sept 17th
Church met heard our minots and found a union
Oct 15th
Church met heard our minots and found a union
Nov 17th
No meeting for want of a house
Copyright 2002 Joyce M. Tice