Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1880 Census Records for  Tioga County PA 
1880 Fallbrook Borough Census
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Enumerated June 30, 1880 by T. O. Hollis
Transcribed for Tri Counties by Carlton Wolfe
Pages formatted by  Joyce M. Tice
Photo by Joyce M. Tice 
Census records are very often difficult to read because of handwriting, microfilm quality, and spelling issues. Our early census takers were not as well educated as we'd like them to have been, and even the people bearing the names often could not spell them with the same consistency we are accustomed to in this era. The census taker wrote what he believed he heard as well as he could. These have been transcribed for you to the very best or our abilities given the difficulties mentioned. Please be tolerant of what you would consider "mistakes." If you can recognize the names you are looking for, then it is a success. If not, then you may want to find a place where you can view the originals so that you can judge for yourselves. Excessive attention to outmoded spelling issues is the sign of a beginner in family research. Those of you who have been at this a while are well aware of the "spelling errors" in our early records and have learned to take them in your stride. If you want to tell us what is right and what is wrong with the transcription, your notes will be added to the Comment Page
SRGP IDs are the identifying numbers in my (Joyce M. Tice) Sullivan-Rutland Genealogy Project. Since Ward was included in the first boundaries of Sullivan Township, it is included in that population study. If you have information to share about these people. please contact me.
Ward Township Pages 19-20 21-22 23-25
Fallbrook Borough Pages 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

1 1 1 Owen A. J. 46 M hus cashier NY NY NY
        Louisa 45 F wife housekeeper NY PA PA
        Frank J. 7 M son at home NY NY NY
      Wentz Lulu M. 16 F stepdau NY NY NY
      Hartigan Mary 21 F   servant Scotld Ireld Ireld
  2 2 Cummings R. F. 33 M hus book keeper PA PA PA
        Janet 31 F wife housekeeper PA Scotld Scotld
        Bertha 6 F dau at home PA PA PA
        Sarah 2 F dau at home PA PA PA
        Raymond B. 7m M son at home PA PA PA
      Hartigan Annie 17 F   servant Scotld Ireld Ireld
    3 Dans R. W. 17 M   book keeper NY Wales PA
    4 Fick George 19 M   clerk PA Holland Holland
    5 Palmer J. O. 28 M hus driving team PA PA PA
        Emma 23 F wife housekeeper PA PA VT
        Abby 2 F dau at home PA PA PA
    6 VanDyke John 26 M hus laborer PA NY NY
        Maria 29 F wife housekeeper PA NY NY
        Merrit 3 M son at home PA PA PA
    7 Nilson Janet 35 F widow housekeeper Scotld Scotld Scotld
        Elizabeth 14 F dau at home Scotld Scotld Scotld
        Thomas 10 M son at home Scotld Scotld Scotld
      Nelson Mary 27 F widow servant Scotld Scotld Scotld
        Allis P. 5 F dau at home Scotld Scotld Scotld
    8 Cook George 58 M hus coal miner Eng Eng Eng
        Amy 37 F wife housekeeper Eng Eng Eng
        John 14 M son at home PA Eng Eng
        Sarah 12 F dau at home PA Eng Eng
        James 6 M son at home PA Eng Eng
    9 Baldwin C. L. 27 M hus coal miner PA NY PA
        Hannah 26 F wife housekeeper PA NY NJ
        Cora 6m F dau at home PA PA PA
      Breese Filleffa 58 F mother at home PA PA PA
    10 Peny Henry 42 M hus coal miner Eng Eng Eng
        Jane Perry 40 F wife housekeeper Eng Eng Eng
        Arthur 20 M son miner Eng Eng Eng
        Enoch 16 M son miner Eng Eng Eng
        Agnis 12 F dau at home Eng Eng Eng
        Harry 7 M son at home Eng Eng Eng
        Jane 2 F dau at home PA Eng Eng
    11 Rogers John S. 29 M hus teamster PA NY NY
        Loretta 25 F wife housekeeper PA NY NY
        Willie 5 M son at home PA PA PA
        Lida 5m F dau at home PA PA PA
    12 Pitchford Edwin 43 M hus miner Eng Eng Eng
        Harriet 44 F wife housekeeper Eng Eng Eng
        Anadaline 23 F dau at home Eng Eng Eng
        Jane E. 18 F dau at home Eng Eng Eng
        Arnest 16 M son miner Eng Eng Eng
1       Edwin 14 M son miner Eng Eng Eng
2       Elisabeth 10 F dau at home Eng Eng Eng
      Goff Thomas 30 M boarder coal miner Eng Eng Eng
    13 Breese Noble 23 M hus ax man PA NY PA
        Emma 24 F wife housekeeper PA NY CT
        Willis 7m M son at home PA PA PA
    14 Rundall Miss C. 17 F   dressmaker PA PA PA
    15 Havision H. 36 M hus coal miner Eng Eng Eng
        Olive 31 F wife housekeeper Eng Eng Eng
        Henry 3 M son at home Eng Eng Eng
        Sarah E. 1 F dau at home Eng Eng Eng
      Files Richard 28 M boarder shoemaker Eng Eng Eng
    16 Allen T. N. 27 M hus laborer PA Eng Eng
        Emma 23 F wife housekeeper PA Eng Eng
        Dwight C. 6 M son at home PA PA PA
        Jennie 4 F dau at home PA PA PA
        Sarah 9m F dau at home PA PA PA
      Gardner J. E. 30 M hus laborer/board. PA NY NY
        Cora 17 F wife servant NY NY NY
    17 Sherman S. P. 28 M hus ax man PA RI PA
        Susan 22 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
        Stephen 5 M son at home PA PA PA
        Victor 3 M son at home PA PA PA
        Mary 6m F dau at home PA PA PA
    18 Hendrick James 25 M hus laborer PA PA PA
        Lidia W. 20 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
    19 Cease Sidney 26 M hus ax man PA NY NY
        Mary 22 F wife housekeeper PA PA NY
        Herman 4 M son at home PA PA PA
        Fred 1 M son at home PA PA PA
    20 Field O. L. 23 M hus teamster PA PA PA
        Amy 24 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
        Hattie 4 F dau at home PA PA PA
        Ettie 16 F sister at home PA PA PA
        Lorenzo 8 M brother at home PA PA PA
    21 Stevenson Wm. II 23 M hus ax man PA PA PA
        Nettie 17 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
    22 Evans Edward 29 M hus ax man PA NY NY
        Kate 31 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
        Clement 9 M son at home PA PA PA
        Annie M. 7 F dau at home PA PA PA
        Charles 5 M son at home PA PA PA
        Hattie 2 F dau at home PA PA PA
    23 Brown  Lorenzo 30 M hus choping PA PA PA
        Jennie 19 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
        Rogina 5 F dau at home PA PA PA
        Leona 2 F dau at home PA PA PA
    24 Jackson Andrus 35 M hus miner Sweden Sweden Sweden
        Maria 31 F wife housekeeper Sweden Sweden Sweden
    25 Nilspon John 34 M hus miner Sweden Sweden Sweden
2       Charlotta 33 F wife housekeeper Sweden Sweden Sweden

First Added to the Site  on 25 JAN 2003
By Joyce M. Tice

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