1860 Pike Township Census
Census Taken June 25 to July 11, 1860 by Wm A. Chamberlin. |
Transcribed for Tri Counties by Lenda Schwarz 2008 |
Pages formatted & published by Joyce M. Tice 2008 |
Census records are very often difficult to read because of handwriting,
microfilm quality, and spelling issues. Our early census takers were not as well
educated as we'd like them to have been, and even the people bearing the names
often could not spell them with the same consistency we are accustomed to in
this era. The census taker wrote what he believed he heard as well as he could.
These have been transcribed for you to the very best or our abilities given the
difficulties mentioned. Please be tolerant of what you would consider
"mistakes." If you can recognize the names you are looking for, then it is a
success. If not, then you may want to find a place where you can view the
originals so that you can judge for yourselves. Excessive attention to outmoded
spelling issues is the sign of a beginner in family research. Those of you who
have been at this a while are well aware of the "spelling errors" in our early
records and have learned to take them in your stride. If you want to tell us
what is right and what is wrong with the transcription, your notes will be added
to the Comment Page |
If you want to send in additonal information about people on these pages OR
if you want to dispute the handwriting interpretation, that note will go at the
bottom of the appropriate page. All comments MUST refer to an exact page,
preferably by URL [address]. |