Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1850 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
1850 Warren Township Census

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 Transcribed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice
Household Index
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

Households 1-50 Households 51-100 Households 101-150 Households 151-200 Households 201-250 Households 251-286 Index of Households
SURNAME Fam# Fam# Fam# Fam# Fam# Fam# Fam#
Abel 220 243
Allen 105 112 211 212 215 218 277
Allen 282
Ames 64
Antisdel 68 70 73 140
Armstrong 274
Arnold 141 142 164 165 196 206 208
Arnold 209 210 218 240
Arnts 62
Avery 229
Bai… 271
Baker 131
Barton 282
Bascom 18
Beardsley 269 270
Beeman 165 182 183 194
Belden 230
Benson 132
Billings 148
Blanchard 78
Bosworth 270
Bowen 90 109 110 112 114 115 147
Bowen 150 213 214 217 223 134 285
Bradford 44 52 53
Brainerd 144 149
Brant 69 137
Brink 90 91
Brister 242
Brown 96 130 247
Bruff 222
Buffington 151 164 165 176 180 205 216
Buffurn 97
Bullard 282
Bullock 57 58 111
Burbank 219
Canfield 186 237
Carey 158 172
Case 178
Chaffee 41 42 113 160 167 197 198
Chaffee 217
Champlin 159 161
Chase 262
Chillson 30 31
Chubbuck 72
Claflen 211
Clark 33
Coburn 34 35 36 38 39 87 88
Coburn 90
Coffin 26
Cole 285
Congdon 253 254 255
Cook 286
Cooper 106
Corbin 11 46 86 99 117 121 133
Corbin 136 185 286
Cornell 224 225 231
Cornwall 42
Cunningham 132
Currier 265
Daisy 264 267
Darling 141 162
Davis 3 103 184
Dean 105
Dewing 89 271 274
Dickerson 65
Dimond 111 173 174
Dobson 278 279
Dow 270
Dunn 56
Elsbree 64
Evans 87
Fairchild 244
Ferbush 4
Fitzpatrick 263
Folk 126
Garfield 104
Gaskill 32
Gates 14
Gilson 71
Glimes 280
Gline 56
Glines 7
Grannice 211
Grannis 112
Grant 137
Gray 64
Griswold 272 273
Haight 170 275
Hale 260
Hamilton 62
Hannon 268
Herrick 181
Hewitt 273
Hickey 85 119
Hickok 23 27 28
Hicks 40
Hine 166
Hines 123
Howell 187 188
Huff 191
Hunt 84
Ide 168
Iverson 100
Jacobs 48
James 122 124 125 192 241
King 93
Kinney 116 221
Larkins 83
Lathrop 131 162
Lee 39 271
Lunn 49 54
Lynde 120
Lyon 157 163
Lyons 211
Mackey 2
Manning 37 79
Martin 271
Mayhew 284
McCord 98
McCrary 151 152
McMahan 119
McMorrow 266
McNeil 213
Merrill 177
Merserean 43
Morey 16
Morris 193
Morse 179 273
Morton 235 236
Moss 37
Moulton 12 13
Murphy 80 108
Newcomb 105
Newman 175 199 200 201 203
Nichols 21
Noteware 283
Otis 45
P.onnet 102
Patterson 56
Pendleton 153 154 155 156 202 204 214
Price 59
Prince 9 10 11 20 29
Prouty 105
Reynolds 10
Ring 256
Ringrose 81
Rockfeller 50
Rogers 66 67 68 76 90 138 171
Roline 82
Royce 22
Russell 6 47 133 134
Ryder 195
Sanderson 190
Schonover 30
Sherwood 77
Sleeper 258 259 261
Smith 1 64
Snowden 92
Southwell 118
Spicer 146
Steenburg 118
Stevens 100 249 250 251 257
Stockwell 281
Sutherland 60
Tallmadge 271
Thomas 238 239
Thompson 270
Tibbets 224 232
Tripp 94 101
True . 185 189
Tyrrell 70 127 128 129 135
Vandyke 61
Vanwinkle 140
Vincent 90 94 97 270
Walborn 271
Ward 1 74
Watkins 238
Webster 107 226 227
Welch 78 79
Whalen 228 229
Wheaton 145 169 170 207
Wheeler 24 25 51
Whitaker 95 96
White 8 15 63
Whitiker 246 247 248 252
Whittiker 245
Williams 19
Wilson 75 143
Witter 17
Wolcott 4 5
Young 276
Households 1-50 Households 51-100 Households 101-150 Households 151-200 Households 201-250 Households 251-286

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 9/06/98
By Joyce M. Tice

You are the visitor since the counter was installed on September 6, 1998.