Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1850 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
1850 Smithfield Township Census
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Photo submitted by Joyce DUBERT Everingham

Transcribed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice

Household Index
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

Households 1-50 Households 51-100 Households 101-150 Households 151-200 Households 201-250 Households 251-300 Households 301-353 Index of Households

* Indicates a questionable reading.
… Indicates an illegible letter or letters.
Numbers refer to Family # - Not to page #

..sley 17
Abbott 59
Ackla 60
Adams 18 29 38
Adamson 50
Albro* 188
Aldred 7
Aldrich 230 246
Aldrige 192
Allen 104 142 148 156 157 158 159
Ames 74 75 132 200 221
Andrus 203
Armstrong 345
Arnold 6 13 28 47
Ashton 149
Ayer 57
Bacon 320
Bailey 323
Bainard 331
Baker 68
Barnhart 198
Barton 352
Beach 222 295
Beals 266 269
Benedict 136
Berry 183
Bi…* 330
Bird 103 149
Blair 115
Bosworth 225
Brague 54
Briggs 249
Brigham 93 292 296 299
Brown 22 45 249 263
Brushingham 46
Bullock 184 193 236
Burlingame 207 213 214 215 216 220 262
Burton 1
Bush 291
Butler 175 228
Caapel 330
Calif 141
Califf 79 145 160 191 211 227 234
Campbell 249 253 260 267 294
Carlyle (Black) 124
Carnoley/Carnody* 108
Carns/Carrs* 349
Carpenter 274 327
Carter* 4
Cash 184
Chamberlin 126 163 176 276
Chapman 230
Child 94 198
Childs 89
Clark 205
Cloud 198
Co..iby* 5
Cole 92
Collins 161
Compton 262
Compton/Cumpton 138
Cook 12
Courtney 61
Cozens 114
Crandall 155
Crane 348
Cranmer 294 300
Cronly/Croney 179
Crowell 322
Crowley 333
Cumpton/Compton 339
Daby 101
Dalen/Dal..* 342
Dayton 345
Dewing/Doing 168
Dibble 254 255 256 326
Dodson* 320
Dolittle 62
Doty 96 127 144
Durfee/Durfey 223
Durfey 208
Durfy/Durfey 224 228
Dutton 181
Eames 221
Eastman 314
Elsbree 24
Esel 178
Estell 274
Estell/Este..* 234
Evans 150
Everitt 76
F…./T….* 321
Farnsworth 101 165 187 194 275 306
Farwell 98
Fletcher 308 313 315
Follett 30
Ford 104 109
Forest 81 83 261
Forrest 77 80 204 239 242
French 65 66 67 210
Fritcher 224
Furman 73 80 83
Galusha 5
Gates 52 102
Geobart/Geobact* 331
Georgia 202
Gerould 21 95 100 131 138 190 224
Gerould 236
Gevrt/Gernert* 143
Gibson 49 172
Gilburt 146
Gladding 282
Gordon 136
Gorton 118
Grace 307
Graves 194
Green 201
Griffin 242
Griffith 52
H….* 285
Hackett 151
Hale 338
Hall 147 264 273 353
Hamilton 192
Harder* 277
Harkness 161
Harper 276
Harris 130
Harvey 231
Hathaway 59
Havens 265
Hawkins 81
Hemenway 63
Higgins 343
Hill 71 72 138
Hinnman 287
Ho…* 49
Hosley 169 170 171
Howie 187
Hoyt 324
Huff 2
Hulbert/Hurlburt 69
Hulburt 213
Hunt* 228
Huntingdon 161
Hurley 344
Jackson 188 189
Johnson 28 123
Johnston 53 292
Jones 340 341
Keeler 112 113
Kelley 178 209
Kelley/Killey 212
Kellog 6
Kellogg 92 276
Ketcham 317
Keys 300
King 40 78 219 226 241
Kingsley 298 301 303 328
Kinney 107 177
Kinsley 305
Kipp 210
Kitchen 257
Knickerbacker 133
Langford 250 251
Leeland 98
Lewis 237
Loomis 112 113
Lowman 103
Lyman 139 335 341
Lyon 128
Lyong 197
Mann 48
Martin 280
McCarty 27
McMinny 35
McVarmon* 229
Melvin 270
Miller 246 247 248 302
Minier 1 244 245
Mitchel 259
Mitchell 85 87
Moody 346
Morton 55
Mullody 199
Murdock 33
Nattoon* 316
Nichols 44 258 304
Nickols 39
Niles 129
Norton 347
O'Lacy 87
O'Larry 89
Olmsted 323
Ormsby 281 282
Ostrander 7
Otterson 335
Owens 70
Packer/Parker 276
Palmer 311
Pease 344
Peck 217 218 242 274 275 292
Perkins 134 135 238 243
Perkins* 80
Phelps 96 140 193 195 196 197 235
Phelps 343 347
Philips 180 293 307
Pierce 89 110 111 147 182 183 233
Pierce 240 243 275 276 328 329
Place 83
Polley 86
Potter 185
Preston 97
Preston/P.ston* 65
Prince 53
Proudfoot 8
Purdy 107
Quick 107 117 136
Ralph 59
Randall 164 185 186 288
Ransom 46
Rice 14 15 318 344
Riggs 284 302
Rinker* 279
Robinson 222
Rogers 32
Rolf 80
Rolph 121 122
Rolph/Ralph 117
Rose 78 252
Ross 116
Russell 28 41 252
Salisbury 350
Santee 58
Satterlee 148 233
Schemerhorn 195 235
Scott 19 20 90 97 105 206
Scouton 232
Seaward 201
Shaler* 309 310
Shepard 132
Sherman 119 120 267 268
Shubenberger* 177
Si…* 37
Simar* 82
Simmons 106
Simons 26
Simor/Simo.* 187
Smith 3 4 9 10 11 27 232
Smith 267 325
Snell 51
Solomon 52
Spalding 269
Spencer 173 293
Stackhouse 343
Stiles 185 283
Strait 180
Sullivan 157
Sumner 137
Swan* 271
Sweet 42 43 278
Templeton 31
Thomas 81 353
Thompson 25 28
Titus 288
Tracy 16 23 36 84 280 319
Trask 153 154
Travis 272
Tuttle 56
Tuttle/T..ttler* 194
Usher 289
Vemer/Verner* 312
Vincent 166
Voorhis 280
Wagmer 281
Waldren/Waldron* 290
Walker 284 286 317
Wallace (Black) 125
Walter 51
Ward 162
Warner 127
Watkins 58 319
Webb 174
Weed 17
West 5
Wheeler 15 129 217 337
Wheelock 236
White 67
Whitney 204
Wickerson 263
Wiggins 34
Wilber 19
Wilcox 91 153 167
Williams 25
Winkleman 351
Wood 64 88 99 152 182 221 297
Wood 332 333 334 335 336 337
Wright 95
Households 1-50 Households 51-100 Households 101-150 Households 151-200 Households 201-250 Households 251-300 Households 301-353 Index of Households

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 7/07/99
By Joyce M. Tice

You are the visitor since the counter was installed on July 7, 1999.