South Creek Township, Bradford County, PA
1850 Census

Index of Households

This page is part of the Tri-County Genealogy Web Sites by Joyce M. Tice

No Unauthorized Commercial Use May Be Made of This Material

Material typed and contributed by John Hoff III of Oklahoma and formatted for the web by Linda Cracraft and Joyce M.  Tice.

Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

Households 1-50 Households 51-100 Households 101-114 Index of Households

* Indicates a questionable reading. … Indicates an illegible letter or letters.

Aber 62 68
Adams 36
Allen 20 43
Andrews 52 55 58
Andrus 30
Anglemire 70
Armstrong 62
Arnold 49
Bailey 26 113
Baker 29
Barton 36
Bellis 113
Benson 19
Bentley 54
Berk 67
Berry 35 105
Blodgett 80 82 83
Bordwell 103
Bouton 15 22 106
Bradshaw 48
Brockaway 42
Brown 18 56
Buell 73
Campbell 74 77
Chase 87 91
Coe 17 21
Coleman 61 66
Crane 60
Dean 99
Decatur 21
Decker 68
Dewey 65
Dewitt 2 17
Dodge 80
Dodson 34
Dunham 48
Dunning 17
Evans 66
Fassett 63
Fletcher 33
Fuller 75 76
Giggey 100
Gillett 21 30 36
Glines 58
Goddard 93
Goldsmith 45
Haight 37
Hakes 7 26
Hall 101
Hammond 3 10
Hanmer 79 88
Harkness 105 112
Haswell 11
Heisten 43
Hildreth 66
Hillman 69
Horning 81 98
Houts 31 32 34 45
Hughes 50 61
Ingersoll 1 16
Inman 65 94
Karrick 71
Kelly 8
Kennedy 9
Kinsley 42
Leonard 17
Lewis 107 108 110 112
Lockwood 42
Lord 17
Louk 63
Mandeville 102
Mason 79
McCan 59
McCann 95
McCoppins 42
McDonough 30
McLoud 48
Mead 78
Miller 97
Montgomery 45
Moore 20 34
Patterson 114
Peterson 64
Pettingille 39
Philips 105
Pierce 44
Pitt 86
Preston 13
Quick 101 104
Reed 14 47
Relyea 21 23 28 29 36
Robbins 12
Roberts 25
Root 46
Sample 89 100
Skinner 41
Smith 34 36
Spencer 85
Stewart 27
Stiles 38
Tanner 96
Thompson 34 40 90 92 96 109
Turk 84
Vankerk 15
Vankuren 57
Vannest 4
Viele 8
Vosburg 45
Ward 5 24
Waus/Wans* 53
White 51 72
Whitmarsh 25 48
Whitmore 83
Williams 106 111 113
Wisner 42
Wortendyke 6
Wright 3

Households 1-50 Households 51-100 Households 101-114 Index of Households

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 9/05/99
By Joyce M. Tice