Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1840 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
1840 Wyalusing Township Census

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Transcribed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice

Part 1 Part 2
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

 * Indicates a questionable reading. … Indicates indecipherable letter or letters. First set of numbers indicates males in family. Second set of numbers indicates females in family. Under 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 30, 30 to 40, 40 to 50, 50 to 60, 60 to 70, 70 to 80, 80 to 90, 90 to 100, 100 and up.

Black Age Categories Under 10, 10 to 24, 24 to 36, 36 to 55, 55 to 100, 100 and up

Ackley Benjamin 0101100001 001100001 7 343
Ackley Nirum 020001 011101 7 343
Ackley Lloyd 0000001 1 344
Allen Jared 1101001 101101 8 343
Ammerman James 00001 1 346
Angle Philip 110000001 112101 9 342a
Angle James 0001100001 00100001 5 342c
Aylesworth Chadick/Chadioh 00001 00001 2 342d
Baldwin Levi 00000101 00210001 6 342b
Baldwin Chandler T. 110001 20001 6 342b
Banks John O. 00001 10101 4 342d
Barret Martin 00001 1 350
Barret John 000001 10001 3 351
Bartlett Charles 00000001 1 348
Beardslee D.M. 00001 1 342d
Beeman J.H. 211001 01001 7 342d
Beeman Ephraim 02000001 02011001 8 344
Bennet Freeman 100001 10001 4 345
Bennet Harvey 20001 10001 5 345
Bennet Terry 000001 1 349
Biles Samuel W. 010001 20001 5 342b
Biles Miner 30001 02001 7 342b
Biles Jacob 00001 0001 2 342b
Biles Charles 00001 00001 2 342c
Biles Alexander 00020001 00101001001 7 342c
Biles John 011001 112001 8 342c
Biles James 20001 100001 5 342c
Bird John 102001 010001 6 342b
Black Samuel 020001 200011001 8 343
Black John H. 1120001 000001 6 347
Blacksmith John 00001 1 348
Bosworth Ann 011 001001 4 342c
Bosworth Samuel J. 100021 00011 6 342d
Bosworth J.P. 121011 1121001 12 344
Bosworth Nathaniel 000001 00000001 2 348
Boyle Patrick 200001 01001 5 342c
Boyle Michael 000001 00001 2 342c
Branyan/Brangan John 00001 1 342d
Brewster Daniel 011110001 00111001 9 342c Daniel no age
Brown Oliver 1210101 0011011 10 342b
Brown Benjamin 210001 00111 7 343
Brown Allen 010011001 0000101 6 343
Brown Ira 0020001 100001 5 343
Brown Mason 110001 01001 5 343
Brown Hamilton 100001 10001 4 343
Brown Thomas 0012001001 2211101 13 344
Brown Jabez 011100001 0010001 6 344
Brown Elliot 00101 00001 3 344
Brown D.W. 10001 00011 4 344
Brown Daniel 0000000001 00000001 2 345
Brown Zetotes 01310001 01000001 8 347
Brown William 0012101 1300001 10 347
Brown Michael 000001 1 348
Bruman John 1000001 1200001 6 351
Brun* John 00001 1 348
Bu….* Patrick 00001 1 349
Buck Israel 00101001 2211101 11 347
Buck Chester 100001 10001 4 347
Bump Thomas 00210001 00002011 8 342c
Burke Richard 000001 1 350
Butler James 010001 010001 4 343
Camp Charles 30001 00011 6 342c
Camp Horace 00001 0001 2 342c
Camp Israel 1310001 0010101 9 342d
Camp Elijah 00111001 0002101 8 342d
Camp William 00010001 00200001 5 342d
Camp William Jr. 100011 10001 5 342d
Campbell John 1300001 0001001 7 345
Carpenter Frederick 000001 1 349
Carr Owen 110001 200001 6 342a
Carter Thomas 00001 1 351
Case/Carr* John 000001 1 346
Caughlin Michael 00001 1 346
Chamberlain William 1221001 2012101 14 347
Clark Darby 000001 1 350
Cline Peter 00001 001001 3 345
Clink William 1111001 011001 8 343
Clink John 000001 1 350
Cobb Darick 00220001 110101 9 343
Cohen Edward 000001 1 344
Collin William 00001 1 344
Colohan Timothy 000001 1 349
Congley Patrick 000001 1 346
Congley John 000001 1 346
Connel James 10001 10001 4 344
Conway John 00001 1 346
Corley John 010001 1000001 4 351
Corlon John C. 00001 1 348
Cornell Isaac 000000001 00001 2 347
Costigan Michael 0000001 0000001 2 351
Crane William 000001 1 350
Crane Thomas 000001 1 350
Cruman* Michael 000001 1 346
Cummings Stephen 01101 210001 7 342a
Cummings Patrick 00001 010011 4 342a
Custard Isaac 00000010001 0000000001 3 342b Isaac 80
Cutler Reuben 012101 0002001 8 347
Dailey John 000001 1 344
Dailey John 1110001 010001 6 351
Daily Timothy 100001 210000001 6 350
Danley Henry 100101 121001 8 347
Decker Levi 1000100000001 11001 6 342a James B. 102
Decker Joshua 130001 001001 7 345
Decker Cornelius 00001 1 348
Deegan James 00001 1 350
DePue Nicholas 2000101 01001 6 345
Dervis John 00001 1 342b
Dinsey Patrick 000001 1 349
Docas/Doras Patrick 000001 1 348
Don/Dan* James 000001 1 349
Donahoe Bernard 010001 100001 4 342a
Donely Hester 0001 001101 4 342c
Donely John 00001 000000001 2 342c
Donly Edward 0001 1 346
Donovan Patrick 000001 20001 4 351
Dougherty Patrick 000001 1 349
Dowed Thomas 00001 10001 3 344
Doyle John 000001 1 348
Driscol John 000001 1 344
Drock John 00001 1 346
Droyer John 200001 00001 4 342a
Drummond John 220001 00001 6 342b
Durol Dennis 000001 1 349
Edwards Burton 00001 10001 3 345
Elliott Joseph 0000011 10101 5 342a
Elliott Harry 010001 110001 5 342c
Elliott Joseph 00001000001 00001 3 342d Joseph 83
Elliott John 0122101 0000101 9 342d
Elsworth Almon 20001 00001 4 342a
Emory Jacob 021001 100001 6 343
Evans James 010001 100001 4 348
Farley Anthony 010001 210001 6 342a
Farp* James 00001 1 344
Ferry John 200001 00001 4 342a
Finch William 00001 1 343
Finley Roger 000001 1 350
Finons* William 0100001 00001 3 348
Fitzgerald Cornelius 100001 00001 3 351
Fitzgerold Michael 000001 1 350
Flanagan Anthony 000001 1 343
Flanagan Timothy 00001 10001 3 350
Flanerty Edward 000001 1 350
Flin John 000001 011001 4 342a
Foley James 00001 1 342b
Foley John 0000001 1 348
Fraser Hugh H. 00001 110001 4 342b
Fuller Almon 00011 0001 3 342c
Futer* Charles 00001 1 343
G..ham Morris 000001 1 349
Gartvin John 0020001 2000001 6 351
Garvey Patrick 000001 20001 4 345
Gaylord Henry 0010111 310001 9 343
Gaylord Joseph 01121 01002010001 10 345
Gibbs Eli 221001 101101 10 342a
Golivar Francis 0000001 1 350
Goodell Henry 00010001 0010001 4 345
Goodwin William 0000001 1 344
Gorman Michael 0000001 1 349
Grab Andrew 1120001 1000001 7 342d
Hagerty John 000001 1 346
Hagerty Samuel 100001 01001 4 348
Hallan Cornelius 200001 10101 6 345
Hanaway William 000001 1 348
Hanley Michael 00001 1 342b
Hantley John 000001 1 348
Hays William 000001 1 346
Hender Charles 1000001 001001 4 345
Hepler* Sarah 00001 1 350
Hepley John 111001 02001 7 351
Herrington Michael 0000001 1 350
Hewitt Lathan 00001 1 347
Hogan Patrick 0000001 000001 2 342a
Hollan Robert 000001 000001 2 347
Hollan Michael 00001 1 348
Hollenback John 200220001 2010101 12 343
Holleran Thomas 000001 1 346
Holleran Patrick 000001 1 346
Holly John 2130001 000001 8 342a
Homet Charles 2132001 0002001 12 342b
Hoover John 00210001 1001001 7 342d
Horton Elmore 00001 1 342b
Horton John W. 00001 1 350
Houghton C.S. 00001 1 342b
Hower Richard 000001 1 348
Huff John 00001001 00010001 4 342a
Huff Mary 0000001 1 342d
Hutchinson Isaac 000001 00001 2 342d
Ingham Jonas 0001101 0001001 5 342d
Ingham John 00001001 01022001 8 342d
Irvine John 010001 000001 3 342b
Jacoby John 00001 21001 5 347
Jennings Isaac 01002 00130001 8 347
Part 1 Part 2

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 09/27/99
By Joyce M. Tice

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