Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1840 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
1840 Ulster Township Census

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Transcribed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice.

Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

 * Indicates a questionable reading. … Indicates indecipherable letter or letters. First set of numbers indicates males in family. Second set of numbers indicates females in family. Under 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 30, 30 to 40, 40 to 50, 50 to 60, 60 to 70, 70 to 80, 80 to 90, 90 to 100, 100 and up.

Black Age Categories Under 10, 10 to 24, 24 to 36, 36 to 55, 55 to 100, 100 and up

Bailey Milton 00002 20002 6 245
Barrett Patrick 000001 10001 3 246
Beardsley Ranson S. 10001 00001 3 245
Beng Joseph 10001 0001 3 248
Berry Wm. 100001 000001 3 245
Beshnekan* Timothy 2200001 000001 6 247
Bewan/Bevan* David 100001 10001 4 243
Black Horatio 000001 00011 3 245
Bowman John 00211001 0101001 8 245
Brady Patrick 0000-10-17 27 247
Braig Daniel R. 0000001 1 244
Broadrick Edward 010001 010001 4 246
Burlingame John 110001 01001 5 244
Burns Henry 0230001 1000001 8 243
Burnside John 0003001 120001 8 248
Burrows Saml T. 0000541 0010001 12 247
Butler Patrick 100001 220001 7 247
Calligan Wm. 0100001 1000001 4 247
Carty Colligan 10001 32001 8 246
Carty John 10031 010001 7 246
Cary Timothy 200001 011001 6 246
Cash Isaac 110001 100001 5 245
Casterline/tine* Richard 100001 11001 5 247
Chambers Geo. 00001 10001 3 246
Chambers Daniel 110001 10001 5 246
Chase Joseph 2200001 002001 8 248
Clency/Cleney* Patrick 210001 100001 6 246
Coffin Harvey 10001 11011 6 249
Colier Isaac 0000010001 010010001 5 248
Colligan Patrick 000001 20001 4 246
Congdon Joseph 000101 00011 4 248
Conklin Timothy 001001 210001 6 246
Corting Timothy 00001 00001 2 243
Cotter Patrick 100002 100001 5 245
Couglin Benjm. 1000100001 00001001 5 248
Cowan Jeremiah 210021 100001 8 246
Crandon John 1000301 00101 7 246
Crawley James 210001 000001 5 245
Croning* Patrick 100101 000001 4 243
Cummings James 000001 11001 4 248
Darwin* John 1010001 011001 6 243
Davidson Nathaniel 000001 000001 2 245
Davis John 00101 210001 6 243
Dickerson Robert 130001 100001 7 243
Doran James 2000001 0110001 6 247
Driscal Michael 100001 100001 4 246
Driscal Patrick 120001 000001 5 246
Eaton Gordon H. 00111 10001 5 245
Edgar Atkinson 100001 120001 6 244
Edminston Joseph 1001001 000101 5 247
Elliott James 00000001 0011001 4 244
Elliott Geo. 110001 100001 5 246
Fitzgerald Michael 01001 10001 4 247
Flaherty Francis 00001 00001 2 245
Flood Peter 221001 000001 7 248
Forest Asa 1110101 0111101 10 248
Fosburgh Isaac 100053 00011 11 246
Fuller John 2200001 001001 7 244
Galligan John 00001 10001 3 247
Gallusha Oliver 0211101 1000001 8 248
Gayley Saml. 00010001 001001 4 244
Gibson Wm. 0000201 0010001 5 243
Gilmore John 10121001001 0020101 11 243
Gorham John 001001 10001 4 243
Hagity Michael 0000001 000001 2 246
Handwrigh* Matthew 100002 210001 7 245
Harrington Wm. 0010001 001001 4 246
Harsh W.  0111101 0111101 10 248
Hays Wm. 200001 01001 5 247
Higgins Patrick 0012001 0200001 7 248
Holcomb Harry 110001 11001 6 244
Holcomb Saml. 1201001 112101 11 244
Holcomb Jared 000110001 0020001 6 245
Holcomb Alfred 010101 000101 5 245
Holcomb Truman 0000000001 10100001 4 245
Hovey Wm. 10011 10101 6 243
Hovey Simmons C. 001021 00011 6 244
Howe James 0101001 1001101 7 243
Hudgson Wm. 100054 11002 14 245
Huff Isaac 210111 011001 9 245
Huff Saml. 0110001 00010001 5 247
Hutchinson John 00001 22001 6 243
Jennings John 0010001 122001 8 244
Kelly Martin 110101 001001 6 247
King Edward 00001 00001 2 248
King Andrew 0021001 1201001 9 249
Kingsberry Henry L. 00000001 1 244
Kitchen Aaron 000010101 000000001 4 244
Kitchen John 0011001 0210001 7 244
Kitchen Thos. 21001 00001 5 244
Lary John 1100001 000001 4 246
Lenihan Henry 000001 220001 6 247
Lewis John 0102001 0020001 7 243
Lewis Daniel 1112001 0201001 10 248
Lockwood Mary Ann 11013 0011101 10 245
Loftriss John 0001201 1120001 9 246
Loomis Philander 02113101 0002101 13 248
Lynch Michael 000001 000001 2 247
Mahan Jeremiah 100001 00001 3 247
Mallory Morris 10001 00001 3 246
Malory Chester 100101 01001 5 248
Marshall Jonah B. 2000011 112001 9 248
Mather John 113001 001001 8 243
McAffee Saml. 1121101 0111001 11 248
McCarty Horace 000001 010001 3 246
McCarty Michael 001001 101 4 246
McCarty Jeremiah 0010001 020001 5 247
McCarty James 000001 30001 5 247
McGlennon Thos. 10001 10001 4 247
McNary Patrick 20001 00001 4 244
Middaugh Albert 01001 210001 6 244
Miller John 1010001 010101 6 248
Mills Edward 10002001 00011 6 245
Minier Geo. 000110001 00000001 4 247
Minier Abraham 00102001 00021000001 8 248
Minken* Patrick 00011001 0000001 4 245
Moore Robert 00200001 0012201 9 243
Morrison Wm. 200001 11001 6 247
Mullony Thos. 1100001 110001 6 247
Nickerson John 0210001 3010001 9 243
O'Brian Wm. 110001 3 246
O'Brien Daniel 10001 00001 3 246
O'Connell Morris 000020001 00001 4 246
Olmstead Matthias 0112101 1101001 10 243
Owens Henry 200001 00001 4 244
Pearsall Ira 10001 10001 4 244
Phinety James 000041 000001 6 243
Plowman Cornelius 0110001 0101001 6 243
Plowman Mary 00001 00000001 2 244
Pollock Walter 1121001 0100001 8 243
Powers Joseph 0201101 001001 7 244
Price Enos 1021001 201001 9 243
Rhine James 22005 010001 11 243
Riley John 00002 00001 3 245
Roach James 00001001 120001 6 246
Roe Wm. 010001 20001 5 245
Russell Geo. W. 102001 230001 10 247
Ryon James 00001 00001 2 245
Sample Francis 110001 010001 5 247
Shahen* Michael 00001 00001 2 243
Shaw Uri 220011 000001 7 244
Shaw Harry 0121011 110001 9 245
Shaw Norman 310001 00001 6 245
Shay Timothy 110011 10001 6 246
Shelman Wm. 00002001 00110001 6 247
Sherman Tyler 12101 10001 7 248
Shine Dennis 000001 000001 2 245
Shoemaker Chauncey 1210010001 1000010001 9 248
Shoemaker Wm. 100001 000001 3 248
Shoemaker Moses 1010001 000001 4 248
Simmons Jedduthan 11100001 0010301 9 244
Simonson Garret 0000000101 0000001 3 248 Christopher 79
Slover Jacob 1110001 10001 6 248
Smalley Wm. 110001 120101 8 244
Smith John H. 110001 210001 7 243
Smith Alanson B. 110001 00201 6 244
Smith Lockwood 0000101 11000011 6 247
Smith Platt 0001001 3120010001 10 247
Smith Henry 110001 110001 6 248
Soper Allen 010001 101001 5 244
Spring Thos. 100001 00001 3 247
Stembeer Jacob 00001 0001 2 247
Sullivan Patrick 0010001 0010001 4 245
Sullivan John 10001 10001 4 245
Sullivan Michael 10005 00001 7 246
Tracy Guy 000001 00011 3 248
Tuckman Joseph 20001 00001001 5 244
Vandyke Wm. 00112001 00010002 8 243
Vanhorn John 110001 000101 5 247
Vanoleck Heman 000001 001101 4 244
Vidyon Richard 0010001 0100001 4 243
Walker Wm. 00100001 00100001 4 243
Walker Wm. 0201201 1000101 9 245
Waltman David 000001 000001 2 245
Watkins Lorenzo 000101 00101 4 244
Welch Wm. 000001 0001 2 246
Welch Michael 110011 00002 6 248
Wilcox Elish 100011 101001 6 248
Wilson Wm. H. 000011 00011 4 244
Wright Wm. 100001 11001 5 243
Young John 00001 00001 2 243
Young Maria 11 010001 4 244

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 09/27/99
By Joyce M. Tice

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