Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1840 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
1840 Granville Township Census

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Transcribed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice

Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

 * Indicates a questionable reading. … Indicates indecipherable letter or letters. First set of numbers indicates males in family. Second set of numbers indicates females in family. Under 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 30, 30 to 40, 40 to 50, 50 to 60, 60 to 70, 70 to 80, 80 to 90, 90 to 100, 100 and up.

Black Age Categories Under 10, 10 to 24, 24 to 36, 36 to 55, 55 to 100, 100 and up

Armstrong M.C. 201001 021001 8 296
Avery Hezekiah 100001 11001 5 292
Avery Charles 00001 00001 2 292
Avery Jacob 00010001 0120001 6 292
Ayres Lemuel 0010101 001001001 6 294
Bailey Harry 10001 10001 4 292
Bailey Elisha 221001 001101 9 293
Bailey Hezekiah H. 011001 0100001 5 295
Baily Scovil 000110001 000010001 5 292
Baily Julius 0110001 0011001 6 292
Baily Elon A. 11001100001 000020001 8 292
Baily Alanson 000001 010001 3 295
Ballard Nathan C. 0020000101 0010001001 7 293 Caleb White 79
Barret Lewis 000001 0001 2 293
Baxter Ezra 101001 011001 6 292
Baxter Chauncey 00011001 000101 5 292
Baxter Oliver 001001 200001 5 293
Baxter Urich 0001000001 0001000001 4 293
Bentley William 010001 110001 5 294
Blakeslee Ephraim 100001 010001 4 296
Bovier Solomon 220001 020001 8 294
Brearsley* David 110001 11011 7 296
Brigham George 110001 110001 6 295
Brown William 100001 02001 5 295
Bunyan William 200101 02001 7 296
Bush Joseph 1111001 2100001 9 292
Case Abram 0121001 0110001 8 294
Champney V.R. 003001 10001 6 293
Chesley Simon P. 10001 100001 4 294
Chesley Simon 0010100001 0001101 6 294 Simon 74
Churchill Alva 00100001 00100001 4 293
Churchill Calvin W. 100001 10001 4 295
Clark Luther F. 000001 00101 3 293
Clark E.M. 0020001 011101 7 294
Clark Nathaniel 000000001 000000001 2 294
Clark Woodford 212001 010001 8 295
Clark James P. 0211101 1011001 10 295
Coe David 110001 001001 5 294
Coe Daniel 00000001 00000001 2 295
Coe Newton 00001 10001 3 295
Conklin William 00000000001 0000010001 3 296
Corby John 000001001 00010001 4 294
Corby David 00001 00001 2 294
Down David 00011001 00010001 5 294
Dudley Abraham M. 0000000001 0000000001 2 294
Evens William T. 0011001 000001 4 295
Fairchild Foster 0001 1 293
Fairchild Daniel D. 000001 101001 4 295
Fairchild Daniel 000010001 000000001 3 295
Fenton Seth 00010001 00100001 4 295
Ferguson John 001001 100001 4 294
Gee Samuel 00101001 00010001 5 295
Gilbert Josiah 00001 00001 2 292
Griffin Caleb P. 01000001 010001 4 292
Hafflert/Hafflest William 100001 210001 6 294
Hager Richard 110001 200001 6 293
Hall James A. 10001 00001 3 294
Haxton Russell 2011001 1001011 9 295
Haxton Seth 0001001 0000001 3 295
Hayden Demascus S. 00001 1 295
Henson Simon 00001 00001 2 294
Hicok H..rty* 0110101 4 293
Hosier Edward F. 00001 1 293
Keeney Hiram 001011 30001 7 293
Landon Benjamin 00011001 00211001 8 293
Lewis James 00001 00001 2 294
Loomis John 220001 002001 8 295
Lynn James 00000001 00000001 2 295
McNaught Malcolm 100001 10001 4 294
McPhalan William 000001 10001 3 294
Merit George 121001 01001 7 292
Merit John B. 10002 00001 4 294
Metten Joseph 00210001 0100001 6 295
Metten Robert 00001 00001 2 295
Miller Jonathan 00001 10001 3 292
Monroe Daniel 0120001 210001 8 296
Morrison James 0000010001 20101 6 296
Morrison Andrew 00001 01101 4 296
Morse Israel 00110001 0011 5 294
Morse Amos 00001 0001 2 294
Nelson William 20001 00001 4 292
Nelson Oliver M. 10001 00001 3 292
Packard Joel 1111001 1112001 11 294
Patrick Simmons 221001 000101 8 296
Perry Ichabod 0101201 0120001 9 293
Phinney Nelson 00001 000001 2 292
Porter Miner 01001 200101 6 294
Porter Marcus A. 00001 00001 2 295
Porter Zoraster 000020001 000000001 4 295
Porter Seth K. 100001 11001 5 295
Pratt Joseph 1000101001 10000100001 7 292
Pratt Thomas 0111001 1000001 6 292
Pratt Lewis 000001 20001 4 293
Pratt James 110011 010001 6 296
Putnam Isaac 110001 000001 4 292
Putnam Luman 1000010001 012101001 9 292 John Putnam 72
Putnam Henry 111001 010001 6 293
Rice Silas 1110001 100101 7 296
Robbins Bradford 002001 000101 5 293
Roby Elkanah 00001 1 296
Rockwell J.C. 0020001 0101001 6 292
Ross James H. 0001101 2020001 8 293
Ross David 000101001 000010101 6 293
Ross Dunken 111001 001201 8 293
Ross Harrison 10001 10001 4 294
Ruggles Leonard 012001 01001 6 294
Saxton Henry 110101 011001 7 293
Saxton Benjamin 000010001 000100001 4 293
Saxton Benjamin Jr. 2210001 001001 8 293
Scott Silas 000001 21002 6 294
Shepard Samuel W. 00001 01001 3 295
Shoemaker William 01011 01200001 7 294
Smith William 00000001 00000001 2 295
Spalding Russell 10001 000010001 4 295
Spalding John 00001 0001 2 295
Sturdevant Justus 100001 001010001 5 294
Swain Eber 11001 10001 5 292
Taylor Sylvester 010001 0000010001 4 292
Taylor John 000000001 000001 2 292
Taylor Jeremiah 0001101 1001001 6 292
Taylor Levi 0011101 0011 6 292
Taylor Charles H. 121001 001001 7 296
Underwood Jonathan 10110001 0100001 6 295
Vroman Stephen 110001 01001 5 292
Vroman Josias B. 002000001 0000000001 4 292
Vroman William 00001 10001 3 293
Vroman Barnabas 10001 00001 3 293
Vroman Barnabas 00101 20001 5 293
Vroman John 002001 000101 5 293
Watkins Albert 11001 10001 5 293
West Lorenzo D. 0001 0001 2 292
Whitaker Joseph E. 00001 20001 4 295
White David 000000001 000000001 2 293

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 10/02/99
By Joyce M. Tice

You are the visitor since the counter was installed on October 2, 1999. Relocated and Counter reset 15 OCT 2006