Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1840 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
1840 Columbia Township Census

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Transcribed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice

Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

 * Indicates a questionable reading. … Indicates indecipherable letter or letters. First set of numbers indicates males in family. Second set of numbers indicates females in family. Under 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 30, 30 to 40, 40 to 50, 50 to 60, 60 to 70, 70 to 80, 80 to 90, 90 to 100, 100 and up.

Black Age Categories Under 10, 10 to 24, 24 to 36, 36 to 55, 55 to 100, 100 and up

Added by JMT
Alexander Darwin 110001 010001 5 282
Allen William 000010001 00000001 3 287
Andrus Thomas 1001201 2222101 15 287
Ashley Leonard 00001 00001 2 281 15762
Ashley Welsh 200001 00001 4 281 1901
Ashley Forest 000000001 1 281 3434
Austin Gideon 0013001 0000001 6 285
Ayres Lorenzo 121001 111001 9 280
Bailey Griffin 00010001 0100301 7 283 7742
Bailey Benjamin 0000000001 1 285
Baker Aaron 000010001 00010001 4 284
Baker Gibbons 001011 00110001 6 284
Baldwin Thomas 0101001 0102101 8 280
Baldwin Aaron 010101 200001 6 287
Ballard Myron 0121001 1101001 9 280 74455
Ballard Nathaniel 000000001 001000001 3 283
Barber David 10001 10001 4 286
Barber Joseph 00011101 01111001 9 286
Bartle/Barth Richard 00001 20001 4 284
Bates John 100001 000001 3 283
Baxter James 1010001 001101 6 282 9288
Beasley Isaac 110201 111001 9 287 7603
Beasley Oliver 000011001 0001101 6 287 4430
Beeman Joseph 10000001 21001 6 284 42245
Benson Hiram 020001 2011 7 285 18703
Benson Otis 20001 00001 4 285 8825
Benson Jacob Jr. 00001 20001 4 285 3547
Billings Joseph H. 110001 00001 4 281
Bixby Hiram 10001 00001 3 282 63047
Bixby John Jr. 320001 001001 8 282 62051
Bixby John 000110001 001101001 7 283 52647
Bixby Daniel 11001 12001 7 283 14605
Boughton Daniel 200001 11001 6 286
Boyer John 10010001 0100001 5 285
Brace Samuel 20001 00001 4 287
Bradford William G. 000001 10001 3 283
Bradford Charles 001001 010001 4 283
Brewer Abraham 01121001 01000001 8 286
Brewer William R. 200001 00001 4 286
Bristol John 0113001 00002001 9 283
Brown Obediah 011100001 0101001 7 285
Budd Albion 1010001 111101 8 284
Budd Helen 110001 1130010001 10 284
Budd John 0000000001 000000001 2 284 John 77
Bullock James 100101 20101 7 280
Bullock Vial A. 000001 1 280
Burret Eli 101001 01001 5 282
Butler Jeremiah 0110001 110001 6 286
Button Myron 010001 000000001 3 282
Calkin John 0010001 0000101 4 280
Calkin Benjamin M. 10001 00001 3 280
Canady Noble 0122001 2111001 12 286
Canfield Moses B. 1011001 0211001 9 285
Canfield Oliver 0000000001 1 285 Oliver 78
Card Henry 01011001 01111 8 281
Chives/Cheves George 10001 10101 5 284
Cobb Davis 2100010001 021001 9 288
Coggshall Sophia M. 00001001 2 283
Comfort Isaac 200001 00001 4 281
Corey Ebenezer 00000001 00000010101 4 283 Joanna 84
Corey William M. 0002101 111101 9 284
Cornell Levi 0022001 1201001 10 281
Cornell Rebecca 03 0000001 4 286
Cowan James 220001 000001 6 282
Crandle John F. 131001 101001 9 285
Crippin Isaac 000001 01001 3 285
Dewey Josiah 0000000001 000000001 2 283 7890
Dewitt Joseph 0112101 1111001 11 284
Dudley Joseph H. 110001 10001 5 280
Edsall Jesse 1120001 112001 10 285
Erl Peter 0101001 0021010001 8 284
Fairbanks Samuel 01110001 0121101 10 286
Ferris Albert 201001 030001 8 286
Fosburg John 210001 001001 6 286
Fuller Noah 0000000001 00000001 2 283
Furman John H. 000001 0001 2 282
Furman Peter 01323001 00111001001 15 287
Furman Paul 2d 00001 0101 3 287
Furman Cornelius 20001 22001 8 287
Furman Elimas 00001 10001 3 287
Furman Paul 0011000001 001000001 5 288
Gaines Nathan 10001 00001 3 282
Gates George 0010011 021101 8 280
Gernert Casper 100001 0000100001 4 287
Gernert Andrew B. 0010001 100001 4 287
Gernert Solomon C. 200001 001001 5 288
Gernett William 0010301 1001001 8 286
Gifford Henry 00001 00001 2 286
Gladding Joseph 0121001 0010101 8 281
Goodrich James 0000000001 00000001 2 280
Gould Philander 1001 10001 4 280
Gregory Lewis L. 10011 00001 4 282
Gregory Orison 10001 10001 4 287
Gregory Jehial 00001 1 287
Gregory Leonard M. 00001 1 287
Gregory Daniel 00000001 00110001 4 287
Gustin Thomas D. 120001 001001 6 282
Hagerman Abraham 000001 000001 2 286
Hakes Solomon 00000000001 00000000001 2 284 58296
Hakes Solomon S. 010000001 1000301 7 284 58299
Hakes James 0001001 2020001 7 284 58298
Hakes Josiah 210001 000001 5 287 58309
Hall James I. 000000001 1201001 6 285
Hall Lewis 00001 1001 3 285
Harrington Paul 000001 00212 6 287
Harris Jacob 001100001 000010001 5 285
Haswell Lucinda 00011101 4 284
Haswell Anthony 10101 10001 5 284
Haven Luther 00001011 0000001001 5 284
Haven D.C. 1111001 113201 13 284
Haven Sally 0102 102101 8 284
Haven Charles 112001 100001 7 285
Haven Royal 0010001 0120001 6 285
Hickok Stephen 000010001 00010001 4 280
Hill Samuel 10001 00001 3 285
Hogeland John S. 211201 011001 10 286
Howe Asa 00000000001 00100001 3 282 Asa 80
Howland Hannah 00001 000000001 2 280
Howland Harriet N. 0110101 4 284
Howland Malachi 110101 110101 8 287
Hurburt (Hurlburt) John 200001 102001 7 288
Irwin (Erwin) Adma/Adama
120001 10101 7 282 74236
Johnson Alexander 1100001 113001 9 286
Jones  Joseph L. 00001 00001 2 285
Keyes Stilman 10001 11001 5 282
Keyes Charles 010020001 01110001 8 282
Keys Edmond 020001 32001 9 281
Keys Charles Jr. 0010101 0100001 5 281
Kief Samuel 20001 11001 6 281
Kief Lyman 00000001 000301 5 283
Killgore Robert 100000001 000010001 4 281
Killgore John H. 210001 01001 6 282
Lawrence Jonathan 10100001 0000001 4 282
Lay Edward 120001 001001 6 282 7665
LeValley 00001 1 288
Lilly John 00101001 0012101 8 280 53176
Longwell James 21001 00001 5 286
Longwell George A. 100001 11001 5 286
Mason Hiram 210101 01001 7 286
Mason Charles 0000011 00010001 4 286
Mason George 121001 5 286
McClelland Walter/Weller 00001 1 2 280
McClelland John W. 12111001 1111101 13 280
McClelland Peter  0100001 20100010001 7 288 Anna M. 80
McClelland Eliza 001 110001 4 288
McClelland William 1010001 021001 7 288
McDowell Addison 210001 020001 7 283 76228
McKean Benjamin 02010001 1111001 9 280
Merit Oliver 01110001 0000101 6 281
Merit Curtis 0000201 0000001 4 281
Miller Charles D. 00011 10112001001 9 281
Monroe Sybil 000021 000000101 5 280 8193
Monroe Peter 100001 000001 3 281 11014
More George 110001 110001 6 287
Morgan Hiram 10001 00001 3 283
Morgan James 00220001 0110101 9 283
Morgan Chapman 00010001 0010001 4 283
Morgan John 10001 00001 3 283
Mosher William 120001 1210010001 10 282
Mosher Lemuel 001001 32101 9 282
Mosher Nicholas 1100001 111201 9 283
Nash Reuben Jr. 0020201 0211001 10 281
O'Bourn Charles 20101 00001 5 281
Olmstead John 2121001 010101 10 287
Olmstead Nelson 00001 10001 3 287
Palmer Alanson 00001 10001 3 283
Parsons Allen S. 20001 00103 7 286
Parsons Dan K. 00000001 00001 2 288
Parsons James 0011001 011001 6 288
Patterson Charles 3210001 000001 8 288
Peabody Thomas 1011001 1211001 10 280
Peck Peleg 1101001 1101001 8 282
Peck William 000001 010001 3 283
Peck Jonathan 0101001 000001 4 283
Peckham Kingsley 00012001 00001 5 280
Peckham Stephen M. 001001 310001 7 280
Peckham Peleg 0211101 1010101 10 281
Peckham Hezekiah M. 00001 00001 2 288
Peters Wilber 00001 00001 2 288
Pettibone Ira 00020001 001200001 7 280 11017
Pierce Walker 100201 11001 7 281
Pierce Nathan 01001 00001 3 286
Pierce Ebenezer 0001001 000001 3 287
Potter Elisha R. 100001 02101 6 282
Potter Robert 000030001 010002002 9 286
Robbins Harrison 00201 0001001 5 285
Roe Nathan B. 00000001 10000001 3 282
Roe Timothy 120001 010101 7 286
Russel Albert 00001 00001 2 282
Sawyer John W. 100001 02001 5 288
Scouten Samuel 00010002 02011001 8 281
Scouten Abraham 10001 10001 4 281
Shattuck Merrick 010001 10001 4 282
Sherwood Salmon 0001300001 00100001 7 288
Slade Philip 1002001 0111001 8 283
Slade Mial P. 1101001 0120101 9 288
Smith William 000000001 000000001 2 280
Smith Ebenezer 0000000001 000000001 2 281
Smith Harry 000001 000000001 2 281
Smith David L. 0000201 021001 7 281
Snyder John 01000001 0010001 4 284
Soper Levi 0000000001 000111001 5 281
Soper Amos R. 000001 12001 5 281
Soper Levi Jr. 10001 00001 3 282
Soper David M. 100001 00101 4 283
Soper Solomon 000120001 000000001 5 284
Stevens Joel 111001 111001 8 283
Stevens Zera 0000001 11001 4 283
Strait Rachel 00001 00011101 5 280
Strait William 210101 01001 7 281
Strait Moses D. 200001 01001 5 281
Strait Samuel B. 21011 00011 7 282
Sweet Benjamin 110001 220001 8 287
Taylor Marenda 00111 00011001 6 280
Tinkham Calvin 00103001 00022001 10 283
Truman John 00100001 00200001 5 281
Updike Chester 00001 00001 2 283
VanDuzer Tobias 100001 00001 3 285
Vankirk Joseph 20011 10001 6 284
Waldo Charles 000001 00001 2 282
Warner Hiram 200001 110001 6 285
Watkins Daniel 1001001 001111 7 284
Watkins Nicholas 110001 00001 4 284
Watkins William B. 020001 10001 5 285
Watkins David 000010001 00021001 6 287
Watkins Nicholas 02001 00001 4 287
Watson Enos 00001 1 284
Watson John 00001 0001 2 284
Webber Joseph 1321001 2010001 12 280
Webber Ira 100001 10001 4 284
West Francis 00001 00001 2 280
West Simeon 0101101 11210010001 11 286
Whiting Dansforth 001110101 00110211 11 287
Wilber/Weber* Jacob 01110100001 01001100001 9 280
Wilcox George 1100001 101001 6 280
Wilson George 000030001 00010101 7 284
Wilson John 00001 10001 3 287
Wolf Michael Jr. 210001 10001 6 285
Wolf Michael 000010001 00000001 3 285
Wolf Nelson 00001 10001 3 285
Wolf Rensalaer 10001 11001 5 285
Wolf John 001001 100001 4 286
Wolf George 0100001 011001 5 286
Wolf James 210001 110001 7 286
Wood Thomas 100001 021001 6 283
Wood Josiah 120001 11001 7 283
Woodward Daniel 00001 0020001 4 282
Woodward Merit 00001 0001 2 284
Woodward Lydia 0011 00100001 4 286
Woodward Levi 110001 10001 5 287
Worden Joseph A. 110001 100001 5 282
Wright George 0010000001 00101001 5 285
Wright Thomas 000110001 00002001 6 285
Wright Samuel 100001 001001 4 285
Wright James 000001 20001 4 287
Young Edward 200001 00011 5 280
(1) Many of the Columbia families overlap the families of Sullivan and Rutland Townships included in Joyce's Sullivan-Rutland Genealogy Project. Some also moved to Sullivan and Rutland from Columbia, or had properties that overlapped the boundaries. Many intermarried with Sullivan or Rutland township families. The SRGP IDs are the references to that person in Joyce's database.

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 09/30/99
By Joyce M. Tice

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