Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
State Road Irish Catholic Cemetery, 
Standing Stone Township, Bradford County PA
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Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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Bradford County Cemetery Addresses
Joyce's Search Tip - December 2007 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Bradford County Cemetery Records on the site by using the Cemeteries -Bradford button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page? If you use that partition follow these steps to search just one cemetery
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2. Enter part of the cemetery name [ie Ballard or Berrytown] AND a surname.
3. Choose the Find ALL Words option. Then it will find just the pages with that surname in the one cemetery you indicated. 

See also - Bradford County Cemetery Addresses

Transcribed (1) by John A. Clancy, August 2003
Dedicated to Charles F. "Skip" Miller through whose efforts this cemetery has been preserved
One Two Three
Surname(3) Given Name Description (2) Line
Kirk Michael Mar. 21, 1891 79 years SE-2 195
Kirk Mary, Wife Died Mar. 15, 1890 63 years SE-2 196
Kirk Margaret, wife of Michael Co. Cork, Died Feb. 13, 1856 Age 45 years SE-2 197
Kirk John, son of Michael & Margaret Died Feb. 28, 1871, 13 years SE-2 198
Kirk David, son of Michael & Margaret Feb. 10, 1874, 25 years SE-2 199
Foyle John Andrew, son of Robert & Ella Feb. 18, 1875 35 years SE-2 200
Carr Owen Feb. 18, 1854 47 years SE-3 201
Carr Nancy (Wife) Jul. 28, 1890 85 years SE-3 202
Carr Barney Dec. 26 1911 79 years SE-3 203
Carr Mary June 22, 1914 76 years SE-3 204
Carr Kate Jan. 3, 1922 87 years SE-3 205
Carr Peter Dec. 18, 1900 58 years SE-3 206
Carr Mary (Wife) Dec. 3, 1917 68 years SE-3 207
O'Heran Lawrence Jan. 16, 1874 66 years SE-3 208
O'Heran Julia, Wife Feb. 21, 1881 63 years Native Parish of Bandon Co. Cork SE-3 209
O'Heran James Feb. 16, 1869 58 years SE-3 210
O'Heran Abagail, Dau of James & Mary O'Heran Mar. 11, 1852 7 years SE-3 211
O'Heran Owen Her (Abagail) Brother Feb. 1, 1851 SE-3 212
Lynch Thomas Sep. 22, 1888 70 years Native of Ireland SE-3 213
Lynch Alice Hart, Wife Sep. 1, 1871 50 years Native of Ireland SE-3 214
Lynch Michael Aug. 20, 1880 74 years Native of Ireland SE-3 215
Lynch Mary Hart, Wife Feb. 11, 1885 90 years Native of Ireland SE-3 216
Desmond Richard Jul. 18, 1876 68 years SE-3 217
Desmond Mary, Wife Oct. 25 1889 90 years SE-3 218
Desmond James Sep. 11, 1911 72 years SE-3 219
Desmond John Aug. 18, 1857 18 years SE-3 220
Lynch Patrick Feb. 1, 1809 - Jan. 8, 1877 SE-3 221
Lynch Bridget, Wife of Patrick Lynch Apr. 18, 1818 SE-3 222
Lynch Michael Dec. 30, 1902 62 years SE-3 223
Lynch Bridget, Dau of P&B Lynch Mar. 2, 2854 SE-3 224
Lynch Bridget Age 6 Dec. 2, 1870 SE-3 225
Lynch Martin Born in Kill Balley One Co. Clare Jan. 3, 1827; Jan. 3, 1879 SE-3 226
Lynch Mary, Wife Co. Silgo Jan. 1, 1830 - Mar. 21, 1910 SE-3 227
Lynch John, Son Mary 28, 1857 - Feb. 28, 1861 SE-3 228
Lynch Michael, Son May 7, 1866 - Jan. 12, 1902 SE-3 229
Lackey Daniel Dec. 21, 1872 60 years, Co. Cork SE-4 230
McKanna James Aug. 2, 1862 Age 65 Co. Down SE-4 231
McKanna Nancy, Wife of J. McKanna Mar. 6, 1855 Co. Down SE-4 232
McKenna Patrick Apr. 7, 1903 SE-4 233
McKenna Bridget, His Wife   SE-4 234
Crimminis Isabela Dau. Of Dennis & Anney Crimminis Jan. 14, 1859 9 mos. SE-4 235
Unknown3 John & Willie J.   SE-4 236
Lackey Ellen Jul. 20, 1873 83 years SE-4 237
Lackey John Oct. 7, 1864 64 years SE-4 238
Foley Thomas May 12, 1872 SE-4 239
Lackey John Aug. 31, 1882 14 years "Many fond hopes lie buried here, SE-4 240
    Gone but not forgotten" SE-4 241
Lackey William Nov. 21, 1820 - Dec. 8, 1906 SE-4 242
Lackey Catherine Sep. 10, 1830 - Sep. 22, 1900 SE-4 243
Donahue James May 27, 1842 - Jan. 22, 1908 SE-4 244
Donahue Anna, his wife Aug. 12, 1849 - Mar. 10, 1925 SE-4 245
Meehan Lt. William Born Dec. 24, 1843 Near Ennis Co. Clare Died Apr 15, 1865 Wash D.C. Wounded Mar 31, 1865 in Battle in front SW-1 246
    of Petersburg VA. SW-1 247
Meehan Ellen Nov. 6, 1888 Age 78 years SW-1 248
Lynch Patrick Jan 10, 1881 Age 87 Native of Parish Duneraile, Co. Cork SW-1 249
Lynch Bridget , His Wife Apr. 19, 1892 Age 96 SW-1 250
Lynch James Feb. 15, 1871 25 years SW-1 251
Lynch Jane Jun. 18, 1865 22 years SW-1 252
Lynch Bridget Apr. 28, 1872 21 years SW-1 253
Lynch Eliza May 2, 1885 35 years SW-1 254
Purcell Jeremiah, Son of John & Johanna Purcell Apr. 14, 1866 15 yrs. 10mos 25 days SW-1 255
Purcell John Jan. 14, 1876 36 years SW-1 256
Clark James Oct. 1855 90 years Nataive of Co. Langford SW-1 257
Clark Catherine, Wife Native of Co. Caven SW-1 258
Donnelly John Jan. 31, 1858 74 years Co. Tyrone Parish of Killsbury SW-2 259
Higgins Ellen, Dau of James & Grace Higgins Jul. 25, 1869 19 Mo. & 22 days SW-2 260
Donnelly Cornelius, Son of James & Alice Donnelly Mar 12, 1876 1 yr, 5mos,15 days "Our Darling Cornelius" SW-2 261
Grab Andreas Mar. 21, 1878 82 years SW-2 262
Grab Anna Maria, Wife Mar. 19, 1870 74 years SW-2 263
Purcell Dennis 1893 - 1965 SW-2 264
Purcell Charles F. Oct. 13, 1919 27 years SW-2 265
Purcell Bridget, Wife of Edward Purcell Aug. 24, 1900 44 years 6 mo. SW-2 266
Kennedy John 1841 - 1913 SW-2 267
Kennedy Margaret Drake, Wife of John Kennedy 1841 - 1912 SW-2 268
Kennedy John Born 1795 in Co. Cork "Blessed are the dead that dies in the Lord" SW-2 269
Kennedy Ann, wife of John Kennedy Jan. 12, 1902 86 years SW-2 270
Crowley Patrick Feb. 5, 1892 35 years SW-2 271
Crowley Patrick Dec. 18, 1880 77 years SW-2 272
Crowley Ellen, His Wife Mar. 16, 1888 66 Years Native of Co. Cork SW-2 273
Maloney Bridget Nov. 16, 1917 47 years SW-2 274
Maloney Thomas Oct. 14, 1919 45 years SW-2 275
Maloney Michael Jul. 27, 1899 77 years SW-2 276
Maloney Margaret, His Wife Sep. 8, 1900 68 years SW-2 277
Lynch Mary, Wife of John Coveney Aug. 23, 1883 SW-2 278
Cotter Thomas Jan. 21, 1867 51 years 8 mo. SW-3 279
Austin Thomas 28 years 6 mos. SW-3 280
Grace Henry P. Mary 27, 1850 SW-3 281
Grace Frankie, Wife Sep. 19, 1863 - Nov 4, 1901 SW-3 282
Grace Thomas W. Sep. 3, 1882 - Jan. 16, 1902 SW-3 283
Grace Thomas Jul. 18, 1856 50 years SW-3 284
Grace Bridget Flahave, Wife Dec. 24, 1898 80 years SW-3 285
Grace Michael, Edward, Ellen children   SW-3 286
Grace Philip Dec. 15, 1870 60 yrs. Native of Cullan Co. Tipperary SW-3 287
Grace Ann, Wife Jun. 22, 1892 75 years SW-3 288
Cuffney Catherine, Dau of William & Ellen May 8, 1876 4 Mo. & 8 Days SW-3 289
Cuffney Hannorah Feb. 19, 1876 7 years & 2 Mos.   290
Purcell John Apr. 4, 1892 82 years Native of Co. Kerry SW-3 291
Purcell Johanna, Wife Sep. 14, 1906 SW-3 292
Purcell John, Son Jan. 15, 18776 36 years SW-3 293
Purcell Dennis, Son Mar. 24, 1872 26 years SW-3 294
Purcell Jeremiah, Son Apr. 15, 1866 15 years SW-3 295
Maloney james Apr. 25, 1866 11 Mos. & 13 days SW-3 296
Donovan John, Son of James & Mary Jul. 15, 1868 24 years SW-3 297
Donovan James Jul. 15, 1875 75 years Natives of Clanukilty Co. Cork SW-3 298
Donovan Mary, Wife Feb. 2, 1884 80 years Natives of Clanukilty Co. Cork SW-3 299
Doherty John Jan. 3, 1845 44 years SW-3 300
Doherty Michael, His Son Oct. 16, 1891 44 years SW-3 301
Lynch John 1812 - 1881 SW-4 302
Lynch Catherine O'Conner, His Wife 1819 - 1910 SW-4 303
Grabb John Sep. 21, 1824 - Nov. 19, 1897 SW-4 304
Donahue Bernard 34 Years Parish of Larcy SW-4 305
Donahue Michael Dec. 6, 1902 69 years SW-4 306
Donahue Catherine, His Wife Jul. 5, 1910 85 years SW-4 307
Donahue Bernard, Son Sept. 19, 1869 2 years SW-4 308
McCrossin Francis, Son of George & Susan Dec. 21, 1898 5 years 8 Mo. 21 Days SW-4 309
O'Boyle Patrick Aug. 22, 1889 84 years SW-4 310
O'Boyle Susan, his wife Feb. 4, 1851 42 years SW-4 311
O'Boyle Ann, his wife Sep. 22, 1892 74 years SW-4 312
O'Boyle John, Son of Patrick & Susan Dec. 23, 1840 4 years SW-4 313
O'Boyle Thomas 1853 14 years SW-4 314
O'Boyle James Sep. 1, 1872 28 years SW-4 315

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 08/08/2003
By Joyce M. Tice