We found A. O. Tracy a most accommodating gentleman, well versed on general topics, and especially the history of his township, a fact which we took advantage of, and gleaned many interesting items. While Mr. Tracy is a "jolly old bachelor," and well booked, he probably has not read:
"What is there in this vale of life, Half so delightful as a wife, When friendship, love and peace combine, To stamp the marriage-bond divine? The stream of pure and genuine love, Derives its current from above; And earth a second Eden shows, Where'er the healing water flows."
Mr. Tracy is quite an extensive farmer and dairyman, keeping fine stock. In his dairy he carries the Jerseys and Durhams. He has a fine two-year-old male, from a cross of the Durham and Jersey. His father was imported from England by Robert A. Packer.
A.O. Tracy is a son of Buckley Tracy, who located on the place in 1817, when but slight improvements had been made, and lived there until the close of his life, in 1862. Mr. Tracy took a great interest in educational matters, and availed himself of every opportunity for improvement. he gave each of his children a good education. One daughter, Miss Emily Tracy, is a well known practicing physician in Chicago. Mrs. Tracy is yet living with her son on the old homestead.
R.M. Cooper gives attention to small fruits, choice poultry and thoroughbred stock. We noticed two very fine thoroughbred Durham cows. Their calves were equally fine. Mr. Cooper also carries blacksmithing in connection with his other pursuits.
We found Clayton Gerould an enterprising gentleman pleasantly located on the ancestral estate of his father, Ziba Gerould, who made the first improvement thereon about seventy years ago. Mr. Gerould does general farming, making oats the main crop, and carries a dairy in connection. Among other horses, we notices two very good young Clydesdales. For some years, Mr. Gerould has given considerable attention to music, and deals in musical instruments. His mother, a lady of eighty-six years, lives with him. She has already been mentioned as the daughter of Michael Bird.
L.B. Scott is a good farmer, and occupies the homestead of his father, John Scott. He gives attention to the general grains, and carries a good dairy of grade Durhams. He also carries some young stock and sheep, the Southdowns.
We found Edward Partridge an affable gentleman, and excellently skilled in the art of farming. He occupies the old Tracy homestead, a very pleasant location. He has a fine dairy consisting of grade Alderneys, he also carries some young stock and keeps blooded young horses. Mr. Partridge is well known as a member of the "Praying Band."
E.E. French is a good farmer and occupies the place taken up by his father, Ebenezer French, who came to the township about 1820, from Connecticut. Mr. French occupied the place until the time of his death. He had a family of four children, all of whom are yet living. Mr. E. E. French does general farming and carries a dairy, and some stock of the Durham line. He also keeps sheep.
C. A. Marvin is a very neat and shrewd farmer, always ahead of his work, and generally his neighbors. He, like "Poor Richard," believes "that there are no gains without pains," and "that it pays to drive thy business, and let not that drive thee." Mr. Marvin has a very productive farm, in connection with which he carries a choice dairy of Holsteins and Jerseys. From most of these from February to the middle of May he sold $115 worth of butter, besides what was used by the family. He also carries a choice lot of sheep, and from eight of which last year he sold $39 worth of lambs. Mr. Marvin has a very fine Hambletonian colt, and the finest pear orchard in the township, the trees being young, thrifty and of the most choice. He also gives attention to the culture of strawberries. In February, 1864, Mr. Marvin entered the Seventh P.V.C. He served mainly under General Wilson, and was with him in his raid through Alabama and Georgia. It was his brigade that captured Jefferson Davis as he was trying to make his escape in petticoats, and he saw the "chief of the Confederacy," his wife and daughter soon after the capture. Mr. Marvin stood at the head of his company, being the tallest man in it--six feet. He remained in the service until after the war. He returned home in September 1865, with the record of a true soldier.
C.T. Westbrook is an excellent tiller of the soil, and a gentleman having a pride in fine stock. He is an extensive farmer, and carries a fine dairy of Durhams, Devonshires and Holsteins. He also carries young stock and keeps an excellent team for general purposes.
B.C. Thomas has a very pleasant location, and occupies the place taken up by his father, Benjamin Thomas, who came to the township from Rhode Island in 1829. He occupied the place until the time of his death. In his younger days he was a shoemaker and made shoes for soldiers in the war of 1812. He was also a sea captain for several years. He had a family of nine children, six of whom are yet living. Mr. B. C. Thomas carries general farming and a dairy of grade Durhams and Holsteins, with some attention to sheep and young stock. He is assisted on the farm by his son, M. Thomas. Mr. Thomas, like Mr. Ormsby, with whom he mainly hunted, has been a great woodsman.
Ira and Orin Burlingame are enterprising young farmers, and have a very handsome farm. They carry a fine dairy of grade Alderneys and Ayrshires, and keep other blooded stock. Their farming is general, growing all the grains successfully. During the fall they run a threshing machine. They are sons of Nelson Burlingame, who was a son of Thomas Burlingame, who came to the township in 1822 from Providence, Rhode Island. They are distantly related to Anson P. Burlingame, of the "celebrated treaty."
G. W. McClellan is a reliable young man and neat farmer. He carries general farming and a dairy of grade Durhams and Alderneys. He also carries young stock. He has a couple of handsome Clydesdale colts.
S. W. Ames has a neat little farm and occupies the place taken up by his father Joseph Ames, who came to the township in 1815 from Rhode Island, with an ox-team. Mr. Ames and wife both died within a half a mile of where they located. Their family composed eight children, seven of whom are yet living.
We found M. B. Phelps an interesting gentleman, interested in farming and a dealer in country produce, stock, etc. He is a son of Plynn Phelps, whose family will be spoken of at another point. In August, 1862, Mr. Phelps joined the 141st, P. V., and witnessed the scenes in connection with that gallant regiment until the close of the war. He possesses a piece of the historical apple tree under which peace was concluded. Mr. Phelps showed us a piece of calico, which cost at the rate of a dollar a yard. It was made in Connecticut at the time of the Revolution. It is very coarse like linen goods.
BRADFORD REPORTER - Towanda, Pa., August 28, 1884
Mathew Bemer is an economical and neat farmer, having a pleasant location. He carries a dairy in connection with general farming, and keeps some very fine blooded young horses.
By request, since a sketch of one of Smithfield's most deserving fathers, to whom great honor is due, did not appear in the County History, we here append his biography as prepared by Rev. C. C. Cross:
Dr. Bullock was born in Halifax, Vermont, July 20, 1791, and died in Smithfield, Pa., November 15, 1877. He came to Smithfield as a practicing physician in October, 1812, being then twenty-one years of age. By that time a considerable number of people had found their way to these parts, but a wilderness of huge beech, pine, maple and hemlock trees covered these hills and valleys, except here and there an open patch of ground with a log hut among the big stumps as residences of the pioneer settlers. A few permanent settlers were here--the Mitchells, the Satterlees, the Geroulds, the Tracys, the Woods, and others. The Doctor came all the way from Vermont on horseback, and his whole estate, on arriving here, consisted of a horse, a saddle, a pill bag, four or five dollars worth of medicines, and two dollars and a half in money. Not really his whole estate, indeed it was but an insignificant part of it, for he was then rich in the treasures of a well balanced mind, a tenacious memory, a good moral character, and untiring habits of industry and economy. As the inhabitants were few the profession of medicine was not a lucrative one; and to eke out his scanty income he kept school for several seasons, visiting his patients before and after the school hours of the day--schools then being kept five and one-half days in the week. His field of practice extended from Columbia to Athens, a distance of twenty miles, and indeed ten or twelve miles in any direction from his home with an occasional call from greater distances. From the lack of roads it was often necessary to make his visits on foot. Thus it would be necessary often to visit a patient in the darkness of the night, and to go for miles on foot through almost pathless woods infested with bears and hungry and howling wolves. The panther or catamount was not then unknown. For the first years of his residence in Smithfield he boarded with Mr. Mitchell, and then with Mr. Satterlee, till thinking it time to prepare a habitation of his own, he married Miss Polly Satterlee and purchased a parcel of ground on the west side of the mill-pond extending as far west as the land now owned by W. A. Wood. He cleared a spot mostly with his own hands and built a house, the foundation of which is still to be seen in the field a distance from the road beyond the home of Henry Brigham. At that time very little money was in circulation here; business was done mostly by barter. Doctor's bills were generally paid in that way. The nails he used in building his house were bought at Tioga Point. They were wrought, cut nails being then unknown, and tradition has it were paid for in butter, it requiring several pounds of it in exchange for one of nails. In these times nails were sparingly used, the dependence for the strength of the building being on the timbers which were put together in such a manner as to require but few of them. The hinges and latches of the doors were made of wood, and the latch was raised from the outside by a string put through a gimlet hole in the door. If the door was to be fastened at night, it was only necessary to pull in the string. Iron, glass, and all building materials, except timber, were expensive. Though the hills were covered with stately pines of the choicest kind, boards were not easily obtained, for there were no mills nearer than Sugar Creek and almost no roads to reach them. In the course of years the Doctor added the practice of law to that of medicine. In the legal profession he seems to have had considerable success. He was admitted to the bar in 1818, six years after the organization of Bradford County. The county seat was now Towanda instead of Williamsport, and was twelve miles distant by the nearest course. We now find the Doctor with a severer task on his hands than ever before. He must attend to the sick on the hills and in the woods, and be at the courts at Towanda. His horse, if he had one, was needed on his farm at home, and besides this it was not in those times an easy matter to have money to pay for keeping a person and a horse at a hotel during the week of court. Accordingly he often went on foot to Towanda, and not infrequently during the week of court, came on foot to Smithfield to visit his sick patients, and return on foot to Towanda in the morning to attend to business at court. But even this was not the extent of the economy practiced in those days. Leather was not then made here, and being brought from a distance it was very expensive. Hence men and women, as well as children, were often to be seen at their work barefooted; and often when going from home they carried their shoes in their hands to save so much of the wear of them, and then put them on when they arrived at the place to which they were going. Tradition says that the Doctor was wont in this manner to save his shoes in traveling back and forth to attend the sessions of the court at Towanda. It is even said that sometimes he did not own shoes fit to wear in the court room, and was thus compelled to borrow of some of his neighbors. Here is economy quite unintelligible to the youngsters of the present day, hence so many who never have a home of their own. The Doctor could at any time leave his home without fear that his domestic matters would not be well cared for, as his faithful wife was competent to see that everything on the farm was properly attended to, so that no small share of their success in their business was due to her industry and economy. He was often called General Bullock. This office and title he gained when the laws of the country required military trainings. He was also called Judge Bullock, having been for a time Judge of the Court of Quarter Sessions. When David Wilmot was a candidate for the office of Governor, he resigned his Judgeship, and Dr. Bullock was appointed to his place. We now come to the sorest trial of his whole life, the death of his beloved wife, which occurred April 29, 1863, at the age of seventy years. They had lived together in sweetest harmony for almost half a century. They had borne together the tug and toil of life; they had accumulated an estate, not by any fortunate speculations, but in the best of all ways of becoming--by persevering industry and economy, without ever taking advantage of other people's necessities for the sake of gain. Her prudent counsels had cheered him in his hours of despondency, and had inspired him with unbounded confidence in her wisdom and judgment. She often beguiled his weary hours with the sweet melody of her voice, which to the last days of her life was uncommonly musical. No music more charmed his ear than the music of her voice, when she sang his favorite hymns and songs. New tunes, especially in church music, were no interruption to her singing in sacred worship. She had only to listen to the first stanza as sung by the choir, and then she could join in the singing as well as if she had been familiar with the tune. They were a happy pair, the ardor of whose youthful love seemed to remain undiminished to the day of their death. He always took an interest in the "literary societies" of the place. During the year of the "Mental Luminary," nearly a quarter of a century ago, and so of the "Literary Leaves," of the present time, he probably furnished more articles than any other contributor. The articles from his pen were always instructive and entertaining, frequently amusing; and could they all be collected and published, they would form a volume of miscellany worthy of a place on your parlor table. The Doctor had an uncommon versatility of genius. Very few men are competent to know so many things and to do them so well as he. His information was extensive on an immense variety of subjects. He would have been no mean poet, had he given his attention in early life to the muse. The activity of his mind continued to the last. For nearly half a century he was a sort of fac-totum in Smithfield. Mortgages, deeds, notes, wills, and other legal instruments must be either written by him or pass under his inspection. His knowledge of the history and other affairs of the county was scarcely equaled by that of any other man. Let our young men see in his life and labors what can be done by industry and economy. Contrast this with the life of many who began with a fair promise of competence and respectability; but who through idleness, and extravagance sink down into proverty and degradation, and at last die only to fill unhonored graves.
BRADFORD REPORTER - Towanda, Pa., Sept. 4, 1884
We found Plynn Phelps an excellent gentleman, and were most bounteously entertained at his pleasant home. Mrs. Phelps not only showed herself completely skilled in the culinary art, but a lady who could contribute to a visit in an edifying manner. Mr. Phelps is a very neat farmer, always growing excellent crops. He has a pride in blooded stock, the Durhams and Alderneys. He also gives attention to sheep, keeping the Southdowns and Cotswolds. In Mr. Phelps' stable it was our pleasure to see the celebrated "Black Witch," a very pretty animal well known throughout the county for her fleetness, and owned by R. R. Phelps of Burlington. For many years Mr. Phelps has been engaged largely in the lumbering business. About thirty years ago, Plynn Phelps, Sr., and sons, bought the mill property of William Peterson on Brown Creek, together with a valuable tract of timberland. The Mill occupied the site of the original one put in by Richard Kelly, the motive power of which was water. Mr. Peterson changed it to steam. Mr. Phelps and sons cleared their land, manufactured lumber, and carried a store in connection. Prosperity blessed their efforts, and in 1863 Plynn Phelps bought out his father and brother and has since had charge of the mill. In connection with his farming and milling, Mr. Phelps handles country produce. Miss Lucy Phelps, a daughter, is a young lady of fine talents, and will undoubtedly make her mark.
C. F. Grenell is an enterprising farmer, and a genial and hospitable gentleman, in connection with his farming, he carries a dairy consisting of grade Durhams and Alderneys. Mr. Grenell is a son of W. L. Grenell, a resident of Burlington, who was killed by lightening years ago. His grandmother Grenell was a triplet daughter of Gideon Hulburt. Sybil, Sarah and Susan Hulburt were born in Goshen, Connecticut, in 1788. Each married and had a family; between them there was a very close resemblance. It is a remarkable fact that they were highly intellectual, with hardly a sick day of their lives, and attained a great age each.
We were pleasantly and most hospitably entertained by a former brother pedagogue, B. O. Smith, and wife, and the while we were enjoying ourself with them we were reminded of a little poem, a portion of which we must append:
"We are traveling o'er life's road together, My little wife and I. We are happy in fair and stormy weather, My little wife and I.
The reason why is very plain There is nothing queer about it; We never give each other pain, When we can do without it.
The reason why we are content, We do not fear to labor; And though in toil our time is spent, We envy not our neighbor."
Mr. Smith is a very enterprising young farmer, taking every advantage to improve himself in his chosen art. He has a fine dairy consisting of grade Durhams and Alderneys. In the sheep line he carries the Cotswolds. His farming is general, though a specialty is made in the raising of oats and buckwheat. Mr. Smith occupies the prosperous place formerly of A. Schill.
B. C. Hall is a skillful mechanic who gives some attention to farming. In December, 1864, enlisted in the 45th P. V. at the age of fourteen and one-half years. He was connected with the Ninth Army Corps. He participated in the engagement at Fort Steadman, and the closing scenes in and around Petersburg. He remained in active service until the close of the war. Before Petersburg he was slightly wounded.
"God bless you soldiers! scarred and worn, Wearied with marching, watching pain, All battle stained and battle torn, Bravely have all your tasks been born, You have not fought in vain."
Mrs. D. D. Ford is engaged in the grocery business. Anything in the line of groceries, notions, patent medicines, tobacco and cigars, confectioneries, and other similar articles, may be had at prices most reasonable at her store. Country produce is received in exchange for goods, etc. Mrs. Ford is a daughter of Elder P. Sweet, who came to the township many years ago from Rhode Island, and located on the place now occupied by Mr. Jenny. Mr. Sweet was a drum major in the war of 1812. He lived to be eighty-four years old. He had a family of five children, all of whom are yet living.
"Tis long confessed that neatest farmers are the best"--and this being our criterion you can judge yourself what we would have you think of P. Hull, whom we found on a neat and fruitful farm nicely located. Mr. Hull carries a fine dairy of grade Durhams, and young stock of the same line. In the way of horses we noticed a couple of very fine young breeding mares. His farming is general, a specialty being made of oats and corn. Mr. Hull is a native of New York, and came to the township forty-three years since. His father, John Hull, was a soldier in the war of 1812.
The "Wakely place" is one of the largest and most productive farms in southern Smithfield. It is in charge of M. W. Dibble, an enterprising young farmer. a large dairy of the Durham line is kept, and enough young stock to keep the dairy good. On the place is kept one of the finest draft teams in the country. They are of an excellent line of stock. Robert A. Packer at one time offered $800 for the team. The farm is supplied with improved machinery. A labor saving piece of mechanical skill in one of the barns being a hay-carrier, by means of which hay is taken from the wagon and stored with ease in any part of the building. General farming is given attention, wheat and oats being made the leading crop.
We found W. Brown an affable gentleman, cosily domiciled in a new home, and on a fruitful little farm, which he conducts in a skillful manner. He has a good dairy of grade Durhams, and a fine team for general purposes. Mr. Brown is a son of Champlain Brown, who came in the township from Rhode Island about half a century ago. He located on the Anson Mitchell place, and after several changes took up the piece not held by his widow. He had a family of ten children, all of whom are yet living but one.
P. R. Campbell is a pleasant and stirring young man, who has recently secured the old homestead where his father, Derrick Campbell, began before the first improvement had been made. Through his unremitting efforts he cleared and improved a good sized farm. Mr. Campbell is yet living, an aged gentleman. Mr. Campbell carries a dairy and will add young stock, etc., to the place.
J. W. Schouten is not only a good farmer, but is one of those "jolly good fellows," with always a joke to crack, or the proper thing to say to make you smile. In fact his presence is a sure cure for the blues. He has a very pleasant location, and productive farm. He carries a fine dairy, his stock being the Polled. He gives attention to young stock, and has a very fine team for general purposes. He also gives some attention to bees. He occupies the place of his father, Henry Schouten, who located thereon about forty-five years ago, moving to the township from Broome County, N.Y. In April, 1861, Mr. Schouten enlisted in the Sixth Pennsylvania Reserves C., and remained in the service for a period of three years. He was connected with the Army of the Potomac, and participated in the notable battles of Second Bull Run, Fredericksburg, South Mountain, Gettysburg, and all the terrible battles fought in connection with the overland campaign. At Fredericksburg, Mr. Schouten was wounded in the right knee.
"God bless you soldiers! When the dove Of peace the eagle's nest shall shove, With home and hearts made warm with love With joys below, with joys above, God bless you here and there."
J. M. Burlingame is an extensive farmer, and a gentleman having a pride in fine stock. The first we would mention is a very fine half blood Clydesdale stallion. He is a very fine animal, snugly built with a handsome black mane and tail. He weighs about 1,150 pounds and gives a superior line of colts. Mr. Burlingame also has two very handsome matched yearling Clydesdales, weighing 630 pounds each. In the dairy line Mr. Burlingame has the grade Alderneys. He also gives some attention to young stock and fine blooded hogs. Mr. Burlingame is assisted in conducting the farm by his son William T. He is a son of Gordon Burlingame, who came in from Connecticut about 1820, and located on the farm now occupied by his son Chester, and cut the first tree thereon. For a time he lived in his cabin with a roof on but one side. Mr. Burlingame lived upon the place until the time of his death, in 1860. He had a family of six children, two of whom are dead. The others are living in the township. J. M. is so named from his great-grandfather, General Judson Montgomery, who fell at Quebec while gallantly leading his soldiers to battle, December 31, 1775.
BRADFORD REPORTER - Towanda, Pa., Sept. 11, 1884
H. W. Pierce is one of the most wide-awake and careful farmers of Smithfield. He is proverbially up with the sun, and is an example of the busy bee:
"All the grand deeds that are grandest in story, Living through centuries treasured and bright All the great lives that are dearest to glory, Filling the world with flashes of light; Words from whose utterances ages are dotted, Thoughts that have held the world in control Names on whose echoes the proudest have waited, Are but the offspring of labor and toil."
Mr. Pierce carries a good dairy in connection with general farming. He has three very fine young horses, which are nearly broken. Mr. Pierce is a son of Horace Pierce, and grandson of Phineas Pierce. Horace Pierce died in 1866. He married Miss Mary Perkins, who yet survives him at the age of seventy-eight years, a very active, interesting old lady. Frederick Perkins, her father, moved his family from Connecticut in March, 1816. He came in with an ox-team and sled hitched in front. He settled on the place now occupied by Allen Wood. The family consisted of father, mother, and seven children. These were Charles, Joseph, Luke, Hopestill, (commonly known as Hopie), Matilda, Mary and Betsy All are now dead except Hopie and Mary. Mr. Perkins lived on the place until the time of his death. Mr. Wood, the present owner, is a descendant.
Cyrenias Forest is a good farmer and dairyman, giving attention as well to young stock and sheep. In October, 1862, Mr. Forest enlisted in the 171st P. V., and served for a term of ten months. He again enlisted in September, 1864, in the 15th New York Light Artillery and remained with his regiment until the close of the war. He is a son of Dana Forest, a very active old gentleman yet living, who had seven sons in the late war. They all came back.
O. J. Burlingame is an enterprising farmer, and has supplied himself with all of the most approved appliances for carrying on farming. His farm is a very fruitful one, and is conducted in a skillful manner. Instead of a dairy, Mr. Burlingame gives attention to young stock and sheep. Among other horses he has a good young team. He is a son of Gardner Burlingame already mentioned in our letters; and like other old people can recount many interesting things on early times.
We found W. T. Brown a very interesting gentleman, and a neat and prosperous farmer. His farm is a very fruitful one, always giving some big crops. Last year he had a yield of 100 bushels of corn to the acre. Mr. Brown carries a dairy, with young stock and sheep. In the way of horses he has a fine pair of yearling colts, and a young stallion from a superior line of stock. Mr. Brown is a son of Champlain Brown (mentioned).
At H. H. Campbell's we enjoyed a literary treat in the way of a political discussion. Mrs. Campbell is a strong advocate of "Woman's Rights," and a firm believer in "Jeffersonian Principles." The discussion, in short, concluded pleasantly without a proselyte. However, Mrs. Campbell conceded that the REPORTER was "an excellent paper, but not of the right kind of politics." Mr. Campbell is a prosperous farmer and dairyman.
Jefferson Smith is a hospitable gentleman and enterprising farmer, having a pleasant location and fruitful place. He gives attention to general farming, making oats the leading crop, in connection with which he carries a good dairy consisting of grade Durhams and Jerseys. He also gives attention to young stock and the raising of your horses. His son A. E. has a very fine yearling colt, half Idaho, that has the points of a "great trotter." We were shown a most remarkable freak of nature on the place, it was a calf covered with coarse black wool. Little Vernia Smith, three years old, is surely a prodigy. After having heard a piece played upon the organ a couple of times, she can readily pick out the tune. She can, moreover, read quite readily. She knew her letters when a year and a half old. She can also tell the names of the greater number of the letters in script. Jefferson Smith is a son of Anthony Smith, who had a family of thirteen children. Of these there were three pairs of twins, and in succession. There were ten sons, six of whom were in the service, Jefferson being on of these. H. Kendall is a very neat farmer, and has a pleasant home and productive little farm. He carries a choice little dairy of the Holstein stock. He has a very fine young team for general purposes. He is the son of Elam Kendall who lived in Burlington.
A. H. Northrop is a very good farmer, who now can enjoy himself in peace and plenty from his many years of diligent toil. He carries a good dairy, each cow of which averages him in butter sold per year over $40. He has a mule now thirty-five years old that was in the service, strong and hearty with the agility of a colt.
We found A. W. Kelly a very social gentleman with a full stock of hospitality which he contributes alike to newspaper men as well as other mortals. He carries young stock and owns a fine Clydesdale colt. Mr. Kelly is a son of Richard M. Kelly, who came to the township from near Providence, Rhode Island. He located on the place of J. H. Kelly and was engaged in lumbering and farming. Mrs. Kelly is an aged lady yet living in North Carolina. Among interesting relics the family possess a set of napkins spun and wove by their great-great-grandmother, and a very ancient looking-glass.
C. E. Jenney is a very enterprising young farmer, whom we found on the place of Harrison Mitchell busily tilling the soil. For a dairy his pride is in the Alderneys and Durhams. Especial attention is given to young stock and the breeding of fine blooded horses--the Clydesdales and Black Hawks. Of the grains produced upon the place oats is made the leading crop.
S. S. Baker has a very pleasant location and is a neat farmer and dairyman. His dairy consists of Durhams. Especial attention is given to general farming. In July, 1861, Mr. Baker enlisted in the Sixth P. V. Reserves, and remained with his regiment for a space of three years. He was mainly employed as a teamster on an ambulance train during his enlistment. At the battle of Gettysburg he left his team in charge of another soldier, took his gun and hastened to the front. During the battle he was wounded in the hip. "All honor to the glorious State of Pennsylvania And honor to her sons--the grand Reserves. Yes, honor to the valiant, faithful men, Whose strong, unswerving loyalty deserves The choicest wreath Columbia's love can twine, Or brightest gem that on her brow doth shine!"
Henry Wittige is a hard-working farmer, and conducts his business carefully. Mr. Wittige is a native of Germany, but when the hearts of the people were sad with the cry of disunion, he gallantly shouldered his musket and marched to battle. He served his country for three years--in that time suffering the hardships of rebel prisons.
R. L. Case has a neat little grocery, in which may be found a choice supply of groceries and general goods. Mrs. Case is the affable lady who waits upon you, Mr. Case giving his time to the trade upon the road.
BRADFORD REPORTER - Towanda, Pa., Sept. 18, 1884
G. W. Rich is pleasantly located, and has a neat little farm. He is an enterprising gentleman, but has been kept back by misfortunes. He carries a small dairy with some young stock in connection with general farming. He is a grandson of Elisha Rich, an early settler of Springfield.
We found H. P. McCracken on a pleasant and industrious young man on the place of Dr. Cowell. He gives attention to general farming in a skillful manner, and carries a good dairy of the Durham line in connection.
We partook of the kind hospitality of Benjamin Denton, and spent a visit in a most edifying manner with him. Mr. Denton is a native of New York, and has lived in the township for thirty years. By occupation he is a mason, and is second to no other mechanic in his occupation. Mr. Denton's great-grandfather, Germain, was a butcher in the Revolutionary war. He had a claim for two or three counties in Rhode Island. This subsequently becoming lost, the heirs were not able to hold the property. Mr. Denton's father is a gentleman yet living strong and active at the age of eighty-six years. Mrs. Denton was a daughter of David Brown, a gentleman who was six feet and six inches tall. He had two sons, one of whom was six feet and four inches in height, and the other six feet.
A. Palmer is a most enterprising young farmer, who has charge of the fine and prosperous farm of his father, G. R. Palmer, the late Superintendent of the County House. The farm is furnished with the improved appliances, and is conducted in a skillful manner. A fine dairy is kept of the Durham line, with young stock. Some fine horses from the best of stock are kept upon the place. The general grains are all grown abundantly.
G. C. Califf is one of those jolly old bachelors who undoubtedly believes in Pope--
"If I am right, they grace impart Still in the right to stay; If I am wrong, O teach my heart To find that better say."
He is engaged in general farming, and carries a dairy of grade Durhams. He also keeps a very choice lot of sheep. He is a son of Allen Califf, who came from Vermont with his father, Stephen Califf, (mentioned). His brother, Rev. S. A. Califf, is a Presbyterian clergyman, and a graduate of Jefferson College, and Princeton Theological Seminary.
G. W. Langford is a very prosperous farmer, who has accumulated a fine property through diligence and economy. He came to the township in the fall of 1825, from Berkshire county, Massachusetts, then being seventeen years of age, and took up lands now included in the place of Franklin Langford. In June of the following year his father, Rowland Langford, came with the balance of the family. The father and son set diligently to work in clearing and improving their land, and to knick out the cash to pay for it as best they could. Mr. Langford says: "When I came in, I did not have money enough to get a letter out of the office at Tioga Point. The postage was twenty-five cents, which amount I had to borrow. Cows were cheap, they sold for seven dollars, and a yoke of oxen for thirty." Mr. Langord's father lived with him until the time of his death. For many years Mr. Langford has given attention to the lumbering business and the buying of cattle. He has been a very hard working man, but his efforts have been rewarded and he is in his old age blessed with affluence.
On the same street with Mr. Langford we found John Kays, L. F. Langford, and A. Riggs pleasantly located on a prosperous farm, well stocked, and conducted in a skillful manner.
J. D. Pierce is a prosperous farmer, who also gives attention to the manufacture of lumber. In his steam mill is manufactured all kinds of lumber and shingles, doing both custom and merchant work. Mr. Pierce gives more especial attention to farming and dairying. He keeps a fine dairy of grade Durhams and Ayrshires, together with young stock and some fine young horses. He is the founder of the "Spring Vale Creamery," and his dairy during the present season has averaged daily per cow, thirty-six and one half pounds of milk. Mr. Pierce is a son of S. C. Pierce, who came to the township about 1825 from Rhode Island, and located on the farm now owned by S. H. Wilcox. Mr. Pierce is yet living at the age of eighty years. He had a family of nine children, eight of whom are living. One son is a Baptist clergyman, Byron Pierce, another son, was a member of the 141st Regiment P. V. He was taken prisoner at the battle of the Wilderness, and died while in the rebel prison.
D. H. Keeler is a very neat young farmer, and is happily domiciled in a pleasant home, and like all other careful farmers,
"When in the clear autumnal weather, He reaps the reward of his care, So busy and joyful together, What monarch with him can compare? His barns running over with plenty, His trees with fruit bending low, The farmer is the happiest man of all."
Mr. Keeler gives attention to general farming, and carries a good dairy of the Durham line. He is a patron of the creamery. His father, Nelson Keeler, came to the township about a half a century ago and located on the place of his son W. H. He put up a water mill and manufactured lumber, which after some few years he changed to a steam mill the first, for a distance of some miles. The mill is yet in use, although not on the original site. Mr. Keeler also cleared land at the same time of conducting his mill. He died in 1873. His widow yet survives him.
W. H. Keeler is also a neat little farmer, and has a very pleasant home. He gives attention to general farming and dairying, and keeps a valuable team for general purposes.
A. T. Keeler is a fine farmer, and a gentleman with a pride in blooded stock. He has an excellent dairy of high-grade Ayrshires, and a very handsome thoroughbred male one year old. He makes a specialty of young stock which he prepares for beef purposes. He has a very handsome and useful team for general purposes, of the Black Hawk stock. In September, 1864, Mr. Keeler enlisted in the Eleventh New York Engineers. He was connected with the Army of the Potomac, and did service mainly in the vicinity of Petersburg. He remained until the end of the war. His record is that of a true soldier.
The "Spring Vale Creamery" is a profitable industry to farmers, and is operated by D. W. Chamberlain. The enterprise was started six years since by J. H. Pierce, and is now owned by E. C. Pierce. The patrons of the creamery bring in their milk every night and morning in cans furnished them. The milk is weighed, and the quantity of butter it will make is determined, and each patron accredited accordingly. The sour milk is placed in cans, with an aperture in the middle, which sit in vats with the water properly temperated. The churning is done by horsepower, and the butter worked by a butter-worker. The butter is carefully salted and packed. Mr. Chamberlain is paid by the pound for preparing for the market. And it is not necessary to say that creamery butter always leads. J. W. Chamberlain donned the blue for his country's service, and was a member of the 57th P. V. He was out for a period of three years, and now may be rest with the glory of a true soldier, remembered by a grateful people.
One of the most remarkable men we have had the pleasure of interviewing is Rev. Charles Chapin Corss, a gentleman now past four score years. He is strong physically and enjoys unimpaired mental vigor. He makes his necessary calls without the aid of a cane, reads without the aid of glasses, has no false teeth for masticating his food, nor ear trumpet to assist in hearing. The subject of this sketch is of Puritan ancestors and was born in Greenfield, Massachusetts, May 22, 1803. Mr. Corss was fitted for college in "Hadley Academy," Massachusetts, and entered Amherst College in 1826, from which he graduated with honor in 1830. After teaching one year he spent three years in Princeton Theological Seminary, leaving it in the fall of 1834. He was licensed to preach the gospel in February, 1836, by the Hampshire Association of Massachusetts. In December of that year he put on the harness, and began disseminating "the good word," and is yet continued in the cause, preaching every other Sabbath. In 1836 he married Miss Ann Hoyt, daughter of Ziba and nancy Hoyt, and sister of ex-Governor Hoyt. In 1851 his wife died, and in 1856 he married Miss Lucretia Phelps, of Smithfield. Mr. Corss has always had the respect of his brethren of the ministry on account of his superior scholarship, his clear and logical view of truth, and his irreproachable personal character. Mr. Corss also has two sons of learning and high standing. For many years Mr. Corss has been a practical surveyor, and frequently yet acts in that capacity. He is also a jeweler and works at that business without the aid of glasses. Though not required to do this work, he says it is a pleasant pass time. That he is a natural genius is shown in the fact that he picked this trade up within himself. Our useful friend will no doubt live to be a centenarian, and we only hope he may be spared to see the morning of the twentieth century.
Henry Yontz, also living at Smithfield, is a man of a very clear mind for one of his age, he now being nearly eighty-one years of age. he has been a man temperate in all things, and is well known to the older people as "the phrenologist." He was born in Virginia, and comes from a line of noted personages.
Of the Durfey family, we found E. G. Durfey and sister, Mrs. T. M. Beach. Their father, David Durfey, came to the township from Kingsley, Connecticut, in 1815, and located on the place now owned by William Hubbard, where he lived until the time of his death, in 1854. Mrs. Durfey died in 1852. They had a family of nine children, all of whom are now dead but the two above mentioned. Lyman Durfey was one of the most successful merchants ever at Smithfield. He made a large fortune.
Eunice Durfey, who married Mr. Hill, is a mother of Lieutenant Governor Hill, of New York
E.M. Durfey, son of E. G. was a musician in the late war. He enlisted in 1862, and remained until the close. He now resides in Dakota.
Edwin Blakeslee has some pleasant recollections of "Joe Smith" the founder of Mormonism. Mr. Blakeslee, when a boy, lived at Harpersonville, N. Y., the home of the great prophet, and was present at the first baptism administered in the Mormon faith. He says, "Smith was quite an ordinary man, and when a boy was rude and uncleanly. He went to school to my sister, Mrs. Dickinson, who more than once administered the rod of justice to him, who in subsequent years founded the great faith, but for all that he did not learn to hate women."
BRADFORD REPORTER - Towanda, Pa., Sept. 25, 1884
Dr. S. S. Cowell, who has been a successful physician at East Smithfield for twenty-six years, is a son of William Cowell, who lived in Asylum township, and had married Miss Achsa Robinson whose mother was an Adams, and own cousin of John Quincy Adams.
Walter Phillips is a stirring gentleman, and is actively engaged in the portable steam mill business. He is a son of Israel Phillips.
William and A. Phelps are enterprising farmers and excellent gentlemen, occupying the old homestead of their father, Augustus Phelps, who was a son of Jared Phelps, who came to the township in 1811 from Massachusetts. He located on the place now occupied by his grandsons, which then included the most of the lots of the village. The lands held by the Congregational church Society were donated by him, and as has already been stated, his daughter Polly was the first person buried in the cemetery included within these grounds. Of the original Phelps family all are now dead, "Aunt Wealthy Wilcox" being the last survivor who died May 24, 1874.
Augustus Phelps had the place after his father's death. For twenty years he was Justice of the Peace, and also held the office of Constable for several more. He had a family of eleven children, nine of whom are yet living. William and A. are large farmers, and carry a very fine dairy of the Jersey line. William is also interested in the lumbering business, running a portable mill.
Mr. A. E. Child gives the following facts on the Child family: "In 1819 Cromwell Child and son Edward, who was then married, came into the township from Warren, Rhode Island. There were also three daughters in the family. For many years the father and son lived together. Finally Edward occupied the place which fell to his son, H. E., who held it until a few years since. Of Edward Child's family, A. E. and Daniel only are living. The latter is a prominent jeweler in Providence, Rhode Island. Cromwell Child was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. He and his son Edward were ship carpenters by trade.
W. A. Brown is an enterprising young farmer residing within the village. He gives attention to general farming and makes a specialty of young horses.
William P. Farnsworth is engaged in the farming business, not extensively, though manufacturing a superior article. He is a son of William Farnsworth, who came to the township in 1814 from Vermont. He came in by the way of Tioga Point, moving his family with an ox-team. Two sons were born to them, William P. being one of them. Other children were afterwards born into the family, but William P. is the only one now living in the township. He married Miss Polly Carnegie, a daughter of John Carnegie, who came to Smithfield from Vermont in 1823. He was a cooper by trade and worked at that business for many years at Smithfield where he died. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and was taken prisoner by the British at Sacketts Harbor, but made his escape with two or three others. Mrs. Farnsworth has a pair of "amber beads" over two hundred years old; they were handed down on her maternal side. John and William Farnsworth do all kinds of painting, paper hanging, etc.
Mrs. Fries is the lady of true pluck, who about ten years ago having been robbed of about three hundred dollars, fished out the thief and put him were he belongs.
Jared Phelps, Jr., came to the township soon after his father, and located on the place now owned by Charles Webb, near the village. He married Eliza Hackett, a lady residing in the township. They had a family of nine children, eight of whom are yet living.
J. D. Tracy is located on a pleasant little farm near the village. Among interesting relics we were shown an ox yoke made by Nehemiah Tracy before he left Connecticut, it now being one hundred and seventeen years old. Also a "case of draws" brought from Rhode island by Johanna Kelly about one hundred and twenty-five years old, and several ancient pewter table pieces.
Some of Smithfield's brave boys, who most nobly bore the hardships of the battlefield and the march, and who are entitled to our grateful remembrance, must each receive a line before we close our letters:
"Then we'll thank them again, who our battles have fought, Nor forget the high service their sufferings have wrought; We'll commend them to One who in Justice is true, And thank by our creeds the brave in blue."
Plynn Wood enlisted in the 112th P. V., in March, 1864, and served with the army of the Potomac under Burnside. He was through the overland campaign, and participated in all the hard-fought battles in connection with it. He was at Mine Run, and his regiment suffered a great loss and repulse at the notable "Mine Explosion." Of the 665 men of that regiment who rushed into the doomful pit, only 119 made their escape. In the engagement Mr. Wood was struck on the head by a piece of shell and greatly stunned. He remained with the regular army until 1866, when he received his discharge.
L. T. Adams was a member of the gallant 141st, and entered that regiment in 1862. During his first two years of service he did steward's duty for the regiment. He, however, participated in the battles of the overland campaign, and remained in the service until our victory had been achieved. Mr. Adams is a son of Caleb Adams, who came to the township from Syracuse, N. Y., in 1839. He married Miss Susan Scott, a daughter of John Scott.
L. W. Forest enlisted in the Sixth Pennsylvania Reserves, Fifth Army Corps in April 1861, and remained until the close of the war. He participated in the battles of Dranesville, the first victory of the war, Second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, all the battles fought in connection with the overland campaign, and many others. At the Weldon Railroad he was taken prisoner, and was confined at Libbey, Salsbury, and Danbury for six months.
C. F. Wood served for about three months in an engineer corps, was then taken sick, and compelled to leave the service. He has been a great sufferer ever since.
H. W. Perkins enlisted in the Sixth Pennsylvania Reserves as a corporal in April, 1861. He served in the Army of the James under McCall for sixteen months. At the battle of Dranesville all of the officers of Mr. Perkins' Company being disabled for duty, he stepped to the head of the line and led them to victory. In June, 1863, Mr. Perkins went out with the State militia, and followed Lee in his retreat until the danger was passed in Pennsylvania. Again in 1864 he enlisted, and remained until the close of the great conflict.
"No more the mad drum's clamor and roll, And the bugle's sink and swell, And the wounded shriek and pray, And the banners reel and swing, In the rush of the battle's hell.
"Fair peace o'er all the smiling land, Her healing wings hath cast; And harvests gone on battlefields-- The cruel strif is past. And blue and gray can meet to stand Around the flag at last."
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