The township of Jackson was organized in the year 1815, and stands sixth in the order of organized townships in Tioga County. Much of its original territory has been taken from it to form other townships, yet it now contains an area of nearly 29,000 acres. It is situated upon highland in the extreme north-eastern portion of Tioga County, and is bounded on the north by the State line between New York and Pennsylvania, on the east by Bradford County, Pa., on the south by Rutland township, on the west by Tioga and Lawrence townships. Jackson Summit, Millerton, Daggett’s Mills and Job’s Corners are villages in the township, the largest of which is Millerton. The Tioga and Elmira State Line Railroad passes through the township in a north-easterly and south-westerly course.
Millerton is a new and sprightly village, situated on the line of the Tioga and Elmira State Line Railroad, and contains about four hundred inhabitants. The elections for the township of Jackson are held here. The Millerton Advocate, a weekly newspaper, edited and published by Harry T. Graves, is published at Millerton.
Daggett’s Mills is the oldest village in the township. It contains a population of about one hundred and seventy-five.
Jackson Summit is a new village which has sprung up since the completion of the Tioga and Elmira State Line Railroad. It contains about one hundred inhabitants.
M. E. Church erected at Millerton, 1853.
Baptist Church erected at Alder Run in 1879.
M. E. Church erected at Jackson Center, 1872.
Joshua Spencer erected the first hotel in the township.
Dr. Nathaniel Smith settled in Jackson, in the year 1844.
Methodist Episcopal church erected at Daggett’s Mills, 1855.
The first school in the township was erected at Daggett’s Mills.
Millerton Lodge, No.935, I.O.O.F., instituted July 19th, 1876.
Millerton Advocate established April 26th, 1877, by A. C. Lumbard.
Seth Daggett erected the first saw mill in Jackson township, at Daggett’s Mills.
Garrett Miller settled within the present limits of Jackson township in the year 1800.
Seeley Creek Lodge, I.O.O.F., No. 641, at Daggett’s Mills, instituted October 9th, 1868.
The sons of Garret Miller were Garret, Joshua, Samuel, James, Nathan, George. They became prominent citizens.
Reuben Daggett, Jr. and Seth Daggett, erected a grist mill in the year 1836. The millwright work was done by Allen S. Gibson and Lyman Gibson, from Chenango County, N.Y., and subsequently citizens of Elmira.
In the year 1860, Samuel E. Kirkendall settled in Millerton, and for thirteen successive years taught school. In 1873 he commenced the practice of the law, having been admitted to the Tioga County bar in the year 1859.
Reuben Daggett settled in the township in the year 1807. He was father of Major Seth Daggett who was elected Sheriff of Tioga County in the year 1830, who died in the borough of Tioga, January 2, 1874, aged 84 years.