Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Charles Tubbs
Wellsboro & the Wells Family
(excerpt) |
Many of our earliest settlers came to this area holding title issued by
Connecticut. Following the dispute over the conflicting claims of Connecticut
and Pennsylvania, many of them had to repurchase their own land. This
excerpted chapter is about that. Details of this conflict can be found
elsewhere on the site in some of the Bradford County Histories in the Online
Research Library. [JMT]
Inhabitants of the township of Tioga, County of Lycoming and State
of Pennsylvania
Proposal of Connecticut Land Title Holders [ Charles Tubbs, Wellsboro
and the Wells family (Wellsboro, PA; Advocate Print. 1909) pp.16-17
Appendix A]
The following document was found in the library of the Pennsylvania
Historical Society, Philadelphia, in manuscript. It presents the Yankee
side of the Connecticut-Pennsylvania land controversy in its secondary
or expiring phase. In its primary phase these signatories owned the lands
they were on under the Connecticut title. Numerous evictions in the court
at Williamsport had preceded this paper. Its only claim is, to be allowed
to fix or arbitrate the price of the lands and for the "betterments." But
this document represented a unanimous sentiment among those who dwelt here
and upon them, the county organization was imposed. All of them dwelt in
the valleys.
to the committee of landholders of pennsylvania
The undersigned and Inhabitants of the township of Tioga, County of
Lycoming and State of Pennsylvania, think proper for the sake of peace
and to promote good order and social intercourse with the good people of
the State of Pennsylvania and more especially the Landholders, do hereby
make the following proposals, that is—
We do agree to purchase the lands that we are now in possession of at
full value, as they were in the state of nature, that is, if the same was
not Vacant at the time the settlers began to occupy same; on these conditions
that you produce sufficient Pennsylvania titles and authentically establish
the legality of your Claim for same; and if you will send an Agent among
us with sufficient Vouchers and powers as the law directs we will amediately
purchase of him on reasonable terms, and if we can not agree as to the
value thereof we will refer the same to disinterested persons and comply
and abide their decision. Likewise we would suggest this idea—that there
is in this County several Inhabitants that can not probably meet your Wishes
in regard to payment—therefore if any such Settler chooses he or they will
dispose of their Improvements to you on your satisfying them for the labor
they have done on same; and for which, if the parties can not agree as
to the betterments which has been bestowed on the lands then the subscribers
will agree to have the labor appraised as before mentioned by disinterested
persons and will amediately leave your premises on your performing as above
July 7, 1803
Jesse Losey |
Titus Ives |
Robert Mitchell |
(Undecipherable) |
John Wilson |
Jordan Liberty |
Hopestill Beecher |
Lyman Prichard |
Thomas Mitchell |
Timothy Ives |
Zebulon Cady |
George Bregher |
Bennajah Ives |
Stephen Lane |
Abner Blancher |
Nicholas Pluchman |
John Gordon |
Ephraim Alderman |
Dorman Bloss |
John Cady |
Timothy Coates |
Elihu Marvin |
Gideon Haynes |
Wm. Cady |
Thomas Beecher |
Joshua Andrews |
Abner Blanchard, Jr. |
John Ives |
Joseph Lane |
Daniel Straight |
John Jay |
Thomas Willson |
John Gardner |
Samuel Bartlett |
Jacob Reepe |
Jobe Phillips |
Pems Bardwell |
James Jennings |
Benjamin Ives |
Nathan Niles |
Benjamin Kinyon |
William Allington |
Waitstill Bardwell |
Daniel Jordan |
Wm. Burlingame |
James Van Kampen |
Levi Doty |
Daniel Holiday |
Gad Lamb |
William Rathbun |
Amasa Culver |
Aaron Gillett |
Stephen Losey |
Nicholas Plutsman |
John Ives, Jun. |
Joseph Kelley |
John Van Camp |
James Rogers |
Richard Mitchell |
Elisha Serle |
Pems Bardwell, Jun. |
Elisha White, Jun. |
Benjamin Van Camp |
Ambrose Ives |
Elisha White |
Abel Cadey |
William Willard |
Timothy Culver |
John Allington |
Uriah Spencer |
John Stiles |
John Elliot |
Joseph M. Ross |
Aaron Stiles |
Joyce Tip Box -- December 2007 -
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