Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Bradford County PA Birth Records 1893-1901
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Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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Introduction - Bradford County PA Birth Records
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Margaret Louise Robson
 b. 29 May 1903 in Canoe Camp, Tioga County, PA
 d. 21 Jun 1905 in Canoe Camp, Tioga County, PA
 Parents: Harriet Mabel INSCHO & Edward ROBSON  
Submitted by Jane Webb
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the Birth Records and  Birth Clippings on the site by using the Births button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page? Be aware that you will also find some birth notices in the Clippings partition.
Transcribed by Pat SMITH Raymond
Date of Rcd Surname Name of Child Sex Color Name of Father Name of Mother Residence Occupation/Father Date of Birth Place of Birth
12/9/1893 Hayes Not Named F W Dennis  Julia Herrick Farmer 12/5/1893 Herrick Twp
12/5/1893 Hand Grady Dunham F W Sidney D. Lizzie Windham Farmer 6/18/1893 Windham
12/7/1893 Howley Thomas Jr. M W Thomas Mary N. Towanda Farmer 11/10/1893 N. Towanda
12/6/1893 Hogan Robert M W Hugh Ann 328 State St. Shoemaker 9/12/1893 Towanda
12/4/1893 Hibbard Lyman Rex M W Suman Edson (?) Jennie E. Monroe Boro Laborer 6/16/1893 Monroe Boro
12/4/1893 Hibbard John Max M W Suman Edson (?) Jennie E. Monroe Boro Laborer 6/16/1893 Monroe Boro
12/6/1893 Hogeland Annie F W Isaac Seuella Grover Millright 8/30/1893 Grover
12/7/1893 Hancock Vesta E. F W Frank Olive Monroe Twp Farmer 8/19/1893 Monroe Twp.
12/8/1893 Hadlock Cora F W Emmett A. Cordelia J. Rome Farmer 9/14/1893 Rome
12/7/1893 Holcomb Hiram Samar M W P. A. Sophie LeRoy Painter 11/5/1893 LeRoy
Dec. 1893 Hunsinger Ida Bell F W James Clara Evergreen Laborer 8/31/1893 Evergreen
12/4/1893 Havens Hugh M W W. S. Lilley W. Burlington Farmer 10/14/1893 W. Burlington
11/29/1893 Havens Florence Adelia F W Jabez Anna Bell Ulster Farmer 9/6/1893 Ulster
12/5/1893 Hicks Howard W. M W J. W. Ida D. Springfield Farmer 10/12/1893 Springfield
12/5/1893 Henson Harry J. M W Luther Florence Springfield Farmer 11/24/1893 Springfield
12/5/1893 Henson Henry G. M W Luther Florence Springfield Farmer 11/24/1893 Springfield
12/4/1893 Hulslander Alfred A. M W M. F. Florence Burlington Farmer 8/8/1893 Burlington Boro
12/11/1893 Hber Oscar M W Judd Stella Ridgeberry Farmer 9/24/1893 Ridgeberry
12/13/1899 Hancock William M W Frank Bid E. Orchard St. Brakeman 6/20/1893 Sayre
12/4/1893 Hess Leta E. F W Grant Lucinda M. Keyston Ave Brakeman 10/15/1893 Sayre
12/5/1893 Hart James M W James Katie Cayuta St. Laborer 11/16/1893 Sayre
12/6/1893 Hull James W. M W Smith Emma Thomas Ave Fireman 8/13/1893 Sayre
12/6/1893 Harvey Raymond M W James Eugenia Sayre Ave Brakeman 10/13/1893 Sayre
12/8/1893 Hancock Harry Burton M W Mark Lillie E. River St. Brakeman 10/5/1893 Sayre
12/9/1893 Hammond James Henry M W Charles Alexander Mary A. 15 Harris St. Gardener 9/20/1893 1st Ward Athenbs
12/21/1893 Haverly Not Named M W O. R. Clara B. Overton Farmer 7/27/1893 Overton
12/9/1893 Haman Muriel F W R.G. Anna Bell Stevenson St. Brakeman 12/7/1893 Sayre
12/8/1893 Hern Charles R. M W Burt Alice S. Waverly Laborer 9/27/1893 S. Waverly
12/11/1893 Hicks Mable F W George Louisa Athens Tannery Laborer 9/19/1893 Athens Twp
12/4/1893 Hoose Elwin S. M W Lester H. Cora E. Troy Carpenter 7/8/1893 E. Troy
12/6/1893 Horton Lois Elizabeth F W O. H. Effie E. Smithfield Salesman 11/24/1893 Smithfield
12/10/1893 Huff Burt Russell M W John Ellen Smithfield Farmer 8/8/1893 Smithfield
12/15/1893 Howland Frederic Jerry M W Murphy, Jerry (mother so says) Mary E. Smithfield Farmer 11/29/1893 Smithfield
12/15/1893 Hitchcock Theran M W W. W. Mary Pike Twp Farmer 8/30/1893 Pike Twp
12/6/1893 Hill DeWitt F. M W George Gilbert Sarah Ann Willow St. Laborer 8/22/1893 Willow Street
12/4/1893 Hoover Bessie F W Joseph Caroline Spring Lake Laborer 7/30/1893 Terry Twp.
12/5/1893 Hoover Sayton M W Horace  Mary Terrytown Laborer 7/14/1893 Terrytown
12/6/1893 Hoover Sarah F W Gilbert Sophia Spring Lake Laborer 8/15/1893 Spring Lake, Terry Twp
12/12/1893 Huntley Leo M W J. E. Frances Maple St. Machinist 10/12/1893 Athens Twp
12/8/1893 Horton Abel M W H. L. Jennie E. Orwell Farmer 11/1/1893 Orwell
12/8/1893 Horton Maud A. F W Clayton D. Charlina Sheshequin Farmer 8/21/1893 Ghent, Sheshequin Twp
12/6/1893 Holms William Henry M W Henry S. Mattie Burlington Twp Farmer 8/7/1893 Burlington Twp
Dec. 1893 Hamilton Herbert M W Herbert Anna Bell Troy   Sept.25 Troy
12/4/1893 Huntley Julia L. F W Platt L. Hattie Litchfield Farmer 8/28/1893 Litchfield
1/4/1894 Humphrey Susan Florence F W Henry R. Amelia Warren Farmer 6/24/1893 Warren
1/4/1894 Huntley Clayton W. M W Charles E. Lizzie O. Warren Merchant 11/5/1893 Warren
1/4/1894 Hotchkiss Lona F W C. F. Clara Warren Farmer 7/2/1893 Warren
12/30/1893 Hickey John  M W James Bridget Warren Farmer 7/3/1893 Warren
5/8/1894 Hibbard Not Named F W H. A. Ella Albany Farmer 4/22/1894 Albany Twp
5/8/1894 Hatch Earl James M W Leonard Nora Liberty Corners Carpenter 3/24/1894 Liberty Corners
8/23/1894 Hennisey Mary F W F. W. Cathren Marshview Farmer 5/2/1894 Marshview
8/13/1894 Harris Frances Kirby F W Frank Sarah Wilson Stimson house Manufacturer 6/17/1894 Athens Twp
8/13/1894 Harris Not Named F W Frank Sarah Wilson Stimson house Manufacturer 6/17/1894 Athens Twp
5/15/1894 Hevener Ralph M W John Nanlie Athens  Laborer 1/23/1894 Athens Twp
8/16/1894 Hevener Mary F W Will Nellie Athens Templet Maker 5/16/1894 Athens 
5/23/1894 Hakes Mildred F W Fredrick Josephine Fredrick St. Carpenter 3/1/1894 Athens
9/6/1894 Hoose Dolly F W Frank LeRoy Rose Ella   Farmer 4/13/1894  
5/7/1894 Hallett Henry North M W Edward North Elizabeth Canton Traveling Agent 3/16/1894 Canton
5/8/1894 Haflett James Harry M W Merton Dora Canton Farmer 2/1/1894 Canton
5/18/1894 Hoose Bessie F W Henry Jennie  Grover Farmer 1/31/1894 Grover
5/22/1894 Hitckock Glen M W Charles Ruby Grover Laborer 3/5/1894 Grover
5/14/1894 Haight John M W Elex May Columbia Laborer 2/15/1894 Columbia
8/30/1894 Haflett Ralph M W Alonzo O. Emma L. Granville Farmer 4/23/1894 Granville
5/7/1894 Hillis Belle F W R. S. Kate Herrick Farmer 4/4/1894 Herrick Twp
4/3/1894 Hutchinson Claire Hilary M W Chas. H. Millie LeRaysville Laborer 2/26/1894 LeRaysville
5/8/1894 Haxton Anna May F W Eli Frankie LeRoy Farmer 4/11/1894 LeRoy
5/7/1894 Haines Cecil I. F W Charles A. Bella LeRoy Physician 4/20/1894 LeRoy
5/8/1894 Harris Rita E. F W C. H. Linna Powell Laborer 5/2/1894 Powell
7/17/1894 Harris Metta E. F W Lester C. Caddie Powell Laborer 5/19/1894 Monroe Twp.
5/7/1894 Hammond George Dana M W R. K. E. V. New Albany Minister 3/31/1894 New Albany Boro
5/18/1894 Hardic Josephine F W George Catherine E. Orwell Farmer 4/25/1894 Orwell
  Hanlon Florence E. F W F. D. Jennie E. Ridgeberry Farmer 10/18/1893 Ridgebury
  Howe George  M W James Annie Ridgebury Farmer 3/3/1894 Ridgebury
  Halstead Blanche Agusta F W Edmund Mamie Ridgebury Farmer 3/3/1894 Ridgebury
5/21/1894 Hafeman Ada F W C. H. Rosa Sayre Ave Brakeman 3/2/1894 Sayre
5/8/1894 Huntington Anna Bell F W George C. Grace Smithfield Farmer 1/26/1894 Smithfield
5/10/1894 Harris Jennie Lucy F W H. B. Lizzie Smithfield Farmer 5/5/1894 Smithfield
5/21/1894 Huntly Isabelle F W Frank Mary Springfield Farmer 5/11/1894 Springfield
5/14/1894 Horton Wayne Royal M W Frank Augusta Beaver Pond, Terry Twp Farmer 9/30/1893 Terry Twp.
5/8/1894 Hoover Cleveland M W Harvey Maholu Rienzi, Terry Twp Laborer 4/16/1894 Terry Twp.
5/15/1894 Hansell Rachel F W Charles Rachel New Era Farmer 3/13/1894 New Era
5/4/1894 Hynan (?) Phillip M W A. Rebecca Cor.N.Main & York Ave Dry goods Merchant 1/10/1894 Towanda
5/15/1894 Hagerman Genevieve F W F. H. Rosa Towanda Twp Miller 1/1/1894 Towanda Twp
5/16/1894 Hawkins Gordon S. M W William Lizzie N. Towanda Farmer 3/23/1894 N. Towanda
9/12/1894 Hopfer Lila May F W J. F. Flutie Troy Clerk 5/2/1894 N. Towanda
5/24/1894 Hulslander Ross M W F. J. Martha E.Troy Farmer 2/24/1894 Troy Twp
5/10/1894 Haight Cecil C. F W A. D. Kate Ulster Blacksmith 2/12/1894 Ulster
5/17/1894 Hickey Mary Elizabeth F W James Lizzie Warren Farmer 12/25/1894 Warren
5/22/1894 Hickey Charles Francis M W Michael Mary Warren Farmer 12/28/1893 Warren
5/7/1894 Hoffman Ethel M. F W Chas. A. Jennie D. Wyalusing Farmer 2/15/1894 Wyalusing
5/10/1894 Homet Edna F W William H. Adelia Lime Hill Farmer 12/27/1894 Lime Hill
12/8/1894 Heeman Mollie F W John Samantha Asylum Farmer 10/20/1894 Asylum
12/6/1894 Hill Dorothy F W Geo. R. Mable Athens Twp Tannery Supt. 7/18/1894 Athens Twp
12/10/1894 Hayward Edna F W B. F. Bertha Athens Twp Laborer 11/14/1894 Athens Twp
12/10/1894 Hadlock Davis W. M W Laurance Olive M. (?) Athens Twp Laborer 5/18/1894 Litchfield
  Hawkins John M W Charles Hannah Center St. Clerk 6/23/1894 Canton Boro
Joyce Tip Box -- December 2007 -
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Published On Tri-Counties Site On 02/23/2002
By Joyce M. Tice