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Bible Records
Ansel Williams
b. July 20, 1789
Elizabeth Case
b. Dec. 30, 1797
m. Oct. 4, 1814
Julia Ann Williams July 30, 1815 Aaron Williams Feb. 25, 1817 Oliver Williams July 25, 1818 Anson Williams Oct. 19, 1820 Abigail Williams Dec. 1822 Philip Williams Jan. 21, 1825 Laura Williams Oct. 4, 1827 Oliver Williams shown at right |
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Ansel Williams May 5, 1859
Elizabeth Williams Dec. 9, 1879
Phillip Case May 22, 1878
Laura Porter April 20, 1885
Julia Ann Williams Apr. 23, 1891
Oliver Williams March 16, 1894
Philip Williams July 25 (?) 1898 or 1899
Abigail Linderman Nov. 15, 1899
Jesse N. Williams Oct. 27, 1903
Julia Ann Williams to Edwin Williams
July 31, 1838
Oliver Williams to Mary Williams
Aug. 7, 1845
Anson Williams to Lucy Case
Laura Williams to Daniel Sherwood
Abigail Williams to James Lindeman (Linderman) July 8, 1849
Laura Sherwood to Harman Huntington
Philip Williams to Ella Baly (Ellen Bailey)
Apr. 5, 1858
Laura Huntington to Uel C. Porter
Jesse N. Williams
Jan. 21, 1859
Kate Williams
Nov. 14, 1862
Laura Williams
Nov. 26, 1887
James Williams
Nov. 21, 1894 (Apr. 95 –
written in margin)
Isabel (?) Williams
Apr. 12, 1896
Philip Williams
June 28, 1898
Written on the business stationary of J. N. Williams dated Troy, PA March 21
(Handwriting appears to be that of Mary W. Williams, Mrs. Oliver Williams
when compared to letters that she wrote)
Isaac Williams
born March 26, 1801
Experience Marble born Nov.
19, 1800
Simeon Williams
Sept. 25, 182(?) – looks like 1825
Mary Williams
March 15, 1824
Ambrose Williams
May 6, 1827
Jane (?) Rebecca Williams July 19, 1833
Julia A. Williams
March 30, 1836
Eliza P. Williams
April 15, 1839
Isaac Williams married to Experience Marble Dec, 5(?) 1821
Grand Mother’s maiden name was Rebeca Allen Married to Simeon Marble when 19 years old.
Lewis A Herrington and Lettie M Perry were married July 8, 1901
Helen I Herrington and Harold Ackerman were married August 4, 1934
Howard F Herrington and Dorothy Putnam were married August 15, 1930
Robert Herrington and Eleanor J Scouton were married June 19, 1941
Lewis A Herrington was born Feb 20, 1877 in Barclay, Bradford Co. Pa
Lettie M Perry was born Dec 19, 1880 in West LeRoy, Bradford Co. Pa.
Howard F Herrington was born June 15, 1904 at West Burlington, Bradford Co. Pa.
Helen I Herrington was born April 28, 1906 at West Burlington, Bradford Co. Pa.
Robert L Herrington was born Oct 7, 1922 at Troy, Bradford Co. Pa.
Dorothy Putnam was born Aug 15, 19 (whitened out) at Troy, Pa.
Harold Ackerman was born Aug 15, 1904 at Wellsburg, NY
Robert R Herrington was born Oct 7, 1922 at Troy, Bradford Co. Pa.
Eleanor J Scouton was born June 1924 at Burlington, Bradford Co. Pa
Lewis H Ackerman was born Nov 9, 1940 at Wellsburg, NY.
John Howard Herrington was born Nov 19, 1940 at Troy, Bradford Co. Pa.
Anne Jeanette Herrington was born April 9, 1948 at Sayre, Bradford Co, Pa.
Lewis A Herrington died 1958
Lettie M Perry Herrington died Jan 19, 1953
Howard F Herrington died April 11, 1985
Clippings found in Bible
Pretty Wedding Solemnized Saturday Evening-A very pretty wedding took place on Saturday evening August 4th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Herrington when their daughter, Helen, became the bride of Mr. Harold H Ackerman, of North Tonawanda, NY. Mr. Ackerman is an employee of the American Sales Book Company of that place. Miss Herrington was attended by Miss Minnie French, of Chemung, NY and Mr. Charles VanDeusen, also of Chemung, was best man. The bride was charmingly attired in a dress of white organdie and carried a bouquet of roses. The ring ceremony was performed by the Rev, Leonard F Basford in the presence of a group of immediate relatives and friends of the bride and groom. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Herrington and son, Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Herrington, Mrs. Emma Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ackerman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman, Mrs. Sadie Austin, Miss Clara Austin, Miss Ruth Putnam, Mrs. Leonard Basford and Miss Annie Basford. A delicious buffet lunch was served following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Ackerman left for a motor trip through the Adirondacks and points in Canada.
Dr Anne J Herrington has accepted a position as an associate professor of English at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Mass. She will move from State College, Pa. to Hatfield, MA in August. Dr. Herrington’s mother, Mrs. Howard Herrington, lives in Troy, Pa.
Births: Thomas E and Michele Brasington of Fort Devens, Mass announce the birth of twin daughters, Linda Beth and Lisa Rae at the Emerson Hospital, Old Road to Nine, Acre Corner, Concord, Mass. Brasington is a native of Troy and is assigned to Fort Devon in the U S Army. Paternal grandparents are Gene and Ona Brasington, of Troy.
Bible from Dorothy Putnam Herrington Auction June 23, 2007
Submitted by Janet PETERS Ordway