Tri-Counties Genealogy &
History by Joyce M. Tice
Site Founded 1996
Tri-County Bible Records
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Bible Records
We are transcribing these from photocopies of local Bible Records in
the collection of Tioga County Historical Society in Wellsboro. We thank
them for their generosity in making them available to us. Many of the pages
we have are photocopies of photocopies of faded or damaged original pages.
As such, they are often very difficult to read. We have done the best that
we can do considering the poor condition of some of the copies. |
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the
Bible Records on the site by using the Bibles button in the Partitioned
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The Bernauer Family
The following Ancestral Sketch is from the History of Elk Run, Elk
Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania. This booklet was prepared in 1929
by members of the families represented.
Recopied by Rhoda ENGLISH William Ladd, RD #3, Box 116, Wellsboro,
Tioga County, Pennsylvania 16901.
The Bernauer family is numbered among the pioneers of Elk Run. About
the time of Napoleon’s greatest power, when the principalities of Germany
and other European States were forced to furnish troops to further the
mad ambitions of the Emperor, Colonel Bernauer of Baden, was drafted for
the Russian Campaign.
All his patriotic instincts rebelled against serving the interests
of him who caused his country to bleed and lie prostrate at the conquerors
He fled to Switzerland for asylum. After a time he escaped to America
by using the passport of his dead brother. Arriving at Philadelphia, he
was bound out for three years to pay his passage of sixty dollars.
About 1815 he immigrated northward with a small company of three
families. They came to Pine Creek and made clearings on Elk Run, which
was then a mere wilderness.
These were pioneer days when the wits and strength of the hardy woodsmen
were pitted against the problems of a livelihood and the dangers of the
forest which echoed to the screams of the panther. Wellsboro was a little
clump of houses, other towns not located as yet.
Under such conditions Joseph B. Bernauer was born January 8, 1833.
He lumbered in pine and hemlock, drove logs and rafted on Pine Creek and
the Susquehanna.
He married Mary C. Champney of Canton. Four children blessed this
union: Ada; Nellie; Edna; and Frank.
On September 17, 1898 Mrs. Bernauer passed away. On November 22,
1902 he married Mrs. Elizabeth Schoonover, of Gaines. He died in the spring
of 1909.
Following submitted April 2005
Morris J.Bernauer of Marshlands,Tioga County Pa.and Carrie
S. Stillman of Ulysses Pa.
were married at Wellsbore Pa.
By Rev O.L.Hills June 26 1897.
Groom was born June 2, 1867
Bride was born at Ulysses Oct 19,1864
Ella Faustina Bernauer Daughter of Morris J.Bernauer and Carrie S.[Stillman]
Bernauer was born Oct1,1902 at Cammal Pa.
Ella Faustina Bernauer was married to Donald T.Hughes of Tioga Township,
in New York City Oct 22,1932 in The little Brown Church around the corner,
Mrs.Carrie S.Bernauer died May 1, 1924
Joyce Tip Box -- December 2007 -
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path. That's also the only way you'll find the search engines for the site
or have access to the necessary messages I may leave for you. Make
it easy on yourself. |
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M.
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