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First page – This is handwritten in beautiful script
Cyrus Merrill
July 4th, 1851
Price $.20
Title Page –
The Holy Bible,
Containing the
Old and New Testaments:
Together With
The Apocrypha:
Translated out of the Original Tongues,
And with
The Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised.
Canne’s Marginal Notes and References.
To Which Are Added
An Index;
An Alphabetical Table
Of all the names in the Old and New Testaments, with their significations,
Tables of scripture weights, measures, and coins, &c.
Published by Phinney & Co.
Family Record pages -
Cyrus Merrill was married to Nancy M. Hicks December 25, 1834 by Daniel Doane Esq.
Orrin O. Merrill and Eleanor Jane Merrill was married Jan 20th 1864 by Rev Sevelon Alden at his house Monroeton, PA.
Cyrus Merrill was born March 25th 1802
Nancy Matilda Hicks was born March 26th 1814
Births of Children –
Sophia Phidelia Merrill was born Nov 5th 1835
Orrin Orlando Merrill was born March 7th 1838
John Martin Merrill was born December 11th 1844
Frances Jane Merrill was born December 5th 1848
John Martin Merrill, son of Orrin O. Merrill and Eleanor J Merrill was born June 14th 1869.
Eleanor Jane Merrill, wife of Orrin O. Merrill, was born November 30th 1838 at Martins Creek, Northampton Co, PA.
Francis Jane Merrill died March 2nd 1858
John Martin Merrill died March 9th 1866
Sophia Phidelia Merrill died July 22nd 1911
John Martin Merrill, son of Orrin O Merrill and Eleanor J. Merrill
died March 9th 1888
Eleanor Jane Merrill died November 30th 1914
Nancy Matilda Merrill died April 8th 1879
Cyrus Merrill died December 9th 1886
Abigail, wife of Solomon W. Merrill died 1833 Age 55
Solomon W. Merrill died 1844 Age 74
This is the second Merrill Bible I rescued from an attic. Two different Merrill families were joined by marriage when Orrin Orlando Merrill b. 7 Mar 1838 d. 26 Sep 1923 married Eleanor Jane Merrill b. 30 Nov 1838 d. 30 Nov 1914.
Orrin Orlando Merrill, son of Cyrus, Solomon, Eleaser, Abraham, Abraham, John, Nathaniel.
The History of Bradford County by the Rev. David Craft states that Solomon Merrill, a brother of Eleazer, and their father and mother, came to Litchfield in 1806. Solomon first settled on the Schoonover place, where he remained about three years, and then went to Chemung, N. Y. He came back again, and bought the place where Thomson McAfee now lives. He had two sons, Cyrus and George, and five daughters, Alma, Betsey, Anna, Abigail, and Theodosia.
Eleanor Jane Merrill, daughter of William Richard Merrill, b. 9 Oct 1806 d. 19 Dec 1889, Richard b. 23 Jun 1767 d. 3 Feb 1850, and William.
This Bible states that Eleanor was born in Martins Creek, Northampton, Pennsylvania.
From the Bradford Reporter article from Dec. 18, 1884, I learned that William R. Merrill came to Ulster in 1847 from Easton, Pa. He engaged in shoemaking, and has been succeeded by his son, M. L. Merrill. He is a gentleman now nearly eighty years old, and will probably endure many years more. He had a family of twelve children, only one of whom is deceased.
There is no note of how the two families met.
Suzanne Congdon
Smyrna, Georgia