The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
George MALLORY Memories
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Article: George MALLORY Memories 
Chemung County, NY
Article Submitted by Sharron BRONSON Vossughi
Postcard from Patty Shumway
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Subj:  Memories of George Willis Mallory of Veteran Twp, Chemung Co.
Date: 9/12/1998 8:06:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: (S. Vossoughi)

George Willis MALLORY son of  Daniel P. MALLORY and Harriet La Fan GILTNER of Sullivanville, Veteran Twp. was born Nov. 14, 1838 in Veteran and died in Horseheads October 17, 1930 just shy of 93 yrs.  When he was in his early 90's he jotted down folks of Veteran Twp. related to the MALLORY family.  "Will" MALLORY was my great great grandfather.  The precious penciled notes on yellowed tablet paper came to me through
Jeris Dann, a distant cousin in Wisconsin.  It is not crystal clear but if you are looking for any of these families, here are wonderful clues.


Here Is the List of the Sons and Daughters of One Family.

                                        Do You Remember
David Coe  on Midle (Sic) Road. Daniel Coe, Luther Coe and Betsey Lockerby, Currance Mallory and Mrs. Urma Greeno Coe.

Asa Coe who was killed with damps in a wele (sic) on the Bur Parsons Farm.

Shelvin Coe of Catharine
The next generation was
Clara Coe Shafer
Luther Coe
Samuel Coe
John Coe
Lydia Coe, wife of John M. Randale
Amanda Coe Rosebrook

Sheldon Coe & Sally Parmenter Coe. One son Wesley Coe
The grandchildren of the first above mentioned is:
Daniel Coe, George Coe
Hiram Coe, Solomon Coe
Reuben Coe, Mary Coe Smith
Ruth Coe Howell
Mary Coe Smith
Charles Shafer, Deceased
Mariette Shafer, Deceased
Carrie Shafer, Deceased
Sarah Shafer Fitzgerald
Lavine Shafer Gregory
William Shafer
John Shafer, Jr.

Newton Coes Family
Emily Coe, Deceased
Lucinda Coe, Deceased
Elizabeth Coe Scott, Deceased
Walter Coe
Russel Coe

James Jay Family
Mary Jay Linderman
Susan Ann Jay Clark
Hatt Jory
Hiram Sawyer, Dec.
Esra Sawyer, Dec.
M. V. Sawyer, Dec.
William Sawyer, Dec.
Catharine Sawyer Myres, Dec.
Currance Ann Sawyer Hoyt, Dec.

Jane Lockerby Cowen and John Lockerby

Loren Coe, Deceased
Emily Coe Beardsley
Lutecia Coe Beardsley, Dec.

Geo. W. Mallory
John H. Mallory, Dec.
Susan Mallory Wood, Dec.
Louise Mallory Prescott
Melissa Mallory Hummer
 (Susan's daughter Harriett Oakley Reynolds died Jan. 31, 1965 aged 93)
 This is added in pen on some time after the original by G.W. Mallory

Myron Coe, Dec.
Mary Coe Banks

Mary Coe Lyons Turner
Jessey Lyons, Dec.
Mrs. Cleveland Coe Lyons

Abigal Reynolds Packard
Daniel Reynolds
Edwin Reynolds
George Reynolds
Mat Reynolds Manley

James Mallory, Dec.
Ezra Mallory, Dec.
Lucy Ann Mallory, Dec.
Electa Ann Mallory, Dec.
Fanny Ann Mallory, Dec.
Sarah Ann Mallory, Dec.
Elizabeth Ann Mallory, Dec.
Abigal Ann Mallory, Dec.

Woodford Mallory
Willis Mallory
Mary Mallory
Peter Mallory

Daniel Coe's sons was Newton Coe and George Coe

Luther Coe's sons and daughter was David Coe, Elisa Coe and Solomon Bennitt's Wife.

Betsey Coe Lockerby son and daughter John and Jane.

Ezra Mallory, husband of Currance Coe Mallory.  Sons Daniel Mallory, Geo. Mallory, Silas
Mallory, daughters Susan Sawyer Mallory, Sally Reynolds Mallory, Currance Ann Jay

Mr. Asa Coe's children was Nancy Lyon Coe and Asa Coe, Jr.

This Record of Ancestors of G. W. Mallory Written by Him All Related to Mallory

Submitted by Sharron Vossoughi
Sept. 12, 1998

George W Mallory [ The following sent in by Mallory Smith March 2005]

      The story of the suffering and bravery of those who wore the blue and fought nobly for the preservation of that Union now so great and prosperous, as a direct result of their heroism and devotion to principle and country, can not be told too often.  It is especially well that of the younger generations should have impressed upon their minds that the liberty and happiness which they enjoy freely was purchased for them at an awful price, and though naught but actual civil war in which they were participants could give the picture in its entirety, a faint idea may be gained in the perusal of the history of those who, as in the case of George W Mallory, experienced the horrors of war in many of its worst phases. He is now followed farming in Veteran township, but never will the memory of those days of warfare be effaced, and certainly the country owes a great debt of gratitude to the brave soldier boy who, like Mr. Mallory, fought for the preservation of the Union.

      A native of the town of Veteran, he was born on the 14th of November 1838, his parents being Daniel and Harriet (Gilner) Mallory.  Upon the home farm he was reared and in the neighboring schools acquired a fair education.  In the Spring of 1861, when twenty-two years of age, he offered his services to the government, enlisting in Company I, Thirty-either New York Infantry, which was the last regiment of two years’ organized in this state.   He joined the service as a private but was soon appointed fourth sergeant and was at once sent to New York and from there to the front, proceeding to Maryland Heights, where the regiment was kept on duty for about a year.    Afterward the Thirty-eighth went to Fort Ellsworth and to Fort Lyon, visiting Alexandria.  They proceeded through the city the week following Colonel Ellsworth’s death and saw the blood stains upon the stairs indicating where he fell.  Later the regiment proceeded to Fort Monroe and thence to Yorktown, Mr. Mallory taking part in the siege of that place.   The Thirty-eighth entered the fort and while it was on duty there the fort was blown up in the explosion of torpedoes that had been buried in the ground.  While several of the men were injured, Mr. Mallory escaped unharmed.  It was at this place that he was first under fire for when the regiment was engaged in the battle of Bull Run he was ill with the mumps.  Although thus afflicted he had to do duty and was forced to lie outdoors upon the ground so that he almost died from the exposure.

      The morning after the siege of Yorktown was concluded Mr. Mallory was detailed to take charge of the prisoners of the regiment and was ordered to division headquarters under General Kearney.  He was then acting as a sergeant and his duty was to help made roads and assist in extricating the teams from the mud.  At Williamsburg the regiment engaged in battle for the last time and there Captain C.S. DeWitt, who commanded the company to which our subject belonged, was killed, a bullet striking him in the head.   Joseph West was also shot in the back of the head, the bullet coming out of his mouth, but he lived and was ready for duty again in three months.  Later, however, he became ill with typhoid fever, was sent to the hospital and died there.  After the battle of Williamsburg, Mr. Mallory was also taken ill and sent to Yorktown, where he remained in the hospital for two months, after which he was transferred to the hospital at Portsmouth Grove on Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, where he also continued for two months.   He would have been left there for another period had he not insisted upon going back to his regiment, although he was still in poor health.  He marched through Maryland to Harper’s Ferry and met the regiment at Alexandria, where they were encamped while on their return from the second battle of Bull Run.  From Harper’s Ferry Mr. Mallory went to Fredericksburg where, with his command, he took part in the engagement, going into quarters opposite Falmouth, Virginia.  They suffered greatly from the cold as it was a very severe winter.  Although our subject remained with his company he was ill throughout the winter and was reduced in weight from one hundred seventy-three pounds to one hundred and thirty-five pounds.   He also suffered greatly from a hard cough and thought the state of his health would easily have obtained his discharge he would not consent to return home, and in the succeeding spring took part in the battle of Chancellorsville.  He was one of the skirmishers and lay on duty between the two armies during the entire battle.  During the engagement he was wounded in the left hand and thus lost his third finger, which was entirely shot away.  He remained with his regiment until the following morning when his colonel ordered him to the field hospital, but that place was shelled and he was taken to another hospital and thence across the Potomac to the corps hospital.   That place was also shelled and Mr. Mallory was taken to the hospital at Aqua Creek, where he rejoined his regiment and was soon afterward discharged and sent to New York, making his way to the north on top of a train.  He had served for one month more than his time of enlistment and many of his regiment lost their lives during the period which elapsed between the expiration of their term and the time the regiment mustered out.   Mr. Mallory remained in New York city of a long time awaiting his discharge papers but eventually returned to his home.

      Not long after reaching Chemung county our subject was married in December, 1863, to Miss Mary Coleman, by whom he had one child, Louie, now the wife of Charles Ready, their home being on a farm in the town of Veteran.  Mrs. Mallory survived her marriage for only about three years.   Our subject purchased a farm near the one on which he had been reared and after the death of his first wife he wedded Miss Louise Rundle, of Veteran township.  She was born in this township, a daughter of Silas and Adeline (Stanley) Rundle.  Five children grace the second marriage: Merritt, who married Cora Conkwright, and is a farmer of the town of Veteran; John; Willis D.; and Adeline, who are at home; and Susan, who died at the age of seven and one-half years.

      Mr. Mallory was reared in the Republican faith, casting his first presidential vote for our first martyred president, Abraham Lincoln, and has always given his ballot in support of the mean and measures of that party.  He took an active interest in the campaign of 1860 and went with the ox teams hauling the platform on which was a man splitting rails.  It was one of the campaign emblems and formed an important part of their processions.   For twelve years Mr. Mallory has served as assessor, and although he did not attend the caucus or seek the nomination, he was against nominated for that office in 1901, the election showing that he been once more chosen for the position by a majority of seventy votes, although the head of the ticket was defeated.  Fraternally he is connect with Dean post, G.A.R., of Millport, and he and his wife of members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of Sullivanville, and are people of sterling worth whose lives have ever gained for them the respect and confidence of those with whom the have been associated.  Mr. Mallory is to-day as true to his duties of citizenship as when he wore the soldier’s uniform and followed the starry banner of the nation over the battlefields of the south.  Loyalty and patriotism are among his salient qualities and in business life his efforts have ever been characterized by unfaltering industry and irreproachable integrity.   THE BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD pgs 305, 306,

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

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By Joyce M. Tice
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