The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933 |
Canton Masons were Constituted in 1868
Canton Lodge No. 415, Free & Accepted Masons, was constituted March 4, 1868. The officers of Trojan Lodge No. 306, with Delos Rockwell acting as Deputy Grand Master installed the following officers: Charles W. Landon, master; Warren Landon, senior warden; William W. Whitman, junior warden; D. Perry Elliott, treasurer; Bryon W. Clark, secretary.
The meeting places were on the third floor of the building now occupied by the Morse Furniture Store and for the longest period on the third floor of the Biddle Store brick building now occupied by Biddle’s, and since July, 1948 in the present quarters on the second floor of the new First National Bank building on main Street.
The following secretaries have served Canton Lodge No. 415 since 1868: Byron W. Clark, N. Van Namee, Judson W. Stone, S. M. Smith, Charles E. Riggs, Thomas M. Watts, William W. Whitman, William C. Crippen, William H. Collins, and Delos R. Northrop, William H. Collins serving the longest period 1901-1926. Charles E. Riggs, father of the late Fred M. Riggs also served as District Deputy Grand Master from 1892 to 1898.
Pastmasters having served the Lodge since 1868 are: Charles W. Landon, Warren Landon, William W. Whitman, Byron W. Clark, Joseph L. Watson, John E. Cleveland, Newton Landon, William D. Tyler, Ebenezer L. Manley, Judson W. Stone, Bernard L. Wright, Theodore Pierce, Charles E. Riggs, George H. Carris, Jay Whitehead, T. Murray Watts, Charles E. Bullock, Mial E. Lilley, Vine H. Baldwin.
William C. Crippen, Charles D. Darrah, John a. Innes, Willis T. Davison, H. Eugene Landon, William M. Tripp, S. McNett Griffin, C. Edward Vermilya, William H. Collins, Hollis H. Taylor, Frank S. Stull, Charles L. Fellows, Carlton W. Manley, Floyd A. Innes, Harry McNett, I. Norton Beardslee, Harry E. Griffin, J. Frederick Clark, James A. Chrestensen, Lee Brroks.
Harry W. Jones, H. Lee Clark, Curtis H. Harding, Edward W. Hallett, Floyd C. Griswold, Fred J. Sterling, Nelson C. Stull, Henry J. Benedict, John d. Allison, Anson J. Innes, Weller S. Foz, Byron H. Clark, Fred Newell, Jr., Buy C. Rockwell, Delos R. Northrop, William E. Pelton, Karl H. Fillinger, Lester M. Newell, C. Arthur Bullock.
Edward H. Anderson, Fred L. Ammon, Robert F. Elliott, Thomas B. Anderson, Layne O. Kniffin, Daniel M. hallett, Otto W. Lentz.
--Canton Independent-Sentinel Anniversary Issue 1950
Canton Lodge No. 321, Independent Order of Odd Fellows of Pennsylvania, was organized June 19, 1848. The building housing the lodge rooms burned in January 1851 when all records were destroyed by fire. A charter was then issued in lieu of the original.
The lodge purchased the third floor of the Newman Block on the southwest corner of Main Street, at Lycoming and Sullivan streets, where the lodge was held until the completion of its building which was started in 1878. The purchase of the present lot was through the generosity of brother John Griffin. Weekly meetings have been held until the present time. However, after the present building was occupied it sold the third floor of the Newman Block to the G. A. R. Later the lodge expanded by the purchase of the Whitman building on the west and is now free of debt.
Since the existence of Canton Lodge it has expanded in benefit for the sick, aged, orphans and burials over $60,000.00.
Canton Encampment, No. 184, was instituted April 7, 1869, and is in a prosperous condition and valuable assistance to the subordinate lodge.
Another valuable asset to the local lodge is Lady Canton Rebekah Lodge,
No. 362, which was instituted May 19, 1909.
WCTU Organized in County 64 Years
Miss Sadie Parsons was a Member for 60 Years
The Women’s Christian Temperance work was organized in Bradford County 64 years ago.
It is not certain just when it was organized in Canton but during an interview with Miss Sadie Parsons by the present president, Mrs. Ethel Russell, Miss Parsons revealed that she belonged to Canton Union 60 years ago. For many years she was active and gave much time to temperance work especially among youth.
Quoting Miss Parsons, “I remember when I had charge of some 80 or 90 youths in Loyal Temperance Legion sponsored by the W.C.T.U. Mrs. Marian Gurnsey would play the melodeon while I led the youth in exercises after which we taught them scientific facts about alcohol, took pledges etc.”
Mrs. Lucinda Porter, grandmother of Harold Moody, Mrs. Lottie Manley and Emaline Leavitt, to mention a few, are remembered as faithful workers.
Miss Maud Benedict has been a faithful worker and member for 50 years.
The present members are debtors to the future as well as to the past. They are not only descendants but partners with those first brave ladies gone before us.
We will go on to greater tasks remembering the debt we owe to those faithful one 60 years ago, but working for a better world for our youth in the future.
It has been said, “Our youth are our future. We gain nothing, even if we save democracy but do not save them for democracy.”
--Canton Independent-Sentinel Anniversary Issue 1950
VIA has Contributed to Civic Growth Since 1905
On the evening of December 7, 1904 through the efforts of Mrs. John Innes and W. W. Whitman a meeting was called at the home of Mrs. Innes of all women interested in a civic movement in Canton. Thirty-two ladies attended and the Village Improvement Association was organized. Mrs. Juliet Davison, president; Mrs. S. H. Jewell, secretary and Mrs. Innes, treasurer. They were sure if they tried that something could be done to improve the streets of Canton. At a later meeting the Constitution and By-Laws were adopted. A charter was granted in the early part of 1905 containing names of the officers and following members: Zedie Ingoldsby Taylor, Addie Watts Crawford, Frances Mix Whitman, Marion Mitchell Newman, Frances Toggart Clark, Sallie Fairchild Newell. Emeline Sellard Leavitt, Georgie Catlin Bullock, Carrie Hallett Trippe, Edith Varney Gleckner, Helen Westgate McFadden, Carrie Haviland, Ida Spencer Clark – five are still members. Mrs. W. H. Collins joined at the next meeting. The dues were twenty-five cents.
The V.I.A. was the second society to be organized in Bradford County. A year previous a society was started in Towanda but existed a short time only.
The first project was to ask the Borough Council to remove snow and mud from the crossings and have the dangerous sidewalks repaired. They also asked property owners to cut grass and weeds outside their walks. Getting little response they hired men to do this work with muslin signs V.I.A. pinned on their backs. This seemed to get the desired results.
A spring clean-up campaign was started. Each spring unwanted articles were placed in boxes, barrel and bags along the curbs and were hauled away at the expense of the V.I.A.
The first large gift was $500 to help build a hard road, broken stone, from Cedar Ledge to the railroad station which the borough and township were agitating, and repair a fountain in the public square.
Later a sprinkler wagon was procured to lay the dust on the streets of the borough. The tank was painted light green with big black V.I.A. letters. Twice a day the streets were sprinkled. The operating expense was secured by popular subscription from the property owners. This continued for eight years at a total cost of $4,000. Some years later we again assumed the responsibility of laying the dust on the streets, this time with oil at a cost of between $750 and $1,000.
“Swat the Fly” campaign was another project. They paid ten cents a hundred. The children were very active and brought flies in jars and bottles. $12 was given in prizes. The First National Bank kindly provided the fly swatters for children.
The greatest undertaking was the purchase of the playground June 3, 1915. This plot is a three cornered square containing about three acres of land east of the foot of Washington St. It was purchased from the late Hugh Crawford for $2950. One hundred was paid and $100 or more to be paid annually plus the interest of five per cent. After his death the mortgage was sold to C. N. Reynolds where final payments were made. In order to hold the real estate the V.I.A. had to be incorporated. The total amount expended was approximately $6,000. Of this amount about $1800 was raised by popular subscription, money raised by street fairs, bazaars, suppers, movies, tag days, card parties and food sales. When the property was finally paid for the mortgage, with fitting ceremony, was burned.
This land was plowed, graded and prepared for a public playground, baseball diamond, tennis court with back stops. The school boys and boy scouts gave valuable assistance in this work. Mr. Quackenbush and Mr. VanScoten were principles during this time and were always ready to help. The public school used this playground for sports as they had no athletic field at that time.
In 1912 the V.I.A. joined the Federation of Women’s Clubs which links the society with the General Federation which has a membership of over a million women. This has been a valuable source of inspiration and information.
A band stand was built on the Library lot for public concerts and other public meetings. The upkeep of this, painting, insurance and repairs were assumed by the V.I.A. About the same time street signs were placed along various street corners. The care of Morse Park, a Borough property was turned over to the V.I.A. at a cost of about $75 a year. The grounds were landscaped and a captured German cannon of World War I and a flag pole were placed there at a cost of about $250. The cannon was donated for scrap during World War II.
After the close of World War I a Memorial Plot was planned on the Northeast corner of the playground for the local boys who gave their lives in this war. A large boulder was secured from South Mountain and set in the center of this plot. A bronze marker was placed upon the boulder. Elm trees were planted in a circle around the boulder for each boy. There were dedicated on Memorial Day afternoon 1919.
In 1922 there was some hope we might have a Community House on Morse Park but this hope was never realized. Some time later a garden division was organized within the V.I.A. with Flower Shows in the summer that was enjoyed tremendously by all.
In 1923 a cake walk was sponsored in order to make a contribution of $150 to the pumper fund.
In 1936 the V.I.A. undertook the project of landscaping and caring for the Library Lot, also each entrance to Canton was landscaped with shrubbery to accompany the new “Welcome” signs placed at that time.
For a number of years the V.I.A. sponsored the Halloween Parade and also the “Twelfth Night” ceremony when all the Christmas trees around town were collected and burned in one huge fire on the playground.
During World War II the V.I.A. sponsored the milk fund for children and organized a sewing group that sent over 180 garments overseas and the members took their turn at the booths selling Bonds.
A few years ago members of the V.I.A. canvassed the town that every one might benefit from Blue Cross insurance. Last year in September National Youth Month was observed with an open meeting in the High School Auditorium and in November they responded to a request to help the needy war relief families by sending several boxes of clothing to families in Italy.
Once again waste paper cans have been placed on the streets in the hope of keeping the streets and parks free from unsightly waste. These are only a few of the many projects the V.I.A. has accomplished. They have always stood ready to cooperate and contribute to any civic undertaking that might arise. The aim of the Village Improvement Association is, as is expressed in the object of the organization, to beautify our town, develop the educational, civic and social interests of its members and to advance the welfare of the community.
Mrs. Laurence Biddle
--Canton Independent-Sentinel Anniversary Edition 1950.
Canton Chapter No. 71 Order of the Eastern Star was instituted Feb. 28, 1908 by Worthy Grand Patron, Walter N. Jones, assisted by Worthy Grand Matron, Carrie T. Mitchell and Past Grand Matron, Mary Strachen, with the following charter members on the enrollment list: Ida G. Clark, Frances C. Whitman, Althea Innes, Maud Innes, Josephine Manley, Georgia Bullock, Edith McNett, Lizzie N. Turner, Francis Griffin, Carrie Stone, Kitty Stone, Mabel Gleason, Edith Brooks, Janette Collins, Fannie Christensen, Gertrude Keeney, Jennie Swayze, Bessie Bubyan, Elizabeth McKay, and James McKay. Elizabeth McKay, and James McKay. Elizabeth McKay was installed at this meeting as worthy matron and John Fred Clark was installed as worthy patron.
Forty-two matrons have served since that year and four worthy patrons. A worthy matron can serve only once but a worthy patron can succeed himself as long as he is re-elected.
A great deal of credit is due these past 42 worth matrons in bringing growth and harmony of the order to a membership of 156 and a splendid attendance average is indeed enjoyed. Only four charter members are still living and Mrs. Edith McNett and Mrs. Janette Collins are still very faithful in their attendance and cooperation. They are of great value and loved by all.
Mrs. Ida G. Clark and Mrs. Althea Innes served as chaplains up to the year before their death and are still greatly missed.
Worthy grand matrons of the grand chapter of Pennsylvania have honored Canton Chapter three times by appointing a past matron to serve as district deputy grand matron over six to eight chapters in this district. Mrs. Josephine Manley was appointed in 1921-22. Mrs. Dorothy Bullock was appointed in 1942-1943 and Mrs. Eileen Jayson was appointed in 1945-1946. Mrs. Jayson has been offered two Grand Chapter appointments since but has refused them due to a serious heart condition which developed in 1942. She prefers to give what energies are needed since she was initiated in 1935 with the exception of one year. Miss Netting Stear has also served continuously as an officer for the past eighteen years. She was initiated in 1931 and served as worthy matron in 1941.
Mrs. Eileen Jayson
--Canton Independent-Sentinel Anniversary Edition 1950
Canton and vicinity are rich in historical lore and a suggestion by Mrs. G. Ernest Newman that many Canton residents would be interested in the work carried on by the Daughters of the American Revolution resulted in the organization of a chapter. The organization meeting was held in Mrs. Newman’s home, Oct. 13, 1909, at which time she had the honor of being appointed founding regent. Two years later she was named Honorary Regent which honor she still holds.
The first meeting was held Nov. 3, 1909, with twenty-two members present. A name for the chapter was discussed and it was agreed that it should be called Bradford Chapter for the county in which Canton is located. The name is in keeping with the aims of the organization as the county was named in honor of Lt. Col. William Bradford of Revolutionary fame.
It has been the aim of the chapter to keep informed on all movements affecting the welfare of our country. Early programs of the meetings show studies of early county history and early American history. The chapter has worked for improvement of the laws governing reform, and for the prevention of acts tending to destroy our freedom.
Bradford chapter has always taken an interest in civic affairs both locally and nationally. It has donated food to the community nurse for Christmas baskets; contributed to the county children’s aid and flood relief; cooperated in Red Cross activities during both wars; purchased health bonds; contributed to the blood plasma fund; and has supported many other worthy causes.
Copies of the flag act were printed and distributed through the schools. Flags were purchased for the different grades and a flag was purchased for the girl scouts. This was presented in Scout House and both the presentation and the receiving of the flag were accompanied by appropriate ceremonies.
For a number of years, a cash prize has been given to the eighth grade student doing the best work in American history, as is the belief of these patriotic women that “Whatever we wish introduced into the life of a nation must be first introduced into the life of its youth.” A good citizenship and scholarship have been outstanding.
Besides the activities mentioned, the chapter has made the usual contributions to projects which the National Organization is promoting. Of general interest among these projects, is the memorial window and the bell tower in the chapel at Valley Forge and the work with immigrants at Ellis Island.
Perhaps one of the most important events sponsored by the Bradford Chapter was the observance of Bradford County’s 100th anniversary. This observance was held in the Methodist Church on March 10, 1910, and the overcrowded church testified to the interest which the event created. A history of the county was given, and talks by old settlers. Judge Fanning was the principal speaker.
Page 310
Several social events have become traditions. Each year the October
meeting becomes a birthday luncheon. This is sometimes a guest meeting
and there is always a program of more than usual interest. Also Bradford
Chapter originated the custom of having an annual county picnic.
The first picnic was held at Mourland Park, the home of Mrs. L. T. McFadden,
who was regent at the time. An unusual honor was enjoyed at that
meeting as the President General of the National Society, Mrs. George Thatcher
Guernsey, was present. These picnics have been held with various
county chapters since that time and one was held at Folly Hill a few years
Following is a list of daughters who have served as regents of the Bradford Chapter: Mrs. G. E. Newman, 1909-11; Mrs. L. T. McFadden, 1911-1920; Mrs. E. T. Barnes, 1920-22; Mrs. Fred Trippe, 1922-23; Mrs. Alden Swayze, 1923-28; Mrs. Herrick Owen, 1928-31; Mrs. F. B. Mayer, 1931-35; Mrs. D. R. Northrop, 1935-38; Miss Hattie Newell, 1938-41; Mrs. Robert Lindley, 1941-44; Miss Helen Rockwell, 1944-47; Mrs. Leon Keagle, 1947-50; and the present regent, Mrs. C. Robert Krise.
Daughters of the American Revolution are tireless in their efforts to maintain the respect due our forefathers whose sacrifices made our nation, and to preserve the traditions of freedom which we have inherited. “The trend of world events has brought to all Americans who cherish freedom a deeper realization of what the Constitution means, with that realization comes an awakening of our present responsibilities as citizens.” An organization such as this alert to these responsibilities can be counted on to defend and help preserve the Constitution at any cost.
Miss Elizabeth Bunyan
--Canton Independent-Sentinel Anniversary edition 1950
Canton Lodge No. 429 Loyal Order of Moose was chartered on February 24, 1911. At this time W. C. Wooley was governor and George E. Andrews, Secretary. The following were the 45 charter members: Joseph B. Bason, Earl Doty, Roland Foss, D. A. Dann, F. E. Cogswell, George E. Andrews, R. W. Perry, C. G. McLauglin, Earl W. Stanton, William F. Palmer, Wilbur W. Buck.
M. J. Pierce, Harry J. Hayes, H. C. Woolsy, C. Frank Rundell, Thomas P. Powers, Sr., Samuel J. Welch, Daniel T. Innes, Archa C. Stevens, W. R. Douglas, J. C. Davis, F. W. Barrow, Orris F. Bailey, C. E. Leonard.
William Eilenberger, Elmo Decker, William P. Wallace, Harry B. Corey, Thomas, D. Hurley, Elmer Goff, Ernest M. Andrews, Thomas Tebo, E. J. Cleveland, Daniel T. Smith, J. C. Evans, E. A. Williams.
Clarence L. Jones, Earl M. Bloom, Warren H. Hunning, Lee S. Gates, E. W. Brown, Peter Herdic, George H. Doll, C. J. Bloom.
The purpose of the Canton Lodge No. 429 Loyal Order of Moose is to unite in bonds of Fraternity, benevolence and charity, acceptable persons of good character; to educate and improve their members and families of their members socially, morally and intellectually; to assist their members and their families in time of need; to aid and assist the aged members of said Lodge and their wives, to encourage and educate their members in patriotism and obedience to the laws of the country, and to encourage tolerance of every kind, to render particular service to orphaned or dependent children by the operation of one or more vocational, educational institutions of the type and character of the institution now called Moosehart, in the state of Illinois; to serve aged members and their wives at a special and unusual way at one or more institutions of the character and type of the place called Moosehaven located at Orange Park in the state of Florida; to create and maintain foundations, endowment funds, for the purpose of aiding and assisting in carrying on the charitable and philanthropic enterprises heretofore mentioned, as well as to operate a club and social or lodge rooms and to do all things incidental, necessary or convenient in carrying out the foregoing purposes.
In November 1947 the home of the lodge was partly destroyed by fire. In April 1949 the organization was housed in its newly decorated home with many fine appointments.
The present elective officers are: W. E. Bassett, Governor; Benjamin Green, Junior Governor; Sellard Wilcox, Prelate; Luther F. Golden, Past Governor; John Goff, Olen Smith, E. B. Hawkins, Trustees; C. H. Krotzer, Secretary.
The membership now numbers 549.
--Canton Independent-Sentinel Anniversary Issue 1950
We are apt to take for granted anything that is part of our daily lives and this may be true of the Community Nursing Service.
It was founded by two public spirited citizens, Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Marble. Their unselfish devotion and liberal contributions have kept it alive for thirty-two years. Since Mr. Marble’s death in 1944, Flora Lewis Marble has carried the work alone, superintending countless details, underwriting the greatest share of the financial load. Those who benefit from it know its worth but only those in close contact with the work can realize what an example of self sacrifice and service to humanity has been set.
We are proud to pay tribute in our anniversary edition, to Mr. and Mrs. Marble who have made Canton a better, healthier place to live.
Those who remember the influenza epidemic which swept the country in 1918 will remember the start of the Canton Community Nursing Service, which had its beginning under the guidance of the Canton Branch, American Red Cross.
The epidemic struck. From the middle of October to the latter part of November there were 550 cases in the immediate territory. Before it was over the number reached 1500 cases.
Our physicians were unable to reach many of the stricken homes so on October 29, an emergency hospital was started in the basement of the Methodist Church. It was equipped with 30 beds. Seventeen critically ill patients were moved in at once. Of the total number of patients only three died.
Dr. Davison and Dr. Dann were assisted by Lieutenant Benjamin Derrah of the Medical Service of the United State Navy, here for a rest.
Miss Lucy Cole, home from the Williamsport Hospital, and Miss Goldie Biddle on vacation from New York took charge of the day and night nursing. Five classes had just been completed in “Home Care of the Sick,” recently published by Jane Delano, Director of National Red Cross Nursing Service. These ladies were valuable aides at the hospital.
Miss Gertrude Innes, dietitian, was in charge of the food for the hospital and meals were sent out to many homes where no one was able to prepare food. There were 260 dinners and 241 portions of soups and custards sent out. The food was largely prepared in private homes on call from Miss Innes. The towns people responded to the needs of the sick with the usual generosity and hard work.
It is impossible to publish the names of all people who helped in this way. The following nurses and nurses aides were on the roll for hospital work and home: Miss Goldie Biddle, Miss Lucy Cole, Mrs. W. T. Davison, Mrs. Lee Brooks, Mrs. Deville Trippe, Mrs. Moser, practical nurse from Williamsport, Mrs. Vermilya, practical nurse who contracted the disease and died, Mrs. Hecker, Mrs. Loomis, Mrs. Hoose, Mrs. Chapman, Miss Osborn, Mrs. Fitch, Miss Bowen and Mr. Donniez from Troy, Mrs. Utley, Miss Krise, Mrs. May Black, Mrs. Derrah, Miss Helen Fassett, Mrs. Edith Gleckner, Miss Maud Innes, Mrs. L. T. McFadden, Mrs. Charles Innes, Mrs. Margaret Ryan, Miss Edith Barnes, Mrs. Hutchinson, Mrs. Collins, Mrs. M. Wheat, Mrs. F. Webster, Mrs. Irene Savacool, Mrs. Laverne Smith, Miss Helen Rockwell, Miss Lorene Jewell, Mrs. Sterling Dann, Mrs. Ward McCraney, {page 313} Miss Bird, Miss Charlotte Innes, Miss Adelle Cleveland, Mrs. Stull, Mrs. Cadwell, Mrs. Hicks, Mrs. Bimington, Mrs. Fred Taylor, Mrs. Robert Rockwell, Mrs. Lloyd Perry, Mrs. Wahl, Mrs. Sterling, Ottis Williams, Mr. Hooley, (Troy) Mr. Donovan, John Innes, Sr., John Innes, Jr., Edward Innes, Charles Watts, Rev. Soper, Rev. Wenrick, Rev. Holloway, Burgess Stull, Mrs. Harry Ross, Maude Benedict, Mrs. And Mrs. Swayze, Mr. and Mrs. Marble, Mr. Wright drove the ambulance.
The hospital was closed November 10 but for several weeks thereafter work was done in private homes.
The funds for this work were given by private subscription and were kept separate from regular Red Cross account.
After the situation was well under control Miss Lucy Cole was engaged to look after cases still needing care. Someone asked, “How long is this nursing going to continue?” The answer was, “as long as we have the funds.”
That was the start of Canton Community Nursing Service. Miss Cole worked until April 1921; Miss Fry of Williamsport followed her; Miss Smiley followed her and Miss Bessie Cole is about to complete her twenty-fifth year in the work.
Miss Bessie Cole started the Well Baby Clinic in 1934. In her twenty-five years of faithful service she has responded to calls, day and night, in all kinds of weather with a quiet, competent manner.
The Health Center became the working center in 1937. Mr. and Mrs. Marble donated the building to the Nursing Service in that year in memory of Mrs. Marble’s mother, Mrs. Emma Lemon Lewis, whose home it had been. It has since been maintained by Mrs. Marble. Besides the work of the Community Nurse, sewing classes and talks to mothers have been conducted, it has been the Red Cross Sewing Room, and is now equipped for the School Health Clinics.
Canton Community Nursing Service was incorporated in 1935 with the following officers: Flora Lewis Marble, president; Winifred B. Davison, vice president; Florence H. Bennett, secretary-treasurer; Directors: Charles E. Bullock, L. M. Marble, Floyd D. Taylor, Charles V. Gleckner, George H. Doll, Martin L. Rockwell. Up to this time the work had been carried on with practically the same staff, making annual reports to the community, but without the authority of incorporation.
The solicitors that year were: Mrs. Harry Roberts, Miss Nellie Benedict, Mrs. Floyd Taylor, Mrs. D. G. Tripp, Mrs. Floyd Schaffenaker, Mrs. Sylvia Crist, Mrs. Elizabeth Krise, Mrs. Gordon Stover, Mrs. Burdette Loyd, Mrs. Galen Williams, Mrs. S. F. Williams, Mrs. Alvin Porter, Mrs. H. W. McNett, Mrs. Z. T. Kilmer, Mrs. Charles Gleckner, Mrs. Andrew Wynne, Mrs. F. B. Mayer, Donald Gleckner, Miss Nettie Stear and George Doll. Many of these people are still working.
Miss Bennett resigned in 1938 and Jean Biddle took the work of secretary-treasurer which she is still doing with her characteristic thoroughness and efficiency. The deaths of Mr. Bullock, Mr. Doll and Charles Gleckner have changed the Directorate. Mr. Gleckner’s place has not been filled but the following gentlemen are now serving: Martin L. Rockwell, Howard E. Bishop, John P. Livesey, {page 314} Andrew Campbell, D. Leon Smith. Mrs. Davison has retired to honorary vice president and Mrs. Florence Cole Rundell is vice president.
The solicitors published in the last report follow: Mrs. S. F. Williams, Mrs. Elwyn gleckner, Mrs. John Livesey, Miss Nellie Benedict, Mrs. Herbert Bailey, Mrs. Arthur Brooks, Mrs. Mary Boroch, Mrs. Andrew Campbell, Mrs. Lena Herrington, Miss Charlotte Innes, Mrs. H. W. McNett, Miss Jeanette Packard, Mrs. Alvin Porter, Mrs. William Powers, Mrs. Harry Roberts, Mrs. Floyd Schaffenaker, Mrs. Walter Saxe, Mrs. Floyd Taylor, Miss Madeline Ronan, Mr. Doll, and Will R. Krise.
Through this entire period the nurse has made over 2,000 calls annually. The expense has been met by subscription, no charge has ever been made for a call.
Page 314
Mrs. Barnes Heads Literary Club, ‘27
The Canton Literary Club was organized on October 27, 1927, due to the initiative and efforts of Mrs. Robert Barnes, who was elected the first president. The other officers were vice president, Mrs. T. H. Beam; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Robert Burk; librarian, Mrs. M. W. Hurley.
The purpose of the club was and still is the study of literature. Besides miscellaneous programs, courses of study from the University of north Carolina have been used.
Each year an open meeting is held for which a quest speak is secured. Among those guest speakers appeared the name Dr. Kathryn G. Blyley, President of Keuka College.
The club has maintained a “circulating library” of current books among the members, arranged by a book committee.
In 1932, the Literary Club cooperated with other organizations in assisting Harry Davenport with the Washington Bi-centennial celebration at the school. They helped in choosing the cast, having charge of costumes and arranging transportation of the cast for two out of town performances.
In 1933, the club raised money to help furnish the children’s room at the library.
This was the first year that a prize was given by the club to the high school senior who had done the best creative literary work during the four years of high school. This prize has become a precedent of the club. Each year a subscription to some outstanding periodical is given to the Library.
At the annual meeting of the Friends of the Library the Literary Club serves refreshments to the guests.
The club maintains a membership of 30 and still retains six active charter members. They are, Mrs. M. W. Hurley, Mrs. T. H. Beam, Mrs. D. R. Northrop, Mrs. H. N. Hallett, Mrs. F. H. Trippe and Miss Elizabeth Bunyan.
--The Canton Independent-Sentinel Anniversary Edition in 1950
A. Henry Case, Troy Elected First President
The Rotary Club of Canton No. 4459, District 177 held its organization meeting on October 20, 1937. Charter night was held on December 16, 1937 under the sponsorship of the Towanda Rotary club.
The members of the first Board of Directors were: C. A. bullock, Ezra Dexter, Martin L. Rockwell, Louis M. Marble, R. A. G. Stetler, A. Henry Case and Leon Swayze.
Chairman of the first Aima and Objects Committee was A. Henry Case. Other members of the committee were: William Foster, secretary; Ezra Dexter, L. A. Swayze, C. A. Bullock and L. M. Marble.
The following were appointed on Committees at the organization meeting: Club Service Committee, Ezra Dexter, Chairman; Lee Preston and Robert Elliott; Vocational Service Committee: L. A. Swayze, Chairman, H. L. Stem and W. H. Collins; Community Service Committee: C. A. Bullock, Chairman. L. M. Marble and J. R. Maynard; International Service Committee: L. M. Marble, Chairman, Philip Biddle and Dr. E. C. Ottoson; Classification and Membership: L. A. Swayze, Philip Hawkins and M. L. Rockwell; Program, Dr. E. C. Ottoson and R. A. G. Stetler; Boys’ Work, M. L. Rockwell, Walter Williams, R. a. G. Stetler and Lee Presong; Crippled Children, Dr. J. G. Zink, Walter Williams and Philip Hawkins; Fellowship and Attendance, Dr. A. E. Dann, Charles A. Innes, Philip Hawkins; Rotary Information, Donald Gleckner and Dr. E. C. Ottoson; Public Information, Fred Newell and E. R. Innes; Sergeant-at-Arms, Fred Newell and Robert Krise.
This new men’s club had as its officers A. Henry Case, President; Leon A. Swayze, vice president; William M. Foster, secretary; Philip A. Biddle, treasurer.
Other members were: C. Arthur Bullock, W. H. Collins, Dr. A. E. Dann, Ezra C. Dexter, Robert F. Elliott, Donald F. Gleckner, Charles A. Innes, E. R. Innes, Robert Krise, Louis M. Marble, Fred Newell, Dr. E. C. Ottoson, Lee M. Preston, Martin L. Rockwell, Dr. Harold L. Stem, Russell A. G. Stetler, Dr. Gordon J. Zink, Philip Hawkins, Walter Williams, J. Rolfe Maynard.
In the thirteen years since its organization in Canton this club has been active in many worthwhile projects. It has done much to encourage youth of the community. A worthwhile program is presented at most of the Tuesday evening dinner meetings.
In the last few years the Rotary and business men of the community have been visiting nearby towns in the area in order to become better acquainted with each other, not to mention enjoying the delicious country style dinners that the ladies have a special talent in preparing.
The Rotary Club is a credit in this community and area. Each week its members derive a fellowship through this contact.
The officers for 1950 are: Dr. Orlo G. McCoy, president; Dr. J. K. Young, vice president; William R. Most, secretary; W. A. Saxe, treasurer.
--Canton Independent-Sentinel Anniversary Issue 1950
Mrs. Jack Cawley is 1950 President of Club
After a preliminary organization dinner meeting held by a group of thirty-six business women of Canton at the Packard Hotel on November 3, 1947, followed by meetings held April 12, 1948 and May 10, 1948, the Canton Business and Professional Woman’s club was formally presented with its Charter on June 14, 1948, becoming the 139th club of the State Federation. Dues of $6.00 per year were agreed upon and it was decided to meet the second Monday of the month.
The July, August and September meetings were well attended picnics. The Blossburg Club was present and presented the Canton Club with a gavel at the September meeting, and at that meeting three delegates were appointed to attend District Six Conference to be held in Williamsport October 9, 1948.
Among other activities the club sponsored the Canton High School cheerleaders at the annual Football Banquet, the first time the girls had been able to attend. The club also contributed $5.00 to the Foreign exchange student; gave a $5.00 prize to the high school student making the most progress in character and personality during the year, and pledged to raise $200.00 toward the community swimming pool project.
The April, 1949 meeting was a joint dinner meeting held with the Canton Rotary Club in the East Canton Methodist Church, at which Dr. James Morgan of Mansfield State Teachers College was guest speaker.
Mrs. Irene Hurley was delegate to the State Convention held at Bedford Springs June 3 to 5, 1949 and gave a splendid report of the convention at the meeting on June 13.
The 1949-50 year got off to a fine start with a dinner for the teachers of the local schools, given in conjunction with the Canton Rotary Club. The BPW also cooperated with the Rotary Club in the sale of tickets for a series of entertainments to raise money for the new street signs in Canton.
The club gave a subscription to the magazine “Occupations” to the Green Free Library, and presented a vocational guidance book for girls and two other books to the same library.
At Christmas time the members brought wrapped gifts to the meeting, which were distributed to the underprivileged children of the Canton area; they also bought a $5.00 Health Bond instead of Tuberculosis seals.
Again the club sponsored the high school cheerleaders at the Football Banquet; gave $5.00 to the student making the most progress in character and development; contributed to the foreign exchange student and the Maxwell Student Fund and gave $5.00 to the Salvation Army.
The Canton Club is very proud of the fact that it sponsored a B.P.W. Club in Troy, and though it is our baby, it is already larger than its parent club, having about forty-two charter members.
The meetings have been interested and informative with well planned programs. The members have enjoyed talks on “Pennsylvania Folklore,” “Important Women of the United Nations,” “What is New in Movies and Radio,” a discussion by a group of high school student on the United World Federalists and talks on other interesting topics by several speakers.
Further interesting programs have been planned for the 1950-51 club year which should be attractive to other business and professional women so the present membership of thirty-five may be increased.
--Eleanor PARSONS Keagle
In the spring of 1897 a small group of music-loving Canton women were prompted to share their common bond by occasional gatherings in their homes. The meetings were devoted to discussions of current musical events, followed by programs. The group was the forerunner to the present Beethoven Club and was known as the Bi-Weekly or Ladies Musical Club of Canton.
Charter members were Miss Mary C. Krise, Mrs. E. J. Cleveland, Mrs. G. F. Krise, Mrs. Carleton M. Manley, Mrs. C. M. Harding, Miss Hattie Benedict, Mrs. C. F. Biddle and Mrs. Frank Owen. The original group was augmented during the next two years by Mrs. George Somerville, Mrs. F. W. Hull, Mrs. Maud Benedict, Mrs. B. J. Briggs and Mrs. L. M. Marble, Mrs. George Davison, Mrs. L. T. McFadden.
At the turn of the century the group decided to formally organize and adopt a permanent, more appropriate name. Mrs. F. W. Hull suggested that they call themselves “The Beethoven Club.” The wisdom of assuming the name of the greatest composer was questioned but it was argued that by so identifying itself the club must maintain only the highest musical standards; the name of itself would preclude lowering them. The logic of this prevailed and thus the club in 1901 became the Canton Beethoven Club with Miss Mary C. Krise as its first president.
Now in its forty-ninth year of the organization has played a major role in the musical life of Canton. The minutes of the club, covering five decades have been carefully kept and represent a valuable record of such culture. The minutes reveal that in the early years the ladies were asked to respond to the roll call by giving musical notes and quotations. Dues were fifty cents a year. Members were penalized five cents if they failed to perform.
The constitution defined the club’s purpose as “the mutual helpfulness of its members and the advancement of music.” From the outset it sought to advance music not alone for its members but for others as well.
The first important project was undertaken in the year of its formal organization. Most cities but few small towns in Pennsylvania had public school music at the beginning of the twentieth century, so it was in Canton. The club anxious to correct such a deficiency, suggested to the School Board that music be added to the curriculum of our public school. To demonstrate its educational advantages programs were arranged and sponsored by the club. School children and townspeople took part and teachers of public school music in more advanced systems were brought to Canton as lecturers. The Mendelssohn and Beethoven Clubs conducted Music Memory Contests in the schools for several years and an active interest in school music had been maintained throughout the years.
The first piano recital in Canton was given under the auspices of the club at the Lewis Opera House in 1902. Piaton Brounoff, pupil of Rubenstein and Rimsky-Korsakoff, was the artist. His two hour lecture-recital, using the folk songs of his native Russia, was a distinct innovation, but well received by a packed house.
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Having ventured once, the club was encouraged to continue and many
splendid artists were brought to Canton in the following years. Space
does not permit a list of them all but some may recall Anna Otten, violinist;
Hildegarde Hoffman, soprano; John Dolby Peake, organist; Anne Laurie Johnson,
contralto. Frederick Cheeswright, pianist-organist-conductor, was
a favorite and between the years of 1908-1913 gave many lecture recitals.
Two operettas given by the club are also recalled. “The Merry Milk
Maids” in 1909 and “The Japanese Girl” in 1911. More recently, local
music groups have combined their efforts to bring artists to Canton.
To stimulate musical growth and study in the town, the Beethoven Club has founded other organizations. A Ladies Choral Society was formed in 1911 and a junior Beethoven Club in 1914. In 1935 a student musicians club was organized to provide an outlet for young people of post high school age who wished to continue their interest in music. The latter now functions as a “grown up” club. The Broning? Musicales. Activity along this line has not been confined to Canton alone, the club having been instrumental in organizing groups in three other communities.
The federating of the club in 1909 with the National and State Federations of Music Clubs proved to be a definite incentive to the advancement of music. Under the rating plan of the Federation, giving credits for work in music, the Beethoven club received the highest rating in Pennsylvania for three consecutive years and won permanent possession of a silver cup offered as a reward. The president at that time was Mrs. C. Arthur Bullock who later became State President of the Pennsylvania Federation. Other club members have served in various capacities in the Federation.
Community Christmas Caroling, with the carolers visiting the ill and indigent has been sponsored by the club since 1924. Christmas programs were given at the Green Home, Roaring Branch, for several years. Two most successful Folk Festivals were conducted in Canton in the late 30’s. National Music Week has been consistently observed with appropriate ceremony since its inception. Public programs by club members have likewise been annual events.
Although the advancement of music has been its primary concern, the club has assisted in many other community enterprises. Benefits have been given for various charities and donations are allotted each year for altruistic purposes.
The past presidents of the club have been Miss Mary C. Krise, Mrs. James Martyn, Mrs. E. J. Cleveland, Mrs. L. M. Marble, Mrs. C. M. Harding, Mrs. W. T. Davison, Mrs. Carlton M. Manley, Miss Maud Benedict, Mrs. John E. Roenitz, Mrs. Mabel Gleason, Mrs. Floyd C. Griswold, Mrs. T. H. Beam, Mrs. Richard, S. Barnes, Mrs. Robert Gleckner, Mrs. Arthur Bullock, Miss Florence Bennett, Mrs. Edmund S. Fanning, Mrs. Lynn R. Ballard, Mrs. B. . Lloyd, Mrs. Lacelle Leggett, Mrs. Dale S. Guthrie.
Present officers are Mrs. James H. Taylor, president; Mrs. William R. Most, vice president; Mrs. Edmund S. Fanning, recording secretary; Miss Helen Pease, Federation-corresponding secretary; Mrs. Paul Crandall, treasurer; Mrs. T. H. Beam, press correspondent; Mrs. C. Arthur Bullock, librarian.
On the eve of its fiftieth anniversary, which will occur in 1951, the Beethoven Club looks forward, confident that in the pages of the past it will find guidance for the future.
In late summer of the year 1909, twenty young people of Canton, Pennsylvania, formed a musical group which they called the Mendelssohn Club. They were sponsored by the wife of a prominent Canton Attorney, Mrs. Emerson Cleveland, a woman of fine musical attainments. The club she helped to bring into being was destined to link its musical growth with the civic growth of the town.
Though primarily a music club it has through the year responded repeatedly to appeals of a civic nature. The first check written was for the benefit of the Library, then newly organized. Up to the present year of 1950 club records show that Mendelssohn club members have given nearly $1800 to their community. This amount does not include Federation expenses. The Mendelssohn club has always given generously to Red Cross, War Service, and to the Community Nursing Service. It has twice bought complete sets of instruments for Canton's Toy Symphony Band. It has sponsored Music Memory Contests. Members helped sew the first School Band uniforms and it has given generously and consistently to many musical needs in the Public Schools.
The club initiated Canton's first Music Week May Day Festival, May 6, 1938. Club members helped plan and stage succeeding May Day celebrations for the school until it was taken over by the school at the request of the club, which felt its services in that respect were no longer needed by the well organized school system. It was in connection with those early May Festivals that the Operetta, "The Forest Child" was written by Elaine Manley Preston and Gordon and Alberta Lloyd and produced for the first time. It was later staged again four or five years later, by request of towns-folk. One other original May Day play produced was entitled "A May Miracle." This play was also written by a Mendelssohn Club member.
Musical teas, costume parties and two marionette shows, "The Life of Joseph Hayden" and "Hansel and Gretel" have enabled the club's members to enjoy themselves while enjoying music. The club has given a number of Christmas Parties to the town's underprivileged children. During the dark depression days f the twenties it distributed milk to needy families for many months. For many years the club sponsored the High School Chorus in Christmas and Easter Cantatas in local churches.
The club was federated in 1922 and has contributed loyally to Federation needs, and felt particularly happy and honored when their president, Mrs. Arthur Bullock was elected Pennsylvania State President. They have followed her succeeding brilliant career in Federation work with keenest interest and admiration.
Close to the club's heart at this time is the growth and healthy interest in music shown by the two young music club sponsors, the Junior and Juvenile Nevin Clubs, numbering some 150 children. Some years ago Mrs. Floyd Griswold's musical group of children grew to such overwhelming numbers through her understanding guidance that she asked the assistance of the Mendelssohn club. This sponsorship has proven to be one of the most worthwhile undertakings ever assumed by the Club's members.
We have cooperated with the school and the Rotary Club in conducting Harvest Festivals and indoor Circuses. Cake Walks, card parties, musical plays, dances and fashion shows have all been employed through the years to raise money for Canton's musical and civic needs. We have enjoyed working with the Beethoven, Evening Musicales and LeRoy Etude Clubs in bringing musical talent to Canton, and in presenting Music Week programs.
The Club has its original club song, written by two Mendelssohn Club members, entitled "Minnewawa Manitou," meaning "O Great Spirit of Harmony."
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Each year the club gives a cash prize in memory of its founder, Mrs.
Cleveland, to the High School boy and girl who has contributed most to
music in their four years of High School.
Love of music and loyalty to its home town has brought the Mendelssohn Club the finest of all rewards - the Opportunity of Service.
Elaine Preston
--Canton Independent-Sentinel Anniversary Issue 1950
Piano Students Form Nevin Clubs
Mendelssohn Sponsors Junior, Juvenile Groups
The Junior and Juvenile Nevin clubs are very active Music clubs having about seventy-five members each. They had their beginnings back in 1925 when a small group of piano students decided to meet together after school every week. They elected officers and learned to conduct business meetings, but their real objective was to have the pleasure and profit of playing for one another. The name of Nevin Club was chosen in honor of the Nevin family, at that time the best known of the musicians and composers of Pennsylvania.
Many children became interested in the club and it soon became apparent that there was a real need for an organization that could take in any child interested and active in music. Such a club would necessitate a larger meeting place as the group would then be too large to meet in members' homes.
At about this time the National Federation of Music Clubs was building up its Junior Division, and, as always, the children were interested in belonging to an organization to which all the children of the Nation belonged. In 1937 the Mendelssohn Club, a member of the National Federation, offered to sponsor the Nevin Club in the National Junior Division. In accordance with Federation plans the Club was soon divided into Junior and Juvenile groups. Children from grades one to six are eligible to membership in the Juvenile Club and from grades seven to twelve in the Junior Club.
For a time meetings were held in the parlor of the Baptist Church. Then the Juveniles met in the first grade room of the grade school and the Juniors met in homes of members. Some members of the Fire Department became interested in the need for an adequate meeting place for these clubs. The matter was discussed by the Firemen with the result that the clubs were invited to use the social rooms of the Borough Building. The Mendelssohn Club members, counselors and parents are very grateful for this privilege.
Splendid programs are given in both club and public meetings. These are miscellaneous, seasonal or correlated with study course lessons and the study of hymns of all religious faiths is scheduled in each yearbook. The Juniors do chorus work at regular meetings and annually during the Christmas season give a splendid program in the Green Home at Roaring Branch. The Juveniles do chorus and rhythm band work and bring to the Christmas meeting gifts to be distributed through the Community Nursing Service. Each club gives training in parliamentary procedure, the opportunity to perform music before an audience and, last but not least, tries to make every member a good listener.
Members from both clubs have participated in Federation Junior Festivals and have won very good ratings in piano and voice. Club scrapbooks also have rated in both first and second place. The Federation has set very high standards for these young musicians and preparing and performing this music is a real achievement in their musical progress.
The Mendelssohn Club takes great pride in the Junior Clubs and has done a great deal for them. Last year song books were purchased for the Juniors and rhythm band instruments for the Juveniles and many entertainments and social times have been planned for their enjoyment.
These children are being trained to take their places in life as artists, composers, amateur performers and appreciative listeners. They will be the next generation of music makers and will do their full in making "Better Music for America."
Mrs. Floyd Griswold
--Canton Independent-Sentinel Anniversary Issue 1950
The Evening Musicales (formerly The Student Musicians Club) was organized on March 5, 1936 with ten members at the home of Miss Janet Foster (Mrs. Clement Crumm). The club was sponsored by the Beethoven Club, federated by them with Mrs. T. H. Beam as Counselor.
The club sponsored the motion picture, "Metropolitan" starring Lawrence Tibbett during Music Week of that year. The club entertained the Beethoven Club on April 13, 1937 at the home of one of its members, Miss Doughton (Mrs. James Pruyne) at Mansfield, Pa with a program of Folk Music presented in costume by students of the Music Department of Mansfield State Teachers College.
The club has been a member of the Junior Federation but in the fall of 1937 joined the Federation as Seniors and chose an individual name, "The Evening Musicales." The club's vocal quartet took part in the Folk Festival of the Northern Tier held in Canton, May 2, 1938 and the club also won an individual prize donated by the Beethoven Club for an artistic window display featured during Folk Festival week. Miss Harriet Doll one of the members sang with the Beethoven Club Trio and Chorus before the Reciprocity Program given at Williamsport and also with the trio in a broadcast at Elmira, N.Y.
The Jungletown Four of Canton was the first group in this area to participate in the National Folk Festival at Washington, D.C. the club in recognition of their contribution to Pennsylvania music raised a fund to send them to Washington. The Evening Musicales held a formal dance during the Easter holidays, 1939, a benefit for this project.
The club entered a float in the Mummers Parade in 1938 and 1939 and won a prize each year. The Evening Musicales sponsored the first Twelfth Night observance at the V. I. A. playground in January 1939 and the three successive years. The club assisted the other Senior Clubs in entertaining the Northeastern Regional Conference October 17, 1940. Since it was organized in 1936, until1940 it has had the distinction of being one of the few in the Student Musicians class. The club sponsored the motion picture "Scattergood Baines" in April, 1941.
The club with the other Senior Clubs sponsored the Samuel Sorin Concert in the Church of Christ, November 21, 1941. The club with the Mendelssohn Club sponsored the Recital given by Helen Louise Riedy at the Presbyterian Church May 7, 1942.
The Evening Musicales for three successive years in the spring of 1940, 41, 42, with all members participating gave a Choral Festival as its closing program for the year with guests invited. The Choral Festivals were directed by Miss Jean Karshner, Mrs. Floyd Griswold and Mrs. E. C. Ottoson these years. Miss Betsy Monroe directed the chorus for the following year.
Two books were placed in the Library by the club in memory of Beatrice Mayer Farmer, who was an active member.
The club with the other Senior Clubs sponsored the Recital by Thelma Davis in the Presbyterian Church, January 28, 1944. The club for two successive years gave ten dollars toward War Service Fund; collected old jewelry; besides having a part in the International Programs given by all Senior Clubs in 1943, 44, 45, 46. An offering of thirty-six dollars was taken at the International Program, February, 1945, which equipped two cars on a hospital train and purchased a portable phonograph. This club with the other clubs helped sponsor the War Fund Show at the high school in 1944 and also participated in it.
It was a high honor for the Evening Musicales to have Miss Harriet Doll, charter member of the club and past president, appointed as {page 323} secretary of Pennsylvania Federation of Music Clubs in the fall of 1944. the club entertained at dinner at the Packard Hotel at Christmas time in honor of Miss Harriet Doll, State Secretary and Mrs. C. Arthur Bullock, State President of the Pennsylvania Federation, after which a Christmas party was held at the home of Miss Madeline Ronan.
The Evening Musicales celebrated its tenth anniversary with a dinner at the Packard Hotel on October 2, 1945, followed by a meeting at the home of Mrs. J. Gordon Zink. Mrs. C. Arthur Bullock, State President, Miss Harriet Doll, State Secretary and officers of the Northeastern Region were guests and gave short talks. The Collect of the National Federation of Music Clubs with words by Gertrude F. Geiberling and music by Gertrude M. Rohrer, and dedicated to Mrs. Bullock was sung by a trio comprised of Miss Marilouise Hefty, Miss Mary Helen Beline and Mrs. Frank Carrozza accompanied by Miss AnnaDee Watts. The club's ten year history was read at this meeting.
The Evening Musicales entertained about seventy-five guests at their Spring Concert, in 1946 directed by Miss Marilouise Hefty.
The club sponsored an Easter Dance in the Jayson Building in 1948. the proceeds was used for high school band uniforms. The Evening Musicales sponsored the concert featuring Thomas Roberts Powell, baritone artist, Miss Nancy Cross, Mary Russell and Hazel Dorey on October 29, 1948, held in the high school auditorium.
This club has had different study courses and programs of various nature during its years of existence. Some of the outstanding programs were Operetta, "H.M.S. Pinafore," Gilbert and Sullivan; two "Gay Nineties" programs with members dressed in costume; pageant "Pennsylvania Beginnings" (a Re-enactment of Historical Events in Four Episodes) in costume; pantomime, "The First Christmas Tree," Henry VanDyke. Some of the other programs have included; "Opera," "Composers," "American Women Composers," "Pennsylvania Music" (a program each year), "Bliss Centennial," "Music of Allied Nations."
The Evening Musicales' members have given vocal numbers, vocal trios, double vocal trios, vocal quartets, instrumental numbers, at V.I.A. meetings, Women's Auxiliary and other meetings; sang with the Christmas carolers; acted as choir for World Day of Prayer and also Union Evening Service; sang with Community Chorus. Members of the club have attended Regional Conferences and participated in them and also attended State Conventions. The club meetings have been held twice monthly until the fall of 1946 and since this time monthly. The club with other Senior Clubs have planned for "Music Week" each year.
Much of the success of this club is due to Mrs. T. H. Beam, who has stood by its members so faithfully all these years.
The club has had many members during the past years. The present membership is twenty-six. The present officers are as follows: Mrs. J. Gordon Zink, president; Mrs. Robert F. Krise, vice president; Mrs. Marvin W. Stalker, secretary-treasurer; Miss Helen Pease, corresponding secretary; Mrs. T. H. Beam, counselor; Mrs. William Looney, press Correspondent.
(The club is using the study book, "Musical U.S.A.," Eaton, for their programs for the year 1950-1951 and this book has been placed in the Library.)
Elsie Reynolds
--Canton Independent-Sentinel Anniversary Issue 1950
The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933 |