Tri-Counties Genealogy &
History by Joyce M. Tice
Tri-County Communities
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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Rocking Chair Fad Stirs Up Memories
Woman Rode from Vermont to Canton in Chair on Sled
Eleanor PARSONS Keagle
Canton – Interest aroused by President Kennedy’s preference for rocking
chairs has revived the use of this comfortable article of furniture and
the return of fine old specimens from attic oblivion.
One of the best preserved of these relics is owned by Mrs. Gordon Stover
of 16 South Minnequa Ave., Canton. It was brought here by her great-great-grandmother,
Mrs. Annes Brown in 1815.
When Solomon Brown decided to migrate “west” from Rutland County, Vermont,
he loaded his family, consisting of his wife, Lusanna; son, Orren 3, and
daughter Huldah 2, and his 65 year old widowed mother, into a large sled,
drawn by a team of oxen, and started on the 400 mile journey in March of
that year. His mother, Mrs. Annes Brown, rode the entire distance
seated in the aforementioned rocking chair.
Packed in the sled were all the household necessities the conveyance
would hold. Legend says that Soloman walked much of the way, his
wife and Orren, part of the time, and even tiny Huldah took her turn trotting
beside the sled. Part of the way led through wilderness and none
was over good roads.
Despite the discomfort, cold and rigors of the journey, Annes Brown
lived to be 83 years old, dying September 14, 1833, in East Canton.
She is buried in the East Canton cemetery.
Solomon and his family settled near East Canton, first living in a log
house formerly occupied by another couple and later building a new log
house on the east portion of the David Lindley farm. Orren recalled
moving into this before the doors and windows were in place, in September,
1816. The family lived there about 20 years, during which time seven
more children were born.
Orren Brown, lived to be nearly 100 years old and kept his keen memory
of early events around Canton until the last. He had three sons,
Clark, Rufus and Calvin, all of whom fought in the Civil War. Their
father was too old to enlist. He saw Canton grow from a dozen inhabitants
to a town of more than 2,000.
The First Methodist Church in Western Bradford County was founded in
his father’s house when he was a boy, and he was a member of this church
for 85 years. At his death, November 12, 1911, he was the oldest
man in Bradford County and third oldest in Pennsylvania.
The rocking chair which travelled from Vermont with Annes Brown as occupant,
is handmade, of light colored wood, with a woven rush seat. Mrs.
Stover had it beautifully restored many years ago by Orris Bailey, and
it is one of her most prized possessions.
--Elmira Telegram July 30, 1961
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA