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History of Tioga County, Pennsylvania

History of Tioga County, Pennsylvania, (W. W. Munsell & Co., New York : 1883), 
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B I O G R A P H I C A L   A P P E N D I X

Many other biographical sketches, embraced in the body of the work, may be found by reference to the Table of Contents.

William Bache, son of William and Bridget Laugher Bache, was born in Bromsgrove, Worcester county, England, December 22nd 1771, and emigrated to America in 1793, locating in Philadelphia May 3d. He was engaged thereafter for a time in cutting profiles and traveled extensively in the United States and the West India islands. He was married in Philadelphia, November 28th 1811, to Miss Anna Page, Rev. Dr. Pillmore officiating, Their children were: William, Laugher, Sarah (wife of the late judge R. G. White), John, Harriet (wife of Charles Miner, of Honesdale, Pa.), and Anna (wife of the late A. P. Cone). Mr. Bache came to Wellsboro in 1811, on a visit to his friend John Norris, and in 1812 made that place his permanent residence.

He immediately purchased town lots in Wellsboro, and lands in the township of Delmar, and erected a storehouse. He was the first merchant in Wellsboro. His store and dwelling stood on the southwest side of the present public square. His goods were purchased in Philadelphia, and were usually drawn by Eben Murray, a colored man, who had been manumitted by William Wells, one of the first settlers of Wellsboro, or Delmar. Uncle Eben, as he was familiarly called, had been given by his master a team of four horses and a large Conestoga wagon, and was a trustworthy teamster, whom Mr, Bache could trust to haul safely from Philadelphia his stock of merchandise for his little store in the wilderness of Tioga county. Mr. Bache was an active and energetic business man, and quite prosperous. While- he - was doing a benevolent act in assisting a neighbor to cut a winter's supply of wood a tree fell on him, whereby he lost his right arm. He however recovered from this accident, learned to write with his left hand, and continued his business. He gave his children advantages of education which were liberal under the circumstances, and they became men and women of character and position. He died in 1845, and was buried in the cemetery on Academy Hill; but his remains were subsequently removed to the present beautiful city of the dead west of Wellsboro.


William Bache jr. was born in Wellsboro, October 26th 1812, and is a son of William and Anna Page Bache, He received his education in the schools of his native town and learned the profession of land surveying, and when about 26 years of age he became the agent of several large landed estates, For many years he was an active surveyor and a dealer in farming and timbered lands.

He was first married December 25th 1839. to Miss Elizabeth Nichols, daughter of Archibald Nichols and sister of the late judge Nichols. By her he had one daughter, Sarah, who became the wife of Alfred Nichols. His wife Elizabeth died in January 1845, and in 1849 he married Adaline Robinson, sister of Chester and J. L, Robinson. Of his two children by his second wife but one is living, namely Mary Adaline, wife of William Kress. His wife Adaline died October 11th 1852, and he was subsequently married to Mrs. Lydia Maria Davison, daughter of Palmer Nichols. She bore him no children.

Mr. Bache has ever been an active and energetic business man. He was treasurer of the Wellsboro Academy many years, borough treasurer, manager of the Lawrenceville and Wellsboro Plank Road Company, the first president of the First National Bank of Wellsboro, and about forty years a vestryman in the Episcopal church. He also took an active part in securing the building of the Lawrenceville and Wellsboro railroad, and all other enterprises calculated to build up the material interests of Wellsboro and the surrounding country.

Mr. Bache has continuously resided in Wellsboro since his birth, and is the oldest citizen of the borough who was born in it, When he was born Wellsboro was a mere hamlet, and the county of Tioga a wilderness, save here and there a settlement. His boyhood and early manhood were spent among the stirring scenes of pioneer life, and in his profession he has traversed the hills and valleys of Tioga county, and knows every section or warrant of land, Fortune has smiled upon him and rewarded him for his toil and industry, and lie is now, in the evening of his age, in his beautiful home, enjoying all the comforts which a competence of this world's goods can bestow. He is still active, in the full possession of his mental faculties, and blessed with good health-a type of the hardy, industrious and intelligent pioneers of Tioga county.


A. B. Eastman was born in a log cabin in the wilderness of Danby, Tompkins county, N.Y., April 13th 1843, and is of English and German descent. His father, who was a farmer, settled on a high hill (which was afterward called Eastman Hill) in the dense forest, three miles from Willseyville, and there cleared an opening and built a log house. Hence Alonzo's early life was hedged in with many disadvantages. From his early life he desired to follow some profession, but circumstances obliged him to delay his cherished plan, and several years were devoted to other pursuits.

In March 1858 his parents, with a family of four boys and two girls, moved to Pennsylvania and settled on the farm first taken up about the year 1804 by Hon. William Hill Wells, from Delaware, from whose family Wellsboro derived its name. After a three days' journey on foot Alonzo and his father arrived at the new home, with a small herd of cattle and sheep. At this place years of hard labor were spent, in removing stones, splitting rails, building fences and erecting new buildings, together with general farm work, which gave our subject opportunity only for winter schools.

From the outbreak of the civil war in 186t, and the enlistment of an elder brother, Alonzo bore an increased burden of home labor, until the summer Of 1863, when he entered the army and went to the front, at a time ,when the army was marching night and day, through mud and rain. By lying on the wet ground he became sick, and on the 23d day of November 1863 was taken to the field hospital (a tent) near Bristoe Station, Va.; he was moved December 13th to the division hospital near Mountain Run. The December winds were too cold for the sick to dwell in cloth houses, so on the 26th he and about 300 others were moved to Culpepper, Va., and sheltered in a brick church. After partially recovering from a severe illness Mr. Eastman was honorably discharged, and returned home.

As he regained his health he took up the study of dentistry and pursued it under the instructions of Dr. P. Newell, of Mansfield, and Dr. R. C, Kendell, of Troy, Pa. He visited Wellsboro and was earnestly solicited to open an office there. Accordingly in March 1866 he located at Wellsboro, and by prompt attention to the wants of his patients and skillful practice in all branches of his profession, built up an extensive practice.

In 1867 be introduced and brought into general use the vitalized air or nitrous oxide gas to relieve pain, which has proved to be a blessed boon to suffering humanity; and by daily administrations of it he has gained thousands of testimonials as to its happy effects. In November 1869 he introduced the first dental engine ever used in the county, and he has continually added inventions and improvements; but while devoting so much time and study for the removal or restoration to usefulness of defective teeth, lie emphatically recognizes the truth of the old adage that "an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure," and has made the preservation of the natural teeth a specialty, keeping pace with the advancements of the art.

At the age of eleven he was converted and united with the church, and he was ever after seeking and desiring to promote the cause of Christ and humanity. He was one of the leaders who August 9th 1868 organized the first Baptist Sunday-school in Wellsboro, and served as superintendent for many years. In the summer of 1877 he instituted a union aid society, and as time would permit went out on the mission of organizing and establishing free circulating libraries, giving stereopticon entertainments, and thereby sending out thousands of volumes to make happy min), firesides, In December 1880 he took an active part in the organization of the First Baptist Church of Marsh Creek, the first church organization in that settlement. It commenced with a membership of 27. Dr. Eastman has won a prominent position, but at 40 years of age he may be said to have but entered upon his professional career, His past success justifies the hope of his friends that his future will be brilliant and of still greater usefulness to his fellow men.


Delos H. Walker was born in Covington, November 25th 1835, and June 9th 1800 he married Julia A. Frost, a native of the same township.

He is a farmer by occupation, his farm being located three miles southwest from Covington borough. From 1863 to 1873 he was an employe of the Morris Run Coal Company in the several capacities of weigh-master, bookkeeper, etc. During the years 1874, 1875 and 1876 he was deputy sheriff. and for three years thereafter he was high sheriff of the county, residing during the time at Wellsboro.


James S. Coles, of Wellsboro, was born in Chemung county, N.Y., in 1833, and in 1853 married Miss Charlotte L. Moore, of Chenango county, N.Y. In 1858 Mr. Coles came to Stony Forks, Delmar township, and engaged in the mercantile business, and in 1871 he came to Wellsboro and embarked in the drug business, which he still continues. In 1876 in company with W.R. Coles, he purchased the "Coles Hotel" which under their judicious management has become deservedly popular with the traveling public.


The Tioga and Elmira State Line Railroad, together with the coal mines at Arnot, and the Arnot and Pine Creek Railroad, was purchased by the New York, Lake Erie and Western Railroad Company in January 1882, and on the 6th of May a transfer of the property was made. The officers now are: President of the Tioga and Elmira State Line Railroad Company, Hugh J. Jewett; vice-president, J.C. Guthrie; superintendent, L.H. Shattuck; general passenger and freight agent, C.C. Drake. Since the property has passed into the hands of its present owners it has been put in thorough repair. The company is preparing to use locomotives for hauling out coal from the mines, and has made extensive preparations in the way of blasting down the top of the gangways and introducing a complete and certain mode of ventilation by means of a large and expensive fan. The vice-president, Mr. Guthrie, is giving his especial attention to all matters pertaining to the mines and the railroad. Mr. Shattuck, the veteran superintendent, is still in charge. Mr. Drake, who has since the building of the road in 1876 been the passenger and freight agent, still continues at his post. There is no more thoroughly equipped railroad in this section than the Tioga and Elmira State Line Railroad under its present management.

The Arnot and Pine Creek Railroad is finished to Hoyt Bros.' tannery, and will be continued to Pine Creek, a distance of five miles, in the near future.

DANIEL OSCAR PUTNAM was born March 26th 1854, at Mansfield, Pa. Early showing a talent for music he entered Prof. I.S. Green's class in 1864, and attended Prof. I.G. Hay's musical school at Mansfield from 1868 to 1871, when he removed to Blossburg and commenced teaching music as his profession.

FREDERICK W. RAUSCHER is a native of Wurtemburg, Germany. He was born in 1845, and came with his parents, John and Anna Rauscher, to America in 1851. They settled in Union, Tioga county. There Frederik married Mary E. Masters, and they removed to Blossburg in 1873, where he established himself in the manufacture of carriages, wagons and sleighs in 1880.

JAMES RICHARDS was born in Staffordshire, England, May 6th 1828. He married Sarah Round, of Worcestershire. He emigrated to this country and settled in Morris Run in 1863, and is a miner by occupation. He was elected school director September 11th 1881, and still holds the office. His parents were James and Nancy Richards. His father was a miner, and lost his life in a mine. His mother died in England in 1875.

WILLIAM L. RICHARDS is a native of Liverpool, England, born in 1833. His parents, David and Mary Richards, came to this country in 1837, settled at Philadelphia first, and in 1840 in Blossburg, where David died in 1841. His wife died in 1874, at the residence of her son William. Mr. Richards follows the profession of mining engineering. His wife was Miss Amelia R. Dartt, of Wellsboro. He settled at Morris Run in 1855. He was inspector of mines for the 3d district of Pennsylvania from 1874 to 1878. He was appointed by Governor Geary the first magistrate of Morris Run, and held the office five years. He was elected an active member of the American Institute of Mining Engineers in 1880.

EDWARD L. RUSSELL came to Blossburg in 1874, and opened photographer's rooms in the following year He is now located in Caldwell's block. He was born in Honesdale, Pa., in 1855. He is enterprising, and keeps up with the advance of his profession.

WILLIAM SAGE was born in 1839, in Pottsville, Pa., and married Ruth Williams, of Blossburg. He enlisted in 1861 in Company D 84th Pa. volunteers; was transferred to Company G of the 57th June 29th 1865, and was soon after mustered out with his regiment having been in 27 engagements during his service. He opened the Stage House at Blossburg, opposite the railroad station, of which he is still proprietor.

E. SHELDON SCHOFIELD was born in Chili, N.Y., in 1826, and married Miss Martha Mosher, of Dalton, Mass. He went from Dunbarten, N.Y., in 1862 to Tioga county; was first engaged in the glass works at Blossburg, and afterward in the store of the Salt Company of Onondaga at Blossburg and Morris Run. In 1867 he was appointed first general superintendent of the Blossburg glass works, and he held that position at the time of his death, in 1881. His widow lives in Blossburg.

JOHN SLINGERLAND was born in Westmoreland, Oneida county, N.Y., in 1822. In 1852 he married Miss Susan Brown, daughter of Simeon and Frances Brown, of Mansfield, Pa. He located in Mansfield in 1847 and in Blossburg in 1864. He is a blacksmith.

A.L. SMITH, now of Blossburg, formerly of Tioga, was born at the latter place, May 16th 1855. He at one time studied law in New York city, and then with his father. F.E. Smith, at Tioga. He is now cashier of the banking house of Pomeroy Brothers & F.E. Smith, at Blossburg.

CARL L. STEINMANN was born in Basle, Switzerland, in 1841; came to America in 1864; landed in New York in October, and the next month enlisted in Company E 6th N.Y. cavalry, and served to the close of the war. After living in various towns he located in Blossburg in 1874. He wife was Miss Louise Stackman, of Germania, Pa., a native of Hamburg, Germany. His calling is fresco painting, and he employs a number of men in his business.

BENJAMIN M. STURDEVANT was born in Jackson township, in 1848. His wife was Mary Van Gorder, of Tioga. He moved from Mansfield in 1880 to Blossburg, where he carries on blacksmithing.

MATTHEW WADDELL is a native of Devonshire, England, and was born February 18th 1825. He married Agnes Densmore, of Lanarkshire, Scotland. Coming to this country he settled in Morris Run, where he has been overseer of the mines for ten years. He was elected justice of the peace in 1875. His parents were John and Elizabeth Waddell, of Lanarkshire, Scotland.

DAVID C. WATERS, M.D.--Dr. Water's birth occurred in Cortland, N.Y., in 1842. He married Miss Sue Brown, of Knoxville, Pa. In 1862 he enlisted in Company E 157th N.Y.; was soon transferred to Mount Pleasant Hospital, Washington, as assistant surgeon, and served in that capacity during the war. He was graduated from the medical department of the Georgetown University, D.C., in 1867; commenced practice in Cortland county, N.Y., and in 1870 removed to Arnot.

A.R. WILLIAMS is a bookkeeper for the Fall Brook Coal Company at Fall Brook. He is a native of the kingdom of Denmark, born in 1847. His wife is Elizabeth J. Brewer, of Blossburg.

EDWIN A. WILLIAMS, a native of South Wales, was born in 1843. He came to America in 1868 (to Troy, N.Y.), and in 1869 to Blossburg. He married Miss Rhoda Broonbaugh, of Bloomsburg, Pa. He is a brakeman on the Tioga Railroad, and is a member of Conductors' Brotherhood.

CHARLES C. WINSOR, M.D., Arnot, was born at Jamestown, N.Y., in 1859, and is the son of Daniel and Marcelia Winsor. He studied medicine with Dr. H.P. Hall, of Jamestown, and was graduated from the University of the City of Buffalo, medical department, in 1881. He married Miss Jennie L. Giles, of Jamestown.

COLONEL JOSEPH YONKIN was born in Fairfield township, Lycoming county, in 1818. In 1839 he married Miss Hannah Gray, daughter of Timothy Gray, a soldier of 1812. They have had eight children, of whom only one is now living. Mr. Yonkin was appointed colonel of the 156th regiment. State militia, which office he held five years. In 1840 he built the hotel in Blossburg now known as the Yonkin House, of which he is still proprietor.

site created and maintained by Joyce M. Tice

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