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History of Tioga County, Pennsylvania
Biographical Appendix
Many other biographical sketches, embraced in the body of the work, may be found by reference to the Table of Contents.
HENRY F. BARROW, son of William and Hannah Barrow, was born in Union,
Pa., in 1844. He married Julia E., daughter of John and Rhoda Fetter, of Union.
Of their five children two survive. He enlisted in 1863 in Company B 188th Pa.
volunteers, and served through the war. In 1870 he settled in Liberty; in 1882
in Morris, where he is foreman in the Morris steam saw-mill.
CHARLES BLACK is a native of Lycoming county, born in 1842. He married Miss Lucy Campbell in 1855, and has one child. He came from liberty to Morris in 1880, and engaged in lumbering. In 1881 he opened the Woodland Hotel, in Morris.
GEORGE BLACKWELL, son of William and Sarah Blackwell, was born in Morris, in 1821. In 1847 he married Mary A., daughter of John and Frances Campbell. They have five children living. He enlisted in 1862 in Company A 149th Pa. volunteers; was in numerous battles; was wounded five times; was promoted from private to first lieutenant, and was honorably discharged in 1864. He is now engaged in farming.
THOMAS BLACKWELL, son of Enoch and Mary E. Blackwell, was born at Lloyd's, in 1853. His wife was Miss Jennie Wilson, of Morris. They have three children. By occupation Mr. Blackwell is a clerk. He has been assistant assessor one year.
WILLIAM P. BLACKWELL was born in Morris, in 1848, and is a son of George and Mary H. Blackwell. In 1881 he married Miss Ella Wilkins. He has built a hotel at Blackwell's, of which he is proprietor.
ABRAM L. BODINE was born in Wellsboro, in 1832. He married in 1855 Miss Julia H. Tillotson, of Otsego county, N.Y. After the ups and downs of business life he is now postmaster at Morris, and proprietor of the Morris Hotel, which he built in 1878. His parents were Ellis M. and Margaret Bodine.
GEORGE E. BROWN, of Morris, is a native of Stamford, Conn., born in 1844. He married Miss Elizabeth Maddock, of Wellsville, N.Y., in 1870. They have three children. In 1865 he engaged in the tanning business at Wellsville, in 1875 in Lackawanna county, Pa., and in 1881 at Morris, where he is superintendent of the Brunswick tannery of Hoyt Bros., of New York, the largest institution of the kind in the world, of which an account is given on page 201.
DANIEL A. CALHOUN is a son of James and Eliza Calhoun, and was born in Lawrenceville, Pa., in 1854. He married in 1881 Miss Permelia Emmick, of Morris. He is superintendent of the planing and feed mills.
WILLIAM B. CAMPBELL'S parents were William E. and Julia Campbell. He was born in Bradford county, Pa., in 1854, and in 1877 married Lottie, daughter of Edwin and Charlotte Snyder. His children are Alta and Arthur. Formerly a farmer, Mr. C. is now a miller by trade; he came to Morris in 1882 as foreman for Andrews & Morgan, of Blossburg.
MATTHEW H. CLARKE, son of John and Ellen Clarke, was born in county Roscommon, Ireland, in 1845. He came to America in childhood. He has been a cabinetmaker and a stone cutter, and is now foreman of the finishing department of the Brunswick tannery.
SAMUEL CLARK was born in Morris, in 1845. In 1864 he married Miss Mary Best, of Dansville, N.Y., who died in 1879. By occupation he is a carpenter and joiner. His parents were Robert and Rachel Clark.
JOHN I. EMMICK, son of William and Sarah M. Emmick, was born in Morris, in 1835. He married Miss Elizabeth Sackrider, of Liberty. He enlisted in 1861 in Company H 35th Pa. volunteers, and the following year was discharged for disability, In 1864 he re-enlisted, in Company I 207th Pa., and served to the end of the war. Formerly a blacksmith, he is now a farmer, owning 53 acres.
JOHN E. EVANS is a native of Dansville, Pa., born September 5th 1845, He married Ellen M. Allen, of Fall Brook. He is now a merchant in Morris.
ROBERT H. FLEMMING was born in Corning, N.Y., in 1822. He married Catherine E. Greek, of Addison, N.Y., in 1844. Of their ten children five survive. In 1858 he removed to Dundee, Mich.; in 1870 to Antrim, Pa., and in 1880 to Morris, where he now resides.
WARREN T. GABITT was born in Damascus, Pa., in 1852, and is a son of William H. and Violetta Gavitt. He married Miss Lydia Clark, of Narrowburg, in 1876. He located in Morris in 1881, and opened Gavitt's boarding-house.
WELLWOOD C. GILLESPIE was born in Binghampton, N.Y., in 1831. He married Miss Emma Smith, of Morris , in 1866, and they have six children. He enlisted in 1861 in battery G 1st Pa. artillery, and served 26 months. In 1863 he enlisted in Company G 8th Pa. cavalry, and served to the end of the war. He was in several battles. In 1866 he came with his brother to Morris and purchased the Duffee mill, which they now run. He has been assessor seven years.
THOMAS H. GOUGH, son of John and Mary Gough, was born in Staffordshire, England, in 1855. In 1865 he came to America; located at Plymouth, Pa., then at Gouldsborough, and settled in Morris in 1881, as foreman in the wagon shop of Hoyt Bros'. tannery. In 1876 he married Miss Alice Harper, of Camden county, N.J.
HORACE W. HOLDEN, tinsmith and merchant in Morris, was born April 25th 1827, in Mansfield. He served in the medical department of the army from 1861 to 1864. His wife was Laura A. Williams, of Richmond township.
JOHN W. KELLAM is a son of William and Dulcina Kellam. He was born in Damascus, Pa., in 1845. In 1872 he married Miss Mary Lawpaugh, of Sullivan county, N.Y. They have two children. Mr. K. came from Damascus to Morris in 1881, and established himself in the carriage-making and blacksmithing business.
EDWARD KENNEDY was born in Greenfield, N.Y., in 1844. His wife was Maria, daughter of Heman and Asenath Brown, of Wells, N.Y.; they have four children. Mr. K. came in 1881 from Wellsville, N.Y., to Morris, where he is inside foreman at the Brunswick tannery. His parents were Jeremiah and Catherine Kennedy.
JAMES I. W. LEWIS, son of James W, and Elizabeth Lewis, was born in Lycoming county, in 1824, and married in 1852 Miss Harriet Duffee, of Morris; of their ten children eight survive. Mr. L. has been a farmer in Morris many years; now owns 220 acres of land.
J. B. MCCLOSKEY, M.D., was born in Chapman, Pa., April 19th 1844. His wife was Miss Jennie Welsh, of Bald Eagle, Pa. He was graduated from the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania in 1874, and commenced practice in Clinton county. In 1882 he located at Morris, where he continues to practice and has opened a drug store.
WILLIAM MCGILLIVRAY was born in Caroline, N.Y., in 1851. His wife was Miss Jennie Oliver, of Tompkins county, N.Y. He enlisted in 1865 in the regular army, and served three vears on the western frontier; was honorably discharged in 1868. He located in Morris in 1881, and is an engineer.
STEWART MILLER, son of James and Rosanna Miller, was born in Hamilton, Pa., in 1848, and in 1861 married Susan, daughter of Josiah and Anna Deiter. He was formerly engaged in lumbering, but in 1880 settled in Morris as outside foreman of the Brunswick tannery.
JOHN SEBRING is a son of Robert and Phebe Sebring, and was born in Liberty, Pa., in 1849. He married Ellen, daughter of Dennis and Elizabeth Rider, of Illinois. Of their six children four are living. Mr. S. located in Morris in 1882, and with his brother Grant, as the firm of Sebring Bros., opened a hotel; they are also engaged in the grocery trade and in a large bakery.
ERNEST L. SHINNERLING is a native of Prussia and was born in 1845. He came to America in 1866, and engaged in the manufacture of boots and shoes in Gouldsborough till 1881, when he removed to Morris and engaged in the same business. In 1867 he married Mary Jane Lizedlear, of Chestnut Hill, Pa., who died in 1876. In 1878 he married Miss Fanny Degger, of Stroudsburg. They have three children.
SIMON SMITH, son of Philander and Julia A. Smith, was born in Port Benjamin, N.Y., in 1850. He married Sally, daughter of Joseph and Sally Smith, of Gouldsborough, Pa. They have one son. Mr. Smith is chief engineer of the Brunswick tannery.
LUKE TUNNEY is a native of county Mayo. Ireland, and a son of James and Bridget Tunney, He was born in 1849, and came to America in 1867, locating in Lewis county, N.Y.; in 1869 he removed to Sullivan county, Pa., and in 1881 to Morris, where he opened a saloon and eating-house.
CORNELIUS W. TURNER, son of William and Rachel Turner, was born in Ulster county, N.Y., in 1849. He married Miss Catherine Clark, of Rockland, N.Y. They have three children. He came to Tioga county in 1881, and engaged in blacksmithing.
BENJAMIN VAUGHN is a son of Watkin and Margaret Vaughn, and was born in Wales, in 1848. In 1871 he married Miss Anna E. Best, of Arnot; they have five children. Mr. V. came to America in childhood, and has been a resident of Tioga county for years. He settled in Morris in 1882, and opened a store for the sale of groceries, confectionery, etc. Formerly he carried on a farm.
BENJAMIN WHITEHEAD, son of Ezra and Elizabeth Whitehead, was born in Lycoming
county, Pa., in 1854. He is a merchant in Morris, of the firm of B. Whitehead &
Co., dealers in general merchandise.