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History of Tioga County, Pennsylvania

History of Tioga County, Pennsylvania, (W. W. Munsell & Co., New York : 1883), 
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History of Tioga County, Pennsylvania

Biographical Appendix

Typed for Tri-County Site by Wilma JOHNS Sakowsky


History of Tioga County, Pennsylvania, Biographical Appendix , Middlebury Township. (W.W. Munsell & Co., New York : 1883), p. 25.

B I O G R A P H I C A L   A P P E N D I X.

Many other biographical sketches, embraced in the body of the work, may be found by reference to the Table of Contents. 
HENRY ADAMS was born in Tioga county, Pa., in 1857. Abram Adams, his father, was from Vermont, and came to Tioga county in 1830; he died in 1879. Henry's mother, whose maiden name was Jerusha Pratt, is stil living. She is a native of New York State.

HARRY BEERS was born in Bradford county, in 1835 and came to Tioga county in 1857. He has also been a resident of Wayne county, Pa. He was married in 1864 to Miss S. F. Wells, of Saratoga county, N.Y. He is at present foreman of the tannery at Niles Valley.

GEORGE C. DANIELS and MRS. SARAH A. DANIELS, his wife, reside at Keeneyville, and are among the oldest inhabitants of that part of the county. Mrs. Daniels is a daughter of Jesse Keeney, one of the earliest settlers in the county. She was born in Onondaga county, N.Y., in 1803.

JARED DAVIS JR. was born in Cortland county, N.Y. in 1831, and came to Tioga county with his parents in 1846, locating at that time on Pine Creek. He was married to Sarah A. Ogden, of New Jersey, in 1854, and has four children. He has held several township offices, among others that of assessor for six years in succession,

ABRAM FARR was born in Windham county, Vt., in 1844, and came to Tioga county with his parents in 1854. His wife was Jennie L. Terwilliger, a native of Broome county, N.Y. Mr. Farr is a clerk in the store of O. B. Lowell & Co., at Niles Valley.

JOHN A, FLETCHER, postmaster at Niles Valley since 1879, is a native of Tioga county, and was born March 5th 1838. He was married in 1865 to Rosette Niles, of Niles Valley. He was a member of the 45th Pennsylvania volunteers, and lost an arm in the battle of the Wilderness, May 6th 1864,

GEORGE W, FOSTER was born in Steuben county, N.Y., in 1844, but has resided in this county since 1864. He was married in 1865 to Nida Lake, of Dutchess county, N.Y., and has three children. He has for seven years been superintendent of the tannery of O. B. Lowell & Co. at Niles Valley, where he now resides,

WILLIAM M. FRENCH was born in Steuben county, N.Y., in 1831. His father, Moses French, was an early settler in Middlebury township. William M. was married to Catharine Smith, of Wellsville, N.Y. His post-office is Keeneyville.

FRANK HAMMOND was born in Tioga county, in 1856. His parents were natives of Warren county, N.Y., and located in this township, in 1859. Mr. Hammond was married to Amy Thurston in 1877, He is at present postmaster at Hammond, and also has a store.

CAPTAIN JOHN J. HAMMOND is a native of Warren county, N.Y., and was born in 1822. In 1847 he married Betsey Crayton, of Greene county, N.Y. He came to Tioga county to locate in 1857. He has held several township offices, and was a member of the 136th regiment Pa. volunteers, and captain of Company A.

GEORGE D. KEENEY came to this county when six years of age, with his parents, who located near Tioga in 1832. They came from Cortland county, N.Y., where George was born in 1826. Mr. Keeney married Jane A. Drew, and they have seven children. He was a justice of the peace 15 years in succession. He has been extensively engaged in lumbering, and is at present in the same business at Keeneyville.

A. A. MCLEAN was born in New York State in 1814, and came to Tioga county in 1835. He was married to Mary J. Potter in 1838, and they had thirteen children, eight of whom are still living, Mr. McLean was postmaster at Hammond nine years.

AUGUSTUS NILES, M.D., was born in this county, November 10th 1853. He married Mary Knuppenburg in 1875, and has one child. Dr. Niles graduated at Bennett Medical College, Chicago, Ill., in 1875, and at once commenced the practice of medicine at Nelson. He remained there three years, and then removed to Keeneyville, where he now resides.

MRS. JANE CLOOS PALMER is a daughter of Newberry Cloos (deceased), who was born in Tioga county in 1813 and was a resident of the county until his death, which occurred in 1880, Mr. Cloos was married to Cynthia Church, of Troupsburg, N.Y.

GEORGE W. PECKHAM was born in Middletown, R.I., in 1829, and married Matilda A. Potter, of Chatham township, Tioga county, Pa. Her father, Mr. E. Potter, is one of the oldest residents of Middlebury township.

C. J. SMITH was born in McKean county, Pa., in 1840, and came to Tioga county with his mother in 1846, locating in Farmington township. He was married in 1866 to Mary A. Stevens, of Tioga county, and has five children. He was a member of the 1st Pennsylvania rifles four years; has also been justice of the peace, and is at present proprietor of a hotel at Keeneyville.

HENRY A. STEVENS (deceased) was born in Middlebury, January 31st 1827, and was for many years a resident of his native township. His parents were originally from Vermont, and came to Tioga county many years ago. Mrs. E. M. Stevens, his wife, is still living.

JAMES M. STEVENS was born in 1839, in this county, to which his parents removed from Vermont. He married Theresa Smith in 1861, and they have four children. Mr. Stevens's parents were among the early settlers of Tioga county.

HORACE F. WESTBROOK was a native of Chemung county, N.Y. He married Rachel M. Prutsman in 1856. He was a member of the 57th Pennsylvania volunteers, and died in 1862 at Malvern Hill. 

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