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Lawrence Township.-Lawrenceville.
No place in Tioga county is better laid out or better calculated for a beautiful and flourishing town than Lawrenceville. It was once a center of much business. Merchants have become rich here and left for the more promising fields of the far west. Gradually from various causes the spirit of enterprise died out, and the spot which nature designated for manufactories, mills and the hum of all kinds of trade was left to waste its sweetness on the desert air. It is a marvel that the hand of enterprise has not long since spoiled its silent beauties, and occupied its fields of living green. Like old Rip Van Winkle the town slept for over twenty years, but now has roused itself, and is preparing for work and progress. We shall speak of some of the old things and then of the new.
In 1816 James Ford, the father of Charles Ford, built a frame house in what was then almost a wilderness. When the frame was raised an enthusiastic company of pioneers gathered together to name the spot chosen for the future town. After some consultation, Mr. Ford, acting as sponsor for the company, raised a bottle of whiskey, smashed it upon the timbers of the house, and cried aloud, " This place is hereby named and shall be forever called LAWRENCEVILLE, after the brave Captain James Lawrence." The reader will recollect that in the battle between the "Chesapeake" and the "Shannon," in the war of 1812. Lawrence, commanding the former, was mortally wounded, and his last words before he was carried below were "Don't give up the ship."
Charles Ford is now living in the fine brick mansion which superseded the old frame building. Attached to it is a large farm. He has several sons grown up, some married; but the death of his daughter Fanny, who married Mr. Brawley, of Meadville, was an irreparable loss. She was to her parents what Theodosia was to Aaron Burr.
Prior to 1849 very little settlement hld been made east of tile row of farms along the Tioga River. After passing over the first line of hills, which were covered with scrub oak openings interspersed thickly with yellow pine, and commencing at a distance of about a mile from the river, began a heavy forest growth, composed principally of pine and hemlock, mixed with maple, beech, birch and whitewood, extending far into Jackson. Into these forest wilds the permanent settler had scarcely penetrated. The old Elmira road traversed it between the southern creek, then known as Holliday Run, and the next one north, then and still known as Hart's Creek. Another road ran, as it still does, through the town near the last named creek. George and John Middaugh and Solrine Keltz had taken up farms here and commenced making improvements, as had also Elder Caleb Sweet.
The territory north and east of the Middaugh settlement was famous hunting grounds, and truly heroic were some of the exploits in killing the bear and the panther, whose growls often frightened women and children. Near the State line, on the farm of Samuel Rockwell, one of whose sons is now all eminent lawyer in Elmira, was a noted deer lick, known as " Painter lick." Its name was derived from tile fact that Isaac Inscho, a noted hunter, went there one night to watch the "lick," and, as he claimed. "saw a painter [panther] as large as a yearling calf," which so frightened him that he dare not shoot at it, but for safety climbed a tree, staid till daylight and then hurried home. This story told of himself by so famous a hunter created much amusement and excited general ridicule among his old friends, and from that time on the lick was known as "Painter lick." The story was repeated by " Uncle Daniel Seeley," another noted hunter of Lawrenceville, who had a fund of similar anecdotes, which never failed to hold the breathless attention of the children where he was accustomed to visit. He was an old bachelor and lived a lonely life, but was a welcome guest in most of the families of that period, where his entertaining stories and his great love of children made him the most generally loved man of his day. He was in the first company of settlers that came to Lawrence and Lindley, coming up the river in a flat boat with his mother, a daughter of old Colonel Lindley, when he was but two years old, and he always claimed to have a distinct remembrance of the journey.
Another story of his was that when twelve years old he went for the cows, taking, as was usual, his gun. About dusk, as he was going through the woods, following a cow path, he saw a small cub. He picked it up and started home, but was soon followed by the mother. Dropping the cub he turned and shot the old bear, but did not kill her. He then rushed up to her and beat her brains out with his gun, after which he secured the cub and went home.
His explanation of the origin of the name " Holliday Run " involves what was probably the first murder in the county of Tioga. It occurred at a deer lick on the creek, a few rods above the old Bacon saw-mill, and on the farm now owned by Mr. Califf. It seems that the murderer had an old grudge against Holliday, and while hunting in company with a friend came in sight of him somewhere near the present residence of Reamer Burley. It was very long rifle range, but he took a sharp look and said to his friend, " I see a big buck," drew up his gun, fired, and killed Holliday. He was arrested and tried for murder, and acquitted on the ground that it was an accident, and that he mistook his victim for a deer. But there was a very strong current of public opinion that it was a case of deliberate murder.
In 1846 Caleb Sweet, a millwright by trade, built the mill above mentioned. While working at his damn and race he contracted inflammatory rheumatism, which made him a cripple for life. He sold his mill, went a mile farther up the creek, took up a farm, built a double log house with a huge old fashioned stone fire place, and with the help of his boys commenced clearing the land. The house stood on the spot where E. E. Rockwell's house now stands, and this is one of the most memorable places within the recollection of the old men of the township. In 1850 John T. Rockwell, an old Yankee schoolmaster of more than usual culture and intellectual ability, removed to this house, and there he spent the remainder of his life. "By the light of a hard wood fire with the addition of pitch pine knots," says H. H. Rockwell, the able lawyer elsewhere alluded to "in company with him and my grandmother I spent many an evening after the close of a hard day's work at chopping or logging, discussing questions of arithmetic, grammar or history, and often delving into metaphysics and mental philosophy, of which he was extremely fond." Elder Sweet only remained here a year or two, when he sold out and removed to the Middaugh settlement. Among his children, who were then young women, were Mrs. John Middaugh and Mrs. Joshua Dickinson of Jackson.
In the fall of 1848 Charles Tilford, with his family, moved into the township, and located a farm adjoining that of Elder Sweet, now owned by E. E. Rockwell. He and his wife spent the rest of their lives there, and the farm is still owned by their children. He was a leading member of the church and an exhorter. He was a man of energy and industry and did much to improve the country.
Henry Morris came at the same time He married one of 'Mr. Tilford's daughters, and still lives on an adjoining farm. E. E. Rockwell married another daughter, and lives on the Elder Sweet farm.
In the spring of 1850 John T. and Samuel Rockwell moved into " the hollow," as it was then called, the latter taking up the farm on the creek next east of those already mentioned. All these farms were then off the main road, and the place to which Samuel Rockwell moved was at the end of a log road.
All the land in East Lawrence was a part of the Bingham lands. It had been lumbered over two or three times, and the pine timber, which alone had a commercial value, was regarded as practically exhausted. But there was still left much "down" timber, and many trees were standing of smaller growth than the lumbermen had regarded as practicable. The settlers, having no cleared land from which to raise their living, generally engaged in making shaved shingles as a means of livelihood, devoting part of their time to clearing their farms. They held these by contract, and were obliged to let the interest accumulate, and in some instances finally lost their farms from this cause.
Ezekiel Campbell was a disciple of Joe Smith, and in 1854 started with his family for Salt Lake, the home of the Latter-day Saints. It is not certain that he was ever heard from directly by his old neighbors; but in the summer of 1881 H. H. Rockwell, being in Salt Lake, went to the "record house " of the church and made inquiries, from which he learned that Ralph and Adam, the eldest sons of Ezekiel and Richard, are still living in a Mormon town in southern Utah.
H. H. Rockwell, of Elmira, is an honored son of Samuel Rockwell. He is an ornament to the bar, of much moral and intellectual culture, and loved and respected wherever he is known. He left East Lawrence in 1860, about the time of the breaking out of the Rebellion. This child of the forest now lives to see smiling fields where once were dense woods, and herds of cattle now wandering where Uncle Daniel and others pursued the wild game. Large and comfortable farmhouses and well filled barns dot the landscape, The people ride to church and market in spring wagons and covered buggies; they sit in church pews, instead of on benches made of slabs in a log school-house; they have a cabinet organ, with 11 note books; " they wear better clothes than formerly, and have more polished manners. In a word, we have progressed. But just listen to the spirit of the song of the "Old Arm Chair," as it bursts out in the following words from Mr. Rockwell" I would rather," he says, "if it were possible, go once more on foot or in an ox-cart to the old log school-house, and hear Elder Sweet preach and Brother Middaugh lead the singing, and Brothers Filrod and Calhoun and others 'add their testimony,' than to go in a satin-lined carriage behind four white horses to a splendid cathedral, and listen to the most eloquent bishop and the finest organ and the best choir on earth." Truly, there is no place like home. Man would go back in all the splendor of his advanced condition, at least for a while, with Darwin, to see how the fathers lived and looked while in a state, if you please, of frog-ism.
Alfred N. Knapp, whose eldest son, E. L. Knapp, now lives in Lawrenceville, moved to Somers Lane 33 years ago, settling on a farm where he now resides, very much respected by his neighbors.
Dr. L. Darling sen., the oldest physician in Lawrenceville, being now in his 80th year, came to Lawrenceville in 1830. He still resides on the old homestead, and is almost superseded in practice by Dr. L. Darling jr. Dr. L. Granger studied medicine tinder the elder Darling many years ago; he is himself now venerable in years and in practice. Dr. T. C. Archibald, a graduate of the Pennsylvania University, is the latest settled physician. These three gentleman are allopathists. Dr. E. R. Van Horne, who died in 1881, was for many years the homeopathic physician of the village. His son still lives here as a skillful dentist.
Calvin Phippen (the father of Joseph Phippen, who has been postmaster over fourteen years) came here as a farmer in 1831. He died March 22nd 1876. His widow, Jerusha Phippen, still lives, at a very advanced age.
Mrs. Emma Shumway, the widow of the late Dr. Shumway, has a choice farm of forty acres of land highly productive, which will be, in the future growth of the village, in the very heart of its population. She has therefore refused many liberal offers for it. She was born, brought up and married in the house in which she now resides, which is a very complete and beautiful residence.
Honorable mention should be made of our leading citizen J. F. Rusling. He moved to Lawrenceville from New Jersey in 1860, and by his uncommon executive ability soon accumulated wealth. He is now an extensive owner of land in and out of Lawrenceville. His father was an eminent preacher of the Methodist Episcopal church, and connected with the New Jersey Conference at the time of his death. He died in Lawrenceville, in 1873, at a ripe old age. Mr. Rusling is connected with many railroad corporations, and is an efficient member and officer of the Society For the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
Mrs. Moses Baldwin has one of the finest farms in the township, covering 250 acres, and in the highest state of cultivation. She is the widow of Moses Baldwin, who died in 1865. One of her daughters is a successful physician in Wellsboro, and her sons work the farm.
"Father Seeley," so well known among the pioneers of this county, lived to see the third and fourth generations of his descendants around him. His two daughters are still living, one married, and the other occupying the old mansion where he died. He had the honor of shaking hands with Lafayette when he visited America in 1824.
Charles Beebe is a gentleman with an ancestry of Revolutionary renown, He is interested in antiquities, and has a brass cannon which was used in the Revolutionary war and is now fired on the 4th of July and after presidential elections.
Elias Horton in 1864 settled on a farm near Lawrenceville. He has family of twelve boys, and celebrated his golden wedding on the 15th of December 1881.
Judge Ryon and his wife, Susannah, came to Lawrenceville from Elkland, Pa., in 1830. He was successful and popular as a lawyer. He built an elegant mansion, which at that time was almost hidden by majestic oak and elm trees. Like the patriarch Jacob he had twelve sons. One of them, John Ryon, has been in Congress as a representative from Pennsylvania. Norman and Alvah are lawyers. George is a well-to-do farmer. Wallace Ryon, an eminent lawyer recently came from Philadelphia, after the death of his mother (who survived his father many years), and has taken possession of the ancient homestead, and completely reconstructed and refurnished it. There is a farm of several hundred acres connected with the house. Mr. Ryon follows his profession in Lawrenceville.
James Morton Smith, whose farm is located about a mile south of Lawrenceville, on the east bank of the Tioga River, was married in 1842, at Stamford, Conn. After a few years' residence there he concluded to emigrate. He resorted to the primitive mode of traveling took a wagon, crossed the Hudson on a ferry boat at Fishkill, and came with his wagon all the way to this township, with his young and delicate wife, encountering many hardships, but fortunately no serious accident. He located on the spot where his widow now lives. A family of eight children was the fruit of their marriage, The two youngest died of diphtheria, leaving four boys and two girls. Two of the sons are now engaged in mercantile business in the town of Catawissa, Pa. The father died in September 1858, of congestion of the lungs.
Joel Adams was born in Springfield, Mass., on the 25th of April, 1801. In 1829 he was married to Miss Fidelia Crandall, of Cooperstown, N.Y. He came to Lawrenceville in the spring of 1831. Here he engaged in tanning and also carried on the boot and shoe business, and manufactured and dealt quite extensively in saddles, which were in great demand in those days, when more people traveled on horseback than in any other way. Fourteen years ago Mr. Adams engaged in selling general merchandise, and for the past few years he has given up his entire business to his son-in-law, W. H. Merchant. He has been in active business over fifty years. Few men continue so long in business in one place without failure or public embarrassment. Mr. Adams was the father of twelve children, eight of whom are now living--six daughters and two sons. He lost his wife in 1854. On the corner of Main and Centre streets stands an elegant mansion, surrounded by fine stately trees and beautiful grounds, which a stranger would at once notice as the residence of some wealthy person, of good judgment and fine taste. This is the house of Joel Adams.
The Lawrenceville Presbyterian Church is the oldest church in the county. It was organized in 1840, and chartered in 1841. The Rev. E. D. Wells, now living here in his 80th year, was the first pastor. The first trustees were Erastus Butts, Joel Adams, Micajah Seeley, James Ford and Samuel Rockwell. Among the ministers who officiated after Mr. Wells were Revs. Sidney Mills, ---- McCullough, L. T. Adams, J. Garretson and others. The church was divided during the controversy between the Old and New Schools, in 1860. It was again united in 1870, under Rev. W. S. Drysdale. Rev. H. P. Bake was pastor from 1871 to 1873; Rev. J. B. Grier from 1873 to 1877. The church was closed from 1877 to 1881.
The present pastor is the Rev. H. T. Scholl, who entered on his duties in December 1881. The present elders are Samuel Rockwell, J. E. Sweetland and Thomas S. Smith, The present trustees are C. S. Mather, R. W Steward, J. A. Rogers, F. Phippen, G. L. Ryon and E. A. Lindsley. The church edifice was a few years ago thoroughly repaired and furnished with stained glass windows, a new pulpit etc. It is beautifully located in the midst of grand old trees.
Elder Sweet was a man of more than usual intelligence, and when he became a cripple he turned his attention to theology, and entered the ministry. He founded, in 1847, the "Christian" church which is still in existence and has a pleasant and commodious meeting-house on the Hart's Creek road a little west of the Middaugh settlement. The "Christian" preachers of those days were not noted for their culture so much as for their energy and vociferousness; but Elder Sweet was above the average, and his sermons in the main were both instructive and entertaining. The meetings for many years were held in the school-house, and at the close of the sermon the principal brethren were always called on in turn to "add a word," spinning the meeting out to a dreary length for the youngsters, although in pleasant weather many such would walk out and take a short vacation, sitting on the fences and logs, whittling sticks and swapping knives. George Middaugh used to lead the singing, having a pleasant and strong voice, and a large number of old familiar tunes were sung by rote.
The first Sunday-school was organized in 1850, Samuel Rockwell being the superintendent. As he was a Presbyterian and Calvinist, and the general sentiment of the community was in favor of the peculiar doctrines of the "Christian" church, it was arranged by common consent that the school should be non-sectarian, and that doctrinal topics about which there was a division of sentiment should be avoided. This Sunday-school was kept open during the summer but closed in the winter, the lack of good roads and of any other teams than oxen making it impracticable to keep it open the year round until a much later period; but in one way or the other it has ever since continued, and received the support of the entire community.
The strong religious influences thus early in operation have ever since been controlling, and their good effects have been apparent in the absence of profanity, drunkenness and vice of all kinds. Very few boys or girls have gone wrong. The court calendars have been seldom burdened with litigations arising here, and the neighborhood has never furnished an important criminal case.
St. John's Episcopal church was organized in 1860, under the rectorship of Rev. J. Hobart De Mille, who was succeeded by Rev. B. F. Taylor. Mr. Taylor resigned in 1873, and was succeeded by Rev. John Loudon, who resigned to become assistant minister of Christ Church Danville, Pa. The present church edifice was built in 1873. The Society for the Advancement of Christianity in Pennsylvania built the present church edifice; previous to its erection the congregation in a hall.
The following gentlemen were elected officers of St. John's church on Easter Monday 1882: L. Granger, M. D., senior warden; Charles Burton, junior warden; vestrymen, A. P. Radeker, W. P. Ryon, D. B. Walker, I. H. Hitchcox, Edward M. Loudon, Thomas Baldwin jr., R. H. Tucker (secretary and treasurer).
The Methodist Episcopal church has been regularly supplied with pastors under the itinerant system of that denomination. The church edifice was built in 1849, during the pastorate of Rev. William Knapp, He was succeeded by Rev. Mr. Shaw, Rev. Mr. Beers and others. The present popular pastor is Rev. Dr. Purdy.
W. S. Middaugh and others, having incorporated a cemetery association, have cleared up the old Middaugh burying ground in East Lawrence, and enlarged it by extending it to the east. The lots are graded up level in tiers, eight in all, one above the other, with a driveway round, and one through the center, and a road connecting with the main road. It makes a beautiful cemetery.
About a mile from the village of Lawrenceville proper is located its old cemetery, where rest the pioneers of this place and the brave volunteers for the last war, as well as the loved ones of the present generation. It is always decked with flowers on Decoration day, with appropriate ceremonies. It covers four acres of ground, and recently some adjoining land has been purchased and added to it for future use. Within a few years past it has been greatly improved. The mother of the well known "Brick Pomeroy" is entombed here. The ground is now in charge of an association duly incorporated in 1876.
About 1847 the people in the Middaugh settlement, with some residents of Jackson, organized a joint school district, and built a log school-house on the town line, near the farm house of Mr. Burton. Still further south and not on any main road lived Ezekiel Campbell, who had a large family of boys. These families of boys and girls--the Middaughs, Keltzes, Sweets and Campbells not exceeding twenty in number, constituted the entire school population of the town east of the Tioga River.
About 1852 the partnership school district between Jackson and Lawrence was dissolved, and the present one organized. In territory it was very large, but the number of school children was small. After several changes the school-house was located on its present site, near where the church stands. New roads have been constructed, population has increased, and the school is now a large and prosperous one. Many boys have received here the education which has enabled them to go out into the world and make their mark. Among them is J. W. Frank, now serving his second term as prothonotary, register and recorder of Cameron county, and a leading business man of Emporium, His father was a veteran of the war of 1812, a man of strong prejudices and eccentricities of character. No amount of argument could ever bring him to admit that the world was round; he always insisted that it was flat, and he spent many hours in attempting to demonstrate the proposition to the schoolboys, as he sat astride his old "shingle horse," amid piles of fragrant pine shavings.
The school-house of the graded school was built in 1848. Two of the first trustees, S. W. Chapman and Joel Adams, still hold their office, with J. F. Rusling. The school numbers at present 107 scholars. L. W. Babcock is the principal.
The iron foundry and machine shop carried on by James Kinsey is one of the oldest establishments in the village, It was built in 1812.
The steam saw-mill, of which E. L, Branch was proprietor for 30 years, changed hands a few years ago and is now worked by Mr. Miller, When worked by water power it very much reduced the number of fish in the Tioga River. The borough authorities have now obtained from the New York State Fish Commission a supply of eggs of the California mountain trout for an experiment in fish culture, and it is hoped this will restore to the river its former liberal supply of fish.
The Daggett House, a new and beautiful hotel kept by Lewis Daggett and his son, is an honor to Lawrenceville. It is 60 years since Mr. G. Geer started the hotel. Henry Baldwin subsequently took charge of it, and it was known as the Baldwin House up to 1865, when Lewis Daggett purchased the house and premises. Ten years ago it burnt down. The people of Lawrenceville loved it for its past associations. It was rebuilt soon after the fire, by its present landlord, and never was in a more prosperous condition than now. It is the only hotel in Lawrenceville, and meets all the wants of travelers.
Rusling's block is occupied by the dry goods stores of C. S. Mather and Phippen & Losey, and the elegant drug store of Dr. C. T. Archibald, and contains the postoffice. The building occupies the ground where once stood the Ford House, which was destroyed by fire in 1860.
Seeley's Hotel was burnt down in 1870. It was for many years kept by Mr. Slausson, the father-in-law of the celebrated patent medicine man of New York, C. I. Crittenden, who recently built a fine house on a part of his land here as a residence for Mrs. Rice and Miss Slausson, two sisters of his wife. Mr. Crittenden takes much interest in Lawrenceville, and makes an annual visit to it during the summer months.
The Lawrenceville railroad station is a mile from the town, and five railroads center here. No railroad has ever run through the town, but Mr. Magee of the Blossburg road has broken ground for a new line to pass through Lawrenceville. The Erie Company also is making preparations for the same thing.
In the absence of large manufactories the people have turned their attention to planting tobacco, and every year send out the best grade produced. Messrs. Rusling, Ryon and Archibald have in contemplation the establishment of a large tobacco manufactory which will give employment to hundreds of men and boys. A bank started by the same gentlemen will soon be under way.
P. Damon was a prominent land-owner in Lawrenceville for many years. He sold much land, but reserved for himself and family six acres adjoining his dwelling. He died in 1872. Many years ago the Blossburg Railroad Company wished to run its road through Lawrenceville, and tried hard to induce Mr. Damon to give the right of way, but he was invincible to all argument.
The house and office in which Mr. Damon so long transacted business is now occupied by James Harrower as a tobacco manufactory. Mr. H. has a large farm, which of late years has been devoted almost exclusively to the raising of tobacco, which is now one of the staple, agricultural products of Tioga county. Almost every farmer is engaged in raising this world renowned weed. The prices range from 12 to 15 cents a pound. Tioga county will soon be as celebrated for its tobacco as South Carolina for its rice and cotton.
James H. Putnam has erected a new grocery store on the southwest corner of Main and Cowanesque streets. The corner had long been vacant, and the square is now complete, making a great improvement in the appearance of the town.
The Lawrenceville fire department was organized March 5th 1859, consisting of two companies. Kasson Parkhurst was the first foreman of the engine company, and Austin Lathrop jr. of the hose company, The names of the companies--Alpha Engine Company, No. 1, and Alpha Hose Company, No. 2--have been retained up to the present time. The department took possession of its present quarters May 1st 1860. The first chief engineer was Kasson Parkhurst; assistant, N. B. Kinsey. The department was disbanded August 1st 1871, because the corporation failed to make an appropriation which was essential to its existence. Thus the town was for many years deprived of protection against fires, and suffered from several severe conflagrations, which were supposed to be the work of incendiaries.
The department was re-organized June 18th 1879, with the following officers: W. H. Merchant, foreman of engine company; N. Losey, assistant foreman; A. C, Brown, foreman of hose; L. G. Baldwin, assistant foreman. J. H. Hitchcox was elected chief engineer, with Freeman Phippen as assistant. The organization is now in good working order. It is composed of the best young men of the town. They have a first-class Button hand engine and a horse cart, with appliances for both, 500 feet of hose, etc.
The present officers are: Chief engineer, J. H. Hitchcox; assistant engineer, N. Losey; foreman of engine company, W. H. Merchant; assistant, H. Mather; foreman of hose company, J. H. Putnam; assistant, E. A. Mather.
Lawrenceville Lodge, No. 913, I.O.O.F. was instituted on the 14th of July 1875, with 20 charter members. Past Grand George T. Losey, the present district deputy grand master of Tioga county, was elected and installed as the first noble grand; S. 0. Daggett, vice-grand; J. C. Beman secretary, and Charles H. Tremain treasurer. These officers served until the 6th day of April 1876. From that time the following named brothers have in succession filled the office of noble grand: S. 0. Daggett, 1876; C. H. Tremain, 1876, 1877; J. C. Beman, 1877; L. Darling jr., 1877, 1878; J. E, Sweetland, 1878; F. Phippen, 1878, 1879; C. S. Matison, 1879; H. T. Caton, 1879, 1880; G. C. Hutchinson, 1880; N. Losey, 1880, 1881; James H. Putnam, 1881; George Camp, 1881, 1882. Of the original charter members but 11now retain their membership. One has died, one withdrawn by card, and seven have been suspended for the nonpayment of dues. The present membership is 67, including ten past grands. Financially the lodge is sound, having an invested fund of $500, together with property, including furniture and paraphernalia, amounting to $1,000. The growth in membership has been healthy. Lawrence Lodge since its inception has expended $800 for purposes of relief, carrying at the same time to the bedside of the sick and the dying the tender ministrations of love, which are above all price. The lodge meets every Wednesday evening at its handsome hall in Rusling's block.
Lawrenceville Encampment of Patriarchs, No. 227, was instituted on the 22nd of April 1878, by Grand Patriarch Edward Jones, of Pittsburgh, Pa., assisted by patriarchs of Encampment No. 78, of Wellsboro, Pa. There were 22 charter members. G. H. Baxter, one of the present associate judges of Tioga county, was elected and installed as the first chief patriarch; past chief patriarch, George T. Losey; high priest, C. S. Mather; senior warden, A. H. Bunnell; junior warden, L. Darling jr.; treasurer, Charles H. Tremaine. The present membership is 45, and the financial condition of the encampment is sound. It has lost but one of its members by death, viz. E. G. Kolb, of Lawrenceville. Lawrenceville Encampment meets on the second and fourth Monday evenings of each month in the hall of Lawrenceville Lodge.
Lawrenceville Union, No. 198, Equitable Aid Union was organized December 18th 1880, with 27 charter members. The first officers were: Freeman Phippen, chancellor; Joseph F. Rusling, advocate; L. Darling jr, president; R. W. Stewart, vice-president; J. N. Hill, auxiliary; S. L. Harrower, secretary; Joseph Phippen, treasurer; J. E. Sweetland, accountant; Rev. B. F. Taylor, chaplain; Furman Rolfe, warden; C. B. Shoemaker, sentinel; George E. Harris, watchman; Henry Lindsley and Joseph Thomas, conductors. The next board of officers was the same except that C. B. Shoemaker was secretary and W. A. Buchanan sentinel. The present officers are: L. Darling jr., chancellor; Freeman Phippen, advocate; R. W. Stewart, president; J. N. Hill, vice-president; Furman Rolfe, auxiliary; C. B. Shoemaker, secretary; Joseph Phippen, treasurer; J. E. Sweetland, accountant; Rev. B. F. Taylor, chaplain; Joseph R, Sharp, warden; George E. Harris, sentinel; W. R. Thomas, watchman; G. C. Hutchison and H. Van Horne, conductors.
Meetings are held on the second and fourth Friday evenings of each month, at Firemen's Hall.
November 10th 1881 Lawrenceville Union had 34 members in good standing, of whom 25 were insured members.
Ladies' Temperance Union.--Among local organizations honorable mention should be made of the Ladies' Temperance Union. It is doing a good work without noise, and has accomplished much by the dissemination of tracts and by occasional public meetings. The society was organized in 1870. Its president is Miss Emma Darling; secretary, Mrs. Clara Mills.
The elections in Lawrence and Lawrenceville in February 1882 resulted as follows:
Lawrence.-Supervisors-Bradley Deuel, 84; C. H. Tremain, 81; George W. Reep, 24; J. A. Hazlett, 20. Constable, J. W. Rockwell, 105. School directors-W. S. Smith, 104; M. S. Strait, 83; W. G. Middaugh, 23. Assessor-Samuel Rockwell, 100; L. M. Smith, 5. Assistant assessors-Charles Baker, 83; C. H. Tremain 82; George L. Hurlburt, 23; M. S. Strait, 22. Treasurer, Henry Middaugh, 105. Town clerk-W. S. Smith, 105. Inspectors of election-A. T. Porter, 83; L. M. Smith, 11. Auditor-A. J. Parchin, 80; Zina Woodhouse, 25.
Lawrenceville.-Burgess-J. C. Beman, 71; J. F. Rusling, 7; L. Darling jr., 4. Councilmen-N. Losey, 93; J. N. Hill, 85; H. Mattison, 82; Fred Kolb, 87; C. B. Mather, 87; G. C. Hutchinson, 85; R. W. Stewart, 6; L. Darling jr., 16; W. P. Ryon, 8; C. S. Mather, 4; D. C. Ford, 5. School directors-J. F. Rusling, 90; george McLean, 92. Justice of the peace-George T. Losey, 66; A. Redfield, 29. Constable-Warren Beman, 85. High constable-A. C. Brown, 90. Assesor-F. Phippen, 94. Assistant Assessors-A. P. Radeker, 92; George McLean, 94. Judge of election-James Stewart, 40; A. Cropsey, 46. Inspectors of election-E. M. Harris, 64; A. M. Knapp, 10; James Putnam, 13. Auditors-J. E. Sweetland, 92 (full term); R. H. Tucker, 92 (vacancy). For water tax, 67; against, 7. For gas tax, 20; against, 41.