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History of Tioga County, Pennsylvania

History of Tioga County, Pennsylvania, (W. W. Munsell & Co., New York : 1883), 
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Delmar Township.

By John L. Sexton, Jr.

DELMAR township is situated a few miles west to the geographical center of the county, and is bounded on the north by the townships of Chatham and Middlebury, on the east by Charleston and Duncan, on the south by Morris, and on the west by Elk and Shippen.

The territory of the township is diversified by hills, valleys, and plateaus. Pine Creek, a stream navigable for rafts, touches its southwestern limits and has tributaries in the township. Among those flowing southward are Stoney Fork Creek and its west branch. Two small streams flow northward toward Wellsboro down the valley, and abruptly bend to the west, emptying into Pine Creek through Marsh Creek, in the township of Shippen. The highest points in the township are about 1,800 feet above tide, and the lowest (on Stony Fork) about 925 feet. The elevations at Wellsboro in front of the depot of the Corning, Cowanesque and Antrim railroad is 1,295 feet above tide.

The soil of the township is well adapted to the raising of corn, oats, barley, buckwheat and tobacco, and on new land wheat; and cannot be excelled for grass, which enables the farmers to raise fine cattle, horses and sheep, and make the choicest quality of butter and cheese, commanding a high price at Wellsboro or New York city. The soil is also very productive in the orchard fruits, especially apples, as will be attested by the many large and well bearing orchards of the township.

There are two small hamlets in the township, Stony Fork, in the southern portion, in the valley of Stony Fork and Stokesdale, in the northern portion, a mile and a half north of Wellsboro. There is a post-office at each of these places, and at the latter place a large tannery.

At the formation of the county, in 1804, there was only one township in it - Tioga. In 1808 Delmar was formed. Before the county was organized for judicial purposes, or rather at the time that its organization was fully perfected, Tioga and Delmar were the only townships in the county, and from these two the twenty-six other townships and twelve boroughs of the present have been formed.

Delmar contained in 1850 1,529 inhabitants (27 negroes); in 1860 it had 2,288 white and 35 colored inhabitants; in 1870 1,877 white and 8 colored, its population being reduced by the formation of new townships. In 1880 the population was 2,524, although the township of Duncan had been formed from its territory in 1873. There are now about 20,000 inhabitants within the original limits of Delmar. She is the mother, grandmother and great-grandmother of townships in Tioga county. By reference to the table on page 33 the genealogy of the several townships and boroughs will be found.

There are now in the township, according to the last report of the secretary of internal affairs at Harrisburg, 909 taxable inhabitants, and the aggregate value of property taxable for county purposes exclusive of gold, silver and common watches) is $468,731, which places it at the head of the township is actually worth one million dollars, and would bring that amount at a forced sale.

The vote for township officers in Delmar February 21st 1882 was reported in the Wellsboro Agitator as follows: Supervisors--W.M. Wilson, 123; G.F. Butler 132; E.D. Coolidge, 82; M.W. Davis, 42; S.B. Warriner, 23. Constable-H.D. Wheeler, 156; George Green, 90. School directors- A.C. English, 106; E.J. Playfoot, 73; A. Balfour, 6; S.L. Hiltbold, 26; Simeon Bacon, 105; Charles Orr, 107; James Spencer, 47. Assessor--Israel Stone, 83; Robert Rowland, 156. Assistant assessors- Newell Campbell, 213; M.A. Taylor, 210; B. F. Claus, 28. Treasurer-W.L. Houghton, 245. Town clerk-W.L. Houghton, 245. Judge of election--R.L. Wilson, 119; W.P. Campbell, 46; F.H. Olmstead, 57. Inspectors of election--B.F. Avery, 65; Bion Walbridge, 64; I.N. Warriner, 16; Russell Kennedy, 40; F.H. Olmstead, 5. Auditors--J.H. Buckley, 171; Ira Hotchkiss, 70.


In the southern portion of the township, near Stony Fork, salt springs are found, and further to the southwest, on the line of the Pine Creek Railroad, a quarry of the finest building stone has been opened, some of it being used in the construction of the new county offices. Frank Yanger, a stone cutter who worked three years on the Cologne Cathedral and in various portions of Europe and America, pronounces it equal if not superior to any other he ever saw or worked. Its color is grayish-brown, and when taken from the quarry it is soft and easy to work, but hardens when exposed to the air. The quarry is on the land of C. and J.L. Robinson and the estate of the late Job Wilcox. Immense quantities of glass sandrock are also found in the township, covering a large area, besides flagging stone. Many of the large forests of pine which originally were within its limits have disappeared, and the recent demand for hemlock bark is clearing away all the hemlock timber, which but a few years since was found in great quantities.

The citizens of the township are now devoting more time and care to farming, and there is a marked improvement in the condition of the farms and an increased productiveness of the soil. Although in some localities, especially in the northwestern portion of the township, lumbering is carried on quite extensively, yet the great majority of the 2,500 inhabitants of the township are devoting their attention to farming. There is some broken ground which cannot be cultivated; but settlers are pushing their way up into the highlands, clearing up farms and materially changing the appearance of the country. The Pennsylvania Joint Land and Lumber Company, which has owned large tracts within the township and taken off the pine timber, has sold many thousand acres in small lots to actual settlers, who are clearing them up and making homes where previously was a wild and uncultivated region. Within the last three years great progress has been made.

A large proportion of the farmers are well supplied with all the modern appliances for carrying on their work, such as mowing machines, reapers, hay forks, drills, etc., with ample barn room for the storage of their crops. The market for the products of the farm is most excellent; either at Wellsboro or Antrim the farmer can always receive the highest cash price. Of the dairy products this is particularly true. Many producers do not have to go to market for the sale of their products, but are met at their own doors by purchasers, with cash in hand. Those farmers living in the southern or western portion of the township can always dispose of their surplus products to the lumbermen, while those in the east and center can sell at Antrim or Wellsboro, or ship to New York if they desire. Recently along the valley north of Wellsboro considerable attention has been given to the culture of tobacco, which has proved highly remunerative.

The construction of the Pine Creek Railroad has given the farmers of the township splendid prospects for the future, by enabling them to sen their productions either north or south, and into a market from which they have hitherto been shut out. The construction of this road will not affect the farmers alone, but business men generally, bring large tracts of real estate into market, and encourage settlers to locate on what are now unoccupied lands, thereby increasing the wealth and population of Wellsboro and the western portion of the county.


Among the first settlers in Delmar, including the site of Wellsboro, were Benjamin W. Morris, John Norris, David Lindsey, Alpheus Cheeney, David Kelsey, William Wells, Gideon Wells, James Iddings, James Dixson, Richard Jackson and Rev. Caleb Boyer. These settlers came from Philadelphia, and from Maryland, Delaware and Virginia. The township in which they located, then in Lycoming county, was given by them, out of compliment to the States of Virginia, Delaware and Maryland, the name Virdelmar, composed of the abbreviations for the names of those states. When the township was fully organized in 1808 the syllable Vir was omitted and the township was incorporated under the name of Delmar.

In 1802 William Wells, who was one of the members of the company that in 1800 purchased twelve thousand acres and located at Englishtown, Lycoming county, came to Delmar and settled two and a half miles southwest from the point now known as Wellsboro, where Benjamin W. Morris had the year before located. Mr. Wells brought a number of slaves with him, and some of their descendants are now living in Delmar and Wellsboro.

The assessment roll made in 1815 for the township of Delmar-whose territory comprised the present townships of Charleston, Middlebury, Shippen, Clymer, Gaines, Elk, Morris, Duncan, a portion of Liberty and its own present area, together with the borough of Wellsboro-contained the following names of taxables:

John Allington, Roswell B. Alford, Caleb Austin, Asel Andrewson, Roswell Bailey, William Babb, William Bache, Gideon Briggs, David Brant, Alpheus Cheeney, Jedediah Carpenter, Timothy Culver, James Dickinson, James G. Dartt, Charles Daniels, Justus Dartt jr., Justus Dartt, Asaph Ellis, Consider Ellis, Richard Ellis, Peter Fulkerson, Aaron Furman, Joseph Irish, Samuel W. Fisher, David Greenleaf, Isaac Greenleaf, Richard Gooden, Jacob Hines, Reuben Harrington, David Henry, Samuel Hampson, William Hill, William Hoadley, Joseph R. Harrison, George Hayden, Hezekiah Hayden, James Henry, Roswell Ives, Ezekiel Jones, Lorentus Jackson, Ebenezer Jackson, Luther Johnson, Sarah Kelsey, Daniel Kelsey, Thomas Kinney, Uriah Lute, Samuel W. Morris, Miss Mathews, Benjamin W. Morris, James Matison, Eben Murray, Samuel Miller, Morderica Moore, Isreal Merrick, Asa Mann, Isreal Merrick jr., William Mitchell, John Norris, Aaron Niles, Nathan Niles jr., Richard Phillips, John Phenix, Daniel Phillips, Thomas Printer, James Porter, James Porter jr., Elias Spencer, Orange Hotchkiss, Robert Hale, Peter Shumway, Elijah Starkweather, Henry Sligh, Jonathan Thorndike, Munson Thomson, Thomas A. Whitman, Daniel Wilson, John W. Whitman, Samuel Whitman, Daniel Warner, Elisha White, Oliver Willard, Josiah Wilson, Ona Wheeler, Andrew Whitmore, Hohn M. Kilburn, David Kilburn, Francis Condrite, William Conkrite, William Dickson, Mordrica Jackson, John Smith, Daniel H. Bacon, Joseph Brown, Henry Humburt; single freemen-Joseph Trimbler, Daniel Salmon, Thomson Alden, Gordon Benjamin, Samuel Dill and James Tremain.

The county commissioners were Hopestill Beecher, Justus Dartt and John Knox; Daniel Lindsay as clerk, Alvin Willard assessor, Nathan Niles jr. And Caleb Austin collectors. The tax levied was one cent on the dollar.


According to the returns made by David Heise, assessor, to John Cochran, Ephraim B. Gerould and Job Geer, county commissioners, certified by Isreal Merrick jr., clerk, the taxable inhabitants in 1832 were:

Amasa Alford, Chauncey Alford, Royal Alford, William Allen, John Allen, James Alger, Smith Aynesworth, Vine Baldwin, Rufus Butler, Catharine Busz widow of Henry, Seldon Butler, William Butler, Allen Butler, Calvin Brown, Lewis Bacon, Harford Butler, Daniel F. Bacon, Hector Brown, Oliver Bacon, Joseph Bernauer, Emer Bowen, John Beecher, William Bache, Lewis Cole, Rebecca Culver, William Cox, John Coleman, Amos Coolidge, Gideon Dewey, Caleb Dill, William Davis, Samuel Davis, Simeon Dimmick, John Dartt, Henry C. Drew, John Dailey, Jesse Davis, William Eberenz, heirs of William Ellis, Zenas Field, Erastus Fellows, Orrin Fenton, Edwind Fellows, John Fellows, Asahel Fellows, E. Field, Issac T. Field, Elihah Fuller, Robert Francis, Benjamin Furman, Moses Field, Elizabeth Fuller, Levi Furman, Levi Furman, David Greenleaf, Daniel Greiner, Peter Green, William Howe, Seth Hoyt, Fred Hilbolt, Henry Hilbolt, Francis Hill, William Hoadley, Simon Houghton, Pharez Houghton, David Heise, William Horsely Sen., William Horsely jr., Luther Johnson, Morderica Jackson, Waite Johnson, Joseph Johnson, John Jones, Daniel Kelsey, Jesse Keeney, David Kilburn, Truman Kilburn, Issac P. Keeney, Marcus Lovett, James Lawson, James Lock, Alexander McArthur, Fred Moyer, Samuel Moyer, Xavier Miller, Jacob Miller, Gardner Monroe, Levi Monroe, Margaret Mitchell, Lewis Miller, John McEwen, Morris Miller, John B. Murphy, Thomas B. McCarty Elisha McCarty, Jacob G. Morris, Luke W. Morris, Issac W. Morris, John Norris, Aaron Niles, Archibald Nichols & Co., Elijah Osburn, Daniel Osborn, Enos Price, William Palmer, Israel Plumley, Samuel parrish, Joseph Palmer, Orasmus Parrish, Zira Parrish, John Rock, henry Staeckly, Abel Strait, John Starkweather, Henry Steele, William Wedge, James Warriner, Gates Wilcox, Robert Will.

David Heise, the principal assessor, as mentioned above, was assisted by James Lock and John Dailey. They returned the names of Luther Johnson and Daniel Kelsey as suitable persons for collectors, under date of December 8, 1831.

The pioneer family of Bacons, now residents of Tioga county and principally of the township of Delmar and the borough of Wellsboro, are able to trace their genealogy back to Daniel Bacon who came to America from England prior to the Revolutionary war and located at Middletown, Connecticut. He had a son Daniel (2nd) and a grandson Daniel (3rd). Daniel Harvey Bacon (a son of Daniel 3rd) was born in Farmington, Litchfield county, Conn., about the year 1764. He married (at Owego, N.Y.,) Lydia Ellis, of Massachusetts, by whom he had nine children, four of whom are now living. They are Oliver Bacon and Mrs. McCarter of Delmar, Mrs. Hannah Newton of Wisconsin, and Mrs. Chloe Howe of Delmar. About the year 1796 D.H. Bacon came to Owego, and in 1815 to Tioga county, bringing his family with him. He located on Marsh Creek, then in the township of Delmar, where he remained five years; and in 1820 purchased one hundred acres of wild land, on which his son Oliver now resides. On this farm he died, in the year 1850.

Robert Campbell was born in Lodi, Seneca county, N.Y., May 3rd 1809; was educated in the district and became a farmer. He also taught school. In October 1836 he married Miss Jane S. Knight. Their children were Oscar, Edwin, William, Franklin (deceased) and Mary (wife of Burton Schrader, of Mansfield, Pa.). He came to Delmar in march 1837 and bought of James Alger 200 acres of land, a small portion of which was improved. He went to work industriously and systematically to improve and clear up his rough farm, year by year adding some valuable and necessary appurtenance in the shape of a dwelling, barn, orchard, fence, or something else which would add to the convenience or increase the product of his domain, until now it is conceded by all that he has the model fam of Tioga county. He has 251 acres, regularly laid out and mapped by a surveyor, with each field numbered and its area set down. He keeps an accurate account of the amount of labor bestowed upon each field, the amount of fertilizers used and the products. At the end of the year a balance sheet is made up, and he knows to a cent what the expenditures have been on each field, and the value of the productions. He takes a lively interest in the agricultural affairs of the county, and was one of the executive committee for the first fair held by the Tioga County Agricultural Society, 28 years ago. Mr. Campbell has also been prominent in the school affairs of the township transacting the duties incumbent upon him with the same care and fidelity which have marked his career as a farmer. He is now in his 73rd year, and no man in Delmar township has done more by example than he to demonstrate the capabilities of the soil of the township.

Justus Dartt sen was born in Connecticut, in 1757, and subsequently resided at Castleton, Vt. He came to Tioga county in the fall in 1811; located on the head waters of charleston Creek, then in the township of Delmar, and purchased 160 acres of wild land. This he proceeded to clear up. He became very prominent in the affairs of the county: was one of the trustees for the Wellsboro Academy in 1817, county commissioner in 1815, and filled other prominent positions. He was a musician in the Revolutionary army, and colonel of the regiment of militia in Vermont after the Revolutionary war. The family came in with a team from Vermont via Owego, Athens, Troy, Sullivan and Richmond. At Canoe Camp, in Richmond township, they tarried a few days with the Spencers, while the neighbors made a "bee" and cut a road from Canoe Camp westward eight miles through the woods to Mr. Dartt's premises. Another bee resulted in a road from his place to Wellsboro. His family consisted of a wife and five children. Cyrus Dartt married Lydia Kelly, Justus jr., married Betsey Kelsey, Joshua married Sally Briggs, James G. married Ploy Gillis, Hannah married Gideon Briggs, Irene married Siah Wilson. The place where Justus Dartt settled has since been known as "Dartt Settlement."

Erastus Putnam Deane was born in Petersham, Worcester county, Mass., November 26, 1809, and was one of a family of nine children born to Daniel and Jerusha Deane, all of whom except the subject of this sketch and one brother (now living in Nebraska) died many years ago. Jerusha Deane, mother of Erastus P Deane, died at Pertersham, February 21, 1846, and the father, Daniel Deane, came to Tioga county in 1851, thereafter to make his home with his son Erastus P., He died October 10,1866, at the ripe age of 95 years. Erastus Putnam Deane came to Tioga county from the home of his parents in Massachusetts, arriving at Wellsboro on the 25th of April 1834. He had received an academic education and qualified himself for land surveying, and he entered upon that business soon after his arrival here. He also taught in the Wellsboro Academy and in the common schools of the township; but his principal business was surveying and farming. June 29th 1837, he was married to Mary E. McEwen, eldest daughter of John McEwen of Delmar township. Their children were nine in number, six of whom are living viz.: C. Augusta, wife of Henry Bacon, of Northfield, Jackson county, Wis.; Darius L. Deane, of Wellsboro; Cecil A., of Denver Col.; Luella I., Caroline A. and Mary E. Mr. Deane never held public office. He had a fine farm in the township of Delmar. The pursuit of land surveying led him into all the counties in the northern and central parts of Pennsylvania, and it can safely be said that in all that region no man of his profession has been allowed greater weight in courts by judge and jury; that so extensive a knowledge as his of land locations is possessed by no other man, and that there is now no one engaged in his profession in the section of country alluded to whose abilities, natural and acquired, will enable him to take the place in the profession that M. Deane filled. A prominent feature of his character was his very retentive memory, which was of great use to him in his business; and his ability to recall dates and data, and to identify localities in the woods, was remarkable. For many years he resided in Delmar township, but in 1873, he removed to Wellsboro, where he resided until his death, in September 1881, which was occasioned by an accident at Corning, N.Y. When Mr. Deane came into the county his health was poor; but exercise in the pure mountain air in surveying and work on the farm soon restored him, and he became one of the most strong and healthy men in the county, possessing wonderful endurance. He was a gentleman of but few words, and rather retiring in his disposition, but a man of knowledge and sterling integrity.

We extract from the Wellsboro Agitator of June 8th, 1880, the following brief notice of one of the old pioneers of Delmar: William Eberenz, one of the oldest citizens of the county, died at his home in Delmar, about three miles from this borough, last week, Monday evening, at the ripe age of 79 years. Mr. Eberenz came to this place from Germany in 1817, when he was about 16 years of age. He very soon married the daughter of Doctor Samuel hoover, who lived near this borough, and immediately settled on the farm where he passed the remainder of his days - upward of 60 years. The place was a wilderness when he purchased it, paying $1.50 an acre for the land, in county orders, which he earned by clearing up the public square in this borough. He and his wife, who was a noble woman, were very industrious, and practiced the most rigid economy in those early days. Six children were born to them, two sons and four daughters. Mrs. Eberenz once said to a friend that she did not see the face of a white woman for three years after moving upon their place. She used to make the children's shoes from deer skins, and the family knew only bear and deer meat, and slept upon the skins of wild animals. Tioga county had less than five hundred taxable inhabitants at that time, and Wellsboro had not more than five houses within its present limits. The seventeen-year old boy and his yung wife, who was more than a helpmate to him in acquiring property, loved to see the barren wilderness blossom as the rose; and Mr. Eberenz was able to hand down to his son Charles one of the finest farms in the county. He was a substantial citizen and a man remarkable for his social qualities. The quaint sayings and humourous anecdotes of "Uncle Billy Eberenz," as he was familiarly called, will long be rememberer by his acquaintances in this region.

Asahel Fellows, son of John and Edna Fellows, was born at Canaan, Litchfield county, Conn,. In 1803, and in company with his brother Edwin came to Tioga county in 1824. John Fellows, the father, died in 1853, aged 79 years. His wife died at the residence of her son-in-law, David Heise, in Delmar, in 1876, aged 93 years.

David Heise was born in Stralsund, Prussia, January 2nd 1800, and was educated in Germany. He came to America in 1818 he went to Wellsboro to work for Judge Samuel W. Morris, and resided with him about seventeen months; then purchased eighty acres of land of John Norris, agent, in Delmar township, and commenced clearing it and making improvements. Mr. Norris, ascertaining that Mr. Heise was well skilled in theoretical mathematics, induced him to commence the study of the art of surveying, and through the joint influence of Judge Morris and Mr. Norris, Mr. Heise was employed by Major Flowers, of Athens, Bradford county, where he had an opportunity of acquiring the desired knowledge, Major Flowers instructing him, and having him assist in surveying lands in the western portions of Bradford county and eastern Tioga. Mr. Heise applied himself very industriously, and was soon able to survey with accuracy and dispatch. He has been extensively engaged in the past 53 years in land surveying in the counties of Tioga, Potter, Lycoming and Clinton, and has been county surveyor of Tioga county many years. In 1829, he was married to Miss Hildah Ann Fellows, by whom he had five children-John F., Edward D., Frederika E., Elvira (wife of W.O. Russell). When he came to Wellsboro there were only 16 buildings here. Mr. Heise possesses those sterling qualities which distinguish the German settlers of Pennsylvania, and is a type of the pioneer of Tioga county. He is now in his 83rd year, as strong and vigorous seemingly as a man of 60.

Robert Karr was born near Wilmington, Del., in 1800. He married Miss Margaret Gorrie, a native of Scotland, and had five children. He came into Tioga county in 1836, and bought 75 acres of land near Stony Forks, in the southern portion of Delmar. He died in 1875.

Henry Stickley was born near Basle, Switzerland, in 1789, came to this country in 1816, and worked at his trade (wagon Making) at Middletown, Dauphin county Pa. While there he married Mrs. Margaret Grosjean. He came to Wellsboro in 1819 and bought fifty acres of land now owned and occupied by his son Henry. He made the journey from Williamsport on foot. His wife died in 1843 and in 1844 he married Ms. Lydia Ritter, by whom he had three children. He died in 1864.

William H. Wells, who settled in Delmar township, brought a number of slaves to the wilderness of Tioga county. After a few years' residence near Wellsboro he concluded to return to the vicinity of Philadelphia, and gave his farm and implements in Delmar to his colored friends Eben and Hetty Murray, Elias and Marie Spencer and Marcus Lovett. He not only gave them the farm, with suitable farming implements and teams, but also the household furniture, which was very valuable for those days. Tradition says that their white neighbors never rested till the freedmen were dispossessed of everything, and they were finally indebted to the kindness of John Norris for the little homes where they ended their days. They were a very superior class of colored people; "Aunt Hetty," it was said, was a daughter of an African princess, and "Uncle Eben" was born gentleman, most dignified and courteous in appearance and manners.


There are three church edifices in Delmar township--a Baptist church near Stony Fork, a Free-Will Baptist church, and in the northwestern portion of the township a small union church. There are several church organizations holding services in the school-houses. Wellsboro affords such church advantages that many of the inhabitants of the township attend there.

The first school-house in Delmar was built in 1818, and the first teacher was Beadle Skull, from the southern portion of the State. Between 1819 and 1835 five houses were built. Among the old teacher were Robert Campbell, Lyman Walbridge, E.P. Deane and Israel Stone. Mr. Stone taught during the winter for ten years. He is still living, about 80 years of age. He has filled township and county offices, and has even exercised a good influence upon the schools of the township.

There are now 24 good school-houses in the township, where 662 scholars are instructed by 9 male and 22 female teachers. The annual expenditures for schools are about $2,500. Schools are kept open on an average six months in the year.


From the first gun that was fired upon Fort Sumter till the close of the Rebellion the citizens of this region maintained and evinced a worthy patriotic spirit. Many volunteers from this locality fell in battle, and sleep beneath the southern soil. Although Wellsboro had only about one thousand inhabitants, it being the county seat recruits were enlisted in various companies in the county from Wellsboro and Delmar, besides those who joined the home companies. The companies sent out from Charleston, Delmar and Wellsboro contained men from each of the townships named and from Wellsboro, and we have therefore deemed it best to give rolls of them here.


Recruited in Delmar and Charles townships and in Wellsboro:

Julius Sherwood (captain), John W. Rose (first lieutenant), Silas Rockwell, James B. Goodman, Marinus N. Allen, John Hinman (second lieutenant), Reuben M. Pratt (second lieutenant), A.S. Husselton (sergeant), A. R. Vermilyea (sergeant), Calvin Ely, Ransford B. Webb, Hiram J. Ramsdell, George W. Merrick, W. Frank Bailey, Aaron A. Scudder, Frank A. Foster, Oscar J. Phillips (corporal), Hobert Ripley, James S. Staats, Charles Yahn, John S. Blanchard, P.R. Warren, S.P. Stacey, Abram Lyon, D.D. Cone, W.P. Christian, William B. Vanhorn, Erwin R. Atherton, P.H. Blanchard, Caleb Babb, John Ballard, James N. Bickel, Patrick Brown, Lucien J. Bragg, Morgan L. Bacon, Josiah Coolidge, Thomas Conway, Edmund Carriel, Orlando V. Crans, Ira P. Curran, Campbell Cole, James Cowden, Wallace Codney, Simon Durlacher, Arnold Dickinson, John Doyle, George W. Emmick, Thomas L. Emmick, John Gibbony, George H. Gotchins, George L. Grinnell, John Gibberd, Harrison C. Gusten, James H. Hozlett, George Harbst, Darius B. Hollidy, John Harrison, William Huck, S.S. Ives, Burke P. Ives, John D. Jones, Hannibal Jay, George Jennings, Jeremiah Jennings, Henry Kimble, Henry J. Keeney, William Kriner, Luther P. Kinney, Sylvester J. Losinger, Jeremiah Love, Frank Longbotham, Charles H. Maxwell, William Margraff, James Moore, Thomas R. McClure, Michael McComber, Chester R. Nichols, Jerry O'Connell, C.K. Palmer, Harry T. Peet, Joseph D. Ramsdell, Joseph E. Rumsey, Albert J. Russell, William Sando, Michael Smith, John Sullivan, Jacob A. Schiefflein, S.R. Seaman, Benjamin Seeley, A.O. Swartwood, John Taggart, George R. Wilson, Asa Warrener, Hiram Warrener, W.H. Wisener, William Wingate, Job Wetmore, Almond Wetmore, M.W. Wetherbee.


Recruited in Wellsboro and vicinity:

Alanson E. Niles (captain), Samuel A. Mack, Lucius Truman (first lieutenant), George A. Ludlow, William Taylor, J.V. Morgan (sergeant), Lenuel Fause, Robert G. Christnot, Peter D. Walbridge, Jacob Huck, George W. Sears, Alfred Bardwell, George O. Darby, Caleb Fenton, S.A. Campbell (corporal), Edwin Roughton, Wallace M. Moore, James A. Christnot, John C. Potts, Robert Kelsey, Walton Williamson, Edward K. Allen, Thomas L. Anderson, Orasmus P. Borden, John J. Bassett, William S. Boatman, Bela Borden, Daniel Bacon, Morgan L. Bacon, Wesley Burrell, William Blackwell, Washington Campbell, Lorenzo Catlin, Simon S. Carney, Martin Crossett, Jacob Cole, Samuel W. Campbell, Martin V. Cleveland, Daniel Corbin, Goerge Cook, George W. Chaplain, Issac Decker, Daniel G. Davis Brozell K. Dewey, John English, Julius A. Eichholtz, William English, Horace H. Grow, Caleb Graves, Samuel Huck, George Huck, John C. Horn, Lewis Happy, Charles Hoadley, Richard Hogan, Melville R. Horton, Alonzo Johnson, Henry Jackson, Andrew J. Kriner, George A. Kinney, Charles Kimball, James C. Kriner, Chester F. Kimball, Henry Kriner, George W. Kriner, Dweitt C. Lampman, Parish Mosier, Thomas Martin, James Mccabe, Philip Meiner, Amos C. Metzgar, w. Manderville, William Morrison, Lewis McGraff, William M. Morgan, Henry H. McCarty, John W. Mathews, Stephen Nott, James Olmstead, Joseph R. Ogden, Edward Osborn, Ben B. Potter, William Pitts, James M. Patterson, Henry C. Roland, Edwin Roice, Ethial H. Roice, Frederic Robert, John Readington, Joseph E. Ramsey, Henry I. Rote, Peter Rothweiler, Jacob Snyder, Albert D. Simmons, Robert Stull, Samuel D. Satterly, Gustavus A Sweet, William Smidley, Peter Spanogle, Eugene Stone, Orrin B. Stone, Thomas R. Smith, Abijah Shuler, Charles H. Sweet, Joel Starkweather, Asbury F. Spicer, Aaron B. Torpy, John L. Vogan, Charles Vallance, Henry Varner, James M. West, E.S. Waterman, Andrew J. Walters, Hiram Weeks, William H. Walters, Philetus A. West, John H. Weidley, Abel S. Warner, James M. Warriner, Edwin Wilcox, Cyrus Whitmore.


Recruited in Wellsboro, Delmar and vicinity:

George W. Merrick (captian), Cecil A. Dean (first lieutenant), Robert Young (second lieutenant), Jeffold Dennison (first sergeant), Ephraim Smith (sergeant), David Dewey (sergeant), Alonzo Mack (sergeant), Lewis Demaux (corporal), Lyman P. Potter (corporal), Benjamin Claus (corporal), Samuel Morgan (corporal), Tunis Bush, John Blouch, Josiah L. Butler, Thomas J. Butler, Eugene L. Bowen, Aaron A. Bacon, Washington Boltz, Charles G. Catlin, William H. Chase, James Carpenter, Edwin Campbell, Truman Chubbuck, John A. Cline, James W. Donaldson, Chauncey Dartt, John E. Dibble, Darius L. Deane, John English, Oscar F. Ellis, Charles M. Field, Allen Fornwalt, William Green, William Greiner, Martin Gleason, William H. Harrison, Nathaniel Hart, Orville Henry, Richard Henry, Morgan Hart, Amos C. Hartman, Albert Ives, William D. Jones, George Kimball, Valentine V. Keller, Albert L. Lachey, David B Leslie, Casper K. Light, Joseph Morsman, William Moore, Samuel G. Miller, John Martin, Edwin Myers, William H. Miller, Adam Naftzer, Benjamin Naftzer, Thomas Oakum, William W. Patterson, Henry M. Poorman, Joseph Palmer, David T. Robbins, Welcome Shellman, John P. Scott, George W. Sneer, Peter D. Snavely, Charles L. Shumway, Henry Sears, S. Stardseather, Samuel Spotts, Samuel W. Trull, George Tabor, Benjamin F. Towner, Edwin Webster, Hiram Willard, Oren West, Michael Walburn, Oziah Webster, Benjamin Williams.

Bates in his history of the 187th regiment says:

"A body of troops known as the First Battalion, which had been organized just previous to the invasion of the State in July 1863, for six months' service, and which had performed guard and provost duty at various point in the State, was upon the expiration fits term reorganized and recruited as a part of this regiment. Four new companies were added to it, and the regimental organization was completed in March 1864 at Camp Curtin, with Joseph F. Ramsey lieutenant-colonel and George W. Merrick major. While at Harrisburg it performed camp and provost duty. Leaving Harrisburg on the 19th of May it proceeded to Washington and went into camp at Arlington Heights, where its equipment, which had been defective, was made complete. On the 26th it started to the front, proceeding by transport to Port Royal, and then marched by Bowling Green, capturing two of the enemy's scouts on the way, pausing at the Matapony to build a bridge, and reaching the battle beaten ranks of the army during the progress of the first brigade first division of the 5th corps, commanded respectively by General J.L. Chamberlain, General Griggin and General G.K. Warren.
"For a few days subsequent to the battle of Cold Harbor the regiment was engaged in picketing and intrenching and in various changes of position of the corps. At 2 a.m. on the morning of the 7th the corps moved to the extreme left of the army and threw up intrenchment on the north bank of the Chickahominy, the enemy keeping up a continuous fire upon it as it passed. For several days the corps remained in position, covering the army in its passage of the peninsula. On the morning of the 18th the corps moved by the left flank, the enemy shelling it as it went, and crossing the Peterburg and Norfolk Railroad fell with impetuosity upon the enemy's right, while the second corps engaged him in front and drove him back with heavy loss to his inner works, compelling him to abandon the line of railway. The lines were then reformed, the enemy at the same time opening a galling fire, and at 3 p.m. the second and fifth corps moved to the assault of his last line. His pickets in front of the 5th were driven in and pressed to a ravine not more than fifty yards from his works, when he opened a murderous artillery fire on the front and left flank of the corps, compelling it to fall back with heavy loss. The 187th led by Major George W. Merrick, lost in the engagement more than one-tenth of its numbers in killed and wounded, holding its place in the most gallant manner and winning by its good conduct the special commendation of General Chamberlain, who himself received a dangerous wound. Major Merrick and Lieutenant Jonathan J. Jessup each lost a leg while leading their men in the charge.
"Major Merrick having been disabled by his wounds from further field service, the line officers joined in a petition to the governor of the commonwealth for the appointment of Captain John E. Parson, who was then serving as assistant general of the brigade, to the command. He was accordingly commissioned. Upon its arrival in the city (Washington) it was placed in Camp Cadwaliader, and was employed in garrison and escort duty. Opportunity was given for thorough drill, which was studiously practiced. At the funeral obsequies of President Lincoln it was assigned to the head of the procession on its way from the Baltimore depot to Independence Hall, and was left as a guard of honor while the remains lay in site. On the 11th of May it was detached by companies for guard and provost duty in various parts of the State. Early in August, the was being over, the companies rendezvoused at Harrisburg, where on the 3rd the command was mustered out of service.

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