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Clymer Township.
By John L. Sexton, Jr.
The township of Clymer was named in honor of William B. Clymer, agent for the Bingham estate and grandson of George Clymer, a distinguished Pennsylvanian and a signer of the Declaration of Independence. It was formed from Westfield and Gaines, in December 1850, and was originally named Middletown. It is bounded on the north by Westfield, on the east by Chatham and Shippen, on the south by Shippen and Gaines, and on the west by Potter county. The surface is rolling and hilly, diversified by valleys and tablelands, and the soil is well adapted to the growing of wheat, corn, oats, an buckwheat, the grasses, and orchard fruits. Tobacco has been raised to a limited extent and found profitable. The township occupies an elevated position near the great watershed of northern Pennsylvania, where streams flow into the Genesee River, and thus into Lake Ontario and the Gulf of St. Lawrence; into the Allegheny, whose waters reach the Gulf of Mexico; and into the Susquehanna, which finds an outlet in the Chesapeake Bay. The streams in the township are Jamison Creek, Mill Creek, Cranch Brook, and Potter Brook, which empty into the Cowanesque River, and Long Run, which flows southward and empties into Pine Creek near the village of Gaines.
The soil in a considerable portion of the township is what is termed "red shale," and is very productive. Almost the entire township originally belonged to the Bingham estate, and the lands were sold to settlers at the rate of $1.25 per acre. There was an immense growth of timber upon the lands, principally maple and beech, with groves of hickory, cherry and hemlock, interspersed with ash, poplar and pine. It was what might be termed a hard wood section, and, while the growth of timber was large, the land was much easier to clear and bring under cultivation than oak an pine lands. Clymer differed from any of the townships south of it in this respect, that its early settlers did not purchase the lands with a view to engaging in lumbering, but to clear up farms and make themselves homes in the northwestern portion of Tioga county, near the head waters of the Cowanesque River; and by industry, economy and perseverance they succeeded in accomplishing their design.
The first election was held at the house of C. P. Douglass. Elections are now held at the Clymer House, in the village of Sabinsville.
The following are the township officers elected February 21st 1882: Supervisors, E. Chamberlain, Charles McComb; justices, James Thompson, A. A. Amsbry; constable, Solomon Rowland; school directors, John Davis, B. W. Skinner; assessor, John Davis; assistant assessors, R. Morton, C. P. Douglass; treasurer, E. F. Radeker; town clerk, Melvin Stebbins; judge of election, Charles Butts; inspectors, A. A. Roberts, E. Baker, J. M. Douglass; auditor, William Larrison.
The post-offices in the township, with the present post-masters, are as follows: Sabinsville, George W. Douglass; Long Run, John Davis; Mixtown, ----- Scott. At one time there were three hotels in Mixtown; now there are none.
The population of the township in 1880 was 1,121.
Most of the early settlers were from the counties of Madison, Chenango, Cortland, Tompkins, and the southern tier of New York, and were of New England origin. There were attracted hither by the liberal offers which the agents for the Bingham estate made, through the press of the counties named. Some came with money sufficient to pay for 100 acres and erect suitable buildings, while others came empty handed or with just enough money to secure a contract, depending on their industry and strong will to accomplish the rest. For a few years their struggle was a severe one, but a neighborly and kindly feeling existed and each helped the other in erecting houses and barns, logging fallows, and any way in which they could serve to strengthen the hands and nerve the spirit of the pioneer.
The forest was not without its harvest. Deer and other wild game were plenty, and the sugar maple proved like manna in the wilderness. For maple sugar and syrup the settlers could procure a portion of their groceries at the nearest store, which was then at Knoxville, twelve or fifteen miles distant. In burning their hard wood fallows they could turn the ashes into money by hauling them to Lawrenceville or Painted Post, and sometimes could procure a market nearer home, at a reduced price. They also boiled what is known as "black salts," for which they would receive about 2 1/2 cents per pound.
Much is due to William B. Clymer for his encouragement to the early settlers. One old pioneer informed the writer, with tears in his eyes, of the clemency of Mr. Clymer. The informant is now well off, having secured a competency of this world's goods; but he could not refrain from relating how, when for two consecutive years he had missed his payment, when he had lost his cattle, had his sugar camp burnt, had sickness and death in his family, and was entirely discouraged, he went to Wellsboro with his contract to surrender it up to Mr. Clymer, and how his agent refused to accept it, gave him more time and $80 in cash from his private purse (then a great sum) and gave him an order on a store at Knoxville for $20 more, for all of which he exacted no security, save a common promissory note: and how the overjoyed pioneer returned home that night, a distance of 26 miles, arriving at 3 o'clock in the morning, and broke the good news to his despondent wife and children; and how it inspired him with courage, and he went forth again, determined to succeed, and repaid the money to Mr. Clymer, who refused to accept interest, only enjoining secrecy. "These things," says the old pioneer, "and I have no doubt Mr. Clymer did the same things for others, saved me, and I believe many more in the township of Clymer, from abandoning our homes, poor and heartbroken. Some complaints of course were made against Mr. Clymer, but they arose chiefly from those who did not try to live up to their contracts, but spent their money foolishly."
Saw-mills were soon erected on Mill Creek and other streams, designed for custom or home trade, which enabled the settlers, as soon as their prosperity would warrant it, to commence building framed dwellings and barns. The planting of orchards was one of their first acts after they had cleared sufficient land whereon to do it; and these orchards soon became a great help to the pioneer, affording his family a supply of fruit and leaving him a surplus for market.
The first settlement within the present limits of Clymer was made about the year 1815. This territory was then in the township of Deerfield. In 1818 James Mix settled on the ridge west of Sabinsville and gave to that locality the name of Mixtown. In 1820 Simon Rexford purchased and located upon 300 acres of the Mix possession. This land was divided up, David Rexford, son of Simon Rexford, taking a portion, and George O. Bristol, a step-son, another portion.
At that time there were a small log-house and cattle pen, the latter made to protect the cattle from the wolves, bears and panthers. Simon Rexford was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, serving seven years. He and his wife are buried in a graveyard on the premises.
George O. Bristol was born in Sherburne, Chenango county, N. Y., June 11th 1806. His father died when he was young. He came to Tioga in 1812 and settled at Knoxville. His mother subsequently married Simon Rexford. In 1820 young Bristol came with his mother and step-father into what is now Clymer township when the latter bought the Mix property. No wagons were then in use in that section, and he moved in on an "ox sled" and assisted in clearing up the land purchased by this step-father. There were no settlers then on the Cowanesque at Westfield, or along Mill Creek. To the north the nearest neighbor was Ayres Tuttle, who lived about half a mile below where Westfield borough is now. To the east the nearest neighbor was at Middlebury, on Crooked Creek, eighteen miles distant; to the south lived the Furmans, on Pine Creek, at about the same distance, and west there was no inhabitants nearer than Coudersport, twenty-five miles. The region was one great forest. When Mr. Bristol came into the country, when the water was low in the Cowanesque he had to go to mill to Painted Post, a distance of over fifty miles; after a few years there was a path cut through to Pine Creek, where occasionally they would go to mill. In 1830 Mr. Bristol was married to Miss Polly, daughter of Isaac Gaylord. Their children were Edwin, Angelina (wife of Charles Scott), William, Perry, Emma (wife of Baker D. Ellis), Gaylord, Amanda (wife of Benjamin Sage), George W., and Hestina (wife of Henry T. Elliott). Mr. Bristol bought 150 acres of land from David Rexford, son of Simon, and commenced clean it up-planting orchards, erecting suitable buildings and making a home for himself and family. About forty years ago he became a member of the Methodist church, and he was a class leader for several years. He wife died April 26th 1877, aged 64 years, and is buried in the graveyard heretofore alluded to. His grandmother and mother are also buried there. Mr. Bristol has been a supervisor and filled other places of trust in the township. He is now in the 77th year of his age, a true type of the old band of pioneers, who are so fast passing away.
Charles P. Douglass was born in Hamilton, Madison county, N. Y., November 1st 1812. He came to Tioga county in 1835, and after a few months returned to Madison county. On the first day of January 1837 he started with his family for Tioga county, where he located on Mill Creek, in what is now Clymer township, a short distance southwest from the present village of Sabinsville. He purchased 350 acres of the Bingham lands in their primitive state, and immediately built a saw-mill on Mill Creek, which stood near the present steam saw-mill of Orrin Stebbins in Sabinsville. He carried on farming and lumbering and worked at the carpenter's trade. The lumber sawed at his mill was used in the township. He cut a large fallow, and the first crop of wheat was 650 bushels, which he sold at $1.50 per bushel. He kept a hotel sixteen years, and was the first postmaster in the township. He has been assessor, auditor, school director and supervisor, and was the surveyor when the township was laid out. He has been a public spirited gentleman, erecting stores and mills and clearing up a large farm. He was first married November 6th 1831, to Miss Sarah M. Hancock. His eldest daughter, Betsey C. Douglass, is the wife of Hon. B. B. Strang. He has resided at Sabinsville since 1837, with the exception of three years, and now lives there. He has recently sold the homestead to his son.
The early settlers in and about Mixtown ( a small hamlet, surrounded by a good farming country, near the center of the township) were, besides those already spoken of, John King, Elihu Matteson, Willard Potter, Archibald Campbell, Christopher Schoonover, Samuel Swimelar, Orson Pemberton, Isaac Beach, Rufus Scott, Nathaniel Owen, Watson Trowbridge, Nathaniel Skinner, William Larrison, Thomas Barber, Samuel Niver, C. R. Skinner, Caleb Trowbridge, Peter B. Lovell and John Lovell. A majority of these were from Cortland and Chenango counties in New York and a large portion of them cleared up farms, erected good dwellings, set out orchards and became well-to-do citizens, braving all the hardships incident to a pioneer life.
The old settlers on Long Run were George Harvey, Jared Davis, Calvin Newton, Moses Newton and William R. Burdick. The first settlers in and about Sabinsville were Charles P. Douglass, Orrin Stebbins, Elijah Hancock, Thomas Strait, Thomas Eldridge, Lyman Hancock, Hiram K. Hill, Erastus G. Hill, Horace P. Hill, Zachariah Heminger, William Rogers, Roswell Rogers, Demarquis Thompson, Roswell Ackley, Frederick Swimelar, William Ladd, Oziel King, Dixson Southard, Lovell Short, Renando Hawley, William A. Douglass, Freeman Wilcox, A. G. Sabin, Cyrus Paddock, George Lebar, William Lebar and Hiram Reynolds.
The majority of the foregoing purchased parts of the Bingham estate, and most of them devoted their attention to farming.
In order to give the reader a knowledge of the population of the township at the time of its organization we append the following list of taxables for the year 1851-2, when the township was named Clymer:
John Ackley, Roswell Ackley, George Ackley, J. F. Allen, W. R. Burdick, Edmond Bristol, George O. Bristol, George Briggs, Francis Briggs, Levi Blue, Enos Babcock, Simeon Babcock, John Brown, William Bradley, Willis Babcock, Washington Blue, Rockwell Bentley, Charles Burlingame, Hamilton Boardman, John Baty, Isaac Burnside, Seth Booth, Benoni Boardman, Samuel Briggs, Hiram Burdick, J. B. Benn, William Benn, J. M. Bush, Squire Briggs, Isaac Beach, Henry Bringham, Sylvenus Cole, Eli Chapman, F. W. Calkins, George Cass, Samuel Carlind, C. D. Cameron, Sylvester Davy, George Davy, Jared Davis, John Davis, Alva Dickens, Robert Dickens, Charles P. Douglass, B. Dutcher, William Douglass, Horace Dimon, Thomas Eldridge jr., Horace Eldridge, Thomas Eldridge, Chester Ellsworth, Andrew Frasier, Ransom Freeman, Squire Gile, Philo Griffin, Silas Griffin, Daniel Gower, Charles Gum, Benjamin Groo, W. G. Groo, Peter Griffin, G. W. Huyler, George Huyler, Elmore Hacket, Lot Hacket, Burton Howe, George Hawley, Benjamin Howe, Elijah Hancock, J. W. Hancock, Lyman Hancock, E. G. Hill, Charles Hoig, Erastus Hill, H. K. Hill, Henry Hill, Zachariah Heminger, William Head, Job Head, Doctor J. W. Haner, James Hill, George Harvey, George Hurlburt, James Johnson, Alonzo King, Hiram King, H. King, A. King, Harley King, David Kilborn, John King, Alfred King, Charles King, Henry Larrison, Washington Larrison, William Lebar, George Lebar, Thompson Lebar, Amison Lebar, Charles Lebar, James Lovell, Peter Lovell, Chauncey Lebar, Nelson Lindsey, John Lovell, William Larrison, G. Larrison, George Larrison, William McNiel, Benjamin Madison, Henry McFall, Moses Newton, M. W. Newton, Samuel Niver, Norman Orvis, Andrew Ormes, Cyrus Paddock, D. A. Paddock, Lyman Pritchard, Pyre & Co., James Richards, Charles Richards, Willard Potter, Ira Potter, Orson Pemblaton, Cheeney Pemblaton, John Rushmore, William Rogers, Lavanson Rogers, Dennis Roberts, William Runnells, Willard Rowland, Roselle Rogers, Silas Rushmore, James Reynolds's estate, Peter Rushmore, Joshua Rushmore, Jonas Schoonover, Thomas Schoonover, Christopher Schoonover, Hiram Schoonover, John Sykes, Charles Sykes, Charles Southard, Dixson Southard, Chauncey Southard, C. V. Skelley, David Short, E. G. Smith, E. W. Smith, W. W. Smith, Marvin Swimelar, Frederic Swimelar, Thomas Strait, Orrin Stebbins, E. H. Stebbins, Stephen Strait, James Smith, Abram Smith, Peter Smith, A. G. Sabin, Henry Steele, E. F. Skinner, Nathaniel Skinner, James Scott, Luke Scott, Levi Scott, Rufus Scott, Samuel Swimelar, C. R. Skinner, W. B. Skinner, Charles Scott, Samuel Scoville, D. W. Skinner, Merritt Thompson, J. O. Thompson, Caleb Trowbridge, H. E. Tanner, J. C. Tanner, Watson Trowbridge, Noah Weeks, Freeman Wilcox, White & Co., William Wright, Aaron Yale.
In the early history of Clymer, and in fact until recently, the maple sugar made was quite an item in the product of that locality. Almost every landowner had what he termed a "sugar bush," ranging from 100 to 2,000 sugar maple trees. As late as 1870 there were made in Tioga county 145,209 lbs., a large portion of which was produced in Clymer township. Sugar camps, as they were termed, were to be found in every portion of this township and westward into Potter county. These camps were located in a central or most convenient point in the sugar bush, where a rude cabin was erected sufficiently large to contain a bunk or bed and hold a few cooking utensils. An arch was built of stone to hold the kettles; or small forked trees were cut down and made into convenient lengths, sharpened and driven into the ground, and a row of kettles suspended on a tough, stiff, ironwood pole which rested in the forked stakes. Two large troughs were dug or chopped out of trunks of trees to serve as a reservoir for sap and for the syrup before it was "sugared off." At each maple tree designed to be "tapped" was placed a small trough, to catch the sap as it ran from the maple. Fuel was prepared and drawn to the camp with which to keep up the fire in boiling the sap. When all these preliminary things had been attended to, and as soon as the sap commenced ascending the tree, which depended much on the season and would usually occur about the first of March, the work of "tapping" commenced. The instruments or tools used for this purpose were a light axe or hatchet and a "gouge" made of iron and steel, like a carpenter's chisel, with the exception that the point was in the form of a segment of a circle. The outside bark of the maple was cut off at the place where the tree was intended to be tapped, and with a sharp blow of the hatchet or axe on the gouge a cut was made in the tree; the gouge was withdrawn and a wooden spile driven into the cut. In some instances augers were used instead of gouges in tapping trees. Sometimes the tree was tapped in two places; but generally in one place, for too much tapping in one year injured the tree for the next year's supply. When a sugar maker intended to cut down this sugar bush the next year he tapped the trees in several places and made the most out of them for the present, drawing as it were the very life blood from them.
When the sap commenced flowing then came on the busy time. A yoke of oxen and a sled with two men or boys to gather in the sap were called into service. Barrels or casks were chained on to the sled, to receive the sap from the various trees as it was gathered in pails by the boys and men, and when these were full away they went to the camp and emptied the contents of the cask into the large sap trough. Provisions were sent into the camp from the home of the owner, the fires were kindled under the kettles, and the business of making sugar commenced in earnest. The fires, if the weather was favorable to the running of sap, had to be kept burning night and day. Thirty years ago one could stand in the evening on the ridge west of Sabinsville (where he could command a view of the country around Mixtown, and the head waters of Potter Brook, the valley of Mill Creek and the ridges to the east of it) and see the light from a hundred fires burning in the sugar camps of Clymer.
People from other sections of the county, and from New York and central Pennsylvania, came to enjoy the sugar making season and the scenes incident to that event. It was a time of merry making. Parties of young people would assemble ostensibly for the purpose of eating maple sugar and syrup, but really to have a dance and a good time generally. Caleb Trowbridge was a fiddler and played for dances; and, although now eighty years of age and a wealthy farmer, still he enjoys the violin. He would be sent for on these occasions. There were mischievous girls at that time as well as now, and "store clothes" were not fashionable to any great extent, especially when worn by conceited by young men, who came to have some fun with the "natives." Many a young beau with soap locks curls and fashionably trimmed "imperials" went away from these social gatherings with his hair full of maple syrup and his whiskers glued into an uncomely shape. While the girls of that period were not rude and unladylike, yet they possessed clear conceptions of the character of those who held themselves socially above them and condescended on such occasions to court their society. To such, courtesy was extended in a limited degree. Mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers now look back with pleasure and delight to the scenes which were enacted during the sugar season.
For those times not only afforded them pleasure, and relieved the loneliness of pioneer life, but were seasons of profit. The sugar was made into cakes varying from two ounces to 25 pounds.. The smaller cakes were made in the shape of diamonds, hearts and other figures and commanded a higher price per pound than those of square or round shape. The former were sold to the candy or grocery dealer, and the latter to merchants and others who desired them. A regular trade soon sprung up in this commodity, and merchants and others sent in their orders from year to year. A large quantity was made over the line in Potter county, and that from Tioga county made in the locality of Clymer went under the name of Potter county sugar. After the Long Run road was built from Sabinsville to Pine Creek at the present village of Gaines large quantities of sugar in various shapes were put on board of lumber rafts and taken down the river, and found a ready sale in all the towns from Williamsport to the Chesapeake Bay. Potter county sugar (though largely made in Tioga county) was known from the head waters of Pine Creek in every village, town and city the entire length of the Susquehanna. Large quantities were also shipped on rafts on the Cowanesque, and found market in Painted Post, Corning, Elmira, Towanda, Wilkes-Barre, Northumberland, Sunbury, Halifax, Harrisburg, Middletown, Columbia and Port Deposit.
A considerable quantity is still made in Clymer, but not so much as formerly, although the appliances for making it now are much better than they were in the days we describe. Buckets have taken the place of sap troughs, and huge flat pans have superseded kettles. The maple tree should be a dear emblem to the pioneers of Clymer, for from its trunk was extracted the fluid which paid their taxes, kept up the interest on the contracts for their lands, and finally assisted in procuring the warrantee deeds of their homes from the agents of the Bingham estate. All honor to the sugar maple!
There are two church edifices in the township. A Methodist church was erected in the year 1853, in the Ackley school-district, near the line between Clymer and Chatham. A Baptist church was built in Sabinsville in 1879. Among the early ministers who preached in the township were Elder Conant and Rev. Francis Strang, father of Hon. B. B. Strang.
The first regular school-house in the township was erected in 1826, in "Mixtown," near Beach's Corners. It was a log building. There are now nine, giving employment to ten teachers, and the schools are kept open usually about seven months in the year. The school-house in Sabinsville has two departments, and the teachers are Frederic Alba and Miss Almeda E. Douglass. Among the early teachers in the township were Hiram K. Hill, Horace P. Hill, Sarah Whittaker, E. O. Austin, Bradley Seeley and Alverson Pritchard.
Sabinsville was named in honor of Alonzo G. Sabin. It is situated at the junction of the east and west branches of Mill Creek, in the northern-central portion of the township, and contains a hotel, a church, two steam saw-mills, a grist-mill, three stores besides a drug store, a post-office, two blacksmith shops, a cheese factory, a cider-mill, a school-house, where a graded school is held and two teachers employed, and about sixty dwellings. The first three settlers were Charles P. Douglass, Orrin Stebbins and Elijah Hancock. Sabinsville is distant from Westfield borough four miles, from Gaines village ten miles, and from Middlebury seventeen miles. In 1880 it had 170 inhabitants. It is surrounded by a good agricultural district, and its merchants do quite an extensive business in the purchase of the products of the dairy and farm. The location is good, several roads diverging from the village in various directions, one leading southward and westward to Mixtown and Gaines, two leading eastward and southeastward, and one north to Westfield, on the Cowanesque River. The saw-mills and grist-mill also attract trade and business to the village. A line of railroad leading from Hornellsville, N. Y., to Westfield, thence up Mill Creek to Sabinsville, thence southward to the summit, and then down Long Run to Gaines, on Pine Creek, has been surveyed. The grade is good, and the inhabitants are strong in the belief that the road will yet be built, and give them railroad communications north and south.
The first store in Sabinsville was built by B. B. Strang, and was filled with goods by him and Charles P. Douglass. The next store was conducted by D. A. Tooker. The first hotel in Sabinsville was kept by C. P. Douglass. A hotel was also kept by D. A. Tooker. The first blacksmith shop was conducted by Cyrus Paddock. The first grist-mill in the township was built by Orrin Stebbins and Elijah Hancock, in this village.
The post-office at Sabinsville was established under the administration of Zachary Taylor, in 1849, and Charles P. Douglass was appointed postmaster. George W. Douglass is now postmaster. There are two post routes through the township. The first mail was carried on horseback, from Westfield via Sabinsville to Pike Mills, in Potter county, by Samuel Losey, a veteran, who lived to be over one hundred years old.
The first regular physician in the township was Dr. John M. Haner. The present physician in Sabinsville is Dr. T. A. Bair.
Sabinsville Lodge, No. 2300, Knights of Honor was instituted October 2nd 1880, by W. H. Fuller, D. D. G. D., with the following officers: Eugene Benn, past dictator; E. F. Radeker, dictator; J. L. Thompson, vice-dictator; J. B. Rushmore, assistant dictator; S. S. Seagers, reporter; E. A. McLachlin, financial reporter; Benjamin Eldridge, treasurer; E. C. Jennings, chaplain; M. T. Osborn, guide; E. A. Thompson, guardian; J. W. Boom, sentinel; G. M. Ackley, Job Swimelar and E. C. Jennings, trustees. There were 29 charter members.
The lodge had the misfortune to lose by fire its regalia and lodge furniture, May 3rd 1881. It now has fine quarters over the store of M. V. Purple & Co., with new regalia and furniture, and is in prosperous condition. The present officers are:
Past dictator, J. W. White; dictator, G. M. Ackley; vice-dictator, Benjamin Eldridge; assistant dictator, Leroy A. Whiting; reporter, M. D. Weeks; financial reporter, E. F. Radeker; treasurer, Joseph Swimelar; chaplain, J. B. Rushmore; guide, James Nolan; guardian, Charles Hill; sentinel, J. W. Boom; trustees, G. M. Ackley, Benjamin Eldridge and Charles Weeks.
The lodge meets semi-monthly in L. J. Stone's hall, Sabinsville, Saturday evenings, at 7 o'clock.
Equitable Aid Union No. 253 was organized March 5th 1881, with the following officers: Chancellor, V. R. Gee; advocate, Almon King; president, G. A. Roberts; vice-president, O. B. Roberts; secretary, E. L. Gee; treasurer, G. W. Douglass; accountant, M. H. Stebbins; auxiliary, A. K. Stebbins; chaplain, Mrs. M. J. King; conductor, Dr. T. A. Bair; sentinel, C. B. Gee; watchman, B. S. Miller; trustees, Dr. T. A. Bair, V. R. Gee, and Almon King.
The object of the organization is mutual aid. The meetings are held semi-monthly, in Baker's Hall, on Saturday evenings at 7 o'clock.
At Sabinsville resides Abram Rohrabacher, familiarly known as "Brom Rohrabacher." He was born in Virgil, Cortland county, N. Y., in 1819, of German descent, and learned the trade of a blacksmith at Marathon in that county. He came to Pennsylvania about 35 years ago and settled in Pike township, just over the Tioga county line in Potter county, and since that time, particularly on the waters of the upper Susquehanna, he has been widely known. A man of huge proportions, giant strength and infinite good nature, he became a conspicuous character among the lumbermen and the raftsmen. He has alternately resided in Potter, Tioga, Cameron and McKean counties, but principally in Tioga county, and has held civil positions in the various localties where he lived. During the war he was a deputy U. S. marshal, and made arrests where danger lurked. It is said of him that, notwithstanding he possessed such herculean strength, he never first insulted a man; that the various melees and battles in which he has been engaged he has been drawn into by this sympathy for the weak when they were insulted and abused by the strong. He was for many years a pilot on Pine Creek and the Susquehanna, and to go with "Brom Rohrabacher" down the river was a guarantee of protection. He never countenanced rowdyism among his crew, charging them to keep within due bounds and if assailed to be like Davy Crockett-to be sure they were right, and then go ahead. If he had followed the impulses of his nature no fight or disturbance would be recorded against him, for he is the embodiment of good humor and fun; but he was so sympathetic that no insult could be offered to his friend, or even a stranger, without arousing all the lion in his nature. The anecdotes that might be told of his adventures would fill a volume, and no history of the lumber regions of the upper waters of the Susquehanna would be complete without a mention of "Brom Rohrabacher."
Many of the citizens of Clymer responded to the call of their country during the late Rebellion, and went to the front in the 171st and 207th regiments. Company A in the 171st regiment was commanded by Captain A. A. Amsbry, and was recruited largely in townships along the head waters of the Cowanesque. Company D of the 207th was also recruited in Clymer and other townships in western Tioga county. A number in northern and western Tioga also went over the line and joined regiments in the State of New York.