History of Tioga County, PennsylvaniaIf You Have Photos of People Mentioned on the Page, Send Them In For Inclusion Return to 1883 Table of Contents |
By John L. Sexton, Jr.
The township of Charleston was formed from the township of Delmar, in December 1820. It occupies a central position in the county, and is about five miles wide and ten miles long. It is bounded on the north by Middlebury; on the east by Richmond, Covington and Bloss; on the south by Liberty and Duncan; on the west by Delmar and Wellsboro. The post-offices the township are Charleston, Cherry Flats, Round Top and East Charleston. The villages or hamlets in the township are Cherry Flats, Whitneyville, Dartt Settlement, Dutch Settlement, Welsh Settlement, Round Top, Hill's Creek and Catlin Hollow.
The surface is diversified, and there is a variety of soil, from alluvium of the valleys to the shale of the hill tops. There are innumerable small streams rising within the township limits, some running southward and finding an outlet in Pine Creek, others running eastward and emptying into the Tioga River, while on the west and northwest the creeks and rivulets run toward Crooked Creek, and by that creek into the Tioga River at Tioga village.
The township is one of the most productive in the county in proportion to its area. It produces wheat, buckwheat, corn, oats, barley, hay, potatoes, tobacco and most excellent fruit, while its dairy products can not easily be excelled. Fine herds of neat cattle are seen grazing in its sweet pastures, as well as choice flocks of native and foreign blooded sheep. The people are almost exclusively devoted to agriculture, with a moderate percentage of manufacturing and mercantile pursuits. The township was originally covered with a heavy growth of timber, which has been pretty generally cut down, and the business of lumbering and bark peeling is at present carried on to a limited extent. The products of the farm find a cash market at Wellsboro, Mansfield, Covington, Blossburg and the mining region. At the time of taking the census in 1880 the population of the township was 2,193.
for the township after its formation was made by Nathan Niles, jr., assessor; Oliver Willard, Seth Daggett and Hiram Beebe, commissioners, and David Lindsay, clerk. This was for the year 1821. The resident tax payers were:
A. Atherton, Caleb Austin, Rosel Bailey, Jesse Catlin, Nelson Carlin, Timothy Culver, Joe Culver, Cyrus Catlin, Gideon Dewey, Justus Dartt, Justus Dartt, jr., James G. Dartt, Daniel Denison, John Dailey, Calvin Eli, Israel Greenleaf, Benjamin Gitchell, Frederic Hilbot, David Henry, James Henry, Nathan Niles jr., James Porter jr., Thomas Prentice, Daniel Packer, Leonard Porter, John Porter, Elijah Starkweather, Peter Shumway, Heman Shumway, Vine Sagers, John Starkweather, Adam Seeley, Thomas Sampson, Isaiah Wilson, Daniel Wilson, Moses Wheeler, Asahel Wetmore, Isaac Wheeler, Lyman Wetmore, Andrew Wetmore, Oliver Willard, Joseph Wilson, Orlando Willard, William Fanton, Cyrus Dartt, John Domine, John Lovel, James Pettis, William Hill.
From the most reliable information to be had we learn that Caleb Austin lived near the present county poorhouse; Rosel Bailey in Dartt Settlement; Jesse Catlin, Nelson Catlin and William Catlin in Catlin Hollow; Timothy and Joe Culver in what is now the Welsh Settlement; Gideon Dewey, Justus Dartt jr. and Cyrus Dartt in Dartt Settlement; Daniel Denison in Catlin Hollow; John Dailey in Dartt Settlement; Calvin Eli on the State road; Israel Greenleaf on Shumway Hill; Benjamin Gitchell on the State road, near the Wellsboro line; David Henry on the State road; Nathan Niles jr. near Ben Gitshell's; James Porter and Leonard Porter near Rosel Bailey, in Dartt Settlement; Thomas Porter near Shumway's; Elijah Starkweather at the foot of Shumway Hill; Peter Shumway (after whom Shumway Hill was named), Heman Shumway and Vine Sagers on or near Shumway Hill; John Starkweather at the foot of Shumway Hill; Adam Seeley on what is now known as the "Phillips farm" or Wheeler farm; Thomas Sampson at Cherry Flats; Isaiah Wilson and Daniel Wilson in Dartt Settlement; Moses Wheeler on the old Lyman farm on the State road; Asahel Wetmore, Lyman Wetmore and Andrew Wetmore on Wetmore Hill, near the Wellsboro line, Oliver Willard near Nathan Niles; Joseph Willard about a mile from Dartt Settlement; Orlando Willard near Calvin Eli's; John Lovel near the Wilsons; John Domine on the Dartt Settlement road; William Fanton on the State road; James Pettis in East Charleston, and William Hill near the Wheeler farm.
Cherry Flats is a small village on the State road near the west line of the township of Covington. It contain two churches (Baptist and Methodist), a school-house, a blacksmith shop, a steam saw-mill, two stores, a wagon shop, a shoe shop and about thirty dwellings. For many years it was a place of considerable business, being half way between Covington and Wellsboro, but of late it has been rather declined in business importance.
The first settler was Timothy Culver, who gave the place the name Cherry Flats on account of there being a small flat at that place which was covered with a very luxuriant growth of cherry trees. There is a good farming country surrounding it.
This place was the home of the Elliotts, Gilletts, Harknesses and Bacons.
Levi Elliott came to Tioga county in 1808, and located first near Covington. In 1812 he married Amy, a daughter of Aaron Gillett. Their children were: Sophia, wife of Norman Rockwell; Levi H.; Nathaniel A.; better known as Colonel N.A. Elliott; Aaron G.; Amy G., wife of Stillman Frost; Horace, Jackson, and John W. Elliott. Levi Elliott died December 5th 1866, aged 75 years, 10 months and 23 days. His widow, now in her 92nd year, is in possession of all her mental and physical faculties to a remarkable degree. She is one of the surviving few who were pioneers in the settlement of Charleston and Covington. Aaron Gillett, her father, came to Tioga county in 1798 and settled at Canoe Camp, and in 1812 at Cherry Flats. He died in Ohio many years ago.
Norman Rockwell was the first postmaster at Cherry Flats; the present incumbent of that office is George Saxton Parsons. The early settlers at Cherry Flats were principally of New England origin, and but few of them survive.
Timothy and Joseph Culver were the earliest settlers in what is now known as the Welsh Settlement. Thomas Evans and Lewis Lewis, with their families, and Miles and Peggy Harris succeeded them; in a few years came, directly from Wales, David G. Edwards, David Morris, Reese Morris and David Reese with their families; and in a short time thereafter came John Jones and John E. Jones. These latter arrived about the year 1842. In 1851 D.L. Jones settled in the Welsh Settlement. Most of those named purchased "wild lands" of the Binghams. Later came David Bowen, John Bowen, Joshua Bowen, John Bowen jr., Thomas Bowen and others from Blossburg.
The trials of these early pioneers were more severe, if possible, at first than most of the pioneers of the township experienced, from the fact that many of them were unskilled in the use of the axe, while their possessions were covered with a dense forest, which required skilled axemen to remove. But what they lacked in skill they made up in industry, pluck and perseverance; they succeeded in clearing their lands and making them productive, and now have some of the choicest farms in the township, with good dwellings, barns, implements of husbandry, fine orchards, and sheep, cattle and horses.
About forty years ago they erected a small chapel, wherein they worshiped for a number of years. About sixteen years ago they erected on the farm of David Bowen a more substantial church edifice, costing about $1,500, which was paid for when completed. Among the ministers who have officiated in the old and new church as the Rev. Mr. Davis, Rev. Richard Jones, Rev. Evan Davis, Rev. --- Peregrine, Rev. J. F. Calkins, Rev. Henry Harris and Rev. F. Tilo Evans, the latter being the present minister.
The inhabitants of the Welsh Settlement are distinguished for their industry and thrift, and have made their adopted homes and their surroundings pleasant and cheerful. Thomas L. Jones, a young Welsh farmer, about twenty years worked at the mines by the day and saved his earnings, and now has a farm of 120 acres, 100 of which are improved and under cultivation, with all the necessary farming implements. He is only one of many farmers in the Welsh Settlement who commenced life poor but now have good farms and a competence. During the Rebellion many of them took up arms in defense of their adopted country, and distinguished themselves for bravery and patriotism.
Whitneyville is situated within a mile of the western line of Richmond township, and in the northeastern portion of the township of Charleston. It contains one store, a grocery, a millinery shop, two shoe shops, two blacksmith shops, a steam saw and feed mill, a schoolhouse with conveniences for two teachers, a wagon shop, a steam carding mill, a Methodist church, a physician's office, a cheese factory and about thirty dwellings. The first settlers were Lemuel Churchill, Asa Churchill, Tyrus Rice and Solomon Rice. The first road leading from Whitneyville to Spencer's mills at Canoe Camp was cut out by Tyrus and Solomon Rice. Elijah Grennell was also an early settler.
About thirty-four years ago Alonzo Whitney and his son Captain Nelson Whitney came from Gibson, Steuben county, N.Y., and purchased lands in and surrounding the present village, and at various times they were engaged in merchandizing, lumbering, farming, etc. Alonzo Whitney built a carding machine, and subsequently a steam saw mill. About the year 1863 a stock company was organized for the purpose of manufacturing cheese, in which the Whitneys were largely interested. The village increased in population, a number of good buildings were erected, and for a time Whitneyville was a stirring and thriving hamlet. It was surrounded by an excellent farming country, and large quantities of merchandise were sold. A reaction took place, and for several years business has been depressed; but now there are signs of its reviving. The village was named in honor of Alonzo Whitney.
Captain Nelson Whitney, son of Alonzo Whitney, is an energetic man and has done much toward advancing the business enterprises of the place. He was born in Tompkins county, N.Y., January 5th 1823, and learned the trade of turner. He was married in 1847 at Corning, N.Y., to Miss Susan C. Parcel, but whom he had nine children, eight of whom are living-five girls and three boys. He came to Whitneyville in 1848 and engaged in farming, mechandizing, lumbering, etc. He served as quartermaster with the rank of major in the 13th division Pennsylvania militia from April 21st to July 21st 1861. On the 6th of August 1861 he was ordered to raise a company to serve during the war. On the 14th of October of the same year he was commissioned captain of Company G 45th Pennsylvania volunteers, and served till July 3rd 1852, when he resigned. He again raised a company of 100 men, on six days' notice, and was on the march with them to the front when an order from Governor Curtin was received relieving the company and thanking the captain for his patriotism, promptness and zeal. Captain Whitney now resides at Whitneyville.
There are two roads leading from Whitneyville to the Tioga River. One is known as the Post road and the other as the County road. Daniel Foster was an old settler on the County road.
In the graveyard at Whitneyville are buried many of the old settlers of that vicinity, including the Smiths, John Calkins, the Keyes, Lewis and Thankful Pitts, the Wilcoxes, Solomon J. Rice and Diana his wife, David Hulslander and Lucy his wife, the Gerows, and Almira, wife of Robert H. Pratt. Mr. Pratt, who survives his wife, settled in 1837 at Whitneyville, purchasing fifty acres; and he is now residing just over the township line in Richmond with his son Edward Pratt, at the advanced age of 91.
East Charleston (Whitneyville) Lodge Knights of Honor, No. 2,356, was instituted January 24th 1881, with the following officers: Dr. N. W. Masten, past dictator; dictator, David Cramer; vice-dictator, G. M. Gerow; assistant dictator, Casper Fitzer; reporter, S. S. Goodall; financial reporter, John Kohler; treasurer, H. H. Nickerson; chaplain, John Thomas; guide, C. H. Seaton; guardian, S. Martin; sentinel, N. Rice.
The charter members were John H. Salmon, Charles E. Salmon, Jeremiah Dockstader, Henry M. Smith, Casper Fitzer, Julius M. Bailey, Spencer Cruttenden, King J. Towner, Frank H. White, Orson A. Benedict, Melville Green, Willis Whitney, Charles M. Seeley, Francis Clemmons, Edwin Pratt, Samuel S. Goodall, Ransom W. Bailey, Hiram H. Nickerson, Seeley M. Masten, Solomon N. Rice, John D. Thomas, David Cramer, Floyd F. Hogaboom, John Kohler, Vincent M. Smith, Charles H. Seaton, George Clemmons, Green M. Gerow, Thomas D. Marsh, Herbert A. Cruttenden, John F. E. Hempel, Lewis Kohler, Bennett Lyon and George E. Collins.
The present officers are: Past dictator, J. Dockstader; dictator, John D. Thomas; vice-dictator, Casper Fitzer; assistant dictator, Melvin Green; reporter, R. W. Bailey; financial reporter, C. E. Salmon, treasurer, D. Cramer; chaplain, O. A. Benedict; guide, H. N. Smith; guardian, V. M. Smith; sentinel, Thomas D. Marsh.
The present membership is 29. The lodge meets the second and fourth Fridays of each month in the hall over the store of Thomas D. Marsh.
The pioneer settler on Hill's Creek and in the vicinity of what is now known as Dutch Settlement, Irish Settlement, Ferry Settlement, etc., was Jacob Schiefflein. He was a prominent and remarkable man, and we give a brief sketch of his life. He was born in the city of New York, April 20th 1793. His father, Jacob, was born in Philadelphia, August 24th 1757, and his grandfather in Germany, February 4th 1732. The subject of our sketch when but 17 years of age was an ensign in the militia, at 20 a captain, and at 22 a colonel, which position he held until he removed to Tioga county in 1828. In 1810 he commenced the study of medicine with Dr. Onderdonk, afterward Episcopal bishop of Pennsylvania. He attended three courses of lectures at Columbia College, and obtained his diploma in 1822. After graduating he entered into partnership with his brother H. H. Schiefflein in the wholesale drug trade, and for five or six years thereafter spent his summers in New York and his winters in Savannah, Charleston, Mobile, New Orleans and Havana, acquiring a fair knowledge of the Spanish language. In 1824 he went to the city of Mexico and opened a branch store, which he conducted for two years, and then returned to New York. While in Mexico he became acquainted with Santa Anna, who was then a lieutenant in the Mexican cavalry. In 1827 he purchased several thousand acres of land in Tioga and Lycoming counties, and in 1828 removed to Tioga county, locating on Hill's Creek. He cut a road through the unbroken wilderness for three miles. In 1830 he erected a saw-mill, and in 1831 built a large frame dwelling, now occupied by George A. Brewster. He sold large portions of his land at a very small price-it is said that he sold 1,000 acres for twenty bushels of wheat. Mr. Schiefflein was a gentleman of extended acquaintance, numbering among his friends in early life Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr, Robert Fulton, DeWitt Clinton and other gentlemen of that stamp. His life in the wilds of Tioga county did not roughen his manners or his character. He was a man of sterling integrity and honesty. He died at Tioga, December 27th 1880, aged 87 years. His children were: Clinton, born in New York city, February 16th 1823, now living in Los Angelos, California (his sons Edward L. and Albert E. were the discoverers of the celebrated Tombstone mining district in Arizona); Alfred, born in New York, September 23 1827, now residing in Charleston; Elizabeth, born in New York, May 23rd 1829, now living at Tioga; Laura, born in Charleston, September 2nd 1831, who died at Elmira, September 18th 1866; Cornelia M. born in Charleston, February 4th 1834, now living in Los Angelos, Cal., Edward G., born in Charleston, March 25th 1836, now residing at Stokesdale, Tioga county; Jacob Schiefflein jr., born in Charleston, April 18th 1838, now living in Tioga; and Hannah, born in Charleston, March 6th 1840, now living in Freeport, Illinois. Mr. Schiefflein can truly be called the pioneer of northern Charleston.
Among the old settlers in this vicinity were Chauncey Ferry, Charles Ferry sen., Chester Patridge and Tilden Cruttenden, and later Virgil Sweet, Marcus Benedict, John Sampson, William Hill, Thomas Kelly, James Roach and James Abernethy.
Solomon Bennett and Ira Newhall built a steam saw-mill at Hill's Creek in 1863-64, and after running it for a time sold it to Luther Bennett, and he to George P. Card. There were originally large quantities of pine timber on the lands on Hill's Creek. The country is now pretty well cleared of timber, and good farms are to be seen where but a few years ago the forest was unbroken. Directly northeast of Hill's Creek Lemuel Churchill, father of Asa G. Churchill, the eccentric poet, made a settlement is a very early day, on the Churchill or Patridge Marsh; he erected a small tannery about the year 1824, and tanned deerskins and other leather.
About forty-two years ago Robert Adams, a native of Ireland, settled on Hill's Creek about half a mile from the Schiefflein place, and purchased a quantity of wild land and cleared it up. He was accompanied by his father and mother, William and Nancy Adams. William Adams died March 7th 1861, aged 88 years. Nancy Adams died September 20th 1857, aged 86 years. Robert Adams has now about 300 acres, a large portion of which is under cultivation, with a fine dwelling, barns, etc. He own the Elisha Kenney farm.
Elisha Kenney was an old settler on the creek. He was the son-in-law of Captain William Hill, in whose honor the creek was named. He died November 21st 1875, aged 70 years, 9 months and 24 days, and is buried in the Kenney school-house graveyard, on Hill's Creek. Captain Hill is buried beside him, but no stone marks his grave. The ground for this graveyard was given by Jacob Schiefflein sen. Catharine, wife of A. Schiefflein, is buried there, as well as two children of Clinton and Jane Schiefflein.
George A. Brewster, son of Jonah Brewster, who was prothonotary of the county of Tioga in 1838, moved into Charleston in 1853 and located the Schiefflein homestead, which he has since very much improved and placed in proper shape for the profitable cultivation of the soil. He was born in Springfield, Otsego county, N. Y., April 15th 1809, and was married at Bridgeport, Susquehanna county, Pa., December 28th 1830, to Miss Ann Watrous, by whom he had eight children, five of whom are living. Thirty years ago, when he first located on Hill's Creek, the appearance of the country was very different from what it is now. He has been honored by his townsmen with the offices of supervisor, school director, etc., and is a prominent man in that locality.
Martin Clemmons, a native of Germany, settled in the northeastern portion of Charleston in 1844, and purchased lands of Coffin Calket, of Philadelphia. He and his descendants have prospered.
Colonel Justus Dartt, a soldier of the Revolution, and colonel in the Vermont militia after the Revolution, settled in what is now known as Dartt Settlement in the year 1811. He purchased 160 acres, only ten of which had been cut over. At this time the only settlers in the whole township were Moses Wheeler, Levi Elliott, Oliver Willard, Sleeman Shumway, Caleb Austin, Nathan Niles, Rosel Bailey, and Timothy Culver. Charleston was then a portion of the township of Delmar.
The first school in the township of Charleston was opened in Dartt Settlement. Colonel Dartt was one of the county commissioners in 1815, and in 1817 was named one of the trustees of Wellsboro Academy in the act of the Legislature incorporating it. The first church edifice in the township was built in Catlin Hollow, and the next year, through the energy of the Dartts, one was erected in Dartt Settlement. The first circuit preacher was Rev. Hiram Warner. Colonel Dartt was an enterprising, industrious and public spirited gentleman, and he and his descendants have made that portion of the township one of the most prosperous agricultural sections of the county. On the old farm were growing this year splendid crops of tobacco, corn, wheat and oats, and all orchard products in abundance.
Colonel Justus Dartt died July 5th 1838, aged 81 years, and his wife Hannah January 14th 1844, aged 86, and they are buried in the old graveyard near the church in Dartt Settlement. The remain of many of the old settlers lie in that silent city of the dead, among whom are Justus Dartt jr., who died June 16th 1865, aged 84 years and 6 months; Polly, his first wife, who died December 13th 1819, aged 35 years; James G. Dartt, who died March 8th 1823, aged 38 years; Aurelia, second wife of Justus Dartt jr., who died in 1828, aged 37 years; Rosel Bailey, aged 58, who was killed by the upsetting of his wagon October 24th 1840; Lucinda his wife, who died December 3rd 1822, aged 37 years, and Aseneth, wife of Robert Bailey, who died December 19th 1822, aged 63 years.
In the new graveyard on the hill at Dartt Settlement are buried Justus M. Dartt, who died March 25th 1877, aged 73 years; Hiram Warner, who died April 16th 1878, aged 78 years; Aurena Atherton, aged 81 years, and Maria S. Marvin, daughter of Rev. George Spratt.
Among the descendants of Colonel Justus Dartt is his son Cyrus Dartt, who was born in Castleton, Vt., October 25th 1800. He came into Tioga county with his parents, and endured all the hardships of pioneer life. In 1820 he married Miss Lydia Kelley. Their children were Horace, Solon S., Hiram W., Charles M., Lydia Ann (wife of John Wortendyke), and Amelia (wife of W.L. Richards, State mining inspector). Mr. Dartt was again married in 1837, to Matilda Sweet. Their children were: Albert, J. P., Elnora (wife of L. P. Potter) and Hannah (wife of Frank Holden). Mr. Dartt is one of the few remaining who was Charleston township a wilderness, without roads, without schools, without churches, without any of the conveniences of life; and now behold it as one of the fines agricultural districts in the county, with roads, schools, churches, and all the appliances of wealth and prosperity. A saw-mill was early built by Colonel Dartt, which enabled him and his neighbors to erect suitable framed buildings and clear up the country. Dartt Settlement is on the western line of the township of Charleston, about four miles from the courthouse at Wellsboro.
The first election that is recorded in the prothonotary's office at Wellsboro for the township of Charleston was held at the house of Justus Dartt, March 19th 1824, as returned by the judges and clerks. The supervisors elected were Thomas Sampson and Royal Porter; constables, David Henry and Oliver Willard. Justus Dartt and Daniel Wilson acted as judges of election. The general elections are now held at Dartt Settlement, and the town elections of Young's school-house.
The present township officers are: Constable, S. D. Evans; supervisors, Charles T. Austin, Jonathan V. Morgan; assessor, Nathan Austin; treasurer, Elbert M. Johnson; clerk, Eugene Beauge; assistant assessors, William R. Jones, Rosel Gile; judge of elections, R. H. Ely; inspectors, Jacob Kimball, John P. Scott; auditors, Noah J. Wheeler three years, Harvey Young one year; justices of the peace, Ira Johnson, Daniel Rose; school directors, Nelson Claus, John J. Neal, W. D. Jones, C. F. Johnson, L. P. Potter, D. P. Benedict.
In the early history of Charleston, from 1810 to 1820, private schools at private dwellings were the only schools in the township. At the latter date a number of families of New England origin had settled in the township, and were instrumental in organizing the township from Delmar. They began instituting schools wherever there were half a dozen families in a locality. At first rude long houses were erected, which were used ten or fifteen years, and as the township developed framed buildings gradually took their places. The Elliotts and Gillets of Cherry Flats, and the Dartts in Dartt Settlement, were among the earliest and most influential friends of the common schools. Justus Dartt, it will be recollected, was one of the trustees of the Wellsboro Academy appointed in 1817, and he favored the common or district schools as feeders to the academy. In the light of our present advantages for obtaining an education it is remarkable how, under such adverse circumstances and with so few facilities at hand, the boys and girls of fifty years ago acquired in the rude school room, destitute of maps, charts, or any of the modern conveniences, such a solid and substantial education, frequently only attending school in the winter months and laboring in the field and forest in the summer. Their books were few, but well studies and understood; and with bodies made healthy by habits of industry, and with clear heads, they accomplished more in a term than most of our modern scholars in years.
There are now in Charleston 18 school-houses, employing 19 teachers, who give instruction to 271 male and 307 female scholars, making total of 578. The annual expenditure for teachers' wages is about $2,000, and for repairs and incidentals about $1,000. A lively interest in taken in educational matters by all classes of citizens, and students from Charleston will be found in the high school at Wellsboro, the State normal school at Mansfield, and various prominent schools throughout the country. The citizens of Charleston as a class are "forehanded" and prosperous, and they take pride in giving their sons and daughters superior advantages for obtaining a thorough education.
There are seven church edifices in Charleston township, viz: a Methodist church at Whitneyville, a Baptist church at Cherry Flats, a Congregational church at the Welsh Settlement, a Baptist church at Dartt Settlement, a "Christian" church, and Methodist churches at Catlin Hollow and Round Top. Many of the citizens of western Charleston attend church at Wellsboro, and some in the eastern portion at Mansfield, Canoe Camp and Covington. The people of the township are therefore well provided with churches.
All nationalities and both Democrats and Republicans of the township of Charleston responded to the call of their country in the war of the Rebellion. Besides those who enlisted in companies formed here went into the service from other places. Charleston and Delmar were contiguous, and township lines were ignored in the formation of companies, and we therefore append the following lists of volunteers from these townships.
Officers. - Captains: Francis M. Hill, William Chase, Charles M. Hart. First lieutenants: George D. Smith, James E. Catlin. Second lieutenants: George M. Ackley, James Cole, De Witt C. Hoig, Andrew Strong. First sergeants: Martin G. Clark, Samuel Haynes, Edwin B. Carey, Decatur Dickinson. Sergeants: William Hoffman, John Hancock, Justus D. Strait, Philo Carle, John B. Emery, Alonzo Bordon, Malcom A. Royce. Corporals: Warden E. Tyler, Walter E. Marsh, Manning C. May, Albert Saxbury, Abram C. Ellsworth, John L. Johnson, Lyman Hancock, Charles F. Reed, John H. Buckley, Wright Redington, Darius Kriner, Ovid H. Andrews. Musicians: Emanuel E. Hipple, Charles H. Strait.
Privates. - James Adams, Henry Albright, John S. Button, Peter Boyle, James A. Buck, Lewis Baker, John Barr, Dwight Blackmore, Seth D. Baxter, Selah J. Barnes, Warner Button, John S. Beach, Jasper Bowker, Zadoc Butler, Burton Brown, William V. Borden, Lewis Bacon, John W. Carle, Newberry Close, Joseph Cahn, Joseph Cowden, John Clarey, Jehiel Case, Ransford Campbell, Robert Cooper, Amasa Dodge, Selden B. Dimmick, Samuel M. Donley, John Dietrich, James S. Donley, Eli Dickens, George Duncan, Thomas Degan, Alva Dickens, Charles C. Edson, Harrison D. Eastman, James English, Joseph O. English, Lewis Elliott, Henry A. Elliott, Chester Ellis, George C. English, George English, John A. Fletcher, Charles Francis, Joseph Finne, Charles Fosk, John Gillispie, Albert M. Handy, Charles H. Howel, Abram E. Hahn, Henry Humphrey, Theodore Helter, Levi H. Hahn, Francis Handy, William H. Hardy, Harvey Hayes, Ellis P. Hotelling, Charlton Handy, Alexander Henry, Absalom Hunsinger, Charles Hulburtson, James Hampson, Allen Hotelling, John Huch, Sylvester Houghton, George Hawks, Amos Jillison, James E. Johnson, Darius Johnson, John J. Johnson, James E. Jones, Stephen F. Kennedy, John Kirkpatrick, Thomas Lawton, Warren Lawton, Dominick Lynch, Lewis E. Long, William Lloyd, David Langdon, Washington Lanison, Thomas Lanning, Thomas D. Marsh, John P. Miller, Patrick Maney, Edwin E. Mills, Lewis Myers, James Morton, George S. Mattison, Thomas Mulvaney, Noah C. Morton, Marsh M. Maynard, William Mores, Christopher Miller, Charles McGee, Spencer Newberry, Hiram Niver, Silas Niver, James Nabel, Jeremiah Overdurf, Robert S. Orr, Warren Owens, John Phillips, William Parry, Levi Pritchard, C. O. Pemberton, Eugene B. Root, John Rowland, George M. Rexford, Frederic Ross, William Rollier, John Reily, Joseph Reibsam, Rhesa I. Reynolds,, Edwin Roice, Jason Remington, Daniel M. Shelley, James Summerville, Charles Sands, Porter R. Sherman, Charles E. Sewell, Horace S. Sawyer, Harmon H. Sawyer, Henry Smith, Samuel Stumpff, Harry Schmidt, Warren D. Stone, Cornelius Saxbury, Michael Smith, Stephen Strait, Charles B. Sofield, Henry Traverse, Jacob M. Trayer, William H. Thompson, Charles H. Townshend, Samuel J. Vanhosen, Albert Waters, Robert A. Williams, Alexander Wands, William A. Watrous, Erastus Wilson, Jehial H. Wood, Frederic Williams, Palmer B. Watkins, John Wilkinson, Rook Wilkinson, Robert Williams, Francis L. Wilcox, Milan D. Wilson, Samuel Young, William Zimmerman.
Officers.- Captains: Nelson Whitney, Reese G. Richards. First lieutenants: William T. Fitzpatrick, Samuel Haynes, John J. Rogers. Second lieutenants: John J. Reese, Ephraim Jeffers, Thomas J. Davis. First sergeants: David L. Bacon, David E. Bowen. Sergeants: David H. Belcher, Eugene Beauge, Charles T. Kelley, Lyman Thompson, T. C. Crittenden, David Wilcox, William L. Reese, John H. Robins. Corporals: David W. Reese, John J. Johnson, Thomas J. Rogers, William E. Peck, David A. Updyke, William F. Willard, Samuel R. Rogers, James R. Tillotson, Joseph R. Jennings, Wortman W. Owens, Charles H. Wildey, Ebenezer Peet, Henry Fenton, Richard E. Smith, John F. Fenn, John H. Rice, Adam Dockstader.
Privates. - Eleazar Backer, Joseph Backus, Daniel Brown, Frank Bill, Thomas J. Butler, Peter Bellenger, Morgan D. Burleigh, Andrew Backus, Josiah L. Butler, Frank Brown, George Brewster, Joseph Bellinger, George Bartlett, George H. Backus, Alonzo Backus, William Bixby, Orson Benedict, George Bacon, Jacob Bopp, Archibald Curpsman, Charles D. Cook, John Cook, Max Van Caspus, Jacob Campfester, Thomas Coyle, Vrihems Culver, Patrick Consadine, James Carr, Alexander Colwell, Nelson Carpenter, Charles Clemens, John Conly, James Dickinson, John E. Dunn, Patrick Daugherty, James Douglass, Hiram D. Deming, William Downing, George R. Derbyshire, Charles Edwards, Daniel Evans, James S. English, Magnus Fideal, Herman Filmore, Leroy F. Fuller, James Franklin, Lafayette Godfrey, Henry Griffin, George Gettings, Henry N. Gile, Abram V. Gile, Joseph Gronden, Darius H. Hotchkiss, Frank Holfner, Simon L. Hakes, James Hoy, Joseph Humphrey, John T. Hanber, Henry G. Hilkert, William Iseminger, George Jenkins, Edward P. Jones, William H. Jones, Herman Jennings, Alonzo Johnson, Nelson Knapp, Francis R. Kelley, Patrick Kelley, Paul Kray, Simon L. Kinney, Adolphus Kegrise, Elijah S. Kelsey, Andrew Kephart, Alexander F. Losliere, Almon Lewis, William J. Marshall, John Morrison, James Monaghan, Evans Moyer, John Martin, James Morse, Martin Morgan, George S. Marvin, William A. Mickle, Washington Mann, Willis J. Mickle, Warren Mann, Thomas Moor, George Mickle, Conrad Miller, John McMahon, Henry McIntosh, Michael McMaety, Michael McEnty, Stephen Nott, Thomas Nolan, Mark O'Conner, Edwin Ormsby, Adam Price, John Pettis, R. F. Patterson, Carl Presit, Erwin E. Porter, William W. Peterson, Sumner W. Pettis, Almon D. Pitts, John Packard, Joseph Parks, Emory Pillard, John M. Rosebrock, Alexander Rarah, Henry T. Rice, Noah H. Robins, Thomas J. Reese, Charles H. Rogers, Josiah C. Reese, Orville Soule, Eli Smith, Ezra Smith, George Sanders, James S. Smith, Jerome Scott, Morris Smith, Philip P. Smith, Jacob Saxe, Vincent M. Smith, Philemon Slought, William Smith, J. Starkweather, Abram Smith, Jacob Squires, Horace M. Stratton, Charles E. Terbell, Brice Twigg, Allen Thompson, Almon Thornton, Edmond L. Thornton, Moses Thompson, Thomas Townsend, Jacob Westbrook, Joseph Willard, Daniel J. Williams, William P. Wood, Delmar Wilson, Charles White, John Williams, Hiram Wilcox, Chester Wetmore, George C. Wildey.
The 45th regiment, to which the foregoing companies belonged, was organized at Harrisburg October 21st 1861. The term of service was three years, but the men re-enlisted as veterans, and were mustered out of service at Alexandria, Va., July 17th 1865. The 45th participated in the engagements at James Island, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, the siege of Vicksburg, Jackson, Blue Springs, Campbell Station, the siege of Knoxville, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, North Anna, Petersburg, Weldon Railroad and Poplar Spring Church.
Officers. - Captain, John J. Reese. First lieutenant, John Karr. Second lieutenants: Thomas D. Elliott, W. L. Reese. Sergeants: Daniel A. Evans, Samuel A. Mark, Edson D. Mitchell. Corporals: Michael C. Campbell, Elijah S. Kelsey.
Privates. - Daniel H. Brown, James H. Bellinger, Thomas Brainard, Simon Bacon, James H. Backus, Martin Bennett, Richard A. Brown, John M. Blackwell, William V. Borden, Frederick Campbell, Amos Campbell, Henry U. Cady, John Cole, Edwin Campbell, Thomas Crittenden, Luther S. Collins, Peter Champaign, James Carpenter, Chauncey F. Dartt, Charles L. Diminick, Lewis Deumaux, Jesse B. Doane, Hiram G. Davis, Reuben Dyke, John E. Dibble, Andrew J. Duryea, Darius L. Deane, James E. English, Richard W. Eliston, Samuel D. Evans, Edward English, Charles V. Goodwin, W. H. Harrison, Charles Houghton, Lyman Jaquish, Linas S. Jennings, Orlando Jones, David E. Johnson, Robert Kelsey, Charles E. Kelsey, Hiram Klock, Benjamin F. Kelsey, Lewis Kohler, Clarence Lloyd, Frederic J. Moyer, Eli Moyer, Thomas Morris, Joseph Morseman, James H. Morrison, Delos V. Miller, John Mosier, George McConnell, Elisha McCartny, Edward Osborn, Nathan Palmer, George M. Potts, James L. Plumley, Joshua S. Phenix, George E. Putman, William Putman, Arnine Reese, James L. Reese, Charles Stephens, Charles B. Sofield, Robert Satterly, John H. Schoonover, Samuel D. Satterly, Charles H. Strait, Alfred Schiefflein, Abram M. Sherman, John Snyder, Story Starkweather, George M. Tabor, Stephen J. Thomas, Charles Vanton, Benjamin C. Vanhorn, D. P. Whitehead, John Willard, Roswell Webster, Calvin West, Robert J. Wilson, Harley H. Webster, George P. Wilson, Elijah Warren, Asaph Wilkinson, Kenley Wilson.
The 207th regiment was chiefly composed of soldiers whose homes were in Tioga, Bradford and Lycoming counties. Companies A, D, H and K and parts of B, E and G were recruited in Tioga county. Company C was recruited in Clinton County, F in Cumberland and Franklin, I in Lycoming, and parts of B, E and G in Bradford, York and Lancaster.
The regiment was organized at Camp Curtain, Harrisburg, September 8th 1864, with Robert C. Cox, of Tioga county, colonel; W. W. Snoddy lieutenant-colonel, and Victor A. Elliott, of Tioga, major; and on the 12th of September it started on the front. It did distinguished service, particularly in the closing scenes in and around Petersburg and Richmond. (See biographical sketch of General R. C. Cox).