History of Tioga County, PennsylvaniaIf You Have Photos of People Mentioned on the Page, Send Them In For Inclusion Return to 1883 Table of Contents |
Chapter Three
Tioga County was formed by an act of the Legislature from the county of Lycoming, March 26th 1804. In 1806 Wellsboro was chosen as the county seat, but courts were not held in the county until 1813, a log court-house having been erected at that place during the year 1812. Previous to 1813 the legal business of the county was transacted at Williamsport the county seat of Lycoming. At the time of the formation of Tioga it contained one hundred and thirty families, constituting a population of about eight hundred. Four years earlier (1800) it contained only ten families--sixty white persons and seven Negroes --and had only one road, and the surveyors’ path of 1786-7, on the boundary line, within its limits.
The increase in the population of the county was very rapid, even before it
was organized judicial purposes and before it had assumed its full franchises
and prerogatives. We find that in 1810 it contained three hundred families and a
population of 1,687.From 1810 to 1820 it more than doubled its population. In
the year 1806, as we have before stated , Wellsboro was chosen as the county
seat, and in 1813 john Bannister Gibson , afterward chief justice of
Pennsylvania, held the first court . October 6th 1814, in accordance
with an act of the Legislature of March 14th 1814, the county
commissioners, Timothy Ives, Hopestill Beecher and Ambrose Millard, divided the
county into six districts for justices of the peace, as follows:
1 | Delmar | Daniel Kelly | 87 |
2 | DEERFIELD | None | 63 |
3 | Elkland | Dorman Bloss | 79 |
4 & 5 | Tioga | William Rose | 139 |
6 | Covington | Daniel Lamb & Elijah Putnam | 95 |
The county of Tioga increased in population at a rapid rate. The census of 1840 showed a population of 15,498, an increase of 6,520 in ten years.. Wealth and population continued to flow into the county from 1840 to 1850, although the financial condition of the county from 1841 to 1846 interrupted many well planned enterprises. The agricultural and lumbering interests had been depressed during the latter period., but revived in1848 and continued good until the close of the decade in 1850. The superior quality of the Blossburg coal for smithing, steam generating and other purposes had gained for it yearly a wider reputation; the lumber interest of the county had assumed huge proportions, bringing many hundred thousand dollars into the pockets of those engaged in lumbering; The sandstone of the Blossburg coal region had been utilized and a glass factory established at that place, and the farmer was meeting with a ready sale for his products. All business interest in the county were in a prosperous condition at the close of the year 1850, and the population during the decade had increased 8,489, making the total population of the county 23,987.
In order that the reader may have a clearer perception of the various
localities of the county, which will be frequently referred to further on in
this history , it is deemed proper to present a list of the various townships
and boroughs in the county, showing when they were organized and from what
territory taken.
Tioga | Lycoming | In the year 1808 |
Delmar | Lycoming | In the year1808 |
Deerfield | Delmar | In the year 1814 |
Elkland ( this township no longer exists) | Delmar | In the year 1814 |
Covington | Tioga | February 1815 |
Jackson | Tioga | September 1815 |
Sullivan | Covington | February 1816 |
Lawrence | Tioga and Elkland | December 1816 |
Charleston | Delmar | December 1820 |
Westfield | Deerfield | December 1821 |
Middlebury | Delmar and Elkland | September 1822 |
Liberty | Delmar and Covington | February 1823 |
Shippen | Delmar | February 1823 |
Richmond | Covington | February 1824 |
Morris | Delmar | September 1824 |
Rutland | Jackson and Sullivan | February 1828 |
Chatham | Deerfield | February 1828 |
Farmington | Elkland | February 1830 |
Union | Sullivan | February 1830 |
Gaines | Shippen | March 1838 |
Bloss | Covington | June 1841 |
Clymer ( formerly Middlebury) | \Westfield and Gaines | December 1850 |
Ward | Sullivan and Union | February 1852 |
Elk | Delmar and Morris | February 1856 |
Osceola | Elkland | December 1854 |
Nelson | Elkland | December 1857 |
Hamilton | Bloss | December 1872 |
Duncan | Delmar, Charleston, and Morris | December 1873 |
Wellsboro | Delmar | May 1830 |
Lawrenceville | Lawrence | May 1831 |
Covington | Covington | May 1831 |
Elkland | Elkland | May 1850 |
Knoxville | Deerfield | May 1851 |
Mansfield | Richmond | February 1857 |
Mainesburg | Sullivan | February 1859 |
Tioga | Tioga | February 1860 |
Fall Brook | Ward | August 1864 |
Westfield | Westfield | January 1867 |
Blossburg | Bloss | August 1871 |
Roseville | Rutland | February 2d 1876 |
It will be observed from foregoing table that there are twenty-eight townships and twelve boroughs in the county.
The townships of Union, Ward, Sullivan, Rutland and Jackson are located on the highlands or plateaus east of the valley of the Tioga and adjoining the county of Bradford. Liberty township is on the tablelands south of Blossburg, and adjoins the county of Lycoming; while Bloss and Hamilton are at the head of the valley of the Tioga, and Covington, Richmond, Tioga, and Lawrence are in the valley and watered by the Tioga River. The township of Nelson and a portion of Lawrence , Nelson, Osceola , Deerfield and Westfield are in the valley of the Cowanesque, all but the last bordering on Steuben county, N.Y. Brookfield is the northwestern township of the county, and borders on Steuben county N.Y. and Potter county , Pa. Westfield also is bounded on the west by Potter county, as well as Clymer, Gaines, and Elk, the last occupying the southwest corner of the county and bounded on the south by Lycoming, Clymer, Gaines, Shippen, Elk, Morris ,and a portion of Delmar furnish tributaries to Pine Creek. There are also several small streams in Duncan and Liberty which find an outlet in that creek. Delmar and Charleston occupy the central portion of the county, the latter being the watershed between the Tioga River and Crooked Creek. Middlebury is located upon both sides of Crooked Creek, which flows northeasterly and finds an outlet in the Tioga River. Farmington occupies the rolling lands south of the Cowanesque and west of the townships of Lawrence and Tioga. The township of Chatham lies west of Middlebury and Farmington and south of Deerfield, and is the source of creeks which flows into the Cowanesque and Tioga Rivers.
The reader by referring to the list of boroughs can readily fix their location by observing the townships from which they were taken. This rule will apply to all the boroughs with the exception of Elkland. The township of that name was the fourth organized, and had an extensive territory. It has either been robbed of its domain or has been very generous in spirit, for it is now reduced to the territory within the borough limits. It occupies a position in the very garden of the Cowanesque Valley.
Tioga county was fortunate in its pioneers. Such gentlemen as Benjamin W. Morris, Samuel W. Morris, William Wells and Gideon Wells, from the city Philadelphia and the State of Delaware ; Elijah Putnam, a relative of General Israel Putnam of Revolutionary fame; William Bache sen., John Norris, Dr. William Willard, Thomas Mitchell, Robert Mitchell, Jacob Prutsman sen., Benajah, John, and Timothy Ives, Thomas Berry sen., Ambrose Millard, Elijah Depuy, Ira McCallister, Lyman Adams, Uriah Spencer, Sumner Wilson, Judge Ira Kilburn, Daniel Walker, Jacob Geer, Micajah Seeley, Aaron Bloss, Peter Keltz, Asahel Graves, Thomas Dyer, James Ford, Hiram Beebe, John Ryon, Curtis Parkhurst, Dr. Simeon Powers, Eleazer Baldwin, Alpheus Cheeney, Gad Lamb, Aaron Gillett, David Miller, Asa Mann, Daniel Lamb, Daniel Holden, Cephas Stratton, Isaac Lownsberry and many others whom we might name men of character, enterprise and ability, who would have given dignity and standing to any community in the commonwealth. They saw at a glance the possibilities and probabilities of the future. The forest melted away before their well directed blows, and the virgin soil responded bounteously to their agricultural efforts, while the stream and woodlands gave up their choicest fish and meats. The sound of the falling giant of the forest was music in their ears, proclaiming more space for the sunlight and more roods for cultivation. Roads were cut out and improved , and what they could not possibly accomplish themselves they did not hesitate to ask the good old commonwealth to assist in. Sometimes their petitions were not granted, but upon the whole the memorials of the pioneers attracted the ear of the law-making power. They soon had a representation in the Legislature, and a sent their best men on this mission. The early members of the State House of Representatives were Hon. John Ryon, Hon. James Ford, Hon. Curtis Parkhurst, Hon. Jon Beecher, Hon. Samuel W. Morris, and Hon. William Garretson. Hon. John Ryon was State senator in 1824, and in the Congress of the United States the early members from this district were Hon. James Ford elected in 1828, and serving two terms; and Hon. Samuel W. Morris, elected in 1836 for one term.
No portion of the commonwealth was better or more ably represented than that portion of the Indian territory acquired in 1784 embraced within the limits of Tioga county. We do not pretend that the people of the county were entirely unanimous in their choice of officers; but while there might have been , and probably were, those who were ambitious and aspiring, willing and anxious to serve the public, fortunately for the and its development and prosperity those who were chosen were able and competent, striving to gain a reputation for themselves and the constituents whom they represented.
It is astonishing how fast the county developed, with the rude facilities which the pioneer had then at his command. Saw-mills and grist-mills were erected on the Tioga and Cowanesque Rivers, and soon the settlers were raising a surplus of grain and manufacturing lumber, which found a market by the rivers Cowanesque , Tioga, Chemung, and Susquehanna in the southern portion of the State. The reprehensive men of the county lost no opportunity of impressing upon capitalists of Philadelphia and the east the exhaustless resources of the county in timber, iron, and coal; and it is not claiming too much when we state that they were largely instrumental in bringing about the passage of the General Improvement act by the Legislature in the year 1826. As early as 1796 the great pine forest which skirted the Susquehanna and other rivers began to be utilized. For nearly one hundred years previous they had been regarded as an impediment to the progress and settlement of the State. In that year thirty rafts of pine lumber manufactured in the rude saw-mills of those days, floated out of the north branch if the Susquehanna on their way to Baltimore. In 1804 552 rafts, containing 22,000,000 feet of lumber, passed Northumberland; also a large number of boat- loads of wheat, fur, etc., valued at $200,000, destined to the same port--Baltimore. It was , in our opinion, the increasing trades in lumber, grain, and other products from the upper counties and the uncertain navigation of the Susquehanna, that gave rise to the great canal navigation of Pennsylvania. The trade of the upper counties, it will be seen, was enriching the State of Maryland instead of Pennsylvania. The representatives from Tioga county presented tables and statistics to the members from Philadelphia, giving them a description of the immense trade and traffic which they might secure if a better and safer route or mode of transportation was inaugurated and thus finally interested them in behalf of the measure. The State entered upon the construction of canals with the great zeal and spirit and expended about $45,000,000; and however much their management may be open to criticism, it must be admitted that they proved a great power in developing the agricultural, mineral, industrial and commercial interest of the commonwealth. The canals were the pioneers in the development of the State, and laid the foundation of our prosperity, while the railroads have completed the superstructure of our great internal trade and commerce.
Tioga county was largely benefited by them indirectly, and her peculiar geographical position, with her forests of timber and mines of iron ore and unexcelled semi-bituminous coal, enabled her also to incite New York to the making of canals and railroads that would approach and penetrate her domain.
There will be no point more appropriate for a recapitulation of the citizens of this county who have held its offices and have represented it in the Legislature and represented the State in the national government. The lists follow:
STATE REPRESENTATIVES.--(The year of election and number of years’ service are given.) John Ryon,1822, two; James Ford, 1824,two; Curtis Parkhurst, 181827, one; John Beecher, 1829, one; Samuel W. Morris, 1813, four; Tioga and Bradford counties at this time formed a representative district, and in 1835 Dr. Bullock and Israel Myers, both of Bradford were elected for the district; William Garretson, 1836, two; in 1838 Tioga and Potter counties formed a representative district, and Lewis B. Cole of Potter was elected; John Wahlee, 1840, one; Daniel L. Sherwood, 1841, two; George Knox, 1843, two; John C. Knox, 1845, two; N. A. Elliott, 1847, one; Jeremiah Black, 1849, 1851; A.J. Monroe, 1850; James Lowrey, 1852, two; Thomas L. Baldwin, 1854, two; L.P. Willston, 1856, four; B.B. Strang, 1860, two, 1866, four; S.B. Elliott,1860, two; C.O. Bowman, 1862, one; John W. Guernsey, 1863, two; W.T. Humphrey, 1865, two; Jerome B. Niles, 1868, two, 1880, ; John I. Mitchell, 1871, five; C.V. Elliott, 1876, four; Hugh Young, 1876, one--resigned and Benjamin Dorrance was elected to fill the vacancy; Charles Tubbs, 1880,
STATE SENATORS--- John Ryon,1824; Daniel L. Sherwood, who became speaker of the Senate in 1846; John W. Guernsey, 1852, 1853; Stephen F. Wilson, 1862,1863; B.B. Strang, 1871-74 (speaker in 1874), 1875,1876; Charles H. Seymour, 1877,1878.
MEMBERS of the (UNITED STATES) HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES---James Ford, elected in 1828,and 1830, served two terms; Samuel W. Morris, 1836, one term; Stephen F. Wilson, 1864, two terms; Henry Sherwood, 1870, one term; John I. Mitchell, 1876, two terms.
UNITED STATES SENATOR----John I. Mitchell, elected in 1881 and the present incumbent.
UNITED STATES BANK EXAMINER---Hon. Hugh Young, Wellsboro.
UNITED STATES GAUGER-- Joseph Maxwell, Blossburg .
HIGH SHERIFFS--( with residence and year of election )--Alpheus Cheeney, Elkland, 1812; Simeon Power, Lawrenceville, 1815; John Knox, Cowanesque Valley,1818; Elijah Stiles, Wellsboro, 1821; John Beecher, Wellsboro, 1824; Robert Tubbs, Osceola, 1827; Seth Daggett, Jackson,1830, resigned and Francis Wetherbee of Wellsboro was elected in 1831; Benjamin Gitchell, Charleston, 1834,John Wakely, Brookfield, 1837; Curtis Parkhurst, Lawrenceville, 1840; J.W. Guernsey, Tioga, 1843; Henry M. Potter, Middlebury, 1846; John Mather, Shippen, 1849, 1855; Henry A. Guernsey, Wellsboro, 1852; Simeon I. Power, Lawrenceville, 1858; Hezekiah Stowell Jr., Delmar , 1861; Leroy Taber, Tioga, 1864; Jerome B. Potter, Middlebury, 1867; E.A. Fish, Sullivan, 1870; Stephen Bowen, Morris Run, 1873; D.H. Walker, Covington, 1876; H.J. Landrus, Blossburg, 1879.
COUNTY SURVEYORS--John Norris, 1814-27; Samuel McDougal, 1827-36, 1839-50; E.P. Deane, 1836-39, 1859-63;David Heise, elected 1865, the present incumbent.
PROTHONOTARIES OR CLERKS of the COURT-- John Norris, 1813; Uri Spencer, 1818,1824; John Patton, 1821;J. Brewster, 1831; John F. Donaldson, 1836,1837,1839-72; A.S. Brewster, 1838; General Robert C. Cox since 1872.
COUNTY TREASURERS--1808-10, Samuel W. Morris; 1811, Alpheus Cheeney; 1814, B. Thompson ; 1815, Benjamin W. Morris; 1817-19, Daniel Lamb; 1822, John Beecher; 1823, 1824, Thomas Putnam; 1825, 1826, William Willard jr.; 1827, 1828, Levi Vail; 1829, 1830, Elihu Hill; 1831-33, 1838-41, Thomas Dyer; 1834, 1835, John Barnes; 1836, 1837, Archibald Knox; 1842, 1843, R.G. White; 1844, 1845, John L. Robinson; 1846, 1847, A.H. Bacon; 1848, 1849, George Levergood; 1850, 1851, S.L. Hibbard; 1852, 1853, George Knox; 1854, 1855, Henry Rathbone; 1856, 1857, O.H. Blanchard; 1858, 1859, O.F. Taylor; 1860, 1861, James S. Watrous; 1862, 1863, H.B. Card; 1864, 1865, A.M. Spencer; 1866, 1867, C.F. Miller; 1868, 1869, H.C. Bailey; 1870-72, R.C. Cox; 1873, 1874, H. Rowland; 1875-77, Thomas Allen; 1878, Thomas B. Bryden ( died from an accident about March 30th 1878); 1878-80, Charles F. Veil (appointed); 1881, John R. Bowen, the present incumbent.
COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM 1809--1809-11, Eddy Howland; 1809, 1810, Caleb Boyer, Uri Spencer, George Hart, Nathan Niles; 1812, Timothy Ives; 1814, Hopestill Beecher; 1815, Justus Dartt; 1816, Robert B. Elliott;1817 John Knox; 1818, Asa Mann; 1819, Elijah Depuy; 1820, John Ryon jr.; 1821, Oliver Willard; 1822, Seth Daggett; 1823, Hiram Beebe; 1824, William Knox; 1825, Elijah Welch; 1826, Elijah Stiles; 1827, James Goodrich; 1828, L. Jackson; 1829, John Cochran;1830, E.B. Gerould; 1831, Job Geer; 1832, A. Hammond; 1833, C. Alford; 1834, George Knox; 1835, Samuel Miller,; 1836, C. N. Sykes; 1837, P. Doud; 1838, George Levergood; 1839, Buel Baldwin; 1840, Levi Elliott; 1841, C.O. Spencer; 1842, M.W. Stull; 1843, H.H. Potter; 1844, E. Howland; 1845, William Rose; 1846, John Fox; 1847, Israel Merrick; 1848, David Ellis; 1849, Leander Culver; 1850, David Caldwell; 1851 Ansel Purple; 1852, Benjamin Vandusen; 1853, Austin Lathrop; 1854, O.B. Wells; 1855, D.G. Stevens; 1856, C.F. Culver; 1857, John James; 1858, L.D. Seeley; 1859, Amos Bixby; 1860, A. Barker; 1861, 1867,1870, Job Rexford; 1862, 1863, C.F. Miller ( appointed vice A. Bixby, deceased) ; 1863, Myron Rockwell; 1864, E.S. Seeley; 1865, 1872, E. Hart; 1866, 1869, R. Van Ness; 1868, M.W. Wetherbee; 1871, T.O. Hollis; 1873, L.B. Sheives; 1874, E. Klock; 1875, L.B. Smith, E.J. Purple;1875, 1878,N.A.Elliott; 1878, A.O.Smith;1878,1881, James E. Peters; C.M. Rurasey and John J. Reese.
REGISTERS AND RECORDERS--- 1821, William Bache; 1824, Uri Spencer; 1831,B.B. Smith; 1836, Luman Willson; 1845, 1851, James P. Magill; 1848, John N. Bache; 1854, W.D. Bailey; 1860, Henry S. Archer; 1866, D.L. Deane; 1875, George C. Bowen, the present incumbent.
COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS of SCHOOLS---The act creating the office of county superintendent of schools was [assed in 1854. Since that time six gentlemen and one lady have discharged the duties of this office, viz.: Rev. N.L. Reynolds, Rev. J.F. Calkins, H.C, Johns, S.B. Price, Elias Horton, jr., Miss Sarah I. Lewis and M.F. Cass. Prof. Cass is the present incumbent.
JUDGES of the COURT of COMMON PLEAS AND OYER AND TERMINER--Robert G. White, president judge, 1851-71; Henry W. Williams, additional law judge, 1865-71, president law judge since 1871; Judge Stephen F. Wilson, the present incumbent, appointed additional law judge in 1871 and elected in 1872.
MEMBERS of CONDTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS--- 1837, Hon. Robert G. White, of Wellsboro, who was assigned to the committee which had Article 1 under consideration;1873. Hon Mortimer F. Elliott and Hon. Jerome B. Niles, both of Wellsboro.
The public buildings belonging to the county of Tioga are the court-house and jail, the county poor-house, and an elegant brick and stone building for the use of the register and recorder, prothonotary , county commissioners and county treasurer. We learned some years ago from Hon . John F. Donaldson , who for over thirty-five was the prothonotary of the county, the causes which led to the erection of the court-house and former prothonotary’s office. He said that during the latter part of the year 1828 the public offices of the county were entered one night and all the dockets and records were taken from the prothonotary ‘s and register and recorder’s offices, together with several from the commissioners’ office. This causes great excitement throughout the county, but no one could divine at the time the object of such a larceny. It finally leaked out that it was a project to procure the release from the penitentiary of an individual who had been convicted of grand larceny and sent from this county. The difficulty was to trace the theft to the individuals who had committed it. There were no professional detectives in the county, but as nearly every business man was interested scores of them dropped all other pursuits and entered with energy into every scheme calculated to unravel the matter and bring the perpetrators to justice. Numerous arrests were made, and an investigation was commenced before a magistrate at the village of Tioga, which lasted for weeks and was attended by a crowd of people, many of whom were led there by curiosity alone and many others from a desire to discover and bring to punishment the culprits, as also to reclaim the lost records. Among others arrested for the crime was an individual then residing in the eastern part of the county, long since dead, who though not one of the real perpetrators had cognizance of the plot. He was induced by a promise of full pardon and release to give such information as would lead to the recovery of the stolen books. By his direction they were found in the woods, where they has been concealed in a hollow log, about a mile east of the court-house , some time in February 1829, having remained there some three months. The persons who committed the offence were never apprehended, but several who were supposed to be connected with the plot were indicted for conspiracy. After much delay the indictments were quashed in consequence of some informality in the proceedings and through the ingenuity of able counsel, of whom the Hon. Ellis Lewis , afterwards chief justice of the State, was one. The purpose in taking the failed, but the theft occasioned an expense of several hundred dollars to the county. This excitement was not void of beneficial results. It awakened the people of the county to the necessity of erecting safer depositories for the public records.
The court-house was built in 1835, of Tioga county sandstone, and after a lapse of forty-seven years the hand of time has scarcely made an impression upon it. Neither the frosts of winter nor the heat of summer have had any visible effects upon its walls. The jail and sheriff’s rooms are of brick and stone and are deemed strong and substantial.
The new county building for the accommodation of the registers and recorder, prothonotary, treasurer and county commissioners is a structure composed of pressed bricks and trimmed with Round Island sandstone and galvanized iron. It is located a few feet south of the court-house, facing the public square at Wellsboro. The edifice is two stories high, supplemented with a tower. It is about 57 feet square upon the ground and divided into four principal rooms, two on the first floor and two on the second. The rooms on the first are occupied by the register and recorder and the prothonotary, and are fitted up in an elegant and convenient manner for the use of these officials; the floors are of marble. The county commissioners and treasurer occupy the rooms on the second floor, which are also suitably fitted and well adapted for their use. The entire building is heated by a furnace located in the cellar. Its construction was commenced under the direction of Colonel N.A. Elliot, O.A. Smith and J.E. Peters, with Leonard Harrison as their clerk, in the summer of 1881; and was completed under the present board if county commissioners---J.E. Peters, J.J. Reese and Charles M. Rumsey--In July 1882. It is a model of convenience and good taste , as well as strong and durable and reflects credit upon all interested in its construction.
The county poor-house is a large three-story brick building, with an L of wood, for the use of the superintendent and keeper. These buildings , together with a number of out-houses or barns, are located about miles east of Wellsboro, near the old State road, on a farm of about 160 acres. A number of the insane poor of the county are confined in a small wooden structure a few feet west of the main building.
The grand jury at the August term for the year 1881 ( composed of John L. Sexton jr., foreman, John B. Bush, A.E. Cleveland, C.R. Taylor, Philip Tubbs, Thomas Nicholas, , S.W. Sherman, L.B. Brown, Evan Lewis, A.W. Dimmick, Thomas S. Gillet, R.R. English, Henry Mowrey, S. H. Wetmore, Horace Reep, R.B. Ferry, Joseph B. Rumsey , Robert B. Howland and G. W. Potter), in its report to the judges of the court of common pleas, among other things unanimously made the following recommendation: “ We also visited the quarters assigned to the insane and imbecile and found that the building and accommodations are inadequate; and would therefore recommend that the county commissioners be empowered to erect a substantial building, either of brick or stone, with suitable appliances for heating and ventilating the same, the cost of said building not to exceed the sum of thirteen thousand dollars.”
The following is a list of post-offices in Tioga county, with the township or borough in which each is located; Ansonia, Shippen; Antrim, Duncan; Arnot, Bloss; Barfelden, Liberty; Blossburg, Blossburg borough; Brookfield, Brookfield township; Canoe Camp, Richmond; Charleston, Charleston; Chase’s Mills, Ward; Chatham Valley, Chatham; Cherry Flats, Charleston; Covington, Covington borough; Cowanesque Valley, Westfield; Crooked Creek, Middlebury; Daggett’s Mills, Jackson; Delmar, Delmar; East Charleston, Charleston; East Chatham, Chatham; Elkland, Elkland borough; Elk Run, Sullivan; Fall Brook, Fall Brook borough; Farmington Center, Farmington; Gaines, Gaines; Gleason, Union; Farmington Hill, Farmington; Hammond, Middlebury; Keeneyville, Middlebury; Knoxville, Knoxville borough; Lamb’s Creek, Richmond; Lansing; Letonia, Elk; Lawrenceville, Lawrenceville borough; Liberty, Liberty township; Little Marsh, Chatham; Lloyd’s, Morris; Mainesburg, Mainesburg borough; Mansfield, Mansfield borough; Maple Ridge, Jackson; Marshfield, Gaines; Middlebury Center, Middlebury; Millerton, Jackson; Mitchell’s Creek, Tioga; Mixtown, Clymer; Morris, Morris; Morris Run, Hamilton; Nauvoo, Liberty; Nelson, Nelson; Niles Valley, Middlebury; Ogdensburg, Union; Osceola, Osceola; Potter Brook, Westfield,; Round Top, Charleston; Rutland, Roseville borough; Sabinsville, Clymer; Somers Lane, Lawrence; Stony Fork, Delmar; Stokesdale, Delmar; Sullivan, Sullivan; Tioga, Tioga borough; Wellsboro; West Covington, Covington; Westfield, Westfield borough.
The population of Tioga county according to the census of 1880 was as follows:
Bloss township, 2,814 (including Arnot, 2,783); Blossburg borough, 2,140; Brookfield township, 910; Charleston, 2,193 ( including the following villages : Card Town 44, Cherry Flats 30, Whitneyville 112 ) Chatham township, 1,317; Clymer township, 1,121; ( including Sabinsville, 170); Covington borough, 343; Covington township, 1,134; Deerfield township, 908; Delmar township, 2,524; Duncan township ( including Antrim ), 1,791; Elk township, 462 ( including Leetonia village, 195); Fall Brook borough, 860; Farmington township, 995; Gaines township, 508; Hamilton township ( including Morris Run), 2,060; Jackson township, 1,824; Knoxville borough, 459; Lawrence township, 1,168; Lawrenceville borough,426; Liberty township, 1,629; Mainesburg, borough, 239; Mansfield borough, 1,611; Middlebury township, 1,737 ( including Keeneyville, 133); Morris township, 622; Nelson township, 604; Osceola township, 790; Richmond Township, 1,512; Rutland township, 1,249 ( including Roseville borough 185); Shippen township, 441; Sullivan township, 1,345; Tioga borough, 520; Tioga township, 1,258; Union township, 1,789; Ward township, 327; Wellsboro, 2,228; Westfield borough, 579; Westfield township, 907. Total 45,344.
Following is an enumeration of the taxable inhabitants in the several townships and boroughs of Tioga county.
Brookfield, 311; Bloss, 561; Blossburg, 678; Charleston, 617; Chatham, 396; Clymer, 374; Covington township, 389; Covington borough, 158; Deerfield, 270; Delmar, 903; Duncan, 378; Elk, 166; Elkland, 139; Fall Brook, 138; Farmington, 309; Gaines, 158; Hamilton, 428; Jackson, 581; Knoxville, 197; Lawrenceville, 162; Lawrence, 380; Liberty, 507; Mainesburg, 95; Mansfield, 392; Middlebury, 534; Morris, 196; Nelson, 181; Osceola, 198; Richmond, 438; Roseville, 73; Rutland, 353; Shippen, 160; Sullivan, 406; Tioga township, 391; Tioga borough, 192; Union, 506; Ward, 132; Wellsboro, 686; Westfield township, 292; Westfield borough, 197, Total 13,622.
Following figures show the value of real estate exempt from taxation:
Brookfield, $8,150; Bloss, $3,550; Blossburg, $17,750; Charleston, $19,500; Chatham,$13,150; Clymer, $5,500; Covington township, $3,800; Covington borough, $7,300; Deerfield,$375; Delmar, $9,100; Duncan, $2,400; Elk, $1,400; Elkland, $12,200; Fall Brook, $2,700; Farmington, $6,600; Gaines, $8,500; Hamilton, $1,800; Jackson,$13,650; Knoxville, $6,600; Lawrence, $2,200; Lawrenceville, $3,450; Liberty, $6,100; Mainesburg, $12,850; Mansfield, $37,100; Middlebury$6,600; Morris,$2,000; Nelson,$6,100; Osceola,$12,500; Richmond,$5,600; Roseville,$3,200; Rutland,$7,700; Shippen,$1,400; Sullivan,$5,500; Tioga township,$5,200; Tioga borough,$8,150; Union,$2,425; Ward, $2,800; Wellsboro,$42,600; Westfield township, $2,000; Westfield borough, $2,650. Total 322,150.
Aggregate value of real estate taxable:
Brookfield,$170,138;Bloss,$115,083;Blossburg,$168,945;Charleston,$398,218;Chatham,$205,943;Clymer,Clymer,$177,504;Covington township,$196,644; Covington borough, $34,482; Deerfield,$206,832; Delmar, $427,235; Duncan,$92,724; Elk, $118,600; Elkland, $75,816; Fall Brook, $41,338; Farmington, $198,845; Gaines, $113,733; Hamilton,$95,323; Jackson, $272,594; Knoxville, $53,323; Lawrence, $153,454; Lawrenceville, $60,113; Liberty, $291,768; Mainesburg, $32,500; Mansfield, $114,933; Middlebury, $242,822; Morris, $102,486; Nelson,$ 69,621; Osceola, $108,431; Richmond,$295,722; Roseville, $ 14,177; Rutland, $ 230,903; Shippen, $92,665; Sullivan, $394,389; Tioga township, $206,114, Tioga borough, $96,456; Union, $ 213,770; Ward, $72,672; Wellsboro, $346,313; Westfield,$144,348; Westfield borough, $68,934. Total $6,470,911.
Aggregate value of property taxable for county purposes, $7,052,444.