We now have a local history museum in Mansfield representing the area in and near Mansfield including Richmond, Sullivan, Rutland, Covington, Tioga and more
Visit the History Center on Main Street at 83 North Main Street where our library resources are housed. We also have a museum location at 61 North Main Street.
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Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Diaries & Letters of Tri-Counties
Civil War Era
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Table of Contents - Diary and Letter Collection
Diary & Letter Collection of Joyce M. Tice
With additional contributions from site guests
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Joyce's Search Tip - December 2010
Do You Know that you can search just the 355 pages of our
Diaries and Letters on this site  by using the Diaries button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page? But diaries and letters are wonderful sources to understand the culture of time and place. Read them and enjoy them slowly.
This Table of Contents is an abbreviated version of our larger Diaries / Letters Collection page that isolates just those resources in the Civil War time frame.
1850-1875 Marilla Park of Erin NY (diary excerpts)
1852 - 1886 Nathaniel Hickock of Canton - Letter Collection
1857-1869 Letters to Mary BURNS Gorham
1861-1865 Civil War Letters from Don Stanton Collection
1861-1865 Letters from Tioga County Soldiers to the Wellsboro Agitator
1862 ODELL Civil War Diary
1862 Diary of George D. Bourne of W. Burlington
1862-1920 Crippen - Hodges Family letters from Western Emigrants to the Folks Back Home
1862/63 HASWELL Civil War Letters
1862 Solon Dartt Civil War Letters
1860-64 James P. VanZile Civil War Letters
1864 Letter from Reddin Wilcox, Prisoner at Elmira
1860s Solomon Wood Civil War Letters
1860-1870 Civil War Era Letters of the Walker - Frost Family [This is part of a larger colleciton covering a greater time span]
1863 Diary of George D. Bourne of West Burlington
1863 Letter on the Disability of Orin Kniffin of Ward
1863 Diary of Luman Seelye of Brookfield
1864 Cynthia Lodeska to her husband Henry Roberts
1864 Diary of George D. Bourne of W. Burlington
1864 Letters of Pvt. Franklin Strong to wife Lucy Welling of Terrytown
1964-65 James B. Wood Letters
1864  Diary of Augustus Lyon - Died at Salisbury Prison
1864 Diary of John Beach (died at Salisbury Prison) In Process
1864 Joel Calkins of Columbia Townsnip
1865 Rev. Joel Jewell - Diary Abstracts
1865 John Cruttenden to wife Sarah of East Charleston
1865 Diary of George D. Bourne of West Burlington
1865 Diary - Edwin D. Benedict of Columbia
1865 Evelina Jane Green of Elmira - Diary Excerpts
1865 Letter from Oliver Hilfiger to parents
1921 The Prison Experience of Andrew Klock, Co. F, 11th Regt., PA Cavalry, as Written by Himself at Eighty-one Years of Age
Recommended additional reading:
Pub. Date Title Description
Diary of a Southern Woman
1984 Growing Up in the 1850s - Diary of Agnes Lee Daughter of Robert E. Lee growing up at family home -Arlington - and West Point.
1998 Letters of a Civil War Nurse - Cornelia Hancock 1863-1865
1955/1972 Brokenburn - The Journal of Kate Stone 1862-1868
1999 Mammoth Book of War Diaries & Letters
1992 A Grand Army of Black Men
A Diary from Dixie - Mary Chestnut
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 06 APR 2007 
By Joyce M. Tice
Email Joyce M. Tice

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