![]() |
Jeneary the 6 |
The Church Being Met
and Receved Returns from Brother Vancamp By the Bre Appointed to Visit
him that they got no Sattisfaction with him & appointed Elder Goff
and Brother Justice Bennit in Behalf of the Church to Labour With him ——————
And Received an accusition By Brother John Mitchel against Brother Samuel Low for Scattering his ways to Strangers and the Church Rested the Matter for Further oppertunity————————————————————————— And Receved an accusition against Mary Green By Sister Burnham for Notorious Conduct of Vainly Singing and Vulgar Languag and when Cald upon By the Church She utterly Refuseing to hear the Church and openly Declareing She was No Christian and Charging to Be Excluded for which Conduct we This Day Declare To have no more Feloship with her ————————————————————————— And Receved a request By Brother John Squires for help to Settel a matter of Difficuty [sic] Betwixt Brother Joseph Green and himself to which Request the Church appoint Decon Thomas Keeney Thadeus Bennit Brother John Hilman John Mitchel James Rockwell to Setel the Mater in Behalf of the Church—————————————— and Brother Danel Vancamp given no sattisfaction to the Bretheren appointed to labour with him the Church appoint Elder Goff Justice Bennit in Behalf of the Church to Labour with him ————————————————————————— And the Brethren not Being present that was to Visit Sister Roberts the mater was rested |
the 6 |
And Being informed of Brother Hoppers Drinking to hard appointed Brother Ephrom Bennit Sister Rockwell to Labour with him | |
19-1798 |
[entered vertically in
left margin] Pleas Copy this Entire
The Letter of Elder Goof [sic] Recorded the Baptist Church of Christ at Pitstown Holding the Doctrine of Belevers’ Baptism to Be By a mention Depravity of Nature Election Especal Vocation and final persiverance of Saint to all Whome it May Concerne————————————————————————— Wharas Brother Roswell Gooff is about to Remove his residance from among us we tharefore Recommend him to all Christean friends and well wishers of Religon as a member of this Church In full Communion and one that we Look Upon he as a mesure of the Dispensation of the gospel Commited to his Charge and that his gift ought to Be improved in public Don at our Meting of Bisnes at pitstown this 18 Day of April AD 1789 and Sined By order of the Church John Phillips Clark Cerifyed [sic] to Be a true Copy By Me Thomas Keeney and Benjamin Bently Decons of the Church |
the 18 |
the Church then Met in feloship By Legal worning —1 the Case of Brother Daniel Vancamp Brought forward and Satisfaction given to the Church By Him and the judgment Brought to the church Respecting Brother Green and Brother Squiars and approved of and and [sic] request Made to the church by Brother Green Bentley and Brother Ripenbarack for help of the church to Setel a Desput Betwixt them Consarning Thare Settelment to which Request the Church appointed Brother John Mitchel Garshum Bennit and Justic Bennit | |
March the 3 |
The Church then Met in
feloship and Receved Sister Mary Vanwie to full Communion in this Church
By a letter of Dismison from Worwick Church and past an act that if Eney
Member of this Church Should Devulg eney of the Secrets of the Church or
Difficulty Betwixt Brethren that Such an ofender Should delt with as a
transgresor the judgment of the there Bretheren Respecting Brother Bentley
and Brother Ripenbark Approved of and Voted eney Member Not filing his
Seat at Communion shold give sattisfaction to the Church————————————————————
The Case of Sister Robarts rested and unfeloshipt Brother Justice Bennit for his Charging Brother Goff El and Brother Thaddeus Bennit with Deceat and Ruleing the Church————————————————— |
the 20 |
The Church then Met in feloship and unfeloshipt John Squiars for joining Vane Company and unfeloshipt Samuel Low for vainly Dainsen with Vane Company and unfeloshipt Martha Robarts for Neglecting the Church—————————————— | |
A meting lef out through mistak and taken in page 48 | ||
the 7 da |
The Church Then Met in feloship and Heard the Excuse of Brother Joseph Green in not paying Brother Squiars and the Church was Sattisfied with him and Considerd the Case of Brother Nezars Greens Suing at Law Brother Justice Bennit and Unfeloshipt him and Restored Brother Justice Bennit to the Church and adjoirnd to Thursday the 19 of this Instant—————————————————————————————— | |
the 19 da |
Met pursuant to adjornment and considered Brothers Bentlys Request for arear hearing in the Matter of his and Ripenbarks and the Church injoined it upon the Same Brethren to reconsider the Matter and a burden alledged against Brother Bently By Brother Keeney for a rong in forming the Church Brethren chosen to Settel the Matter of his kiling his Dog In saying he and Thaddeus Bennit Folloed the track of the dog in the rain to the trap whare he kiled him and in the dogs Being so hid that he was not to be seen til he uncovered him and in the track of the dog Being playing [plain] to be Seen in the Spring rain and that he could prove it by Thaddeus Bennit | |
May the
5 |
The Church then Met in
feloship and the Mater of Difficulty alledged against Brother Bently By
Brother Keeney Brought Forwards and Considered Brother Bently give Sattisfaction
to the Church —————————————————————
Brother John Squiars Restored to the Church Appointed to Labour with Ezra Meed for fighting and hard Drink Ephraim Bennit and John Mitchel and appointed to Labour with Ralph Bovier for Neglect of the Church Thomas Keeney and Bentley Benjamin |
the 2 |
The Church then Met in
and the Matter Being Reconsidered of Brother Bentleys and Ripenbarac and Brought to the Church they found in favour of Brother Ripenbarac 9 Shilings and 6 pence and approveed [sic] of By the Church Returns Maid By Brother Keeney and Brother Benjamin Bently from Ralph Bovier in which they inform the Church thay got No Sattisfaction with him and he having Long Neglected the Church and Stil refusing to hear to heare [sic] the Church we this Day declare to have no more feloship with him Sattisfaction given By Brother Ezery Meed This Day laid Brother thaddeus Bennit under Sensur for absenting him self in time of Bisnes Excluded from the feloship of the Church Ebennezer Green for Suing at the law Brother Justice Bennit an accusition Brot against Joseph Green By Elder Goff for Sensuring the Brethren that Setteled the Matte[r] Betwixt him and Brother Squiers and Voted the time of paying the Store Should Be prolonged til Jeneary Appointed to labour with Cornelious Hopper Ephraim Bennit and Garshum Bennit |
March the 7 |
The Church then Met in feloship and gave Jacob Gray a letter of Dismision when joined to another Church and appointed to Visit Brother Joseph Green By the Request of Brother Squiers Brother Benjamin Bentley and Brother Ephraim Bennit to no the Reson why he dous not pay him and to labour with Nezer Green for Suing at the law Brother Justice Bennit | |
the 7 |
The Church then Met in
The hand of |
Ditto 19 | Called upon the Brethren to wit Rockwells and townsends to Settel the Difficulty Betwixt them aginst the Setling of the Church —————— | |
the 4 |
The Church Met in feloship and Sattisfaction given to the Church By Brother Thaddeus Bennit and gave to the Brethren Rockwell and townsend til Next Meting of the Church to Settel thar Matter and laid it upon Daniel Ripenbarack to Be Sattisfied in his mind with his Brother or to Bring his Burden to the Church the Next Meting of the Church Benjamin Huls laid under Sensure neglect of gospel Labour to Clear up a matter aledged against him By Sister Burnham Laid it upon Brother Green Bentley to be Sattisfied with Brother Garshum Bennit and likewise Sister Bentley thare Being a matter Betwixt them or report it to the Church the next meting In Strictions Laid upon Sister Nancy Bennit and Sister Sarah Hilmon to have the Matter Between them Setteled or Brought to the Church at the next Meting Jacob Gray and Justice Bennit is to labour Brother Squiars for negect [sic] of Meting | |
Garshum Bennit to Labor with Brother David Burt for Neglect of Meting Ditto Elder Goff and his wife with Brother James Wilsson Ditto Thomas Keeney Thaddeus Bennit with Sarah Hilmon Ditto Ephraim Bennit and Thomas keney Jun with Daniel Vancamp Ditto James and Hannah Rockwell with Ezara Meed Ditto Thaddeus Bennit and Mary Bentley with May Ripenbarack Ditto Joseph Green and Sister Hilmon with Mary Burnham | ||
the first |
The Church Met in feloship and Brother Daniel Ripenbarack Reports his matter Setteled Brother Squiars Case rested he Being Sick Brother Burt give Sattisfaction to the Church the Difficulty Betwixt the Brethren Rockwells and Townsends Setteled a matter alledged against Daniel Vancamp By Justice Bennit and Left under consideration til the Church Should met agin ————————————————————— | |
Ditto 15 | the Case of Brother Squiars Stil remain he Being Sick the Matter Betwixt Brother Green Bentley and Sister Bentley and Garshum Bennit prolonged til the next Meting of the Church the Matter Brought forword Betwixt Justice Bennit and Daniel Vancamp and it apeared that Daniel Vancamp Declared that a certain Bag of Corn was not full that Justice Bennit filled and proved that he did By the Evidences for which Cause the hand of feloship was with drawn from him ——————————Denominated and appointed to Set on the assosiation Elder Goff Decon thomas keeney Jonas Vanwy Benjamin Bently Thaddeus Bennit | |
Read till ––?–– ––?–– |
[Vertical note in left margin] October 8 day 1798 Baptised and receved Sarah Burt | ||
October the 13 day 1798
The Church then Met in feloship and considered the Case of John Squiers and Re[s]ted it til he Could Met with the church the Matter Betwixt Green and Dinar Bentley and Gershum Bennit Setteled and heard a Complaint againts Rachal and Mary townsend and Sarah Rockwell By Mary Bentley for Vain Dansing and jesting which was Took up by publick confestion by Mary townsend and Sarah Rockwell and the Case of Rachel Townsend Continued and heard a Complaint aginst Ezra Meed for hard Drinking By Jonathan Rockwell and appointed to Sit him to Met the Church at the Next Meting John Mitchel Ephraim Bennit |
October the 28 The Church then Met acording to adjornment and past inquiry with what was present why they did not Commune with the Church and Sattisfaction obtained and heard a Complaint By Joseph Bennit against Brother Solomon Bovier whare in he Said he Ronged him | |
the 3 day |
The Church Met in feloship and heard the Reson of what was present that had not give Sattisfaction to the Church with Sattisfaction Exsept with Brother hilmon Whos Resons was that he new of disorder & he would not labour as the Gospel Required for which Reson he was laid under Sensensure [sic] By the Church & unfeloshipt Rachel Townsend for her Conduct above Mentioned and the labour not being don with Zary Meed Thaddeus Bennit and Jessey keeney was appointed to Sit him to Met with the Church the Next Meting day and injoined it upon Brother Bovier to Settel the Complaint of Joseph Bennit | |
December the 1 day |
The Church the then Met in feloship First Rested the Case of Brother Hilmon til Next Meting and Excommunicated Ezra Meed for hard drinking and neglect to heare the Church and heard a complaint aginst James Bennit By Jacob Gray for fole play and vulger words and Appointed to Sit him to answer the Complaint Before the Church Elder Goff Thaddeus Bennit and appointed to labour with James Wilson for neglect of meting John Mitchel Thomas Keeney | |
Jeneary the
5 1799 |
The Church then Met and
Considard the Matter of labor appointed with Brother Wilson and it Being
Not don ware to do it aginst the next Meting of the Church and anledgement
of Vanity Brought against Mary Bennit by Benjamin Bently which she Confest
Publicly to the Sattisfaction of the Church ——————————————————
and heard a Complaint against Mary Ripenbark for Disobedance to her Parrents and for ronging the truth Respecting M--?--- which was Maid to apear to be the truth for which she was Laid under Sensure and heard a Complaint aginst Brother James Bentley and Green Bentley By Brother Thaddeus Bennit in their refusing him his Right to the Skin of a dear which they had Kild to geather and when Consid[er]ed By the Church there judgement was that the Skin ot to Be Eaqually divided |
and Excluded John Hilmon for knowing of Disorderly Conduct with -?-in the Church and Refusein to labour as the Gospel Requiers and disagreeing with the Church Rules and for Refusing the gospel labor with him and like wis[e] James Bennit for Vanity and Vain Languag and Refuseing to hear the Church | ||
Jenuary the
19 day |
The Church then Met in feloship and Brother Wilson apeard and gave Sattisfaction to the Church for his Neglect and Sister Mary Ripenbarack Restored and Excluded James Bentley for Refuseing to comply with the gudgment of the Church In the fore mentioned Ski----- Betwixt him Self and Thaddeus Bennit and Voted that Decon Thomas Keeney and Decon Vanwy Shold in the Behalf of the Church Labour with all Such as had not Paid their part in to the Store and Make a rite return to the Church of their Surcomstance and heard by Sister Burnham a complaint against Justice Bennit for Swairing he was afraid of privet Injury in his person and property would Be don to him by her husBand Keenny Burnham in which the Church Considered him Clear | |
[Ink completely gone from this entry] | ||
1799 | [Ink completely gone from this entry] | |
the 2 |
A request from Braintrim for help from this Church to Set in Counsel with them to thare Request was appointed Elder Goff decon Keeney | |
the 9 |
The Church Met and the Case of Justice Bennit Brought forward and the Right hand of fellowship with Drew from him the case of Ritchard Mitchel and his wife put By for the present and appointed decon Keeney and Betsey hilmon to labor with Rosannah Vancamp for leving the Church in time of Bisnes | |
the 6 |
The Church then Met and having Not heard from Ritchard Mitchel and his wife Sence the labor of the Church with them appointed to Send them a letter and Receved Deborah Smith to feloship By a leter of Dismistion from Brookfield Church the Case of Sister Vancamp put By | |
May 7 | the Church Met and with drew the Right hand of felloship from Ritchard Mitchel and his wife for joining Vain Company and alowing vain Dansing in thare hous | |
July the 12th |
the Church then Met in feloship a Matter Brot for [Rest of the entry is gone] | |
July the
6th day |
The Church then Met and the matter of Brother Wilson put By and a complaint heard against Brother Benjamin Bently for not attending to the rule of the gospel and Sited him to the Church by Sister Bennit and appointed labor with Brother Squiers for neglect of meting By Brothers thomas keeney Jr Abraham Bennit | |
July the
16 day |
the Church then Met and heard a complaint against Brother Hopper for hard Drinking and Sitted [cited] him to hear the Church By Thaddeus Bennit and the Matters Betwixt Elder Goff and Sister Hilmon Settelled | |
the 3d |
the Church then Met and put the Case of Brother Wilson By til Brother Buck Should labor with him the labor of Brother Squiers left til next meting and Withdrew the hand of feloship from Cornelious Hopper for hard drinking and heard a complaint against William Bennit for hunting on Saboth By Thomas keeney and apointed to sit[e] him to the Church Elder Goff | |
the 7d |
the Church then Met and withdrew the hand of feloship from James Wilson for neglecting to met with and refuseing to hear the Church Brother Squiers Being not present his case put By | |
September the 7d |
and withdrew the hand of feloship from William Bennit for hunting and Shuting on the Saboth day and give letters of dismison to Brother Vanwy and his wife | |
the 17 day |
the Church then Met and Considered the grevance of Elder Goff with the Church for walking with Brother Squiers and his wife who had Bin to a spining at abials Frys for which the Church had got Sattisfaction and put the Matter over to a counsel and Brother Ebennezer Green restored to the Church | |
the 6 |
the Church then Met and Sattisfation [sic] given By Brother Squier to the Church | |
the 2d |
The Church then Met and Brother Keeney Returned from the the [sic] appointment of the assosation [sic] with Elder Jayn and Sandford to the Shenango whare thay Constituted a Church in that place and Brother Hilmon restored to the Church | |
the 1d |
The church then Met Receved a charg against Brother townsend By Brother Bovier and for want of Evidence put By and gave a letter of feloship to Benjamin Bentley | |
December the 21d |
the Church then Met and put the Matter of Brothers Boviers and townsends By for further consideration | |
Jeneary the 4d |
The Church then Met and Entered the Matter of boviers and Townsends and when heard the Evidance referd the Matter for judgment to Brethren to wit Ebenezer Green Thomas keeney Thomas keeney Jr John Hilmon Jacob Gray Ephraim Bennit Thaddeus Bennit | |
the 1d |
The Church then Met and the gudgment of the Brethren Brought forwards to the Church that was appointed to settel the Matter of Boviers and Townsends and Not Exsepted and a burden Brought Before the church By Brother Goff aginst Daniel Ripenbarac for deniing the Christian Saboth and for Boiling Shugar on the same | |
8d |
Refaird the Matter of
Boviers and Townsend over to acouns and sent for help to fradrixtown New
bedford and Shugar--?-- and give letters of dismistion when joined to annother
Church of the Same faith and order
Thomas Keeney and Jessey Hany William Bennitt Restored to the Church by publicly confesing his rong and the Church give him a letter of Dismistion when Joyned to another of the Same faith and order |
March first |
The Church then Met feloship
and the Counsel that attended on the Matter of Bovier and townsend Brought
in which was as follows it is our oppinion that Brethren ought Ever to
fulfil theare Contracts as fare as they Can Secondly in the Matter Laid
Before us as a counsel to detarmine we find no wilful defraud in it Sined
By John Barber Zina Dunbar Ammi Swain
[Vertical Note in Margin] the result of this Counsel Made Void by the Church in meeting Jenuary the 2nd 1802 and Page 66 |
the 15th |
the Church then met and Brother Bovier not appearing according to the Request of the Church the Matter put by in order to send him a letter bourn by Decon Keeny messenger Dessireing Him to attend without fail next Meeting | |
April the
16th |
the Church then Met in feloship and WithDrew the Rite hand of feloship from Solomon Bovier for Neglecting to hear the Church & suing Brother Townsend to the Law Contrary to the Rule In the Gospel and appointed Labourers with Brother John Squires and his wife Sister Vancamp & Sister Burnham for Neglect of Meeting and sugar Boyling on the Sabboth Labour with Green Bently for the same to hannah Rocwell Junr Marcy Rickey and Ephraim Bennitt for sugar Boyling | |
May the 3rd | The Church then Met in
feloship and Received Satisfaction with Mary Ripenbark Received an accusation
against Daniel Ripenbarrick by Elder Goff
Received Satisfaction with Rosannah Vancamp Received Satisfaction with Green Bentley Junr |
the 3rd 1800 |
Brother John Squire give Satisfaction to the Church Brother Adam Ripenbarrick Greshom Bennitt appointed to Labour with Sister Catherine Bovier Sister Keeny and sister Wells appointed with to labour with Mary Bennitt for Vain Conduct the case of brother Ephraim Bennitt Laid over | |
June the
7th |
The Church then Met in feloship & took up the Matter of Brother Daniel Ripenbark and Laid it over till Next Meeting and took up the Matter of Sister Catherine Bovier and Laid it over till Next Meeting on account that the Labourers had not done there Labour And took up the Matter of Sister Mary Bennitt & and[sic] Laid over till Next Meeting Brother Townzand Request to now whether the Church was free with him on account of the Diffickulty between himself & bovier the Church Looked upon Rite he aut to Make Confession to Bovier for Censuring him the case of hannah Rockwell Laid over til next Meeting | |
July the 5th | the Church then Met in feloship and took up the Matter of Brother Daniel Ripinbark and gained Satisfaction & took up the Matter of Catherine Bovier and withDrew the Rite hand of felloship from her for Vain Conduct and took up the Matter of Mary Bennitt and withDrew the Rite hand of felloship from her for Vain conduct and Received Brother Townzend freely by the Church and took at the matter of Hannah Rockwell and took off her Bonds and appointed Brother Thadeus Bennitt to Site Brother Cornelous W Low to come to the Church the Church Voted that Brother Whelpley shold have Letter of Dismission When Joyned to another of the Same faith and order | |
August the 2nd |
the Church then met in
fellowship & Brother Cornlous W Low attended according to the Request
of the church and agreed to to [sic] take the Matter out of his brethren
way that was aledged against him as soon as opertunity will serve
2ly a Church Covenant Broat forward and a committee appointed to Revize
it Viz Roswell Goff Thaddeus Bennitt Thomas Keeny Ebenezer Green Gamaliel
Townzend Joseph Green
the 6th |
the Church then Met in
fellowship and Received Sister Lucy Green in to full fellowhip by a letter
of Dismission from the Church at New bedford the Church took up the Matter
of Labour agai[n]st Mary Ripenbark and Laid it over till Next Meeting
A matter broat forward by Brother Townzend against brother Gershom Bennitt for Sensureing his brother and Suing him to the Law appointed Brother Townzend and Brother Ripenbark to labour with him and Site him to our Next Meeting Dismised Brother Thaddeus Bennitt from being Church Clerk and appointed Brother Joseph Green in his Room [rest of entry illegible] |
the 27 |
The Church then Met in Conferrence and agreed the matter Respecting sugar Boiling on the Sabboth Day should be left as a query in the association and there advise should be a final Dessition of the Matter 2ly appointed to set in association Viz Elder Roswell Goff Thomas Keeny Taddius Bennitt & Joseph Green | |
the 4th 1800 |
The Church then met in feloship Meting opened by prayer then took up a matter of Labour against Mary Ripenbarrick and Recd her by public Confessing her wrong then took up a matter of Labour against Brother Gersham Bennitt and laid it over til our next meting 3ly a matter brout forward by Sister Squire against sister Mary Ripenbarrick for Vain conduct on the Lords Day or Sabboath and Laid it over till our next meting | |
the first |
The Church them[sic]
Met in felowship Meeting Opened by prayer and then proseeded to business
The matter of Labour against Brother Gersham Bennitt Settled then took the matter into consideration Respecting Mary Ripenbarrick and withdrew the Rite hand of felowship from her for Vain conduct on the Lords Day and Refuseing to comply with the Rules of the church Rec’d an allegation against Sarah Rockwell by her ---?--- Hannah Rockwell for Vain Dancing and sinful Mirth laid it over til our next Meeting} apointed to Labour with Junr Green Bently and his wife for sugar boiling on the Lords Day or Sabbath Marcy Keeny and Mary Bently} appointed to Labour with Jonathan Rockwell Junr and his wife for the Sam Hannah Rockwell} appointed to labour with Daniel Hill for the same John Hillman Joseph Green appointed to labour with Ephraim Bennitt Gamaliel Townzend} appointed to labour with Cornelous W Low for neglect of Matrimony Hannah Rock--- and James Rockwell to [rest of entry illegible] |
December the 6th |
The Church then Met in felowship Meeting opened by Prayer and then proseeded to business Rec’d Sister Sarah Rockwell on her public co[n]fesing her Rong} and then took the Matter Respecting Green Bently Junr and his wife and Respecting sugar Boiling and laid it over till our next meeting the Labour appointed with Jonathan Rockwell Jun’r and his wife Laid over till our next meting} and then took up the Matter of Daniel --?-- Ripenbarik for Boiling Sugar on the Sabboath and he Refused to take the it [sic]out of his brethren way for which the Church withdrew the rite hand of felowship from him Rec’d an accusation against Benjamin Hulls by Brother Townzend for getting Disguised with Liquor and laid it over till our next meeting | |
the 3rd 1801 |
The Church then met in felowship Meeting opened by Prayer and proseeded to business} then took up the Matter of Labour Respecting Green Bently Junyer and his wife and appointed Brother Townzend and brother Joseph Green to Site them to our next Meeting} then took up the matter of Labour Respecting Jonathan Rockwell Junyer and his wife for boiling sugar on the Saboth Day and Laid it over till an opertunity May Serve for that purpose} then took up a Matter Respecting Epraim Bennitt and Laid it over till further oportunity Then took up the matter of Labour Respecting Cornelous W Low for Refuseing to Marry a Damsel Who had a child by him for which we this Day Withdrew the write hand of fellowship from him ----- then took up a mater of Labour against Benjamin Hulls for getting Disguised with Liquor and he Refuseing to make Gospell Satisfaction but Denyed the fact Eledged against him and it being Suficiently proved to our Satisfaction we Withdrew the Rite hand of felowship from him Received a Request from the forks of Sugar Creek for help to constitute a Church there we have appointed Elder Goof [sic] Thomas Keeny Thadeus Bennitt and Benjamin Bently to meete with them on the second wensday in Jenuary | |
the 7th 1801 |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by prayer then proseeded to Buisness 1ly took up the matter of Labour Respecting Green bently Junyer and his wife and posponed it till our next meeting and appointed Joseph Green and gamaliel Townzend to cite them to attend according to appointment 2ly and Brother Jonathan Rockwell Junyer Recd by the church freely by confessing his Rong publicly and withdrew the Rite hand of feloship from his wife Hannah Rockwell for a breach of Sabbath and Neglecting to hear the Church 3ly Voted that Brother Benjamin Bently Should take charge of the Church Store 4ly voted that Thomas Keeny should have a letter of Dismistion from this Church When Joyned to any other of the same faith and order 5ly Brother Abraham Bennitt Requested a letter of Dismistion from this church But this Church requested him to bring a letter of Recommendation from the Church at Sandrootsen first 6ly Sister Marcy Keeny Requested a letter of Dismistion from this Church But the Church thought prudent as there was a matter of alegment against her in the work for getting Disguised with Liquor and appointed ---?--- brethern to sarch into the Matter Viz Ebenezer Green Jonathon Rockwell and his wife Thadeus Bennitt and Joseph Green Voted and there Report should be a final Desition of the Matter which was as follows That she has bin Disguised with Liquor a number of times within three years past | |
February the 7th 1801 |
The church then Met in
feloship meeting opened by Prayer then proseeded to Buisness 1ly considered
a matter of Labour Respecting Green Bently Junyer and his wife and withdrew
the Rite hand of feloship from them both for a breach of Saboth and allowing
Vain frollicing in there House & when called up by the Church Refused
to make gospel satisfaction --?-- --?-- --?--
2ly Then took into consideration the case of Marcy Keeny for getting disguised with Liquor and Refusing to take the Matter out of the way of the Church as far as they thought she ought to by what witness appeard against her and withdrew the rite hand of feloship from her |
April the 4th |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by Prayer and proseeded to Buisness first tryed the ground of Felowship and found a comfortable union 2ly appointed a meeting on the Eighteenth of this Instant for the purpose of Inspecting our Church covenant or make it void. 3ly a matter Left for consideration till our next meeting Viz whether the church considered them ---?--- in necessiated for Decons and if they Did to appoint some and have them Set apart | |
April the
18th 1801 |
The church then Met in
felowship pursuant to to [sic] appointment meeting opened by prayer and
then proseeded to buisness 1ly Broat forward a covenant and Accepted the
same 2ly a query broat in to the Church Viz Suppose a male member that
was head of a family should Neglect family worship by prayer Daily was
it or was not Deemed a transgression the Church voted that he was a transgressor
3ly voted that a female was not deemed a transgressor if they Neglected
vocal prayer but the Church Recommend it to them as there advice not to
neglect it for ye are the Children of God by faith in Christ Jesus for
as many of us as have ben Baptised into Christ have put on Christ there
is neither male nor female for you are all one in Christ Jesus ---?---
3rd 26# 2 s 2 p --?-- --?— 4ly that Brother Benjamin Bently shuld be Set apart for a Decon of this Church 5ly Voted that Decon Bennitt and Brother Townzand shold Visit the Brother and sister that have not that have not [sic] signed the covenant of the Church to no there reason why tha Doe not sign it |
May the 2
1801 |
The Church then Met in felowship meeting opened by prayer & then proseeded to buisness 1ly Returns made from sister Sarah Rockwell by the Brethren above mentioned and there report was that she refused to sign the covenant and give no reason why 2ly Voted that Brother Benjamin Bently shold site her to attend our next meeting and give her reasons why she wold not sign it | |
May the 2
continued |
3ly Voted that the Clerk
shold rite a letter to the Brethren In the Church at Sandrootson namely
sister ---?---- Nancy Bennitt & Abraham and William Bennit to no there
reasons why tha Do not Make applycation to this church for recommendatory
Leters |
July the
4th |
The Church then Met in
felowship Meeting opened By prayer and then proceeded to Buisness
1ly there was no return made by the Brethren that was appointed to carry the covenant to sing sing for the Brethren there to sign it Made no return and the Labour that Brother Bently was appointed to perform with sister Meed and sister Sarah Rockwell was not Done and Brother Thadeus Bennitt was appointed to perform it Received no returns from sister Bovier by brother Rockwell who was appointed to Labour with her for Neglect of Meeting |
July the fourth continued |
Voted that the covenant shold be Entred In the Church Book Rec’d a request from the church at Towandee [sic] Requesting help for the ordination of Brother Smyley But we could not answer there request By reason of Disappointmdnt and other Ingagements | ||
the first |
The Church then Met in
feloship Meeting opened by Prayer and then proseeded to buisness 1ly the
Brethren that was apointed to carry the covenant to sing sing made no return
2ly sister Meed gave satisfaction to the Church For her neglect of Meeting
3ly Return made from Sarah Rockwell by brother Thadius Bennitt that he
found her Very Indifferent and not in a gospel frame of spirit and he being
appointed by the athority of the Church to cite to meeting and she utterly
refused for which we are under necessity to with draw the rite hand of
felowship from her 4ly Brother Rockwell Made his return from 5ly apointed Joseph Green to site Brother John Squire 2d to attend with the Church on our next meeting to give his reasons why he Neglects meeting so much and also Elder Goff is appointed to site Benjamin Bently to attend for the same reason |
the 5th |
The church then met in
feloship Meeting opened By prayer and then proseeded to buisness
1ly Received upon the profession of his faith in In [sic] Christ and Baptism David Hennis 2ly Returns made by the Brethren that was apointed to carry the covenant to Sing Sing that all the Brethren had signed Eccept Brother James Rockwell and he Refused to sign it and gave and the Church took it into consideration and Laid it over till our next Meeting Voted to send Brother Ephraim Bennitt a letter of admonition |
October 3rd |
the Church then met in felowship Meeting opened by prayr and then proseeded to buisness 1ly took Into consideration the case Respecting Brother James Rockwell Refuseing to sign the covenant and appointed Elder Goff and Brother Townzend to sited before the Church on our Next meeting to give his reasons why he Did not sign it 2ly Brother Ben Bently appeared before the Church and give satisfaction for his Neglect of meeting 3ly Brother John Squire apeared and gave satisfaction for his neglect of meeting 4ly appointed to Represent us in association Viz Elder Roswell Goff and Decon Thadeus Bennitt and Joseph Green | |
the 7th 1801 |
The Church then Met in felowship Meeting opened by prayr then proceeded to buisness 1ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a comfortable union 2ly Received upon the profestion of his faith in Christ and baptised Ebenezer Snow 3ly Brother James Rockwell case put by till our Next meeting and apointed brother snow to notify him to attend on our Next meeting | |
the 5th |
The Church then Met in feloship Meeting opened by prayr and then proseeded to buisness 1ly took up the Respecting Br James rockwell refuseing to sign the Covenant and Laid it over till our next meeting | |
January the
2nd 1802 |
The Church then met in
felowship Meeting opened by prayer and then proseeded to buisness 1 ly
the case of brother James Rockwells took into consideration respecting
the Covenant of the Church and Laid it over till our next meeting
2 ly the counsil that attended with the Church Move the find[dings?] recorded in page 57 1800 as an advisory Bo--?-- Respecting Brother Townsend and Solomom Bovier is Disanulled and void |
February 6th 1802 | The Church then met in felowship Meeting opened by prayr and proseeded to Buisness 1 ly took into consideration the case of Brother James Rockwells refuseing to sign the Church covenant and Rec’d full satisfaction | |
the 21rst |
the Church then Met in felowship and by request gave David Moss a letter of Dismistion when when [sic] Joyned to an other of the same faith and gospel order | |
March the
16th |
the Church then met in
felowship meeting opened Prayer and then proseeded to Buisness 1 ly Brother
Thadeus Bennitt and sister Hilman gave satisfaction to the Church for there
not communeing with the them [sic] Brother Townzand Desired time till next
meeting to give his reasons why he commune with the Church
3 ly [sic] apointed Brother Thaddeus Bennitt to visit Br Ripenbarck to know his reasons for neglecting meeting 4 ly apointed Elder Goff to Vissit Brother Gershom Bennitt to know his reasons why he did neglect meeting so much |
no meting
in April |
May the
1rst |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by prayer then proseeded to Busness 1 ly Rec’d into the felowship of this Church Isaac Dewitt by a Letter of Dismission from the first Sugar Creek Church 2 ly Brother Townzend apeared and the Church was not satisfied with his Exuse for which he did not commune. 3 ly satisfaction given by Brother Ripenbarck for his neglect of meeting 4 ly satisfaction given by Elder Goff for Brother Gershom Bennitt neglect of meeting 5 ly apointed sister Hannah Rockwell to visit sister Van camp to Know her reasons for neglecting meeting | |
June the
5th 1802 |
The Church then met in felowship
meeting opened by prayer and then proseeded to Buisness
1 ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a comfortable union 2 ly Brother Townzend apeared and gave satisfaction for his neglect 3 ly an allegation Broat against Brother Joseph Green by Elder Roswell Goff for being out of the way Last Town Meeting which apeared he had taken out of the way to the satisfaction of this Church 4th sister Van camp apeared by Request of the Church and gave satisfation [sic] for her neglect of meeting 5 ly an allagation Brought forward by Br Townzend against Elder Goff and Rec’d by the Church and apointed the tenth Day of June to settle the matter on Thursday |
June the 10 | The Church then met persuent to adjournment Meeting opened By Prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1 ly Rec’d an accusation By Brother Townzend against Elder Goff for saying it was Verry strange that Br Townzend should Remember Every thing on his Brother Grodias Townzend side and nothing on Elder Goffs side in a tryal Elder Goff plantiff and Grodeus Townzend Defendant and Gamaliel Townzend witness Before Henry Wells Esq’r and the Church took the Matter into consideration and Voted that the Accusation was groundless | |
July the
3rd |
The Church then met in fellowshipt
Meeting opened by prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1 ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a comfortable union 2 ly a contribution made to Supply the Table Viz – Ebenezer Green 25 cents Gershom Bennitt 25 cents Adam Ripenbarck 25 cents |
August the 7th |
the Church then met in fellowship meeting opened by prayer and then proceeded to Buis Buisness [sic] 1 ly tryed the ground of felowship and a comfortable union obtained 2 ly Recd a complaint against Rosannah VanCamp for Neglect of meeting and apointed Elder and Ebenezer Green to Labour with her for the same in the bonds of the gospel and make Report to the Church on our Next meeting of Buisness 3 ly Voted to cilibrate the Lords Supper on the Eighth Day of this Instant August 4 ly Voted that Brother Gershom Bennitt should [sic] a Recommendatory Letter as he is about visiting other Churches | |
the 4th |
The Church then met in felowship
meeting opened By prayer and proceeded to Buisness
1 ly tryed the ground of felowship and a comfortable Union found 2 ly Returns made to the Church by Elder Goff and Brother Green from sister VanCamp in that they found her very cold and indifferent and Refused to meet with the Church any more and by there Report the Church cold not obtain full satisfaction & thought fit to appoint Brother Dewitt and Brother Townzend to cite her before the Church on the 18th of this Instant to give her reasons why she will not meet with the Church 3ly apointed Brother David Burt and Joseph Green to Labor with Brother John Squire and his wife for Neglect of Meeting 4 ly apointed sister Marcy Burt for Neglect of Meeting and Make there Return on our Next Church Meeting 5 ly Rec’d an acusation agains Brother Ripenbarck from his own Mouth for Neglecting Labour Whare he thought it was Necessary |
the 18th |
The Church then met in felowship
persuent to adjournment meeting opened By Prayer and then proceeded to
Buisness 1 ly tryed the ground of felowship and a comfortable union obtained
2 ly Received returns from Rosannah Van camp from the Labourers Lastly apointed viz Brother Townzend and Brother DeWitt that thay found her cold and hard against the church But after some Labour with her she Promised to apear before the Church on the 12th of this Instant a day apointed for that purpose, and it was made to appear to the Church that she was in bodily health at the present Time and did not apear before the Church but went a visiting to one of Neighbours for which reason it was under Necesaty to with Draw the rite hand of felowship from her [Note in left margin] (Rosannah VanCamp Excomunicated) 3 ly Sister Marcy Burt apeared and gave satisfaction to the Church for her neglect of meeting |
the 2nd |
The Church then met in felowship
Meeting opened By Prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1 ly tryed the
ground of felowship and a Comfortable union Obtained 2 ly Brother John
Squire and his wife apeared and gave satisfaction for there neglect of
Meeting 3ly Brother Ripenbarck put by till our Next meeting 4 ly [sic]
apointed Deligates to Represent us In the Association Viz Elder Goff Ebenezer
Green and Isaac DeWitt
5 ly Voted that Brother Thaddeus Bennitt should Have a Letter of felowship from this Church as he is going to Visit other Churches |
the 6th |
The Church then met in feloship meeting opened by Prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1 ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a comfortable union, 2 ly the case of Brother Ripenbarck put by till our Next meeting Voted to send a letter to Abraham and William and Nancy Bennitt to know there reason why tha Do not Joyn that Church at Sandrootsen [Note in left margin] (Letters Nancy Bennitt & others) Voted that Elder Goff and Br Ebenezer Green should Visit Samuel Bennit to know his standing and [rest of the entry missing] | |
the 12th |
the Church then [met] and Voted that Brother Jacob Gray should have Letter of Dismistion from this Church when Joyned to any other of the same faith and gospel order | |
the 1rst 1803 |
The Church met in feloship meeting
opened by prayer and proceeded to Buisness 1 ly took up the Case of Brother
Ripenbarck and he not being present put it by till our next meeting 2 ly
continued the apointment to Dr Samuel Bennitt and mak[e] report next meeting
acording to apointment Elder Goff and Elder sanford met at Towandee and
set apart Thomas Smiley to the work of the ministry December the 15} 1802
Voted that sister Diannah Bently should have a letter of Recommendation
from this Church that she is in good standing at present Janu’r 1rst 1803
Voted that our Brother Isaac Dewitt and Gamaliel Townzend should Labor with Brother Thadeus Bennitt to know the reason why he neglects meeting so much [vertical note in left margin] (Thomas Smyley ordained the 15 of December 1803 by Elder Goff & Elder Sanford) |
the 6th |
The Church met in felowship on the
sabbath day and Received sister Marey Keeney by publicly Confessing her
misConduct and voted She should have a Letter of Dismistion from this Church
when joyned to any other of the same faith & gospel order ---?---
2 ly Rec’d a Request from the Church at New Bedford for help to advize with them as a couns[el] Voted to send Elder Goff Brother Ebenezer Green Gamaliel Townzend and Joseph Green Brethren to meet with them on the Last saturday in february to act as god shall Lead the way by his all wise providence |
March the
5th 1803 |
The Church then Met in fellowship Meeting opened by Prayer and then Preceeded to buisness 1stly Tryed the Ground of Fellowship and found a general Union 2 ly Took up the Case of Br Ripenbark and Pospond it till our Next Meting | |
March the 5 continued | ||
1803 | Rec a complaint against William Bennitt
by Elder Goff that he Neglected the Church when Living in the vicinnity
of it five or Six weeks and being admonished by the Brethren at Sundry
times to meet with them he Still Neglected and joyned Effinity with world
and Behaved him self unseemly for which cause the Church thought proper
to pospone the Case till opertunity May serve to cite him before the Church
as he was sixty miles Distance which opertunity happened on the forth of
[written in and not sure where it belongs] by Jonathan Rockwell and Thadeus Bennit |
April th
2nd |
The Church then met in feloship meeting Met [sic] opened by prayer and then Preceeded to Buisness 1 ly Voted to send a Letter of admonition to Abraham and Nancy Bennit Living in Fradericks Town 2 ly Took into Consideration the Case of Br Ripenbark he not being present postpond it and appointed Isaac Dewitt to cite him Before the Church on our next Meeting | |
May the 7 | The Church then Met in Covinant Meeting Opend by prayer and then proceded to buisness 1stly Tryed the Ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2 ly took In to Consideration the case of Br William Bennit and appointed Jonathan Rockwell Thadeus Bennit to Laber with him and cite him Before the Church on our Next Meeting 3rdly Took Into Consideration the Case of Br Ripenbark and Laid it over till our Next Meeting 4tly Received a request from upper Church on Sugar Creek for help to Set with them in counsel on the 4 Thursday in May Voted to Send Elder Goff and Br Ebenezer Green to Meet with them Acording to their request 5ly Voted to give Sister Peggy Bennit a Letter of Dismission from this Church When Joined to Another of the Same faith and Gospel order 6 ly Received an accusation By Br Thadeus Bennit against Br Townzen for getting Disguised with Liquer and Appointed Br Joseph Green to Cite him before the Church on our Next Meeting | |
June the 4th
1803 |
The Church then Met in Covinant Meeting and opend By prayer and preced to Buisness 1tly Tryed the ground of fellowship and found a General Union 2 ly Took into Consideration the Case of Br William Bennit and Br Rockwell Made his report that he found him Cold and got no Satisfaction from him but he Still joining a finity with the world and when Called Upon by the Church and Brethren Individually he still Neglected and refused to here the Church for Which Cause we are under obligation to With Draw the hand of fellowship from him the Case of Brother Ripenbark Laid over to our Next Meeting & Appointed Br Joseph Green to Cite him forward 4ly Took into consideration the Case of Brother Townzin and Laid it over to our Next Meeting on Account the Labor was not Done and Appointed Joseph Green to Continue the Labor | |
July 2nd | The Church then met in feloship meeting
opened by prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1 ly tryed the ground of
felowship and found a Comfortable union 2 ly took in to consideration the
case of Brother Ripenbark and with Drew the hand of feloship from him for
Refuseing to take Gospel Labour with his brother Whare his mind was burdened
and sensureing his Brethren unjust and Refusing to travel with the Church
3 ly took into Consideration the case of brother Townzend being Disguised with Liquor and Laid it over til our Next meeting |
the 6th |
The Church then met in feloship meeting
opened by Prayer and then Proceeded to buisness
1 ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a general Union 2 ly took into Consideration the Case Brother Townzend gitting Disguised with Liquour and Laid it over till our Next Meeting and apointed brother Rockwell cite him before the Church on that Day and apointed Br Ebenezer Green to procure wine for communion by next Meeting |
September the 3rd |
The Church then Met in feloship meeting opened by prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1 ly Tryed the ground of felowship and foun a general union 2nly Rec’d Lydia Schoonover upon the profession of her faith In Christ and being baptised 3 ly took into consideration the Case of brother Townzand getting Disguised with Liquer and Voted that he should take it up publicly before the world and then posponed it till next Church meeting 4 ly Rec’d an accusation by brother Ebenezer Snow against brother David --?-- is that he scattered his ways to strangers and folsify the truth the church took it into consideration and appointed Elder Goff and Brother Ebenezer Green to Site him before the church on our next meeting 5 ly chose Brother Ebenezer Green to the office of Deacon 6 ly Voted to give sister Hannah Roberts a letter of Recommendation 7 ly apointed Elder Goff and brother Ebenezer --?-- to visit brother Benjamin Bently to show his reasons for Neglecting Church meeting and public meetings so much | |
the 1rst |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1 ly tryed the ground of felloship and found a general union 2 ly took into consideration the case of brother Townzend getting Disguised with Liquor and brother Townzend took the matter out of the way of the Church and world by publicly confessing his --?-- 3 ly took into consideration the case of brother David Hennis and Laid it over till our next meeting and apointed Elder Goff to cite him before the Church by the afore said time 4 ly apointed --?-- to attend the association Viz Elder Goff and Brother Ebenezer Green 5 ly Voted to call on Elder Smiley to assist in the ordination of brother Ebenezer Green to the office of Deacon in the Church | |
the 3rd |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by Prayer and then proceeded to business 1 ly tryed the grounds of felowship and found a general union 2 ly took into consideration the case of Brother David Hennis scattering his ways to strangers and falsyfying the truth and he took the matter out of the way of his brethren by publicly confessing his wrong 3 ly apointed Elder Goff and Brother Ebenezer Green to visit Br Benjamin Bently and no the state of his mind and and [sic] site him before the church on our next meeting | |
December th 3rd |
The Church met in feloship Meeting opened by Prayer and then proceeded to Business 1 ly tryed the ground of feloship and found a general union 2 ly took into consideration the case of brother Benjamin Bently and Laid it over till our Next meeting and apointed br Ebe’r Green and br Gamaliel Townzend to to [sic] cite him before the Church on that Day 3 ly Rec’d an accusation by Elder Goff against Brother Benjamin Bently for gitting in a pation and thretening to whip Daniel Ripenbarck and Chalenging Adam Ripenbarck to fight 4 ly apointed brother Isaac Dewitt to Labour with brother John Squire and his wife for neglect of meeting 5 ly apointed Elder Goff and brother Gamaliel Townzend to Labour with Sister Lidia Schoonover on account of the Letter she sent to the church 6 ly Rec’d a request from the Brethren at Sugar Camp Creek for help to assist in the constitution of a Church apointed Elder Goff and Brother Eb’r Green to meet with them on the seventeenth Day of December according to there Request | |
December the 4th | Elder Jayn met with us and assisted in the ordination of Ebenezer Green to the office of Deacon Done by prayer and laying on of hands | |
the 14th 1804 |
The Church then [met] in felowship meeting opened by prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1 ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a general union 2 ly took into consideration the case of brother Benjamin Bently and found him gilty of a breach of covenant and Neglect to hear the church for which --?-- the Church is under gospel obligation to with Draw the hand of felowship from him 3 ly Rec’d sister Hannah Roberts into full felowship of this Church by a letter of Dismistion from the Church at Brookfield | |
the 14 continued |
by a Request from the brethren at Johnsons settlement for a coppy of our Church Covenant this church Voted in the affirmation 5 ly the church apointed brother Isaac Dewit and Decon Green to visit brother squire and his wife to know their reason for neglecting so much 6 ly Voted to give Elder Goff a letter of felowship from this church as he is about to travel 7 ly Voted to give brother Gersham Bennitt a Letter of Dismistion from this Church that he may Join any other of the same faith and order 8 ly Voted that bro Townzend should visit brother Ephraim Bennit to know the state of his mind and cite him before the Church | |
the 4 |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by Prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1 ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a general union 2 ly brother Townzend apeared and gave satisfaction for his neglect of --?-- 3 ly took into consideration the case of brother --?-- he not appearing Laid it over till our next meeting 4 ly Elder Goff not performing the Labour with sister Schonover we still Enjoin --?-- from him --?-- make Report on our next meeting 5 ly Voted that that [sic] Sister Mary Bennitt should receive a letter of Dismistion from this Church when -- ? -- to any other of the same faith and order 6 ly Voted to send a letter of admonition to Abraham and Nancy Bennitt and to the Church at Fredricks Town to Labour with them and report therein to this Church | |
no meeting |
April the 7th | The the [sic] Church then met in feloship meeting opened by Prayer and then proceeded 1 ly tryed the ground of feloship and found a general union 2 ly took into consideration the case of sister Schoonover and the Labour not being done still Injoin it on Elder Goff and Brother Townzend to perform the Labour and make report on our next Church meeting | |
May the 5th |
The Church then Met in felowshipt
and Meeting opened by prayer and proceeded to Buisness 1 ly tryed the ground
of felowship and found a general union 2 ly took into consideration the
case of sister schoonover the Labour not being done still Enjoin it on
Elder Goff and Brother Eben’r Green to perform the Labour and make a Report
on our Next Meeting 3 ly Votes to send a letter of Admonition to Nancy
Abraham Bennitt and also one to the Church at FredrickTown Desireing them
to apoint some suitable Brothren [sic] out of that church to bare these
Letters and also to Inquire the State of there minds and make report to
their Church of there Daly life and convirsation
[Note in left margin](Letters of admonition Abr’m & Nancy Bennitt) |
June 2nd
1804 |
The Church Met in felowship Meeting
opened by prayer and proceeded to Buisness 1 ly tried ground of felowship
July 7th |
The Church then Met in felowship Meeting opened by prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1 ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a general union 2 ly took into consideration the case of sister Schoonover and laid it over till our next meeting 3 ly Brother David Burt apeared and gave Satisfaction for His Neglect of Meeting | |
the 4th |
The Church then Met in felowship
meeting Opened by Prayer and then proceeded to Buisness 1 ly tryed the
ground of felowship and found a general union 2 ly Rec’d Brother Jesse
Moore and sister Lydia Moore his wife into full felowship of this Church
by a letter of Dismistion from the Church at Brookfield 3 ly Rec’d sister
Unice Cambell into full felowship of this Church by a letter of Dimistion
from the Church at Brookfield 4 ly apointed Brother Moore and Brother Joseph
Green To Visit Sister Schoonover and make Report on our Next Church meeting
5 ly Rec’d and accusation agaist [sic] Brother Gamaliel Townzend by Br
Joseph Green for getting Disguised with Liquor and when Laboured with ownd
the fact and promised to take the Matter out of his Brother Way but afterward
Refused to Confess but Raised bars agaist the Church 6 ly Voted the Deacon
Green and brother I--?-- Dewitt shold site br Townzend before the Church
on our Next Meeting 7 ly Voted that Sister Marcy Ripenbark Should have
a letter of Dismistion from this Church when Joined to any other of the
same faith and gospel order
[Vertical notes in left margin] (Elder Goff and brother Jesse Moore apointed to Catherine first Tuesday in Sep’r to constitute a church} Last --?-- --?-- Elder Goff and brother Jesse Moore apointed to rummelous Church to assist with constitution of a church) |
the 12th |
The Church then Met in felowship on the Saboth and Voted that Brother John Michel and his wife Sally Michel and sister Deborah smith should have Letters of Dismistion from this Church when Joined to any other of the same fath and order | |
September the ?
1804 |
The Church then Met in felowship meeting opened by Prayer and proceeded to Buisness 1 ly tried the ground of felowship and found a general union 2 ly the case of Sister Schoonover the Labour with her to seace for the present 3 ly the case of Brother Townzend Laid over to our Next meeting | |
the 6th |
The Church then met in felowship meeting opened by Prayer and then proceeded to buisness 1 ly tryed the Ground of Felowship and found a General Union 2 ly the Case of Brother Townzend Brought forward and he being present in person but gave no Satisfaction to the Church for which cause the Church is under Gospel obligations to with Draw the Hand of felowship from Him 3 ly apointed Brethren to Represent us in the Association Viz Elder Goff Decon Green and Brother Jesse Moore} 4 ly apointed Br Ebr Snow and Sister Hannah Rockwell to Visit brother Jonathan Rockwell Jun. to know his reasons for Neglecting Church meeting so much | |
the 3rd 1804 |
The Church then Met in felowship Meeting opened by Prayer and proceeded to Buisness 1 ly tryed the ground of felowship and found a general union 2 ly took in to consideration the case of brother Jonathan Rockwell Junr Laid over till our Next meeting 3 ly Voted that Brother Goff and br Ebenezer Green Should visit brother John Squire and his wife to know there reason for Neglecting meeting so much |