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Tri County Clippings- Troy Gazette
Register 1916 - Yesterday's News |
These clippings from ancient
and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are
being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily
we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage
and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles
that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations
at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from
the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings. Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here. If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Search Engine which you can reach from the "Front Door" of the Tri-County Genealogy & History sites by Joyce M. Tice. |
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Volume LIII – Number 1 – January 6, 1916
Fassett Grange Officers –
Following are the new officers of Fassett Grange, No. 1567: Master,
Mrs. Belle Coursen; Overseer, Fred Moore; Lecturer, Mrs. Ruby
Rothwell; Steward, Walter Steen; Assistant Steward, Oliver
Balmer; Chaplain, Mrs. Mary Strong; Treasurer, Leon Tobey;
Secretary, Mrs. Florence Balmer; Gatekeeper, A. D. Yeomans;
Ceres, Florence McSoley; Pomona, Mrs. Mame Congdon; Flora, Mrs. Blanche
Andrus; Trustee, Earl Congdon.
Farmers Union Annual Meetings –
The annual meeting of the Farmers’ and Consumers Commercial Union for
the Election of Directors, Auditors, etc., will be held at the Court House,
Troy, Pa., Saturday Jan. 8th, 1916 at 1 o’clock. H. E. Chace, Sec’y.
Tioga County Appointments –
Some surprises bobbed up in Tioga County appointments at Wellsboro
Monday. Francis M. Sheffer, for eight years court crier, has been
succeeded by R. W. Fields, retiring register and recorder. Merrick,
Young and Creichton law firm, for thirteen years counsel to the county
commissioners, have been succeeded by the retiring judge, David Cameron.
Attempt was made to appoint a county sealer of weights and measures to
succeed Bert Gee of Sabinsville, but he holds that he was appointed under
act of 1911, and cannot be removed except for cause, and will resist removal.
Troy Engine & Machine Co. Band –
The high school boys have joined forces with the Troy Engine &
Machine Co. band under the leadership of Henry Sherman and the following
other officers: President, D. F. Pomeroy; Secretary, Frank
Flick; Treasurer, Albert Miller. Thus supplemented by the younger
players, the Engine & Machine band becomes a stronger organization
than ever, a band of which all Trojans may well be very proud.
Volume LIII – Number 2 – Thursday – January 13,1916
Business Men’s Club -
The nominating committee, Messrs. T. W. Parsons, W. W. Beaman and president
at the annual meeting of J. H. Kelley named by the retiring the Business
Men’s Club Monday evening placed in nomination the following officers and
committees, all of whom were elected:
President, O. W. Jaquish
Vice-President, W. S. Montgomery
Secretary, J. H. Mclelland
Treasurer, F. L. Ballard
Board of Directors: The President, Vice-President and Secretary,
and H. J. Pierce, John Handran, William Erk and L. H. Oliver.
Committee on Civic Improvement: W. H. Parsons, C. A. Smith,
P. S. King.
Committee on Municipal Legislation: H. K. Mitchell, M.
H. McGlenn, H. B. Corey, D. J. Fanning.
Committee on Publicity: H. B. VanDyne, F. E. VanKeuren,
A. S. Gallatin, W. F. Palmer
Industrial Committee: T. P. Rockwell, George F. Case,
George W. Baxter.
It was decided during the meeting to place electric lights at the sheds
back of the Troy House and in the rear of Beardslee & Colony’s hardware.
Farmers Union –
F. P. VanNoy, Finley Furman and H. E. Chace were elected directors
and Dr. P. S. Carpenter, Claude DeWitt and Harry Beaver, auditors of the
Farmers’ and Consumers’ Commercial Union at the annual meeting in this
boro last Saturday. The Union is a co-operative concern. Dividends
or rebates are paid to stockholders on their purchases.
On Last year’s business $125,000, these rebates dividends amounted to $4,365.85.
The members of the Union received also 6 on their holdings of stock.
At Saturday’s meeting a dividend of 5 per cent was declared on purchases
the last six months of 1915, payable May 1st.
Citizen’ Mutual Telephone Co. –
At Mansfield last Wednesday the following officers were elected:
President, T. F. Hotchkiss; Secretary, H. B. Corey; Treasurer;
W. H. Boughton; Directors: Archie Robbins, Mainesburg;
H. M. Varney, Wells; A. C. Horning and G. H. Woodworth, Springfield.
One dollar was added to the annual line rental of boty stock holders and
non-stockholders, the amounts now being $6 and $8.
First National Bank –
The annual meeting of the First National Bank was held on Tuesday when
the old officers and directors were elected as follows: A. B. McKean,
President; John A. Parsons, Vice-President; R. E. VanSyckel,
Vice-President; W. W. Beaman, Cashier. Directors: A.
B. McKean, John A. Parsons, R. E. VanSyckel, Liston Bliss, L. H. Oliver,
B. B. Mitchell, H. K. Mitchell, H. C. Carpenter. F. L. Ballard.
Oscoluwa Hose Company –
New officers have been chosen by Oscoluwa Engine & Hose Company
as follows:
President, L. R. Guillaume
Vice-President, Harold Jones
Secretary-Treasurer, Harold Gustin
Chief, Benjamin Greene
Foreman, Harden Gustin
First Assistant Foreman, Willaim O’Connor
Second Assistant Foreman, L. Roe Smith
Chief Engineer, M. S. Brown
First Assistant Engineer, Jas. McGee, Jr.
Second Assistant Engineer, Merle Williams
Trustees, H. B. VanDyne, R. A. Burr, R. E. VanS;yckel, C. A.
A committee for the Company’s annual banquet was appointed, of Fronk
Ballard and Benjamin Greene and on entertainment for that event, consisting
of R. A. Burr, H. B. VanDyne and J. H. Kelley.
Grange National Bank –
Officers and directors of the Grange National Bank were elected yesterday
as follows: Officers, E. Everitt VanDyne, President; George
B. Lewis, Vice-President; F. N. Hubbard, Vice-President; J.
C. Blackwell, Cashier. Directors: Everitt VanDyne, H. J. Pierce,
J. W. Phillips, C. A. Smith, F. N. Hubbard, George B. Lewis, O. B. Besley,
H. O. Kingsley, Edson D. Harkness, John M. Coney, Austin Leonard.
D. A. R. Notice –
The Os-co-hu Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, met with
Mrs. Francis L. Ballard, Jan 5th. Besides regular business, a fine
literary and musical program was given.
Colonial Era, Part 1, 1607-1775, is the year’s study. Two papers
were given: “The First Permanent Settlement – Virginia,” written by Miss
A. Belle Carnochan and “ The Dutch in New Netherlands,” by Miss Ethel B.
The special music was a soprano solo by Mrs. F. L. Ballard with wiolin
and piano accompaniment by Francis Ballard, Jr., and Miss Paine.
An encore was given. Two piano solos by Miss Francis Saltmarsh were
much enjoyed.
Dainty refreshments were served by the hostesses – Mrs. Francis L.
Ballard, Mrs. William F. DeWitt, Mrs. Frank P. Case and Mrs. Thomas W.
The ;next meeting, Feb. 9th, an evening meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. William T. Gustin, Elmira Street.
Volume LIII – Number 3 – Thursday –January 20, 1916
Troy Cow Testing Association –
The following table gives the names of the owners and records of the
cows in the association which have produced more than 40 pounds of butterfat
during the month ending Dec. 28, 1915.
R.H. Fleming – Daisy Dean DeKol 74.2
George Dunbar – Shoemaker, 40.3; Darrow, 51.8
John VanHorn – Lena, 48.6; Bell, 43.5
F.M. Barnes – Lettie, 44.6
Ezra Calkins – Milly No. 1, 40.4
George Dickinson – Anna, 43.8; Topsy, 41.3
Austin Leonard & Son – Tribal Rita 40.3; Nashua, 53.6; Thisbie
Tormentor, 44.3;
Mysena of Leona, 52.0; Katy of Leona, 40.6,
Freda Athlone, 56.2;
Nora Tormentress, 45.8
Austin Kenyon – Daisy K, 42.2; Dora, 43.7
George H. Wolfe & Son – Rosy Dream of Sheomet, 44.2; Lizzie Bell
of Slheomet, 47.1;
Flossie, 43.7
Fred Bohlayer, Ruby May DeKol, 42.5
West Granville Grange –
The following officers for West Granville Grange, No. 257, were installed
Jan. 8: Master, J.C. Fleming; Overseer, E.E. Burke; Lecturer, Mrs. Marion
Fleming; Steward, Earl Porter; Assistant Steward, Burdette Porter; Chaplain,
Mrs. Blanch Burke; Treasurer, G.G. Ayers, Secretary, Miss Irene Fleming;
Gate Keeper, Ray Shoemaker; Ceres, Mrs. Carrie Ayres; Pamona, Mrs. Lottie
Ayres; Flora, Mrs. Effie Duart; Lady Assistant Steward, Miss Anna Ayres;
Trustees, John Howland, David Haflett and Gordon Porter.
(Local) At the annual meeting in this boro last Thursday of the Bradford County Grange Mutual Fire Insurance Company, thirteen directirs were elected as follows: Philip S. Crandall, E.M. Mason, J.L. Miller, W.T. Lawrence, Lewis Packard, Edgar Berry, O.M. Ayers, I.A. Rockwell, A.J. Stacey, A.L. Larcom, E.G. Kingsley, H.L. Dodge, W.H. Bradford, W.T. Lawrence was repelected President, and Asa S. Stevens, Secretary, F.N. Hubbard was made Treasurer, in place of C.S. Crandall, who declined re-election. The following were appointed appraisers: I.A. Rockwell, H.L. Dodge, Jesse L. Miller, A net gain in insurance in force of $233,059 was reported. This increased the total on Dec. 31st, to $4,714,566. Losses paid last year amounted to $7,374.29.
Volume LIII – Number 4 – Thursday – January 27, 1916
Os-co-hu Chapter, D.A.R.
On February 9th, 1915, the foundation for Os-Co-Hu Chapter was laid
at a meeting with Mrs. William T. Gustin.
In recognition of this the program committee has given Hostesses Mrs.
William T. Gustin, Mrs. David J. Fanning, Mrs. J. Harrison Kelley and Miss
Ethel Hovey a special program.
Hon. A.C. Fanning of Towanda, Pa., has consented to address the D.A.R.
at the residence of Mrs. Gustin on February 9th, 1916. Each member
of Os-Co-Hu Chapter privileged to bring one guest.
Reception at * o’clock, followed by program. Members kindly notify
one of the Hostesses if unable to attend the social meeting.
Volume LIII – Number 5 – Thursday – February 3, 1916
Officers were chosen by the Progress Club on Tuesday as follows: President, Mrs. F. M. Long; Vice-President, Mrs. Jennie Pomeroy; Secretary, Mrs. Jennie Grant; Treasurer, Miss Mary Bowen. The President will appoint the executive committee.
Volume LIII – Number 6 – Thursday – February 10, 1916
Plans Maturing for Bradford County Dinner –
New York, Feb. 2 - Plans for the thirteenth annual dinner of the Bradford
County Society of the city of New York are already well under way
and the number is going to prove no hoodoo in this case. Returns already
received by the committee indicates that the attendance will be as large
as usual and the program will be even better.
Dr. Lemuel D. Ayers, in whose home the Society was first formed and
who is famed in the organization as the hero of the song “Old Doctor Ayers,”
is president of the Society this year with Perley Morse as vice-president.
Roger Winlack is secretary and treasurer and those who inten to come down
from the Old Home County to the feast should make a note of his address
517 West 135th Street and notify him early.
The various committees this year are especially strong with many of
the “old timers” back in harness and taking an active part.
Michael J. Murphy who has been away for some years, though always getting
back for the dinner is one of these. He heads the executive committee
and has as his aides: William H. Friedman, Claude A. Thompson, Paul
Welles, Thomas A. McGuire, Dr. Joseph Semon, Herman H. Griswold, Niell
A. Canfield, Norman P. Hicks, John Leahy, David A. Keefe, Hon. L. T. McFadden,
John A. Parons, Hon. George A. Post, Dr. G. W. Chaffee, A. E. Landon and
Wallace Horton.
Then there is “Jerry” Lyncy, another of the originals who has been
missed for three or four years. He is chairman of the reception committee
and among the other members are H. DeWitt McCraney, C. Webster Crockett,
Karl H. Driggs, John W. McGuire, N. P. Hicks, Jr., Dr. H. A. James, Albert
F. Hovey, Curtis J. Beard and several from the county who are so regular
in their attendance at the dinners as to be counted active members of the
The publicity work is as usual in the hands of Craig W. Green with
all the Bradford county editors on his committee.
The dinner will be held Saturday evening, Feb. 26, at the Hotel McAlpin,
33d Street and Broadway, the largest and finest of the hotels of the city.
Tickets are as for several years past five dollars each.
There will be a reception of an hour or two before the dinner giving
all a chance to visit with old friends and to meet new ones and during
the evening there will be an excellent vaudeville entertainment.
Governors Whitman of New York and Brumbaugh of Pennsylvania, have promised
to attend the dinner and the other speakers will be secured by M. J. Murphy
who is to be the toastmaster.
To be sure of seats and have names in the souvenir program those intending
to attend should promptly notify Secretary Winlack.
Sylvania Lodge, I.O.O.F. –
(Sylvania) The member of Sylvania Lodge, I.O.O.F. held their
annual banquet on anniversary day, Feb. 1st, in their half. The day
was favorable but the roads were not good.
Owing to the grip epidemic the attendance was not as large as on some
occasions but about 150 Odd Fellows and their families and invited guests
were served with dinner – a dimmer measuring up to famous ones of the past.
Jesse Ripley was master of ceremonies and he performed his duties most
acceptab ly. He saw that all were provided for and was assisted by
an efficient corps of waiters, young men and young matrons with a sprinkling
of maidens.
After all were served with dinner, the tables were cleared, chairs
drawn up and Martin Hager called the meeting to order, and after a brief
devotional service he called on Rev. A. G. Cameron for an address.
This was followed by an interesting sketch of the early history of Columbia
township by Finley Furman, who interspersed the story of other years with
humorous stories told in the happy way he has of telling them.
Mr. Courtney then gave a short address on “Brotherhood” full of feeling
and wisdom. Although the programme was comprised to a few it was
most excellent and was greatly enjoyed by the company.
For forty years this day has been observed and it always proves to
be a day for meetings and for the renewal of friendship, a day for the
sending of messages to absent ones.
Year by year some of the stalwarts of other days are missing but others
come to take their places.
To Organize Lodge of Moose in Troy –
Joseph J. Bloor, the district director, who in a surprisingly short
time has added 200 to the membership of the Canton lodge of the Loyal Order
of Moose, will come to Troy next week with a view to the organization of
a lodge here. The Moose are the most progressive of the fraternal
orders. They pay $7 a week sick benefit for 13 weeks; $100 funeral
The dues are $2.50 quarterly in advance. During his stay
in Troy Mr. Bloor will be glad to see all who are interested in the formation
of a lodge here. Special inducements will be offered charter members.
(Local) A correspondent gives this list of Alba residents who have just joined the Canton lodge of the Order of Moose: Charles Wilcox, Edward Palmer, Charles Fanning, James Hoagland, John Cruse, Lynn Merritt, L. Haflett, Frank Dickinson, Ray Newell, Martin Bockus, Horace Murray, Robert Ayers, Walter Reynolds, Mr. Kier and Earl McIlvain.
Volume LIII – Number 7 – Thursday – February 17, 1916
One Hundred Thirty-Five attend D.A. R. Reception –
A most delightful session of Os-co-hu Chapter, D.A.R., was held on
Wednesday evening at the residence of Mrs. William T. Gustin commemorating
the same date a year ago when twenty ladies were present at Mrs. Gustin’s
home to form this splendid Chapter which how has over eighty members.
The spacious rooms were beautifully decorated with handsome bunting
flags, tulips, hyacintas and carnations.
The members and their guests to the number of 135 were received by
the hostess, Mrs. Gustin, the regent, Mrs. R.E. VanSyckel; Mrs. Louis T.
McFadden, Regent of Bradford Chapter; The vice-regent, Mrs. E. E. VanDyne;
Mrs. A. C. Fanning of Towanda, Mrs. David J. Fanning, Mrs. J. Harrison
Kelley, Miss Ethel B. Hovey and Mrs. Brewster A. Long.
The following assisted in the dining room, Miss Cora Spalding, Miss
Laura Wheeler, Miss Jeannette Gustin, Miss Jane Parsons, Miss Alice colony,
Miss Lucile Besley and Mrs. M.A. Davies.
Following the reception a fine program was given. The Regent,
Mrs. R. E. VanSyckel, gave the address of welcome which was responded to
by E. Everitt VanDyne. Mrs. Francis L. Ballard sang the “Angels Serenade”
accompanied by Mrs. Harry S. Mitchell on the piano with violin obligato
by Francis D. Ballard, responding to an encore with “The Rosary.”
At the close of his remarks Mr. VanDyne introduced Former Judge A.
C. Fanning of Towanda. The Judge, going back as far as 300 years,
recounted the early historic places of interest, Indian trails and villages
throughout this section and said that Bradford county was rich in historic
interest. He spoke of a manuscript of the early history of the county
which the late A. S. Hooker, editor of the Troy Gazette spent years in
preparing and which was nearly completed, that would be invaluable in research
work, but it cannot be fond since the death of Mr. and Mrs. Hooker and
probably has been destroyed.
Mrs. VanSyckel and Mrs. VanDyne presided over the coffee urns and ices
and cakes were served. Tiny silk flags were used as favors.
The orchestra composed of Miss Julia Costello, pianist; Miss Anna Bottcher
and Miss Minerva Flood, violinists, played during the evening.
The out of town guests were: Mrs. A. C. Fanning of Towanda; Mrs.
Louis T. McFadden of Canton, who was a guest of Mrs. Gustin, Mrs. Andrew
Sawtelle of Sayre, a guest of Mrs. William Sweet, and Ray Mitchell of Elmira.
Overflowing House Greets “Between Two Lives”
A Full house, in fact more than could be seated greeted the presentation
of the three-act drama, “Between Two Lives” by Troy Grange at their hall
on Tuesday evening.
In a lively catchy way the play portrays the passing of the old and
the coming of the new in rural life. Music was supplied by the high
school orchestra.
In response to a popular demand the play was repeated last night and
requests for it have been received from neighboring Granges.
The cast follows:
Henry Wilson, Farmer of the old type – Fred Williams
Sarah, his wife – Helen Williams
Jack, their son – Joab Mahood
Betty, their daughter – Jennie Packard
Silas Watson, who loans money – Earl Roby
Gertie Bowers, teacher of the district school – Mildred Howland
Will Jefferson, a city youth with good cloths – Stewart Dewey
Trueletta, the colored girl who helps out – Florence Salisbury
Rastus Washington Lincoln, colored hosler of Silas Watson – Dalton
Sam Snipes, the hired man – Robert Newell
Donald Brooks, son of a neighbor to the Wilson’s who loves Betty –
Meade Knights.
Abagail Jones, who sees violence in all men – Florence Scott
Prison Guard – Lewis Packard.
Recital by Mr. Cheeswright
The Music Study Club has arranged for a piano recital by Mr. Cheeswright
at its next meeting, February 24th. ......... At the home of Miss Charlotte
D.A.R. February 22d
On Washington’s birthday, Os-co-hu Chapter gave a thimble party at
Mrs. John W. Philips’ with special entertainment provided. Tickets
$.50. Each person attending is requested to wear a piece of old-fashion
Comes Here to Organize Moose Lodge –
Mr. Joseph J. Bloor has arrived in town and has registed at the Troy
Mr. Bloor haws just finished one of the most successful campaigns of
his career in Canton, increasing the membership from 100 to 300 in twenty
eight days. A committee of the following members of Canton Lodge
429, have been appointed on the building committee: Hon. L. T. McFadden,
Hon. J. W. Stone, Charles Hartman, Lee Greenleaf, H. Lee Clark, Charles
Innes, H.C. Gates, George Doll, E. R. Innes, Jas. B. Mason, Charles K.
Kinch, Z. Freeman Lewis and Dr. A. E. Dann for operations to be begun in
the spring.
Upon special request of citizens of Troy, Mr. Bloor will institute
a lodge here Wednesday evening, March 8th. The celebrated Canton
degree team will exemplify the ritual and confer the work the night of
instituting Troy Lodge. The street parade with the Minnequa Lodge
band will also take place and large delegations of members will be on hand
from Canton and Williamsport to witness the institution of Troy Lodge.
At the annual meeting in January of the VanDyne-Hungerford Leather Co., in Boston, E. Everitt VanDyne was re-elected President; L. C. Hungerford Vice-President and Treasurer; Willis H. Armstrong, Secretary and Director; and Henry B. VanDyne, Production Manager and Director. The business showed a fine growth in all departments.
Volume LIII – Number 8 – Thursday – February 24, 1916
D.A.R. Annual Thimble Party –
The beautiful home of Mrs. John W. Phillips was the scene of a most
delightful social function on Washington’s birthday. It was the annual
thimble party of the local Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution
and was attended by about eighty-five ladies and their guests. The
spacious rooms were attractively decorated with American flags. The
officers of the Chapter assisted Mrs. Phillips in receiving. A fine
program was given:
Reading, “For the Love of Mary Ellen,” by Miss Dorothy Beaman; solo,
“Happy Days Gone By,” by Miss Laura Wheeler; encore “Now Sleeps the Crimson
Petal,” ; solo, “Barcarolle,” from The Tales of Hoffman, by Mrs. Francis
L. Ballard; Trio, “Sing, Smile, Slumber,” by Gounod, By Mrs. Harry S. Mitchell,
Mrs. B. B. Mitchell and Mrs. John W. Pomeroy; solo, “Springtide,” Mrs.
John W. Pomeroy; encore, “Sunshine of your Smiles.”
Perhaps the most enjoyed of all was the minuet danced by eight ladies
in Colonial costume; Mrs. B. B. Mitchell, Mrs. H. S. Mitchell, Mrs. W.
S. Sweet, Mrs. H. B. VanDyne, Mrs. F. L. Ballard, Miss Minerva Flood, Miss
Mary L. Saltmarsh and Mrs. H. J. Pierce.
Refreshments of Waldorf salad, cheese balls, rolled bread, ice cream,
fancy cakes and coffee were daintily served by Misses Colony, Besley and
Parsons, Mrs. James W. Lamkin and Mr4s. Albert Miller. The favors
were little red hatchets.
The out of town guests were Mrs. Eugene T. Barnes of Canton; Mrs. Harry
Johnson of East Aurora, N.Y. and Mrs. Aldrew Sawtelle of Waverly.
D.A.R. Meeting –
Os-co-hu Chapter meets the first Wednesday in March the first, with
Mrs. Harold C. Carpenter. Other hostesses, Mrs. George Wrench, Mrs.
Percy S. King, Mrs. Floyd A Bradford. Delegates to National Congress,
Washington, D.C. to be elected.
Alba Grange Occupy Their New Hall –
The annual feast of Minnequa Grange was held Thursday at their newly
remodeled hall at Alba. After the bountiful dinner Lazelle Landon
acting as toastmaster called upon the following men who worthily responded:
Mr. Harry Gates, Lyman Cole, G. G. Ayers, Otis Williams, Oscar Ayers and
Lawrence Manley.
Several musical selections were enjoyed among which were a solo by
Mr. Willard Dunbar and a piano duet by Mr. and Mrs. Willard Dunbar.
A rising vote of thanks was extended to all who helped the Grange in their
efforts of rebuilding.
Volume LIII – Number 9 – Thursday – March 2, 1916
Elmira Women Organize Troy Club –
The Troy Club is a new Elmira organization with a membership to start
of forty-seven women, all former residents of this boro. It was formed
a few days ago at the home of Mrs. J. Maxwell beers, and new members are
constantly being received. The club meets on the fourth Wednesday
of each month with three members acting as hostesses. Doubtless there
will be times when the husbands of members will be invited. It is
quite remarkable that such a large membership of former Troy women should
have been gathered in so short a time.
All are intensely loyal to Troy, and many good times are anticipated.
The officers are Mrs. Mary Newell, President; Mrs. George B. Knowlton,
Vice-President; Mrs. George Mitchell, Secretary and Mrs. Enoch Kelley,
D.A.R. Elects Delegates to Congress-
The regular monthly meeting of Os-co-hu Chapter, daughters of the American
Revolution was held yesterday afternoon with Mrs. Harold C. Carpenter.
The assistant hostesses were Mrs. George P. Wrench, Mrs. Percy S. King
and Mrs. F. L. Ballard. The program included a piano duo by Miss
Paine and Mrs. D. F. Pomeroy, a vocal solo by Mrs. Francis L. Ballard and
a paper by Mrs. Harry S. Mitchell on “The Founding of the Plymouth Colony”.
Delegates and alternates to the Continental Congress to be held in Washington
in April were elected as follows:
Mrs. R. E. VanSyckel is a delegate to the Congress by virtue of her
office as regent of the Troy Chapter. Regent’s Alternate, Mrs. B.
A. Long, Delegate, Mrs. F. H. Hoffman, Delegate’s Alternate, Mrs. F. L.
Ballard. Alternates, Mrs. D. F. Pomeroy, Miss Charlotte Paine, Mrs.
H. S. Mitchell, Miss Madaline VanSyckel.
Refreshments were served.
The Dolly Madison Rebekah Lodge of Austinville will hold a social at the hall Saturday evening, March 11. Proceeds for the benefit of churches of Austinville.
Music Study Club Program –
The next meeting of the Music Club will be on the afternoon of March
9th – Thursday of next week - at Mrs. Harry Mitchell’s. The
program beginning at 4 o’clock sharp, follows: Overture, Rosamunde,
Mrs. Pomeroy and Mrs. Mitchell.
Reading; Schubert as a song Writer
Group of Schubert Songs, Mrs. Ballard
Allegretto from impromptu No. 2 – Mrs VanDyne
Paper by Mrs. L. M. Marble, “Contemporaneous Events of Schubert’s Life”
read by – Mrs. Willett
Group of Songs, Mrs. J. W. Pomeroy
Entr’acts from Rosamunde – Mrs Pomeroy and Miss Paine
Soiree de Vienne, Schubert-Liszt – Mrs. Mitchell
Legend of the Erl-King – Miss Minnie Ballard
Song, The Erl-King – Mrs. Pomeroy
(Local) A lodge of Moose will be instituted at Columbia X Roads next Wednesday, March 8th. The Canton degree team will exemplify the ritual and confer the work. The new lodge will be instituted with seventy-five new members.
Volume LIII – Number 10 – Thursday – March 9, 1916
Men of St. Paul’s Church Form Club –
St. Paul’s Guild met with Mrs. S. J. Atwood at the Troy House Monday
evening and tendered a banque to the men of the parish. The Rev.
W. R. Holloway presided. Speeches were made by a number of the gentlemen
urging a closer social relation among the men of the congregation.
On motion of F. L. Ballard a Men’s Club was formed with about twenty members
and the following officers:
President, Charles H. Tate; Vice-President, Dr. F. P. Layman; Secretary,
F. L. Ballard; Treasurer, F. E. VanKeuren. Monthly meetings are to
be held at the homes of members.
Mr. W. S. Sweet entertained the Men’s Club of the Presbyterian church at his home, “The Terrace” last Thursday evening. With the guests of the club members the company numbered sixty-five. A fine chicken supper was followed by a program of instrumental music, readings by D. F. Pomeroy, O. W. Jaquish and Rev. Edw. P. Morse, and a very fine snappy little speech by the Rev. Cameron of Sylvania. New Officers of the club were elected as follows: President, W. S. Montgomery; Vice President, A. R. McMahan; Secretary, Rhinehold Erk; Treasurer; J. B. Armstrong.
Volume LIII – Number 11 – Thursday – March 16, 1916
Bradford County Society of Philadelphia Banquets
On Friday evening, March 10th, the Bradford County Society of Philadelphia
held their tenth annual banquet and business meeting at the Roosevelt.
Over eighty members were present.
F. H. Bailey, the president, called the meeting to order at 7:30 and
the following officers were elected: President, David Lake; Vice-President,
C. M. Krouse and M.F. Powers; Secretary and Treasurer, S. C. Coburn.
President Bailey started the after dinner speeches with well chosen
remarks and calls on Albert Morgan who gave us an excellent talk on present
and past conditions in old Bradford. He read an original composition
in verse which was greatly enjoyed. In concluding, he called our
attention to the fact that one of our members was on the eve of sailing
to the other side of the Atlantic, where he is to study conditions and
treatment of the animals in use in the armies of Europe.
A solo by Guy Wheaton was thoroughly enjoyed. It was composed
by his mother who has been a life-long resident of Bradford County.
Carryl Coburn gave us in a recitation a very vivid picture of how “Socery
Set the Old Blue Hen,” and “Seein’ Things at Night”.
Charles Feilding gave an excellent rendition of “Mother” and the “Daughter
of Mother McCree”.
The President elect, Mr. Lake, then addressed the Society and invited
us to again hold our picnic at his home in Norristown. Dr. c. J.
Marshall made a few remarks on the life work and accomplishments of our
deceased friend and fellow member, Emery J. Kerrick, who died in St. Petersburg,
Fla., February 29th. He told the Society of his own plans for the
next few weeks or possible months; how he expects to avoid trouble during
his stay in Europe and his ideas of his part in preparedness, showing the
necessity for study along the line of veterinary medicine and the urgent
need of such work.
The dining room was then given over to the waiters who very soon had
converted it into a ballroom with a good orchestra headed by Mrs. Cade,
there was nothing to keep the young folks from enjoying the modern dancing.
Later in the evening Mr. Johnson and Mr. Wheaton gave us some of the old
fashioned music on the fiddle and piano and the older members had their
innings. Later the young people again had the floor until it was
time to leave for our homes after voting it our most successful banquet.
Civic League Notes –
On March 8th, the officers and chairmen of various committees met at
the home of Mrs. S. B. Willett to discuss plans for the spring and summer
civic work.
The Civic League recommends an early warfare on flies, mosquitoes and
apple tree worms. Spray cellars with kerosene oil and commence early
to put premises in perfect order.
The co-operation of every person living in Troy is requested, and suggestions
along all lines will be appreciated. Watch the papers for special
Directors’ Association Names New Officers –
Officers were elected as follows at the 13th annual convention of the
Bradford County School Directors’ Association in Towanda last week:
President – The Rev. A. G. Cameron, Sylvania; Vice-Presidents – Hon.
J. W. Stone, Canton, John G. Brainard, Sayre; Secretary – J. Andrew Wilt,
Towanda; Auditor for County Institute – N. F. Walker, Athens.
Delegates to State Director’s Association – The Rev. A. G. Cameron,
Sylvania; J. Andrew Wilt, Towanda; E. S. Andrews, Powell; Jesse Norconk,
Albany township; T. W. Lupton, Athens township.
New Moose Lodge Starts With Bright Prospects
Associate National Director Col. E. E. Klein, District Director Joseph
J. Bloor of Pittsburg, instituted Cornell Lodge 564, Loyal Order of Moose
at Columbia X Roads, Wednesday evening, March 8th. They were assisted
by the following officers of Canton Lodge, Charles Kinch, Dictator; Thomas
Hurley, Past Dictator; Joseph B. Mason, Past Dictator; Leon Smith, Sargeant
of Arms; William Foster, Prelate; Royland Foss, Vice-Dictator, George Andrews,
Secretary. The following officers were selected and installed at
this meeting: Fred Z. Lewis, Dictator; Robert G. Stronge, Secretary;
W. J. Vickery, Lew Jusdon, Treasurer; Sidney J. P. Patterson, Vice-Dictator;
Marcus E. Howland, Past Dictator. Canton Lodge arrived at 9:15, a
special car being attached to the regular train. Large delegations
attended the meeting from Troy, Williamsport, Springfield, Granville Summit,
Ralston, Alba, Cowley, East Troy and Burlington and Elmira. Addresses
were made during the evening by the Honorable E. E. Klein of Pittsburg,
Joseph J. Bloor, District Director of Williamsport Lodge, Joseph E. Mason
of Canton, Charles Kinch, F. Z. Lucas and R. M. Judson of Columbia X Roads,
F. L. Searle of Elmira Lodge gave a very interesting talk on Moosehart,
Ill, where the Moose have a home for the orphans and widows. This
home is located thirty-five miles west of Chicago. In the short period
of three years, there has been installed a bank, railroad station and post
office. It is now assured fact that the Moose have come to Columbia
Cross Roads to stay. Joseph J. Bloor, R. M. Judson and R. G. Stronge
state that this lodge will have their own club house within a few months.
It is already planned to dedicate the new home on Decoration Day of this
year when the supreme officers will be in attendance. The lodge at
Columbia Cross Roads is to be known as Cornell Lodge, 564, Royal Order
of Moose, it being named after one of its most prominent citizens, R. K.
Volume LIII – Number 12 – Thursday – March 23, 1916
Music Study Club –
The last regular meeting of the Music Study Club will be held at Miss
Paine’s , March 28th, next Tuesday evening, Subject, Schubert.
Program as follows:
Marche Militaire – Schubert ... Orchestra
Schubert as a Man and as a Composer ... Mrs. Holcombe
Songs – Whither?, The Wanderer ... Miss Wheeler
Dirge ... Orchestra
Scherzo for piano ... Mrs. H. B. VanDyne
Song – Margherita at the Spinning Wheel ... Mrs. Ballard
History and Art during Schubert’s Lifetime ... Mrs. Willett
Le Rol des Aulnes ... Orchestra
Songs – Hark, hark, the Lark, Faith is Spring, Thou art my Rest
... Mrs. Ballard
Moment Musical ... Orchestra.
Civic League Names Officers and Committees of 1916 –
At a meeting of the executive committee of the Civic League, various
plans for securing the continued cooperation of the community were considered.
What was finally settled upon as meeting the question simply and satisfactorily
will be evident as the days go by. The post office will be an important
agent, and in due course of time, letters addressed to several hundred
Trojans, will find their way into the hands of householders and heads of
Now, we all know that the waste paper basket is the favorite receptacle
of most printed matter, especially cards, so we wish to call attention
to the fact that all cards sent out by the Civic League are going to be
worth reading.
Why no name is signed will be known before the blank at the end is
Please read it very carefully, then take it home and read it again
to the family, perhaps, at the supper table, as that is a good place to
talk it over and every member of the family, old enough to sit at the table,
should be interested in the subject.
Then, if you really want you home to be among the healthiest and the
fairest in the state, just sign your name to the card, put on a stamp,
address it to the Civic League, Box 325, and hurry it to the post office
and we assure you that our hearts will be cheered and our hands strengthened
for the work we are trying to do.
League Motto: Take Hold, Hold On, Never Let Go.
Officers: President, Mrs. Sarah B. Willett; First Vice-President,
Mrs. Henry VanDyne, Second Vice-President, Mrs. F. H. Hoffman; Secretary,
Mrs. Howard Grosjean; Treasurer, Miss Frances Coney.
Streets: Mrs. E. E. VanDyne, General Chairman
West Main and Exchange Streets: Mrs. F. L. Ballard, Chairman; Mrs.
T. W. Parsons, Mrs. Howard Gates, Mrs. W. F. DeWitt, Mrs. Howard Grosjean,
Miss Nettie Baldwin
East Main, Paine, and Railroad Streets: Mrs. J. C. Blackwell, Chairman;
Mrs. Samuel Williams
Center Street: Mrs. H. K. Mitchell, Chairman; Mrs. William Weigester,
Miss Anna Compton, Mrs. William Erk
High, John and King Street: Mrs. Herman J. Pierce, Chairman; Mrs. J.
H. Kelley, Mrs. Percy King, Mrs. Charles N. Greene, Mrs. Edward Beardsley
Elmira Street: Miss Cora Spalding, Chairman; Mrs. W. T. Gustin,
Mrs. M. A. Davies, Mrs. David Fanning, Mrs. Thomas Colony, Mrs. S. B. Morley
Prospect, Redington and Ballard Streets: Mrs. Charles Friends,
Chairman; Mrs. B. B. Mitchell, Mrs. Joseph H. Preston, Mrs. Charles Joralemon,
Miss Jane Parsons, Miss Mary L. Saltmarsh, Mrs. Manville Bailey
Upper Canton, Willow and Chestnut Streets: Mrs. E. B. Parsons, Chairman;
Mrs. Wilber H. Parsons, Mrs. E. L. Teeter, Mrs. R. E. VanSyckel
Canton Street (From Chestnut to Main): Mrs. J. W. Phillips, Chairman;
Mrs. James W. Lamkin, Mrs. George G. Beardsley, Mrs. Frederick VanDyne,
Mrs. E. A. Rockwell
Streams and Banks: Mrs. Harold C. Carpenter, Chairman; Mrs. R. E. VanSyckel,
Mrs. D. Fred Pomeroy, Mrs. Clark Joralemon, Mrs. Harry Cosper, Mrs. Jennie
Grant, Mis Emma Hill, Mrs. Robert Weigand.
Town Beautiful: Mrs. George O. Holcombe, Chairman; Mrs. W. S. Sweet,
Mrs. F. L. Ballard, Mrs. Wilber H. Parsons, Mrs. George P. Wrench, Mrs.
F. E. VanKeuren
Membership: Miss Grace Sayles, Chairman; Mrs. Samuel Williams, Miss
Mary I. Bliss, Mrs. Fayette Pomeroy, Mrs. Edward Beardsley.
Children’s Welfare: Miss Charlotte Paine, Chairman; Mrs. E. P. Morse,
Mrs. W. R. Holloway, Mrs. F. H. Hoffman, Mrs. William DeWitt, Mrs. Charles
Finance: Mrs. Henry VanDyne, Chairman, Mrs. H. S. Mitchell, Mrs. W.
S. Sweet, Mrs. B. A. Long, Mrs. M.H. McGlenn.
Public Health: Mrs. Frank P. Case, Chairman; Mrs. P. N. Barker, Mrs.
John Luckey, Miss Frances Coney, Miss Cora Spalding, Mrs. Mary C. Long.
Social: Mrs. Burton C. Pomeroy, Chairman; Mrs. Glenn A. Baldwin, Mrs.
Charles Joralemon, Miss Grace N. Sayles, Mrs. D. F. Pomeroy, Mrs. Warner
Children’s Auxiliary: Mrs. F. M. Long, Chairman; Mrs. Arthur
McMahan, Mrs. H. S. Mitchell, Mrs. Jennie Grant, Mrs. B. B. Mitchell, Mrs.
Albert Miller, Miss Caroline Saltmarsh.
Press: Mrs. B. A. Long
Public Schools: Mrs. W. S. Montgomery, Chairman; Mrs. John McClelland,
Mrs. Mary C. Long, Mrs. H. K. Mitchell, Mrs. D. J. Fanning, Miss Belle
(Local) At the last meeting of the Progress Club with Mrs. Mary C. Long, papers were read by Mrs. W. F. Dewit and Mrs. C. H. Friends and current events given by Mrs. S. B. Willett. The musical numbers were by Mrs. F. L. Ballard and Mrs. H. S. Mitchell.
Volume LIII – Number 13 – Thursday – March 30, 1916
The Prohibition party of Bradford county in convention at Towanda last Saturday endorsed the following candidates for nomination at the primaries, May 16th. For Congress, W. S. H. Hermans of Towanda; for State Senator, Dr. H. W. Champlin of Towanda; for Representatives, Lee Thomas of Sayre, and G. H. Willey of LeRoy. The convention issued a clarion call to the voters to do away with the liquor traffic.
Volume LIII – Number 14 – Thursday – April 6, 1916
Civic League Notes –
The first meeting of the Civic League for the season 1916 will be held
in the Oscoluwa rooms, at three o’clock, Wednesday, the 12th.
It is hoped that all members will be present. We cordially invite
every woman of Troy, who is not already a member, to join us. We
need your help and cooperation.
The following program will be presented:
1. The Old Order Changeth
2. Your Town and Mine
3. Civic Improvement in the Little Towns
4. Suggestions for Civic Improvement
5. Do you Know Your Town
Volume LIII – Number 15 – Thursday – April 13, 1916
Officers and Committees Community Chautauqua –
At a meeting of the guarantors held in the Oscoluwa rooms Monday evening,
officers and committees were chosen for the community Chautauqua in this
Boro June 20-24, as follows:
President – Glenn A. Baldwin
Vice – Presidents – Orin Jaquish, M. H. McGlenn, R. R. Soper
Secretary – Dr. F. P. Layman
Treasurer – F. W. Hovey
Advertising Committee – Benj. S. Greene, Chairman; Frank E. VanKeuren,
Dr. F. H. Riely, Charles H. Tate, William F. Palmer, H. B. VanDyne
Grounds Committee – George F. Case, Chairman, Orin Jaquish, P. S. King,
F. L. Ballard, George W. Baxter, Harry Gustin
Ticket Committee – J. H. McClelland, Chairman; Rev. P. J. Durkan, D.
F. Pomeroy, F. R. Maher, William Erk, P. H. Barker, E. A. Rockwell, S.
M. Canedy, Harry S. Mitchell, L. Roe Smith, H. J. McMahan, C. L. Dewey,
T. W. Parsons, B. B. Mitchell, C. A. Smith, J. C. Blackwell, W. R. Croman,
W. W. Beaman, Earl M. Bloom, H. H. Grosjean, Mrs. Edna F. Teeter, Mrs.
Donna S. VanDyne, Miss A. Belle Carnochan, Mrs. Addie M. Long
Combined Advertising and Ticket Committee – J. Stewart Essenwine, West
Burlington; Weller Calkins, East Troy; Lewis Judson, Columbia X Roads;
Harvey Heald, Granville Center; Lewellyn Clark, Windfall; Herman Carpenter,
Cowley; Ray Newell, Alba; Will Mosher, Sylvania; John Heib, Austinville;
Dana Gates, Springfield; Robert Sweeney, Armenia.
Oscohu Chapter, D.A.R. –
The April meeting of the Os-co-hu Chapter, daughters of the American
Revolution, was held at the home of Mrs. E. Everitt VanDyne, on Wednesday,
April 5th. The assisting hostesses were Mrs. Emma D. Hepburn, Mrs.
Frederick E. VanDyne and Mrs. Walter N. Reynonds.
The paper of the afternoon, entitled “Standish of Standish,” written
by Mrs. Frederick H. Hoffman, and read by Mrs. F. L. Ballard, was most
excellent. It brought to all who heard it a beautiful and inspiring
picture of the character of “fair maidens and brave men” of early Colonial
The musical number was a vocal solo by Miss Julia Costello. A
social hour followed the program during which refreshments were served.
It is interesting to note that just one year ago a meeting wa held
with Mrs. Mary Cleaver Long to plan for organization. Forty names
were then presented for membership – the number now belonging to the Chapter
is eighty-six.
Civic League Notes –
These residents of the village of Troy have signed the Civic League
pledge for the year 1916. Watch for other names next week:
John A. Parsons, Charles Friends, L. P. Drake, Robert Krise, Herman
J. Pierce, W. F. Palmer, John J. Howley, Mrs. Edward VanDyne, L. R. Guillaume,
T. M. Comfort, Harry S. Mitchell, E. B. Mic-Key, M. H. McGlenn, George
F. Case, J. W. Hurlburt, F. W. Hovey, Mrs. Fannie M. Porter, Rev. P. J.
Durkan, W. F. DeWitt, Dr. P. S. Carpenter, Dr. J. W. Phillips, Mrs. Martha
M. Titus, Miss Caroline Saltmarsh, Miss Mary L. Saltmarsh, Frank P. Case,
H. K. Mitchell, Mrs. Isaac Cleaver, C. C. Hooker, J. J. Handran, M. R.
Haxton, E. Everitt VanDyne, First National Bank, M. J. Handran, B. J. Wood,
C. L. Dewey, George W. Baxter, Mrs. C. W. Carrier, C. A. Smith, M. E. Bailey,
Mrs. Edna F. Teeter, E. M. Bloom, John M. Coney, Mrs. W. C. Foote, Dr.
P. N. Barker, J. H. McClelland, John E. Dobbins, Mrs. M. T. Haxton, Wilber
H. Parsons, A. J. Stuart, Mrs. Daniel Compton, V. E. Tomlinson, Miss Minnie
C. Ballard, C. R. Ludington, T. P. Rockwell.
Volume LIII – Number 16 – Thursday – April 20, 1916
Civic League Notes -
More names of Troy people who have signed the Civic League pledge for
the year 1916, to extend good citizenship:
Mrs. Annie P. Holcombe, Lee Gates, Mrs. Mary G. Hoffman, Miss Lucy
A. Smith, George F. Taylor, D. F. Pomeroy, LaMont Berry, Maholn Watkins,
E. M. Rice, S. L. Putnam, Mrs. Donna S. VanDyne, Mrs. Sarah Gernert, James
McMahan, Arthur R. McMahan, M. J. Hewitt, J. H. Luckey, F. D. Hungerford,
C. R. Pomeroy, Mrs. Harriet A. Parsons, Mrs. F. Maxwell Long, N.R. Stanton,
Liston Bliss, S. C. Rockwell, Mrs. L. L. Carnochan, Mrs. Lucy B. Paine,
Sarah B. Willett, Mrs. A. J. Stuart, Mrs. Albert A. Miller, Rev. G. A.
Baldwin, John R. McGoughran, Harold C. Carpenter, L. J. Ballard, H. F.
Ballard, Rev. E. P. Morse, W. L. Rider, George P. Wrench, S. B. Aspinwall,
R. E. VanSyckel, R. A. Burr, S. A. Williams, George G. Beardsley, Rev.
E. J. Moss, Wallace T. Newell, H. M. Spalding, J. W. Lamkin, Mrs. Nellie
S. Shaw, Mrs. M. Shannon, George Hickok, Harry G. Walter, Louis M. Ward,
F. H. Riley, J. H. Kelley, Mrs. Emily A. Baxter, Arthur B. McKean, F. L.
Volume LIII – Number 17 - Thursday – April 27, 1916
Civic League Notes
The names of a few more who have enrolled on the side of good citizenship:
James P. McGee, Mrs. Wesley Alton, W. T. Gustin, Elmer Ross, Mary Bowen,
Anette Bowen, H. E. Chace
The May meeting of the D.A.R. will be at the home of Mrs. Herman J. Pierce on Wednesday, May 3d, at 2:30 o’clock.
Christian Endeavor Society of the Baptist church will have a social at the home of Mrs. George Hickok Friday night. All are invited.
The last meeting of the Progress Club of the season will be held on May 2d at the home of Mrs. George O. Holcombe. This will be a very important meeting and a large attendance is desired.
Volume LIII – Number 18 – Thursday – May 4, 1916
Members of Local Chapter, D.A.R. Elect Officers and Hear Reports –
The Os-co-hu Chapter, D.A.R., met at the home of Mrs. H. J. Pierce
on Wednesday afternoon, May 3d, at 2:30 o’clock. After the meeting
had been called to order by the Regent, Mrs. VanSyckel, two verses of America
were sung by the Chapter and prayer offered by the Chaplain, Mrs. Mary
Cleaver Long. The business of the afternoon was next taken up, the
reports of the various officers being read and accepted. It was moved
and seconded that a ballot be cast by the Secretary for the present officers,
and they were re-elected as follows:
Regent, Mrs. Robert E. VanSyckel; First Vice-Regent, Mrs. E. Everitt
VanDyne; Sec. V. Regent, Mrs. W. T. Gustin; Registrar, Mrs. Frederic H.
Hoffman; Recording-Secretary, Mrs. John W. Phillips; Corresponding Secretary,
Mrs. Brewster A. Long, Treasurer, Mrs. Wilber H. Parsons; Historian, Miss
Ethel B. Hovey, Chaplain, Mrs. Mary Cleaver Long.
Members of the Board, re-appointed Mrs. Thomas Colony and Mrs. Howard
The business of the committees was nest taken up by the Regent, a new3
co0mmittee being appointed for amending the by-laws of the constitution.
An invitation was extended by the Progress Club to the members of the Chapter
to attend an illustrated lecture on South America to be held in the Presbyterian
church by Dr. Harris of Elmira, assisted by the Rev. E. P. Morse.
The Chapter were also invited to attend the Memorial services at the M.
E. Church on Sunday, May 28. The Flag Committee are asked on Memo0rial
Day to replace all the old flags on the graves of Revolutionary soldiers
with new ones, and the Floral Committee were requested to place wreaths
on the graves of the soldiers.
A most interesting and instructive report of the National Continental
Congress at Washington was given by the delegate, Mrs. Frederic H. Hoffman.
Two solos were charmingly sung by Miss Lucile Besley.
A report written by the Historian and read by Mrs. M. H. McGlenn told
of the organizing of Os-co-hu Chapter, and the work done during the past
The paper of the afternoon on the Education and Home Life of the Colonies
was given by Mrs. F. E. VanKeuren. This paper was a most pleasing
picture of the early life of the thirteen colonies. This concluded
the program for the afternoon. After the motion to adjourn had been
passed the guests were invited into the dining room, Delicious refreshments
were served by the hostesses, Mrs. H. J. Pierce, Mrs. H. K. Mitchell, Mrs.
Albert A. Miller, and Miss Dorothy Beaman.
Volume LIII – Number 19 – Thursday – May 11, 1916
The Progress Club –
The last meeting of the Progress club for the season was with Mrs.
George O. Holcombe.
The study of South America was concluded.
The first paper, “Animal Life, Birds and Butterflies, and Rare Flowers
of South America”, was given by Mrs. Brewster A. Long, assisted with readings
by Mrs. Carnochan, Mrs. Wrench, Miss Baldwin, Mrs. VanSyckel, and Miss
Cora Spalding.
A solo followed, rendered by Mrs. Francis L. Ballard accompanied by
Mrs. H. S. Mitchell, “A Little Bit of Heaven”.
The principal topic of the afternoon, “The Panama Canal”, was arranged
byMrs. Holcombe.
“The General Description”, a paper by Mrs. H. S. Mitchell, was followed
by two readings from Haskin’s Panama, “Description of the Locks”, by Mrs.
W. S. Sweet, and “The Culebra Cut”, by Mrs. H. C. Carpenter.
A paper on “Past Isthmian Projects”, written by Mrs. D. J. Fanning,
was read by Mrs. J. R. Grant.
Gen. G. W. Goethal, the Man of the Hour, was read by Miss Jane Parsons.
Mrs. VanSyckel read from clippings The Latest from Panama and Mrs.
Wilber Parsons read an article on Latin America. Current events were
given by Mrs. Willett. The meeting closed with a piano solo by Mrs.
H. S. Mitchell, “The National Hymn of Argentina”.
The subject chosen for next years study was English Cathedrals, Mythology
and some Shakespeare.
(Local) At the annual meeting of the stockholders of Mansfield Normal School on May 1st W. H. Hatfield, C. J. Beach and E. E. Wood were elected trustees for the stock holders and Hon. A. B. Hitchcock of Knoxville; Hon F. H. Rockwell of Wellsboro; Dr. C. W. Sheldon of Tioga; S. A. Weeks of Elkland; W. S. Montgomery of Troy, and H. F. O’Donald of Morris Run, were recommended for State Trustees, three of whom will be conformed at Harrisburg.
Volume LIII – Number 20 – Thursday – May 18, 1916
Towanda Men Organize Rifle Club
Real preparedness is to get its first start in Bradford County this
evening when a meeting is to be held to organize a rifle club. David
R. Smith is at the head of the Committee which already has the signatures
of 45 men as charter members of the club. It is hoped to have at
least as many more.
The club is to be organized under the direction of the United States
War Department which is fostering such organizations all over the country.
The War Department furnishes one army rifle for each five members of a
club, and sufficient ammunition for rifle practice.
The main idea is to make it possible for men to learn how to handle
and shoot an army rifle. It is real sport to shoot at a target, and
such a club as it is proposed to organize would make it possible for the
members to have many fine outings and at the same time become proficient
in the use of an army rifle.
The Government establishes three classes and makes awards for the best
Troy Cow Testing Association
Following are the names of the owners and cows in the Troy Testing
Association which produced more than 40 pounds of butterfat during the
month ending April 28:
M. J. Ryan – Bell No 1, 50.1
R. H. Fleming – Daisy Dean DeKol, 1st, 45.1; Olive, 42.6; Dorinda Edward
Bess, 47.5; Johanna, 46.0
George Dunbar – Black and White, 46.5; Helen 2d, 42.3; Mayflower, 48.6
John L. VanHorn – Tormentors Vexer Queen 2d, 52.5; Bell, 40.8 Spot,
F. M. Barnes – Blondie 2d, 47.7; Gussie, 41.8
J. M. Rockwell – Bob, 44.0; Viola, 43.5; Lucy, 53.7; Daisy, 47.5; Reddie
George Dickinson – Little Star, 42.3; Jennie, 44.2; Bessie, 53.9
Austin Leonard & son – Nashua 44.3
Roy Kennedy – Little Brin, 41.4
Austin Kinyon – Gleason, 45.9; Jumbo, 44.7
Fred Bohlayer – Emma, 45.2
Harold Bohlayer – Holly, 43.8
P. D. Jones, Official Tester; Austin Leonard, Secretary.
Volume LIII – Number 21 – Thursday – May 25, 1916
Civic League Notes
We are pleased to add to the list of names already published, the following
signers of Troy Civic League Pledge Card: William Weigester, William
E. Carnochan, T. W. Parsons, S. B. Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boatright
and below we print a copy of this pledge card:
“I, the undersigned, a resident of the village of Troy, wish to show
my affection for it and my interest in its welfare by helping to make it
as pleasant and healthful a place to live in as may be. I am but
one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
What I can do I think I ought to do. I therefore pledge myself for
the year 1916 to keep what village property is in my possession or control
as clean and sanitary, and the portion of the street in front of it, as
well as the property itself, as free from weeds, papers and rubbish, as
it is reasonably possible for me so to keep them.”
Let us all work together. Each for all and all for each.
Troy Township Teachers –
The Troy Township school directors last Saturday fixed the tax levy
at 6 mills the same as last year and hired teachers for the several schools
as follows:
East Troy graded school – Principal, Howard Baxter; assistant teachers,
Mildred Nahood, Louise Horton and Frances Jones
Hunt school – Mae Shannon
Pierce school – Harold Peters
Case school – William Spalding
Spalding school – Florence Scott
Thomas school – Monema Greenough
Volume LIII – Number 23 – Thursday – June 8, 1916
D.A.R. Reception at home of Regent –
The June meeting of Os-cu-hu Chapter, D.A.R. was a delightful social
Mrs. Robert E. VanSyckel, Regent, issued invitations to the now eighty-six
members to be her special guests on their first Chapter birthday, June
5th, from 3 until 5 o’clock.
The day was perfect, the Daughters looked fine and all were happy.
The doors of “Barri Pomeroi” the attractive home of Mrs. VanSyckel were
opened wide. Old Glory was in evidence and cordiality prevailed as
some seventy guests greeted their hostess, assisted by First Vice-Regent,
Mrs. E. Everitt VanDyne and Second Vice-Regent, Mrs. William T. Gustin.
Mrs. Louise Park, harpist from Elmira, accompanied by Miss Margaret
Miller and Miss Nellie Wilson furnished music during the reception.
Several unbonneted ladies assisted in the dining room. Beautiful
pink roses, crystal candle sticks and candles with pink shades added to
the attractive table, where different ones presided at coffee urn.
Mrs. Boyd of Williamsport catered and most delicious refreshments were
served. The ladies not members of the Chapter from out-of-town were
Mrs. John Mathers of Ulster, Pa., and Mrs. Frank Roberts of LaPorte, Indiana.
The members of Os-Co-hu Chapter congratulated their Regent and each
other upon the good fellowship and splendid work accomplished during the
Much interest was manifested in the arrangements for their next meeting,
Flag Day, June 14th.
Volume LIII – Number 25 – Thursday – June 22, 1916
Alparon Park, July 4, 1916
Under the auspicies of Troy Racing Association: Trotting and
Pacing Races. Following is list of horses that are entered for the
“Cy” W. – Owned by L. N. Chaffie
Mabel Hal – Owned by J. Collins
Josie S. – Owned by L. Stone
Comet – Owned by W. Sargeant
Admiral Worthy - Owned by D. A. Smith
Leah Pilot - Owned by D. A. Smith
Byron Flower – Owned by D. A. Smith
Richard C. – Owned by T. Conklin
I. C. Chimes – Owned by K. Sweeley
Josh Marcellous – Owned by E. Goddard
Tony R. – Owned by D. Robinson
Tressa Chimes – Owned by C. Lentz
If the weather conditions are such that Mr. Herdic, Owner of Minnequa
Boy, thinks it unwise to ship his horse to Utica, N.Y., where he is booked
to race on July 4th, he will pace an exhibition mile.
In connection with the above race program, there will be other specs
such as Potato, bag, Barrel, Sack and Peanut Races. Ball game.
All kinds of refreshments will be sold on the grounds. Come and stay
all day. Music.
Civic League Notes –
The Civic League meeting which was held on Thursday, June 15th, was
in charge of the Child’s Welfare Committee. A paper telling of our
school, written by Mrs. P. S. King, was read by Mrs. H. B. VanDyne.
The report of the work of the Henrietta McKnight visiting nurse given by
Miss Paine, showed Miss Wilson has made 1,998 professional visits during
the year. Miss Wilson is in need of towels and old lined as that
line of her supplies has been exhausted. A motion was made by Mrs.
W. T. Gustin that the Mountain Laurel should be adopted as our National
Flower, was carried.
Mrs. Hoffman read a paper on Child Labor Law.
Mrs. L. M. Osborne, Probation Officer, was then introduced by Miss
Paine, who gave an interesting description of her work. She is detailed
to look after three classes of children; the neglected, delinquent and
incorrible. Mrs. Osborne works hard to keep children out of the juvenile
court. She also told of Mrs. Browning’s farm near Rome where
forty-two children are being cared for very satisfactorily but she is in
hopes that county officials will soon build a home and school where the
children will be taught trades and become useful members of society.
Mark Revolutionary Graves in Glenwood, East Troy, Hilton and Burlington
Cemeteries –
Some ten automobiles with many flags flying, carried officers and members
of “Os-co-hu Chapter” June 14th to Glenwood Cemetery, where the D.A.R.
ritual was read over the grave of Samuel Strait, Sr., by Mrs. Robert E.
VanSyckel, Regent, responses given by Chaplain, Mrs. Mary C. Long and members.
Mrs. Alice Strait Bradford of Sylvania, gave history and war record, Masters
Henry and Harold Mitchell unveiled and placed a flag in the D.A.R. marker.
Miss Charlotte Paine presided at a baby organ, once the property of
Miss Martha Long of Athens, which was carried about to the different cemeteries,
and Mrs. Francis L. Ballard rendered an old time solo, “The Pilgrim’s Song”,
also lead in the singing of “America” and “The Star Spangles Banner”.
Rev. E. P. Morse, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, offered prayer.
Miss Cora A. Spalding, Chairman Marking Graves Committee, had charge
of the exercises for the day which were varied and impressive.
At East Troy, services were held on the grave of Nathaniel Allen.
The life and history of this Revolutionary minute man from Massachusetts
was read by Mrs. Lucy Spalding Allen of Williamsport. Myrtle Jones
from Grover, Pa., of the sixth generation placed flag in marker.
At Hilton Cemetery, Mrs. M. K. Davies and Mrs. Hila Noble Williams
a descendant of Paul DeWitt represented the George Clymer Chapter of Towanda.
Mrs. Percy S. King of Troy read the war record of this ancestor.
The unveiling was done by Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Orlando Rockwell a great
Mrs. John R. Jones of East Troy read history of Moses Calkins, whose
grave was also marked at this time. Frederick and Thomas Calkins
did the unveiling.
At the “Old Church”, Burlington were many friends and descendants of
James McKean and William Dobbins, two of Bradford county’s earliest settlers
whose graves are in the Cemetery there.
Young ladies from the Burlington schools, gave a pleasing and effective
“flag drill” and song. Rev. Brague of East Troy delivered a stirring
address from the quaint old pulpit in this historic church, built in 1822,
closing with a most timely plea that individuals and nations alike put
God in their lives and plans.
After again singing “America” all gathered about the grave of James
McKean where a marker was unveiled by Robert McKean of Burlington and Miss
Bessie Dobbins. Mr. Arthur D. McKean of Troy, gave a brief history
of the McKean family and Mrs. Emma Dobbins Hepburn the war record.
After the unveiling of William Dobbins’ marker, Mr. John E. Dobbins
gave the early history and Miss Jane Parsons, the war record. Master Jack
Parsons placed the flag in the marker.
The officers of “Os-co-hu Chapter” thank all who aided and assisted
in any way to make this “Flag Day’ of 1916, one of pleasure and profit
and would suggest to those who have never been inside the “old Church”
at Burlington to plan to go there before the summer is over. Also
commend those who have the care of this building for preserving the interior
as originally built.
(Local) At the last meeting of the year of the Canton Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, delegates and alternates to the State Conference in Philadelphia in October were chosen as follows: Delegates; Mrs. G. E. Newman, Mrs. E. T. Barnes, Mrs. F. W. Taylor, Mrs. J. H. Brown, Mrs. J. Clark, Mrs. F. H. Tripp, Mrs. H. L. Clark, and Mrs. Byron Crawford. Alternates: Mrs. G. B. Bristol, Mrs. O. B. Westgate, Miss Nellie M. Black, Mrs. H. M. Whitman, Mrs. E. Emeline Leavitt, Mrs. C. E. Bullock, Mrs. Daniel Innes, Miss Hattie B. Newell and Mrs. A. E. Dann.
Volume LIII – Number 26 – Thursday – June 29, 1916
Flower Mission Day observed by W. C. T. U.
The Troy W. C. T. U. observance of Flower Mission Day was held at the
home of Mrs. Fannie Porter Tuesday afternoon.
The meeting was in charge of the Superintendent of the Flower Mission
Department, Mrs. Frances Leonard. Prayer was offered by Superintendent,
Mrs. Edith Corey and readings of selected passages of scripture were given
by members.
We were favored with a fine recitation by Mrs. Wesley Sherman entitled
“Mrs. Brinkerhoff on the Temperance Question”, as an encore she gave “The
Volunteer Organist”.
The guests of the day were the L. T. L.’s who came to the front nobly
in doing their share of entertaining.
Miss flick presided at the piano and Master Edward Moss and Miss Glennie
Gilkie sang a temperance song to the tune of “Marching Through Georgia”.
Between fifty and sixty Bouquets were sent to gladden the hearts of
invalids and shut-ins.
A fine picnic supper was enjoyed by all present and it was conceded
that it was a time profitably and pleasantly spent.