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Troy Gazette-Register 1915 Table of Contents
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Tri County Clippings- Troy Gazette Register 1915 - Yesterday's News

Typed by Pat MOTT Gobea
These clippings from ancient and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services available.
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year.
Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings.  Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here.  If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Search Engine which you can reach from the "Front Door" of the Tri-County Genealogy & History sites by Joyce M. Tice. 
Troy Gazette – Register
Troy, Bradford County, PA
Joyce's Search Tip - August 2008 
Do You Know that you can search just the 239 pages of Troy Gazette-Register Clippings on the site by using the TGR Clippings button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page
You'll also find obituary and other newspaper clippings using the three county-level Obits by Cemetery buttons and the general Clippings Button. Additional clippings can be found in the Birth, Marriage, and some other partitions. 
Troy Gazette-Register
Troy, Bradford Co., PA

Volume LII, #4, Friday, January 29, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Manley (nee Julia Price) are nicely placed and already keeping house at 97 Pearl St., Rochester, N.Y.

Taylor King of Grover, a brother of Fred King, of Canton, was prostrated last week by apoplexy.

The fifteenth birthday of Allen Smith was the occasion of a merry gathering of young people at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Smith on Monday evening.

Leslie Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Merritt B. Smith is making a satisfactory progress under treatment in a Philadelphia hospital.

Volume LII, #5, Friday, February 5, 1915

Orin W. Jaquish had with him for a few days visit his younger brother, Joseph Jaquish of Mansfield.

Mrs. A. W. Preston came Tuesday from Elmira for week’s visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Armstrong.

Mrs. Malcom Gibson and little son of Elmira have been the guests this week of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Gallatin.

Having completed his course in the Illinois State College at Champaign, John Morse comes soon for a visit to his parents, the Rev. and Mrs. E. P. Morse.

Silas Putnam has been quite ill at the home of his father-in-law, Seth Wood, East Main Street.

LaRue Davies was home from business college in Elmira for Sunday with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Davies.

Volume LII, #6, Friday, February 12, 1915

Mrs. A. K. Gould of Elmira, was the guest Wednesday and Thursday of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Beach.

Mrs. Harry Jenner and her little daughter, Dorothy Grant Jenner of Rochester, were guests over Sunday of the Misses Foote in High Street.

Mrs. John T. Shaw with her youngest daughter was here from Detroit, Mich., from Thursday to Monday for a visit to her father, C. B. Pomeroy and other relatives.

William S. Potter of Lafayette, Ind., was in town Tuesday following a visit to his son, George, who is a senior at Hamilton College.

Mrs. Laura Redington Aspinwall of Buffalo, came the first of the week for a visit to her sister, Mrs. Jennie Grant.

Volume LII, #7, Friday, February 19, 1915

James McKean was down from Elmira during the week for a few days visit to his mother, Mrs. R. W. Budd.

Miss Dorothy Beaman passed a few days at Pine City with her sister, Mrs. Louis Cassada.

Mrs. Frederick E. VanDyne and little daughter spent the week-end in Elmira with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Swan.

Mrs. Augustus Snedeker and her son, John L. Snedeker, are to move this spring into the Wahlron house in Elmira Street which they purchased last year.

Miss Charlotte Paine and her little niece, Hope Crouch are spending a time in Syracuse with the latter’s parents, Judge and Mrs. Leonard Crouch, and other relatives.

Horace B. Pomeroy came last week from Buffalo for a visit to his father, C. Burton Pomeroy, and his brothers, John W., Edwin and Fayette Pomeroy.

Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Gillett of Mansfield, on a week’s visit among relatives passed Sunday and Monday with their son, Lynn Gillett and family in this boro.

Mrs. F. L. Buck of Elmira and Mrs. Leon E. Card of Sylvania, spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Dayton Richmond, who is ill at her home on Railroad St.

Volume LII, #8, Friday, February 26, 1915

Reports from Las Cruces, New Mexico, concerning the health of Mrs. Lloyd Fanning of Wetona, are not reassuring.

Thomas Griffith, the carpet buyer for a large Duluth, Minn., department store, was with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abner Griffith in Leona over Sunday and Washington’s birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. William Stenson of Avon, N.Y., visited the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Handran and sister, Mrs. M. Doody of Canton.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teeter have had the company for a few days of their daughter, Mrs. W. E. Knapp of Elmira.

Dr. Charles S. Weigester was up from Frackville for a Washington’s birthday visit to his parents Mr. and Mrs. William Weigester.

 Volume LII, #9, Friday, March 5, 1915

Daniel Newell is spending a time in Elmira with his daughter, Mrs. Patterson and family.

Following a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kellam, the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eden Bonney are on one of their visits to former neighbors at Rahway, N. J.

E. B. Compton came from Tamaqua for a visit to his mother, Mrs. Daniel Compton.

The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Merritt of Cowley will be glad to know that their little twin son, Merle, is recovering from his very serious run of bronchial pneumonia.

Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Maynard, of Farmers Valley, have been entertaining their daughter, Mrs. Lysell O. Dickinson, of Elmira.

Mrs. Fred Sutton of Tioga county and son, Ernest, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wood of Mackney St. Mrs. Walter Coon also was visiting in the Wood home.

Frederick, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Pomeroy, has been quite ill.

Miss Christine Anderson of Elmira, visited her sister, Mrs. F. D. Hungerford and family last week.

Mrs. H. H. Aumick, who has been spending the winter with her son, E. S. Aumick of East Main St., went Monday to Penn Yan, N.Y., where she will spend a time with her son, Ben Aumick.

Volume LII, #10, Friday, March 12, 1915

Mrs. Patterson of Elmira, is spending a time in Troy with her father, Daniel Newell.

E. C. Orvis of Sullivan, a brother of George Orvis and Mrs. H. S. Sweet of this boro, is alarmingly ill.

Mrs. John R. VanNess was called to Lestershire last week by the illness of her mother, Mrs. O. D. Field.

Mrs. Marion A. Lewis of Granville Summit, Pa., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. W. Smith at Schenectady, N. Y.

Leon Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Smith, has been quite ill.

A. D. Ballard of Mansfield, father of Mrs. C. A. Smith, is seriously ill following a paralytic shock.

Miss Jane Parsons has postponed indefinitely her contemplated visit to New York City with her father, John A. Parsons.

Mrs. Herman J. Pierce was with her sister, Mrs. Merton Baldwin and family in Bentley Creek for a few days visit.

In Orphan’s Court at Towanda, Wilson Simpson was appointed guardian of the minor child of Della Smith, estate of William Smith of Granville.

A divorce was given Arthur Barrett from Wrexie Barrett, at Towanda recently.

Volume LII, #11, Friday, March 19, 1915

Attorney W. E. Carnochan, brother of Mrs. S. B. Willett, has been made a member of the Presbyterian Board of Home Missions.  He has been the Board’s legal adviser for some years.

Max Leonard, a son of Timothy Leonard of Big Pond, was taken Wednesday to the Robert Packer hospital for treatment.  His condition has been serious for some time.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kelley attended the funeral at Canton yesterday of Miss VanFleet, a cousin of the latter who expired at the Mr. Alto Sanitarium.

T. Samuel Parsons is here from New York for a visit to his mother, Mrs. E. B. Parsons.

Mrs. B. B. Mitchell entertained the Embroidery Club yesterday in her new home for her sister, Mrs. Charles M. Knox.

Volume LII, #12, Friday, March 26, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. Olin Ross have moved to the home of the latter’s brother, Clyde Quinn, in upper Canton Street.

Miss Harriett Parsons comes today from Vassar College for the Easter vacation with her mother, Mrs. E. B. Parsons.

Mrs. H. B. Monroe and her sister, Miss Lenora Wilcox, visited their uncle, Eugene Wilcox and family last week.  Miss Wilcox has returned to her home in Newark.

Mrs. Sarah Middaugh, the mother of Edward Miller, who has been seriously ill, is slightly improved.

Mrs. W. Herman Woodward of Elmira, was with her mother, Mrs. W. B. Gernert the last of the week.

Mrs. Joseph Armstrong was called to Williamsport last Saturday by the illness of her mother, Mrs. William Wheeler, formerly of Troy.

Volume LII, #13, Friday, April 2, 1915

Frederick Weigester arrived Wednesday from State College for the Easter vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Weigester.

Mrs. Susanna Kiff, mother of Mrs. Jennie Greene, was prostrated Tuesday by paralytic shocks, and is very ill at the home of the latter in Armenia township.

Mrs. Elmer Ross spent part of last week in Sayre and Waverly, the guest of her uncle, James Shaylor and sister, Mrs. Lee Gerould.

Volume LII, #14, Friday, April 9, 1915

Mrs. Stephen Kelley of Elmira passed Easter with her sister, Mrs. Earl W. Stanton at the Troy house.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White of Troy, and their grandson, Eldon Wood, of Elmira, were among those who attended the celebration of the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Saxton, at Granville Center.

E. E. White of Mansfield, passed Wednesday night with his daughter, Mrs. Joseph H. Preston and family.

Miss Carrie Hickok, who teaches in Rochester’s newest and finest high school, passed the Easter recess with her sister, Mrs. David J. Fanning and family.

Miss Alma Price came from her school in Orange, N. J., for the Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Price, who had with them also their daughter recently married, Mrs. Leon O. Manley of Rochester, N. Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Judson came from Pembryn for Easter with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Wilcox.

Miss Josephine Collins came from Elmira for Easter with her sister, Miss Margaret Collins.

B. I. Silliman is to go soon to make his home at Boone, Iowa, with his son, Benj. Silliman and family.

Volume LII, #15, Friday, April 16, 1915

The Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Holloway have been entertaining the latter’s sister, Miss Lucia Davis of Sherburne, N. Y.

Mrs. S. E. Brown has returned to her Mountain Lake home after spending the winter in Athens with her daughter, Mrs. Olmstead.

Mrs. Edward P. Morse returned last Friday from a visit to her son, John H. Morse, at Danville, Illinois, and her mother, Mrs. Hamilton, at Watseka, Ill.

Mrs. J. C. Leonard passed Sunday in Troy with her sister, Mrs. Edward Johnson on her way to her home in Elmira from caring for her father who has been ill, at Grover.

Mrs. M. T. Haxton visited the past week with her mother, Mrs. E. V. Grace and other relatives in Waverly, N. Y.

Joseph C. Blackwell of Towanda, visited his son, Charles J. Carson Blackwell.

Andrew E. Spalding of Oil City, came Sunday for a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Spalding.

Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Bailey are in Washington, D. C., for a visit to their son, Percy W. Bailey of the Pathfinder and family.

Volume LII, #16, Friday, April 23, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sharpless are entertaining the latter’s mother, Mrs. Lear of West Chester, Pa.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dockstader of Wellsboro, who last week celebrated their 57th wedding anniversary, have relatives here.

Mrs. Margaret Gregory Berry and her little daughter, Betty, from Elmira were guest the first of the week of Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Mitchell.

Mrs. Robert Halpin of Montclair, N. J., is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. W. Kennedy in Leona.

Volume LII, #17, Friday, April 30, 1915

F. F. Riggs of St. Petersburg, Fla. visited his brother, George E. Riggs, Wednesday and Thursday.

Mr. Fred S. Kelley and son, Hazen who came from Syracuse for the funeral of Mrs. J. M. Smiley at East Canton, spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kelley.

Mrs. T. Burk of Canton, is visiting her Troy sisters, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Hooley and Mrs. Shaw.

Attorney H. B. Corey and daughter, Miss DeEtta Corey, were in Mansfield on Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Nichols have been entertaining their daughter, Mrs. Anna Kornarens.

Volume LII, #18, Friday, May 7, 1915

Mr. Liston Bliss is to leave on Saturday of next week for an outing of two months which promises him much pleasure.  After visiting his brother, Dr. P. F. Bliss at Springfield, Ohio, he is to join in Chicago on the 19th a Raymond Whitcomb party for an Alaska trip.

Mrs. Stephen Brace of Springfield is spending a time with her sister, Mrs. R. W. Budd.

Volume LII, #20, Friday, May 21, 1915

On the ground of cruel treatment Sophronia L. Worden and Hattie L. Messer have been granted divorces from Willis N. Worden and William H. Messer.

Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Went and children came last week from Michigan to make their home for a time in Troy.  Mr. Went will be recalled as formerly connected with the Troy Creamery.  He comes to Bradford county at this time for the federal government as inspector of the navy butter which is being made at the Burlington Creamery by the Sayre Dairy & Cold Storage Company.  Mrs. Went was Miss Ada Smith of Troy.

Mrs. Laura Goodell, Miss Louise Leonard of Boston, who accompanied the remains of their mother to Troy, have been the guest since the funeral of Mrs. George Holcombe, their cousin.

Dr. and Mrs. Charles Kerrick of Auburn, N. Y., and Mr. Clarence Kerrick of Trenton, N. J. returned to their homes following a week’s visit to their father, Mr. Nelson Kerrick, Center and High streets.

Volume LII, #21, Friday, May 28, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sharpless and the latter’s mother, Mrs. Lear motored to Watkins Glen on Sunday.

Mrs. Lucian Bailey of Bailey Corners, is spending few days with her son, Robert Bailey and family in this boro.

Mrs. Lucy Smith, her daughter Miss Marcella Smith and Miss Mildred Vosburg, of Elmira, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Redington at West End Farm.

Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Kelley returned to their home in Canton following a visit to their son J. Harrison Kelley and family.

Roy Gallatin of Cleveland, is spending a two week’s vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Gallatin.

Mrs. Augustus Snedeker and her son John Edward Snedeker, are moving from Snedekers into their home in Elmira Street, formerly known as the Waldron place.  Mr. Snedeker is to be graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in June.

Clifford Scouten, one of the ten Bradford county honor students in this years Mansfield Normal graduating class, is a son of Morris Scouten of this boro.

Volume LII, #22, Friday, June 4, 1915

Miss May Davis of Sherburne, N. Y. came Tuesday to visit her sister, Mrs. W. R. Holloway.

Mrs. Anna Budd Woodward came from Elmira for Memorial Day with her mother, Mrs. W. B. Gernert.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Holcombe came from Philadelphia for Memorial Day with the former’s mother, Mrs. George O. Holcombe.

Mrs. J. Franklin Pierce has gone for a visit in New York to her son, Allan Pierce and Mrs. Pierce (nee Beatrice Nearing).

T. Samuel Parsons came from New York for a week end visit to his mother, Mrs. E. B. Parsons.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McAfee and their daughter, Libby, of Athens were week end visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fayette Pomeroy.

Mrs. James McKean and daughter, Miss Gayle McKean of Elmira, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Budd.

Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Buffum had with them over Decoration Day Mrs. Sarah Fowler, the sister of E. T. Buffum, and his nieces, Mrs. Gertie Scott and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Howard who motored from Endicott, N.Y., on Sunday returning home on Monday.

Mrs. Louise Stone of West Franklin is visiting her sister, Mrs. Samuel Rockwell, Canton Street.

Mrs. Louden Budd has returned to Troy from a visit to relatives in Boston and to her son, Lee Budd and family in Chicago.  She is with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Budd, High Street.

Volume LII, #23, Friday, June 11, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kingsbury of Waverly, N. Y., were guests Sunday of Mrs. Kingsbury’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Holland.

Volume LII, #24, Friday, June 18, 1915

Mrs. Hillis Spalding passed the week-end with her sister, Mrs. P. G. Newell in Elmira.

Mrs. Thomas Mitchell and her granddaughter, Janice Mitchell have gone to Rutland, Vt., where they will spend two months with the former’s sister, Mrs. George Brown.

Mr. Clarence Moss of Philadelphia, is visiting his brother, the Rev. E. J. Moss, at the First Baptist parsonage.

Emma, young daughter of William Chubbuck of Arverne, L. I., will spent the summer in Troy with Mrs. E. B. Parsons and daughter.  This formerly was the home of her father.

Mrs. Frank H. Arnold of Rochester, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Isaac Cleaver.

Mrs. George Olney, a sister of Miss Ruby Smith of this boro, is very ill at her home in Rochester.

Miss Lila Strait of Mansfield, whose father, E. B. Strait, is well known here, has been engaged to teach the sixth grade of Troy public school next year.

Miss Eloise Bohlayer, who came from New York to assist in the care of her mother, Mrs. Fred Bohlayer, who is quite ill, was herself operated on Wednesday afternoon at the Bohlayer home by Dr. Donald Guthrie of the Robert Packer hospital of Sayre.  Dr. Barker assisted.  Dr. Guthrie brought two nurses with him, one of whom remains with the patient who is doing as well as could be expected.

Volume LII, #25, Friday, June 25, 1915

Mrs. Adel Pomeroy Shaw of Detroit with her six children, is visiting her father, Mr. C. B. Pomeroy and other relatives in this boro and vicinity.

Mrs. W. Herman Woodward, of Elmira, was down to see her mother, Mrs. W. B. Gernert, the first of the week.

Mrs. Ed Johnson went to Elmira Thursday morning for a short visit with her sisters, Mrs. Charles Lilly and Mrs. J. C. Leonard.  She expects to return Saturday evening.

Volume LII, #26, Friday, July 2, 1915

A gathering of twenty-five of their relatives and friends was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cory last week, Wednesday evening in celebration of the sixty-seventh birthday of Mrs. Cory’s father, Mr. Nathan Sherman.  Refreshments were served and a good time enjoyed by all.

Harold Gernert of Bridgeport, Conn., is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. W. B. Gernert in High Street.

Mr. and Mrs. Willis Flick and little daughter, Geraldine, left on the early train north yesterday for a two week’s visit at New Bedford, Mass., to Mr. and Mrs. Leland Flick.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew E. Spalding and daughter Virginia, who motored from Oil City for a visit to their parents in Troy, returned by way of Ithica, N.Y., and Buffalo, where they visited friends.

Dr. F. H. Riley attended the funeral near Wellsboro of Miss Florence Keifer, an acquaintance of his school days at Lock Haven Normal School, who died last week in St. Margaret’s hospital in Pittsburg.

Mrs. Lucy Smith and her daughter, Miss Marcella Smith of Elmira, are visiting Troy relatives.

Mrs. C. E. Miller has returned to her home in Elmira after visiting a week at the home of her daughter Mrs. L. A. Slingerland.

Wesley B. Reynolds came last week from National Soldiers Home for his summer visit to his son, Mr. Lee Reynolds and family.

Mrs. M. H. Gustin, of Philadelphia, and her daughter, Miss Eva Gustin, are guest of Mr. John Gustin and daughter and other friends in this section.

Miss Frances Gallatin is spending three weeks in Elmira with her sister, Mrs. Malcomb Gibson.  Mr. and Mrs. Gibson lately returned from a trip of the great lakes.

Mrs. J. E. Raymond and daughter, Miss Elizabeth Raymond, come next Tuesday from Binghamton to visit Mrs. Foote and daughters in High Street.  Mrs. Foote and Mrs. Raymond are sisters.

Volume LII, #27, Friday, July 9, 1915

Mrs. Horace Shedd of Providence, R.I., is visiting her brother, Mr. P. M. Holloway, and her aunt, Mrs. Norcross.

Miss Anna Compton visited her brother, F. Burton Compton and family at Tamaqua, returning during the week past.

Mrs. Charles H. Knox came Tuesday from Johnstown, N.Y., for a short visit to her sister, Mrs. R. E. VanSyckel and family.

Franklin and Elizabeth Cassada of Pine City, are spending a few weeks in this boro with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Beaman.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dann and daughter of near Binghamton, N. Y. motored to Troy on Saturday and spent the Fourth with Mr. Dann’s sister, Mrs. C. E. Leonard.

Mrs. Arthur Schneckberger and little daughter of Elmira, were guests of the former’s mother, Mrs. Charlotte Ide.

Mrs. Sarah Bothwell and her daughter, Miss Theodora Bothwell came last week from Lima Seminary for the summer.

Bert Comfort caught the limit of forty and his brother, Clarence twenty-seven fine trout on Armenia mountain Monday.

An interesting event was the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teeter which was observed on Friday evening, at their home by about twenty of their neighbors and friends.  Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Moore, their daughter and husband who came from Towanda for the day were of the party as was also Charles Teeter Knapp of Elmira.  The Moores were supposed to be on their way home when suddenly they reappeared with the others of the surprise party.

Miss Pauline E. Bradford, who is a teacher in the schools of Endicott, N. Y., near Binghamton, is spending her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Bradford, Wayside Farm.

Mrs. L. J. Ballard is quite ill.  Her daughter, Mrs. W. D. Morse, is here from Athens.

Mrs. John Blackwell is very ill at the home in this boro of her daughter, Mrs. Dix Ballard.

Miss Catherine Monagle of Hornell, is spending part of her vacation, with her sister, Mrs. F. M. Holloway.

Harry Brooks came from Montour Falls for Sunday and Monday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Brooks.

Mrs. E. L. Teeter and daughters, Mrs. F. H. Hoffman and Miss Grace Sayles are to spend a time soon at Eagles Mere.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friends left Wednesday for Hornell to attend the Hollands family reunion.

Mrs. Walter LaCell of Charlotte, N. Y., with her little son is visiting her sisters, Mrs. Joseph Armstrong and Mrs. Burton Comfort in this boro.

Mrs. Lena McDowell of Syracuse and daughter, Margaret and Helen Joralemon of Troy, were over Sunday guests of the former’s father, M. B. McDowell, at Sylvania.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawhead and daughter, Bernice of Cayuta, N. Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lawhead and daughter, Julia of Horseheads, motored to Troy on Sunday morning and spent the day with their aunt, Mrs. E. J. Lilley.

Volume LII, #28, Friday, July 16, 1915

Mrs. Merritt Aumick is spending a time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Dunbar, near East Troy.

Miss Pauline Lilley of Towanda, visited her cousin, Miss Elizabeth VanDyne.

Mrs. Witmer Pettingill of Elmira, and daughter, Madeline of Wilkes-Barre, were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bloom.

Mr. S. L. Morse of Pavo, Georgia, a native of this section who has lived in the south more than forty years, came last Friday for a visit to his brother, Frank Morse and family.  His last trip north was 28 years ago.  He is the father of Ralph Morse of the Troy Electric Company employ.  Mr. Morse reports much business depression in his section due to the low price of cotton incident to the European war.  Real estate values had been going up steadily for some years until last August.  He looks for further advances when the war is over.

Mrs. Geiss of Waverly, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Earl M. Bloom.

Volume LII, #29, Friday, July 23, 1915

Mrs. Hepburn and her brother, John E. Dobbins spent a day last week with their sister-in-law in Hammondsport.  They went by way of Bath.  Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Smith and daughter are near Mainesburg with Mr. Smith’s father, G. Manley Smith, who is very ill with pernicious anemia.  Mr. Smith is looking after the haying on his father'’ farm.

Mrs.  A. K. Gould and son, Richard of Elmira, are spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Beach.  Mr. Gould came with them but was called back to work for the La France Company,  The strike having been settled by appointment of committees to arbitrate the question of wages.

Miss R. H. Carpenter of Philadelphia, is visiting her brother, Dr. F. S. Carpenter and family.

Mrs. C. R. Kingsbury of Waverly, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Holland for a short time.

Mr. L. W. Williams of Elmira, spent last Friday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Williams.

Mrs. Annie Leonard Johnson and children of East Aurora, N. Y., are visiting her mother, Mrs. Henry Leonard and Mrs. Morley.

Mrs. Chan. Smith of Canton, spent Tuesday with her daughter, Mrs. Earl Rexford, on High Street.

Mrs. Dennis Sullivan and daughter, Marion, of Elmira spent last Friday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Orcutt.

Mrs. M. T. Haxton is spending a week with her mother, Mrs. E. V. Grace in Waverly.  She will also visit other relatives and friends in Waverly and Owego before her return.

Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Horner and daughters Cleda and Fay, and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Watkins and son Richard of Johnstown, Pa., are spending the week with John Spalding and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Clark Chapins, their son, Stanley, Miss Sophia Cominski all of Shickshinny, autoed to Troy and spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Childs.

Volume LII, #30, Friday, July 30, 1915

Charles Gernert of Bridgeport, Conn. Visited his mother, Mrs. W. B. Gernert.

Mrs. George Riggs and daughter, Laura are spending the week in LeRoy and Canton.

George Gillmour and son, Fred Gillmour, were on Armenia fishing and report a catch of forty trout.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Larcom and daughter, Eleanor, and Mr. and Mrs. Delancy Morse and daughter, Jennie, motored to Elmira Thursday.

Volume LII, #31, Friday, August 6, 1915

Miss Fannie McClelland of Buffalo, and her niece, Miss Margery Hawks of Corning, were guests during the week of Mrs. John Wolfe, Elmira Street.

Volume LII, #32, Friday, August 13, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Batterson attended the funeral at Canton Saturday of the latter’s uncle Hugh Crawford.

Mr. H. N. Carpenter of DeWitt, Mich., dropped in unexpectedly yesterday for a visit to his brother, Dr. P. S. Carpenter.

Mrs. E. A. Rockwell entertained her sister, Mrs. M. Benninger of Granville Center and niece and children of Brooklyn, NY the first of the week.

Paul, the 8-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitten of Towanda, was kicked on the right knee and seriously injured by a newly shod horse on the farm of his grandfather N. J. Morrow at Camptown.

Humphrey Beaman came Wednesday from his work in the middle west for a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beaman.

Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Eilenberger and son Robert, spent a few days last week with old friends at Binghamton.

Mrs. T. H. Morse and daughter of Elmira, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ludington.  Mrs. Morse and Mrs. Ludington are sisters.

Miss Gayle McKean of Elmira, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. R. W. Budd.

Carlton Hutchings of Weedsport, N. Y., son of the Rev. George E. Hutchings, one time pastor of the Troy M. E. Church, was in town Wednesday as a candidate for the principalship of the public school.

Among the losers by the terrible Erie flood of last week was Mrs. Jennie Mable, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Dunbar, residents for many years of Canton.  Her home was flooded, and much furniture including a piano was destroyed.  The family were rescued from an upper window.

James H. Armstrong of Easton, is visiting his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Armstong.

Mrs. Richmond Bailey visited her son, H. J. Fanning and family at Geneva, N. Y., last week.

Mrs. Harriett A. Young of Rochester, N. Y., is visiting her brother F. W. Bullock and other friends in town.

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Fitch were called to Athens recently by the death by accidental shooting of the latter’s father, John Clark.

Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Solomon of Boston, Mass., and Mrs. P. C. Pettet of New York City, have come to visiting their brothers, Charles and Clark Joralemon and cousins in Troy.

Frederick Treat, brother of Mrs. William DeWitt of Blossburg, was here last week to buy a Milking Shorthorn sire from the May & Otis heard for his large farm nine miles from Annapolis, Md.

Edward Maher of the S. S. Kresge store, Rochester, is spending part of his vacation with his mother, Mrs. Katharine Maher.

Volume LII, #33, Friday, August 20, 1915

Mrs. Frederick Roberts and son are here from Rochester for a visit in the home of her father, Alanson L. Rolison.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rexford entertained the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. William Shaffer of Canton, last Sunday.

Lawrence Spencer, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Spencer was operated on last Sunday at the Spencer home in Elmira Street by Dr. Molyneux of the Robert Packer hospital and Dr. Barker for appendicitis.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hancock of Towanda, visited the latter’s brother, E. J. Lewis and family of Granville Summit.

Harry Brooks came from Montour Falls and Lee Brooks from Windsor, N. Y., for Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Brooks.

Mrs. Harold Stevens and daughter, Elizabeth returned to their home in Newark, N. J., yesterday after spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Budd, on High Street.

Mr. and Mrs. Addison English of Camptown, came Monday in their automobile for Mrs. English’s mother, who is in poor health and has been spending some time with her son, E. S. Aumick of Paines Hill.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beach entertained about forty of their friends Friday evening with dancing and a general good time in honor of their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beach of Pittsburg, who are spending a three weeks vacation with them.

Attorney and Mrs. Claud M. Stone and their two children of Delta, Colorado, are visiting the former’s mother, Mrs. Alice Stone of Canton St., and other relatives and friends in this boro and vicinity/  They are to spend a week in New York before they return to Colorado.  Delta is a town of about 3,000.

Mrs. James Creighton of Elmira, her son Norman and daughter, Dorris spent last week with Mrs. Elmer Kennedy of Springfield.  Her husband came Saturday for over Sunday.

Mr. A. D. Ballard of Mansfield, well known here, and his brother, Lloyd, of Corning are on a tour of the West.  They were in Yellowstone National Park when last heard from.  They will go through to the coast and return by way of Texas where they have relatives.

 Mrs. William Maher with her son, Francis passed Sunday in Sayre with her daughter, Mrs. McKenna.

Mrs. James Austin of Watkins, N. Y., returned to her home Monday morning after spending a week with her brother, L. Murray.

Mrs. B. B. Mitchell and her sister Mrs. M. A. Davies were hostesses yesterday of a large thimble party at the home of the former.

Mrs. E. J. Lilley attended the Lawhead reunion at Eldridge Park, Elmira, on Wednesday.

Miss Katharine A. McGee of Williamsport, is visiting her brother, James P. McGee and family.

Misses Laura and Jeanette McCabe, Mrs. Charles Ludington and Charles B. McCabe of Philadelphia motored to Penn Yan to visit their brother, Harry McCabe.

Volume VII, #34, Friday, August 27, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Ruggles, their daughter, Miss Dorothy Ruggles and their son, Brewster A. Ruggles of Towanda, are at Long View Cottage, Mountain Lake, for the week.  Brewster A. Ruggles is making a fine record with the Banker’s Trust Company, New York, following graduation from the Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania.

Miss Mary Burke of Elmira, spent Sunday in Troy with her sister, Miss Anna Burke.

Mr. and Mrs. George Knapp of Coryland and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Watkins of Millport, NY, formerly of Troy, returned last Saturday from a ten-day motor trip through the Adirondack mountains and points of interest in Canada.  They visited their sister, Mrs. W. W. Burrows, near Cranberry Lake, NY.

Dr. Elvin Jaquish of Clymer, Pa., has been visiting his brother, Mr. Orin Jaquish and other Troy relatives.

Mrs. E. E. Potter and her daughter, Helen, of Elmira, are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Budd.

Humphrey Beaman left Wednesday morning for a visit to his brother, Attorney J. W. Beaman in Towanda and his sister and family at Pine City, N. Y.

Mrs. Howard Ballard and son, Master Howard of McKeesport, Pa., are guests for a fortnight of Mrs. John McGoughran.

Paul Sawyer of Liberty, is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Victor Rockwell on High Street.

Mr. H. N. Carpenter of DeWitt, Michigan, who is spending a time with his brother, Dr. P. S. Carpenter, is the inventor of a promising subsoil plow or pulverizer.

Miss Charlotte Wheeler of Elmira, visited her sister, Miss Laura Wheeler and other Troy relatives.

Volume LII, #35, Friday, September 3, 1915

Mrs. Charles M. Knox of Johnstown has sent a very large St. Bernard dog about a year old to the children of her brother, Mr. B. B. Mitchell.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Colony are entertaining the former’s brother, W. H. Colony, wife and daughter of Mansfield.

Mrs. John Brownlee and daughter, Gertrude of Jersey Shore, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Kriesh, High Street who are entertaining also Miss Edna Sutton and Raymond G. Beck of West Berwick.  Mr. Beck is Mrs. Kriegh’s brother.

Mrs. J. R. Willour and her daughter, Miss Margaret Willour of the Arnet Ogden hospital, Elmira, are spending two weeks at a cottage on Lake Keuka near Grove Springs.

Miss Frances Preston, daughter of M. C. Preston, and Carl Frey, both of Canton, will enter Cornell University at Ithaca, as students this month.

Volume LII, #36, Friday, September 10, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Friends and little son, Robert of Hornell, came to spend fair week with their parents.  Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friends.  Their son, Clifford who spent his vacation with his grandparents returned with them last Saturday.

Dr. and Mrs. Charles Kerrick of Auburn, visited the former’s father, Nelson Kerrick, the first of the week.

Mrs. B. A. Long is entertaining her cousins, Mr. J. B. Chattle, Miss Ellen Chattle and Miss Mary Chattle of Aurora, Illinois.

Master Bennett Strait spent a few days this week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sucese before entering Mansfield Normal.

Mrs. Hiram Bardwell of Stanley, N. Y. spent the latter part of the week with her son, Harry Bardwell and sister, Mrs. Dayton Richmond, both of this place.

Miss Carrie Hickok who has spent most of her vacation in Troy with her sister, Mrs. David J. Fanning, left Tuesday to resume her duties as a teacher in the West high school, Rochester, N. Y.

Miss Pauline Bradford has returned to her duties as teacher in the Union Endicott school after spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bradford.

Mrs. Abner Griffith of Leona, with her daughter, Miss Rebecca Griffith, left yesterday for a visit to her sons, Mr. Ashton Griffith of Chicago, and Mr. Abner Griffith of Duluth, and their families.  They will be gone sometime.

Volume LII, #37, Friday, September 17, 1915

Mrs. Malcomb Gibson and little son of Elmira, are paying a week’s visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Gallatin.

Mr. P. M. Bailey of “The Pathfinder,” Washington, D. C., came Friday morning for a weeks visit with parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Bailey, Redington Avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bright, Mrs. M. A. Burrows and daughter, Pauline, Misses Elnora and Belle Burns, Miss Frances Bright, Robert Burns and George Gibson attended the Fair at Mansfield yesterday.

Volume LII, #38, Friday, September 24, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Burrows and daughter, Pauline, and Miss Belle Burns spent Sunday in Alba and vicinity.

Mrs. George Olney of Rochester, N. Y., whose husband recently died, is spending a time with her mother, Mrs. Chan. Smith in Canton.

Austin Martin, Troy High School, son of the Rev. Martin of Canton, will take post graduate work in Columbia University this year looking to the ministry.

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lewis and daughter, Marian Isabelle of Granville Summit, have returned from a trip to Atlantic City, Philadelphia and other places of interest.

Alfred C. Blackwell, the Republican nominee for County Treasurer, is the father of Cashier J. C. Blackwell of the Grange National bank, this boro.

Mrs. W. Herman Woodward came from Elmira for a visit to her mother, Mrs. W. B. Gernert.

Volume LII, #39, Friday, October 1, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown are in Syracuse for a visit to their son, Frederick Brown and wife.

Mrs. J. R. Willour who has been visiting her Troy friends, was joined on Wednesday for the day by her daughter, Miss Margaret Willour of the Arnot-Ogden staff of nurses.

Mr. and Mrs. R. E. VanSyckel are to accompany their daughter, Madaline, to Washington when she enters the National Park Seminary.  They will make the trip by automobile.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cosper are planning to leave for Florida for the winter about Nov. 1st.  Mrs. Stackhouse, Mrs. Cosper’s mother, will spend the winter in Waverly, her former home.

Mrs. H. J. Gladke and son Malcom, and Miss Mary Rafter and Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Welle of Elmira, were entertained yesterday by Postmaster and Mrs. McNulty.

Teller J. H. Kelley of the Grange bank, was called to Canton yesterday morning by the critical illness of his father, Mr. E. B. Kelley, who has been in poor health for some time.

Sherman and Harry Thomas left Wednesday morning to visit their cousin, Mrs. Herman Boyer at Lewisburg, and will also attend the Milton Fair.

Mrs. Catherine Maher of Canton Street, has been entertaining her daughters, Mrs. J. E. Kelley of Tuckerton, N. J. and Mrs. J. H. McKenna and children of Sayre.

Charles F. Kriegh of the Gazette-Register force, with Mrs. Kriegh and son, Frank, leave tomorrow for a week in Bloomsburg and Berwick.

Paul Rockwell of Troy, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Rockwell, who since the Aldrich-Carr meetings last fall has been an active worker in the Baptist church, is taking a course in evangelistic work in the Park Bible School near Binghamton.

While recovering from an illness at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Batterson, Louis Batterson was visited last Sunday by a motoring party of friends.

Volume LII, #40, Friday, October 8, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Gillett entertained at their home in Elmira Street, the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Gillett of Mansfield, his brother.  Glenn M. Gillett of the clothing firm of Schipbanker and Gillett and wife of Mansfield and his sisters, Mrs. B. L. Graves of Elmira, and Mrs. Dean E. Phelps of Corning, and their husbands.

Dr. Waldo Preston, son of M. C. Preston of Canton, has located in Rossiter, Pa., for the practice of his profession.

Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell of Elizabethtown, Pa., is spending a time in this boro with her brother, Charles Teeter and Mrs. Teeter.

Mrs. Thomas Blake (nee Margaret Smith) was down from Elmira for a visit to her mother and sisters.

Volume LII, #41, Friday, October 15, 1915

Attorney W. E. Carnochan of Yew York, was the guest for several days of his sister, Mrs. S. B. Willett.

Mr. H. J. Pierce and son, Robinson, went Saturday and returned Wednesday morning from Washington, D. C.

C. B. Mitchell has sold his chestnut saddle horse to his sister, Mrs. Eloise Knox.

Mrs. Vincent Baldwin of Gloversville, N. Y., is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. C. Robinson and other Troy relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. George S. Benson of the Porter Road, are visiting the latter’s sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Miller in Howells, Orange County, N. Y., and Mrs. DeWitt Wallace, New York City.

Mrs. Jennie Grant and son, Robert spent Monday and Tuesday in Elmira in observance of the former’s birthday.

Mrs. Bryon Campbell and daughter, Arlene have been visiting relatives in Sullivan.

Harold Williams, son of B. W. Williams, has so far recovered from his illness as to resume his work as brakeman on the Pennsylvania railroad.

Volume LII, #42, Friday, October 22, 1915

Mrs. Abram McHenry and granddaughter, Gavie McKean of Elmira, Mrs. W. H. Snedeker of Snedekers and Mrs. Ellen Thompson Waldron of Waverly, N. Y., were week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Budd of Redington avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wood and son, Paul returned the first of the week from a visit to relatives in Lawrenceville and Elmira including an uncle whom Mr. Wood had not seen in 24 years.

Monday of last week, Oct. 11th, was the 82d birthday of Dr. Bayard Bradford of Sullivan.  In honor of the event the Doctor’s oldest son, Bayard and Mrs. Bradford entertained his other sons and their families, as follows:  Dr. Carl Bradford of Forksville, Joseph Bradford of Barnesboro and Richard Bradford of Sullivan.

At Gillett, Miss Mary Parker of Lancaster, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. L. Hertel.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. Holcombe came Sunday last from Philadelphia for a visit to the former’s mother, Mrs. George O. Holcombe.

Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Pomeroy were guests at Lock Haven last week of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Laud.  Mr. (as is) Laud’s father was Fayette Pomeroy, a brother of Mr. C. B. Pomeroy.

Burt Comfort has sold his home on Prospect Street to Daniel Utter of Burlington, who will occupy it.  For the present Mr. Comfort will share the Ansel Williams house, Redington Ave. and Prospect Street, with his brother Clarence Comfort.

Mr. and Mrs. Merton Landon and son, Hiram of Canton, left Wednesday for Pasadena, California, for the winter.

Mrs. Daniel Compton and daughter, Mrs. Fayette B. Pomeroy are this week on a visit to Messrs. E. Burton and Harry W. Compton at Tamaqua and Hazleton.

Volume LII, #43, Friday, October 29 1915

Miss Cora Smith, the nurse of Elmira, visited her aunt, Mrs. Ellen Borden and her cousins, the Misses Borden.

Mrs. Lucia O. Case of Topeka, Kansas, who has been working for suffrage in New York state since the middle of August, spent Sunday and Monday in Troy with F. P. Case and family.  Mrs. Case is the widow of Hibbard Case and a practicing attorney of the Sunflower State.  She is spending this week for the cause of suffrage in New York City.  Next Wednesday she will return to Topeka.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rumsey of Mansfield, their daughter, Rebecca and a girl friend, returned from a motor trip through Central New York.

Volume LII, #44, Friday, November 5, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Newell and daughter, Alta, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tice, and the latter’s mother, were visitors at T. M. Comfort’s on Sunday.

Volume LII, #45, Friday, November 12, 1915

Mrs. W. O. Price is on a visit in Rochester, N. Y., to her daughter, Mrs. Leon Manley.

Mrs. Perry Rockwell was in Bible School Park, Binghamton last Thursday to visit her son Paul Rockwell.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bohlayer and Miss McClelland, the latter’s sister, leave on the 16th for Sanford, Florida, for the winter.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beaver had with them for the week end, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Entz of Jersey Shore.  Mrs. Entz and Mrs. Beaver are sisters.

Mrs. J. C. Leonard of Elmira, visited her sister, Mrs. Edward Johnson on Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Pierce, Robinson Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Mitchell, Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Davies and LaRue Davies attended a reception for Mr. and Mrs. Bert May, who were recently married at Bentley Creek Wednesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rolison and their son, Fenton and daughter, Zada of Sylvania, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rexford.

Volume LII, #46, Friday, November 19, 1915

Mrs. Frank Price visited her son, Willard Price and family at Montour Falls.

Mr. J. P. Esterbrook is here from Boston in settlement of the estate of the late S. H. Heywood, his brother-in-law.

Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Swan came from Elmira for Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Frederick E. VanDyne and her little daughter.

Mrs. W. D. Morse of Athens is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Ballard who are just back from a visit in Syracuse to Mrs. Ballard’s sister, Mrs. Sadler.

County Commissioner Horton and his son, Horace, are back from a visit in New York City.

Burdette Smith of Sayre, has gone to San Juan, Porta Rico.  His son recently died there leaving considerable property and Mr. Smith will make an investigation.

Mr. and Mrs. Claud Chilson and the latter’s sister, Miss Bessie Wheeler of Elmira, and Horace Beardsley of Sussex, N. J., were visitors last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wood, Mackney Street.  Mr. Beardsley is a brother of Mrs. Wood.

Here:  Mrs. Anna Gustin last week from Snedekers, to visit Mrs. A. E. Snedeker:  Mrs. Lloyd Darrow and son from Watertown, N. Y., guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Carnright:  Mrs. Frank Arnold of Rochester visiting her sister, Mrs. Isaas Cleaver:  Mrs. E. H. Kelley from Canton, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kelley.

Volume LII, #47, Friday, November 26, 1915

Miss Rhea Barker came from Elmira College for Thanksgiving with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. P. N. Barker.

Mrs. Elmer Benson of Elmira, has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Berry on East Main Street.

Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Slingerland and son, Elwood, are visited at the home of Mrs. Slingerland’s parents Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Miller in Elmira.

Mrs. Walter B. Gernert was prostrated last Friday by pneumonia and for several days was very low.  Her daughters, Mrs. Andrew E. Spalding from Oil City, and Mrs. W. Herman Woodward of Elmira are here and with them Miss Allen of Elmira and Miss Smiley of East Troy, as nurses.  As this is written on Wednesday afternoon, the condition of Mrs. Gernert is so much improved that her recovery is anticipated.

Mrs. D. A. Strope returned Saturday from a three week’s visit with her brother, Dr. Lyon of Ulster.

Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Baxter and daughter came from Rochester for Thanksgiving with his mother, Mrs. Emily A. Baxter and daughter in High Street.

December 1915 issues missing

Troy Gazette-Register
Troy, Bradford Co., PA

Volume LII, #26, Friday, July 2, 1915

Graduated from Mansfield Normal.
    Included in the 3,300 young men and women who have been graduated from Mansfield Normal School are the following from this county, who received their diplomas last week.
    Eva Lane, daughter of J. C. Lane, of Towanda.
    Luella M. Olmstead, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Olmstead, Ulster.
    Loretta Fitzgerald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Fitzgerald, of Rummerfield.
    Beatrice Conklin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Conklin, of Rome.
Mildred Noble, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Noble, of Gillett.
    Morton M. Kelly, sun of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kelly, of Powell, R. D. 49.
    Walter Simons, son of Mr. and Mrs. Purley Simons, of North Towanda.
    Louis C. Schrier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Schrier, of Athens.
    Fidelia VanNess, daughter of Mrs. Adeline VanNess, of Troy.
    Clara S. Smiley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Smiley, of East Canton.
    Clifford C. Scouten, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris R. Scouten, of Sylvania.

Causing Much Criticism.
    Philadelphia papers are devoting columns of space to an espousal of the cause of Dr. Scott Nearing, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nearing of Troy, whom it is alleged has been unfairly dealt with y the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania.  For seven years Dr. Nearing had a place in the faculty.  Last year after considerable talk, pro and con, he was advanced to an assistant professorship but without the advanced salary to which he was entitled.  This year, without notice, after the students had gone home for vacation and against the wishes of the faculty he was dropped by the Trustees.
    Dr. Nearing is an advanced thinker along sociological lines, a national authority on the minimum wage, child labor and so forth.  His utterances and writings for the masses against the classes in such matters have attracted wide attention.  The friends of Dr. Nearing see in his retirement more than unfairness.  They say it is an unwarranted and unjustifiable encroachment on the right of free speech and will work great harm to the university.

Volume LII, #30, Friday, July 30, 1915

Nina Jennings Perhaps Fatally Injured Wednesday.
   Nina Jennings, 12 years old, only child and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jennings, was perhaps fatally injured about 3 o’clock Wednesday afternoon.  She had gone to the barn on the John Ruggles farm on the East Troy road on an errand for her father and was lying on the hay directly under where he was at work when the hay carrier pulley and frame dropped.  It struck her forehead, fracturing the skull or rather cutting a gash across it through the bone.  Happily the brain though exposed, was not injured.  Dr. Barker was called and arrived within a half-hour.  Miss Bowen is in attendance on the little sufferer as nurse.  The condition of the patient is critical but not without hope.

Volume LII, #36, Friday, September 10, 1915

Our Candidate for District Attorney.  David J. Fanning has a host of friends in Western Bradford who are heartily interested in his success, and from present indications he is a winner.  He was born and reared on a farm in Springfield township, a son of Melvin D. Fanning, who was a veteran of the Civil War and a farmer.  By grit and determination, under circumstances which would have discouraged one less resolute, he acquired his Normal School and College education, and later fitted himself for the practice of his profession with Hon. A. C. Fanning.
   He is a man of sterling integrity, highly respected in the community in which he resides and fearless in the discharge of every known duty.  He is an untiring worker, has a broad and comprehensive knowledge of the law, and is regarded as a safe counselor and an able advocate.  Bradford county will honor itself by adding to her list of able District Attorneys the name of David J. Fanning, and at the same time do justice to one of the most deserving and respected members of the bar who would discharge the duties of the office with ability and fairness to all.

Volume LII, #37, Friday, September 17, 1915

Wife, Husband and Son Sentenced to Penitentiary.  In court at Towanda this week Mrs. Alice Wheeler, her son, Fred Wheeler and her husband, John Wheeler, who were convicted of conspiracy and arson in having burned their home in Orwell township to secure the insurance were all sent to the penitentiary by Judge Maxwell.

“Father of Baseball” Descendant from Bradford County Stock.  No wonder a large part of Bradford county are interested in base ball; they have a right to be, for it was Bradford county stock which gave to the world  “the Father of the National Game,” A. G. Spalding who recently passed out of the earthly life at Point Lomo, California.  A great pitcher in his day.  A. G. Spalding did more probably than any other man to popularize the game.  He was a son of James Lawrence Spalding and a grandson of Colonel Harry Spalding, a native of Sheshequin who at 28 moved to Towanda and in 1812 built the Mix homestead on York avenue, the oldest house in the boro.  A. G. Spalding himself was born in Byron, Ill.,. Sept. 2, 1850.

Volume LII, #44, Friday, November 5, 1915

Didn’t Like School and Teacher Therefore Burned School House.
   The burning of the Taylor school house on Sept. 24th, was explained last week when Samuel Cowan, 11 years old, and Bert Dan, 16, were arrested by Fire Worden T. G. Ryan of Danville, and Constable Shelton of Towanda.  The boys were induced to make a confession.  They said they were tired of going to that school and did not like the teacher.
   The older boy, Dann, was sent to a reform school for a year and Cowan was allowed to depart with a reprimand.
   The school building is being rebuilt and is nearly ready for occupancy.

December 1915 issues missing