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Tri County Clippings- Troy Gazette
Register 1914 -1916 - Yesterday's News |
These clippings from ancient
and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are
being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily
we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage
and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles
that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations
at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from
the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings. Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here. If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Search Engine which you can reach from the "Front Door" of the Tri-County Genealogy & History sites by Joyce M. Tice. |
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Volume LI, #13, Friday, April 3, 1914
Mrs. James Haxton is spending a week with her son, M. T. Haxton of Troy.
Mrs. Claude Case and daughter, Mona, visited her parents last Sunday.
Mrs. Welliver of Danville, spent a few days here last week being called here by the death of her brother, Ellis Best.
Volume LI, #14, Friday, April 10, 1914
Noah Loomis visited his daughter, Mrs. Fred Bixby last Friday and Saturday.
Volume LI, #20, Friday, May 22, 1914 (Part of paper missing)
Mrs. Lida Hiney of Buffalo is spending a few days with her sister,
Mrs. Philip Packard.
Troy Gazette-Register
Troy, Bradford Co., PA
Volume LII, #8, Friday, February 26, 1915
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bixby and daughter, Doris of East Canton, and Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Webster were entertained for dinner Thursday at Claude Case’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Bowman and daughter, Eliza, visited at Asa Spalding’s last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Rightmire of Wellsburg, visited their daughter, Mrs. Edd Seeley several days last week.
Volume LII, #13, Friday, April 2, 1915
Miss Irene Barnes of Elmira Heights, recently spent a few days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Duart.
Luman Bates is ill with typhoid fever at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Bates.
Volume LII, #34, Friday, August 27, 1915
Mrs. Dayton Stone and daughter, Dorothy of LeRoy, visited at T. F. Webster’s last Sunday.
Mrs. Anna Grantier Minard of Maine, with two children have returned home after spending a few weeks visiting her brother, LaCelle, and other relatives.
Volume LII, #37, Friday, September 17, 1915
Philander Fleming of Windfall drove his Buick car to Waverly last Saturday and took as passengers Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Webster and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Webster and daughter Florence, who visited at Ardell Webster’s. The trip was made down to Towanda and up the river and home by Elmira. While in Elmira, Mr. Fleming called at the Arnot Ogden hospital to see Rancy Fleming and family who were injured recently in the distressing accident at Cooney’s crossing.
Volume LII, #45, Friday, November 12, 1915
Mrs. A. Saber of Canton, spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Niles Packard.
Mrs. James Potter of Ellenton has been spending the past tow weeks with her father, Mr. Seran Chapin.
December 1915 issues missing
Volume LIII – Number 2 – Thursday – 1-13-1916
Arthur Converse who has employment in Elmira, spent Sunday with his family.
Miss Carrie Case has been elected superintendent of the Sunday School here.
Miss Jeannette Packard is spending some time with friends in Elmira.
Howard Webster and family, T. F. Webster and Family, also Ward McCraney and family of Canton, were entertained for New Year’s dinner at Lawrence Wright’s at East Canton.
George Foust and family of Alba, visited at Harry Williams’ last Sunday.
Howard Packard visited his father here over Sunday.
Seran Chapin visited his daughter at Ellenton last week.
Volume LIII – Number 18 – Thursday – May 4, 1916
W. B. Packard has been worse the past week.
Mrs. Aseneth Shoemaker was a little better at last reports.
Masters Maxwell and Raymond Stevens and Misses Myra and Ella Pruden of Elmira have been spending the Easter vacation with friends in this place.
Mrs. Herman Carpenter and Mrs. F. E. Shoemaker were shopping in Williamsport on Saturday.
Mrs. E. E. Burke and daughter, were over Sunday visitors in Canton.
W. H. Stevens has improved the looks and comfort of his house by adding a large porch.
Misses Maud and Lola Shoemaker were shopping in Elmira last Wednesday.
Miss Anna Ayres is on the sick list.
Maj. R. H. Hendershott, the “Drummer Boy of the Rappahannock” and his son will give a musical entertainment at the M. E. Church Saturday evening, May 6th, under the auspices of the Philathea S. S. Class. The Young Men’s Bible class, which has recently organized, will serve ice cream. These entertainers come to us highly recommended. The program will include a piano duo by Miss Dreste and Miss Shoemaker, a vocal duet by Miss Packard and Miss Clayson, vocal solos by Mrs. G. M. Whiting and Elroy VanDyke, and a recitation by Mrs. Marion Fleming.
Mrs. E. W. Webster has returned from the Sayre Hospital much improved.
Misses Isadore and Katherine Spencer of West Burlington have been spending a few days with Mrs. F. E. Shoemaker.
Mrs. W. H. Stevens and grandsons spent Friday visiting in Canton.
Miss Sara Crandall of Troy, was an over Sunday visitor of her parents in this place.
Mr. James Packard, who has been suffering with blood poisoning in his foot is improving.
Rev. Hendershot, (but not the Major), is expected to preach at the M. E. Church next Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Harris, spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Arthur Ayers.
Mr. Haarper, tuner for the Doyle Marks piano company of Elmira, was in town last week tuning several pianos.
Mrs. E. E. Burke entertained for dinner last Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Duart, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dreste and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ayers.
Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Rathbun of Grover and Cecil Shoemaker of Niagara Falls, spent a part of last week at Charles Shoemaker’s, called here by the serious illness of their mother.
Mrs. Alida Hiney of Rochester, is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Philip Packard.
We understand that Mrs. Mae Bruce of Chenango Falls, N.Y., will locate in Troy soon. Her many friends here are glad to have her make her home in this section.
Volume LIII – Number 22 – Thursday – June 1, 1916
Mrs. Dayton Stone and Miss Dorothy of LeRoy, visited at Thomas Webster’s last Sunday.
Lawrence Allen and family visited at Samuel Colton’s last Sunday.
Mrs. Nellie Smith was called away from her work at James Packard’s by the illness of her mother at West Leroy.
Hugh Warren has purchased a Maxwell touring car and Mrs. Bertha English, a Ford.
Rev. Wenrick of Canton delivered the Memorial address here to a large crowd.
Mr. Graham Bristol of Canton, attended Grange here last Saturday evening and gave a fine talk.
George Landon is working for David Haflett this season.
Fred Bixby and family of East Canton, attended Memorial services here
on Tuesday.