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Troy Gazette-Register 1911 Table of Contents
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Advertisements illustrating these pages are from 1914 Issues
Stanton Hollow was about a mile up the road by the "Old Church" in
 West Burlington.  That road was at one time known as  Stanton Hollow Road.
 There is a land fill right behind the church.  Don

Tri County Clippings- Troy Gazette Register 1911, 1915, 1916 - Yesterday's News

Typed by Pat MOTT Gobea, Elaine Frey
These clippings from ancient and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services available.
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year.
Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings.  Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here.  If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Search Engine which you can reach from the "Front Door" of the Tri-County Genealogy & History sites by Joyce M. Tice. 
Troy Gazette – Register
Troy, Bradford County, PA
Joyce's Search Tip - August 2008 
Do You Know that you can search just the 239 pages of Troy Gazette-Register Clippings on the site by using the TGR Clippings button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page
You'll also find obituary and other newspaper clippings using the three county-level Obits by Cemetery buttons and the general Clippings Button. Additional clippings can be found in the Birth, Marriage, and some other partitions. 
Volume XLVIII, #23, Friday, June 16, 1911

James B. Stanton and daughter, Bessie Elizabeth, attended the Odd Fellows’ picnic at Alparon Park Thursday.

Judson Bailey of Kalamazoo, Michigan, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Willard H. Rockwell, and mother, Mrs. Lavina Bailey.

Volume XLVIII, #26, Friday, July 7, 1911

Bessie Elizabeth is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Herbert D. Campbell at Burlington.

Mr. and Mrs. George Wood and children, Mildred, Edwin and Edward, and Miss Elizabeth Tate, of Towanda, spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Stanton.

Volume XLVIII, #27, Friday, July 14, 1911

Mrs. Edsall Hammond is spending a week with her sister, Mrs. O. E. Mudge, of Mansfield.

William McKay of Wetona spent Saturday night and Sunday with his son, M. J. McKay.

Volume XLVIII, #32, Friday, August 18, 1911

James P. the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. Campbell of Burlington, is quite ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hubbard and infant son, Finley, of Sayre, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Rockwell.

Volume XLVIII, #33, Friday, August 25, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bailey and three children of Kibbie, Mich., Mrs. Willard H. Rockwell. Mrs. Hugh Bailey and daughter, Pauline, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Nathan Bailey and daughter, Lydia, of Leona, were also guests in the Rockwell home on Friday.

Volume XLVIII, #35, Friday, September 8, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Stanton was called to Burlington last week by the serious illness and death of their little grandson, James P. Campbell.


Troy Gazette-Register
Troy, Bradford Co., PA

Volume LII, #28, Friday, July 16, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Buffinton and son, Charles of Towanda were recent visitors in this place.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilber and children, Alice and Pauline and Thomas Brann, spent Sunday with relatives in Smithfield.

Mrs. G. W. Henry and son, Allen visited her cousin, Ferris Dibble and family at Mountain Lake Friday.

Volume LII, #31, Friday, August 6, 1915

Frank Scott and little cousin, Gladys Beam of Bath, are spending a time with their grandmother, Mrs. C. H. Burlingame.

Bessie E. Stanton is spending a few days in Leona with her sister Mrs. Hervie Bailey.

Mrs. Murray Fairchild who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. LaRue Stanton, is spending a few days in Ulster before her return to her home in Chicago.

James Stanton, wife and daughter, Bessie, spent Sunday with Mrs. F. D. Campbell.

Volume LII, #46, Friday, November 19, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hall and son, Nathan and Martin Ross of Burlington, were recent guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Henry.

Mrs. LaRue Stanton was called to Oneida recently by the death of her oldest sister, Mrs. Frances Morley Rubys.

Miss Ella C. Rockwell gave a variety shower Saturday night in honor of her friend, Miss Elizabeth Ballard of Pisgah, whose marriage to Mr. Solomon Peters of West Burlington takes place in the near future.

December 1915 issues missing




Volume LIII – Number 1 – Thursday – January 6, 1916

George Bostwick recently lost a valuable horse by death.

Miss Jessie Beals of Ogdensburg was a holiday guest of her friend, Miss Lila C. Rockwell.

Miss Jennie Bailey of East Orange N.J., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Willard H. Rockwell and other relatives in this visiting.

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Stanton entertained their children and grandchildren at Christmas dinner, followed by a tree, music, games, etc.  Mrs. Stanton and her daughters left nothing to be desired in tempting viands, and as everyone was inbued with the Christmas spirit the memory of this home coming will long be rema ...  in the minds of all present.  The co ...pany included Mr. and Mrs. Herb... D. Campbell and children, Jennie ..... James of West Burlington;  Mr.  ... Mrs. Roy Bailey and children, ... old,  Allen and Baby  Winifre...   Mr. and Mrs. Hervy Bailey of ..... (page was torn).

Volume LIII – Number 4 – Thursday – January 27, 1916

LaRue Stanton and Jennie Campbell are on the sick list.

James B. Stanton and wife were Sunday guests at the home of  Mr. and Mrs. Hervey Bailey, in Leona.

Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bostwick recently were Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bostwick and two children and Mrs. Bert Bostwick, of North Towanda.

Mrs. Mary Patterson celebrated her seventy-ninth birthday on January 18th.  At one o’clock a bountiful dinner was served.  Mrs. Patterson does all her own housework for two in the family, besides taking all the care of a cow and chickens.  Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stanton, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stanton, of East Troy; Mr. and Mrs. LaRue Stanton, Mrs. Jerome Stanton, Mr. and Mrs. James Dibble, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Henry, Mrs. Mary Patterson, Miss Mary Patterson and Mr. and Mrs. James B. Stanton.  Owing to the severe weather, her only brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Simon H. Stanton, were unable to attend.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fox and son, Clayton, and Mr. and Mrs. Tlheodore Patterson and Children, Rebecca, Robert and Lula, of Endicott, N.Y., were recent guests of Mrs. George Lampman and Mrs. Patterson.

Volume LIII – Number 6 – Thursday – February 10, 1916

Mrs. Bertis Megie’s Sunday school class met with Miss Ruth Burley.

Miss Lila Rockwell has returned from Elmira where she has been caring for her sister, Marion who has been ill with measles and grip.

Mrs. E. C. Dickinson has been in Troy, taking care of her daughter, Mrs. Percy King, who has been ill with the grip.

LaRue Stanton who has been ill for some time, is able to be out.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. Campbell and son, James, have been ill with grip.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burley attended the funeral last week of the latter’s aunt, Mrs. Hagerman in Wetona.

Miss Elinor Rockwell spent several days with her sister, Mrs. Walter Putnam.

Relatives and friends met at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Henry to help celebrate Mrs. Henry’s thirty-seventy birthday.  At one o’clock a bountiful dinner was served by Mrs. Henry, assisted by several ladies. The afternoon was spent with music and a general good time was had by all.  Mrs. Henry received a gift of a sum of money.  Those present were Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Morgan, Luther’s Mills; Miss Angeline Grennell, Mac; Mr. and Mrs. John Herrington, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schuoverer, Mr. and Mrs. James Steele and daughter, Hazel, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Whitehead and daughter, Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Phelps, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Ross, Mrs. D. Grace Shepard, Dean Ross, Mrs. Ellen Buchaman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burley, Mrs. Mary Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest O. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. James Dibble, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Henry, mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. Campbell, and son, James, and Mr. and Mrs. James B. Stanton and Mrs. Geo. Bostwick.

Volume LIII – Number 9 – Thursday – March 2, 1916

P. A. Foulke is quite ill with tonsilitis.

Miss Margaret Brown spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Darrow of Fairview.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Putnam recently visited Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McAlla at Burlington.

Miss Mable Foster of North Towanda, is spending a time with her aunt, Mrs. A. J. Hicks.

Mr. Joseph Blackwell of Towanda, was a week-end guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Develum Ross.

Harold Bailey of Leona, is staying a few days with his grandparents.

Cyril Darrow, Miss Myrtle Darrow of Fairview, and Morel Swain of Binghamton, were calling on Miss Margaret Brown recently.

The Rebekahs will meet Wednesday with Mrs. James Steele of Burlington for dinner.

James B. Stanton and wife were recent guests of Mrs. Roy Bailey in Leona.

Misses Lila and Lucona Rockwell, and Mr. Orlando Rockwell, who have been ill with measles, are able to be out again.

LaRue Stanton made a business trip to Towanda Tuesday.

The Willing Workers of Burlington meet Tuesday with their teacher, Mrs. D. A. Bourne, at Bourne’s Mills.

Mrs. Leon Bixby and son, Neil and Mrs. Roy Bailey and children, Allen and Winifred of Leona, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. James B. Stanton.

Volume LIII – Number 11 – Thursday – March 16, 1916

Bessie E. Stanton who has been quite ill with grip, is able to be out.

Mrs. George Bostwick made a business trip to Troy Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Buffington of Towanda, visited her mother, Mrs. Mary Patterson, recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Burtis Megie of Pisgah and Miss Lila C. Rockwell called on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Putnam Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Hervey Bailey of Leona and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Salisbury of East Troy, were Sunday visitors at James B. Stanton’s.

Volume LIII – Number 13 – Thursday – March 30, 1916

James B. Stanton and Miss Mary Patterson are ill.

Miss Margaret Brown has recovered from her recent illness.

Harry Steele of Elmira spent Saturday night and Sunday with his parents here.

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Stanton were recent guests in the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Devoe at Seward Hollow.

Mr. James C. Steele who has worked the D. M. Campbell farm at Burlington for the past eight years, has moved back upon his own farm in this place.

Martin Steele is working for Floyd Jennings at East Troy.

Joseph Blackwell of Towanda and Miss Sarah Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Blackwell and children and Miss Ruby Andrus of Burlington and Mrs. Leonard Andrus of Overshot, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Putnam and Miss Margaret Brown.

Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Henry and Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Stanton spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burley.



Volume LIII – Number 20 – Thursday – May 18, 1916

Bessie E. Stanton has returned home after spending three weeks with relatives in Troy.

Mrs. Roy Bailey and children of Troy have returned home after spending a few days with her parents and sister, Mrs. H. D. Campbell.

G. W. Henry made a business trip to Troy Saturday.  Mr. Henry is making some improvements on his home by shingling his building s and widening his porch.  Mr. James C. Steele has also been repairing his buildings.

The family of Fred Harris are ill with the measles.

Harold Bailey who has been spending some weeks with his grandparents, cut his right eye lid badly last Saturday by falling upon a root in the creek while fishing.  Dr. Ballard was called and after removing several pieces of wood closed the wound with five stiches.  His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bailey were called and took him home with them to be nearer medical attention.

Volume LIII – Number 22 – Thursday – June 1, 1916

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Buffington, of Towanda, Were guests Sunday of Mrs. Mary Patterson.

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Stanton were in Troy Sunday to see their daughter, Mrs. Roy Bailey who is quite ill.

Misses Eleanor and Lucena Rockwell, spent Wednesday night with their sister, Wrs. Walter Putnam.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. Campbell and children, Jennie and James, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell at Bourne.

Miss Mary Rockwell of Elmira spent Saturday night and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Walter Putnam.

Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Ross of Burlington were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Henry.

James C. Steele made a business trip to Mansfield recently.

Friends and relatives of Miss Lila C. Rockwell gave he a complete surprise on May 23d, it being he 20th birthday.  The evening was spent in music and games.  Refreshments were served.  All report a fine time.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bailey of Troy and Mr. and Mrs. James B. Stanton mourn the loss of their son and grandson, Harold F. Bailey, aged 10 years, 3 months and 20 days.  Deceased was a bright boy and will be sadly missed not only in his own home but also in the home of his grandparents where he was always welcome and a general favorite.