Tri County Clippings- Troy Gazette Register 1911 - 1916 - Yesterday's News |
These clippings from ancient
and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are
being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily
we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage
and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles
that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations
at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from
the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings. Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here. If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Search Engine which you can reach from the "Front Door" of the Tri-County Genealogy & History sites by Joyce M. Tice. |
Volume XLVIII, #22, Friday, June 9, 1911
Mrs. Ward Burroughs has returned home after visiting her mother, Mrs. Hattie Knapp, and other relatives here.
Mrs. Smith Palmer and children of Elmira, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Swayze.
Volume XLVIII, #23, Friday, June 16, 1911
Mrs. O. B. Westgate of Canton, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Timothy Gustin.
Volume XLVIII, #25, Friday, June 30, 1911
Mrs. Grace Riley of Buffalo, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wolfe.
Miss M. Beatrice Slocum of New York, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James P. Slocum.
Miss Pearl Brown is with her brother, Frank Brown of Elmira, whose family is ill with the measles.
Mrs. Jesse Ripley and daughter of Sylvania, are guest for a few days of her sister, Mrs. Hallock Wolfe.
Mrs. G. Grinnell of Elmira, is visiting her son, Lorenzo Grinnell, and family for a few days.
Volume XLVIII, #26, Friday, July 7, 1911
Mrs. Smith Palmer and children of Elmira, are spending the Fourth with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Swayze.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Cunningham and daughter, Helen, were guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Gustin.
Mrs. Hattie Knapp is visiting her daughter, Mrs. James W. Watkins, in Gillett’s.
Volume XLVIII, #27, Friday, July 14, 1911
Miss Pearl Benson of Rutland, has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Lewis Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Corey of New York, are spending their honeymoon with their sister, Mrs. A. P. Noble, and other relatives.
Misses Hattie and Olive Hammond of Elmira, have been visiting their sister, Mrs. Rowland Soper, and others.
Volume XLVIII, #30, Friday, August 4, 1911
Miss Gale McKean of Addison is visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. H. Snedeker.
Volume XLVIII, #34, Friday, September 1, 1911
Mr. Ephrum Mosher, of Burlington is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Hannah Warner.
Volume XLVIII, Friday, #37, September 22, 1911
Mr. and Mrs. Dunning Kilgore attended the funeral of the Rev. John VanKirk in Pine City on Wednesday.
Leon Bristol, who has been spending the summer with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James P. Slocum, left Wednesday for his home in North Dakota. He was accompanied to Elmira by his aunt, Miss M. Beatrice Slocum.
Volume XLVIII, #44, Friday, November 10, 1911
Mrs. Harry Retan will spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. George Knapp.
Volume XLVIII, #45, Friday, November 17, 1911
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Gregg and little son, Byron, spent over the Sabbath at Chemung, N.Y.
Troy Gazette-Register
Troy, Bradford Co., PA
January 1912 issues missing
Volume XLIX, #5, Friday, February 9, 1912
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brown visited their brother, Frank Brown in Elmira recently.
Ulysses Warner has bought the 100 acres where his father, Martin Warner now lives. Considerations, $1500.
Mrs. Timothy Gustin expects to visit her granddaughter Mrs. Frank Brown in Elmira for a few days.
Volume XLIX, #11, Friday, March 22, 1912
Mrs. W. H. Snedeker has been visiting her mother, Mrs. R. W. Budd, in Troy.
Mrs. Retta Knapp of Fassetts, is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. H. Wolfe.
Mrs. G. H. Wolfe attended the funeral of Mrs. Eva Knapp Roberts in Elmira last Sunday afternoon.
Troy Gazette-Register
Troy, Bradford Co., PA
January 1912 issues missing
Volume XLIX, #9, Friday, March 8, 1912
F. F. Hogaboom and daughter, Atta, spent Saturday in Elmira.
Volume XLIX, #13, Friday, April 5, 1912
Mrs. Lewis Daggett and son, Lewis spent Monday in Elmira.
Troy Gazette-Register
Troy, Bradford Co., PA
Volume LII, #9, Friday, March 5, 1915
The Misses Anna and Marybelle Barrett are recovering from their recent illness.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kilgore and son, Acy, went to Troy Sunday to attend the funeral of their uncle, James VanKirk, who was brought from Washington, D. C., for funeral and burial.
Mr. Earl Rhynearson is moving in with his sister, Mrs. Edson West and expects to work the farm.
The many friends of Mrs. Ward Burrows are grieved to learn of her serious illness at her home in Northern New York state. Her mother, Mrs. Hattie Knapp, has gone to care for her.
December 1915 issues missing
Volume LIII – Number 8 – Thursday – February 24, 1916
Rev. S. Barrett attended the funeral of Mr. VanBenscoten at Mosherville Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Carson McLane is at Canton with her sister who is ill.
With so much sickness in the neighborhood the crowd at the Aid Society at E. A. Killgore’s was not very large, about thirty-five in attendance. But as their were some generous men very fond of pie the collection amounted to $8.70.
Saturday, Feb. 19th, Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Killgore entertained for their son, Roy and Bride, who have just returned from a trip to New Jersey. Those brave enought to endure the cold had a very pleasant time. Some very useful gifts were left in remembrance of the day.
Volume LIII – Number 19 – Thursday – May 11, 1916
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Lew Brown and children Rexford and Dorothy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Coke.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Varney motored to Elmira Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert McClelland and son, Boyd, were weekend guests of the latter’s parents, Rev. and Mrs. Barrett of Tioga.
Miss Ella Kilgore has returned to her home after caring for Judson Kilgore at East Troy.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ward and family spent Sunday with Mr. Dorr Besley and daughter, Lena.
The Ladies Aid Society will meet with Mrs. Hosea Joralemon Wednesday, May 24th for supper.
Volume LIII – Number 23 – Thursday – June 8, 1916
Frank Brown of Elmira is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Brown.
Mrs. Bert McClelland spent last week with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Barrett of Tioga.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Varney spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mr. Augustus Crippen of Roseville.
Mrs. Nathan Benson is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. Lew Brown
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Varney, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kilgore, and Mazie Varney, motored to big Pond last Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Varney.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kilgore spent Sunday and Monday with relatives in Mansfield.
Volume LIII – Number 25 – Thursday – June 22, 1916
Miss Alice Hickok of East Troy is visiting friends in this place.
Mrs. Wilder Fellows of Geneva, N.Y. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Sidney Varney.
The ice cream social at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moons was largely attended. Proceeds $16.00. Everybody enjoyed the music furnished by the Austinville band. They are worthy of much praise.
Mrs. H. M. Varney will entertain the Ladies’ Aid Society Wednesday, June 28th, for supper.
Mr. Charles Wilson and Miss Alice Potter of Mosherville were callers of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kilgore Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Coke visited at Mr. and Mrs. Lew Brown’s Sunday.
An ice cream social will be held at Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kilgore’s Friday
evening, June 23d. All are cordially invited to attend.