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Adam Innes
Adam Innes was born in Musselburg, Scotland April 10th, 1820.
He was married Oct. 4th 1844 to Miss Helen McNeil and four years later
came to this country where he settled near Ellenville, Ulster Co., N. Y.
In the year 1865 he moved to Granville, which until the time of his death
was his place of residence.
Mr. Innes, as a business man, had few equals, fewer superiors. He was
a man of rare wisdom, sound judgment, transparent integrity and untiring
industry. He was exact but not exacting; shrewd – in a better sense of
that word – but not subtle: princely but not pompous; he was economical
without being parsimonious, and generous without extravagance. Promptness,
thoroughness and perseverance, were common virtues with him.
He was ambitious; but ambitious to be faithful to his obligations, his craftsmen and his fellowmen. Personal advantage or love of gain for its own sake seemed to be alien to his nature. He did not compromise principle for fear of injury thereby to his person or property.
A staunch friend of temperance he was ready, when necessary, to stand alone in our county Court and urge measures which he knew would be for the best interests of the community, and especially of working-men. Those who differed from his views of anti-license could not but feel that he was acting from principle and not from personal interest.
His relation to his employees was such as stimulated in them an interest in his welfare. The secret of this interest for his successes was his interest in theirs. They felt he was a worker with them and not that he was using them as tools for his own aggrandizement.
In business transactions he illustrated the true relation between labor and capital – that they are handmaids one to the other. If the principles which he practiced obtained every where in the toiling world, we should soon cease to hear of riots, strikes or Unions among laboring men for purposes of self protection. He helped protect others from want, injustice and their own weaknesses. A prince in business circles he was a friend to the laborer. And to whom was he not a friend. The circle was wide which claims and holds his friendship. And why? Because his sympathies were wide and deep.
In his home he was genial, hospitable to a fault, sympathetic, tender, beloved by all because loving all with devoted attention. In these domestic virtues as in many others he was only excelled by his now stricken widow – a woman of rare executive ability and to whom, as he frequently acknowledged, he owed more of his success than to any other person living.
His affections were so wide and strong that they always had room for the children. And his name will be a household word in many homes in and about Granville for generations to come.
To know the man familiarly was but to have one’s admiration for him increased and strengthened – which signifies not a little in this day when frequently familiarity with prominent men breeds contempt of their methods and motives.
Mr. Innes was remarkable for benevolence. He was not only full of good deeds but he sought opportunity to bestow them. It was his want to volunteer gifts. Where and when they were not asked for he often offered them. Monuments of his benefactions are in all the churches in this vicinity and in how many families of the poor no one knows but his God.
In faith he was a Congregationalist having early connected himself with that denomination in Scotland. To the end he was steadfast in his Christian belief. His differences with other forms of Christian faith did not result from personal preferences, but rather from strong conscientious convictions. To these religious convictions which purified and enlarged his native tact and manliness, may be attributed his praiseworthy character and reputation.
Among some of the ancients it was the custom to burn fragrant perfumes
at the burial or burning of great men. But how soon these aromatic vapors
vanished – lost forever!
We offer today, the tribute of our hearts in the mention of virtues
and deeds, which shall not fade with the flight of time, but which shall
be ever strengthening in the memory of those who love him, and in the lives
of those who will be wise and imitate his excellencies and his faith in
nor Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
G. P. S.
Granville, Pa., March 15 - Mrs. Adam Innes and family desire, through the Register, to express their heartfelt thanks to all friends who so kindly rendered help and sympathy at the death and burial of her husband, and their father.
The Hon. David Decker and Casper G. Decker attended the funeral of Adam Innes, near Troy, Pa., on Saturday. Many from New York also attended the services. – Elmira ADVERTISER.
The Troy Register
March 18, 1886
List of letters remaining in Troy Post Office March 18, 1886.
Mr. Chas Rryden
Mr. Charles Horton
F. W. Littlefield
Mr. Green Smith
A.C. Wright – C. F. Sayles, P. M.
Mumps are raging at Mansfield
O. B. Westgate of Canton, has a saxophone.
The Northern Central paid its men on Friday.
Many horses are having the distemper hereabouts.
N. Abrahamson will move to Towanda the first of April.
The Wellsboro “Advocate” says L. A. Porter has leased his farm and moved to Troy.
There is considerable talk of organizing a lodge of the Knights of Labor in Troy.
Miss Addie Owen, of Canton, recently fell on an icy crossing in that place, and broke her right wrist.
The Troy Creamery paid 29 cents for the amount of cream delivered that made a pound of butter, last week.
J. T. McCollum, Esq., was in Burlington last week surveying the north boundary line of the County farm.
J. C. Strait, of Elmira, has re-moved to Troy and will engage in some business here this spring. Mr. Strait has many friends here who will welcome him back.
It is said that the new mine which will be opened at Fall Brook, as soon as spring opens, contains at least tow hundred thousand tons of coal of an excellent quality.
Signor Bosto, illusionist, equilibrist, psychologist and juggler, will give an entertainment at the Opera House Friday evening, March 19. Elegant and costly presents given away.
Ladies, be sure to come to the Womans’ Christian Temperance Union which
meets next Saturday at 2:30 o’clock at the Disciple church. “For God and
Home and Native Land.”
William A. Meehan, of Wysox, who was appointed by ex-congressman Post
a cadet at the West Point Academy, has been discharged on account of failure
to pass the January examination, and Congressman Bunnell has tendered the
appointment to Edgar Jadwin, who is now in LaFayette College. If he does
not accept the appointment it will be thrown open for competition to the
young men of the district, between the ages of 17 and 22, who may be physically
and mentally qualified.
Joseph Curran, of Bird Creek, Tioga county, went to Pine City a few days ago and had a tooth drawn. He then went to a hotel and drank several glasses of whiskey, and started to drive home. He was met by some friends who spoke to him and receiving no answer went to his wagon and found him dead. The coroner’s jury found that he came to his death by a clot of blood in the heart, caused by alcoholic drinks.
The churches of Christ, Disciples, of Bradford county will hold their quarterly meeting with the church of LeRoy, commencing on Friday evening, March 19, and continuing over the following Sunday. On Saturday the services will be devoted to the subject of the advancement of the interests of the Sunday school. A full attendance is solicited, and all are cordially invited.
Mrs. M. Ellen Ward, administratrix of the estate of the late Wm. Ward, will offer the following for sale on his late premises in West Burlington, on Monday, March 29, at 10 o’clock: One pair horses, six cows, wagons, sleighs, farming utensils, stoves, pork, potatoes, poultry, a young breeding sow, etc., etc.
Many of those who drive do not understand that the law gives the preference of the right of way to the pedestrian. A man or woman who is crossing the street is not obliged to look out for the man who is driving a team. Paste this in your hat.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cleaver a few days ago.
Rev. E. P. Brown and Win. Stryker are both recovering from their recent serious illness.
Miss Nellie Ryan and Miss Susie Quinlan, of this place, attended a grand ball at Fall Brook March 17th.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Porter, of Lawrenceville, have been visiting his father, Uel Porter, on Elmira street.
Mr. and Mrs. I. C. DeWitt, of Canton, were visiting in Troy Monday, and favored the Register office with a call
EXECUTORS’ NOTICE – For Charles C. Paine, late of Troy Borough.
Asparagus in glass jars is a new imported substitute for the fresh vegetable..
The Troy Register
March 18, 1886
GROHS & BALLARDS – Groceries, Troy, Pa.
FRED TAYLOR – Saw and Plaining Mill, Granville Centre, Pa.
MRS. W. BRADLEY & MRS. GAMAGE – Dressmakers’ Shop, No. 112 Canton St., Troy, Pa.
J. B. SMITH wishes to thank the people of Troy and vicinity for their kindly patronage at his old establishment, and invites them to call at No. 3 Canton street, where he has fitted up bath rooms and shaving parlors, for the accommodation of ladies as well as gentlemen. Special attention paid to ladies and children.
If you want to buy the best Sewing Machine now on the market, call
upon or address:
D. A. LaMONT, East Troy, Pa., agent for the new improved “Domestic,”
it stands at the head of every other Sewing Machine. For a proof of this
enquire of those that are now using them in and about Troy.
Mrs. R. C. Kendall, Miss Emma Sadler, Mrs. A. C. Fanning, Mrs. Howard
Cole, Mrs. Melva Fanning, Mrs. Nellie Baldwin, Mrs. Barney Frank, Mrs.
Gordon Ballard, Mrs. Guy Sadler, Mrs. Wm. Ballard, Mrs. L. J. Ballard,
Mrs. Wm. McKay, Mrs. Guss Bradley, Mrs. John Stark, Mrs. Frank Loomis,
Mrs. LeRoy Stanton, Mrs. W. G. Loveland, Mrs. Wallace Grace, Mrs. H. P.
LaMent, Mrs. Libbie Griffith, Mrs. Adison Brooks, Mrs. R. M. Johnson, Mrs.
M. M. Ballard, Mrs. Emery Johnson, and a great many others too numerous
to mention. Do not buy any other until you try the “Domestic.”
TICKETS WEST – C. N. SWAIN can sell you tickets west and check baggage through, over any route, cheaper than you can purchase them elsewhere. Consult him before buying. Office in A. C. Fanning’s law office.
ROBT. SUSEMIHL, one of Elmira’s leading barbers, has leased the Troy
House basement, formerly occupied by J. B. Smith, and has fitted up one
of the neatest barber shops in town, and has with him the popular artist
J. E. Preston. He invites the public in general to give him a call for
an easy shave or a first-class hair-cut. Particular attention is paid to
ladies’ and children’s hair cutting and shampooing.
Save 20 per cent and purchase your Engines and Theshers of WILLIAM BLACKWELL.
Transfer Paper and Patterns for Kensington Painting and Embroidery for sale at Mrs. L. A. WOOSTER’S Millinery rooms.
The Royal St. John sewing machine business in this place will be conducted by Mrs. DUNHAM and SON. The lady having had long experience in the trade. They come from Elmira well recommended.
Wooster & Boothe began this week Monday the first day of March,
to sell goods for cash down. They do not give credit in any form – cash
down for everything.
Believing that it is for the best interest of consumers to buy their
goods at a strictly cash value.
They are marking their goods with a small profit added to cost of same
in stock.
Quick sales and small profits shall be their motto.
Goods delivered free.
Now is the time to take advantage of cheap rates. I will now sell first-class limited tickets Troy, Pa. to San Francisco, California, for $57. Second class limited for $41, via any proper routes, only three changes. GEO. O. HOLCOMBE
COMPTOM & LILLEY have a full stock of broadcast seeders, spring harrows, and Syracuse chilled plows. Call and see them.
G. B. ARMSTRONG’S Drug Store
At B. FRANK’S a new spring stock of Ties.
G. BRADLEY sells a dozen nice oranges for 25 cents.
No. 12 Canton Street
Mrs. L. A. WOOSTER – Milliner
I have a quantity of choice sweet and sour apples for sale. JAREB CASE
CARRIAGE PAINTING – Go to the Carriage Factory to get carriage painting of all kinds. Work warranted, J. C. WAGNER, Prop’r.
We emphatically guarantee Dr. Marchisi’s Catholicon, a Female Remedy,
to cure Female Diseases, such as Ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration,
Falling and Displacement or bearing down feeling, Irregularities, Barrenness,
Change of Life, Leucorrhoea, besides many weaknesses springing from the
above, like Headache, Bloating, Spinal weakness, Sleeplessness, Nervous
debility, Palpitation of the heart, &c. For sale by Druggists. Prices
$1.00 and $1.50 per bottle. Send to Dr. J. B. Marchisi, Utica, N. Y., for
pamphlet, free. For sale by B. B. Mitchell & Co., Druggists.
MR. A. HIGGINS, of Wyoming, N. Y., says he had the Piles for nearly 40 years, and was cured by using Gilmore’s Pile Specific. For sale by B. B. MITCHELL & CO
HOBART & PORTER – Manufacturers of and Dealers in Harness, Boots & Shoes, Gloves & Mittens, Whips, Robes, Blankets, Harness Trimmings, Shoe Findings, &c.
STUART AND MAXWELL – Drugs, Patent Medicines, Books, Chemicals
Canton Street, Troy, Pa.
I wish to inform the citizens of Troy and surrounding country that
I have opened a HARNESS SHOP at East Main St. in the new building of Joralemon
& Mitchell, where I am prepared to furnish Harness and Harness Goods
at depressed prices to suit the times.
REPAIRING done on short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed.
N. ABRAHAMSON, New York Steam – Scouring and Dyeing Establishment. All
work done in the best manner and colors guaranteed. Also dealer in all
kinds of new and second hand clothing, and Men’s furnishing goods.
7 Railroad St., Troy
The Troy Register
March 18, 1886
The winter term of school closed Tuesday the 16th.
The roads are very muddy and traveling very difficult; those who have plenty of maple trees are preparing to make sugar.
The meetings that are being held at the church are well attended and considerable interest is manifested, the small band of praying ones here seem to be in ernest andare trying to be benefited. Rev. P. J. Bull preaches every evening, taking for his texts questions from the Bible striving to impress the truth of our duty to God.
Mr. Alvin Trask and wife are improving slowly, and Mrs. O. T. Cummins is out. Mrs. Besley is quite sick.
The Troy Register
March 18, 1886
Report of Aspinwall school, average term examinations; 100 is perfect.
Dave Cory, – 95
Mark Cory, – 91
Ned Armstrong, – 93
Seth McMullin, – 88
John McClure, – 90
Floyd Knapp, - 90
Max Knapp, - 90
Louie McClure, - 80
Grace Davis, - 86
Carrie Davis, - 85
George Knapp, - 83
Owen Knapp, - 82
Lee McMullin, - 79
May Moore, - 79
James Moore, - 79
At the close of this, my twentieth term, can say I am as well pleased
with progress, conduct and attendance of this school, as any school I have
ever taught. EVA ______
The Troy Register
March 18, 1886
The expense of telephone service greatly decreased.
Some remarkable tests without the use of batteries
The U. S. Telephone Co., at Madison, Ind. has devised an improvement
in the construction of telephones which bids fair to revolutionize the
cost of telephonic service and at the same time an almost perfect system.
The clearness and distinctiveness that results in the use of these telephones
is wonderful. The telephones were tried on a line twenty miles long and
a reporter carried on a conversation which was far more distinct than for
a few blocks with the ordinary telephones. There was none of the infernal
humming that is almost always heard in other telephones. Not a sound marred
the clearness of the conversation. The cost of batteries is enormous which
would be saved by the use of these telephones. The telephones are made
to work on the club system with trunk lines and require no Exchanges. As
the Company sells the telephones outright, consequently there is no exorbitant
rents to pay.
By sending your address and a postage stamp to the U. S. Telephone
Co., at Madison, Ind., you will receive an illustrated circular, giving
description of telephones with prices, &c. The Company have been in
operation for years, and are composed of reliable business men. -- Exchange
The Troy Register
March 18, 1886
May 18, 1886
The character and object whereof is the buying and selling milk and
manufacturing butter and cheese and such other commodities as a re manufactured
with milk, and sell and dispose of same;
J. R. Watkins
A.M. Cornell
M. R. Sweet
C. H. Benson
N. Benson
E. D. Benedict
J. W. Hibbard
Milo Kennedy
Richmond Sweet
I.S. Aspinwall
Justin Watkins
ROCKWELL 7 McCOLLUM, their Solicitors.
The Troy Register
March 18, 1886
FENTON – MAY – In Ridgebury, March 10th, 1886, Albert Fenton, of Morris, N. Y., and Miss Emma May of Ridgebury.
GILLETTE – BARNES – At the M. E. Parsonage, Feb. 25, by Rev. S. Moore, Nelson Gillette, and Matilda Barnes, all of Bentley Creek, Bradford Co., Pa.
WILLIAMS – MITSTIFER – At the residence of John Gleckner, Tioga county, by Rev. J. D. Stover, Rolla G. Williams, of Canton, and Miss Fannie Mitstifer, of Liberty.
EBERSOLE – JONES – Feb. 23d, by Rev. A. W. Spooner, at the parsonage, 407 E. Church street, Elmira, Adam Ebersole, of Ralston, and Ida Jones, of Grover, Pa.
WOOD – In South Creek March 13, 1886, of general debility, Thomas Wood, aged 80 years.
GAMAGE – In West Burlington, March 11, 1886, of paralysis, Mrs. Julia Ann Gamage, aged 74 years.
BURLINGAME – In Smithfield, March 13, 1886, Eugene, son of Ira Burlingame, aged 2 years.
WYNNE – In Troy, March 14, 1886, of heart disease, Michael Wynne.
McNETT – At Granville Summit, Feb. 4, of fibroid tumor, Mrs. Alice McNett.
RUSSELL – In Armenia, Feb. 10, of cholera infantum, son of James Russell, aged 2 years.
GODARD – In West Burlington, March 2d, of consumption, Mrs. Emory Godard, aged 64 years.
JACKSON – At the old homestead in Troy, March 17th, 1886, Experience
Jackson, widow of Hiram Jackson, aged 83 years.
Funeral at the house on Friday, at 1 o’clock P.M.
JOHNSON – In East Troy, Wednesday, March 17, 1886, of pneumonia, Barney
Funeral at his late residence Friday at 2 o’clock.