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The Troy Register

March 5, 1885


The entertainment given by the Wolfe Hollow people last Thursday night at the opera house was financially a success and hope the day will not be far distant when we may have the pleasure of hearing their entertainment again.

As the first of March is drawing nigh the roads have been lined with people moving to their new home.

Last Saturday about six o’clock we was startled by a shock of an oil tank exploding or some steam engine bursting but have not learned what it was.

Delos Blackwell and wife, of Burlington are visiting friends in Aspinwall.

Morris Shepard is noted as being one of the best auctioneers in the county. Goes far and near to public sales. Postoffice at Aspinwall.

Timothy Gustin has the best herd of Jersey cattle in Columbia.

George Noble takes the premium in Wells on fine butter.

Dr. Ira Knapp, of Roseville beats the world treating horses with fistula. I speak in honor of the Dr. as he cured a number of horses in this neighborhood, also one for me. I want to make known to the public his wonderful skill in treating fistula in horses. Postoffice, Roseville, Tioga county, Pa.

The Troy Register
March 5, 1885


Our sleighing is nearly gone.

The donation at Mr. Cuming’s for Rev. Hallock Armstrong last Thursday evening was a grand success, both socially and financially.

Nearly every one in our village is suffering with severe colds. Quite a number are confined to the house.

Dr. J. K. Sheapeard is on the sick list.

C. G. McClelland is convalescent.

Several from this place attended the free concert at Austinville last Sunday night. All seemed well pleased.

Mrs. Harry Chase of Troy is visiting at Hyram Chases.

Why not have a Equitable Aid Union lodge at this place.

Henry Gernert and Dell Rathbone go to Troy this week to start a livery stable. Dell is one of our best young men and will be missed by the young people.

John Besley’s family have moved back on their farm.

Will Gernert moves in the Mather house.

J. H. Strong is doing a fine business in buying and shipping hay.

Miss Lizzie McClelland is visiting friend in Elmira.

J. H. Struble is contemplating building an addition to his home in the spring.

The Troy Register
March 5, 1885


Captain Salisbury is on the sick list.

Nathan Whiting has moved on the Peters farm.

John Jones returned from Hoytville on Wednesday.

Mr. Dan Fitch, of Kansas was calling on friends here last week.

Mr. Gilbert Searles died on Wednesday, at the advanced age of 71 years.

Miss Annie LaMent of Towanda, is visiting friends in this place and Leona.

Miss Beile Williams of Elmira is visiting friends in this place.

J. A. Ball, Esq., goes to Washington today to attend the inauguration of President Cleveland.

The surprise party at Manual Baldwin’s on Friday evening, February 20th, was well attended and enjoyed by all present.

The band concert at the M. E. Church Wednesday evening, Feb. 18th, was well attended and a success.

Chauncy Brewster who has lived on the Blackwell place for the past few years will return to his former home, Elk Run, Pa., in a few weeks.

The prohibition convention at this place on Friday and Saturday of last week was quite well attended and we hope it was a success. Delegates were present from all parts of the county.

Mrs. Bird, of Smithfield, county president of the Womans’ Christian Temperance Union gave a lecture on temperance at the Baptist church, Friday evening, Feb. 27.

Miss Morse of West Franklin and Mr. Ed. Loyd, of Loyd, Tioga county, Pa. have been visiting friends in this vicinity.

The school entertainment will consist of songs, dialogues and recitations and conclude with the celebrated Drama “The Reward of Crime, or the Love of Gold.”

The people of this place and vicinity will make the M. E. pastor, Rev. P. J. Bull their customary annual donation visit at the church next Wednesday evening, March 4th.

The Troy Register
March 5, 1885


FOR SALE: Ten acres of improved fenced land, with good apple orchard. Peach and Plum trees and Berry bushes, good House, Barn and other buildings, good well and two cisterns thereon, in Troy Township, Pa. on the Boro line, about 100 rods East of the Adams House. A good place for a large land holder to retire to. W. E. CHILSON

FURNITURE CLOSING OUT SALE: The balance of the Grumme & Klipenstein bankrupt stock in connection with a fine new stock of Chamber Suits and Carpet Lounges, will be closed out at cost, and less for cash. A word to the wise should be sufficient.  ISRAEL A. PIERCE

Byrne, J. J.; Cole, Miss A.; Church, J. A.; Carman, F.; Dun, R. G. & Co.; Jones, J.; Miller, C. m.; Robinson, Peter; Saxton, O.; Wheeler, L. D.; Vaughn, Jas.; Wood, Jno.

BUEL YOUNG, of East Troy is again in school.

MISS ALLIE CASE has rejoined her classes this spring.

Mr. N. M. REYNOLDS, of East Smithfield, made us a pleasant call Monday.

MAUDE and DAMON BAKER are in the Grammar School department this spring.

MISS BERTHA MONTGOMERY of West Burlington is attending the High School this term.

MR. SARGENT and MR. SMITH, of Springfield, began study in the High School on Monday.

A.M. WOODWORTH, of Wetona arrived from the West last with a fine young colt valued at $800.

FRANK and GEORGE BAXTER, of East Troy, began school in Miss Groh’s department on Monday.

The young people of the Baptist church will give an entertainment in the near future in the shape of a Japanese wedding.

MISS MARY CAMPBELL, and LEONORA HARKNESS, of Springfield, who attended the graded school last term have returned home.

MISS SUSIE SMILEY, of East Troy attended school her this winter, we learn that she will not be present this term.

H. L. ROCKWELL has rented his farm to OSCAR SMILEY for the coming year. Troy has gained a valuable addition to its society by Mr. Rockwell and his family making their home in the borough.

REV. W. H.  MENTZER will preach next Sunday morning on “The Shrewdness of the World and the Wisdom of the Church.” In the evening on “The Fallacy of Excuses.”

E. H. DEWEY of Sullivan and another gentleman have gone to North Carolina to look over the country with a view to settling there. It looks as if emigration to the south would soon be quite common.

NORTON STANTON has moved onto his father-in-laws farm and will carry on the business the coming year. Mr. AZOR ROCKWELL has made the place one of the most desirable homes in the county.

MORRELL WILSON, like a sensible young man has registered at the High School for a course of study. Thus the school gets a good pupil and Mr. Wilson makes a fortunate choice of a school for his own benefit.

MUSICAL CONVENTION – There will be a musical convention held at West Burlington, commencing Tuesday March 10, closing Friday evening with a concert.
C. W. GARRISON, Conductor.

FRANK and EVERITT CAMPBELL, STANLEY HARKNESS, FRANK YERKES, WILL SHANON, CHARLES REEL and FRED HOOKER will not be in school during the Spring term. We shall be sorry to miss them from Troy and hope they will be back at the beginning of an other year.

Don’t fail to hear MR. RAGAN and see his beautiful illuminated scenes of Paris and Ireland next Monday and Tuesday evenings in the Opera House. For a moderate ticket you can see what it costs travelers hundreds of dollars to behold with their own eyes.  Mr. Ragan’s “Tour” has been seen by some Troy people who recommend it in the highest terms. If old countrymen want to see their own land here they will find it spread on canvass before them.  Come, and we are sure you will not be disappointed.

E. J. CLEVELAND, Esq., of Canton was in town on Friday last.

The powder explosion near Tioga Saturday evening was plainly heard in Troy, many supposing it to be a slight shock of an earthquake.

Burgess G. N. NEWBERRY is quite ill from the effect of a cold, which is similar to the distemper from which so many are suffering. His illness in not thought to be of a serious nature.
FRANK YERKES of Springfield, who had to leave school on account of the sickness of his parents, is now ill from the influenza.  Mr. and Mrs. Yerkes have recovered, Mr. Yerkes being able to come to Troy Tuesday.

Mrs. R. F. REDINGTON returned from Washington on Thursday evening where she has been visiting friends for the past few weeks. She remained to enjoy the inauguration ceremonies.

G. H. DEWITT, proprietor of the Troy House, has a fine new family carriage, which with his fine big bay horse makes a nice turn-out. He also has a nice single carriage for his little road mare. George loves a good horse. A TRAVELING MAN

Mrs. DELOS ROCKWELL, who has been very ill during the past few weeks is recovering. Her serious sickness has caused her many friends much anxiety, and all will be glad to learn that her entire recovery is hopeful.

Mr. and Mrs. L. M. SMITH of Elmira, mourn the loss of their infant son who died Monday, March 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. HORACE POMEROY, parents of Mrs. Smith, and other friends in Troy, attended the funeral on Wednesday at the residence of Mr. Smith, 350 W. Church Street, Elmira.

AZOR ROCKWELL and G. N. NEWBERRY returned from Newbern, N. C., on Monday morning, after a very pleasant visit to that portion of the Sunny South. They were much please with the country and the people. They say the best people of that vicinity are very cordial toward Northern people and say they are as anxious to have them settle there as they were to have them stay away during the war. There are fine opportunities for Northern men in the old North State.

On Friday evening, Feb. 27, Dr. GEO. W. GREGORY entertained a company of his gentlemen friends at his residence on Main Street, and a more enjoyable occasion could not well be imagined. An elegant dinner was served, Messrs J. B. SMITH and ED JONES attending tables. After the dinner had been served the remainder of the evening passed rapidly away in a pleasant, social visit, enlivened by songs and music. The Doctor adds to his many other excellent qualities that of being an excellent host, and the evening will be remembered with pleasure by the guests.

The Troy Register
March 5, 1885


About six o’clock on Saturday evening our citizens were startled by the sound of an explosion which jarred the buildings, threw doors open, and everybody was morally certain that something had exploded within a short distance of them and their domiciles has been struck with flying missiles. People hurried into the streets and looked eagerly in every direction for the cause. The mills and factories were fixed upon as the scene of some disaster, but it did not appear, and many thought it was the shock of an earthquake. In a short time, however, the mystery was cleared up by dispatches, which located the explosion on the Fall Brook railroad, near Lathrop station, between Tioga and Lawrenceville. It appears that at this point a freight train moving towards Corning broke in two sections. The rear portion was brought to a stop by the use of the brakes and a flagman started back to warn the following train. This section consisted of a caboose and three or four freight cars, the one next to the caboose containing 410 kegs or about ten tons of powder. The train men when they saw that a collision was inevitable and knowing that the powder was contained in the car immediately sprang from the train, flattened themselves in the ditch, at the side of the track and breathlessly awaited the explosion. The engine crashed through the caboose and into the forward car. The explosion came with a crash that was heard for more that twenty-five miles and a force that blew twenty cars to splinters. The cars were loaded with coal, ready-made clothing and general merchandise. All were scattered profusely over distances that seem incredible. Track was badly torn up and a huge excavation made in the solidly frozen earth. A piece of the engine boiler weighing sixty-five pounds was thrown a distance of a mile. Wonderful to relate no one was killed or even injured. – MANSFIELD ADVERTISER

The Troy Register
March 5, 1885

SYLVANIA (The columnist appears to have had a sense of humor – some of these items must be taken with a “grain of salt.” – DFS)

H. P. Smith has been confined to the home for a week with a severe attack of elyptical, muriatical, sciatical, nerviatical, realigia, together with a ten thousand torchlight procession in tshe immediate vicinity of his organ of hearing. Or to use the more vulgar terms, he has has neuralgia, with a big gathering in his head but is getting much better, and we hear that he wishes to extend thanks to his friends who were so kind to him during his grand pic-nic with jamboree attachment.

There are some things of which Troy has a right to feel proud of, and foremost amongst them is the REGISTER. From a little 7x9 sheet, it has grown to be one of the largest and surely the best newspaper of old Bradford. Such men as Loomis and such papers as the REGISTER are what may b justly termed public benefactors, and for his pains and expense may his subscription lists double in 1885, and may he be obliged to purchase another safe, not to hold old accounts but to store away his gold and U. S. bonds in.

The Colony Bros. have a large stock of logs in and we hear they are to start their mill in a very few days.

There is a good deal of sickness in and about Sylvania just now.

A good many of our people thought the explosion Saturday afternoon last was caused by the bursting of one of the oil tanks at Chandlerburg or the blowing up of the 3d National Bank of Painter Lick by dynamite.

The Troy Register
March 5, 1885


The earlier products of Bradford county were not, it may well be supposed, of a much varied character, and but few even of these would bear the expense of transportation by teams and wagons, frequently over rough and mountainous roads to available market, such as New York, Philadelphia, or Catskill on the Hudson. Such to the early trader was however the only means available for the scanty imports and export of the county, save the floating of different kinds of lumbar or timber down the river, in rafts and arks, the latter sometimes freighted with grain or “long shingles” made by hand from the surrounding pine forests. This was of course only available at times of high water, and cargoes of considerable value were often wrecked and lost, through accident or the pilot’s incompetence, along the rocks, shores and rapids of the Susquehanna.

Such articles however, as potash and pearlash, maple sugar, hides and furs on account of small bulk and considerable comparative value, could be sent by the wagons which brought in stocks of merchandise, (small but exceedingly miscellaneous in character) to answer the inexpensive needs of the settler.

The manufacture of potash must have involved no inconsiderable amount of time and labor, as well as the destruction in great quantities of the noblest specimens of the native forest. The kinds of timber for the purpose were preferred in the following order: Elm, hard maple, ash and basswood. The largest and finest of these ere prostrated and cut into convenient lengths, and the immense heaps into which they were piled, kept burning day and night, until converted into ashes; only four or five bushels of which were the results of a large pile of logs, and it was no unusual thing for the entire batch to be ruined through the occurrence of a heavy rain.

The large leaches constructed for running off lye contained each about 100 bushels of ashes. The lye was boiled without being stirred, for two or three days, in the large cast iron “potash kettles,” and required frequent replenishing. Its color finally turning red like melted iron, it was dipped out into the cooler, soon becoming quite hard and of a dark brown color. It was then packed for transportation into strong barrels containing each about 400 lbs. The market value was generally about $4 per hundred pounds.

Pearlash, formerly in great demand for cooking purposes, was boiled down in the same way; the lye, however required continual stirring, by (hand until it?) became of a light color. It was finally allowed to dry, and was then shoveled out in a powdered form, into an oven and the stirring process continued. Taken from this into a trough, water was added, and it was again placed in the kettle for boiling, the whole process being repeated until it was considered as sufficiently refined. Commonly in market its average value was about 50 per cent more than that of potash.

It is not many years since the large iron kettles set in stone arches and formerly used by O. P. Ballard, the earliest merchant of Troy, for the manufacture of potash, were to be seen at the east side of Canton Street in the borough.

History is said to often repeat itself; but he who can foretell the period when the boiling of potash will again be resumed in that locality, covered as it now is with the busy haunts of trade will be a “prophet not without honor,” even in his own country. CALEB

The Troy Register
March 5, 1885


BAIRD – VROMAN – In LeRoy Pa. Feb. the 8, 1885, by H. K. Mott Esq. Mr. Hugh Baird of Troy Borough, and Miss Stella Vroman of Granville, Pa.

WORDEN – In Sylvania, March 1, 1885, of general debility and paralysis, Mrs. Minda Jackson, wife of Joseph A. Worden, aged 75 years.
Her birth was in Rutland, Vt., was married in 1831 and came into an entire wilderness; a pleasant residence was carved out of the forest, where she remained 54 years. Her husband, eight children, and all who knew her rise up and call her a blessed example of suffering for eight years, and of lifelong home-devotion.

BEACH – In Troy, March 1, 1885, of general debility, Benjamin Beach aged 67 years.

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

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