Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Tri-Counties Newspaper Clippings
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

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Postcard from Joan NASH O'Dell Collection
Clippings Typed and Submitted by Janet PETERS Ordway
Joyce's Search Tip - August 2008 
Do You Know that you can search just the 239 pages of Troy Gazette-Register Clippings on the site by using the TGR Clippings button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page
You'll also find obituary and other newspaper clippings using the three county-level Obits by Cemetery buttons and the general Clippings Button. Additional clippings can be found in the Birth, Marriage, and some other partitions. 
Newspaper clippings in a scrapbook at BCHA/Museum (Late 1880’s) What is unique about this scrapbook is it is made from an old snowflake coated bag.

Enoch Sadler, who goes into business in Elmira, has sold his fine new home at East Troy to Howard Cole.

Loveland-Campbell- At Elmira Feb 17, at the residence of Rev Geo McKnight, Rector of Trinity Church. J G Loveland, of Canton, and Mrs. Maria Campbell of Camillus, NY.

Schuch-Case- At the residence of Jabez Case, Feb 22nd, by Rev E B Gearhart, Miss Nettie Case to Mr. Charles Schuch of Cressent, Pa.

Henry C Thompson- Yesterday, Wednesday morning, Henry C Thompson, a well to do farmer, living about one half mile from Terrytown, shot and killed himself. He arose about five o’clock; dressed himself and calling the hired man proceeded to the kitchen where he built a fire in the kitchen stove. Soon after the hired man came down stairs and proceeded to the barn to do the chores. Shortly after he came downstairs, Mrs. Thompson (who had not yet arisen) heart Mr. T go upstairs and immediately thereafter heard a noise like the faint report of a pistol. In a few minutes she got up and when she had breakfast ready she called from the door for Mr. T. and the hired man. The hired man, on coming into the house, informed her that he had seen nothing of Mr. Thompson. Mrs. T. then called to him up the stairway, but receiving no answer, the hired man went up the stairs and near the door of his room discovered Mr. Thompson. He had shot himself twice with a revolver. One ball had entered the left breast near the heart, the other just above and back of the right ear. Death was probably nearly instantaneous from the wound in the head. Mr. Thompson was about 33 years of age. Owned the farm on which he resided and was highly respected in the community. No cause can be assigned for the taking of his own life –Bradford Republican.

Caution Notice—Whereas my wife, Edith Ayers, refuses to live with me, without just cause or provocation, this is to forbid any person harboring or trusting her on my account, as I shall pay no bills of her contracting. Clarence Ayers. East Troy, Pa. May 19, 1887.

Garwood H Hill- who died at his home in Sullivan Township. March 30, 1887, aged 76 was one of the oldest settlers in that vicinity. He moved onto his farm, on which he resided fifty years, when the country was a wilderness and no land had been cleared. He cleared the land himself and by hard work and strict economy amassed considerable property. Mr. Hill was born in Wellsboro, Tioga County, and resided in that vicinity until he moved to Sullivan. His parents were of English and Scotch descent, originally settling in Connecticut. Mr. Hill was twice married, his first wife, Appha Palmer Hill, bearing him seven children, five of whom are now living. Mrs. Ellen Smith, Miss Lydia Hill, Palmer Hill, Edgar J Hill and Mrs. Ida Richmond. A son, Perry, who served his country during the war, was captured and died in Andersonville prison; and a daughter died at their home. His first wife dying a number of years ago, he married Mrs. Mary A, widow of Anson Palmer, who survives him. Mr. Hill has been a Christian nearly all his life, was one of the foremost members of the Free Will Baptist church and for many years a deacon. He has always lived an upright and honorable life and was a man loved and respected by his neighbors and all who knew him.

The Weekly Register Feb 15, 1882-

Delos Rockwell- Attorney at Law

E B Parsons- Attorney At Law

A C Fanning –Attorney At Law- Will be at his office except the week proceeding and the first weeks of February, May, Sept and December courts, at which time he will attend to duties of his office as District Attorney of Bradford Co in Towanda. Special attention given to the settlement of estates and business in the Orphan’s Court.

W E Chilson-Attorney At Law. - Ground floor between office of Hon Delos Rockwell and the meat market on Canton St. Also Land Surveyor and Notary Public.

Albert Morgan- Attorney At Law- Office with E D Parsons, on Canton Street. All business entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention.

Frank F Drake- Attorney At Law- Office over Long’s Flour Store, Canton Street.

P N Barker- Operative and Mechanical Dentist Main St Troy, Pa. Office over Oliver’s Furniture Store, Main St

R C Kendall Operative and Mechanical Dentist Main St Troy, Pa.

Dr S W Shepard Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Office Elmira St Troy, Pa.

Died in Burlington, Feb 1, 1882 Addie E, daughter of LeRoy Long aged four months.

Mr. R. Stiles of East Troy started for Cincinnati and the South on Monday. He expects to sell a car-load of Champion Mowers, Reapers and Binders, while gone, to ship west.

The Sylvanians Did It.

Behold, and it came to pass in the days of Henry Ward Beecher, while Charles J Guiteau, was under sentence of death in Washington, for the murder of J A Garfield, that certain persons in and about Sylvania, to the number of about eighty souls did, on the evening of Feb 8th with malice aforethought, proceed to the house of one George, whose sur-name is Burdick, and without any warning whatever, made his better half a present of a set of glass-ware and a handsome centre table. After an evening spent pleasantly, the quests returned home, both male and female, and of such is the boro of Sylvania. Farther that this deponent saith not. Sylvania Feb 9, 1882.


Putnam-Fuller- At the Baptist parsonage in Troy, Sept 5, 1883, by Rev. J Barton French, Leslie F Putnam and Miss Annie E Fuller, both of Granville.

Ballard-Baldwin-At the home of the bride’s parents, Dec 25, 1882 by Rev J L Phoenix, Mr. John S Ballard of Springfield, Pa. and Miss Annie M Baldwin of Granville, Pa.

Simpson-Simpson-At the Union Hotel in Alba, Dec 16th, 1882, by Rev. C H Crowl, Albert Simpson of Wellsboro, and Mrs. Lucinda Simpson of Granville.

Hunsman-Stephenson At the Union Hotel in Alba, Dec 16th, 1882, by Rev. C H Crowl, Mr. John D Hunsman of Granville and Miss Annie E Stephenson of Elkland, Sullivan County.

McIntosh-Royce-At the residence of the brides parents, Dec 17, 1882 by Rev C H Crowl, Mr. George McIntosh of Armenia and Lucinda A Royce of Ward.

Chesley-Packard-At Carpenter, Dec 26, 1882, by H H McNett, Esq. Mr. C L Chesley of West Granville to Miss Arvilla D Packard of Canton.

Westbrook-Herman-At the parlor of Park Church, Elmira by Thos L Beecher on Sunday Dec 17, Edward Westbrook and Alice Herman, both of Ridgebury, Pa.

Strope-McNeal-Dec 25, 1882 by Rev Alexander Lane, Mr. Norman Strope and Miss Laura McNeal all of Burlington.

Williams-Richmond-At the M E Parsonage, Troy, Dec 24, 1882, by Rev H C Moyer, Mr. Orson Williams and Miss Della Richmond, both of Sullivan, Tioga County, Pa.

Finney-Bailey-At the house of John P Bates, by Elder J L Phoenix Dec 31st 1882, Mr. Hiland L Finney and Miss Addie M Bailey both of LeRoy, Pa.

Storrs-Bailey-At the house of John P Bates by Elder J L Phoenix Dec 31, 1882, Mr. Charles E Storrs of Granville, Pa. and Miss Flora M Bailey of Leroy, Pa.

Sadler-John-At the home of bride, in Hazleton, Pa. Dec 28, 1882 by Rev. Mr. Clippinger, Mr. Guy H Sadler of Audemied, Pa. and Miss Mary J Johns, daughter of the late Thos Johns.

There is a curiosity in the Big Pond about one-half mile from this place. It is a floating island in summer and is covered with black elder and cranberry bushes, but in winter it remains in one place and of course is shelter for fish. It has lately been found that by boring a hole and fishing down through, that large numbers of fine fish can be caught. But as the Pond is a company fishing ground cannot fish unless in the night and then is it said the fish are very slow about biting.

Feb 15, 1882 The Weekly Register

The weather is very fine- too fine for the benefit of sleighing.

Rev. G. W. Knapp is holding a series of revival meetings in the Free Will Baptist Church.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brigham of Burlington are visiting friends in this place.

Mr. Francis Shoemaker was thrown from a horse on Saturday morning. Although the horse rolled completely over him, he was not seriously injured.

East Troy-Sept 24, 1888

Our graded school is in successful operation under the management of Professor Rumsey and Miss Bailey.

Mrs. O.P Peters is instructing a class in the mysteries of Christian Science.

John R Jones is getting to be quite an extensive dealer in cattle and hogs.

A C Guild, who has been in Kansas the past two or three years, has retired and is visiting his friends. Mr. Guild is a printer and a most estimable young man, as most East Troy boys turn out to be. He will not return to Kansas, but will probably locate in some office in Bradford or neighboring counties and feel very contended in the old Keystone State.

Rev. W. A. Barber of Livonia, N.Y., a former residence of Bradford County, spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Rev. A.H. Shurtleff.


Brown-Walborn-At the home of the bride in Monroeton, Sept 19, 1888, by Rev. H. Troxell, Mr. Joseph Brown of Greenwood and Miss Frances E. Walborn of Monroeton.

Daly-Bailey- In Wellsburg, N.Y. Sept 30, 1888, by Rev. C D Smith, Miles L Daly and Miss Bessie Bailey, both of Leona.

Newell-Gordinier- Oct 17, 1888 at the home of the bride in Canton and by her father, Rev. J. H. Gordinier, Mr. Wallace T. Newell of Troy and Miss Nellie Gordinier. The happy and handsome couple after their trip to Rochester, Niagara Falls and other places will return to Troy to reside. Mr. Newell continuing as salesman with DeWitt & Ballard.

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 09/12/2003
By Joyce M. Tice
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