Adams, Levi F. |
Alvord, Nathan |
physician |
Amegh, L. Lawrence |
Andrus, Ephraim |
blacksmith |
Applegate, Carlos |
non-resident, transfer from Aaron Bryan |
Aspenwall, Edson |
Aspenwall, Pomeroy |
moved out |
Austin, Andrus |
Ayres, Edward A. |
tavern |
Ayres, Jahiel |
Bailey, Asa |
Baker, Amos |
Baker, Hiram |
Baker, Wm |
heirs of |
Baker, Wm Jr. |
Barnhart, Artemas |
Barns, John |
Barret, Searls |
Beers, Henry |
Beers, Joseph H. |
Beers, Wm |
Boorum, Joseph |
Bowman, Andrew P. |
Brasted, Wm |
Brewer, Johnson |
Brewer, Wm |
Brownall, John |
non resident, transfer from Wm
Seely |
Bryan, Aaron |
Bryan, George |
non resident |
Buchnan, Wm |
moved out, transfer to Jacob Peckham |
Burges, Wm |
transfer to Hiram Ranny from John T.
Larned |
Burr, Aaron |
Capron, Joseph |
Car, Madison M. |
Carr, Moses J. |
Carr, Wm |
transfer from Daniel Rhodes |
Celly, Aaron |
moved |
Celly, George |
moved |
Celly, Harris |
moved |
Celly, James |
Colony, Charles |
transfer from Benjamin Seely |
Colony, Henry |
transfer from Wm S. Ingals |
Cooper, John |
moved, transfer to Whittington Sayre |
Coykendall, Jesse |
Crandall, John T. |
Davey, Norman |
Davis, Gershom |
Davy, John |
Drake, Isaac |
moved |
Edsall, James M. |
transfer to Jesse Shepherd |
Edsall, Jesse |
Edsall, Samuel |
Farris, Joel |
moved out |
Ferguson, Alfred |
Ferguson, Chas |
Ferguson, Thos |
Ferguson, Uriah |
single freeman |
French, Lyman |
transfer to Caleb H. Miller |
French, Seabury G. |
Fries, Jacob |
Fries, Jas |
Fries, Jas M. |
single freeman |
Garrison, Justice |
Garrison, Richard A. |
transfer to Joshua G. Spencer |
Gibson, Allen |
Gifford, Watson |
Watson crossed out and Whiting written
in |
Goodrich, Elijah |
house & lot, house & lot, store
house, transfer from John Osgood and William Osgood |
Gordon, James |
transfer to Peter Knapp |
Gordon, Samuel |
Grinnell |
Griswold, David |
Gustin, Jesse |
moved away |
Gustin, Saml |
moved away |
Hall, Benjamin |
moved in, transfer from Jacob Steel |
Hazen, Luke |
Holding, Daniel Jr. |
Hopps, Wm |
shoemaker |
House, R. W. |
house & lot, blacksmith |
Hubbard, Alanson |
Ingals, Aaron |
single freeman |
Ingals, Wm S. |
Jennings, Mary |
Jeroleman, Jas |
Jones & Nobles |
sawmill |
Jones, Silas |
sawmill |
Killgore |
moved |
Knapp, Ananias |
single freeman |
Knapp, Jas |
Knapp, L. W. |
Knapp, Peter |
transfer from Jas Gordon |
Knapp, W. R. |
Knapp, Zephaniah |
Larned, John T. |
transfer to Wm Burges |
Lawrence, Caleb |
Lawrence, Daniel |
Lawrence, Ira |
moved |
Lawrence, Leslie |
Leonard, Curtis H. |
Lewis, Dennis |
Lucas, Anna |
Lucas, Uriah |
Lukes, James |
Lytle, Thomas |
Mapes, Milton |
single freeman |
Mapes, Partial |
Marvin, Seth |
Miller, Caleb H. |
transfer from Lyman French |
Miller, Jonathan |
Miller, Joseph |
Miller, Robert |
Moore, Amos |
Moore, Theophilus |
More, Israel |
const |
More, Joseph |
Mosher, Jared |
transfer to Jacob Peckham |
Mosier, Humphrey |
Nickerson, Asahel |
Nickerson, Asahel Jr. |
Nickerson, Esquire |
Nobles, Alonzo |
transfer from Benjamin Seely |
Norris, Edward |
Odle, Silas |
Osgood, George M. |
Osgood, James I. |
Osgood, John |
house & lot, transfer to Elijah Goodrich |
Osgood, Shubal |
Osgood, Wm |
moved out, house & lot, store house,
transfer to Elijah Goodrich |
Parmenter, Stephen |
transfer from John Vansckiver |
Pearce, Nathan |
transfer from Joel Farris |
Peckham, Jacob |
moved in, transfer from Wm Buchanan,
transfer from Jerad Mosher |
Perry, John |
Pettengill, Daniel |
moved |
Pettengill, George D. |
moved out |
Pettengill, Jas |
moved |
Phelps, John |
moved |
Potter, Nicholas |
Potter, Sarah |
Pretzsman, David |
Ranny, Hiram |
transfer from Wm Burges |
Reed, John |
Reed, Nichols L. |
Rhodes, Danl S. |
moved out, transfer to Wm Carr |
Roberts, Edward |
Roberts, H. B. |
Roe, Jas |
Roosa, Egbet |
Rowley, Shubal |
Rowley, Shubal Jr. |
justice |
Roy, Alexander |
Rozell, James |
non resident |
Sarles, John |
Sawyer, Ami H. |
Sawyer, Ruel |
Sayre, Whittington |
sawmill, transfer to David Sayre |
Sayres, David |
transfer from Whittington Sayres |
Sayres, Wm M. |
Seely, Alexander |
transfer to Nathan Shepard |
Seely, Alfred |
Seely, Benjamin |
transfer to Alonzo Nobles, transfer to
Charles Colony |
Seely, Caleb |
Seely, Chas |
Seely, James |
moved, transfer to Nathan Shepard |
Seely, Jas Jr. |
Seely, Samuel |
Seely, Strong |
Seely, William |
moved out, transfer to John Brownell |
Shepherd, Nathan |
transfer from Alexander Seeley, transfer
from Jas Seeley |
Shepherd, Wm |
non resident |
Shepphard, Jesse |
transfer from James M. Edsall |
Sherman, George |
Sherman, Leml |
Sherman, Leml Jr. |
Shuart, Wm |
Smedley, Wm |
shoemaker |
Smith & Gillett |
Smith, Orr |
moved in, transfer from Edward Spalding |
Smith, S. L. |
Smith, Timothy |
Smith, William H? |
Spalding, Edwd |
moved, transfer to Orr Smith |
Spencer, Joshua G. |
transfer from Richard Garrison |
Stafford, Samuel |
single freeman |
Stafford, Uriah |
Stelle, Jacob |
transfer to Benjamin Hall |
Stowell & Grinnell |
Stowel, Elijah |
Strong, Danl |
Strong, John |
Stryker, Peter |
transfer from Joseph More |
Stull, Chilleon |
moved in, transfer from Hiram Warner |
Sturdevant, Jas or Jos |
Terwilliger, Alfred |
Terwilliger, Jas |
Value, Wm L. |
Vansckiver, John |
transfer to Stephen Parmenter |
Vansckiver, Peter |
Vanwert, Wm |
Ward, Moses |
Warner, Hiram |
moved out, transfered to Chilleon Stull |
Warner, Jas |
Warner, T. B. |
Warner, Thos |
Wells, Isaac |
non resident |
Westbrook, Abraham |
Westbrook, Wm |
Whortendyke, Abraham |
Wilson, Jas |
Willson, Jas ? |
single freeman |
Wing, Lorenzo |
innkeeper |
Wylie, W. P. |
Dec 9, 1839 |