Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Tri-Counties Tax Records - Wells Township 1839
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Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the Tax Records on the site by using the Tax button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page
The Wells Township Assessment Lists (also known as tax lists) were lists compiled each year by the township assessor, usually in the fall preceding the assessment year. Besides giving the name and sometimes the occupation these lists also gave the number of improved and unimproved acres, horses, cattle, and other farm animals. There were also listed those families which could not pay for their childrens' schooling and shown as "poor children." These lists are at the Bradford County Historical Society in Towanda and can be consulted for further information about acreage, animals, etc., that a resident was assessed for. In the earlier years even young single men were taxed even if they did not own real estate. Ridgebury and South Creek were included in Wells until their formation.

Original Spellings are retained

Adams, Levi F.  
Alvord, Nathan  
Amigh, L. Lawrence  
Aspenwall, Edson non resident
Aspenwall, Pomeroy sawmill, transfer to Hiram Ranney & Wm Burges
Austin, Andrus  
Ayers, Edward transfer from Isaac Drake
Ayers, Joel (Jehiel Ayers)
Bailey, Asa  
Baker, Amos  
Baker, Hiram single freeman
Baker, Wm heirs of  
Baker, Wm Jr  
Barnhart, Artemus  
Barns, John  
Beers, Henry  
Beers, Joseph H.  
Beers, Wm  
Boorum, Joseph  
Bowman, Andrew P  
Brasted, Wm  
Brewer, Johnson  
Brewer, Wm transfer fr Pomroy Aspenwall & John Brownell
Broughton, Lyman non resident
Brownell, John non resident, transfer to Hiram Raney & Wm Burges
Bryan, Aaron  
Bryan, George non resident
Buchanan, Wm  
Bullock, Samuel non resident
Burr, Aaron non resident
Capron, Joseph  
Car, Madison M.  
Carley, Jas M.  non-resident
Celly, Aaron  
Celly, George  
Celly, Harris  
Celly, James  
Compton, Garet non-resident, transfer to Wm. S. Vallue
Cooper, John  
Coykendall, Jesse  
Crandal, John T.  
Crosby, Edward non-resident, transfer to Isaac Wells
Davis, Gershom  
Davy, John  
Davy, Norman non-resident, removed
Drake, Isaac non-resident, transfer to Edward Ease (Ayers)
Earse, Edward see Ayers
Edsall, Andrew J.  
Edsall, James M.   
Edsall, Jesse  
Edsall, Samuel  
Ferguson, Alfred  
Ferguson, Henry non-resident
Ferguson, Thomas  
Ferguson, Uriah single freeman
French, Lyman  
French, Peter P. name crossed out and Liman written in
French, Seabury G.  
Fries, Jacob  
Fries, Jas  
Fries, Jas M. single freeman
Garrison, Justice  
Garrison, Richard A.  
Gibson, Allen non-resident
Gifford, Watson  
Gordon, James  
Gordon, Samuel  
Griswold, David justice of peace
Gustin, Jesse non-resident, transfer to Johile Eares (Jehiel Ayers)
Gustin, Samuel non-resident, transfer to Andrew P. Bowman
Harris, Joel  
Hazen, Luke  
Holdreg, Daniel ?  
House, R. W. constable, house & lot
Hubbard, Alanson  
Humphrey, Ann name crossed out
Ingals, W. S.  
Ingels, Aron  
Jennings, Mary  
Jeroleman, James  
Jones & Noble sawmill, transfer to James & Benjamin Seely, James Celley, and Stool & Grinel
Jones, Silas sawmill
Killgore, John non-resident, transfer to Wm Smith
Knapp, Jas  
Knapp, L. W.  
Knapp, Peter  
Knapp, W. R.  
Knapp, Zephaniah  
Larnerd, John T.  
Lawrence, Caleb  
Lawrence, Daniel single freeman
Lawrence, Ira  
Lawrence, Leslie transfer to Watson Giford
Leonard, Curtis H.  
Lewis, Dennis carpenter
Lucas, Uriah  
Lukes, Jas  
Mapes, Milton single freeman
Mapes, Partial  
Marvin, Seth non-resident
Miller, C. H.  
Miller, Jonathan  
Miller, Robert  
Moore, Amos  
Moore, Israel  
Moore, Joseph  
Moore, Theophilus  
Mosher, Jared  
Mosier, Humphrey  
Nicholls, Eaton  
Nichoson, Asahel  
Nickerson, Asahel Jr. single freeman
Nobles, Alonzo  
Nobles, David P. non-resident
Norris, Edward  
Odle, Silas  
Osgood, George M.  
Osgood, James  
Osgood, John house & lot
Osgood, Shubel  
Osgood, Wm. non-resident, house & lot, store house
Pettengill, Daniel  
Pettengill, George D.  
Pettengill, Jas single freeman
Phelps, John single freeman
Potter, Nicholas  
Potter, Sarah  
Pretzman, David  
Raney, Hiram  
Robison, Jas non-resident
Roosa, Egtrel  
Rowley, Shubal  
Roy, Alexander  
Sargeant, Thos L. non-resident
Sarles, John non-resident
Sawyer, Ami H.  
Sawyer, Ruel single freeman
Sayre, Whittington sawmill
Sayres, Wm. M. single freeman
Seely, Alexander  
Seely, Alfred  
Seely, Benjamin transfer to Lonso Nobles
Seely, Caleb  
Seely, Chas  
Seely, James  
Seely, Jas Jr.  
Seely, Samuel  
Seely, Strong  
Seely, William non-resident, transfer to Stowell & Grinel
Shephard, Nathan  
Shepherd, Jesse  
Shepherd, Wm. R. non-resident
Shuart, Wm  
Smedley, Wm shoemaker
Smith, S. L. non-resident
Smith, Timothy  
Smith, Wm transfer to Denis Lewis from John Killgore
Snyder, John non-resident, removed
Spalding, John non-resident, transfer to Stowell & Grinnel
Spencer, Joshua G. non-resident
Stelle, Jacob  
Stowell & Grinnel &  
Jones & Noble sawmill
Stowell, Elijah  
Strong, Danl  
Strong, John  
Sturdevant, Jas  
Terwilliger, Alfd  
Terwilliger, Jas  
Value, Wm. L.  
Vanskiver, John  
Vanskiver, Peter  
Ward, Moses  non-resident
Warner, Hiram  
Warner, Jas  
Warner, T. B.  
Warner, Thos  
Wells, Isaac  
Westbrook, Abraham  
Westbrook, Wm  
Whortendyke, Abram  
Wilson, Estel non-resident, removed
Wilson, Jas  
Wright, Jas non-resident, transfer to Joel Harris
Wylie, W. P.  

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 6/19/2001
By Joyce M. Tice