Tri-Counties Genealogy &
History by Joyce M. Tice
Tri-County Tax Records
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Wells townshi[p Tax Assessment 1838
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The Wells Township Assessment Lists (also known as tax lists) were lists
compiled each year by the township assessor, usually in the fall preceding
the assessment year. Besides giving the name and sometimes the occupation
these lists also gave the number of improved and unimproved acres, horses,
cattle, and other farm animals. There were also listed those families which
could not pay for their childrens' schooling and shown as "poor children."
These lists are at the Bradford County Historical Society in Towanda and
can be consulted for further information about acreage, animals, etc.,
that a resident was assessed for. In the earlier years even young single
men were taxed even if they did not own real estate. Ridgebury and South
Creek were included in Wells until their formation.
Original Spellings are retained
1838 Wells Township Assessment |
SRGP ID And Full Name
Added byJoyce M. Tice (1) |
Adams, Levi F. |
51626 Levi Finch Adams |
Alvord, Nathan |
physician |
Ameigh, L. Lawrence |
Aspenwall, Edson |
Aspenwall, Pomeroy |
saw mill |
Austin, Andrus |
Bailey, Asah |
Baker, Amos |
73845 Amos Baker |
Baker, William heirs of |
Baker, William Jr |
Barnhart, Atemus |
6449 Artemus Barnhart |
Barns, John |
Beers, Henry |
Beers, Joseph H. |
Beers, Wm |
Borum, Joseph |
Brasted, Wm |
Brewer, Johnson |
26704 Johnson Brewer |
Brewer, Wm |
19273 William Brewer |
Broughton, Lyman |
tailor |
Brownell, John |
Bryan, Aaron |
Byran, George |
Buchanan, Wm |
Bullock, Samuel |
physician |
Burr, Aaron |
65330 Aaron Burr |
Capron, Joseph |
65353 Joseph Capron |
Car, Madison M. |
Carley, Jas M. |
61192 James Minor Carley |
Compton, Garet |
Cooper, John |
Coykendall, Jesse |
Crandal, John T. |
Crosby, Edward |
Davis, Gershom |
Davy, John |
65572 John Davey |
Davy, Norman A. |
Drake, Isaac |
Edsall, Andrew J. |
single freeman |
Edsall, James M. |
Edsall, Jesse |
Edsall, Samuel |
Ferguson, Alfred |
Ferguson, Henry |
Ferguson, Thomas |
French, Lyman |
single freeman |
72938 Lyman French |
French, Peter P. |
72946 Peter P. French |
French, Seabury G. |
72949 Seabury G. French |
Fries, Jacob |
19321 Jacob Fries |
Fries, Jas |
19623 James Fries |
Fries, Jas M. |
single freeman |
Garrison, Justice |
7589 Justus Garrison |
Garrison, Richard A. |
Gibson, Allen |
Griswold, David Jr |
justice peace |
Gustin, Jesse |
Gustin, Samuel |
Hazen, Luke |
Holdrige, Daniel Jr |
House, R. W. |
blacksmith, house & lot |
Hubbard, Alanson |
Humphrey, Ann |
widow |
Ingals, Wm S. |
Jennings, Mary |
widow |
Jones & Noble |
saw mill |
Jones, Silas |
Killgore, John |
68264 John H. Killgore |
Knapp, Jas |
single freeman |
67203 James W. Knapp |
Knapp, L. W. |
single freeman |
Knapp, Peter |
constable |
67200 Peter R. Knapp |
Knapp, Wm R. |
Knapp, Zepania |
25986 Zephaniah Knapp |
Larnurd, John T. |
Lawrence, Caleb |
Lawrence, Ira |
Lawrence, Leslie |
Leonard, Curtis H. |
Lewis, Dennis |
Lucas, Jas |
13528 James Lucas |
Lucas, Uriah |
13530 Uriah Lucas |
Mapes, Milton |
single freeman |
Mapes, Partial |
Marvin, Seth |
Miller, C. H. |
Miller, Jonathan |
Miller, Robert |
Moore, Amos |
Moore, Israel |
24659 Israel Moore |
Moore, Joseph |
Moore, Theophilus |
Mosher, Humphrey |
26730 Humphrey Mosher |
Mosher, Jared |
Nicholls, Eaton |
single freeman |
Nickeson, Asahel |
Nickeson, Esquire |
Nobles, Alonzo |
63780 Alonzo C. Noble |
Nobles, David P. |
single freeman |
Norris, Edward |
Odle, Silas |
Osgood, George |
Osgood, James I. |
65354 James I. Osgood |
Osgood, John |
house & lot |
67117 John Osgood |
Osgood, Shubel |
Osgood, Wm |
house & lot, store house |
Pettengill, George D. |
Pettengill, Jas M. |
single freeman |
Phelps, John |
single freeman |
Potter, Nicolas |
single freeman |
Potter, Sarah |
widow |
Prutsman, David |
18952 David Prutsman |
Reed, John |
73823 John Reed |
Reed, Nichols L. |
Rhodes, Daniel S. |
Roberts, H. B. |
Robison, James |
Roe, Jas |
Roosa, Egbret |
Rowley, Shubal |
Rowley, Shubal Jr |
justice of peace |
Roy, Alexander |
Sarles, John |
Sawyer, Ruel |
single freeman |
Sayre, Whittington |
saw mill |
Sayres, Wm M |
Seely, Alexander |
Seely, Alfred |
63699 Alfred Seeley |
Seely, Benjamin |
Seely, Caleb |
Seely, Chas |
63769 Charles Seeley |
Seely, James |
Seely, Jas Jr |
Seely, Saml |
Seely, Samuel |
Seely, Strong |
Seely, William |
63700 William A. Seeley |
Sergeant, Tho L |
Shephard, Nathan |
26753 Nathan Shepard or
26715 Capt. Nathan Shepard |
Shepherd, Jesse |
26716 Jesse Shepard |
Shepherd, Wm R |
Sherman, Geo |
single freeman |
Sherman, Leml |
67113 Lemuel Sherman |
Sherman, Leml Jr |
Shuart, Wm |
Smedley, Wm |
shoemaker |
Smith & Gillett |
Smith, S. L. |
Smith, Timothy |
Smith, Wm |
Snyder, John |
Spaulding, Ed |
Spaulding, John |
Spencer, Josh G |
Stelle, Jas |
Stowell & Grinnel |
saw mill |
Stowell, Elijah |
Strong, Daniel |
single freeman |
67106 Daniel Strong |
Strong, John |
9586 John Strong |
Sturdevant, Joseph |
Terwilligar, Al |
Terwilligar, Jas |
Vanschiver, John |
Ward, Moses |
24445 Moses Ward |
Warner, Hiram |
60854 Hiram Warner |
Warner, Jas |
60860 James Warner |
Warner, T. B. |
Warner, Thomas |
60855 Thomas Warner |
Westbrook, Wm |
Whortendyke, Abm |
Wilson, Estel |
63323 Estile Wilson |
Wilson, Jas |
67451 James Wilson |
Wright, Jas |
Wylie, Wm P |
Dated Dec 11 1837 |
(1) Many of the Wells families overlap the families of Sullivan and
Rutland Townships included in Joyce's Sulliven-Rutland Genealogy Project.
Some also moved to Sullivan and Rutland from Wells, or had properties that
overlapped the boundaries. Many intermarried with Sullivan or Rutland township
families. The SRGP IDs are the references to that person in Joyce's database.
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 5/7/2001
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: JoyceTice@aol.com